Lec 3 - Genetic of Microbs
Lec 3 - Genetic of Microbs
Lec 3 - Genetic of Microbs
Microbial Genetics
◼ Genetics is the science of heredity;
it includes the study of what genes
are, how they carry information, how
they are replicated and passed to
subsequent generations of cells or
passed between organisms, and how
the expression of their information
within an organism determines the
particular characteristics of that
◼ The genetic information in a cell is called the genome.
◼ A bacterial cell's genome includes its chromosome and plasmid.
Chromosomes are structures containing DNA that physically carry
hereditary information.
◼ The chromosomes contain the genes. Genes are segments of DNA
(except in some viruses, in which they are made of RNA) that code
◼ DNA is a macromolecule composed of repeating units called
◼ Nucleotide consists of a nucleobase (adenine, thymine, cytosine.
or guanine), deoxyribose (a pentose sugar), and a phosphate
group. The DNA in a cell looks like long strands of nucleotides
twisted together in pairs to form a double helix.
Mutation Recombination
◼ Mutation is a stable inherited change in the
properties of a microorganism (morphological,
cultural, biochemical, biological, etc.), which is not
associated with the recombination process. Mutation
which occurs in the nucleoid and is determined by a
definite region (nucleotide) of the DNA molecule, and
cytoplasmic mutation, i. e. inherited changes which
take place in the cytoplasm and are transmitted by
the cytoplasmic structures, are distinguished.
Bacteriophage (phage) are
obligate intracellular
parasites that multiply inside
bacteria by making use of
some or all of the host
biosynthetic machinery (i.e.,
viruses that infect bacteria.)
What is a Bacteriophage ?
◼ Viruses that attack bacteria
◼ Non-self replicating
◼ Made up of mostly proteins and DNA
◼ Bacterial specific
◼ Able to infect most group of bacteria
◼ Isolated from soil, water, sewage and
most bacterial living zones
◼ Number of progenies in a cell: 50-200
◼ Inject their genome into host cell
• Lytic cycle (virulent)
• Lysogenic cycle (temperate)
13 Bacteriophage families
Double stranded DNA, Double stranded
Enveloped DNA, Non-enveloped
P2 SIRV 1, 2
T2 Plasmaviridae
Fuselloviridae SSV1
λ Tectiviridae TTV1