63mm Supreme PVC U Pipe

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Since 1942

Rigid PVC Pressure


Pipes and Fittings CM/L 1235335

... The most comprehensive range with a wide spectrum of fittings

The Supreme Industries Ltd., is an acknowledged

leader of India's plastic industry. It is credited with
pioneering several path-breaking products and has
been a torch bearer in the transition from
conventional to advanced plastic piping products in
the country. Its customer-centric approach fuels its
research for designing unmatched quality products to
meet the aspirations of its quality conscious
customers. The innovative product portfolio offered
by Supreme is extensive in range and application and
comprises variety of pipes and vast spectrum of
fittings totaling around 9000 diverse products.
Supreme uPVC pressure piping system with a wide
spectrum of pipes and fittings in different sizes and
pressure classes is an ideal solution for water supply
and irrigation. Due to superior quality, the Supreme
pressure piping system has become the prime choice
of farmers, water supply bodies and different
government institutions.

Unique Features
• Strong and reliable
• Odorless and hygienic
• High corrosion and chemical resistance
• Smooth bore
• Self extinguishing quality
• Maintenance free
• Long lasting
• Economical

Jeevan bhar ka saath...

Rigid PVC Pressure Pipes and Fittings

Supreme offers an exhaustive range of uPVC pressure pipes hence better flow characteristics in comparison to AC, Cl and Gl
and fittings. Pressure pipes are manufactured as per IS:4985- pipes.
2000 standards and are made available in 20 to 450mm sizes in Self extinguishing quality – This feature eliminates the need
different pressure classes. Pipes with both types of joints i.e. for fire resistant coatings.
solvent cement type and rubber seal type are available. Maintenance free - Corrosion resistant property of the PVC
Varieties of moulded fittings and wide range of handmade pipes eliminates the need for repeated painting or coating like
fittings are also available. Moulded fittings are manufactured as in the case of GI pipes.
per IS:7834 and fabricated fittings are manufactured as per Economical - Despite being superior to conventional pipes,
IS:10124 and company standards. These pipes and fittings are Supreme PVC pipes are very light in weight and last much
used for a variety of applications like irrigation, water supply, longer than older piping systems offering a great economy in
industrial process lines, swimming pools, firefighting mains etc. handling, transportation, installation and replacement.
These pipes are superior to CI, Dl or RCC pipes as they are lighter
in weight, easy and quick to install, have excellent corrosion Salient features
and chemical resistance, higher flow rates, longer life and • General dimensions conform to IS:7834-87.
economy. These pipes have the approval of MJP. • Wall thickness is designed to meet required working
• Close to dimensional tolerance.
Features and benefits • Different working pressure ratings up to 16 kgf/cm² for
Strong and reliable - Supreme uPVC Pressure pipes and different sizes
fittings are manufactured using best quality virgin raw material
and state of the art equipments and hence they are very strong, Properties
durable and reliable. • Hazen Williams constant : 150 (remains constant)
Odorless and hygienic - These pipes are an excellent choice • Specific gravity : 1.41 -1.46
for carrying potable water as they do not allow contamination. • Coefficient of linear expansion : 5.4 x 10-5mm/m/°C
High corrosion resistance - Being immune to chemical, • Combined flexural and
electrolytic and galvanic action, these pipes are free from compressive strength : 600 - 650 kgf/cm2
corrosion which ensures a much longer and useful life. • Impact strength at 20°C : 3 Kgf/cm2
High chemical resistance - Pipes offer excellent resistance to • Modulus of elasticity : 3 - 3.8 x 104 Kgf/cm2
acids, oxidizing agents, alkalis, oils and domestic effluents. • Vicat softening point : 80°C
Smooth bore - Pipes have a mirror smooth inner surface and • Electrical resistance : 1014 ohm-cm
Dimensions of uPVC Pressure Pipes as per IS:4985-2000
Nominal Wall Thickness (mm)
Class 1(PN) Class 2(PN) Class 3(PN) Class 4(PN) Class 5(PN) Class 6(PN) Plumbing
Outside Diameter on Outside
Diameter 2.5 kgf/cm² 4 kgf/cm² 6 kgf/cm² 8 kgf/cm² 10 kgf/cm² 12.5 kgf/cm² Pipes
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
20 + 0.3 - - - - - - - - 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.8 2.8 3.3
25 + 0.3 - - - - - - 1.2 1.6 1.4 1.8 1.7 2.1 2.9 3.4
32 + 0.3 - - - - - - 1.5 1.9 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.7 3.4 3.9
40 + 0.3 - - - - 1.4 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.7 2.8 3.3 3.6 4.2
50 + 0.3 - - - - 1.7 2.1 2.3 2.8 2.8 3.3 3.4 4.0 3.7 4.3
63 + 0.3 - - 1.5 1.9 2.2 2.7 2.8 3.3 3.5 4.1 4.3 5.0
75 + 0.3 - - 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.1 3.4 4.0 4.2 4.9 5.1 5.9
90 + 0.3 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.7 4.0 4.6 5.0 5.7 6.1 7.1
110 + 0.4 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.7 4.3 4.9 5.6 6.1 7.1 7.5 8.7
125 + 0.4 - - 2.9 3.4 4.3 5.0 - - - - - -
140 + 0.5 2.0 2.4 3.2 3.8 4.8 5.5 6.3 7.3 7.7 8.9 9.5 11.0
160 + 0.5 2.3 2.8 3.7 4.3 5.4 6.2 7.2 8.3 8.8 10.2 10.9 12.6
180 + 0.6 2.6 3.1 4.2 4.9 6.1 7.1 8.0 9.2 9.9 11.4 12.2 14.1
200 + 0.6 2.9 3.4 4.6 5.3 6.8 7.9 8.9 10.3 11.0 12.7 13.6 15.7
225 + 0.7 3.3 3.9 5.2 6.0 7.6 8.8 10.0 11.5 12.4 14.3 15.3 17.6
250 + 0.8 3.6 4.2 5.7 6.5 8.5 9.8 11.2 12.9 13.8 15.9 17.0 19.6
280 + 0.9 4.1 4.8 6.4 7.4 9.5 11.0 12.5 14.4 15.4 17.8 - -
315 + 1.0 4.6 5.3 7.2 8.3 10.7 12.4 14.0 16.1 17.3 19.9 - -
355 + 1.1 5.1 5.9 8.1 9.4 12.0 13.8 15.8 18.2 - - - -
400 + 1.2 5.8 6.7 9.1 10.5 13.5 15.6 - - - - - -
450 + 1.4 6.5 7.5 10.3 11.9 15.2 17.5 - - - - - -
Note: 1) Pipes are offered in Light Grey (LG) and/or Dark Grey (DG) colours in standard lengths of 6m. Pipes are offered plain or socketed, based on diameter and class of pipe.
2) Ring tight pipes with integral rubber ring socket (Elastomeric joint) are available from 63mm to 315mm in 4, 6 and 10 kgf/cm2 pressure class. 3) Prefix “PN” indicates
Nominal Pressure, i.e., working pressure.
Available Pressure Available Pressure
Size in mm Rating in kgf/cm² (PN) Size in mm Rating in kgf/cm² (PN)
20 10, 16
25 10, 16 75 10
32 10, 16 90 10
40 6, 10, 16
50 3, 6, 10, 16 Elbow 90°
63 1, 4, 6, 10, 16 Both side Threaded
75 1, 4, 6, 10, 16 10
20 x 15
90 1, 4, 6, 10, 16 10
25 x 15
110 1, 4, 6, 10, 16 10
25 x 20
140 3, 4, 6 6
63 x 50
160 4, 6, 10 6, 16
75 x 65
180 4 6, 16
90 x 80
200 4, 6 6
110 x 50
Coupler 250 6 6
110 x 65
Application/Special note: These are used for joining of two 6 One Side
uPVC pipes. Fabricated couplers are also available in 20 to
110 x 80
400mm sizes in different pressure class. 110 x 100 6, 16 Threaded Tee
20 3, 10, 16 20 3, 10, 16
25 3, 10, 12.5, 16 25 3, 10, 16
32 3, 10, 16 32 3, 10, 16
40 3, 6, 10, 16 40 3, 6, 10, 16
50 3, 4, 6, 10, 16 50 3, 4, 6, 10, 16
63 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 16 63 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 16
75 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 16 75 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 16
90 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 16 90 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 16
110 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 16 110 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 16
140 4, 6 140 4, 6
160 3, 4, 6, 10 160 3, 4, 6, 10
180 6 180 6
200 4, 6 200 4, 6
250 6 250 6
315 4 315 4
Elbow 90° Application/Special note : These are used for short turns of Application/Special note: These are used for bypass and Equal Tee
90°. These are not advisable on large pipeline involving high taking equal size service line out of main line at 90°.
25 x 20 10
20 16 32 x 20 10
25 16 32 x 25 10
32 16 40 x 20 6
40 6, 16 40 x 25 10
50 6, 16 50 x 25 10
63 6, 16 50 x 32 6
75 4, 6, 16 63 x 25 10
90 6, 16 63 x 32 10
110 4, 6, 16 63 x 40 6
140 4 63 x 50 6,10
Elbow 45° 160 4, 6 75 x 40 6
200 4, 6 75 x 50 6
250 6 75 x 63 4, 6
25 x 20 10 90 x 63 4, 6
32 x 25 10 90 x 75 4, 6
75 x 63 6 110 x 50 6 Reducing
90 x 50 6 110 x 63 6 Tee
90 x 63 6 110 x 75 4, 6
90 x 75 6 110 x 90 4, 6
Reducing 110 x 63 6 140 x 110 6
Elbow 110 x 75 6 160 x 75 4
110 x 90 4, 6 160 x 110 4, 6
200 x 110 6
20 x 15 10
200 x 160 6
25 x 15 10
25 x 20 10 Application/Special note: These are used for by pass and
taking lower diameter service line out of main line.
50 x 40 16
63 x 50 6, 16
75 x 50 6
75 x 65 6, 16
90 x 80 6, 16 63 x 75 6
Elbow 90° 110 x 100 6, 16
One side threaded
Application/Special note: These are used for short turns of Application/Special note: These are used for by pass and
90°. These are not advisable on large pipe lines. taking higher diameter service line out of main line. Enlarging Tee
Note : 1) Fittings are offered in Light Grey (LG) and Dark Grey (DG) colours. All the fittings shown in dark grey colour are in 16kgf/cm (PN) pressure class. 2) Prefix "PN" indicates
nominal Pressure, i.e. ,working pressure. 3) * Marked fittings will be shortly introduced.
Available Pressure Available Pressure
Size in mm Rating in kgf/cm² (PN) Size in mm Rating in kgf/cm² (PN)
25 10
32 10 25 x 20 10
63 6 32 x 20 10
75 6 32 x 25 10, 16
90 6 40 x 25 6
110 6 40 x 32 6, 16
50 x 25 6
Cross Tee Application/Special note: These are used for by pass and 50 x 32 6
taking equal size service line on both side of main line.
50 x 40 6, 16
63 x 32 6
40x20 6 63 x 40 6
63x20 4 63 x 50 6, 16
63x25 4 75 x 40 6
63x32 4 75 x 50 6
63x40 6 75 x 63 6
75x25 4 90 x 50 6
Reducing 90 x 63 6
Cross Tee 90 x 75 6
20 10, 16 110 x 50 6
25 10, 16 110 x 63 6
32 10, 16 110 x 75 6
40 6, 16 110 x 90 6
50 6, 16 140 x 75 4
63 6, 10, 16 140 x 90 4
75 6, 10, 16 140 x 110 4, 6
90 6, 10, 16 160 x 90 4
110 6, 10, 16 160 x 110 4, 6
140 6 160 x 140 4 Reducer
160 6 180 x 110 6
200 x 110 4, 6
Male Threaded Application/Special note: These are used to connect a uPVC
200 x 160 4, 6
Adapter (M.T.A.) pipeline directly to a female threaded metal pipe and all
types of valves, taps, pumps etc. through a male portion. 200 x 180 6
250 x 200 6
Application/Special note: These are used to convert the
75 x 50 6 service line into small or extra small lines.
90 x 50 6
90 x 65 6
25 x 20 10
Reducing Male 32 x 20 10, 16
Threaded Adaptor Application/Special note: These are used to connect a uPVC 32 x 25 10, 16
pipeline directly to a female threaded metal pipe. 40 x 25 16
40 x 32 6, 16
20 3, 10, 16 50 x 25 16
25 10, 16 50 x 32 6
32 10, 16 50 x 40 6, 16
40 6, 16 63 x 32 16
50 6, 16 63 x 40 6
63 6, 10, 16 63 x 50 6, 16
75 6, 10, 16 75 x 40 6
90 6, 10, 16 75 x 50 6, 16
110 6, 10, 16 75 x 63 6, 16
160 6 90 x 50 6
Female Threaded Application/Special note: These are used to connect a uPVC
90 x 63 6
Adapter (F.T.A.) pipeline directly to a male threaded metal pipe. 90 x 75 6, 16
110 x 63 6
25 x 15 10, 16 110 x 75 6
32 x 15 10, 16 110 x 90 6, 16
32 x 20 10 140 x 75 6
40 x 25 6 140 x 90 6
50 x 32 6 140 x 110 6
63 x 32 6 160 x 90 6 Reducing
63 x 40 6 160 x 110 6
75 x 50 6 200 x 160 6 Bush
90 x 50 6 250 x 160 6
Reducing 90 x 65 6 250 x 200 6
Female Threaded 110 x 50 6
110 x 80 6
Adaptor (R.F.T.A.) Application/Special note: These are used along with
Application/Special note: These are used to connect a uPVC Coupler, Elbow, Tee, MTA, FTA to convert service line or
pipeline directly to a metal pipe of over diameter or vice - fitting to smaller line.

Note : 1) Fittings are offered in Light Grey (LG) and Dark Grey (DG) colours. All the fittings shown in dark grey colour are in 16kgf/cm2 (PN) pressure class. 2) Prefix "PN" indicates
nominal Pressure, i.e., working pressure.
Available Pressure Available Pressure
Size in mm Rating in kgf/cm² (PN) Size in mm Rating in kgf/cm² (PN)
63 x 15 10
63 x 20 10
75 x 50 6 63 x 25 10
90 x 65 6 75 x 15 10
75 x 20 10
Threaded 75 x 25 10
Reducing Bush 90 x 15 10
90 x 20 10
63 6, 16 90 x 25 10
75 6, 16 110 x 15 10 Service
90 6, 16 110 x 20 10 Saddle
110 6, 16 110 x 25 10
140 6 Application/Special note: These are used for taping the
160 6, 16 large service main line into small feeder line for house hold
purpose and for connecting air release valves.
200 6, 16
Application/Special note: These are used for connecting an 20 10
air release valve/water fill way valve (CI/MS etc.) and any 25 10
other flanged fitting (like strainer) Non-return valve, pumps 32 10
etc with the pipe.
Tail Piece 40 6
50 6
63 6 63 4, 6
75 6 75 4, 6
90 6 90 4, 6
110 6 110 4, 6
Application/Special note: These are used along with Tail 140 4
piece for connecting an air release valve, Non-return valve, 160 6 End Cap
Flange pumps and metal pipes etc with the pipe.
180 4, 6 (Plain)
200 6
63 10
250 6
75 6
315 6
90 6
110 10
160 10
Application/Special note: These are used for connecting an
air release valve, Non-return valve, pumps and metal pipes
110 4
Flange Adapter etc with the pipe.

Application/Special note: These are used to close the end of End Cap
63 10 pipe line. (without collar)
75 10
90 10 20 x 15 10
110 10 25 x 20 10
32 x 25 10
Application/Special note: These are used for to close the 40 x 32 6
Blind Flange end of pipeline for various application.
50 x 40 6
40 x 15 6 63 x 50 6
50 x 15 6 75 x 65 6
50 x 20 6 90 x 80 6
50 x 25 6 110 x 100 6
63 x 15 6 140 x 125 6 End Cap
63 x 20 6 Application/Special note: Threaded end cap with inside (Threaded)
63 x 25 6 threads (BSP threads) are used to close the end of pipe line.
75 x 15 6 Note: Incase of threaded fittings avoid overtightening the
joint with wrench as it may damage the uPVC threads.
75 x 20 6
75 x 25 6 63 6
90 x 15 6 75 6
90 x 20 6 90 6
90 x 25 6 110 6
110 x 15 6 140 6
110 x 20 6 160 6
Service Saddle 110 x 25 6 200 6
140 x 15 6 250 4
140 x 20 6 Application/Special note: These are used for by pass and
taking equal size service line out of main line at 45°. Single Y
140 x 25 6
160 x 15 6
160 x 20 6
160 x 25 6 110 x 63 6
200 x 25 6 160 x 110 6
200 x 32 6 200 x 110 4
200 x 40 6 200 x 160 4
200 x 50 6 Reducing Y
Note : 1) Fittings are offered in Light Grey (LG) and Dark Grey (DG) colours. All the fittings shown in dark grey colour are in 16kgf/cm2 (PN) pressure class. 2) Prefix "PN" indicates nominal
Pressure, i.e., working pressure.
Available Pressure Available Pressure
Size in mm Rating in kgf/cm² (PN) Size in mm Rating in kgf/cm² (PN)

¾" 10
25 x 15 10, 16 1" 10
32 x 15 10 1¼" 10
1½" 10
Female Threaded Tee 2" 10
Air Release Valve
25 x 15 10, 16
32 x 15 10
75 10
Female Threaded Elbow 90 10
110 10
160 10
25 x 15 16
32 x 15 10
Female Threaded Joint Butterfly Valve

25 10
25 x 15 10 32 10
25 x 20 16 40 10
Male Threaded Joint 50 10
63 10
20 10 Union
25 10
32 10 25 10
40 6 32 10
50 6 40 6
63 6 50 6
Ball Valve 75 6 63 6
75 6
90 6 Bend (1D)
25 16
32 16
40 16
50 16 63 4, 6, 10
63 16 75 4, 6, 10
90 4, 6, 10
75 10 Bend 90°
90 10
110 10
Ball Valve 63 6
75 6
90 6
110 6
140 6
25 16 160 6
180 6
200 6 Leakage
Threaded Ball Valve Special note: All the leakage couplers are available in 6", 9" Coupler (F)
(Union Type) and 12" standard length.

63 6, 10
63 16 75 4, 6, 10
75 10 90 4, 6, 10
90 10 110 4, 6, 10
Non Return Valve 110 10 140 4, 6, 10
(NRV) 160 4, 6, 10
180 4, 6, 10
200 4, 6, 10
225 4, 6, 10
63 16 250 4, 6, 10
75 10 Repair Coupler
280 4, 6, 10
90 10 315 4, 6, 10 Long
Non Return Valve 110 10 (with elastromeric
Note: 63 to 160mm Repair Coupler Short (with elastromeric
(Female Threaded) rubber seal) is also made available in 4 & 6 kgf/cm².
rubber seal)

Note: 1) Fittings are offered in Light Grey (LG) and Dark Grey (DG) colours. All the fittings shown in dark grey colour are in 16kgf/cm2 (PN) pressure class. 2) Prefix "PN" indicates nominal
Pressure, i.e., working pressure. n All the dimensions unless otherwise specified are in mm
Available Pressure
Size in mm Rating in kgf/cm² (PN) Size Box

63 10 100 ml 24
75 10 250 ml 24
90 10 500 ml 24
110 10 1000 ml 6
140 10 5000 ml 4 Solvent Cement
160 10
180 10 Super Heavy Duty
200 10
Repair 225 10 110-175x15
Coupler (F) 250 10 110-175x20
280 10 110-175x40
50 ml 100 200-300x40
100 ml 50 200-300x50
250 ml 80 300-400x50
Strap Saddle
500 ml
1000 ml 24
Handmade Fittings:
5000 ml
Note: Recommended for smaller sizes and lower pressure class,
Besides a vast range of moulded fittings, an exhaustive range of
Solvent Cement upto 75mm size - any pressure class, upto 110mm size in 4 and 6 handmade fittings are also made available by the company. This
kgf/cm2 , upto 200mm size - 2.5 kgf/cm2
includes couplers, bends, short bends, tee's, reducing tee's,
100 ml 24 cross tee's, tail pieces, reducers, single or reducing Y's, end caps,
250 ml 24 leakage couplers etc. in 20 to 450mm sizes in different pressure
500 ml 24
1000 ml 6 classes. The handmade division of the company is equipped to
5000 ml 4 make any tailor-made product as per customer requirements.
This implies a complete system solution made of the same
Note: Recommended for larger sizes and higher pressure class,
Solvent Cement 2
90mm and 110mm in 10 and 12.5 kgf/cm ,140mm and above
material, eliminating the dependence of the customer on any
Heavy Duty sizes in 4, 6,10 and 12.5 kgf/cm2 other conventional product or material.

Handling Instructions: Pipes should be kept on an even surface while storing. They should be
properly supported and should not be stacked for more than 1.5 m height for a long duration. While
laying big size pipelines, provisions should be made for the expansion of joints, air venting, and proper
Pipes or fittings should not be cleaned with solvent cement. Quality of solvent cement plays an
important role. It is, therefore, recommended that good quality solvent cement supplied by the company.
For large diameter and higher class pipes (6 Kgf/cm2 and above), always use heavy duty solvent cement.
Installation of Supreme
Very old, hard, semi-fluid solvent cement should not be used. pipeline in the field

Consumption of Solvent Cement

Diameter of pipe (mm) 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450
Approx no of joints which can be
354 270 225 180 130 125 103 79 54 36 27 25 15 12 9 7 5 3 2 2
made per litre of solvent cement

Jointing Instructions:
Cut the pipe as square as possible. Ensure that fitting of the pipe with socket of fitting is
Total length of socket should be marked on pipe. In most cases, the pipe inserted should be
up to the marked line and in any circumstances, it should not be less than the 2/3 of the pipe
The pipe and the socket should be clean and dry. Dust, oil, water, grease etc. should be wiped
off with dry cloth or a cleaner from the surfaces to be coated with solvent cement. Roughen
the outer surface of the pipe end and the inner surface of the socket end using sand paper or
piece of hacksaw blade up to the entry mark. Stir solvent cement thoroughly. Apply a thick
coat of solvent cement using a flat clean brush evenly on the inner surface of the socket for
full length of insertion and then on the outer surface of the pipe end up to the marked line.
After application of solvent cement, insert the pipe within one minute of application into
the socket. Hold the joint for few seconds and ensure that the pipe does not come out the
fitting. Wipe off extra cement. Let it dry. Within 24 hours, your Supreme rigid PVC pipes are
ready to use.

In case of big pipeline projects, it is recommended to refer to our installation guide.

Ringtight Rigid PVC Pipes with Sealing Rings
Ringtight advantages About Elastomeric sealing rings
These pipes are specially designed and suitable to overcome Unique design of sealing ring supplied
difficulties experienced while jointing higher diameter pipes with the pipe is made from high quality
using solvent cement and offer the following advantages: - EPDM rubber to meet the practical
• Elastomeric sealing rings are used to eliminate the problems requirements of sites, which adds to
associated with the solvent type joints like quality and installation efficiency. This seal can be
quantity of the solvent cement.
safely and easily fitted in wet, cold and
• Unlike solvent type joints, curing period is not required
muddy conditions. These sealing rings
which allows the pipelines to be tested and brought in use
immediately after jointing. offer the following advantages:
• Pipe laying and jointing is • Very low assembling force is required for joint.
very easy, quicker and more • It has large operational life (minimum life is about 50 years).
reliable. Pipes up to 140mm • These rings give greater reliability and joint tightness and
size can be jointed manually, can withstand pressures beyond that of specified testing
but large diameter pipes pressure of the pipes.
requires a jack. • Specially suitable for underground applications.
• Joints are stable, watertight • It is resistant to salt water, organic vegetable oils, dilute acids
and can resist loads from horizontal and vertical tractive and alkalies normally found in waste
water. It is also resistant to ultra violet
• Joints can accommodate angular deflection up to 2° and
radiations, bacteria, fungus and
axial displacement resulting from thermal expansion and
contraction which eliminates the need of expansion joints as termites. In short, Supreme ringtight
required in solvent type joints. pipes are designed to give long term
• Joints can be made in any climatic condition. satisfaction to the customers.

Jointing instructions
1. Clean the inside surface of the socket. Remove all traces of 5. Align the socket and spigot correctly in the horizontal and
mud, dirt, grease, gravel and clean the elastomeric sealing vertical planes. Before insertion, ensure that no sand or dirt
ring. adheres to the lubricated surface of the pipe. Care should be
2. Shape the ring into a heart shape by pinching a portion of taken that the spigot end is inserted in the socket at the
ring from inside. Insert it into the socket and release to seat it correct angle.
into the groove. 6. Push the spigot into the socket until it reaches the depth of
3. Factory supplied pipes are provided with a 15° chamfer. entry mark. Do not over insert. This must be done manually.
Mark the insertion depth on spigot of pipe. Clean and apply Use a steel crow bar, if necessary. Protect the pipe with a
lubricant to the pipe insertion depth before pushing it into wooden block. Insertion of spigot end inside the socket
the socket. should be at the correct angle.
4. If pipe needs to be cut, it should be cut perpendicular to the 7. In case of large diameter pipes, if the crow bar does not give
axis of the pipe after which it should be chamfered properly. sufficient leverage, use of a jointing jack may be helpful.

1 2 3 4 5 6

• Any specification may change without prior notice. • All information contained in this literature is given in good faith and believed to be accurate and reliable. Because of many factors which may be
outside our knowledge or control and affect the use of the product, no warranty is given or implied with respect to such information, nor do we offer any warranty of immunity against patent
infringement. No responsibility can be accepted for any error, omissions or incorrect assumptions.

The Supreme Industries Ltd. (Plastic Piping Division) Branch Offices ' Tel.
Ahmedabad : 079-27681366
Corporate Office: 1161/1162, Solitair Corporate Park, Bangalore : 080-22104696
Building No. 11,167, Guru Hargovindji Marg, Chakala, Bhubneshwar : 0674-7192001
Andheri Ghatkopar Link Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai - 400 093. India. Chennai : 044-39811182
Cochin : 0484-2385346
Tel: 91-22-4043 0000, 6869 0000
Hyderabad : 040-23262884
Regd. Office: 612 Raheja Chambers, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021. Indore : 0731-4956061
Jabalpur : 0761-4032310
India. Tel.: (022) 2285 1656, 6257 0000, 6257 0025
Jaipur : 0141-2354458
Jalgaon Gadegaon : 0257-3050541,42
Export Division: Tel: (022) 4043 0125, 3084 0125 Kanpur : 0512-2332276
Overseas Office: Sharjah, UAE. Tel# +971 6 557 4484; Fax# +971 6 557 4485 Kolkata : 033-66190000
Noida (Delhi) : 0120-6660000
Patna : 0761-4032310
CIN: L35920MH1942PLC003554 Raipur : 07089002120 I & T SIL Gadegaon, Dist-Jalgaon=PC/AG/MKG/01=REV.19-12/2020
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Toll Free: 1800-102-4707 pvc-pipes@supreme.co.in www.supreme.co.in
Since 1942

Supreme Pipes

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