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Abridged Edition
Volume 3
Mitigating the Impacts of
Disasters: Policy Directions

United Nations Human Settlements Programme

London • Sterling, VA
First published in the UK and USA in 2008 by Earthscan, London
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Copyright © United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), 2008

This publication is the third of three volumes of the Abridged Edition of Enhancing Urban Safety and Security: Global
Report on Human Settlements 2007, viz:
1 Reducing Urban Crime and Violence: Policy Directions
2 Enhancing Security of Tenure: Policy Directions
3 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

An electronic version of this publication and of the full Enhancing Urban Safety and Security: Global Report on Human
Settlements 2007 is available from http://www.unhabitat.org/grhs/2007

The list of selected references at the end of this volume contains only a few important publications on the sub-theme of
disasters, as well as sources of quotations, boxes, tables and figures included in this volume. A complete list of
references may be found in the full Enhancing Urban Safety and Security: Global Report on Human Settlements 2007.

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United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

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territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or regarding its
economic system or degree of development. The analysis, conclusions and recommendations of the report do not neces-
sarily reflect the views of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, the Governing Council of the United
Nations Human Settlements Programme or its Member States.

ISBN: 978-92-113-1929-3 (Series)

ISBN: 978-92-113-2005-3 (Volume)

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Cover design by Susanne Harris

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Introduction iv
Key Findings and Messages vi
Acknowledgements ix

1 Understanding Urban Safety and Security 1

2 Disaster Risk: Conditions, Trends and Impacts 7

3 Policy Responses to Disaster Risk 17

4 Small-Scale Hazards: The Case of Road Traffic Accidents 28

5 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters 35

Selected References 44

Enhancing Urban Safety and Security: Global Report on Human Settlements 2007 (Global Report 2007) addresses three
threats to the safety and security of towns and cities, viz: crime and violence; security of tenure and forced evictions;
and natural and human-made disasters. This publication, which focuses on natural and human-made disasters, is the
third of three volumes of the Abridged Edition of the Global Report 2007. The main purpose of this volume is to present,
in summary form, the main findings of the Global Report 2007 on natural and human-made disasters and, on the basis of
this, to suggest policy directions for mitigating the impacts of natural and human-made disasters on urban settlements.
Over the last three decades, natural and human-made disasters have claimed millions of lives and caused huge
economic losses globally. Cities, where half of humanity currently resides and much of the world’s assets are concen-
trated, are fast becoming the locus for much of this destruction and loss from disasters. Rapid urbanization, coupled
with global environmental change, is turning an increasing number of human settlements into potential hotspots for
disaster risk. The 2005 South Asian earthquake, in which 18,000 children died when their schools collapsed, and the
Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004 that wiped out many coastal settlements in Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia, illustrate the
risk that has accumulated in towns and cities and that is released when disaster strikes.
This report examines the consequences of natural and human-made disasters for safety and security in cities, and
the policy options for preventing and reducing damage caused by these events. Disasters are defined as those events
where human capacity to withstand and cope with a natural or human-made hazard is overwhelmed. Most of the report
focuses on large disasters that register direct impacts at the community level and above. However, the impacts of small-
scale hazards, where direct impacts are limited to the individual or household levels, are illustrated through an
examination of traffic accidents that result in over 1 million deaths worldwide each year, more than any large natural or
human-made disaster type.
Cities are particularly vulnerable to the effects of natural and human-made disasters due to a complex set of inter-
related processes, including a concentration of assets, wealth and people; the location and rapid growth of major urban
centres in coastal areas; the often unwise modification of the urban built and natural environment through human
actions; the expansion of residential areas for the poor into hazard-prone locations; and the failure of urban authorities
to regulate building standards and implement effective land-use planning strategies. As cities grow, disaster risk often
increases through the rising complexity and interdependence of urban infrastructure and services, greater population
density and concentration of resources.
Yet, urban growth need not necessarily result in increased disaster risk. Indeed, disasters are not pure natural
events or ‘acts of God’, but, rather, products of inappropriate and failed development. Thus, this report takes a risk
reduction approach that calls for both small and large-scale disasters to be seen as problems of development, requiring
not only investments in response and reconstruction, but also changes in development paths to reduce or minimize the
occurrence and impacts of disasters ex-ante.
The multiple aspects of risk in urban areas associated with natural and human-made disasters are examined in the
report. Accordingly, Chapter 1 presents a conceptual framework for understanding urban safety and security in general.
Subsequently, Chapter 2 provides an overview of global trends in the incidence and impacts of natural and human-made
disasters as well as those urban processes that contribute to the generation of risk. Building on this, Chapter 3 reviews
existing policy approaches for reducing disaster risk and incorporating risk reduction within urban planning and manage-
ment as well as within disaster response and reconstruction. Chapter 4 examines the trends — including policy trends
— and impacts of road traffic accidents as an example of hazards threatening the safety and security of urban dwellers
on a day-to-day basis. Finally, Chapter 5 identifies future policy directions in disaster risk reduction at the city, national,
regional and international levels. These include: improved risk mapping, disaster risk reduction legislation, strengthening
of early warning systems, effective land-use planning, design of disaster resistant buildings and infrastructure, effective
communication and emergency response systems, as well as strengthening of reconstruction capacity.
It is my hope that policy makers at central and local government levels, civil society organizations and all those
involved in the formulation of policies and strategies for mitigating the impacts of natural and human-made disasters will
find this publication useful.

Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka

Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

KEY FINDINGS to spread the negative consequences of disaster across the

global economy, with huge systemic loss effects.
Between 1974 and 2003, 6367 natural disasters occurred Large and megacities magnify risk since they
globally, causing the death of 2 million people and affect- concentrate human, physical and financial capital and are
ing 5.1 billion people. A total of 182 million people were frequently also cultural and political centres. The potential
made homeless, while reported economic damage for feedback between natural and human-made hazards in
amounted to US$1.38 trillion. Since 1975, the number of large cities presents a scenario for disaster on an unprece-
natural disasters recorded globally has increased dramati- dented scale. Large urban economies that have sizeable
cally (fourfold), especially in Africa. An even higher tenfold foreign currency reserves, high proportions of insured
increase in the incidence of human-made disasters has assets, comprehensive social services and diversified
been observed between 1976 and 2000. Between 2000 production are more likely to absorb and spread the
and 2005, average mortality from human-made disasters economic burden of disaster impacts. Smaller cities (less
was lower (30 per event) than deaths caused by natural than 500,000 residents) that are home to over half of the
disasters (225 per event). A total of 98 per cent of the 211 world’s urban population are also exposed to multiple risks,
million people affected by natural disasters annually from but often have less resilience to the economic conse-
1991 to 2000 were in developing countries. quences of disasters.
The catastrophic impact of disasters on individuals There has been a 50 per cent rise in extreme
has been illustrated in recent years by the toll of death weather events associated with climate change from the
(220,000 people) and homelessness (1.5 million) from the 1950s to the 1990s, and the location of major urban
Indian Ocean Tsunami of December 2004 and the Pakistan centres in coastal areas exposed to hydro-meteorological
earthquake of October 2005, which killed 86,000 people hazards is a significant risk factor: 21 of the 33 cities
and left millions homeless. Moreover, losses during disas- which are projected to have a population of 8 million or
ter and reconstruction deepen existing socio-economic more by 2015 are located in vulnerable coastal zones and
inequalities, thus creating vicious cycles of loss and vulner- are increasingly vulnerable to sea-level rise. Around 40 per
ability. Especially in poorer countries, women and children cent of the world’s population lives less than 100 kilome-
tend to be the most affected by disasters, as observed in tres from the coast within reach of severe coastal storms.
the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. The In effect, close to 100 million people around the world
elderly and those with disabilities are often among the live less than 1 metre above sea level. Thus, if sea levels
most vulnerable to natural and human-made hazards. rise by just 1 metre, many coastal megacities with popula-
Economic losses associated with disasters have tions of more than 10 million, such as Rio de Janeiro, New
increased 14-fold since the 1950s and, during the last York, Mumbai, Dhaka, Tokyo, Lagos and Cairo, will be
decade alone, disasters caused damage worth US$67 under threat.
billion per year, on average. Wealthier countries incur Additional factors rendering cities particularly
higher economic costs due to disasters, while poorer vulnerable include rapid and chaotic urbanization; the
countries face greater loss of human life. By destroying concentration of economic wealth in cities; environmental
critical urban infrastructure, disasters can set back devel- modifications through human actions; the expansion of
opment gains and undermine progress in meeting the slums (often into hazardous locations); and the failure of
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Cities connected urban authorities to enforce building codes and land-use
to regional or global financial systems have the potential planning. The urban landscape, which is characterized by
Key Findings and Messages
close proximity of residential, commercial and industrial decentralized leadership are more effective, especially in
land uses, generates new cocktails of hazard that require the context of rapid and uncontrolled urbanization where
multirisk management. The rapid supply of housing to capacities for oversight and enforcement are limited.
meet rising demand without compliance with safe build- Governments need to improve risk, hazard and
ing codes is a principal cause of disaster loss in urban vulnerability assessment and monitoring capacity through
areas. Lack of resources and human skills — compounded increased investment, with support from the international
by institutional cultures that allow corruption — distort community, where necessary. In addition to informing
regulation and enforcement of building codes. policy formulation, assessment data should feed into
Small-scale hazards, while less dramatic than major national initiatives that aim to build a culture of awareness
hazards, have serious aggregate impacts. This is illustrated and safety through public education and information
by the incidence and impacts of road traffic accidents, programmes. Furthermore, risk knowledge should be
which result in more deaths worldwide each year than any communicated to relevant actors through effective early
large natural or human-made disaster type. Traffic warning systems in order to enable timely and adequate
accidents cause extensive loss of human lives and liveli- responses to disasters.
hoods in urban areas, killing over 1 million people globally It is especially important that disaster risk reduc-
every year. At least 90 per cent of the deaths from traffic tion is mainstreamed within national development and
accidents occur in low and middle-income countries. poverty reduction policies and planning. Examples of disas-
Young males and unprotected road users are particularly ter risk reduction strategies that have been designed
vulnerable to injury or death from traffic accidents. Traffic purposely to contribute to meeting individual MDG targets
accidents cause substantial economic costs, amounting to are available. National initiatives should move from manag-
an estimated US$518 billion worldwide every year. If no ing risk through emergency relief and response towards a
action is taken, traffic injuries are expected to become the more proactive pre-disaster orientation.
third major cause of disease and injury in the world by Greater partnership between humanitarian and
2020. development actors is required during reconstruction in
order to reconcile demands for rapid provision of basic
services against the more time-consuming aim of ‘building
KEY MESSAGES back better’. Clear legislative and budgetary frameworks
Land-use planning is a particularly effective instrument should also be in place to avoid uncoordinated and
that city authorities can employ to reduce disaster risk by fragmented reconstruction activities by city governments,
regulating the expansion of human settlements and infra- local actors, donors and humanitarian agencies.
structure. Evidence-based land-use planning at the city Drawing on existing international frameworks for
level requires accurate and up-to-date data. Technological disaster risk reduction (e.g. the Hyogo Framework for
innovation can help to fill part of this gap; but the global Action, 2005–2015), national governments should
proliferation of slums also calls for more innovative and continue putting in place disaster risk reduction legisla-
participatory land use planning procedures. tion and policy; strengthening early warning systems;
The design of disaster-resistant buildings and infra- incorporating disaster risk education within national
structure can save many lives and assets in urban areas education curricula; and instituting inclusive and partici-
from natural and human-made disasters. The technologi- patory governance and planning in order to strengthen the
cal and engineering expertise to achieve this is available; resilience of cities and communities.
but implementation is a major challenge. Interdisciplinary International frameworks are important in focusing
and inter-sectoral training, research and partnerships, the attention of multilateral and bilateral donors, as well
especially with the private sector, can enhance implemen- as international civil society actors, towards disaster risk
tation capacity at the city level. Interaction between reduction. They can also facilitate advocacy and guide the
different practitioners is essential to avoid professional development of disaster risk reduction strategies at
separation and to foster the integration of risk reduction national and city levels, including through internationally
within urban development and planning efforts. coordinated early warning systems for hazards such as
Governance systems that facilitate local participation and cyclones and tsunamis.
viii Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

Furthermore, many governments — especially in improve their disaster risk reduction systems.
developing countries — require assistance from the inter- International assistance for disaster risk reduction should
national community in the form of finance, data and not focus on recovery and reconstruction efforts alone,
information, and technical expertise to establish or but also on longer-term development objectives.

Management Team: Global Report on International Advisers: Global Report on

Human Settlements Series Human Settlements 2007
Executive Director: Anna K. Tibaijuka Marisa Carmona; Nowarat Coowanitwong; Suocheng Dong;
Coordinating Director: Oyebanji O. Oyeyinka Alain Durand-Lasserve; Josef Hegedus; Paula Jiron;
Chief Editor: Naison D. Mutizwa-Mangiza Vinay D. Lall; Jose Luis Lezama de la Torre;
Om Prahash Mathur; Winnie Mitullah; Peter Newman;
Peter Ngau; Tumsifu Jonas Nnkya; Carole Rakodi;
Principal Authors Gustavo Riofrio; Mona Serageldin; Dina K. Sheyaheb;
Michael Cohen (external consultant); Richard Stren; Luidmilla Ya Tkachenko; Willem K. Van Vliet;
Naison D. Mutizwa-Mangiza; Mark Pelling (external consult- Vladimer Vardosanidze; Patrick Wakely; Mustapha Zubairu
ant); Edlam Abera Yemeru
Publishing Team (Earthscan Ltd)
Substantive Support Team Jonathan Sinclair Wilson; Hamish Ironside; Alison Kuznets;
Benedict C. Arimah; Inge Jensen; Iouri Moisseev (external Andrea Service

Technical Support Team

Nelly Kan’gethe; Philip Mukungu; Pamela Murage;
Naomi Mutiso-Kyalo

UN-Habitat Advisers: Global Report on

Human Settlements 2007
Subramonia Ananthakrishnan; Cecilia Andersson;
Juma Assiago; Clarissa Augustinus; Nefise Bazoglu;
Daniel Biau; Selman Erguden; Szilard Fricska; Sarah Gitau;
Lucia Kiwala; Carmella Lanza; Dan Lewis; Erica Lind;
Gora Mboup; Jan Meeuwissen; Frederico Neto;
Toshiyasu Noda; Laura Petrella; Rasmus Precht;
Lars Reutersward; Mariko Sato; Farouk Tebbal;
Ulrik Westman; Brian Williams



The theme of ‘urban safety and security’ encompasses a

wide range of concerns and issues. These range from
basic needs, such as food, health and shelter, through
protection from crime and the impacts of technological
and natural hazards, to collective security needs, such as
protection from urban terrorism. However, only a few of
these concerns and issues have been, and can be,
addressed from a human settlements perspective, mainly
through appropriate urban policies, planning, design and
governance. For this reason, the Global Report on Human
Settlements 2007 focuses on only three major threats to
the safety and security of cities in respect of which the
human settlements perspective has in recent years
increasingly contributed useful solutions: crime and
violence; insecurity of tenure and forced evictions; and
natural and human-made disasters (which is the focus of
this third of the three-volume abridged edition of the
Global Report). These threats either stem from, or are
often exacerbated by, the process of urban growth and
from the interaction of social, economic and institutional Urban crime is often seen as a police matter, but more
behaviours within cities, as well as with natural environ- can be done by others
mental processes. © Ace Stock Limited / Alamy
This chapter briefly presents a conceptual frame-
work for understanding urban safety and security issues
based on two concepts: at a more general level, the tionately victimized by the three threats to safety and
concept of human security, and at a more specific level, security examined in the Global Report on Human
the concept of vulnerability. Settlements 2007: crime and violence, insecurity of
Before turning to these conceptual issues, it is tenure, and natural and human-made disasters. This is
important to emphasize that the urban poor are dispropor- against a background of rapid urbanization and the conse-
2 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

quent urbanization of poverty. The world’s population has

recently become more than half urban, with projected
urban growth in developing countries in the order of 1.2
billion people between 2000 and 2020. This growth
increases the pressure on the urban poor to earn incomes
and to secure adequate shelter, basic infrastructure and
essential social services, such as healthcare and education.
Existing backlogs of services — as reflected in the 1 billion
people already living in slums — are strong indicators of
the weak capacity of both public and private institutions
to provide such services.
Threats to urban safety and security, including
Homelessness is one of the most serious outcomes of
crime and violence, must therefore be placed within a tenure insecurity
context of both opportunity and risk. The medieval saying
© TopFoto
that ‘city air makes men free’ can be complemented with
the observation that urban life offers the prospect of
greater economic welfare as well. This observation, … conflict and poverty, protecting people
however, must be tempered by the reality of growing during violent conflict and post-conflict situa-
numbers of urban residents living in poverty, lacking basic tions, defending people who are forced to
infrastructure and services, housing and employment, and move, overcoming economic insecurities,
living in conditions lacking safety and security. guaranteeing the availability and affordability
This distribution of risk and vulnerability is an of essential health care, and ensuring the
important and growing component of daily urban life. It is elimination of illiteracy and educational depri-
part of what has been referred to as the ‘geography of risk vation and of schools that promote
and vulnerability’ and is often linked to the presence of intolerance.
millions of urban residents in slums, which are environ-
ments in which much crime and violence occur, where This obviously broad coverage includes several important
tenure is least secure, and which are prone to disasters of distinguishing features that are relevant to urban safety
many kinds. and security:

• Human security focuses on people and not states

A HUMAN SECURITY because the historical assumption that states would
PERSPECTIVE TO URBAN monopolize the rights and means to protect its
citizens has been outdated by the more complex
SAFETY AND SECURITY reality that states often fail to fulfil their obligations
Urban safety and security should be placed within the to provide security.
wider concern for human security, which has been increas- • The focus on people also places more emphasis on
ingly recognized by the international community in recent the role of the human rights of individuals in meeting
years. This concern specifically focuses on the security of these diverse security needs. There is thus a shift
people, not states. The concept of human security was from the rights of states to the rights of individuals.
addressed in detail by the United Nations Commission on • Recognizing and enhancing the rights of individuals is
Human Security, co-chaired by former United Nations a critical part of expanding the roles and responsibili-
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Sadako Ogata ties for security beyond simply the state itself.
and Nobel Laureate and economist Amartya Sen. This • People-centred solutions must be identified and
commission issued its report in 2003 and addressed a wide supported to address the range of menaces and risks
range of dimensions of human security, including: that they encounter.
Understanding Urban Safety and Security
• Human security, therefore, goes beyond the security … recognize the right of everyone to an
of borders to the lives of people and communities adequate standard of living for himself and his
inside and across those borders. family, including adequate food, clothing and
housing, and to the continuous improvement
The human security approach builds upon earlier United of living conditions (Article 11.2).
Nations ideas on basic needs, as discussed in the
Copenhagen Declaration, adopted at the 2005 World Article 2.1 of ICESCR deals with the progressive realiza-
Summit on Social Development, which noted that: tion of these rights, and implies that governments are
legally obliged, under international law, to take steps to
… efforts should include the elimination of improve living conditions.
hunger and malnutrition; the provision of From the perspective of human security, it is clear
food security, education, employment and that threats to urban safety and security are associated
livelihood, primary health-care services, with different types of human vulnerability. These can be
including reproductive health care, safe drink- divided into three broad categories: chronic vulnerabili-
ing water and sanitation, and adequate ties, which arise from basic needs, including food, shelter
shelter; and participation in social and and health; contextual vulnerabilities, arising from the
cultural life (Commitment 2.b). socio-economic and political processes and contexts of
human life; and vulnerabilities arising from extreme
Another international legal framework that has served to events, such as natural and human-made hazards. Partly
enhance the human security approach is the International because of its human rights basis and its emphasis on basic
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights needs, the human security perspective is increasingly
(ICESCR), which highlights the need to: influencing the work of United Nations agencies, includ-
ing UN-Habitat (see Box 1).

Box 1 Enhancing urban safety and human security in Asia through the United Nations
Trust Fund for Human Security

In March 1999, the Government of Japan and the United Nations Secretariat launched the United Nations Trust Fund for Human
Security (UNTFHS), from which the Commission on Human Security prepared the Human Security Now report in 2003, as a contri-
bution to the UN Secretary-General’s plea for progress on the goals of ‘freedom from want’ and ‘freedom from fear’. The main
objective of the UNTFHS is to advance the operational impact of the human security concept, particularly in countries and regions
where the insecurities of people are most manifest and critical, such as in areas affected by natural and human-made disasters.
Growing inequalities between the rich and the poor, as well as social, economic and political exclusion of large sectors of
society, make the security paradigm increasingly complex. Human security has broadened to include such conditions as freedom from
poverty, access to work, education and health. This, in turn, has necessitated a change in perspective, from state-centred security to
people-centred security. To ensure human security as well as state security, particularly in conflict and post-conflict areas where insti-
tutions are often fragile and unstable, rebuilding communities becomes an absolute priority to promote peace and reconciliation.
With the rapid urbanization of the world’s population, human security as protecting ‘the vital core of all human lives in ways
that enhance human freedoms and human fulfilment’ increasingly means providing the conditions of livelihood and dignity in urban
areas. Living conditions are crucial for human security, since an inadequate dwelling, insecurity of tenure and insufficient access to
basic services all have a strong negative impact on the lives of the urban population, particularly the urban poor. Spatial discrimination
and social exclusion limit or undermine the rights to the city and to citizenship.
In this context, UN-Habitat is coordinating three UNTFHS programmes in Afghanistan, Northeast Sri Lanka and Phnom Penh,
the capital city of Cambodia, all focusing on informal settlements upgrading. On the assumption that community empowerment is
crucial for the reconstruction of war affected societies, all programmes have adopted the ‘community action planning’ method — a
community-based consultative planning process — and have established community development councils as the most effective
approach to improving living conditions and human security in informal settlements.
Source: Balbo and Guadagnoli, 2007
4 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

VULNERABILITY, RISK AND manage, risk. Risk management may be in the form of ex
ante or ex post actions — that is, preventive action taken
RESILIENCE before the risky event, and action taken to deal with
Vulnerability, as an analytical framework, has during recent experienced losses after the risky event, respectively. Ex
years been increasingly used in a number of disciplines, ante actions taken in advance in order to mitigate the
including economics (especially in the study of poverty, undesirable consequences of risky events may include
sustainable livelihoods and food security), sociology and purchase of personal or home insurance to provide
social anthropology, disaster management, environmental compensation in case of theft, injury or damage to
science, and health and nutrition. In these disciplines, property; building strong social networks able to cope with
vulnerability is often reduced to three fundamental ‘risk risky events or hazards; and effective land-use planning
chain’ elements — namely, risk, response and outcome, and design of buildings and infrastructure able to
while the last two elements, in particular, are determined withstand natural hazards such as floods, tropical storms
by the extent of resilience at various levels (i.e. individual, and earthquakes. Ex post actions may include evacuating
household, community, city and national levels). people from affected areas; selling household assets in
Vulnerability may be defined as the probability of order to deal with sudden loss of income; providing public-
an individual, a household or a community falling below a sector safety nets, such as food-for-work programmes; or
minimum level of welfare (e.g. poverty line), or the proba- reconstructing damaged buildings and infrastructure.
bility of suffering physical and socio-economic From the point of view of policy making, the
consequences (such as homelessness or physical injury) as challenge with respect to risk response is to find ways of
a result of risky events and processes (such as forced addressing the constraints faced by individuals, house-
eviction, crime or flood) and their inability to effectively holds, communities and cities in managing risk. These
cope with such risky events and processes. constraints may be related to poor information, lack of
Distinctions can be made between physical vulner- finance or assets, inability to assess risk, ineffective public
ability (vulnerability in the built environment) and social institutions and poor social networks. All of these
vulnerability (vulnerability experienced by people and constraints are among the determinants of resilience.
their social, economic and political systems). Together, Resilience has been defined as the capacity of an
these constitute human vulnerability. individual, household or community to adjust to threats,
Risk refers to a known or unknown probability of to avoid or mitigate harm, as well as to recover from risky
distribution of events — for example, natural hazards such events or shocks. Resilience is partly dependent upon the
as floods or earthquakes. The extent to which risks affect effectiveness of risk response, as well as the capability to
vulnerability is dependent upon their size and spread respond in the future. Pathways towards greater resilience
(magnitude), as well as their frequency and duration. have to address issues of institutional effectiveness, appli-
Risk response refers to the ways in which individu- cation of international human rights law and involvement
als, households, communities and cities respond to, or of civil society.
Outcome is the actual loss, or damage, experienced
by individuals, households and communities due to the
occurrence of a risky event or risky process — for
example, physical injury, death and loss of assets resulting
from crime and violence; falling below a given poverty line
and loss of income as a result of forced eviction from infor-
mal housing or from premises in which informal
enterprises are based; as well as damage to buildings and
infrastructure resulting from natural or human-made
hazards. The outcome of a risky event is determined by
both the nature of the risk as well as the degree of effec-
Flooding due to heavy rain is a major concern in many cities tiveness of the response of individuals, households,
© Dinodia Images / Alamy
communities and cities to risky events.
Understanding Urban Safety and Security
One of the most important socio-economic determi- behaviours, which communities and households may use to
nants of vulnerability is poverty. It has even been suggested maintain their equilibrium in the face of dynamic conditions
that, because of their close correspondence, poverty should such as crime and violence, forced evictions, or disasters.
be used as an indicator of vulnerability. As pointed out Vulnerability may be used as a general framework
earlier, the urban poor are generally more exposed to risky for conceptualizing and analysing the causal relationships
events (such as crime, forced eviction or disasters) than the between risk, responses and outcomes of risky events and
rich, partly because of their geographical location. With processes, as in much of the work on sustainable liveli-
respect to disasters, the urban poor are more vulnerable hoods and also as used in this report. It is a useful
than the rich because they are often located on sites prone framework for understanding the nature of risk and risky
to floods, landslides and pollution. The urban poor also have events, the impacts or outcomes of risky events, as well
relatively limited access to assets, thus limiting their ability as responses to risky events at various levels, including the
to respond to risky events or to manage risk (e.g. through household, community, city and national levels.
insurance). Because the poor are politically powerless, it is Within the context of this report, risk refers to both
unlikely that they will receive the necessary social services risky events (such as natural and human-made hazards), as
following disasters or other risky events. In addition, the well as risky socio-economic processes (such as crime,
urban poor are more vulnerable to the undesirable violence and the kind of social exclusion that leads to
outcomes of risky events because they are already closer to tenure insecurity and forced eviction). Outcomes of risky
or below the threshold levels of these outcomes, for events and processes are the undesirable consequences of
example income poverty or tenure insecurity. crime and violence (such as loss of assets, injury and
Another very important determinant of vulnerability death), of tenure insecurity and forced eviction (such as
is the capacity of institutions. This influences the response homelessness and loss of livelihoods), as well as of natural
and outcome elements in the risk chain discussed above — and human-made disasters (such as injury, death and
in terms of effectiveness and severity, respectively. For the damage to property and infrastructure).
purposes of the conceptual framework currently under Table 1 is a schematic representation of how the
discussion, the term institution refers to any structured concept of vulnerability is used in this report as an analyti-
pattern of behaviour, including informal institutions or cal framework.

Threat to urban Risk Response Outcome

safety and security

Crime and violence Specific risky events are the various Responses may include more effective criminal justice Key outcomes include loss of assets,
types of crime and violence, such as systems, improved surveillance, community policing, injury, death, damage to property,
burglary, assault, rape, homicide and better design of public/open spaces and transport emotional/psychological suffering or
terrorist attacks. systems, improved employment for youth, development stress, fear, and reduced urban
of gated communities, and provision of private investment.
security services.
Tenure insecurity and Specific risky event is forced eviction, Examples of risk responses at the individual and household Outcomes include homelessness,
forced eviction while risky socio-economic processes levels include informal savings and social networks, and loss of assets, loss of income and
and factors include poverty, social political organization to resist forced eviction and to sources of livelihood. May also
exclusion, discriminatory inheritance advocate for protection of human rights. At the include physical injury or death if
laws, ineffective land policies, as well as institutional level, responses include more effective land eviction process is violent.
lack of planning and protection of policies and urban planning, as well as housing rights
human rights. legislation.
Natural and human- Specific risky events (or hazards) Examples of major responses include ex ante measures Key outcomes may include physical
made/technological include floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, such as more effective spatial design of cities and the injury, loss of income and assets,
disasters volcanic eruptions, technological design of individual buildings, as well as home insurance; damage to buildings and
disasters and war. and ex post measures such as emergency response infrastructure, as well as
systems, reconstruction of buildings and infrastructure, emotional/psychological stress.
as well as rehabilitation of institutions in war-torn countries.

Table 1
Vulnerability as a conceptual framework: Risk, response and outcome
6 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions


From the perspective of each of the three broad threats to
urban safety and security addressed in the Global Report
on Human Settlements 2007, there is an evident need to Levels of security and safety are lowest in slums and effec-
improve preparedness, to reduce risks and vulnerabilities, tive planning is desperately needed
to increase the capacity for response through improved © TopFoto / ImageWorks
resilience, and to take advantage of the opportunities for
positive urban reform and social change during the process
of recovery. It should be asked, however: what is the role includes the use of building codes, for example to mandate
of the human settlements perspective (i.e. urban policy, earthquake-proof or flood-proof buildings. It may also
planning, design and governance) in guiding these steps entail the design of transport systems in ways that improve
towards positive change? safety for women, or of streets in relation to buildings in
Urban policy is understood as all those explicit order to minimize crime opportunities through improved
decisions intended to shape the physical, spatial, visibility. Urban design is narrower than urban planning,
economic, social, political, cultural, environmental and and is often seen as part of the latter.
institutional form of cities. In terms of improving urban Both the processes of urban policy, as broadly
safety and security, urban policy is translated into urban defined, and planning are integral parts of the governance
planning, design, programmes and operating procedures process. Governance is more than government, whether
and measures that can directly affect both the physical in the form of institutions or of public authorities: it is an
environment and social behaviour. all-encompassing process by which official and non-official
Planning is the assembly and analysis of informa- actors contribute to management of conflict, establish-
tion, the formulation of objectives and goals, the ment of norms, the protection of the common interest,
development of specific interventions, including those and the pursuit of the common welfare. The participation
intended to improve urban safety and security, and the of communities in crime prevention or in emergency
organizational processes needed to bring them to fruition. response to natural hazards is among the most important
Planning takes the decisions of urban policy makers and urban governance issues identified in this report.
transforms them into strategy and measures for action. A significant contribution of this Global Report is
Urban design involves the design of buildings, its identification of the means or approaches, with many
groups of buildings, spaces and landscapes in towns and examples, through which urban policy, planning, design
cities, in order to create a sustainable, safe and aestheti- and governance are increasingly contributing towards the
cally pleasing built environment. It is limited to the enhancement of urban safety and security, including in the
detailed physical structure and arrangement of buildings area of disaster risk reduction.
and other types of physical development within space. This



This chapter provides an overview of global trends in the made hazards encompass industrial explosions and chemi-
incidence and impacts of natural and human-made disas- cal releases. However, the conceptual distinction between
ters. It reviews factors generating urban disaster risk as disasters associated with natural and human-made hazards
well as the multiple impacts of disasters worldwide and is increasingly becoming blurred, as many human actions
across cities. While it is clear that cities are particularly and practices exacerbate natural hazards.
vulnerable to the effects of natural and human-made
disasters, inequalities in the distribution of urban disas-
ter risk and loss are evident at the global, national and
city levels. Most cities experience both large and small disasters, but
the latter are seldom systematically recorded and are often
ignored, even by the local news media. As such, there is
DISASTER RISK: no agreed-upon definition, such as the scale of human or
CONDITIONS, TRENDS AND economic loss, for what makes a disaster small or large. In
practice, the scale ascribed to a disaster is context depend-
IMPACTS ent. Human vulnerability also plays a large role in
Disasters in urban areas are experienced when life determining the scale of disaster. Small disasters can be
support systems fail in the face of pressure from hazards, turned into large disasters where high vulnerability means
resulting in loss of life, damage to property and the under- many people are at risk, emergency response is inadequate
mining of livelihoods. As noted earlier, they are not and critical infrastructure is fragile.
natural events or ‘acts of God’, but products of failed Both small and large disasters can reduce the
development. For the majority of people at risk, loss to resilience of people or households to subsequent shocks
disaster is determined more by processes and experiences and stresses. Recurrent small disasters can pave the way
of urban development and governance than by the physi- for large disasters by progressively lowering society’s
cal processes that shape natural or human-made hazards. thresholds of resilience. In turn, large disasters may under-
A disaster is understood here to be the outcome of mine the capacity of individuals or emergency services to
a vulnerable individual or society exposed to human-made resist even everyday hazards, potentially making small
or natural hazards. In this context, natural hazards include disasters more frequent.
earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, landslides, Everyday hazards may be hard to avoid for those at
floods, volcanic eruptions and windstorms, while human- risk and, indeed, become an intrinsic part of livelihood and
8 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

survival strategies, thus mistakenly being accepted as an while rural populations will begin to contract from 2015
expected part of life. Strategies for dealing with risk and onwards. Although no simple causal link between urban
loss from large disasters often focus on emergency growth and reported worldwide disaster occurrence can
response and reconstruction — not in addressing underly- be made, it is clear that the number of recorded disasters
ing failures in development that lead to human is increasing as the number of people living in cities
vulnerability. It is argued here that small and large disas- increases (see Figure 1).
ters need to be seen as problems of development, Disaster loss is especially high in cities due to the
requiring changes in development paths as well as in disas- concentration of economic assets, cultural heritage, infra-
ter response and reconstruction. structure, services and basic life-support systems,
industries and other potentially hazardous establishments
therein. The location of major urban centres in coastal
URBANIZATION AND areas exposed to hydro-meteorological hazards and in
DISASTER RISK geologically active zones is an additional risk factor.
Within cities, the growing numbers of the urban
In the new urban millennium, natural and human-made
poor, especially the 1 billion slum dwellers worldwide who
disasters are likely to have their greatest impact in cities
reside in hazardous locations, are perhaps most vulnerable
where half of humanity is expected to reside. The last
to the impacts of disasters. An account of the urban costs
decade has seen an unprecedented number of disasters
of flooding in Mozambique illustrates the complexity of
unfold worldwide, causing extensive damage both in terms
factors exacerbating urban disaster risks, including urban
of mortality and economic losses. At the same time, the
poverty and exclusion (see Box 2).
world is becoming predominantly urban, with the total
urban population expected to reach 5 billion by 2030,

Number of events/World urban population (10 millions)

Natural disasters


World urban population

Technological disasters

1950 1956 1962 1968 1974 1980 1986 1992 1998 2004

Figure 1
Recorded disaster events and world urban population (1950–2004)
Data Sources: EM-DAT, CRED database, University of Louvain; United Nations, 2005
Disaster Risk: Conditions, Trends and Impacts
INCIDENCE OF NATURAL economic loss as a proportion of gross domestic product
(GDP), regions dominated by low- and middle-income
AND HUMAN-MADE countries such as sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia
DISASTERS record high losses. High-income regions such as North
America and Europe lose the highest value of economic
Since 1975, there has been a fourfold increase in the assets in natural disasters.
number of recorded natural disasters globally. Each of
the three years with the highest number of recorded
disasters has been during the current decade. The rate Human-made disasters
of increase in natural disaster events has been highest Human-made disasters typically cause less direct loss of
for Africa, where a threefold increase has been experi- life than natural disasters. Between 2000 and 2005, the
enced in the last decade alone. Human-made disasters mean number of deaths worldwide per incident was found
increased tenfold from 1975 to 2006, with the greatest to be 30 and 225 for human-made and natural disasters
rate of increase being in Asia and Africa. respectively. However, the impact of human-made disas-
ters can be felt in the ecosystem and in human health
Natural disasters many years after an event, and this loss is seldom recorded
in official statistics. An example is the 1984 Bhopal indus-
Worldwide, loss to hydrological hazard (floods, landslides trial disaster in Madhya Pradesh (India) whose effects are
and hurricanes) is most widespread, affecting human still being felt today.
settlements in China, Southeast Asia and Central America, Between 1997 and 2006, most human-made disas-
and in a band from Eastern Europe through Central and ters and the highest numbers of people killed were found
Eastern Asia. Loss to geological hazard (earthquakes and in Asia and Africa. During this period, these two regions
volcanic eruptions) is most concentrated in Central Asia also had high death rates per event while the Americas and
and the Mediterranean and Pacific Rim states (e.g. Japan, Europe recorded the lowest mean number of deaths per
the United States of America and Central America). The event. Europe was most affected by economic loss, which
Americas show variable loss, with low levels of loss in at over US$10 billion was greater than the economic loss
North America. suffered by any other world region. High levels of capital
Loss from natural disaster is, however, distributed investment in Europe result in high economic loss from
differently across world regions, depending upon what is disasters but mortality in the region remains low.
considered to be at risk. In terms of absolute mortality and

Box 2 The urban impacts of Mozambique’s great flood

In February 2000, floods in Mozambique killed at least 700 people, displaced 650,000 and affected 4.5 million. Arguably, it was
Mozambique’s small but growing urban populations who were hardest hit, with more than 70 per cent of all flood-related deaths
occurring in urban areas.
The urban poor within Maputo, Matola, Xai-Xai and Chokwe suffered the most from the 2000 flood. In urban areas of
Mozambique, exorbitant pricing and highly politicized land distribution force many poor residents to live in informal settlements and
unregulated slums, known as barrios, located in undesirable and hazardous sites such as in ravines, slopes susceptible to landslides and
low-lying areas prone to flooding. In addition, the majority of barrios are constructed with locally accessible materials that collapse
easily beneath torrential rains and get washed away in flooding. The lack of drainage infrastructure in Maputo has also meant that
seasonal one-day rain events can result in flooding that lasts for days, and rain over the course of several days can cause flooding that
will not subside for a month.
Evaluations following the 2000 flood revealed that within the urban areas affected, flooding and rains had damaged the physical
infrastructure and production capabilities of over 1000 shops and wholesalers. The flood also caused extensive damage to major
industries, including those in Maputo, the hub of Mozambique’s industrial production.
10 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

National development and disaster loss

Development can both reduce and generate risk for society
and determine who in society carries the greatest burden
of risk from natural and human-made hazards. Accordingly,
a recent study by the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) showed that countries with a high
Human Development Index (HDI) experience low absolute
and proportional disaster mortality rates (see Figure 2).

City-level comparisons of disaster risk

Disaster risk and impacts are further differentiated by
levels of development and risk reduction investments at
the city level. Munich Re’s Natural Hazards Risk Index for
Flooding is one of the most frequent natural disasters Megacities is one of the few studies of the global distribu-
affecting cities in developing countries tion of disaster risk at the city level.
© TopFoto / Dinodia Munich Re’s Index shows that the greatest risk has
accumulated in the cities of richer countries, although the
evaluation focuses on insurance risk potential vis-à-vis
physical and commercial assets. When considering the

500 DP Korea
Armenia Ethiopia
Honduras Sudan
100 Bangladesh
50 Venezuela
Vanuatu Swaziland
Deaths per million population (annual mean)

10 St Kitts and Nevis Mexico
Seychelles Japan India
Bahamas United States
Trinidad & Tobago Nigeria
Cyprus Canada United
0.1 Kingdom
Guinea Bissau Iraq Low human development
Germany Medium human development
Norway Bulgaria High human development
0.01 Netherlands



Deaths (annual mean)

Figure 2
National development status and natural disaster mortality (1980–2000)
Source: UNDP, 2004
Note: HDI ranking for Afghanistan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Iraq, Liberia and Yugoslavia are from UNDP Human Development report 1996, all others from UNDP Human
Development Report 2002.
Disaster Risk: Conditions, Trends and Impacts
vulnerability of cities in terms of the sum of different types
of natural hazard to which they are exposed, the data
shows that high risk is associated with Manila, Tokyo,
Kolkata, Osaka–Kobe–Kyoto, Jakarta and Dhaka, all cities
in excess of 10 million inhabitants and with exposure to
at least two different kinds of natural hazard. Munich Re’s
data also points to those cities where a large natural disas-
ter is likely to have negative consequences for the national
economy. Dhaka, with 60 per cent of national GDP
produced within the city, and with high exposure to earth-
quakes, tropical storms and storm surges, is a case in
Women are more affected by natural disasters than men,
especially in poorer countries

Although the review of natural and human-made disasters

goes some way in indicating their destructive power, it can economy, with huge systemic loss effects. More
only show tip-of-the-iceberg losses. Gaps in data and catastrophic would be a disaster (or series of disasters) that
contradictory statements make comprehensive assessment damages the global trading infrastructure. It is for this
of disaster impacts difficult and mean that loss is often reason that financial institutions and businesses invest
underestimated. For instance, psychological and livelihood heavily in back-up systems.
impacts are seldom recorded, with the majority of disaster At the city level, powerful players can move indirect
impact data focusing on mortality and economic loss. economic losses around the urban economy. For example,
Macro-economic loss estimates cannot easily capture the in Kobe (Japan) following the 1995 earthquake, major
secondary and knock-on consequences of disaster for producers were able to protect themselves by shifting to
economic production and trade. Disasters affecting small new subcontractors within a few days. This strategy passed
urban settlements and small-scale disasters in large cities risk on to the subcontractors who had to cope with a
are also often overlooked, despite evidence suggesting double burden of disaster impacts and lost contracts.
that, in aggregate, small-scale disasters in cities may be For urban residents, economic effects may not be
associated with at least as much suffering and loss as the felt for some time as businesses restructure, although in
large-scale disasters that make front page news. the short term, unemployment or livelihood disruption is
to be expected and may be prolonged. In the event that
their assets are damaged or destroyed, low-income urban
Economic effects of disasters households are forced to spend savings or borrow in order
The economic costs of natural and human-made disasters to re-establish their livelihoods.
over the past few decades have been phenomenal.
Economic losses from natural disasters, for instance, have
Social and political impacts of disaster
increased 15-fold since the 1950s. In a matter of two
decades between 1974 and 2003, economic damage Vulnerability to disaster impacts is shaped by gender, age,
worth US$1.38 trillion was caused worldwide by natural disability and political systems. Where inequality has
disasters. Economic losses are regionally differentiated, generated disproportionate vulnerability for a specific
with the Americas and Asia incurring the highest losses social group, higher losses during disaster and reconstruc-
from natural disasters and Europe experiencing greatest tion serve to deepen inequality, thus creating vicious
loss from human-made disasters. cycles of loss and vulnerability. For instance, women and
There is also growing potential for cities connected children tend to be most affected by disasters, especially
to regional or global financial systems to spread the in poorer countries. In addition to differential death and
negative consequences of a disaster across the global injury rates from the direct impacts of natural and human-
12 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

made hazards, women are at risk from indirect impacts URBAN PROCESSES
such as legal discrimination during reconstruction.
Similarly, the young, the elderly and those with disabili- GENERATING DISASTER
ties are often among the most vulnerable to natural and RISK
human-made hazards.
Political systems also affect disaster risk and Growth and diversity in urban areas
impacts. Recent evidence illustrates that political interfer- Rapid urban growth, coupled with geomorphology, hydrol-
ence following a disaster is commonplace in the form of ogy, politics, demography and economics, can create and
lack of acknowledgement of the disaster by the govern- exacerbate landscapes of disaster risk in a variety of ways
ment, government’s political interference with the (see Box 3). Urban settlements are becoming larger and
response process, and corruption in relief distribution. In more numerous through a combination of natural popula-
extreme cases, disasters can serve as catalysts for political tion growth and in-migration. Where urban expansion is
change by shedding light on underlying inequality, corrup- uncontrolled, it can exacerbate vulnerability to disasters.
tion and incompetence that fuel popular unrest; but they Even where urban expansion is planned, disaster risk can
can also close political space. be generated if hazards are overlooked. At a larger scale,
Beyond the national level, political relations at the rapid expansion of urban corridors, such as that along
local level will be tested by disaster events and also by risk China’s coast, can reconfigure risk profiles at the regional
reduction and reconstruction interventions. If disaster risk level.
reduction is to be effective in changing the root causes of Large cities and megacities, in particular, create
risk, then change in local social and political relations — huge concentrations of people and physical and financial
between gender, economic class, caste, and ethnic and assets, and are frequently also cultural and political
religious groups — is a legitimate target for action. centres. They generate the potential for substantial losses
from single large disaster events, creating new challenges
Cultural impacts of disaster for risk management. However, not all large urban centres
have similar vulnerability profiles as this depends on the
Urban areas concentrate cultural assets, including archi- economic base, political institutions and disaster manage-
tecturally significant buildings and urban landscapes, but ment capacity of each city.
also artworks housed in museums and galleries. Many
World Heritage Sites are located in earthquake-risk
hotspots in Central America and Central Asia and flood-
risk areas in Central Europe. Thus, urban disaster poses a
serious risk of damage to valuable cultural assets and
When places of cultural importance are damaged or
destroyed by disaster, the impacts go far beyond economic
value. Cultural heritage can provide disaster-affected
communities with a much needed sense of continuity and
identity during reconstruction, as well as a future resource
for economic development. Yet, given the urgency of
addressing basic needs, emergency response and rehabili-
tation activities may be insensitive to cultural heritage and
social traditions.

Unsafe building construction in cities exacerbates loss

from earthquakes
© TopFoto / Caro
Disaster Risk: Conditions, Trends and Impacts
Box 3 Rapid urbanization and environmental hazard in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dhaka has a population of 11.6 million people, and this is rising fast. The city is built on alluvial terraces and is exposed to flooding
from rivers, direct rainfall, coastal flooding and earthquakes. Initial expansion to the north of the city captured higher ground above
flood levels or on earth-filled lower-lying sites.
The city has been expanding into areas at risk, especially since 1971, resulting in the conversion of marshes and farmlands into
urban use. Recently, expansion has continued northwards over low-lying land. Inequality is extreme in the city, with the richest 2 per
cent of the residents occupying 20 per cent of the city’s land. Some 30 per cent of the city’s population fall below the poverty line and
live in increasingly marginalized and hazardous slums and squatter settlements.
Industrial risk has increased as industrial zones that were originally on the outskirts of the city have been swallowed by
sprawling residential areas. These residential zones fall outside of land-use planning and regulations. Fire is a problem in these areas
and in densely populated slum districts.
Source: Huq, 1999

Small cities of less than 500,000 are home to the large The impact of climate change
majority of the world’s urban dwellers, with the total
Climate change has far-reaching consequences for the
population of small urban areas exposed to environmental
incidence and impacts of disasters in cities. Rising global
risk exceeding the total at-risk population resident in
temperatures and the resultant changes in weather
megacities. Small cities may be especially susceptible to
patterns and sea levels have direct impacts on cities. In
complete destruction in a single event such as the 1985
particular, cities located along the world’s coastlines will
volcanic eruption and mudflow in Amero (Colombia)
face an increased number of extreme weather events such
which killed most of the city’s 25,000 inhabitants.
as tropical cyclones, flooding and heat waves. Indeed,
around 40 per cent of the world’s population lives less
Modifying the hazard environment than 100 kilometres from the coast, within reach of severe
coastal storms.
Consumption of natural assets (trees for fuel, groundwa-
Climate change also has less dramatic and direct
ter, sand and gravel) and the overexploitation of natural
effects on cities. In sub-Saharan Africa, climate change and
services (water systems and air as sinks for sewage or
the consequent extreme climatic variations have been
industrial waste) modify the urban environment and gener-
found to trigger rural-to-urban migration, thereby fuelling
ate new hazards. For instance, flood risk has been made
rapid and often uncontrolled urban growth. In turn, this
worse in urban areas through the silting of natural water
exacerbates other disaster risk factors such as the spread
courses and the lowering of water tables, followed by salt
of settlements into easily accessible yet hazardous
intrusion or land subsidence.
locations and unsafe building practices.
The urban landscape itself is changing the context
While cities remain vulnerable to the effects of
of natural and human-made disasters. Inadequately built
climate change, they are also key contributors to global
multi-storey construction has been a cause of extensive
warming. Cities generate carbon emissions that cause
loss of human life and assets in many urban disasters, and
climate change with emission levels often being higher in
skyscrapers have also been sites for devastating fires. The
many cities of developed countries than in developing
close proximity of residential, commercial and industrial
country cities.
land uses in a city can also generate new cocktails of
hazard. The growth of slums whose residents’ livelihoods
are tied to solid waste dumps in cities such as Manila is The vulnerability of urban slums
an additional risk factor.
Some 1 billion people lived in urban slums in 2006, and if
current trends continue, it is predicted that this will rise
to 1.4 billion by 2020. Slums are characterized by inade-
14 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

quate and insecure living conditions that generate hazards; flourish, generating vulnerability to disaster risk.
but they are also home to many people with few resources Although there are few urban settlements that are
and, thus, high vulnerability. The urban poor often choose not covered by building codes, city authorities may be
to face environmental hazards and increase their chances unable to implement and enforce those codes. Indeed, the
of earning a living rather than live in a more environmen- rapid supply of housing to meet rising demand without
tally secure location that offers limited livelihood compliance with safe building codes is a principal cause of
opportunities (see Box 4). Income generation is a more disaster loss in urban areas.
immediate concern for the urban poor than disaster risk. Municipal authorities charged with overseeing
For example, in Bogota (Colombia) 60 per cent of the construction standards are unable to fulfil this duty for
population live on steep slopes subject to landslides while several reasons. Lack of resources and human skills are key
in Calcutta (India) 66 percent of the inhabitants live in constraints. In middle- and low-income countries experi-
squatter settlements at risk of flooding and cyclones. encing rapid urbanization, the capacity of town planning
Many slum dwellers have fewer assets and support- departments to measure, let alone manage, the expansion
ing institutions than those living in formalized residential of urban land use is seriously inhibited. Resource scarcity
areas and are consequently highly vulnerable to harm from can be further compounded by institutional cultures that
natural and human-made hazards, as well as from other allow corruption to distort regulation and enforcement. In
risks associated with crime, violence and insecurity of some developed countries such as the UK, where 15 per
tenure. Moreover, lack of secure tenure among slum cent of urban land is known to be at risk from flooding,
dwellers reduces their willingness to upgrade their land-use planning has not succeeded in separating people
dwellings and therefore mitigate local environmental from sources of potential human-made or natural hazards.
International development policy and
Building control and land-use planning urban disaster risk
A key determinant of the physical vulnerability of build- The achievement of the MDGs will be hindered if disaster
ings and infrastructure in urban areas is the enforcement risk reduction is not made more prominent in urban
of building and land-use planning regulations. In the planning. Disasters that hit urban areas destroy critical
absence of such controls, or a lack of observance of the infrastructure and set back development gains, potentially
same, unsafe construction and land-use practices will undermining progress in meeting the MDGs. The most

Box 4 Living with risk in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rio de Janeiro is home to over 10 million people, of which nearly one third live in slums known as favelas. Rocinha, one of Rio de
Janeiro’s richest and most developed favelas, is home to between 100,000 and 150,000 people.
Rocinha’s population is home to various social groups, and certain areas of the favela are more expensive to live in than
others. Neighbourhoods located further up the mountain are generally poorer and more prone to disaster because of the difficulty of
building on a nearly vertical mountain slope. One of these neighbourhoods is Roupa Suja, the top of which is located right below a
vertical wall of rock and considered a Zona de Risco — or risk area — by the Rio de Janeiro city government. Technically, residents
are prohibited from building and living in this area; but many are so poor that they have no alternative place to build.
Several people die every year in mudslides caused by heavy rains in Rio’s favelas. Deforestation at the edge of Rocinha, as it
expands into the national forest of Tijuca, has worsened this risk. Rio’s municipal government, as well as residents themselves, have
built aqueducts to channel the water away from homes; but these do not protect all areas of the favela. The danger of falling rocks is
perhaps greater than that of rain. Since the homes at the top of the favela are directly beneath a vertical overhang, rocks break off due
to erosion and fall on the homes below. Faced each day with multiple types of risk — from natural hazards, violence and disease —
the residents of Roupa Suja’s Zona de Risco lead a precarious and difficult life.
Source: Carter, 2006
Disaster Risk: Conditions, Trends and Impacts
is low for Africa, compared to other world regions, but is
high as a proportion of GDP. The poverty of countries in
this region severely limits household coping capacity and
the capacity of governments to build resilience and under-
take risk reduction. The lack of regional governance for risk
reduction is a serious limiting factor preventing
South–South learning across the region. Limited capacity
to regulate industry also means urban settlements in this
region have among the highest rates of industrial disaster
worldwide. Widespread poverty and vulnerability make this
region highly susceptible to the local impacts of global
environmental change. Vulnerability is exacerbated by
Climate change may expose coastal cities to an increased conflict, chronic disease and weak governance.
number of extreme weather events
© Eye Ubiquitous / Alamy Americas
Across all regions, the Americas experience the greatest
urban focused of these, target 11 of MDG 7, aims at signif- economic loss from natural disasters. Windstorms (includ-
icantly improving the lives of at least 100 million slum ing hurricanes and tornadoes) are the most frequent type
dwellers by 2020. Efforts to improve the lives of slum of disaster, affect the greatest number of people and cause
dwellers should very seriously take natural and human- the highest total economic losses. Differences in disaster
made disaster risk into account. risk and loss are however evident within the region.
Moreover, disaster risk reduction should be North America is a wealthy and highly urbanized
integrated into longer-term development and poverty region. Neo-liberal policies, particularly in the US and
reduction strategies. Yet, at the national level, the conse- more recently in Mexico, have scaled down state respon-
quences of Poverty Reduction Strategies for natural sibilities for risk reduction and response and placed
disaster reduction have hardly been examined. A recent greater emphasis on the role of private citizens and compa-
study found that few national plans mentioned disaster nies. Technical capacity for disaster risk reduction in the
risk reduction beyond the need for early warning. region is very high.
Furthermore, the bulk of national government funds and South America is highly urbanized and predomi-
international aid for disasters is channelled towards recon- nantly middle income. Financial and political instability
struction rather than much-needed long-term have undermined resilience at all scales. Technical capac-
improvement of resilience. ity is high and, in some countries, this is matched by strong
civil society action to build physical and social resilience.
Central America and the Caribbean comprise the
COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS poorest subregion in the Americas. Urbanization levels are
OF GLOBAL TRENDS high and cities are characterized by high levels of poverty
and inequality. Past political tensions have made for
A comparative analysis of urban disaster incidence and
strained civil society–state relations; but there is capacity
impact globally illustrates variations across and within
for coordinated top-down and bottom-up risk reduction.
world regions. Regional diversity is also evident in disaster
prevention and mitigation capacity and strategies.
Africa Asia is the most disaster-prone region. The high popula-
tion density means that mortality and the number of
Flooding is the most frequent natural disaster in Africa and
people affected is highest in this region for most disaster
results in the highest mortality. Economic loss to disasters
types. This region contains many countries with the
16 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

highest levels of exposure to natural and industrial eruption. The region has the lowest economic losses and
hazards, but also with great experience of risk manage- absolute number of people killed and affected by all disas-
ment. Capacity for building resilience is limited by ter types. Within the region, disasters are most commonly
governance, with tensions between civil society and state associated with windstorms, and these result in the great-
actors found across the region. Political tensions, est economic losses. The region is of mixed economic
weaknesses in governance, economic inequality and rising status, but with high levels of urbanization. Many of the
levels of chronic illness are the chief barriers to resilience. countries in the region are small island developing states
facing particular governance challenges within a context
of limited human resources. Larger countries, especially
New Zealand and Australia, have strong states and civil
The role played by relatively high levels of economic devel- societies, as well as robust economies.
opment and political stability in shifting the impact of
disasters from human to physical assets can be seen most
clearly in this region. Accordingly, economic loss from
disasters is high in this region compared to loss of human This chapter has highlighted the growing incidence and
life. Most of Europe is high-income and highly urbanized. impacts of disasters. Large cities and megacities concen-
Risk profiles for this region are split between the east and trate and magnify risk but smaller cities (less than 500,000
west. Western Europe has strong states and civil societies residents) that are home to just over half of the world’s
providing good capacity for resilience. It is also a region urban population are also exposed to multiple risks. Within
with relatively low levels of hazard exposure. Eastern cities, the economically poor, politically marginalized and
Europe is more variable, with examples of strong states socially isolated (often women) are consistently the most
but weak civil society, and with governance challenges that vulnerable. It is also evident that urbanization processes
limit regulation of industrial activity and capacity for top- modify the hazard profile of cities both directly and
down programmes aimed at vulnerability reduction. This indirectly. At the same time, urban planning is seriously
region is also economically poorer than Western Europe. ineffective in many cities, especially within developing
countries. New techniques in urban planning that can
extend formal practices into informal housing are needed.
Meeting the MDGs is dependent upon this.
Oceania records the lowest incidence of disasters for any
region and hazard type, with the exception of volcanic


This chapter reviews existing policy approaches for reduc- future time period, including their intensity and area of
ing disaster risk and incorporating risk reduction within impact. One approach is hazard mapping, or the use of
urban planning and management as well as within disaster maps to depict the spatial location, size and frequency of
response and reconstruction. In doing so, it assesses the hazards. At the global scale, natural hazard mapping is well
policy responses of a variety of actors to disasters, both advanced for volcanic, earthquake, flood, wind and
natural and human-made. landslide hazards. Many countries also have national
hazard maps, particularly of geophysical hazards. While
global- and national-scale hazard maps can help to identify
DISASTER RISK national legislative or policy planning priorities, planning
ASSESSMENT at the city level requires more detailed information.
Although the advent of geographic information
Risk assessment contributes to disaster risk reduction by
systems (GIS), coupled with satellite imagery, have
informing policy priorities and decisions on resource
revolutionalized natural hazard mapping, the requisite
expenditure. Yet, the rapid growth of urban areas has, in
financial investment in hardware and human resources is
many cases, far outstripped national and local capacities
often beyond reach for poorer urban authorities.
for formal data collection or planning services. Thus, a
Partnerships between technical advisory bodies and
major challenge for responding to disaster risk is to assess
national centres for disaster management offer a potential
human vulnerability, hazard and risk in a way that can
mechanism for technology and skill transfer. An example
enable action from national, international and local actors.
is the Government of India-UNDP Urban Earthquake
Hazard and risk assessments employ a range of
Vulnerability Reduction Project (see Box 5).
techniques, from quantitative analysis built around
Mapping human-made hazard has been facilitated
scenario modelling and mapping to qualitative, non-techni-
in recent years by national directories, many of which are
cal approaches, depending upon the kinds of data that
now open to the public. However, where information on
need to be generated.
human-made hazards is commercially valuable it is not
released to the public. Local authority land-use planning
Hazard mapping maps also contain information on the location of hazardous
industrial activities. Yet, the acquisition of data on hazards
Hazard assessment involves an analysis of the likelihood of
generated within the informal sector is problematic.
occurrence of natural or human-made hazards in a specific
18 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

Risk assessments for individual cities important first step, participatory risk assessment can be
counterproductive if it does not point to ways to raise
There is limited comparative data on natural disaster risk
and impacts at the city level. Initiatives that have made
major contributions in this regard include the Natural
Hazards Risk Index for Megacities by Munich Re and the Challenges of urban risk assessments
Earthquake Disaster Risk Index used by GeoHazards
The following overlapping aspects of risk in urban areas
International (GHI). In 2000/2001, GHI developed and
make risk assessments complex.
applied an Earthquake Lethality Estimation Method which
assesses the relative severity of earthquake risk, the
• The multiple hazards to which people are simultane-
sources of risk within each city, and the relative effective-
ously exposed. Some hazards may be more visible
ness of potential mitigation options.
than others at any one moment.
A key challenge for risk assessment at the city level
• The multiple sectors that are at risk. Each urban
is including indicators for social vulnerability. This requires
sector will have different exposure to risk and capaci-
relevant data on population and social indicators, which
ties and resources for coping and recovery.
may not be available. Moreover, comparison of disaster
• The multiple scales at which risk is felt and responded
risk between districts within a city has rarely been under-
to. It is challenging to include all of these scales in
the analysis of impacts and capacity.
• The multiple assets to be accounted for in measuring
Assessing human-made hazard risk vulnerability and capacity. Some assets will be contin-
gent upon the utilization of others and rarely are
Human-made hazard risk assessments tend to be driven by
different types of assets commensurate.
a hazards focus and employ GIS software. Vulnerability is
• The multiple stakeholders with roles to play in shaping
sometimes indicated through population distribution,
risk. It is particularly difficult to pin down the influ-
which reflects the limited availability of geo-referenced
ence of stakeholders’ actions where these are part of
social data. GIS mapping may thus not capture social
everyday development processes.
variables which influence individual exposure and suscep-
• The multiple phases that disaster cycles pass through.
tibility to human-made hazards. In the case of industrial
Perceptions of risk and actions to build capacity and
hazards also, GIS mapping of social vulnerability is faced
resilience may look very different before and after
with a number of challenges. In even the richest countries,
disaster and during periods of everyday development.
there may be a lack of comprehensive hazards databases.
In some countries, industrial hazard is hidden behind
Additional challenges for risk assessment include the
commercial secrecy.
inaccessibility of risk assessment technologies, narrow
focus of assessments on built assets and rapid pace of
Participatory risk assessments physical and social change in slums.
Participatory risk assessment draws on the tradition of
participatory approaches which utilize qualitative methods Perceptions of risk
that produce data owned by the subjects of the research
Perceptions of risk play an important part in disaster risk
and contribute to local empowerment through the
reduction. They influence the ways in which risk is
research process. Participatory risk assessment thus
measured and the willingness of citizens and authorities
enables local actors to reflect on hazards, vulnerabilities
to undertake actions to manage risk. Planners and policy
and capacities influencing their lives. Generally, the extent
makers often employ expert risk analysis to justify hazard
to which risk assessment is participatory can be deter-
mitigation policies; yet, expert and lay risk assessments do
mined based on its procedural, methodological and
not always concur. This can undermine policy legitimiza-
ideological characteristics. While identifying social, politi-
tion and compliance.
cal and economic root causes of vulnerability is an
Perceptions influence the relative importance given
Policy Responses to Disaster Risk
Box 5 India’s national hazard map: A foundation for coordinated disaster risk reduction

An example of cooperation in Jammu

HIMACHAL Indian earthquake zones indicating
disaster risk reduction between PRADESH
60 cities with a population exceed-
an international organization and PUNJAB
Dehra Dun
ing 0.5 million
a national government is the HARYANA Meend
Government of India–United Delhi Banhilly
Nations Development RAJASTHAN
Programme (UNDP) Disaster Jodhpur Lucknow ASSAM
Garabor BIHAR
Kanpur Gauhati
Keta Allahabad Patna
Risk Management Programme. Varanasi
A key subcomponent of this GUJARAT
Ahmadabad Bhopal Asansol
programme is the Urban Jabalpur Ranchi
Jamnagar Rajkot MADAYA
Indore PRADESH Jamshedpur Kolkata
Earthquake Vulnerability Vadodara
Bhavnagar Surat ORISSA
Reduction Project, implemented Nagpur Durg
Raigarh Cuttack
between 2003 and 2007. The Bassein Bhubaneswar
Mumbai Ahmadnagar
project aims to raise awareness Pune Warangal
of earthquake risk in urban areas Vishakhapatnam
among decision makers and the ANDHRA Vijayawada
public and to improve disaster Goa
preparedness. KARNATAKA

Several of India’s populous Mangalore Bangalore Chennai

cities, including the capital, New Mysore TAMIL
NADU Pondicherry
Delhi, are located in zones of high Kozikhode Salem
Coimbatore Tiruchirapalli
seismic risk. National data on LAKSHADWEEP
City location
Kochin Madurai
seismic hazard has been used to Very high risk zone
identify 38 cities with populations Trivandrum High risk zone
of 500,000 or more that have Moderate risk zone
become the focus for the project. Low risk zone
The map on the right was devel-
oped by the project and shows four levels of seismic risk and 60 cities from which the 38 partner cities were selected.
Key expected outcomes of the project, among others, include enhanced disaster risk management capacity, effective adminis-
trative and institutional frameworks for earthquake risk management in the most exposed urban centres, and development of
emergency, preparedness and recovery plans for those urban centres. The project also intends to build local capacity for risk assess-
ment, preparedness and response.
Source: adapted from UNDP India, www.undp.org.in/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=?84&Itemid=264

to natural or human-made hazards, compared to other STRENGTHENING LOCAL

competing needs and opportunities. In turn, the impor-
tance ascribed to disaster risks determines subsequent DISASTER RESILIENCE
efforts to avoid or limit the impacts of those hazards. For Local disaster resilience refers to the capacity of local
instance, in the US, hurricane risk is a useful predictor of actors to minimize the incidence and impacts of disasters,
preparation, evaluation and adjustment actions taken by and to undertake recovery and reconstruction activities
households. The ability of a household or individual to act once disasters occur. In places where hazard and loss are
on perceived risk is additionally constrained by their tangible, disaster risk reduction or reconstruction can be
coping and adaptive capacity as well as by urban gover- opportunities for improving the solidarity, inclusiveness,
nance institutions. human skills and confidence of local groups and their
20 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

Box 6 Using the law to fight technological risk in Durban, South Africa

South Durban Community in South Africa is a highly polluted area where 200,000 largely vulnerable and disadvantaged residents live
side by side with heavy industries. In 2002, successful legal action was taken by the community to prevent the development of a paper
incinerator by a paper manufacturing company. This legal case was taken up by the community after the provincial government granted
permission to the company to construct an incinerator without following proper procedures. The community lodged an appeal in the
Durban High Court on 11 October 2002, restraining the Minister of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs, KwaZulu-Natal Province,
from approving the incinerator. The minister was interdicted pending the finalization of a judicial review.
The legal recourse was taken on the grounds that government granted an oral exemption to the company from conducting a
full environmental impact assessment (EIA). It was argued that this exemption was invalid, according to statutory requirements, and
that the failure to appoint an independent consultant, conduct a full IEA and examine the necessary alternatives was in breach of
existing legislation. The community also pointed out that a proper interpretation of the EIA showed that sulphur dioxide emissions
from the company’s incinerator would exceed World Health Organization (WHO) standards and national guidelines of 1998. This, the
community noted, was against their constitutional right to live in a healthy environment.
The verbal exemption from conducting an EIA given to the company was overruled by a high court judge and the company’s
proposal had to be processed again, taking into account the necessary EIA requirements.
Sources: South Durban Community Environmental Alliance, 2003a, 2003b

leaders. It is possible to pursue social, legislative and not to assume that community leaders represent the best
economic pathways for building local resilience. interests of local residents.

Social pathways Legal approaches

Local stocks of social capital — norms and habits of behav- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights already
iour that support reciprocity and collective action — are supports the right to personal security and a basic standard
resources that can be used to build capacity in the face of of living during periods of unforeseen livelihood disrup-
multiple development challenges, including disaster risk. tion. The human rights agenda offers a potentially
Building local networks of support and reciprocity can powerful tool for local actors to argue for increased pre-
increase self-reliance among households and neighbour- disaster investment and post-disaster compensation. It
hoods and in this way enhance disaster resilience. A great offers a moral imperative that could mobilize local politi-
diversity of local associations, including kinship, religious cal will.
and gender- or youth- based groups, as well as groups Nationally, an increasing number of governments
organized around particular interests, such as sports, are putting in place disaster risk reduction legislation.
environmental or social improvement can contribute to While such legislation often does not provide targets for
disaster risk reduction through building support networks. action, it does establish responsible agencies for risk
While community solidarity can be an asset for reduction, typically in local and regional government.
disaster risk reduction, communities are not inherently Where legal systems are robust, legislation has proven a
harmonious entities. Rather, they are heterogeneous and strong weapon to strengthen communities at risk from
are often cross-cut by internal competition, information technological and industrial hazards (Box 6). Where the
asymmetries and socio-economic inequality. This can law allows it and culpability can be proven, group actions
undermine community-level risk reduction projects, brought by survivors of toxic releases against companies
leading to interventions exacerbating inequalities and or the state can amount to significant sums and act as a
undermining collective resilience. Community level deterrent on other companies.
partners in disaster risk reduction must also be cautious
Policy Responses to Disaster Risk
Economic approaches tives as a priority. Piggybacking disaster risk reduction onto
activities already accepted as a local priority, involving a
Microfinance has significant potential to build community
wide range of actors and adopting a staged approach could
resilience to disasters. The extension of small loans
help to reconcile local and external concerns.
through microcredit enhances the incomes and assets of
urban households and communities, thereby reducing
their poverty. In turn, this helps to reduce vulnerability to LAND-USE PLANNING
disasters and develops greater coping capacity. Post-disas-
Land-use planning is perhaps the most fundamental tool
ter loans and micro-insurance can also help poor urban
for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into urban devel-
households recover more quickly. Yet, it is only recently
opment processes. It provides a framework within which
that microcredit and micro-insurance have been used for
risk mapping and community resilience building can be
building community resilience to disaster risk.
undertaken in partnership with local actors. Familiar
To date, microfinance institutions have been
planning tools such as zoning, community participation,
involved mostly with post-disaster recovery activities.
GIS, and information and education programmes are all
There is a need, however, for microfinance to be perceived
integral to mainstreaming risk reduction within local
as a potential tool to better prepare communities before
comprehensive land-use planning.
natural hazards strike. In particular, the scope for micro-
Mainstreaming risk reduction within strategies that
insurance to act as an affordable mechanism for extending
underpin land-use planning is challenging, particularly for
risk-sharing into low-income communities has recently
authorities with limited human and economic resources
received much attention.
and political influence. Perhaps most challenging of all is
the aim of including all urban stakeholders in the shaping
Challenges of building local capacity for of planning policy and development decisions, with a rigor-
risk reduction ous, independent and transparent procedure for
overcoming conflicting interests.
There is an uneasy tension between the empowering of
Planning to manage risk systems in their entirety
local actors to confront local causes of risk and the offload-
further complicates land-use planning. Human settlements
ing of state or private-sector responsibilities.
of all sizes are situated within larger interdependent socio-
Decentralization of urban governance has seen many
ecological systems expressed, for example, through
municipalities struggling with a gap between responsibili-
migration and economic exchange between rural and
ties that have been devolved from central government and
urban areas or across urban centres. Thus, urban risk
the resources, which have, in many instances, not been
management needs to consider not only the internal, but
made available.
also the external environment.
It is also important not to lose sight of the deeper
historical and structural root causes of disaster risk in the
national and global political economy. Community-based
approaches can mask deeper social and economic struc-
tures and physical processes that are the root causes of
inequality, vulnerability and hazard.
There may also be tension between local and exter-
nal priorities. Building local capacity is difficult in contexts
where disaster risk reduction is not perceived to be a prior-
ity by local actors. In areas where disasters are infrequent
or have had only a limited impact, it is quite rational for
those on a low income, with little time to spare and
subject to many hazards — from police harassment and
street crime to the threat or reality of homelessness — Land-use planning is important for mainstreaming disaster
not to want to participate in disaster risk reduction initia- risk reduction in urban areas
© FB-StockPhoto / Alamy
22 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

Land-use planning in informal settlements have limited legal standing, but provide a mechanism for
and slums those left outside of the formal planning process to
identify land-use challenges to disaster resilience. The
As noted earlier, some 1 billion people, or one in every
challenge to this approach remains the extent to which
three city dwellers in the world, live in an informal settle-
community plans can be welcomed by and integrated with
ment or slum. Such areas are typically cramped, with
formal planning systems. A careful balance also needs to
industrial and residential land uses in close proximity
be made between the strategic emphasis of city-level land-
(sometimes in the same building) and exposed to natural
use planning and the more local concerns of community
hazard through their location on hill slopes or low-lying
land subject to waterlogging and flooding. Within a context
of rapid urban population growth and physical expansion
of cities, planners are often unable to keep up with BUILDING CODES,
mapping new settlements, let alone planning land use for
Where there is political commitment and resources DISASTER-RESISTANT
are made available, slums can be successfully brought into
formal planning programmes. The provision of basic
services and security of tenure in informal settlements can Most countries have building codes aimed at ensuring
have many positive consequences, including the reduction that construction meets a minimum standard of
of vulnerability to disaster. Households that can access disaster resilience. The greatest challenge is enforcing
basic needs are not only healthier, but often have more adherence to building codes during construction. Failure
time and, as a consequence, money and energy available to comply with codes is a root cause of vulnerability in
for investment in household and, collectively, community buildings. Too often, ulterior incentives make it more
improvement. attractive for administrators, architects, builders, contrac-
An emerging alternative to the extension of formal tors and even house owners to circumvent construction
planning into informal settlements at risk is to work with standards. In Turkey, much of the loss of life associated
community associations to develop local land-use plans with the Marmara Earthquake in 1999 has been attributed
that can be linked with the formal planning system. These to the ineffective regulation of construction. In cities of
plans are owned and researched by local communities and lower-income countries, but increasingly also in large
cities of middle-income countries, the high proportion of
citizens forced to reside in informal settlements where
activities operate outside the formal planning and regula-
tory systems is particularly challenging for building
A number of international initiatives have begun to
build frameworks for information exchange and learning
in technical aspects of safe construction. For instance, an
internet-based encyclopaedia of housing construction is
being prepared by the Earthquake Engineering Research
Institute in the US and by the International Association of
Earthquake Engineering in Japan. Training those working
in the construction industry in safe construction
techniques can reduce structural vulnerability in cities.
That there is much to learn from vernacular building
design and practices is also increasingly recognized.
Disaster management techniques can minimize risks
arising from flooding and other natural hazards
© Arthur Gebuys — Gebuys.com / Alamy
Policy Responses to Disaster Risk
PROTECTING CRITICAL Root causes appear to be inadequate political commitment,
weak coordination among the various actors, and lack of
INFRASTRUCTURE AND public awareness and public participation in the develop-
SERVICES ment and operation of early warning systems.

Protecting critical infrastructure and services against all

conceivable sources of harm is prohibitively expensive, Risk knowledge and warning
especially so for countries and cities with small economies. Risk assessment is based on the tracking of information
Resilience targets can be used in planning to act as on hazards at a range of scales, from local to global,
goalposts when determining a minimum level of capacity depending upon the character of the hazard and the nature
to be protected in the case of a disaster. These are rough of the city’s vulnerabilities. However, shifting social
guidelines; but they enhance transparency in priority contexts as well as environmental changes can make
setting. historical comparisons of risk over time difficult. An
Critical infrastructure and services share a reliance additional challenge for the monitoring of technological
on networks that allow for the movement of information risk is the secrecy of industrial interests (public as well as
and commodities. These networks are fundamental in private).
ensuring the health and safety of the population and the
functioning of the urban economy. They are interdepend-
ent, so that a failure in one system can lead to
repercussions in associated systems. The links that unite
life-support networks and convey vulnerability can also
be a source of resilience, offering alternative routes for
information flow and feedback in the system or for
overlapping functions and spare capacity.
Risk to critical infrastructure and service networks
in cities of developing countries is exacerbated by the
complexity of their evolution and maintenance. Design is
often piecemeal, the product of individual infrastructure
development projects, with resulting networks being
eclectic and varying in age, form and operational criteria.
This is complicated further by informal-sector provision of
critical services, such as potable water and policing. The
coordinated identification of network vulnerability and
subsequent risk mitigation with informal-sector actors
outside of regulatory control is challenging.

Early warning is a cornerstone of disaster risk manage-
ment. Despite this, few cities have early warning systems
or even hold data on past hazards and disaster events.
There are four interdependent components of early
warning systems: risk knowledge; monitoring and warning;
communication; and response capacity. The capacity of an
entire system is threatened if any one of these compo- Guidelines on actions to be taken in the event of a natural
nents is weak. The weakest elements of warning systems hazard can minimize loss of human life
concern warning dissemination and preparedness to act. © PCL / Alamy
24 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

Risk communication Response capacity

Early warnings may fail to reach those who must take More difficult in cities is the coordination of action in
action, and may not be understood or address their response to alerts and early warnings. Pre-planning and
concerns. Translating scientific information on approach- clear communication with the public are needed to
ing hazard into a language that results in action continues prevent inappropriate action or panic. In congested cities
to challenge risk managers. There are many examples with overburdened transport networks, evacuation can be
where risk identification has not led to timely warning and challenging. Cuba has one of the best track records on
action due to a lack of clear lines and methods of commu- urban evacuation with a well managed and frequently
nication. Trust between those giving and receiving practised evacuation strategy as part of its risk reduction
information is also essential for effective early warning. system (see Box 7).
Maintaining early warning communication systems
in smaller, isolated and informal settlements with low
density of communication infrastructure is especially diffi-
cult. One way around this is to build early warning MANAGEMENT
communication systems on top of everyday communication
City authorities seldom generate sufficient funds to meet
networks. People-centred approaches to risk communica-
all their development and risk reduction needs. Thus, they
tion and planning for appropriate response to early
face the twin challenge of attracting finance and balancing
warnings have also proved effective in many contexts. The
the conditionalities that come with this support against
advantages of a people-centred early warning were illus-
local priorities and strategies for disaster risk management.
trated in the municipality of La Masica, Honduras during
Inefficient or inadequate fiscal decentralization further
Hurricane Mitch (1998). The municipality had in place a
reduces the financial capacity of local governments. This
relatively low-cost early warning system which operated
is especially the case in poorer or rapidly expanding cities
independently of outside information flows or resources,
where the proportion of residents and organizations who
thus increasing its robustness during times of emergency.
contribute to the city revenue can be low.
Despite flooding and economic damage caused by the
National governments finance urban infrastructure
nearby River Lean during the Hurricane, none of the munic-
works through project grants or line financing through
ipality’s 25,000 residents was killed.
ministries with responsibility for infrastructure in the
urban sector. However, national disaster budgets tend to

Box 7 Lessons in risk reduction from Cuba

Cuba’s integrated system of disaster risk management has succeeded in saving many lives and has built resilience beyond the level that
might be expected from the country’s economic status. Between 1996 and 2002, six hurricanes hit Cuba, causing 16 deaths in Cuba
out of the total of 665 deaths they collectively caused in the region. What is Cuba doing right?
Central to Cuba’s successful risk reduction is the government’s stated priority that its fundamental commitment during a
hurricane is to save lives. The country’s risk reduction system is based on a national civil defence structure which uses subnational
government bodies for disaster preparedness and response, effective lifeline structures, a culture of safety built through education and
awareness campaigns and community mobilization and building of social capital.
In addition, Cuba’s model also owes a lot to its unique system of government and its socio-economic model, which has consis-
tently addressed risk reduction through policies of social and economic equity and poverty reduction. These policies have produced
‘multiplier effects’ that enhance risk reduction in many ways. For instance, 100 per cent literacy of the adult population and access to
electricity by 95 per cent of the households facilitate the sharing of disaster related information. Children are also exposed to disaster
preparedness in school curricula. An adequate road system in the country facilitates speedy evacuation. Finally, the intricate web of
social, professional and political organizations in the country provides organizational structures that can be quickly mobilized in disas-
ter times.
Policy Responses to Disaster Risk
Local authority role Relief Reconstruction

Assessment for planning Undertake a rapid impact assessment to help judge Monitor human and economic impacts as they unfold. A dynamic approach to
the scale of response and rehabilitation to be impact assessment is particularly important to be able to track inflationary
undertaken. consequences of reconstruction materials and any shortages in food supplies.
Coordination Coordinate administrative and technical aspects Bring together stakeholders to plan the transition from emergency to
of disaster emergency response with emergency reconstruction and from reconstruction to development. Consider to what
services, the armed forces, the Red Cross/Red extent development pathways led to the accumulation of risk and eventual
Crescent and other civil society groups. This work disaster event, and the opportunities for building risk reduction into
should involve liaison with managers of critical reconstruction, rehabilitation and post-disaster development.
infrastructure and services.
Liaise with national and Determine if national and international assistance Determine if national and international assistance is required for
international agencies is required for emergency response. reconstruction and rehabilitation.
Monitor progress Monitor and review the performance of Monitor and review the performance of reconstruction services.
emergency services.
Seek finance Facilitate access to finance through access to local Facilitate access to finance through emergency funds and private insurance.
and national emergency funds. Enable private remittance flows.
Review performance Document decision making for future analysis Review the performance of pre-disaster policy and organization for risk
and learning. reduction, early warning, disaster response and reconstruction.
Document and evaluate the programmes.
Public information Keep the public informed at all times. Keep the public informed at all times.

Table 2
Local authority actions during disaster relief and reconstruction

prioritize relief and emergency responses. Prevention and indeed, can provide a forum for pre-disaster development
mitigation are less attractive as funding choices. Like goals to be reappraised in light of the disaster event.
national governments, bilateral and multilateral donors, However, during large events, where response and recon-
including international development banks, have a history struction involve international actors, it can be hard to
of supporting disaster reconstruction. Disasters have been retain control over coordination, especially for local
treated as interruptions in development rather than as authorities with limited capacity.
risks integral to development. Recent initiatives indicate a Loss of coordination through swamping from inter-
reappraisal and recognition of the value of investing in risk national agencies, or as a result of the diversity of small
reduction. groups, can erode local self-reliance and hinder the
integration of development within reconstruction. Pre-
disaster planning that includes organizational structures
DISASTER RESPONSE AND to manage joint action and, as far as possible, to decentral-
RECONSTRUCTION ize decision making to sectoral, regional and community
levels is the best way to avoid loss of strategic control.
The roles played by local authorities and others, including
local people and international agencies, during response
and reconstruction phases of disaster, are examined below. Disaster response
In particular, the aim is to review the challenges to ‘build-
Effective disaster response rests on having a prepared and
ing back better’ during these phases.
rehearsed plan with clearly identified responsibilities. The
stakeholders involved in response are broadly similar for
The role of local authorities natural and human-made disasters. Initial response is
usually from neighbours and community organizations,
Municipal authorities and local government are well
emergency services and civil defence. Emergency response
placed to coordinate emergency response and reconstruc-
can overlap with development, so that, increasingly, devel-
tion (see Table 2). They can link response and
opment actors (including those with experience in urban
reconstruction to pre-disaster development goals and,
26 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

Building-back-better agenda
The building-back-better agenda crystallizes the aim of
building development into post-disaster work so that
vulnerability is reduced and life chances are enhanced as
a result. The tension between speed of delivery and the
desire for inclusive and participatory decision making is a
theme that runs throughout the integration of develop-
ment into response and reconstruction. Established
cultures of response privilege speed and efficiency in deliv-
ery; but this has meant that an opportunity has been lost
for furthering development aims through post-disaster
It is proving difficult to integrate the right balance
of humanitarian and development actors and ideas; but
progress is being made. In Kashmir, following the South
Asian earthquake in 2005, shelter reconstruction included
not only cash for work, where survivors were paid to clear
land, but also cash for shelter. Also, the rush to build
before the coming winter was made sustainable through
designs that could be upgraded to more permanent struc-
tures over time. Through these two mechanisms,
reconstruction became developmental.
Local residents often provide valuable assistance in search Capitalizing on the opportunity that disaster
and rescue efforts following a disaster presents to build back better requires pre-disaster
© Martyn Evans / Alamy planning. For example, from the perspective of human
settlements, the granting of secure tenure before a disas-
ter occurs makes the distribution of recovery support more
planning and construction), along with international transparent and efficient. The rationalization of planning
agencies such as UN-Habitat, become involved. and building regulations and administrative approaches
In those cities and parts of cities where municipal that reach the poor will not only reduce loss, but act as
resources are limited, self-organized and community-based benchmarks for reconstruction building. Without the
response plans can save many lives. More broadly, the enforcement of such guidelines, risk will be built into new
state has responsibility for maintaining the rule of law and construction.
protecting property and people from looting and violent
crime during disasters. There may be a role for civil society
groups or international observers to oversee such activi- Reconstruction for risk reduction
ties or work in partnership with security agencies, such as Strong local government is needed to oversee reconstruc-
the army, police or civil defence. tion and to help control profiteering over land held for
Of particular concern is that some people are more resettlement. Reconstruction is a period when urban land
at risk than others of being left out of relief and response rights are often contested or fought over by competing
programmes. Women, children and orphans, the elderly interests. It is not uncommon for those with only usufruct
and those who are marginalized because of language, or customary rights, or for the poor or tenants, to lose
culture or social class are especially liable to not having claims over high value land, and for this to be transferred
their entitlements met during relief and response. to speculators and developers in the process of reconstruc-
Policy Responses to Disaster Risk
The overall aim of building back better is to use CONCLUDING REMARKS
reconstruction as an opportunity to improve the economic,
physical and social infrastructure, and to support the asset The components of urban risk policy outlined in this
bases of individuals and households at risk. Reconstruction chapter are mutually reinforcing. Successful early warning
becomes a project for improving survivors’ life chances relies upon risk assessment and strong local communities
and resilience, not returning them to pre-disaster levels. for information transfer and action. Risk assessment feeds
If reconstruction programmes are to build back better, directly into land-use planning decisions. These and the
they must take into account the needs of families and be other activities outlined in this chapter offer opportunities
sensitive to gender, age and culturally specific needs and to build back better when they are considered in recon-
norms. The basic need for shelter should not be used as struction, as well as in preparedness for disaster. They are
an excuse for overly rapid and socially unsustainable key pathways for meeting developmental activities with
housing reconstruction. the humanitarian imperatives of relief and reconstruction.



A number of less frequent and smaller-scale hazards influ- Impacts on human lives
ence safety and security in urban areas but are often not
Losses to traffic accidents are commonplace and
recorded. The significance of small-scale hazards in urban
needlessly deadly aspects of urban life. The scale of
areas is particularly illustrated in this report by the
impact of traffic accidents at the aggregate level is
incidence and impacts of road traffic accidents. This
disturbingly large. The WHO estimates that 1.2 million
chapter examines the trends and impacts of road traffic
people are killed in road crashes each year, and as many
accidents in urban areas, given that, in aggregate, they
as 50 million are injured. Projections indicate that these
cause more loss of human life and economic productivity
figures will increase by about 65 per cent over the next
than larger-scale natural and human-made disasters.
20 years unless there is new commitment to enhance
prevention. These predicted trends vary by region, such
INCIDENCE AND IMPACTS that by 2020 high-income countries are expected to
experience a 30 per cent decline in fatalities from traffic
OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS: accidents, while low- and middle-income countries will
GLOBAL TRENDS record a phenomenal increase of 80 per cent.
Traffic accidents, which are reviewed here from a human
settlements perspective, include incidents involving
road-based motorized and non-motorized vehicles of
various capacities. Traffic accidents range from major
events resulting in high loss of human life to everyday
incidents whose impacts are only felt at the individual or
household level. They pose a serious threat to the safety
and well-being of urban households on a daily basis by
generating economically and socially unsustainable
outcomes. It is thus important to review traffic accidents
as a key hazard threatening the safety and security of
urban inhabitants.
Traffic accidents kill millions of people each year globally
© Andrew Sadler / Alamy
Small-Scale Hazards: The Case of Road Traffic Accidents
World region Mortality per 100,000 individuals burden of caring for a previously economically active family
Low- and middle- High-income member can be even more destabilizing for the household
income countries countries economy.
Africa 28.3 –
The Americas
Asia (Southeast Asia)

Asia (Eastern Mediterranean)
Western Pacific 18.5 12.0 ACCIDENTS
Road traffic accidents result from a combination of struc-
Table 3 tural, physical and behavioural factors (see Box 8). While
Traffic accident mortality rates by world region, 2002 the exposure of road users to traffic accidents is shaped
Source: WHO, 2004
by physical aspects of the road environment, individual
behaviour, awareness of safety regulations and travel
habits also determine vulnerability to traffic accident risks.
Currently, a disproportionate 90 per cent of the deaths In addition, the safety and design features of vehicles
from traffic accidents worldwide occur in low- and middle- shape the likelihood of being involved in a traffic accident,
income countries. Africa and Asia have the highest as well as the severity of the impact.
mortality rates resulting from traffic accidents, with high- Vulnerability to injury and death from traffic
income countries in Europe and the Western Pacific having accidents also varies according to the mode of transporta-
the lowest mortality rates (see Table 3).
Mortality rates are high in low- and middle-income
countries despite their relatively low levels of vehicle
ownership and use. The higher number of cars in richer
countries means that potential hazard is high; but risk has
been reduced through road traffic planning, the education
of different road users and emergency response teams.
This observation clearly shows the potential for risk
management to reduce loss from traffic accidents.

Economic impacts
Economic costs of traffic accidents are difficult to calcu-
late, given that there are many indirect impacts to
consider. The WHO estimates that the total economic cost
of traffic accidents is 1 per cent of gross national product
(GNP) for low-income countries, 1.5 per cent in middle-
income countries and 2 per cent in high-income countries.
Low- and middle-income countries lose US$65 billion a
year in traffic accidents, more than they receive in devel-
opment assistance.
Traffic accidents, like other hazards, can tip house-
holds into poverty or collapse. Loss of an economically
productive member can impoverish households, especially
in countries where there is limited or no state support for
Increased use of private cars exacerbates road congestion in
medical treatment or social security for those unable to
work due to accidents. The psychological and financial
© Black Star / Alamy
30 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

Box 8 Risk factors determining incidence and severity of traffic accidents

Factors that contribute to the risk of occurrence of a road crash include:

Exposure: amount of travel undertaken, defined as the number of trips, the distance travelled, or time in the road environment.
Behavioural factors: human behaviour, including the extent of knowledge and understanding of traffic systems, driver experience,
skill and attitudes to risk, and the relationship between risk and factors, such as speed choice and alcohol consumption.
Vehicle factors: vehicle design and safety features, such as braking systems, lighting and tyre quality.
Road environment: road safety engineering and traffic management make a direct contribution to reducing crash risk. Road design
affects road user behaviour and crash risk through the speed that drivers will perceive as appropriate, through detailed design factors
such as curves, gradients and road markings, and through failure to provide facilities for vulnerable road users.

The likelihood of injury occurring is determined by the above factors, but also:

Vulnerable road users: road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorized two-wheeler riders are especially vulnerable to injury
Use of safety devices: these include seat belts and helmet use.
Post-crash medical care: the outcome of a road crash for the victims, in terms of their chance of survival and long-term prognosis,
is affected by the level of available medical care.
Source: Commission for Global Road Safety, 2006

tion used as well as gender and age. In societies with high growth can increase the likelihood of occurrence of traffic
levels of vehicle motorization, vehicle users are most accidents. This is especially the case in many developing
vulnerable to accidents. In middle- and low-income country cities where rapid urbanization and the conse-
countries, vulnerability is highest for unprotected road quent explosion of motorized vehicles, unplanned
users — pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. For settlements and human populations seriously threaten
example, in Nairobi, between 1977 and 1994, 64 per cent road safety. In Europe, urban growth, characterized by
of the road users killed in traffic crashes were pedestri- geographical dispersal of the territory within which inhab-
ans. Studies also show that road traffic mortality rates are itants carry out their daily activities and greater use of
higher among men than women in all world regions, private cars, is thought to increase the risk of traffic
regardless of income level, and also across all age groups. accidents, given the diversity of road uses and increase in
In 2002, 73 per cent of all people who died from road travel, traffic flows and crossings of these flows.
traffic accidents were men. The youth are also highly Across the globe, there is an evident rise in the use
vulnerable to traffic accidents as emphasized during the of motorized forms of transportation in urban areas,
2007 United Nations Global Road Safety Week (23–29 although at differing paces (see Box 9). In particular, with
April). greater affluence, private vehicle ownership and use have
increased in cities around the world. Increased motoriza-
tion is accompanied by a number of negative externalities,
URBANIZATION AND including traffic accidents, congestion and declining use
TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS of public transportation.
Urban poverty and vulnerability to injury from
Urban areas are the main locus of traffic accidents, given
traffic accidents are linked. Although the urban poor have
the concentration there of vehicles, transport infrastruc-
environmentally friendly travel habits through a depend-
ture and people. Uncontrolled and unplanned urban
ence upon non-motorized and public modes of
Small-Scale Hazards: The Case of Road Traffic Accidents
Box 9 Increasing use of the automobile: The case of São Paulo, Brazil

The São Paulo Metropolitan Area has a population of 17 million people. It has experienced not only rapid urban growth over the last
few decades, but also a sixfold increase in its motorized vehicle population between 1970 and 1996. A study of transportation and
traffic accidents in the area (for the period of 1967 to 1997) illustrates how increasing use of automobiles is causing a range of
negative externalities, such as traffic accidents, congestion and pollution, to skyrocket. The sharp rise in the use of private transporta-
tion has been accompanied by a concomitant decrease in the use of public transportation. Results from the study also show increased
individualization of motorized mobility such that between 1987 and 1997 alone 75 per cent of all additional trips were made by car.
Factors thought to have contributed to the increasingly unsustainable changes in the area’s transport systems include
widespread conflict and lack of coordination between institutions concerned with decisions on land use, transport and traffic at both
the federal and local levels. The transformation of the roadway system to accommodate automobile use is also thought to have
increased the vulnerability of pedestrians and non-motorized transportation modes to traffic accidents. Moreover, a lack of integration
between modes of public transportation and the poor and deteriorating quality of public modes of transportation have further
compromised safety.
Source: Vasconcellos, 2005

transportation, they are the main victims of road traffic

accidents. Urban transport systems influence patterns of
vulnerability in that they can force the poor into choosing
high-risk transport options. Indeed, in cities where public
transport has become unreliable, expensive or does not
serve areas of rapidly expanding settlements, privately
owned minibuses, trucks or cars have filled the transport
gap, often without adequate regulation and consideration
of safety measures.

Traffic accidents and subsequent loss are the products of
human behaviour, but also of urban planning and design,
both of which are amenable to development policy. Thus,
efforts to prevent and mitigate the impact of traffic
accidents need to address the multiple risk factors under-
lying those accidents (see Box 10).

Promoting public and non-motorized

Improving the quality and functioning of public transport
can enhance road safety and thereby reduce traffic Bicycles offer an environmentally friendly and cost-effective
accidents. Mass forms of transportation not only reduce form of transportation in cities
negative externalities of greater motorization, but are able © Barry Mason / Alamy
32 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

to deliver high-quality mass transportation at a cost that is cent, fatalities by 55 per cent and injuries by 76 per cent.
affordable to most municipalities, including those of low- Rationalizing road space allocation by accommodat-
income countries. One example is the bus rapid transit ing commonly used forms of transportation, such as two-
system which is growing in popularity globally, especially and three-wheeled vehicles and non-motorized transport,
in Asia, South America and Europe. may help to reduce traffic accidents. In particular, road
Yet, transport planning too often overlooks the designs need to take into account the needs of pedestri-
needs of the majority of urban residents for whom non- ans, bicyclists and public transport vehicles so as to reduce
motorized and public transport may be the norm. Instead, risks for all road users.
planning models itself on a vision of the city that is firmly
tied to the motorcar, such that the needs of pedestrians
Land-use planning
and cyclists come second to those of motorized transport.
For a large majority of the urban poor in developing Integrated land-use and transport planning may also
countries, public transportation and non-motorized trans- contribute to reducing traffic accidents by minimizing the
port are the only affordable means of travel. For instance, number and length of journeys taken. Where safe
in India, buses account for 90 per cent of all transport in workplaces and residential and recreational land uses are
cities. However, the state of public transportation systems in close proximity, non-motorized transport or short
in developing countries, often poorly constructed and journeys by car and bus are more likely. This also has a
maintained and heavily burdened by excessive overload- knock-on effect in reducing atmospheric pollution and
ing, is itself a risk factor contributing to the rising greenhouse gas emissions and provides a framework for
incidence of traffic accidents. community-building. Singapore, for example, has success-
fully cut car journeys and alleviated severe traffic
congestion through an integrated land-use and transport
Safer transport infrastructure
Road infrastructure design — in terms of road networks,
mix of types of traffic and types of safety measures —
Promoting safe behaviour
determines the likelihood of traffic accidents occurring in
urban areas. Road design and facilities influence driver Promoting behavioural changes can reduce people’s
behaviour through amenities such as curves, gradients, exposure to traffic hazards. This involves, among others,
road markings and the provision of facilities for vulnerable interventions seeking to enhance driver skills and train-
road users. Speed bumps on a major highway in Ghana ing, to reduce impaired driving and to promote the use of
(Accra–Kumasi) for example reduced crashes by 35 per safety equipment. Driver training and licensing are impor-

Box 10 Reducing road traffic injuries: The experience of high-income countries

Fatalities from road traffic accidents rose rapidly in high-income countries during the 1950s and 1960s, following rapid motorization,
eventually peaking in the 1970s. Since the 1980s and 1990s, injuries have been reduced in many of these countries by as much as 50
per cent, despite continued traffic growth. This has been attributed to a shift from focusing on ‘behaviour’ alone to safety systems such
as good road and vehicle design and traffic management. A combination of measures has been taken by high-income countries to
reduce road injuries, including:

• Safe road users: enforcement of laws to moderate the behaviour of drivers, such as speed limits, drink-driving laws, seat belt-
use laws and helmet-use laws, have been very effective.
• Safer vehicles: improvements in vehicle design have increased the chances of survival in motor vehicle crashes.
• Safer road infrastructure: engineering measures such as signs, lane separation, pedestrian crossings and traffic-calming
measures have helped to reduce road traffic causalities.
Source: Commission for Global Road Safety, 2006
Small-Scale Hazards: The Case of Road Traffic Accidents
tant forms of promoting safe behaviour. Education and
legislation are both instrumental in increasing the use of
safety equipment in vehicles.
A recent global review indicates the role of impair-
ment leading to dangerous driving as a cause of traffic
accidents. Driver impairment may be the result of a
number of factors, such as alcohol or drug consumption,
injury, infirmity, fatigue, the natural ageing process and
distractions such as mobile phone use, or a combination
of these factors. A study in Colombia found that 34 per
cent of driver fatalities are associated with alcohol. In
Sweden, the detection of illicit drugs among fatally injured
drivers rose significantly between 2000 and 2002.
Legislation prohibiting drinking and driving is
included in most countries’ traffic laws; but enforcement
is lacking and public awareness is poor. Political will is
needed if the scope of education, legislation and enforce-
ment is to reach beyond drink-driving to include other
causes of impairment, such as fatigue, and new causes of
distraction, such as mobile phone use.

Accident response and recovery

First responses are critical in reducing loss from traffic
accidents. Trained first-aiders not only save lives, but also
prevent unnecessary injury sustained through inappropri- Enforcing traffic regulations remains a challenge in many
ate action taken following an accident. Such capacity to cities
respond to traffic accident injury and to minimize bodily © The Image Works / TopFoto
harm varies according to levels of economic development.
Death before arrival at the hospital can be as high as 80
Evidence suggests that partnerships between
per cent among traffic accident victims in low and middle-
community groups, civil society and organizations and the
income countries. As with disaster preparedness work, the
police can help in enforcing traffic regulations. More
piggybacking of transport first-aid skills onto more estab-
broadly, four different kinds of community involvement in
lished public service or civil society delivery programmes
road traffic policing have been identified:
is cost-effective.
• partnerships between community groups and local
Traffic management authorities to help identify road hazards;
• volunteer traffic wardens and school patrols;
Basic traffic regulations and signage to manage traffic are
• formal partnerships between the police and citizen
essential instruments for enhancing road safety.
groups (here, citizens partner police in road traffic
Enforcement of such regulations however remains a key
monitoring exercises);
challenge in cities worldwide. The effectiveness of traffic
• higher political attention to advocacy for road safety.
regulation enforcement in promoting road safety has
been documented in several low- and middle-income
34 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

Building institutions and awareness for have developed road safety policies. In October 2005, the
road safety United Nations adopted a historic resolution on ‘Improving
global road safety’ in recognition of the limited capabili-
Sensitizing road users as well as relevant decision makers
ties of developing countries and countries with economies
about the causes and consequences of traffic accidents and
in transition to address road safety concerns and the need
relevant risk reduction strategies is essential for improv-
for international cooperation. This led to a call for a Global
ing road safety. Once available, information on traffic
Road Safety Week, the first of which was held in April
accidents needs to be communicated to relevant actors
2007 in order to raise awareness of road safety concerns.
through appropriate and effective media. Engaging multi-
Furthermore, the WHO was mandated to coordinate road
ple stakeholders is particularly essential in raising
safety issues across United Nations agencies and with
awareness and institutionalizing road safety among all road
other international partners through the United Nations
users, but especially among drivers of motorized vehicles.
Road Safety Collaboration. Since its establishment, this
Implementation of road safety measures and
initiative has been active in the areas of data collection
policies requires institutional capacity and resources,
and research, technical support provision, advocacy and
which may be absent in poorer cities and countries.
policy, and resource mobilization.
Moreover, problems of coordination between different
A number of other initiatives illustrate the atten-
governmental bodies at various levels and with private-
tion that road traffic accidents are receiving
sector operators of transport services pose a serious
internationally. For instance, the World Bank’s Global Road
challenge for cities of developing countries.
Safety Facility, launched in November 2005, intends to
generate increased funding and technical assistance for
Improving traffic accident data collection initiatives aimed at reducing deaths and injuries in low-
and middle-income countries. Such international support
Traffic deaths and injuries remain largely invisible to
and cooperation remain vital for the reduction of road
society and policy makers because they are mostly
traffic accidents, especially in developing countries.
scattered individual events with low impact. This is exacer-
bated by a lack of capacity to collect and compile traffic
accident data, especially in developing countries. CONCLUDING REMARKS
More work is needed to help understand the full
Traffic accidents are the most significant cause of injury
economic costs of road crashes and to assess performance
and death associated with small-scale hazards in urban
of policies aimed at reducing traffic accident risk. Policy
areas. Global trends indicate that the incidence and
assessments could combine accident statistics with other
impacts of traffic accidents will increase by 2020 if no
performance indicators, especially those that can be
action is taken. High-income countries will experience a
targeted at improving vulnerable road user safety.
decline in road traffic accident fatalities, while other
regions will experience a phenomenal increase in mortal-
INTERNATIONAL ity from road traffic accidents. The magnitude of loss both
in terms of human life and economic assets is substantial
COOPERATION IN ROAD although this varies greatly across countries, cities and
SAFETY PROMOTION within cities. Given that a variety of interrelated factors
determine the incidence and severity of traffic accidents,
A major advancement in the road safety agenda over the
risk reduction requires action on a number of fronts
last decade has been the growing number of United
combining legislation, enforcement and public education.
Nations, multilateral and bilateral donor organizations that



This chapter examines future policy directions in disaster degree. However, the importance of integrating risk reduc-
risk reduction. It reviews policies that can contribute tion in safeguarding gains from disaster loss has become
towards effective disaster preparedness and prevention increasingly apparent.
and improved processes of relief, recovery and reconstruc- During 2001, a road map for the implementation of
tion post-disaster. Policies and practices at the city, the United Nations Millennium Declaration highlighted
national, regional and international levels are identified, the importance of disaster risk reduction. In 2005, a
and the factors underlying their success examined. review of progress towards meeting the MDGs indicated
that disasters are a serious impediment to meeting the
MDGs. It thus called for the mainstreaming of risk reduc-
INTERNATIONAL tion strategies within MDG-based poverty reduction
FRAMEWORKS FOR strategies.
The Habitat Agenda
Increasing numbers of people and resources based in
urban locations, and growing numbers of people affected The 1996 Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements
by disasters, have led to the integration of the disaster risk endorses ‘the universal goals of ensuring adequate shelter
reduction agenda in major international frameworks of for all and making human settlements safer, healthier and
action. more liveable, equitable, sustainable and productive’. The
Habitat Agenda is the sister document to the Istanbul
Declaration and the main political document directing
The Millennium Development Goals
international work on urban development. The integrated
approach to urbanization presented in the Habitat Agenda
The MDGs provide an international framework for devel- is entirely compatible with disaster risk reduction. The
opment work that extends to disaster management. Habitat Agenda includes disaster risk reduction among its
Disaster risk reduction cuts across each of the eight commitments for action (see Box 11) and outlines several
MDGs, but is not identified as a separate target for action. recommendations covering various aspects of risk reduc-
This has reduced the visibility of risk reduction to some tion.
36 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

Box 11 The Habitat Agenda: International commitments for action to reduce urban disaster risk

The following commitments directly address disaster risk reduction. Many other commitments for action impact indirectly upon
vulnerability and risk through targeting urban poverty, infrastructure and service provision, pollution, land-use planning and urban

Commitment 40 (l):
Promoting shelter and supporting basic services and facilities for education and health for the homeless, displaced persons,
indigenous people, women and children who are survivors of family violence, persons with disabilities, older persons, victims of
natural and man-made disasters and people belonging to vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, including temporary shelter and
basic services for refugees.

Commitment 43 (z):
Preventing man-made disasters, including major technological disasters, by ensuring adequate regulatory and other measures to
avoid their occurrence, and reducing the impacts of natural disasters and other emergencies on human settlements, inter alia,
through appropriate planning mechanisms and resources for rapid people-centred responses that promote a smooth transition
from relief, through rehabilitation, to reconstruction and development, taking into account cultural and sustainable dimensions;
and rebuilding disaster-affected settlements in a manner that reduces future disaster-related risks and makes the rebuilt settle-
ments accessible to all.

The Hyogo Framework for Action, Integrating disaster risk reduction into
2005–2015 urban development
International action for disaster risk reduction is given Progress is being made in bringing together urban devel-
further direction by the Hyogo Framework for Action, opment, disaster risk reduction and humanitarian action.
2005–2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and For instance, UN-Habitat, the leading United Nations
Communities to Disaster. The framework identifies five agency for human settlements issues, has developed a
general priorities for action including national and local conceptual Framework for Sustainable Relief and
level prioritization of disaster risk reduction, strengthen- Reconstruction. The Framework identifies future opportu-
ing of early warning systems, building a culture of safety nities for working with the international community, local
and resilience, reduction of risk factors built into develop- authorities and communities in integrating disaster risk
ment and enhancing preparedness and response. reduction and urban development.
The Hyogo Framework recognizes unplanned urban- Yet, key challenges to a more integrated and sustain-
ization as a key factor driving increasing global able approach persist, perpetuated by institutional
vulnerability and losses to natural and human-made disas- structures at all levels. Failure to integrate risk reduction
ters. Plans for implementing the Hyogo Framework have and urban development has been attributed to overly
been agreed and explicitly acknowledge the need to break specialized training, which serves to compartmentalize
the negative spiral of poverty, accelerated urbanization, disaster management and urban planning, rather than
environmental degradation and disaster. A survey of foster a culture of interdisciplinarity. At the national level,
progress in this regard in 2006 indicates that some good legal structures for risk reduction and urban planning are
progress has already been made. A total of 60 governments frequently separate, absent or lack national–municipal
have designated focal points with responsibility for imple- collaboration. Potential for developing more integrated,
menting the framework and 40 countries have reported interdisciplinary risk reduction projects is further limited
concrete disaster risk reduction activities. by donors’ separate budget lines for development and
emergency relief.
Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters
Data collection, management and analysis
Data on hazards, risks and vulnerability improves the
evidence base for effective land-use planning. In particu-
lar, for long-term analysis of trends in vulnerability and
impacts, regular and consistent data collection systems are
required. Technological innovation is providing new oppor-
tunities for the collection and use of such data. In recent
years, advances in GIS have greatly enhanced physical
hazard mapping and analysis.
Yet, the integration of socio-economic and environ-
mental variables within GIS models, risk maps and analysis
Technological innovation has greatly improved disaster remains a challenge. Data collection systems managed by
mapping and analysis local municipalities may enable better integration of socio-
© SCPhotos / Alamy
economic and environmental data into GIS and risk
models. Participatory GIS (P-GIS), which seeks to involve
communities in the production of spatial hazards data, may
Ways beyond the impasse in communication between also be useful in this regard. The application of P-GIS has
disaster management and urban development profession- however been limited in cities of middle- and low-income
als are opening up; but more work is needed. International countries due to scarce human resources and technical
organizations, as well as national and local governments, capacity.
can develop internal mechanisms to foster interaction
between these practitioner communities.
Cost–benefit analysis
Cost–benefit analysis can aid land-use decision making for
RISK REDUCTION risk reduction. Where cost–benefit analysis has been
THROUGH LAND-USE undertaken, it has illustrated empirically the cost-effec-
tiveness of investing in risk reduction. For instance, the
PLANNING World Bank and US Geological Survey calculated that
Effective land-use planning requires evidence-based and economic losses worldwide from disasters during the
transparent decision making. Strong governance systems, 1990s could have been reduced by US$20 billion if US$40
legal instruments and capacity for oversight and enforce- million had been invested in mitigation and preparedness.
ment are also necessary to support implementation of In China, investments of US$3.15 billion in flood control
land-use planning. Inclusive governance systems which measures over 40 years are believed to have averted poten-
include local voices and support decentralized leadership tial losses of US$12 billion. Yet, cost–benefit analysis is
are more effective for land-use planning than overly still not routinely used to determine the comparative
centralized regimes, especially where rapid urbanization advantage of investing in disaster prevention, prepared-
has stretched enforcement capacity. ness and mitigation infrastructure investments.
Land-use planning for risk reduction is faced with a The variable frequency and severity of natural and
number of challenges, including the proliferation of slums, human-made hazard events and any associated human
inheritance of risks resulting from past planning decisions, disasters present a challenge to cost–benefit analysis.
risk factors in the city’s hinterland and global level risk Cost–benefit analysis also requires putting a monetary
factors. Innovations in the areas of data collection, value on all costs and benefits, including human life and
management and analysis, decision-support tools and insti- injuries. This is a challenge for any comparative assess-
tutional reform may improve the effectiveness of land-use ment between places with different land uses — for
planning. example, in attempting to measure relative returns from
an investment that increases security in a business
38 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

district or a low-income housing area. Moreover, ter-proofing. Professional bodies have begun to develop
methods for valuing human life and other intangibles guidelines for good practice in designing disaster-resilient
such as environmental quality are hotly contested. Part critical infrastructure and this offers a great potential for
of the solution to this is not to use cost–benefit analysis information exchange and refinements, in practice, to
as a stand-alone tool to determine decisions, but rather reduce risk.
to provide supporting evidence for decision making
alongside other non-economic inputs.
Aid agencies and construction oversight
Multilateral and bilateral development aid agencies can
Institutional reform
influence the location, timing and content of investments
Appropriate institutional arrangements define the relation- in infrastructure through their stated policy priorities.
ships, responsibilities and power of stakeholders in However, these agencies often do not have their own
disaster and its management. Many cities have a solid base guidelines or engineering standards and procedures with
of legislation for urban risk management, including legisla- which to ensure that investments are disaster-resistant.
tion to enforce land-use planning, construction standards Rather, this service is decentralized and local standards
and industrial risk management. The challenge is to imple- and practices are used. Donors usually view the responsi-
ment and enforce legislation. It is at the level of national bility for construction standards as resting with
legislation for disaster management policy and planning governments. This lack of oversight in construction
where there is most scope for clarifying legislation that through social investment funds suggests an area for
can support city level planning. future policy consideration.
The movement from managing risk through
emergency relief and response towards a more proactive
pre-disaster orientation requires institutional change.
Urban- and national-level legislative reform has usefully Retrofitting can offer a way of improving the resilience of
engaged with international forums for risk reduction. The a city’s buildings. However, despite the small marginal
Habitat Agenda, which promotes the need to improve the costs of retrofitting in most instances, where works are
quality of human settlements through solidarity, coopera- perceived by owners to be unduly disruptive, they are
tion and partnerships, and the United Nations unlikely to be entered into voluntarily. Similarly, if costs of
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), retrofitting are considered to be high in relation to
which can act to provide information on good practice or perceived risk, voluntary action will be limited. Where
facilitate South–South learning, are examples of this. building owners are not prepared to retrofit buildings,
Regional cooperation can be similarly useful in promoting tenants have little power and are often denied rights to
successful reform and implementation of risk reduction in invest in the upgrading of the property they rent.
urban planning. The Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation
Programme and the African Urban Risk Analysis Network
Indigenous buildings
have been instrumental in sharing information on risk
reduction and building communities of practice for urban Non-engineered or indigenous structures are dominant in
professionals working on risk reduction in their respective many cities around the world. In many disasters, it is the
regions. non-engineered or indigenous buildings that are most
damaged and that kill the most people. Indigenous styles
are not of themselves inherently dangerous. Under rapid
DESIGNING DISASTER- urbanization, however, the majority of such structures
RESISTANT BUILDINGS have not been built to adequate safety standards.
Additional knowledge is a necessary component of
AND INFRASTRUCTURE a comprehensive strategy for improving the quality of
Technological and engineering expertise is available in indigenous buildings, most of which are constructed
most cities to design buildings and infrastructure for disas- outside the formal housing and planning systems. In
Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters
addition to a lack of knowledge, indigenous housing is well as from the top down (being accurate and effective
made unsafe by a lack of financial resources and the with their use of information). The fusion of top-down
number of competing demands on household budgets, scientific and bottom-up people-centred approaches can
many of which require more immediate attention than maximize the trust that those at risk place in the system.
disaster risk-proofing. Not only the message but also the messenger needs to be
trusted for people to take action.
The challenge of cities
Universities and technical institutes have long been at the
forefront of disaster risk reduction through research and Urban settlements offer opportunities as well as
teaching on design aspects for disaster-resilient cities. But challenges for early warning. The density of settlement
more can be done. There are opportunities for integrating and strength of social relations in cities indicate that early
disaster awareness within curricula, even for non-special- warning and preparedness will diffuse quickly. This obser-
ist degrees. This is a mechanism for fostering awareness vation is more difficult to maintain in cities that are home
of disaster risk reduction as a cross-cutting concern for all to diverse migrant communities, or where social class and
seeking careers in urban development, engineering design, demographic factors can cause some to be isolated from
project management, housing and urban planning. mainstream society. Linguistic barriers, poverty and
lifestyle habits also mean that access to messages commu-
nicated through the mainstream media is limited.
Climate change, buildings and infrastruc-
Cities often face multiple hazards and present a
ture design
complex distribution of vulnerabilities and capacities. This
Climate change is expected to affect urban populations presents a challenge for early warning, which has devel-
through rising sea levels, increased hazard from tropical oped as a linear science where single hazard types are
cyclones, flooding, landslides, heat and cold spells, as well monitored. The integration of multiple hazard monitoring
as challenges of urban water quality and storage. Such systems is a current challenge for urban disaster risk
changing physical parameters necessitate adaptation in managers.
building and infrastructure design. To be successful,
adaptations must be consistent with economic develop-
Knowledge for action
ment, environmentally and socially sustainable over time,
and equitable. However, uncertainty in forecasting and a Experience shows that, following a warning, in order for
tendency for conservative estimates of future change make action to be effective, knowledge on what preparedness
it difficult to identify design targets for adaptation. actions to take is needed by people at risk and emergency
services. Public information campaigns can seek to address
the needs of the general population and have dedicated
STRENGTHENING EARLY strategies for reaching less accessible social groups — for
WARNING SYSTEMS example, by presenting material in multiple languages.
Successful public information campaigns also often
The greatest challenge for effective early warning is to link
include working with key community groups to dissemi-
existing technical capacity with people-centred approaches
nate messages, and to build, in advance, the cooperative
which ensure that early warnings are communicated and
relationships that are the bedrock of an effective disaster
acted on in a timely manner.
response. The media can also be very helpful in educating
the public on disaster preparedness and recovery
Integrating ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ programmes after disaster strikes.
approaches Participatory risk mapping can enhance action in
the face of disaster by enabling local actors to acquire and
Connecting technical expertise to people at risk requires
share information with one another and external actors to
that early warning systems are built from the bottom up
help identify where vulnerable people, such as the frail or
(sensitive to the contexts in which they will be useful), as
40 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

isolated elderly, live. Moreover, participatory risk mapping ment with more decentralized planning and programming
can be used to identify local resources, including evacua- that builds on pre-disaster risk reduction.
tion routes and buildings that can be converted into public
Speed and sustainability in shelter
IMPROVING EMERGENCY A long-standing tension in reconstruction is between the
RESPONSE AND demands of delivering basic needs, including shelter,
quickly, and the desire for sustainability, which requires
RECONSTRUCTION greater participation and a longer time commitment. The
Urban areas offer specific challenges for emergency disconnection between shelter reconstruction and devel-
response and recovery, including the existence of settle- opment is perhaps also partly a reason for the many
ments outside the formal and legal system, inadequate instances where temporary shelter is not replaced and
public services and high risk of secondary disasters. becomes, de facto, permanent. In Santo Domingo (the
Synchronizing response efforts between different urban Dominican Republic), public confidence in the ability of
sectors, especially critical services, remains problematic, the state to adequately deliver reconstruction following
although innovative approaches are already in place in Hurricane Georges in 1998 was severely undermined by
some places (see Box 12). Emergency response in cities the knowledge that many still remained in ‘temporary’
can be enhanced through the mobilization of redundant housing built after Hurricane David struck in 1979.
resources such as medical stock, temporary accommoda- An awareness of the opportunity for shelter provi-
tion, equipment, and mobile water and sanitation units. sion to contribute to longer-term development has
In terms of post-disaster recovery, building back stimulated some reappraisal by humanitarian and develop-
better to reduce risk and integrate development within ment agencies of the processes through which shelter is
reconstruction is absolutely necessary, but remains a provided. It is important that, as far as possible, people
significant challenge. Future improvements in both recov- whose homes have been lost or damaged are allowed to
ery and reconstruction might come from approaches that participate in shelter provision programmes in the post-
build on local and national capacities, and which experi- disaster period. This saves costs, provides a mechanism for

Box 12 Integrated Urban Emergency Response Centre, Nanning, China

Nanning City is located in southwest China, with a population of 1.7 million and a built area of 170 square kilometres. The city has
experienced rapid urbanization over the last decade, with its population growing by 172 per cent. This has been accompanied by
increased threats to safety and security, including from natural and human-made disasters. The old emergency response system,
characterized by fragmented agencies, was poorly adapted to the changing environment of the city. Thus, the city established an
Emergency Response Centre, a successful example of an integrated emergency response system.
The Centre, the first of its kind in China, started to provide emergency services in November 2001 by integrating telephone
calls for the police, fire and ambulance services. It also responds to traffic accident incidents and provides a Mayor’s Hot Line. Other
emergency response systems are also in place for flood, earthquake, water, electricity and gas supplies. To prevent emergencies and
disasters, and to minimize their impact, the Centre has prepared numerous prevention and emergency response programmes for
natural disasters, public health, management of dangerous chemicals, housing safety, school safety and public space safety. This Centre,
consisting of 15 subunits, has numerous technical capabilities, including the immediate identification of the exact location of incoming
emergency calls as well as required rescue resources. It also has the capacity to set up temporary command stations at emergency
The Centre has improved the overall efficiency and coverage of emergency responses in the city, particularly rescue services.
The experience of the Centre shows that a municipal government can successfully mobilize stakeholders and use modern technolo-
gies to create a safer living environment for its residents.
Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters
transferring new or improved construction skills and can
bolster the local economy. Moreover, the participation of
beneficiaries in shelter reconstruction enhances the appro-
priateness of housing. Flexibility in design is also
necessary to allow structures to be adapted to meet a
variety of cultural needs and expectations.
Where settlements have suffered great damage or
been shown, through disaster, to be at unacceptable levels
of hazard exposure, settlement planning and, in extreme
cases, relocation will still be required. This opens a rare
opportunity for progressive land use and strengthening of
tenure security, including the extension of basic services Ensuring the long-term sustainability of shelter is a key
for those people who may previously have lived on the challenge for disaster reconstruction
margins of urban life. However, it is commonplace for © TopFoto / Caro
landownership to be disputed in the aftermath of a disas-
ter, which is made worse by a lack of documentation or The uptake of risk transfer understandably remains low in
the destruction of local public offices that held records. developing countries, as insurance demand generally rises
with per capita income (up to a certain level). Even in
Insurance and urban reconstruction developed countries, insurance cover for loss from disas-
ters may be restricted, as illustrated in the aftermath of
Putting financial mechanisms in place before a disaster the Kobe earthquake in 1995 (see Box 13). Recently,
strikes can enable a more speedy and independent recov- however, a number of novel schemes have been imple-
ery. Innovations in financial aspects of risk management mented or are under implementation. These include, at
have been most active around the potential for insurance the macro level, private–public insurance partnerships
and risk offsetting through hedge funds at the national and administered together with national governments, inter-
international levels, and through the potential offered by national financial institutions and the private sector, and
micro-insurance at the household and individual levels. risk transfer for public liabilities.

Box 13 Insurance policies and disaster loss in Kobe, Japan

In 1995, the Kobe earthquake in Japan caused over US$100 billion in damage and resulted in the destruction of 150,000 buildings.
Insured losses, however, were limited to around US$6 billion. The absence of a comprehensive insurance cover in this wealthy country
is a consequence of the restrictive provisions of the national insurance sector and several key features of Japanese insurance policies:

• Basic homeowners’ fire insurance policies do not cover fires resulting from earthquakes.
• Owners may purchase a limited earthquake rider, with the indemnity covering 30 to 50 per cent of the structure’s replacement
value, up to a maximum of US$100,000.
• Claims were categorized into three groups: total loss, half loss and less than half. If damage was categorized as half loss, payout
would be 15 to 20 per cent of the replacement value.
• Contents were not covered unless they were totally destroyed.

In addition to the specificities of these insurance policies, only 7 per cent of homeowners nationally have such earthquake riders, and
at the time of the earthquake in Kobe, coverage was less than 3 per cent of homeowners. During reconstruction, lack of insurance
may well have contributed to the economic pressures that led some homeowners, especially the poor and elderly, to join many
renters in moving from high-value city centre property. The result was a movement of property from vulnerable groups into the
speculation sector, with potential impacts on land use and values that could, in turn, reduce land and housing access and equity in the
42 Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters: Policy Directions

Micro-insurance can assist poorer urban residents contribute towards gaps, overlaps and competition
to meet their immediate needs during and after a disaster between agencies on the ground. This leads to losses in
through emergency loans or the release of savings. It can the efficiency and equity of programmes and can under-
also support clients in reconstruction through helping mine local governance structures.
businesses where productive assets or stock have been If reconstruction and development are to be
lost, or for repairs to be done on homes. However, post- genuinely linked, then those involved in reconstruction
disaster loans are riskier than those provided in stable need to think hard about who sets the agenda, and about
times, thus requiring greater focus by the lenders on how best their actions can contribute to local and national
clients’ cash flow, collateral, credit history and personal visions and plans for development.
Revisiting governance for relief and
In the last 25 years, coordination has become a prominent
feature of multilateral assistance during and after AND POLICIES
emergencies. Contemporary relief and reconstruction
Building resilience into urban development is a challenge
operations are large in scope and include numerous
that requires the application of participatory and inclusive
agencies responding to a broad range of needs. While the
strategies. The task of participatory and inclusive strate-
United Nations system and large international non-govern-
gies is to identify what every actor and asset in the city
mental organizations have developed coordination
can contribute to shape and implement sound disaster risk
architecture, codes and practice, a multitude of small and
management. Awareness-raising through education and
sometimes temporary civil society actors lie outside of
the participation of the private sector may also enhance
these arrangements and lines of accountability.
the inclusiveness of disaster management within urban
For coordination to be successful, an underlying
development planning.
tension between two directions of accountability for inter-
mediary humanitarian actors needs to be resolved. First,
and most important, is downward accountability to the Inclusive planning
survivors of disaster. Second is accountability to donors or
Inclusive planning opens space for the incorporation of
the government agencies, private companies or individu-
local actors within disaster preparedness, relief and recon-
als who provide funds for specific work to be undertaken.
struction projects. It enables multiple stakeholders to be
Tensions set up by these necessary lines of accountability
brought together to generate more open and transparent
planning processes. Local conflicts following a disaster,
such as those over land rights, can also be mediated
through the use of inclusive approaches. Inclusive
planning can also enable the identification of local
resources for disaster preparedness, response and recon-
struction. Moreover, inclusive planning can be
instrumental in citizen empowerment by opening political
debate about wider questions of justice, morality and
rights in risk management decision making.
Although inclusive planning is often criticized for
requiring more time and resources, it can increase time
and cost-effectiveness through transparent decision
Clear structures of operation and accountability are neces- making which reduces conflict and facilitates access to
sary for successful disaster relief local knowledge. Inclusive planning is also thought to
© TopFoto / Image Works focus on inherently local initiatives which contribute in a
Mitigating the Impacts of Disasters
limited way to larger structural concerns. However, delib-
erative techniques can enable participation to feed into
policy decisions.

Education for awareness-raising and

Education provides a key resource to make risk reduction
strategies more inclusive. In the 2006–2007 period, the
ISDR’s ‘World Campaign on Disaster Risk Reduction’ aimed
to lobby for the integration of disaster risk reduction in
school curricula of high-risk countries. Indeed, a very
recent review of the potential of education systems to Inclusion of disaster-related issues in school curricula
raise awareness and skills for disaster risk reduction raises risk-reduction awareness and skills
reports that many school curricula already focus on
© Ulrich Doering / Alamy
hazards through earth science, and also practise prepared-
ness and drills; but few schools integrate the two and few
develop their own local curriculum to reflect local risk a growing number of companies going beyond offering
contexts. advice to providing financial incentives and training for
Informal education also offers a key opportunity for safe construction and disaster response. There are also a
empowering those at risk, not only children, but adults small number of global engineering and urban planning
too. Informal education can be promoted alongside formal companies that have provided services as part of a corpo-
services, where these exist, to target vulnerable groups rate social responsibility package during reconstruction.
who may be excluded from formal education through Strategies for encouraging corporate social respon-
poverty or social inequality. Two successful pathways are sibility for risk reduction might include partnerships
to develop community and popular media programmes. between business and humanitarian actors. Where this
Opportunities for combining popular media with local relationship already exists, there is some evidence that
activities perhaps offer the greatest scope for informal business has recognized the strategic value of supporting
education to reduce risk. risk reduction.

Including the private sector CONCLUDING REMARKS

The private sector is a major actor in shaping the opportu- This chapter has examined core pathways through which
nities and risks of urban life. Public–private partnerships resilience to disaster risk is, and can be, strengthened in
and foreign direct investment have increased the stake and cities. For all aspects of disaster risk reduction, inclusive
responsibility of international capital in urban infrastruc- and participatory strategies and policies can offer scope
ture provision and economic development. Despite this for building empowerment, self-reliance and accountabil-
growing influence, there is little evidence of a proactive ity among those who make decisions, strengthening the
engagement with disaster risk reduction among private resilience of communities and cities. There are many
sector organizations that goes beyond charity donations examples of partnerships, including local or national
for recovery. government and civil society; but the private sector also
The business case for involvement in disaster risk has much to offer. This potential has not yet been realized
reduction is largely built upon corporate social responsi- in urban risk reduction, with corporate social responsibil-
bility. The most active industrial sector is insurance, with ity being limited to emergency relief.
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