Vit B17 HPLC Method
Vit B17 HPLC Method
Vit B17 HPLC Method
Bolarinwa, IF, Orfila, C and Morgan, MRA (2014) Amygdalin content of seeds, kernels and
food products commercially- available in the UK. Food Chemistry, 152. 133 - 139. ISSN
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Cyanogenic glycosides are a large group of secondary metabolites that are widely
distributed in the plant kingdom, including many plants that are commonly consumed by
humans. The diverse chemical nature of cyanogenic glycosides means that extraction
found, for example, in Apples, Apricots and Almonds. We have developed and applied a
investigate extraction efficiency and to determine levels in a range of foods. Our results
show that seed from Rosaceae species contained relatively high amounts (range 0.1 –
17.5 mg/g) of amygdalin compared to seed from non-Rosaceae species (range 0.01 -
0.2 mg/g). The amygdalin content of processed fruit products was very low.
1. Introduction
aglycone and a sugar moiety (Fig. 1). They are widely distributed in the plant kingdom,
being present in more than 2500 plant species (Vetter, 2000). Amygdalin can be found
is the ability to generate toxic hydrogen cyanide. Although cyanogenic glycosides are
not toxic when intact, they become toxic when plant enzymes (β-glucosidases and α-
hydroxynitrile lyases) come into contact with the cyanogenic glycosides in the plant as a
result of tissue damage after bruising or chewing. Enzyme activity results in cleavage of
hydrogen cyanide may also be generated by the action of enzymes from the gut
1980). Several economically important plant foods are highly cyanogenic, among which
are cassava, lima beans, butter beans, almond, sorghum, macadamia nut, flax and
Acute cyanide toxicity can occur in humans at doses between 0.5-3.5 mg/kg
body weight (Speijers, 1993). Consumption of cyanogenic plants, such as cassava root,
almond or apricot kernels, has been reported to cause both acute and sub-acute health
respiratory failure, coma and in extreme cases death (as reviewed by Geller, Barthold,
crushing, grinding, grating, soaking, fermenting and drying have been used for centuries
to reduce potential for toxicity before consumption. The aim of these procedures is to
reduce toxicity, either through the loss of water-soluble glycosides, or the maximal
production of hydrogen cyanide by the action of plant or microbial enzymes and loss of
present in kernels and seeds of fruits such as apples, apricots, almonds, cherries,
plums and peaches (Donald, 2009). It is one of the most common cyanogenic
divided into three parts. The first part involves the splitting of amygdalin to prunasin and
glucose by the enzyme amygdalin lyase. The second part is the hydrolysis of prunasin
to mandelonitrile and glucose by the enzyme prunasin lyase and the final stage of the
cyanide (HCN) by hydroxynitrile lyase (Haisman & Knight, 1967). Enzymatic hydrolysis
of amygdalin to mandelonitrile usually takes place in slightly acidic condition (pH 5.0-5.8)
alkaline solution (pH 10). The enzymes usually act at temperature of about 20-40oC and
foods takes place within 30 min to 6 hr depending on the degree of maceration of the
hot aqueous solution through the process of isomerisation. According to Hwang, Lee,
Lee, & Hong (2002), D-amygdalin can be converted to neoamygdalin (an epimer of
reverse-phase HPLC method (Wasserkrug & Rassi, 1997; Hwang et al., 2002; Koo,
procedure due to its potential for rapid degradation. An efficient extraction process
al. (2005) reported that the use of 4% citric acid solution for extraction of amygdalin in
armeniacae semen (a seed of Prunus armeniaca Linne, from the Rosaceae family)
increased extraction efficiency. Similarly, Wei-Feng, Ding, & Zheng (2005) compared
the use of ultrasound, soxhlet extraction with methanol, and reflux extraction with citric
acid for extraction of amygdalin from apricot kernels and prunus tomentosa thumb (a
traditional Chinese herb medicine). The results showed that reflux extraction with water
Many of the studies on efficiency of amygdalin extraction were based on the use
of water or methanol. Quantification was mostly carried out in almond, apricot and
Chinese herbal medicines which contain amygdalin as a major ingredient. There have
been few papers on the determination of amygdalin in kernels of other fruits (Voldrich,
1992; Haque & Bradbury, (2002), Viorica-Mirela, Socaciu, Jianu, Florica, & Florinela,
2006). There have been no reports on the amygdalin contents of retail food products.
We have optimised the extraction of amygdalin and used a modified RP-HPLC method
to measure the amount of amygdalin for the first time in some fruit seeds and processed
All fruits and processed products used in this study were purchased in Leeds (UK).
The following processed products were purchased from local supermarkets: Dole Apple
Australia, EcoMil Almond Cocoa Dessert (8% almond) produced in Spain, Tesco own-
brand White Marzipan (25% almond) produced in UK, Morrison’s own-brand Apricot
Slices in Juice (produced in UK), Ainsley Harriott Apricot & Honey Cereal Bar (9%
apricot) produced in UK, Morrison’s own-brand Prune Slices in Juice (produced in UK),
Morrison’s own-brand Peach Slices in Juice (produced in UK), Toasted Pumpkin Seed
(produced in China), California Garden Peach Drink (8% peach dices, 30% peach juice),
UHT apple juice (Sainsbury’s own-brand Apple Juice (produced in UK), Just Juice
Apple Juice (produced in UK) and Premium Apple Juice from concentrate (produced in
Egypt), Bramley Pressed Apple Juice (produced in UK), Morrison’s own-brand Pressed
Apple & Beetroot juice (45% apple juice, 40% apple puree and 15% beetroot juice;
produced in UK), and Morrison’s own-brand Pure fruit smoothie (47% pressed apples,
16% kiwi fruit, 1.2% lime; produced in UK), Cider (Stella Artois Cider (produced in EU)
and Henry Westons Cider (produced in UK). Three packs from different batches were
purchased for each brand. All processed products were stored at 4 oC after purchase
prior to extraction.
Apricot (from Spain), Plums (Green Plum was from UK, Black Plum from Chile,
Purple, Yellow and Red Plums were from South Africa), Peach (from Argentina), Pear
(from Holland), Nectarine (from Chile), Apple (from Brazil), Cherry (Black cherry from
UK, Red Cherry from Turkey), Courgette (from Spain), Cucumber (from Spain),
Squashes (from UK), Melon (from UK) and Marrow (from Egypt). Three packs of each
fruits were purchased from different batches. The fruits were stored at 4 oC immediately
after purchase prior to processing. The seeds of cucumber, courgette, melon, marrow
and squash were separated from other tissues with a knife and extracted immediately.
The stones from fruits were removed, dried in an oven (37 ± 2 oC) for 3 hours after
which individual stones were broken to obtain the intact seeds. The seeds were kept dry
Amygdalin, ethanol, diethyl ether, and HPLC-grade methanol were all purchased
from Sigma-Aldrich (Dorset, UK). Water was prepared using a Millipore Milli-Q
degasser, and SPD-M20A diode array detector set at 214 nm was used. The column
was a Phenomenex C18, Type Nucleosile 3, 120 A (150 mm х 4.60 mm, 3 µm) placed
in a column oven set at 40 oC. The mobile phase consisted of methanol and water
(25:75, v:v) and the flow rate was 1 ml/min. The mobile phase was sonicated (20 min,
22 o ± 2 oC) to remove gas bubbles before use. The injection volume was 5 µl.
µg/ml, which was stored at –20 oC until analysed. A calibration curve was constructed
using six standard solutions containing 1, 5, 10, 20, 40, and 50 µg/ml of amygdalin.
Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were calculated in accordance
with ICH (1995); LOD was calculated based on the standard deviation (SD) of the
lowest standard analysed as a sample and the slope (S) of the calibration curve; as SD
Almond kernel (5 g) was ground in a blender (20 sec; Moulinex Optiblend 2000,
France) and 2 g was weighed into a conical flask (200 ml). Water (50 ml) was added,
and the flask was placed in a shaking water bath (37 oC). Amygdalin extractions were
carried out for 40, 80, 100, 120 and 180 min. The extracts were filtered (Whatman No. 1
filter paper) and transferred into plastic polypropylene tubes (50 ml). Fat was extracted
three times by vortexing (1 min) with n-hexane (20 ml). Tubes were centrifuged (10 min,
3,250 x g, using eppendorf 5810R bench top centrifuge). Supernatants were pooled and
discarded. Hexane residues were evaporated from the sample with a rotary evaporator
(low BP, 35 oC, 7mbar) and the samples were prepared for HPLC analysis (2.5.5).
Almond kernels (5 g) were ground as above, and 2 g was weighed into a round
bottom flask (500 ml). Water (50 ml) was added, and the mixtures were boiled under
reflux for 40, 80, 100, 120 and 180 min. The extracts were filtered and de-fatted as for
the water extraction (2.5.1) and prepared for HPLC analysis (2.5.5).
Almond kernels (5 g) were ground as described above, and 2 g was weighed into
a conical flask (200 ml). Ethanol (50 ml) was added, and extractions were carried out in
shaking water bath (37 oC) as for the water extraction (2.5.1). The extracts were filtered
as for the water extraction (2.5.1) and ethanol was completely evaporated from the
filtrate with a rotary evaporator (low BP, 35 oC, 7 mbar). Diethyl ether (10 ml) was
added to the dried sample and the mixture was vortexed (1 min) at room temperature
(20 ± 2 oC) to precipitate amygdalin. The diethyl ether was allowed to evaporate
overnight in a fume hood and the precipitated amygdalin was dissolved in water (5 ml)
The method used for amygdalin extraction in boiling ethanol was as described in
Miller, Vandome & McBrewster (2010) with some modifications. Almond kernels (5 g)
were ground as above, and 2 g was weighed into a round-bottom flask (500 ml).
Ethanol (50 ml) was added, and the mixtures were boiled under reflux for 40, 80, 100,
120 and 180 min. The extracts were treated as for the ethanol extraction above (2.5.3)
Aliquots of the samples were dispensed into eppendorf tubes (1.5 ml),
centrifuged (10 min, 22 oC, 15, 996 x g, using eppendorf 5415C microcentrifuge) and
The method for extraction with ethanol (2.5.4) was used for all the other fruit
kernels, seeds and processed products, apart from the grinding stage which was not
included in the procedure for fruits with soft seeds (Courgette, Cucumber, Marrow and
Squashes) and processed products. In these cases, the samples (2 g for solid and 10
ml for liquid samples) were extracted directly. Extractions of all the samples were
HPLC determination of amygdalin from fruit kernels and food products requires
the establishment of a good mobile phase with the right dilution ratio. Methanol is a
good mobile phase for amygdalin separation by HPLC (Wei- Feng et al., 2005). Having
considered this factor, methanol and water were used at a ratio of 25:75, (v:v) in an
isocratic elution method. Methanol and water in a ratio of 15:85, (v:v) in a gradient
elution method was reported to completely separate amygdalin from apricot and Prunus
tomentosa thunb within 50 min (Wei-Feng et al., 2005). Our method gave a good
0.9998) between the peak area and the concentration of amygdalin (Fig. 2). Amygdalin
in extracts of fruit kernels was also clearly separated (Fig. 2). The LOD was 0.1 µg/ml
and the LOQ was 0.3 µg/ml. The LOD of amygdalin obtained in this study was lower
than that obtained from a micellar electrokinetic chromatography method (2 µg/ml; Kang,
Generally, the extraction yield of amygdalin from almond kernels with all 4
procedures tested increased with time up to 100 min. After 100 min, there was a
decrease in the yield at 120 and 180 min for water extraction at 37 oC, water extraction
at 100 oC, ethanol extraction at 78.5 oC, and a constant yield at 100, 120 and 180 min in
the case of ethanol at 37 oC (Fig. 4). The results are an indication that the optimum
extraction time for amygdalin with water and ethanol at 37 oC, and for reflux extraction
with water (100 oC) and ethanol (78.5 oC) is probably 100 min.
The maximum extraction yield of amygdalin from almond kernels with water at 37
C was obtained after 100 min, followed by a decrease in yield after 120 and 180 min
(Fig. 4). Short time extractions at low temperatures resulted in low amygdalin extraction
yield (Fig. 4). The amygdalin yield (1.4 mg/100g) obtained from almond with water
extraction at 37 oC for 100mins was lower than that obtained with water extraction at
100 oC (6.8 mg/100g), ethanol extraction at 37 oC (2.2 mg/100g) and ethanol at 78.5 oC
(11.9 mg/100g). The decreased yield of amygdalin obtained with water extraction at 37
C at 120 and 180 mins could be as a result of losses due to enzyme hydrolysis. Longer
with time and the highest yield was obtained after 100 min, after which a decrease in
yield was evidenced (Fig. 4). Boiling water extraction yield (6.8 mg/100g) of amygdalin
from almond kernels at 100 min was higher than with water at 37 oC (1.4 mg/100g) and
ethanol at 37 oC (2.2 mg/100g), but lower than with boiling ethanol (11.9 mg/100g). An
increase in extraction yield of amygdalin at 100 min could be because of the inactivation
observed after 100 min extractions at the higher temperatures. Efficiency of amygdalin
extraction with water mainly depends on the water temperature and the extraction time.
obtained with ethanol. Protein precipitation during water extraction was probably
responsible for the cloudiness of the water extracts. The longer the extraction times, the
more cloudy were the water extracts. Cloudiness could result in column blocking during
hplc analysis.
slightly different trend from water extraction at 37 oC, water extraction at 100 oC and
ethanol extraction at 78.5 oC. Amygdalin yield increased with extraction time until 100
min, after which there was no increase in the yield (Fig. 4). Extraction with ethanol at 37
C produced a higher yield (2.2 mg/100g) of amygdalin from almond at 100 min than
with water at 37 oC (1.4 mg/100g). However, the 100 min extraction yield of amygdalin
in ethanol at 37 oC (2.2 mg/100g) was lower than with water at 100 oC (6.8 mg/100g)
and with ethanol at 78.5 oC (11.9 mg/100g). The decrease in the yield of amygdalin
extracted from almond kernels with ethanol extraction at 37 oC for 100 min when
compared with water at 100 oC and ethanol at 78.5 oC could be as a result of reduced
The highest extraction yields of amygdalin from almond kernels were obtained by
refluxing with ethanol (Fig. 4). Extraction yields at 100 min (11.9 mg/100g) were higher
than those observed with boiling water extraction (6.8 mg/100g), water at 37 oC (1.4
therefore, considered to be a better method for the longer boiling times required for total
amygdalin extraction. Consequently, ethanol under reflux was used for the extraction of
(Table 1). Green Plum had the highest mean amygdalin content (17.5 mg/g) followed by
Apricot (14.4 mg/g), Black Plum (10 mg/g), Peach (6.8 mg/g), Red Cherry (3.9 mg/g)
and Black Cherry (2.7 mg/g). Amygdalin contents of Purple, Yellow and Red Plums
were 2.16, 1.54 and 0.44 mg/g respectively. Nectarine had the lowest amygdalin
content (0.1 mg/g) among the stone fruit seeds analysed. The amygdalin content of
stone fruit seeds could produce cyanide in the range of 0.01 - 1.1 mg cyanide
equivalents/g; this value is relatively high. Thus, ingestion of the kernels either
Kurtoğlu, Kondolot, & Tunç, 2010; Cigolini, Ricci, Zannoni, Codogni, Luca, Perfetti, &
reported for sweet varieties of Apricot (6.0 – 15.8 mg/g) and lower than the average
values (55 - 55.6 mg/g) reported for bitter Apricot varieties (Fermenia, Rossello, Mulet,
& Canellas, 1995; Gómez et al., 1998; Yildirim & Askin, 2010). Haque & Bradbury
(2002) also reported amygdalin contents of 13.5 mg/g for Apricot kernel. Amygdalin is
most abundant in Plum seeds, especially the Green and Black Plums; amygdalin
content of Plum seems highly dependent on variety (Table 1). The values reported in
this study was similar to the amygdalin content of Plum kernels (12.7 mg/g) reported by
stoned fruit (Voldrich & Kyzlink, 1992) reported the amygdalin content of Plum kernels
(variety unknown) to be 2.6 mg/g, although this value is similar to the value reported for
Purple Plum here, it is lower than the values for Green, Black, Yellow and Red Plums.
The Plums used in the 1992 study were of unknown cultivar and the quantification
method was based on HCN estimation, which does not usually give an accurate
which is difficult to control. Voldrich & Kyzlink, (1992) also reported amygdalin contents
of 0.9, 10.2, 4.9 and 11.1 mg/g for Sunhaven, Sunflower, Starking Delicious and
mg/g was also reported for Peach by Sayre (1964) and Haque & Bradbury (2002).
These values are comparable to the value reported for Peach here. In contrast,
Holzbecher et al. (1984) reported a very high (43.3 mg/g) and Viorica-Mirela et al. (2006)
reported a low (0.02 mg/g) amygdalin value for Peach. The variations in the amygdalin
factors during fruit formation and cultivation practices. Morello Cherry has been reported
to contain 65 mg/g amygdalin (Voldrich & Kyzlink, 1992); this value is higher than the
value reported for Red and Black Cherry in Table 1. Amygdalin content of the pome fruit
(apple and pear) seeds analysed in this study were 3.0 mg/g and 1.3 mg/g respectively
(Table 1).
were 0.21, 0.12, 0.07 and 0.06 mg/g respectively (Table 2). Among the squashes
analysed, Crown Prince had the highest (0.11 mg/g) amygdalin content, followed by
Acorn (0.07 mg/g) and Red Kabocha (0.07 mg/g). Butternut squash contained the
lowest amygdalin content at 0.01 mg/g. The amygdalin content detected in the non-
Rosaceae fruit seeds analyzed could liberate between 0.001 mg/g to 0.2 mg/g
Cyanogenic plants are eaten in different ways; some are often consumed without
their seeds (apples, pears) and some are usually consumed with their seeds
(courgettes, cucumbers) as the seeds of some food plants are not removed at all during
cyanide) could result in acute and sub-acute health problems to consumers (Shragg,
juice had the highest amygdalin content at 0.09 mg/g, followed by pressed Apple and
Beetroot juice (0.02 mg/g), Apple Puree (0.02 mg/g) and Fruit Smoothie (0.01 mg/g).
UHT apple juice contained the lowest amygdalin content at 0.004 mg/g. Amygdalin was
not detected in Cider. In UHT Apple juice and in Cider, amygdalin levels were probably
low because of enzymatic degradation and loss during processing. The levels of
amygdalin detected in Peach slices in juice, Apricot slices in juice, Peach drink and
Prune slices in juice were 0.06, 0.05, 0.04 and 0.03 mg/g respectively. The presence of
amygdalin in Peach drink, Apricot, Prune and Peach slices in juice could be as a result
of high amygdalin contents in Apricot and Peach kernels. Fruits with higher
amounts in their pulp (Voldrich & Kyzlink, 1992). In contrast to this view, Swain, Li, &
Poulton (1992) reported the flesh of rosaceous fruits (Apricots, Black Cherry, Peaches,
Apple, Pear and Plum) to be acyanogenic. Amygdalin was not detected in Apricot &
Honey Cereal Bar probably because the bar contained very low amounts of apricot fruit
(see 2.1). Low levels of amygdalin in toasted Pumpkin were low probably because of
loss during processing. Amygdalin contents of toasted Almond, Almond Milk, Almond
Cocoa Dessert, Almond Flour and Marzipan were 0.12, 0.05, 0.04, 0.03, and 0.02 mg/g
respectively. Amygdalin contents of sweet and bitter Almonds have been reported to
range from (0 - 11.6 mg/g) and (0.3 – 68.5 mg/g) depending on the cultivar (Berenger-
Navarro et al., 2002; Dicenta, Martínez-Gómez, Grané, Martín, & León, 2002; Yildirim et
al., 2010). The amygdalin content of toasted Almond (0.12 mg/g) reported here is within
the range (0 – 1.7 mg/g) previously reported for sweet Almonds (Dicenta et al., 2002).
In general, the amygdalin content of processed products was lower than that
observed in fruit seeds and kernels. Processing normally eliminates, through a number
of routes, the potential for toxicity. Although the levels of amygdalin (0.004 – 0.12 mg/g)
detected in processed products are not likely to give rise to any toxicity concerns, they
4. Conclusions
The amygdalin content of different fruit kernels, seeds and processed products
was determined following their extraction with ethanol. The results obtained showed that
products in the UK market are of low amygdalin content and would unlikely to cause any
Akyildiz, B. N., Kurtoğlu, S., Kondolot, M., & Tunç, A. (2010) Cyanide poisoning caused
by ingestion of apricot seeds. Annals of Tropical Paediatrics, 30, 39-43.
Berenguer-Navarro, V., Giner-Galván, R. M., & Grané-Teruel, N., Arrazola-Paternina, G.
(2002). Chromatographic determination of cyanoglycosides prunasin and
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Carter, J. H., McLafferty, M.A., & Goldman, P. (1980). Role of the gastrointestinal
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Pharmacology, 29, 301-304.
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R. (2011). Hydroxocobalamin treatment of acute cyanide poisoning from apricot
kernels. Emergency Medicine Journal, 28, 804-805.
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50, 2149-2152.
Donald, G. B (2009). Cyanogenic foods (cassava, fruit kernels, and cycad
seeds). Medical Toxicology of Natural Substances, 55, 336-352.
Fermenia, A., Rossello, C., Mulet, A., & Canellas. J. (1995). Chemical composition of
bitter and sweet apricot kernels. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 43,
Geller, R. J., Barthold, C., Saiers, J.A., & Hall, A.H. (2006). Pediatric cyanide poisoning:
causes, manifestations, management, and unmet needs. Review. Pediatrics,
118, 2146-2158.
Gómez, E., Burgos, L., Soriano, C., & Marín, J. (1998). Amygdalin content in the seeds
of several apricot cultivars. Journal of the Science of Food & Agriculture, 77,
Haisman, D. R., & Knight, D. J. (1967). The enzymic hydrolysis of amygdalin.
Biochemical Journal, 103, 528-534.
Haque, M. R., & Bradbury, J.H. (2002). Total cyanide determination of plants and foods
using the picrate and acid hydrolysis methods. Food Chemistry, 77, 107-114.
Holzbecher, M. D., Moss, M. A., & Ellenberger, H. A. (1984). The cyanide content of
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Hwang, E-Y., Lee, J-H., Lee, Y-M., & Hong, S-P. (2002). Reverse-phase HPLC
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inhibition of racemization of amygdalin. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin,
50, 1373-1375.
Figure Legend
Figure 2: Reversed-phase HPLC of amygdalin. For details of the procedures used, see
the text.
(a) amygdalin standard.
(b) ethanol extract of almond kernels after refluxing at 78.5 0C.
(c) The amygdalin calibration curve for peak area against concentration of amygdalin
Figure 3: Extraction yield (mg/100g) of amygdalin from almonds using water at (37 oC
and 100 oC) and ethanol at (37 oC and 78.5 oC). Results are ± SD for 3 extractions.
Table 1
Amygdalin content of seeds from Rosaceae species
Fruit Seeds Amygdalin Content (mg/g)
Apricot 14.37 ± 0.28
Table 2
Amygdalin content of non-Rosaceae seeds
Fruit Seeds Amygdalin Content (mg/g)
Table 3
Amygdalin content of processed products
Processed Products Amygdalin content (mg/g)
Almond (Toasted) 0.12 ± 0.06
Almond Milk 0.05 ± 0.01
Almond Cocoa Dessert 0.04 ± 0.02
Almond Flour 0.03 ± 0.01
Apple Juice (100% pressed Bramley ) 0.09 ± 0.03
Apple & Beetroot Juice (pressed apple) 0.02 ± 0.02
Apple Juice UHT (3 brands) 0.004 ± 0.01
Apple Puree 0.02 ± 0.01
Apricot & Honey Cereal Bar nd
Apricot Slices tinned in Juice 0.05 ± 0.07
Cider (2 brands) nd
Fruit Smoothie (pasteurized) 0.01 ± 0.02
Peach Drink 0.04 ± 0.05
Peach Slices tinned in Juice 0.06 ± 0.01
Prune Slices tinned in Juice 0.03 ± 0.03
Pumpkin (Toasted) nd
Marzipan 0.02 ± 0.01
Each value is expressed as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3 extractions). nd - not detected.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3