1st Quarter Test in Computer 7 ANSWER KEY

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NDI Bldg. Quintin Salas, Jaro, Iloilo City


October 19-20, 2023

Name: ________________________________________________Grade & Section: ___________ Score: _________

I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Read carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in a CAPITAL LETTER on
the space provided before the number.
________1. It is the first mechanical calculating device that used to perform addition and subtraction.
a. Abacus b. Pascal’s calculator c. Napier Bones d. Leibniz calculator
________2. Abacus was first developed by the Egyptians in _______ century.
a. 12th b. 10th c. 15th d. 8th
________3. It was invented by John Napier Scotland, a calculating device in 1617.
a. Pascal’s calculator b. Napier Bones c. Abacus d. Analytical engine
________4. Abacus was given a final shape in the 12 century by the __________.
a. Chinese b. French c. American d. Indians
________5. A French scientist invented an adding machine called Pascal’s calculator.
a. John Napier b. Gottfried Leibniz c. Blaise Pascal d. Charles Babbage
________6. It was a modified Pascal calculator and developed machine that could perform various calculations.
a. Leibniz calculator b. Abacus c. Pascal’s calculator d. Scientific calculator
________7. He is known as the father of the modern computer.
a. Gottfried Leibniz b. Blaise Pascal c. Charles Babbage d. John Napier
________8. This device was considered as the first mechanical computer.
a. Abacus b. Napier Bones c. Leibniz calculator d. Analytical engine
________9. A scientist from England invented the analytical engine.
a. John Napier b. Gottfried Leibniz c. Blaise Pascal d. Charles Babbage
_______10. It was the first successful electronic computer.
a. Integrated circuits b. ENIAC c. Transistors d. Microprocessor
_______11. It used as electronic components instead of vacuum tubes.
a. Artificial Intelligence b. Integrated circuits c. Transistors d. ENIAC
_______12. Single chip which is used in a computer for any arithmetical or logical function to be performed in any
a. Integrated circuits b. ENIAC c. Transistors d. Microprocessor
_______13. Microprocessor is the main technology behind this generation of computer.
a. 1st Gen b. Millennial c. Gen Z d. 4th Gen
_______14. An American electrical engineer developed the first microprocessor.
a. Ted Hoff b. Charles Babbage c. John William d. Mark Zuckerberg

_______15. It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines by imitating human characteristics and
a. Artificial Intelligence b. Integrated circuits c. Transistors d. ENIAC
_______16. The processed data on which decisions and actions are based.
a. Data b. Information c. ICT d. Data Processing
_______17. It can be defined as representation of facts, concepts or instructions in formalized manner.
a. Information b. Data c. Data Processing d. Technology
_______18. Data consists of input, processing, and output.
a. Data Processing cycle b. Communication cycle c. Information cycle d. Computers cycle
_______19. Simply the conversion of raw data into meaningful information through a process.
a. Input b. Processing c. Output d. Data Processing
_______20. The task where verified data is coded or converted into machine readable form so that it can be processed
through a computer.
a. Output b. Input c. Processing d. Input
_______21. Information should be available when required.
a. Accurate b. Complete c. Timely d. Output
_______22. The application of computers and telecommunications to store, study, retrieve, and use data.
a. ICT b. PC c. Apps d. Computer
_______23. The period of third generation was from year __________.
a. 1965- 1971 b. 1970-1975 c.2000-2005 d. 2010-2023
_______24. Integrated circuits are invented by__________.
a. Jack Kilby b. Mark Zuckerberg c. Charles Darwin d. Michael Angelo
_______25. The period of third generation was from year __________.
a. 1965- 1971 b. 1980-1982 c.2000-2005 d. 2010-2023
_______26. They are known for their galaxy phones and tablets and also for being one of the largest producing device
companies alongside with apple.
a. Mac IOS b. Lenovo c. ACER d.SAMSUNG
_______27. They are mainly known for their ipad, iphone and macbooks.
a. Apple b. ACER c. SAMSUNG d. Lenovo
_______28. They are known for their laptops, computers, tablets and phones.
a. Lenovo b. SAMSUNG c. ACER d. Apple
_______29. A growing branch in computer science, which interprets the things and method of making
computers think like us, human beings.
a. Artificial Intelligence b. Integrated circuits c. Transistors d. ENIAC
_______30. A mainframe computer developed by Control Data Corporation (CDC) in the 1960s.
a. CDC 3600 b. ALGOL-68 c. Intel d. ENIAC

II. Identification
Direction: Label the Parts of the Motherboard.

31. 34.





42. 41.

III. Essay: Answer the question comprehensively. Write your answer at the back of your paper.

47-50. Why are computer skills so important? RUBRICS:

Content 2pts.
Grammar/ Spelling 2pts.
Total 4pts.


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Computer Teacher
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