Herbal Meds
Herbal Meds
Herbal Meds
1.Republic Act number 8423 is otherwise known as The Traditional and Alternative
Medicine Act (TAMA) of 1997. It encompasses the traditional and alternative health care
which is the sum total of knowledge, skills and practices on health care, other than those embodied in biomedicine, used
in the prevention, diagnosis and elimination of physical or mental disorders.
• Alternative health care modalities - other forms of non-allopathic- (therapeutic approaches that include diet, herbs,
metals, minerals, precious stones and their combinations as well as non-drug therapies) occasionally non-indigenous or
imported healing methods, though not necessarily practiced for centuries nor handed down from one generation to
another; Some alternative health care modalities include reflexology, acupressure, chiropractic, nutritional therapy, and
other similar methods.
• Herbal medicines - finished, labelled, medicinal products that contain as active ingredient/s serial or underground
part/s of plant or other materials or combination thereof, whether in the crude state or as plant preparations.
Being aware that there are laws which guide us nurses on the use of alternative modalities, we must make use of our
available resources then to maintain our wellness or to treat illnesses that can be addressed through alternative modes.
Let us promote wellness by maximizing the availability of our herbal plants.
The WHO published a report on national policies on traditional medicine and regulation of herbal medicines. Traditional
and complementary medicine (T&CM) was strengthened and flourished in the member states hence they developed
policies, laws,regulations, programs and offices for T&CM eventually covering the products, practices and practitioners
of T&CM. Further contributes Universal Health Care (UHC) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) through primary
health care delivery. The Philippine government, through its research institute, made research to come up with herbal
medicines which are proven to be effective. Included in the research are the parts of the plants to be used, preparation,
usage, the dosage, and do's and don'ts.
Here are the ten (10) medicinal plants that the Department of Health (DOH)
Through its "Traditional Health Program" have endorsed. All ten (10) herbs have been thoroughly tested and have been
clinically proven to have medicinal value in the relief and treatment of various ailments. to facilitate your learning. They
are called the "Sampung Halamang Gamot". You can easily recall them with the mnemonic LUBBY SANTA or SANTA
1. Lagundi (Vitex negundo) - known in English as the "5-leaved chaste tree". It's main use is for the relief of coughs and
2. Ulasimang Bato |Pansit-Pansitan (Peperomia pellucida) - It is effective in fighting arthritis and gout. The leaves can
be eaten fresh (about a cupful) as salad or like tea. For the decoction, boil a cup of clean chopped leaves in 2 cups of
water. Boil for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain, let cool and drink a cup after meals (3 times a day).
3. Bawang (Allium sativum) - popularly known as "garlic", It mainly reduces cholesterol in the blood and hence, helps
control blood pressure.
4. Bayabas (Psidium guajava) - "guava" in English. The leaves are primarily used as an antiseptic, to disinfect wounds.
Also, it can be used as a mouthwash to treat tooth decay and gum infection.
5. Yerba Buena (Clinopodium douglasii) - commonly known as Peppermint, This vine is used as an analgesic to relieve
body aches and pain. It can be taken internally as a decoction or externally by pounding the leaves and applied directly
on the afflicted area.
6. Sambong (Blumea balsamifera)- English name: Blumea camphora. A diuretic that helps in the excretion of urinary
stones. It can also be used as an edema.
7. Akapulko (Cassia alata) "bayabasbayabasan" and "ringworm bush" in English treat ringworms and skin fungal
8. Niyog-niyogan (Quisqualis indica L.) - is a vine known as "Chinese honeysuckle". It is effective in the elimination of
intestinal worms, particularly the Ascaris and Trichina. Only the dried matured seeds are medicinal -crack and ingest the
dried seeds two hours after eating (5 to 7 seeds for children & 8 to 10 seeds for adults). If dose does not eliminate the
worms, wait a week before repeating the dose.
9. Tsaang Gubat (Ehretia microphylla Lam.) - Prepared like tea, this herbal medicine is effective in treating intestinal
motility and also used as a mouthwash since the leaves of this shrub have high fluoride content.
10. Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) - known as "bitter gourd" or "bitter melon" in English. Treatment of diabetes
(diabetes mellitus), for the non-insulin dependent patients.
1.Infusion - Boiling water is poured on the herb or herbal material to produce a dilute liquid preparation. Typically, the
herb or herbal material is allowed to stand for some time (usually 5-20 minutes). Sometimes another quantity of hot
water is added and allowed to stand for additional time.
2. Decoction - Decoction involves boiling the herbal material in water, during which time the chemical constituents are
dissolved or extracted into the hot liquid. This procedure is suitable for extracting soluble and heat stable active
constituents of the herb or herbal material. E.g. ginger tea
3. Poultice - It is finely mashed or crushed, which is applied externally so that the herb’s properties can be absorbed by
the skin. Poultices are often used to reduce Inflammation, improve circulation and speed the healing of cuts, scrapes
and other sores. E.g. pounded “kutchay” applied over a bruise pounded, akapulko applied on the ring worms
4. Tincture - is made by soaking fresh or ground herbs in alcohol to extract and preserve the active constituents of the
plant. One of the advantages of tinctures is their Long shelf life. Most will keep for a year or longer.
5. Oils- Some herbs have active constituents that will dissolve in vegetable oil. The resulting infused oils can be used
directly by massaging them into the skin or as a base for other products such as skin creams, salves and lip balms.
6. Ointment - are semisolid preparations for application to the skin or mucosa. The ointment bases are almost always
anhydrous and generally contain one or more medicaments in suspension or solution.