Request For Proposal
Request For Proposal
Request For Proposal
Ref: SBI/GITC/TECHOPS/2017-18/410
dated : 02/08/2017
S.N. Index
1 Invitation to Bid
2 Disclaimer
3 Definitions
4 Scope of work
5 Eligibility Criteria, Technical & Functional Specifications, BOM &
6 Cost of Bidding
7 Clarifications and amendments on bidding document/Pre-Bid
8 Contents of Bid documents
9 Earnest Money Deposit
10 Bid preparation and submission
11 Deadline for submission of Bids
12 Modification and withdrawal of Bids
13 Period of validity of Bids
14 Bid integrity
15 Bidding process and opening of technical Bids
16 Technical evaluation
17 Evaluation of price Bids and finalization
18 Contacting the Bank
19 Award criteria
20 Power to vary or omit work
21 No waiver of Bank‟s rights or successful Bidder‟s liability
22 Change in order
23 Contract amendment
24 Bank‟s right to accept any Bid and to reject any or all Bids
25 Documentary evidence establishing Bidder‟s eligibility and
26 Performance Bank Guarantee
27 Country of origin and eligibility of goods & services
28 Delivery, installation, commissioning and documentation
29 Services
30 Warranty and Annual Maintenance Contract
31 Compliance with IS Security Policy
32 Penalty and SLAs
33 Right to verification
34 Purchase price
35 Inspection and quality control tests
36 Right to audit
37 Sub-contracting
38 Insurance
39 Validity of agreement
40 Limitation of liability
41 Confidentiality
42 Delay in vendor performance
43 Vendor‟s obligations
44 Technical documentation
45 Patent/Intellectual Property Rights
46 Liquidated damages
47 Conflict of interest
48 Fraud and corrupt practices
49 Termination for default
50 Force majeure
51 Termination for insolvency
52 Termination for convenience
53 Disputes and arbitration
54 Governing languages
55 Applicable law
56 Taxes and Duties
57 Tax deduction at sources
58 Right to use defective products
59 Tender Fee
60 Notices
ii. In order to meet the IT hardware requirement, the Bank proposes to invite
tenders from eligible vendors to undertake supply, installation, testing,
commissioning and maintenance of IT hardware as per details/scope of
work mentioned in Annexure-E of this RFP document.
iii. Bidder shall mean any entity (i.e. juristic person) who meets the eligibility
criteria given in Annexure-B of this RFP and willing to provide the goods
and services as required in this bidding document. The interested Bidders
who agree to all the terms and conditions contained in this document may
submit their Bids with the information desired in this bidding document
(Request for Proposal).
iv. Address for submission of Bids, contact details including email address for
sending communications are given in given in part II of this RFP
v. The purpose of SBI behind this RFP is to seek a detailed technical and
commercial proposal for procurement of the IT hardware/product and
services desired in this document. The proposed product must integrate
with Bank‟s existing infrastructure seamlessly.
vi. This document shall not be transferred, reproduced or otherwise used for
purpose other than for which it is specifically issued.
vii. Interested Bidders are advised to go through the entire document before
submission of Bids to avoid any chance of elimination. The eligible Bidders
desirous of taking up the project for supply of proposed product and
services for SBI are invited to submit their technical and commercial
proposal in response to this RFP. The criteria and the actual process of
evaluation of the responses to this RFP and subsequent selection of the
2. Disclaimer:
i. The information contained in this RFP document or information provided
subsequently to Bidder(s) whether verbally or in documentary form/email
by or on behalf of State Bank of India (Bank), is subject to the terms and
conditions set out in this RFP document.
ii. This RFP is not an offer by State Bank of India, but an invitation to receive
responses from the eligible Bidders. No contractual obligation whatsoever
shall arise from the RFP process unless and until a formal contract is
signed and executed by duly authorized official(s) of State Bank of India
with the selected Bidder.
iii. The purpose of this RFP is to provide the Bidder(s) with information to
assist preparation of their Bid proposals. This RFP does not claim to
contain all the information each Bidder may require. Each Bidder should
conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the
accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information contained in this
RFP and where necessary obtain independent advices/clarifications. Bank
may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do
so, update, amend or supplement the information in this RFP.
iv. The Bank, its employees and advisors make no representation or warranty
and shall have no liability to any person, including any Applicant or Bidder
under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of restitution
or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense
which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything
contained in this RFP or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy,
correctness, completeness or reliability of the RFP and any assessment,
assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed to form
or arising in any way for participation in thisbidding process.
v. The Bank also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from
negligence or otherwise, howsoever caused arising from reliance of any
Bidder upon the statements contained in this RFP.
vi. The issue of this RFP does not imply that the Bank is bound to select a
Bidder or to appoint the Selected Bidder or Concessionaire, as the case
may be, for the Project and the Bank reserves the right to reject all or any
of the Bidders or Bids without assigning any reason whatsoever.
vii. The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and
specifications in the bidding document. Failure to furnish all information
required by the bidding document or to submit a Bid not substantially
responsive to the bidding document in all respect will be at the Bidder‟s
risk and may result in rejection of the Bid.
3. Definitions:
iii. “Bid” means the written reply or submission of response to this RFP.
iv. “The Contract” means the agreement entered into between the Bank
and the Vendor, as recorded in the Contract Form signed by the parties,
including all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents
incorporated by reference therein.
vi. “The Contract Price/Project Cost” means the price payable to the
Vendor under the Contract for the full and proper performance of its
contractual obligations.
viii. “The Services” means those services ancillary to the supply of the
equipment/product, such as transportation, transit insurance,
installation, commissioning, customization, integration, provision of
technical assistance, training, maintenance and other such obligations
of the Vendor covered under the Contract.
4. Scope of Work:
i. Bid is open to all Bidders who meet the eligibility criteria and Technical &
functional specifications as given in Annexure-B & Annexure-B1 of this
document. The Bidder has to submit the documents substantiating
eligibility criteria as mentioned in this RFP document.
(a) If any Bidder submits Bid on behalf of Principal/OEM, the same Bidder
shall not submit a Bid on behalf of another Principal/OEM under the
(b) Either the Bidder on behalf of Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself is
allowed to Bid, however both cannot Bid simultaneously.
ii. Bidders have to submit Bill of Material (BOM) and Compliances as given
in Annexure-C of this document.
i. Bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding document may notify the
Bank in writing strictly as per the format given in Annexure-O at the
address/by e-mail given in part II of this document within the date/time
mentioned in the schedule of events.
ii. A pre-Bid meeting will be held on the date and time specified in the
schedule of events which may be attended by the authorized
representatives of the Bidders interested to respond to this RFP.
iii. The queries received (without identifying source of query) and response of
the Bank thereof will be posted on the Bank‟s website or conveyed to the
iv. SBI reserves the right to amend, rescind or reissue the RFP,at any time
prior to the deadline for submission of Bids. The Bank, for any reason,
whether, on its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by
a prospective Bidder, may modify the bidding document, by amendment
which will be made available to the Bidders by way of
corrigendum/addendum. The interested parties/Bidders are advised to
check the Bank‟s website regularly till the date of submission of Bid
document specified in the schedule of events/email and ensure that
clarifications / amendments issued by the Bank, if any, have been taken
into consideration before submitting the Bid. Such
amendments/clarifications, if any, issued by the Bank will be binding on
the participating Bidders. Bank will not take any responsibility for any such
omissions by the Bidder. SBI, at its own discretion, may extend the
deadline for submission of Bids in order to allow prospective Bidders a
reasonable time to prepare the Bid, for taking the amendment into
account. Nothing in this RFP or any addenda/ corrigenda or clarifications
issued in connection thereto is intended to relieve Bidders from forming
their own opinions and conclusions in respect of the matters addresses in
this RFP or any addenda/ corrigenda or clarifications issued in connection
thereto thereof.
vi. Queries received after the scheduled date and time will not be
responded/acted upon.
iv. The Bid prepared by the Bidder, as well as all correspondences and
documents relating to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Bank and
supporting documents and printed literature shall be submitted in English.
v. The information provided by the Bidders in response to this RFP will
become the property of SBI and will not be returned. Incomplete
information in Bid document may lead to non-consideration of the
i. The Bidder shall furnish EMD for the amount and validity period
mentioned in Part II of this document.
ii. EMD is required to protect the Bank against the risk of Bidder‟s conduct.
iii. The EMD may be in the form of a Demand Draft or Pay Order or Bank
Guarantee [on the lines of Annexure-I],issued by a Scheduled
Commercial Bank in India, other than State Bank of India, drawn in favour
of State Bank of India payable at Mumbai.]In case, SBI is the sole Banker
for the Bidder, a Letter of Comfort from SBI would be acceptable.
iv. Any Bid not accompanied by EMD for the specified amount as mentioned
elsewhere in the RFP will be rejected as non-responsive.
vi. The EMD of successful Bidder will be discharged upon the Bidder signing
the Contract and furnishing the Performance Bank Guarantee for the
amount and validity as mentioned in Part II of this RFP) which should be
strictly on the lines of format placed at Annexure-J.
a) if a Bidder withdraws his Bid during the period of Bid validity specified
in this RFP; or
b) if a Bidder makes any statement or encloses any form which turns out
to be false / incorrect at any time prior to signing of Contract; or
ix. If EMD is forfeited for any reasons mentioned above, the concerned
Bidder may be debarred from participating in the RFPs floated by the
Bank/this department, in future, as per sole discretion of the Bank.
(iv) Confirming that they agree with all the terms and conditions
mentioned in the RFP.
a. The Bidder should quote for the entire package on a single responsibility
basis for hardware / software / services it proposes to supply.
c. While submitting the Technical Bid, literature on the hardware and its
associated operating software should be segregated and kept together in
one section / lot in a separate envelope.
d. Care should be taken that the Technical Bidshallnot contain any price
information. Such proposal, if received, will be rejected.
Bidder and stamped with the official stamp of the Bidder. Board resolution
authorizing representative to Bid and make commitments on behalf of the
Bidder is to be attached.
f. Bids are liable to be rejected if only one (i.e. Technical Bid or Indicative
Price Bid) is received.
g. Prices quoted by the Bidder shall remain fixed for the period specified in
part II of this document and shall not be subjected to variation on any
account, including exchange rate fluctuations and custom duty. . A Bid
submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-
responsive and will be rejected.
h. If deemed necessary the Bank may seek clarifications on any aspect from
the Bidder. However that would not entitle the Bidder to change or cause
any change in the substances of the Bid already submitted or the price
i. The Bidder may also be asked to give presentation for the purpose of
clarification of the Bid.
j. The Bidder must provide specific and factual replies to the points raised in
the RFP.
k. The Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the
Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the
l. All the enclosures (Bid submission) shall be serially numbered with rubber
stamp of the participating Bidder‟s company. The person or persons
signing the Bids shall initial all pages of the Bids, except for un-amended
printed literature.
o. The Bank reserves the right to reject Bids not conforming to above.
q. All the envelopes shall be addressed to the Bank and deliver at the
address given in Part-II of this RFP and should have name and address of
the Bidder on the cover.
r. If the envelope is not sealed and marked, the Bank will assume no
responsibility for the Bid‟s misplacement or its premature opening.
a. Bids must be received by the Bank at the address specified and by the
date and time mentioned in the “Schedule of Events”.
d. Any Bid received after the deadline for submission of Bids prescribed,
will be rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder.
a. The Bidder may modify or withdraw its Bid after the Bid‟s submission,
provided that written notice of the modification, including substitution or
withdrawal of the Bids, is received by the Bank, prior to the deadline
prescribed for submission of Bids.
a. Bids shall remain valid for 180 days from the date of reverse auction. A
Bid valid for a shorter period is liable to be rejected by the Bank as non-
c. The Bank reserves the right to call for fresh quotes at any time during
the Bid validity period, if considered, necessary.
Willful misrepresentation of any fact within the Bid will lead to the
cancellation of the contract without prejudice to other actions that the Bank
may take. All the submissions, including any accompanying documents,
will become property of SBI. The Bidders shall be deemed to license, and
grant all rights to SBI, to reproduce the whole or any portion of their
product for the purpose of evaluation, to disclose the contents of
submission to other Bidders and to disclose and/ or use the contents of
submission as the basis for RFP process.
i. All the technical Bids received up to the specified time and date will
be opened for initial evaluation on the time and date mentioned in
the schedule of events available in part II of this document. The
technical Bids will be opened in the presence of representatives of
the Bidders who choose to attend the same. However, Bids may be
opened even in the absence of representatives of one or more of
the Bidders.
ii. In the first stage, only technical Bid will be opened and evaluated.
Proposals of such Bidders satisfying eligibility criteria and agree to
comply with all the terms and conditions specified in the RFP,will be
evaluated for technical criteria/specifications/eligibility. Only those
Bids complied withtechnical criteria shall become eligible for
commercial Bid opening and further RFP evaluation process.
iii. The Bank will examine the Bids to determine whether they are
complete, required formats have been furnished, the documents
have been properly signed, EMD for the desired amount and
validity period is available and the Bids are generally in order. The
iv. Prior to the detailed evaluation, the Bank will determine the
responsiveness of each Bid to the bidding document. For purposes
of these Clauses, a responsive Bid is one, which conforms to all the
terms and conditions of the bidding document in toto,without any
vii. If a Bid is not responsive, it will be rejected by the Bank and will not
subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of
the non-conformity.
ii. The Bank reserves the right to evaluate the Bids on technical & functional
parameters including factory/workplacevisit and witness demos of the
system and verify functionalities, response times, etc.
iii. Bank will evaluate the technical and functional specifications of all the
equipments quoted by the Bidder.
iv. During evaluation and comparison of Bids, the Bank may, at its discretion
ask the Bidders for clarification onthe Bids received. The request for
clarification shall be in writing and no change in prices or substance of
the Bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. No post Bid clarification at
the initiative of the Bidder shall be entertained.
i. The envelope containing the Commercial Bids of only those Bidders, who
are short-listed after technical evaluation, would be opened.
ii. All the Bidders who qualify in the evaluation process shall have to
participate in the online reverse auction to be conducted by Bank‟s
authorized service provider on behalf of the Bank, details of which are
given in Part II of this RFP document.
iv. The L1/TC1 Bidder will be selected on the basis of net total of the price
evaluation as quoted in the Reverse Auction/Techno Commercial
Evaluation, as the case may be.
vi. Errors, if any, in the price breakup format will be rectified as under:
(a) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and total price which is
obtained by multiplying the unit price with quantity, the unit price shall
prevail and the total price shall be corrected unless it is a lower figure.
If the Bidder does not accept the correction of errors, the Bid will be
(b) If there is a discrepancy in the unit price quoted in figures and words,
the unit price in figures or in words, as the case may be, which
corresponds to the total Bid price for the Bid shall be taken as correct.
(c) If the vendor has not worked out the total Bid price or the total Bid
price does not correspond to the unit price quoted either in words or
figures, the unit price quoted in words shall be taken as correct.
(d) The Bidder should quote for all the items/services desired in this RFP.
In case, prices are not quoted by any Bidder for any specific product
and / or service, for the purpose of evaluation, the highest of the
prices quoted by other Bidders participating in the bidding process will
be reckoned as the notional price for that service, for that Bidder.
However, if selected, at the time of award of Contract, the lowest of
the price(s) quoted by other Bidders (whose Price Bids are also
opened) for that service will be reckoned. This shall be binding on all
the Bidders. However, the Bank reserves the right to reject all such
incomplete Bids.
i. No Bidder shall contact the Bank on any matter relating to its Bid, from the
time of opening of Price Bid to the time, the Contract is awarded.
ii. Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Bank in its decisions on Bid
evaluation, Bid comparison or contract award may result in the rejection of
the Bidder‟s Bid.
i. Bank will notify successful Bidder (L1) in writing by letter or fax/email that
its Bid has been accepted. The Selected Bidder has to return the duplicate
copy of the same to the Bank within 7 working days, duly Accepted,
Stamped and Signed by Authorized Signatory in token of acceptance.
iii. Copy of board resolution or power of attorney showing that the signatory
has been duly authorized to sign the acceptance letter, contract and NDA
should be submitted.
iv. The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract.
v. The successful Bidder shall be required to enter into a contract/ SLA with
the Bank, within 30 days of award of the tender or within such extended
period as may be decided by the Bank.
vi. Until the execution of a formal contract, the Bid document, together with
the Bank‟s notification of award and the vendor‟s acceptance thereof,
would constitute a binding contract between the Bank and the successful
vii. The contract/ agreement will be based on Bidder‟s offer document with all
its enclosures, modifications arising out of negotiation /clarifications etc
and will include SLA, project plan – phases & milestones and schedule,
copies of all necessary documents, licenses, certifications etc
viii. The Bank reserves the right to stipulate, at the time of finalization of the
contract, any other document(s) to be enclosed as a part of the final
ix. Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirements/terms and
conditions of this RFP shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment
of the award and forfeiture of the EMD and/or PBG.
variation without prejudice to the contract. The finally selected Bidder shall
carry out such variation and be bound by the same conditions as far as
applicable as though the said variations occurred in the contract
documents. If any, suggested variations would, in the opinion of the finally
selected Bidder, if carried out, prevent him from fulfilling any of his
obligations under the contract, he shall notify Bank thereof in writing with
reasons for holding such opinion and Bank shall instruct the successful
Bidder to make such other modified variation without prejudice to the
contract. The finally selected Bidder shall carry out such variation and be
bound by the same conditions as far as applicable as though the said
variations occurred in the contract documents. If the Bank confirms its
instructions, the successful Bidder‟s obligations shall be modified to such
an extent as may be mutually agreed, if such variation is substantial and
involves considerable extra cost. Any agreed difference in cost occasioned
by such variation shall be added to or deducted from the contract price as
the case may be.
ii. In any case in which the successful Bidder has received instructions from
the Bank as to the requirements for carrying out the altered or additional
substituted work which either then or later on, will in the opinion of the
finally selected Bidders, involve a claim for additional payments, such
additional payments shall be mutually agreed in line with the terms and
conditions of the order.
iii. If any change in the work is likely to result in reduction in cost, the parties
shall agree in writing so as to the extent of change in contract price, before
the finally selected Bidder(s) proceeds with the change. In all the above
cases, in the event of a disagreement as to the reasonableness of the said
sum, the decision of the Bank shall prevail.
Neither any sign-off, nor any payment by the Bank for acceptance of the
whole or any part of the work, nor any extension of time, nor any possession
taken by the Bank shall affect or prejudice the rights of Bank against the
finally selected Bidder(s), or relieve the finally selected Bidder(s) of his
obligations for the due performance of the contract, or be interpreted as
approval of the work done, or create liability in the Bank to pay for alterations/
amendments/ variations, or discharge the liability of the successful Bidder(s)
for the payment of damages whether due, ascertained, or certified or not or
any sum against the payment of which he is bound to indemnify the Bank nor
shall any such certificate nor the acceptance by him of any such amount paid
i. The Bank may, at any time, by a written order given to the Vendor, make
changes within the general scope of the Contract in any one or more of the
24. Bank‟s Right to Accept Any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids:
The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid in part or in full or to
cancel the bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to contract
award, without incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any
obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for the
Bank‟s action.
On acceptance of the Bid by the Bank, the Bidder needs to submit the
undertaking of authenticity on the lines of Annexure-G along with
documentary evidence of their eligibility/qualifications to perform the
Contract to the Bank‟s satisfaction:
evidence that Bidder has been duly authorized by the OEM strictly
on the lines of authorization letter Annexure-H.
ii. that adequate, specialized expertise are available with the Bidder to
ensure that the services are responsive and the Bidder will assume
total responsibility for the fault-free operation of the product
proposed and maintenance thereof during the support
(warranty/annual maintenance contract, if desired) period.
ii. The PBG is required to protect the interest of the Bank against delay
in supply/installation and or the risk of unsuccessful implementation
of the project, or performance of the material or services sold, which
may warrant invoking of PBG. In case any act of the supplier results
in imposition of Liquidated Damages then also the Bank reserves the
right to invoke the PBG.
ii. For purposes of this clause, “origin” means the place where the goods
are mined, grown, or manufactured or produced, or the place from
which the related product is supplied. Goods are produced when,
through manufacturing, processing or substantial and major assembly
of components, a commercially-recognized product results that is
substantially different in basic characteristics or in purpose or utility
from its components.
vii. The above documents shall be received by the Bank before arrival of
products (except where it is handed over to the Consignee with all
documents). If these documents are not received, the Vendor will be
responsible for any consequent expenses.
viii. Penalties as specified in Annexure-L will be applicable for the any kind of
default in delay in delivery, installation/commissioning/support etc.
expected in scope of work which will be deducted at the time of making
ix. In addition to the penalty on delayed supplies, Bank also reserves the
right to cancel the Purchase Order and forfeit the EMD. In the event of
such cancellation, the vendor is not entitled to any compensation,
x. For the System & other Software/firmware required with the hardware
ordered for, the following will apply:-
(b) The Vendor shall provide complete and legal documentation of all
sub systems, licensed operating systems, licensed system
software/firmware, licensed utility software and other licensed
software. The Vendor shall also provide licensed software for all
software/firmware whether developed by them or acquired from
(c) In case the Vendor is providing software/firmware which is not its
proprietary software then the Vendor must submit evidence in the
form of agreement he has entered into with the software/firmware
vendor which includes support from the software/firmware vendor for
the proposed software for the entire l period required by the Bank.
(d) The ownership of the software license shall be that of the Bank from
the date of delivery of the same. In other words, wherever the
ownership of the licenses is indicated, the name “State Bank of India”
must appear to indicate that the Bank is the perpetual owner of the
software/license. Evidence to this effect must be submitted before the
payment can be released.
29. Services:
ii. The Bidder should also submit as part of technical Bid an overview of
Project Management approach of the proposed product.
iii. Bidder should ensure that vendor‟s key personnel with relevant skill-sets
are available to the Bank.
iv. Bidder should ensure that the quality of methodologies for delivering the
products and services, adhere to quality standards/timelines stipulated
vi. Bidder shall provide and implement patches/ upgrades/ updates for
products (Software/ Firmware/ OS) as and when released by the
Vendor/ OEM or as per requirements of the Bank. Bidder should bring
to notice of the Bank all releases/ version changes.
vii. Bidder shall obtain a written permission from the Bank before applying
any of the patches/ upgrades/ updates. Bidder has to support older
ix. All product updates, upgrades & patches shall be provided by the
Bidder/ Vendor free of cost during warranty and AMC/ ATS/ S&S period.
xi. The ownership of the software/firmware license and the hardware shall
be that of the Bank from the date of delivery of the same to the Bank. In
other words, wherever the ownership of the licenses/hardware is
indicated, the name “State Bank of India” must appear to indicate that
the Bank is the perpetual owner of the hardware/operating
software/firmware, etc. associated with the hardware. Evidence in this
regard must be submitted before the payment is released.
xii. The Bidder shall keep the Bank explicitly informed the end of support
dates on related products/hardware/firmware and should ensure support
during warranty and AMC/ATS/S&S.
i. The selected Bidder shall support the product and its associated
items/components including OS/firmware during the period of warranty
and AMC (if included in purchase order) as specified in Scope of work in
this RFP from the date of acceptance of the product by State Bank of
ii. During the warranty and AMC period (if desired), the Bidder will have to
undertake comprehensive support of the entire product
(hardware/components/ operating software/firmware) supplied by the
Bidder at no additional cost to the Bank. During the support period, the
Bidder shall maintain the product (hardware/ software, etc.) to comply with
parameters defined for acceptance criteria and the Bidder shall be
responsible for all costs relating to labour, spares, maintenance
(preventive and corrective), compliance of security requirements and
transport charges from and to the Site (s) in connection with the repair/
replacement of the product (hardware/ equipment/ components/ software
or any component/ part thereunder), which, under normal and proper use
and maintenance thereof, proves defective in design, material or
workmanship or fails to conform to the specifications, as specified.
iii. During the support period (warranty and AMC, if desired), the vendor shall
ensure that services of professionally qualified personnel are available for
providing comprehensive on-site maintenance of the product and its
components as per the Bank‟s requirements. Comprehensive
maintenance shall include, among other things, day to day maintenance of
the system as per the Bank‟s policy, reloading of firmware/software,
compliance to security requirements, etc. when required or in the event of
system crash/malfunctioning, arranging and configuring facility as per the
requirements of the Bank, fine tuning, system monitoring, log
maintenance, etc. The Bidder shall provide services of an expert engineer
at SBI GITC, Belapur or at other locations wherever required, whenever it
is essential. In case of failure of product (hardware, system software or
any of its components), the Bidder shall ensure that product is made
operational to the full satisfaction of the Bank within the given timelines.
The selected Bidder shall provide preventive maintenance schedules as
per periodicity, which shall be specified in advance.
iv. Onsite comprehensive warranty for the solution would include free
replacement of spares, parts, kits, resolution of problem, if any, in solution.
v. Warranty/ AMC (if opted) for the system software/ off-the shelf software
will be provided to the Bank as per the general conditions of sale of such
vii. In the event of system break down or failures at any stage, protection
available, which would include the following, shall be specified.
a. Diagnostics for identification of systems failures
b. Protection of data/ Configuration
c. Recovery/ restart facility
d. Backup of system software/ Configuration
viii. Prompt support shall be made available as desired in this RFP during the
support period at the locations as and when required by the Bank.
ix. The Bidder shall be agreeable for on-call/on-site support during peak
weeks (last and first week of each month) and at the time of switching over
from PR to DR and vice-versa. No extra charge shall be paid by the Bank
for such needs, if any, during the support period.
xi. Updated escalation matrix shall be made available to the Bank once in
each quarter and each time the matrix gets changed.
The Vendor shall have to comply with Bank‟s IT & IS Security policy in key
concern areas relevant to the RFP, details of which will be shared with the
finally selected Bidder. Some of the key areas are as under:
i. Responsibilities for data and application privacy and confidentiality
ii. Responsibilities on system and software access control and
iii. Custodial responsibilities for data, software, hardware and other
assets of the Bank being managed by or assigned to the Vendor
iv. Physical Security of the facilities
v. Physical and logical separation from other customers of the Vendor
vi. Incident response and reporting procedures
vii. Password Policy of the Bank
viii. Data Encryption/Protection requirements of the Bank.
ix. In general, confidentiality, integrity and availability must be ensured.
The Bank reserves the right to verify any or all of the statements made by
the Bidder in the tender document and to inspect the Bidder‟s facility, if
necessary, to establish to its satisfaction about the Bidder‟s
capacity/capabilities to perform the job.
ii. Bidders should ensure that exchange rate fluctuations, changes in import
duty/other taxes should not affect the rupee value of commercial Bid over
the validity period defined in this RFP.
iv. The applicable TDS will be deducted at the time of payment of invoices.
vi. Prices payable to the Vendor as stated in the Contract shall be firm and
not subject to adjustment during performance of the Contract, irrespective
of reasons whatsoever, including exchange rate fluctuations, any upward
revision in duties, charges, etc.
vii. The Bidder will pass on to the Bank, all fiscal benefits arising out of
reductions, if any, in Government levies viz. sales tax, excise duty, custom
duty, etc. or the benefit of discounts if any announced in respect of the
cost of the items for which orders have been placed during that period.
viii. The Bank reserves the right to re-negotiate the prices in the event of
change in the international market prices of both the hardware and
i. The Bank reserves the right to carry out pre-shipment factory / godown
inspection by a team of Bank officials or demand a demonstration of the
product on a representative model at Bidder‟s place.
ii. The Inspection and Quality Control tests before evaluation, prior to
shipment of goods and at the time of final acceptance would be as follows:
Iv. Nothing stated hereinabove shall in any way release the Vendor from any
warranty or other obligations under this contract.
i. The Selected Bidder (Service Provider) has to get itself annually audited
by internal/ external empanelled Auditors appointed by the
Bank/inspecting official from the Reserve Bank of India or any regulatory
authority, covering the risk parameters finalized by the Bank/such auditors
in the areas of products (IT hardware/ software) and services etc.
provided to the Bank and the Service Provider are required to submit
such certification by such Auditors to the Bank. The Service Provider and
or his / their outsourced agents / sub – contractors (if allowed by the
Bank) shall facilitate the same The Bank can make its expert assessment
on the efficiency and effectiveness of the security, control, risk
management, governance system and process created by the Service
Provider. The Service Provider shall, whenever required by the Auditors,
furnish all relevant information, records/data to them. All costs for such
audit shall be borne by the Bank.
ii. Where any deficiency has been observed during audit of the Service
Provider on the risk parameters finalized by the Bank or in the certification
submitted by the Auditors, the Service Provider shall correct/resolve the
same at the earliest and shall provide all necessary documents related to
resolution thereof and the auditor shall further certify in respect of
resolution of the deficiencies. The resolution provided by the Service
Provider shall require to be certified by the Auditors covering the
respective risk parameters against which such deficiencies have been
iii. Service Provider shall, whenever required by the Bank, furnish all relevant
information, records/data to such auditors and/or inspecting officials of the
Bank/Reserve Bank of India and or any regulatory authority. The Bank
reserves the right to call and/or retain for any relevant material information
/reports including audit or review reports undertaken by the service
provider (e.g., financial, internal control and security reviews) and findings
made on Selected Bidder in conjunction with the services provided to the
37. Subcontracting:
to obtain specific written permission from the Bank before contracting any
work to subcontractors. Bank at its own discretion may permit or deny the
38. Insurance:
i. The insurance shall be for an amount equal to 110 percent of the value of
the Products from “Warehouse to final destination” on “All Risks” basis,
valid for a period of one month after delivery of products at the defined
The Agreement/ SLA will be valid for the period up to end of support
period including AMC, if opted. The Bank reserves the right to terminate
the Agreement as per the terms of RFP.
ii. The limitations set forth herein shall not apply with respect to:
41. Confidentiality:
ii. The Confidential Information will be safeguarded and Bidder will take all
the necessary action to protect it against misuse, loss, destruction,
alterations or deletions thereof. In the event of a breach or threatened
breach by Bidder of this section, monetary damages may not be an
adequate remedy; therefore, Bank shall be entitled to injunctive relief to
restrain Bidder from any such breach, threatened or actual.
iii. Any document, other than the Contract itself, shall remain the property of
the Bank and shall be returned (in all copies) to the Bank on completion of
the Vendor‟s performance under the Contract, if so required by the Bank.
ii. If at any time during performance of the Contract, the Vendor should
encounter conditions impeding timely delivery of the Products and
performance of Services, the Vendor shall promptly notify the Bank in
writing of the fact of the delay, it‟s likely duration and cause(s). As soon as
practicable after receipt of the Vendor‟s notice, the Bank shall evaluate the
situation and may, at its discretion, extend the Vendors‟ time for
performance, in which case, the extension shall be ratified by the parties
by amendment of the Contract.
ii. The vendor will be responsible for arranging and procuring all relevant
permissions / Road Permits etc. for transportation of the equipment to the
location where installation is to be done. The Bank would only provide
necessary letters for enabling procurement of the same.
iii. The Vendor is obliged to work closely with the Bank‟s staff, act within its
own authority and abide by directives issued by the Bank from time to time
and complete implementation activities.
iv. The Vendor will abide by the job safety measures prevalent in India and
will free the Bank from all demands or responsibilities arising from
accidents or loss of life, the cause of which is the Vendor‟s negligence.
The Vendor will pay all indemnities arising from such incidents and will not
hold the Bank responsible or obligated.
vi. Vendor shall provide necessary training from the OEM to the designated
SBI officials on the configuration, operation/ functionalities, maintenance,
support & administration for software/ hardware and components,
installation, troubleshooting processes of the proposed solution.
vii. The Vendor shall treat as confidential all data and information about SBI,
obtained in the process of executing its responsibilities, in strict confidence
and will not reveal such information to any other party without prior written
approval of the Bank as explained under „Non-Disclosure Agreement‟ in
Annexure N of this document.
i. The Vendor shall deliver the following documents to the Bank for every
firmware/software including third party software before software/ service
become operational, which includes, user manuals, installation manuals,
operation manuals, design documents, process documents, technical
manuals, functional specification, software requirement specification, on-
line tutorials/ CBTs, system configuration documents, system/database
administrative documents, debugging/diagnostics documents, test
procedures etc.
ii. The vendor shall also provide documents related to Review Records/ Test
Bug Reports/ Root Cause Analysis Report, list of all Product components,
list of all dependent/external modules and list of all documents relating to
traceability of the Product as and when applicable.
iii. The Vendor should also provide the MIS reports as per requirements of
the Bank.Any level/ version changes and/or clarification or corrections or
modifications in the above mentioned documentation should be supplied
by the Vendor to the Bank, free of cost in timely manner. The vendor shall
develop customized documentation as per Bank‟s requirement, if desired
by the Bank.
ii. The Vendor shall, at its own expenses without any limitation, defend and
indemnify the Bank against all third party claims or infringements of
intellectual Property Rights including patent, trademark, copyright, trade
secret or industrial design rights arising from use of the products or any
part thereof in India or abroad. In case of violation/ infringement of patent/
trademark/ copyright/ trade secrete or industrial design, the supplier shall
after due inspection and testing get the solution redesigned for the Bank,at
no extra cost.
iii. The Vendor shall expeditiously extinguish any such claims and shall have
full rights to defend itself there from. If the Bank is required to pay
compensation to a third party resulting from such infringement(s), the
Vendor shall be fully responsible therefore, including all expenses and
court and legal fees.
iv. The Bank will give notice to the Vendor of any such claim without delay,
provide reasonable assistance to the vendor in disposing of the claim, and
shall at no time admit to any liability for or express any intent to settle the
If the Vendor fails to deliver any or all of the products or perform the
services within the stipulated time schedule, as specified in the Contract, as
desired in this RFP/ Contract, the Bank may, without prejudice to its other
remedies under the Contract, and unless otherwise extension of time is
agreed upon without the application of Liquidated Damages, deduct from
the Contract Price, as liquidated damages mentioned at part II(Schedule of
Events, Sl No 19). Once the maximum deduction is reached, the Bank may
consider termination of the Contract.
Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest (the “Conflict of Interest”) that
affects the bidding process. Any Bidder found to have a Conflict of Interest
shall be disqualified. In the event of disqualification, the Bank shall be
entitled to forfeit and appropriate the Bid Security and/or Performance
Security (Performance Bank Guarantee), as the case may be, as mutually
agreed upon genuine estimated loss and damage likely to be suffered and
incurred by the Bank and not by way of penalty for, inter alia, the time, cost
and effort of the Bank, including consideration of such Bidder‟s proposal
(the “Damages”), without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may
be available to the Bank under the bidding documents and/ or the
Concession Agreement or otherwise. Without limiting the generality of the
above, a Bidder shall be deemed to have a Conflict of Interest affecting the
bidding process, if:
(a) the Bidder, its Member or Associate (or any constituent thereof) and any
other Bidder, its Member or any Associate thereof (or any constituent
thereof) have common controlling shareholders or other ownership
interest; provided that this disqualification shall not apply in cases where
the direct or indirect shareholding of a Bidder, its Member or an Associate
thereof (or any shareholder thereof having a shareholding of more than
5% (five per cent) of the paid up and subscribed share capital of such
Bidder, Member or Associate, as the case may be) in the other Bidder, its
Member or Associate, has less than 5% (five per cent) of the subscribed
and paid up equity share capital thereof; provided further that this
disqualification shall not apply to any ownership by a bank, insurance
company, pension fund or a public financial institution referred to in
section 4A of the Companies Act, 1956. For the purposes of this Clause,
indirect shareholding held through one or more intermediate persons shall
be computed as follows:
(i) where any intermediary is controlled by a person through management
control or otherwise, the entire shareholding held by such controlled
intermediary in any other person (the “Subject Person”) shall be taken
into account for computing the shareholding of such controlling person
in the Subject Person; and
(ii)subject always to sub-clause (i) above, where a person does not
exercise control over an intermediary, which has shareholding in the
Subject Person, the computation of indirect shareholding of such person
in the Subject Person shall be undertaken on a proportionate basis;
provided, however, that no such shareholding shall be reckoned under
this sub-clause if the shareholding of such person in the intermediary is
ii. Without prejudice to the rights of the Bank under Clause 48(i)
hereinabove, if a Bidder is found by the Bank to have directly or
indirectly or through an agent, engaged or indulged in any
corrupt/fraudulent/coercive/undesirable or restrictive practices during
the bidding process, such Bidder shall not be eligible to participate in
any EOI/RFP issued by the Bank during a period of 2 (two) years from
the date if such Bidder is found by the Bank to have directly or indirectly
i. The Bank, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of Contract, by
a written notice of not less than 30 (thirty) days sent to the Vendor, may
terminate the Contract in whole or in part:
a. If the Vendor fails to deliver any or all of the Products and Services
within the period(s) specified in the Contract, or within any extension
thereof granted by the Bank; or
b. If the vendor fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the contract;
c. Laxity in adherence to standards laid down by the Bank; or
d. Discrepancies/deviations in the agreed processes and/or products; or
e. Violations of terms and conditions stipulated in this RFP.
ii. In the event the Bank terminates the Contract in whole or in part for the
breaches attributable to the Vendor, the Bank may procure, upon such
terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate, Products and Services
similar to those undelivered, and the Vendor shall be liable to the Bank for
any increase in cost for such similar Products and/or Services. However,
the Vendor shall continue performance of the Contract to the extent not
iii. If the contract is terminated under any termination clause, the vendor shall
handover all documents/ executable/ Bank‟s data or any other relevant
information to the Bank in timely manner and in proper format as per scope
of this RFP and shall also support the orderly transition to another vendor or
to the Bank.
iv. During the transition, the vendor shall also support the Bank on technical
queries/support on process implementation or in case of software provision
for future upgrades.
v. The Bank‟s right to terminate the Contract will be in addition to the penalties
/liquidated damages and other actions as deemed fit.
ii. .For the purposes of this clause, 'Force Majeure' means and includes wars,
insurrections, revolution, civil disturbance, riots, terrorist acts, public strikes,
hartal, bundh, fires, floods, epidemic, quarantine restrictions, freight
embargoes, declared general strikes in relevant industries, Vis Major Act of
Government, impeding reasonable performance of the Vendor and / or
Sub-Contractor but does not include any foreseeable events, commercial
considerations or those involving fault or negligence on the part of the party
claiming Force Majeure.
iii. If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Vendor shall promptly notify the
Bank in writing of such condition and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise
directed by the Bank in writing, the Vendor shall continue to perform its
obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall
seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by
the Force Majeure event.
The Bank may, at any time, terminate the Contract by giving written notice
to the Vendor, if the Vendor becomes Bankrupt or insolvent or any
application for bankruptcy, insolvency or winding up has been filed against
it by any person. In this event, termination will be without compensation to
the Vendor, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any
right of action or remedy, which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the
The Bank, by written notice of not less than 90 (ninety) days sent to the
Vendor, may terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, at any time for its
convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that termination is for
the Bank‟s convenience, the extent to which performance of the Vendor
under the Contract is terminated, and the date upon which such
termination becomes effective.
The Vendor shall continue work under the Contract during the arbitration
proceedings unless otherwise directed by the Bank or unless the matter is
such that the work cannot possibly be continued until the decision of the
arbitrator is obtained.
Arbitration proceeding shall be held at Mumbai, India, and the language of
the arbitration proceedings and that of all documents and communications
between the parties shall be in English.
The Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Union
of India and shall be subjected to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts at
a. The Vendor shall be liable to pay all corporate taxes and income tax that
shall be levied according to the laws and regulations applicable from time
to time in India and the price Bid by the Vendor shall include all such taxes
in the contract price.
d. Prices payable to the Vendor as stated in the Contract shall be firm and
not subject to adjustment during performance of the Contract, irrespective
of reasons whatsoever, including exchange rate fluctuations, any upward
revision in Custom duty. The Bidder will pass on to the Bank, all fiscal
benefits arising out of reductions, if any, in Government levies viz. custom
duty or the benefit of discounts if any announced in respect of the cost of
the items for which orders have been placed during that period.
e. Income / Corporate Taxes in India: The Bidder shall be liable to pay all
corporate taxes and income tax that shall be levied according to the laws
and regulations applicable from time to time in India and the price Bid by
the Bidder shall include all such taxes in the contract price.
f. All expenses, stamp duty and other charges/ expenses in connection with
the execution of the Agreement as a result of this RFP process shall be
borne by the Vendor.
i. Wherever the laws and regulations require deduction of such taxes at the
source of payment, the Bank shall effect such deductions from the
payment due to the Vendor. The remittance of amounts so deducted and
issuance of certificate for such deductions shall be made by the Bank as
per the laws and regulations for the time being in force. Nothing in the
Contract shall relieve the Vendor from his responsibility to pay any tax that
may be levied in India on income and profits made by the Vendor in
respect of this contract.
ii. The Vendor‟s staff, personnel and labour will be liable to pay personal
income taxes in India in respect of such of their salaries and wages as are
chargeable under the laws and regulations for the time being in force, and
the Vendor shall perform such duties in regard to such deductions thereof
as may be imposed on him by such laws and regulations.
60. Notices:
Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to this contract shall
be sent to other party in writing or by Fax and confirmed in writing to
other Party‟s address. The notice shall be effective when delivered or on
the notice‟s effective date whichever is later.
Sl Particulars Remarks
1 Contact details of issuing DGM (Tech Operations)
(Name, Designation, Mobile No., Email : dgm2.core
Email address for sending any kind
of correspondence regarding this
2 Bid Document Availability including - RFP may be downloaded from
changes/amendments, if any to be Bank‟s website
issued procurement
news from 02.08.2017 to
Authorized representatives of
vendors may be present during
opening of the Technical Bids.
However, Technical Bids would be
opened even in the absence of any
or all of the vendor representatives.
9 Opening of Commercial Bids On a subsequent date which will be
Annexure Index
A Bid form
B Bidder‟s Eligibility criteria
B1 Technical & functional specifications
C Bill of Material and compliances
D Bidder details
E Scope of work
F Indicative Commercial Bid
G Undertaking of authenticity
H Manufacturer‟s authorization form.
I Format for Bank Guarantee as Earnest Money Deposit
J Format for submission of Performance Bank Guarantee
K Format of certificate to be issued by the Bank after successful
commissioning and acceptance of the hardware, software and its
associated services.
L Penalties and SLA terms
M Service Level Agreement
N Non-disclosure Agreement
O Pre-Bid Query Format
[On Company‟s letter head]
(to be included in Technical Bid Envelope)
< address of tendering office >
Dear Sir,
Ref:SBI/GITC/TECHOPS/2017-18/410 dated 02/08/2017
We have examined the above RFP, the receipt of which is hereby duly
acknowledged and subsequent pre-Bid clarifications/ modifications / revisions, if
any, furnished by the Bank and we offer to supply, Install, test, commission and
support the desired equipments detailed in this RFP. We shall abide by the terms
and conditions spelt out in the RFP. We shall participate and submit the
commercial Bid through online auction to be conducted by the Bank‟s authorized
service provider, on the date advised to us.
4. We agree to abide by all the Bid terms and conditions, contents of Service
Level Agreement as per sample available at Annexure-M of this document
and the rates quoted therein for the orders awarded by the Bank up to the
period prescribed in the Bid, which shall remain binding upon us.
5. Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this Bid, together with your
written acceptance thereof and your notification of award, shall constitute a
binding Contract between us.
9. We certify that we have not made any changes in the contents of the RFP
document read with its amendments/clarifications provided by the Bank
submitted by us in our Bid document.
10. It is further certified that the contents of our Bid are factually correct. We also
accept that in the event of any information / data / particulars proving to be
incorrect, the Bank will have the right to disqualify us from the Bid.
11. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you
may receive and you may reject all or any Bid without assigning any reason
or giving any explanation whatsoever.
12. We hereby undertake that our name does not appear in any “Caution” list of
RBI / IBA or any other regulatory body for outsourcing activity.
13. If our Bid is accepted, we undertake to enter into and execute at our cost,
when called upon by the Bank to do so, a contract in the prescribed form and
we shall be jointly and severally responsible for the due performance of the
14. The name(s) of successful Bidder to whom the contract is finally awarded
after the completion of bidding process shall be displayed on the website of
the Bank and/or communicated to the successful Bidder(s).
15. The commercial bidding process will be through the reverse auction process
to be conducted by the Bank or a company authorized by the Bank. We
understand that our authorized representative who would participate in the
reverse auction process would be possessing a valid digital certificate for the
16. We hereby undertake and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions
stipulated by the bank in the RFP document.
(Signature) (Name)
(In the capacity of)
Bidders meeting the following criteria are eligible to submit their Bids along with
supporting documents. If the Bid is not accompanied by all the required
documents supporting eligibility criteria, the same would be rejected:
i. Commercial:
S. Eligibility Criteria Complian Documents to be submitted
No. ce
1. The Bidder must be an Indian Copy of the Partnership
firm / company/ organization deed/Bye Law/ Certificate of
registered under applicable Act Incorporation issued by
in India. Registrar of Companies along
with Memorandum & Articles
of Association and full
address of the registered
2. Average annual sales turnover Copy of the audited Balance
of at least Rs. 50 Crore, for last Sheet and / or Certificate of
three out of 4 financials years. the Chartered Accountant for
Should have made profit during preceding three years.
the last three out of 4 financial
3.- The applicant should be an Suitable Document from the
authorized reseller/ system OEM to be provided.
integrator of the OEM who is
listed in the Leaders‟ quadrant
in the Gartner Report for
Modular Servers for supply of
computer hardware / software /
4. Bidder should have experience Copy of the order and / or
of minimum 5 years in providing Certificate of completion of
the product/services. the work. The Bidder should
also furnish user acceptance
5 Client references and contact 1.
details (email/ landline/ mobile) 2.
of customers for whom the 3.
Bidder has executed similar
(Start and End Date of the
Project to be mentioned) in the
past (At least 3 client
Seal of Company
To qualify in the Technical Evaluation, a Bidder must comply with all the
requirements as listed in the table below. Bidder(s) must submit their response in
yes or no only, any compliance with qualified statement shall be treated as non-
6 HDD 4 * 12 TB ( SATA/SAS) in
Switch Specifications
Sr.No. Component Specifications Compliance
(Y / N)
1 SWITCHES 4 Nos of 32 port Network
2DC and 2DR
We confirm that we comply with all the specifications mentioned above & the
terms & conditions mentioned in the RFP Document are acceptable to us.
(Signature) (Name) (In the capacity of)
Bidder Details
3. Certificate of incorporation
Scope of Work
2. To provide all necessary hardware and its peripherals required to make the
solution work strictly as per technical specifications. The specifications given are
minimum. Bidders can quote equivalent or higher technical specifications to meet the
Bank‟s requirements. However no weightage would be given for higher
The indicative commercial Bid needs to contain the information listed hereunder
in a sealed envelope bearing the identification – “Indicative Commercial Bid for
Seal of Company
Undertaking of Authenticity
With reference to the equipment being quoted to you vide our Quotation
No:___________ dated ___________, we hereby confirm that all the
components /parts /assembly / software etc. used in the equipment to be
supplied shall be original new components / parts / assembly / software only,
from respective OEMs of the products and that no refurbished / duplicate /
second hand components /parts/ assembly / software shall be supplied or shall
be used. We also undertake to produce certificate from the Original Equipment
Manufacturers (if required by you) in support of the above statement at the time
of delivery / installation
2. We also confirm that in respect of licensed operating systems and other
softwareutilities to be supplied, the same will be procured from authorized
sources andsupplied with Authorized License Certificate (i.e. Product keys on
Certification of Authenticity in case of Microsoft Windows Operating System)
3. In case of default and the Bank finds that the above conditions are not
complied with, we agree to take back the equipment supplied and return the
money paid by you, in full within seven days of intimation of the same by the
Bank, without demur or any reference to a third party and without prejudice to any
remedies the Bank may deem fit.
4. In case of default and we are unable to comply with above at the time of
delivery or during installation, for the IT Hardware / Software already billed, we
agree to take back the equipments without demur, if already supplied and return
the money if any paid to us by you in this regard.
5. We also take full responsibility of both parts & Service SLA as per the content
even if there is any defect by our authorized Service Centre / Reseller / SI etc.
(Signature) (Name) (In the capacity of)
No. Date:
Dear Sir:
Yours faithfully,
Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the manufacturer and
should be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney
to bind the manufacturer. The Bidder in its Bid should include it.
Dear Sir,
WHEREAS State Bank of India (SBI), having its Corporate Office at Nariman
Point, Mumbai, and Regional offices at other State capital cities in India has
invited Request for Proposal for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
……………………………….to State Bank of India and such services as are set
out in the State Bank of India, Request for Proposal SBI/GITC/TECHOPS/2017-
18/410 dated 02/08/2017.
2. It is one of the terms of said Request for Proposal that the Bidder shall furnish
a Bank Guarantee for a sum of Rs.__________/-(Rupees
___________________Only)as Earnest Money Deposit.
said conditions, provided, however, that our liability against such sum shall not
exceed the sum of Rs.__________/- (Rupees _____________________ Only).
5. We also agree to undertake to and confirm that the sum not exceeding
Rs.__________/- (Rupees _____________________ Only) as aforesaid shall
be paid by us without any demur or protest, merely on demand from the SBI on
receipt of a notice in writing stating the amount is due to them and we shall not
ask for any further proof or evidence and the notice from the SBI shall be
conclusive and binding on us and shall not be questioned by us in any respect or
manner whatsoever. We undertake to pay the amount claimed by the SBI within
24 hours from the date of receipt of the notice as aforesaid. We confirm that our
obligation to the SBI under this guarantee shall be independent of the agreement
or agreements or other understandings between the SBI and the Bidder. This
guarantee shall not be revoked by us without prior consent in writing of the SBI.
b) Our liability under these presents shall not exceed the sum of
Rs.__________/- (Rupees _____________________ Only)
c) Our liability under this agreement shall not be affected by any infirmity or
irregularity on the part of our said constituents in tendering for the said
work or their obligations there under or by dissolution or change in the
constitution of our said constituents.
d) This guarantee shall remain in force upto 180 days provided that if so
desired by the SBI, this guarantee shall be renewed for a further period
as may be indicated by them on the same terms and conditions as
contained herein.
e) Our liability under this presents will terminate unless these presents are
renewed as provided herein upto 180 days or on the day when our said
constituents comply with their obligations, as to which a certificate in
writing by the SBI alone is the conclusive proof, whichever date is later.
f) Unless a claim or suit or action is filed against us within six months from
that date or any extended period, all the rights of the SBI against us
Yours faithfully,
Authorized official.
(Note: This guarantee will require stamp duty as applicable in the State where it
is executed and shall be signed by the official(s) whose signature and authority
shall be verified)
WHEREAS M/s__________________________________________,
incorporated under __________________________________ Act having its
registered office at __________________________________ and principal place
of business at __________________________________ (hereinafter referred to
as “Service Provider/ Vendor” which expression shall unless repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof shall include its successor, executor & assigns) has
agreed tosupply of hardware/software and/ or services(hereinafter referred to as
“Services”) to SBI in accordance with the Request for Proposal (RFP) No.
SBI:xx:xx dated dd/mm/yyyy.
WHEREAS, SBI has agreed to avail the Services from the Service Provider for a
period of ______ year(s).
WHEREAS, the Bank Guarantee is required to be valid for a total period of _____
months and in the event of failure, on the part of Service Provider, to fulfill any of
its commitments / obligations under the RFP/Agreement, SBI shall be entitled to
invoke the Guarantee.
2. Any notice / communication / demand from SBI to the effect that Service
Provider has failed to fulfill its commitments / obligations in respect of
rendering the Services as mentioned in the Agreement, shall be
conclusive, final & binding on the Guarantor and shall not be questioned
by the Guarantor in or outside the court, tribunal, authority or arbitration as
the case may be and all such demands shall be honoured by the
Guarantor without any delay.
3. We (the Guarantor) confirm that our obligation to the SBI, under this
guarantee shall be independent of the agreement or other understandings,
whatsoever, between the SBI and the Service Provider. 4. This guarantee
shall not be revoked by us (the Guarantor) without prior consent in writing
of the SBI.
(i) Any neglect or forbearance on the part of SBI to Service Provider or any
indulgence of any kind shown by SBI to Service Provider or any change in
the terms and conditions of the Agreement or the Services shall not, in any
way, release or discharge the Bank from its liabilities under this Guarantee.
(ii) This Guarantee herein contained shall be distinct and independent and
shall be enforceable against the Guarantor, notwithstanding any
Guarantee or Security now or hereinafter held by SBI at its discretion.
(iii) This Guarantee shall not be affected by any infirmity or absence or
irregularity in the execution of this Guarantee by and / or on behalf of the
Guarantor or by merger or amalgamation or any change in the Constitution
or name of the Guarantor.
(iv) The guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of
SBI or Service Provider or winding up / liquidation of Service Provider,
whether voluntary or otherwise
(v) This guarantee shall be a continuing guarantee during its validity period
and the SBI can make its claim in one or more events within the total
liability of the Guarantor mentioned herein.
(vi) This Guarantee shall remain in full force and effect for a period of __ years
from the date of the issuance i.e. up to _________ Unless a claim under
this Guarantee is made against us within three (3) months from that date
i.e. on or before _____ , all your rights under this Guarantee shall be
forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all liabilities there
(vii) This guarantee shall be governed by Indian Laws and the Courts
inMumbai, India alone shall have the jurisdiction to try & entertain any
dispute arising out of this guarantee.
Yours faithfully,
3. The acceptance test has been done to our entire satisfaction and Staff have
been trained to operate the Product.
Signature _______________________
Name _______________________
(a) The Vendor has adhered to the time schedule specified in the contract in
dispatching the Products / Manuals pursuant to Technical Specifications.
(b) The Vendor has supervised the commissioning of the solution in time i.e.,
within the period specified in the contract from the date of intimation by the
Purchaser in respect of the installation of the Product.
(c) Training of personnel has been done by the Vendor as specified in the
(d) In the event of Manuals having not been supplied or installation and
commissioning of the Solution having been delayed on account of the
Vendor, the extent of delay should always be mentioned.
7. During the term of the contract, the VENDOR will maintain the equipment
in perfect working order and condition and for this purpose will provide the
following repairs and maintenance services:
a) Free maintenance services during the period of warranty.
Professionally qualified personnel who have expertise in the
hardware and system software supplied by the vendor will provide
these services.
b) The Bidder shall rectify any defects, faults and failures in the
equipment and shall repair/replace worn out or defective parts of
the equipment during working hours i.e. from 8.00 A.M. to 8.00 P.M.
on all working days (viz. Monday to Saturday). In case any
defects, faults and failures in the equipment could not be repaired
or rectified during the said period, the engineers of the VENDOR
are required to accomplish their duties beyond the said schedules
in case of any situation if it warrants. In cases where unserviceable
parts of the equipment need replacement, the VENDOR shall
replace such parts, at no extra cost to the BANK, with brand new
parts or those equivalent to new parts in performance. For this
purpose the VENDOR shall keep sufficient stock of spares at
Bank‟s premises and at the premises of The VENDOR.
c) The maximum response time for a maintenance complaint from the
site of installation (i.e. time required for Vendor‟s maintenance
engineers to report to the installations after a request call / fax /e-
mail is made or letter is written) shall not exceed 2 hours.
d) The VENDOR shall ensure that faults and failures intimated by
Bank as above are set right within 4 hours of being informed of the
same. In any case the equipment should be made workable and
available not later than the Next Business Day.
e) The VENDOR shall ensure that the full configuration of the
equipment is available to the BANK in proper working condition viz.
uptime of 99.99% of the time on a 24 x7 x365 basis.
7. Any worn or defective parts withdrawn from the equipment and replaced
by the VENDOR shall become the property of the VENDOR and the parts
replacing the withdrawn parts shall become the property of Bank.
9. However if Bank desires to shift the equipment to a new site and installit
thereof urgently,the VENDOR shall be informed of the same immediately.
THE Bank shall bear the charges for such shifting and the VENDOR shall
12. If, in any month, the VENDOR does not fulfill the provisions of clauses (b),
(c), (d), (e) and (h) only the proportionate maintenance charges for that
period during the month will be considered payable by Bank without
prejudice to the right of the Bank to terminate the contract. In such event
the VENDOR was credited without deducting the proportionate
maintenance charges for that month, the Bank can deduct the same from
future payments payable or the VENDOR shall refund the amount
forthwith to Bank on demand by Bank.
14.2 The warranty terms would not be considered as violated if any of (a), (b) or
(c) above takes place. Should there be a fault in the operations of the
system, the vendor, would not unreasonably assume that the causes lie
with those components / software not acquired from them.
15. In the event of failure of the Service Provider to render the Services or in
the event of termination of agreement or expiry of term or otherwise,
without prejudice to any other right, the Bank at its sole discretion may
make alternate arrangement for getting the Services contracted with
another vendor. In such case, the Bank shall give prior notice to the
existing Service Provider. The existing Service Provider shall continue to
provide services as per the terms of contract until a „New Service Provider‟
completely takes over the work. During the transition phase, the existing
Service Provider shall render all reasonable assistance to the new Service
Provider within such period prescribed by the Bank, at no extra cost to the
Bank, for ensuring smooth switch over and continuity of services. If
existing vendor is breach of this obligation, they shall be liable for paying a
penalty of as provided in Part-II, (Schedule of Events, Sl No 20)on
demand to the Bank, which may be settled from the payment of invoices or
Performance Bank Guarantee for the contracted period.
AGREEMENT FOR _____________________________
State Bank of India, _______________________
AGREEMENT ...........................................................................................................................................80
RECITALS .............................................................................................................................................81
Type/nature/name of Agreement.
Office/ Department/ Branch which is executing the Agreement or the
nodal department in the matter.
The other Party (Contractor/ Service Provider) to the Agreement
Effective Date from which the Agreement will be operative.
__________________________________________, incorporated
under __________________________________ Act having its
registered office at __________________________________ and
principal place of business at
__________________________________ hereinafter referred to
as “Service Provider” which expression shall unless
repugnant to the context or meaning thereof shall include
its successor, executor & permitted assigns of the Second
This document is in the nature of a general template, which needs customisation and updating
depending upon individual contract/service. Further, the document needs modification/ completion on
many aspects such as nature and scope of services, roles and responsibilities of the Parties, etc. All these
clauses are to be added to the document based on the facts and circumstances of each case. Also, certain
particulars such as place of arbitration, jurisdiction, details of the parties, etc., are to be completed while
finalisation of the Contract.
(i) The Bank is desirous of availing services for
____________ ;6
(ii) ______________;
(iii) _______________; and
(iv) The Service Provider is in the business of
providing _____________ and has agreed to provide
the services as may be required by the Bank
mentioned in the Request of Proposal (RFP) No.
_____________ dated _____________ issued by the
Bank, referred hereinafter as a “RFP” and same
shall be part of this Agreement.
Please provide the brief introduction, facts and circumstances which
lead to the present agreement (preamble of the agreement).
Please define the necessary terms, properly.
1.2 Interpretations:
1.2.1 Reference to a person includes any individual,
firm, body corporate, association (whether incorporated
or not) and authority or agency (whether government,
semi government or local).
1.2.2 The singular includes the plural and vice verse.
1.2.3 Reference to any gender includes each other
1.2.4 The provisions of the contents table, headings,
clause numbers, italics, bold print and underlining is
for ease of reference only and shall not affect the
interpretation of this Agreement.
1.2.5 The Schedules, Annexures and Appendices to this
Agreement shall form part of this Agreement.
1.2.6 A reference to any documents or agreements (and,
where applicable, any of their respective provisions)
means those documents or agreements as amended,
supplemented or replaced from time to time provided
they are amended, supplemented or replaced in the
manner envisaged in the relevant documents or
1.2.7 The terms not defined in this Agreement shall be
given the same meaning as given to them in the RFP. If
no such meaning is given technical words shall be
understood in technical sense in accordance with the
industry practices.
1.2.8 A reference to any statute, regulation, rule or
other legislative provision includes any amendment to
the statutory modification or re-enactment or,
legislative provisions substituted for, and any
statutory instrument issued under that statute,
regulation, rule or other legislative provision.
3.1 The scope and nature of the work which the Service
Provider has to provide to the Bank (Services) is as
3.1.1 _________________
3.1.2 _________________
3.1.3 _________________
The Agreement should clearly define what services are to be
availed/ activities are to be outsourced including appropriate
service and performance standards. Please use separate Annexure/
Schedule, if required for specifying the detailed work flow and
details of Services/ tasks to be undertaken by the Service Provider.
In respect of any technical services, please also add suitable
additional clauses regarding technical specifications, acceptance
testing, maintenance, warranty, etc.
Please provide the details, if any in respect of the additional
representation and warranties by the Bank required taking into account
of the Services.
7.1 For the purpose of this Agreement, Confidential
Information shall mean (i) information of all kinds,
Please provide the details, if any in respect of the additional
representation and warranties by Service Provider.
Please provide the responsibilities / duties of the Bank which are
not covered elsewhere, depending upon the nature of Services.
Please provide the responsibilities /duties of the Service Provider
which are not covered elsewhere, depending upon the nature of Services.
9.1 No sub-contracting of any part of the Services by the
Service Provider shall be allowed other than those
Please provide the amount of performance guarantee, if any.
Please ensure that the time scheduled is suitably incorporated in the
11.1 Notwithstanding anything else contained in the
Agreement, neither Party shall be liable for any delay
in performing its obligations herein if and to the
extent that such delay is the result of an event of
Force Majeure.
11.2 For the purposes of this clause, 'Force Majeure' means
and includes wars, insurrections, revolution, civil
disturbance, riots, terrorist acts, public strikes,
hartal, bundh, fires, floods, epidemic, quarantine
restrictions, freight embargoes, declared general
strikes in relevant industries, Vis Major Act of
Government, impeding reasonable performance of the
Contractor and / or Sub-Contractor but does not include
any foreseeable events, commercial considerations or
those involving fault or negligence on the part of the
party claiming Force Majeure.
11.3 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Service
Provider shall promptly notify the Bank in writing of
such conditions, the cause thereof and the likely
duration of the delay. Unless otherwise directed by the
Bank in writing, the Service Provider shall continue to
perform its obligations under the Agreement as far as
reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable
Please provide the rate and other details of penalty, if any.
13.1 It is agreed by and between the parties that the
Service Provider shall get itself annually audited by
external empanelled Auditors appointed by the Bank/
inspecting official from the Reserve Bank of India or
any regulatory authority, covering the risk parameters
finalized by the Bank/ such auditors in the areas of
products (IT hardware/ software) and services etc.
provided to the Bank and the Service Provider shall
submit such certification by such Auditors to the Bank.
The Service Provider and or his / their outsourced
agents / sub – contractors (if allowed by the Bank)
shall facilitate the same. The Bank can make its expert
assessment on the efficiency and effectiveness of the
security, control, risk management, governance system
and process created by the Service Provider. The Service
Provider shall, whenever required by such Auditors,
furnish all relevant information, records/data to them.
All costs for such audit shall be borne by the Bank.
13.2 Where any deficiency has been observed during audit of
the Service Provider on the risk parameters finalized by
Please provide the payment details and taxes payable by the Bank, if
14.2 All other taxes including service tax, duties and other
charges which may levied shall be borne by the Service
Provider and the Bank shall not be liable for the same.
14.3 All expenses, stamp duty and other charges/ expenses
in connection with execution of this Agreement shall be
borne by Service Provider
15.1 Service Provider agrees and hereby keeps the Bank
indemnified against all claims, actions, loss, damages,
reputation loss, costs, expenses, charges, including
legal expenses (Attorney, Advocates fees included) which
the Bank may suffer or incur on account of any
deficiency in Services rendered by Service Provider or
any acts of Commission / omission on the part of
employees, agents, representatives or Sub-Contractors of
Service Provider. Service Provider agrees to make good
the loss suffered by the Bank on first demand made by
the Bank in this regard which shall be final conclusive
and binding on Service Provider.
15.2 Service Provider further undertakes to promptly notify
the bank in writing any breach of obligation of the
Agreement by its employees or representatives including
confidentiality obligation and in such an event, the
Bank will in addition to and without prejudice to any
other available remedies be entitled to immediate
equitable relief in a Court of competent jurisdiction to
protect its interest including injunctive relief.
15.3 The Service Provider shall be directly and vicariously
liable to indemnify the Bank in case of any misuse of
data/information of the Bank by the Service Provider,
deliberate or otherwise.
16.1 The Bank may, without prejudice to any other remedy for
breach of Agreement, written notice of not less than 30
(thirty) days sent to the Service Provider, terminate
the Agreement in whole or in part:
(a) if the Service Provider fails to deliver any or all
the obligations within the time period specified in
the Agreement, or any extension thereof granted by
the Bank;
(b) if the Service Provider fails to perform any other
obligation(s) under the Agreement;
17.1 For breach of any obligation mentioned in this
Agreement, subject to obligations mentioned in clause
17.3, in no event Service Provider shall be liable for
damages to the Bank arising under or in connection with
this Agreement for an amount exceeding the total Cost of
the Project.
17.2 Service provider will ensure Bank‟s data
confidentiality and shall be responsible for liability
arising in case of breach of any kind of security and/or
leakage of confidential customer/Bank‟s related
information to the extent of loss so caused.
17.3 The limitations set forth herein shall not apply with
respect to:
19.1 Any and all disputes, controversies and conflicts
("Disputes") arising out of this Agreement or in
connection with this Agreement or the performance or
non-performance of the rights and obligations set forth
herein, or the breach, termination, invalidity or
interpretation thereof shall be referred for arbitration
in terms of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
(Arbitration Act) or any amendments thereof. Prior to
submitting the Disputes to arbitration the parties shall
make all endeavors to settle the dispute/s through
mutual negotiation and discussions. In the event that
the said dispute/s are not settled within 30 days of the
arising thereof as evidenced through the first written
Please also incorporate the Tender/ RFP/ RFP- modifications documents
also as part of the Agreement, if the same are relevant.
23.1 Any notice, invoice, approval, advice, report or any
other communication required to be given under this
Agreement shall be in writing and may be given by
delivering the same by hand or sending the same by
prepaid registered mail, telegram or facsimile to the
relevant address set forth below or such other address
as each Party may notify in writing to the other Party
from time to time. Any such notice given as aforesaid
shall be deemed to be served or received at the time
upon delivery (if delivered by hand) or upon actual
receipt (if given by telegram or facsimile) or seven (7)
clear days after posting (if sent by post).
23.2 A notice shall be effective when it is delivered or on
the effective date of the notice, whichever is later.
23.3 Address for communication to the Parties are as under:
23.3.1 To the Bank
24.1 Any provision of this Agreement may be amended or
waived, if, and only if such amendment or waiver is in
writing and signed, in the case of an amendment by each
party, or in this case of a waiver, by the Party against
whom the waiver is to be effective.
24.2 No failure or delay by any Party in exercising any
right, power or privilege hereunder shall operate as a
waiver thereof nor shall any single or partial exercise
of any other right, power of privilege. The rights and
remedies herein provided shall be cumulative and not
exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.
24.3 Neither this Agreement nor any provision hereof is
intended to confer upon any person/s other than the
Parties to this Agreement any rights or remedies
24.4 The Service Provider shall execute and deliver such
additional documents and perform such additional
actions, as may be necessary, appropriate or reasonably
requested to carry out or evidence the transactions
contemplated hereby.
By: By:
Name: Name:
Designation: Designation:
Date: Date:
1. 1.
2. 2.
____________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as
“_________” which expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or context
thereof, shall mean and include its successors and permitted assigns) of the
And Whereas
1. _________________________________________ is carrying on business of
providing _________________________________, has agreed to
__________________________ for the Bank and other related tasks.
2. For purposes of advancing their business relationship, the parties would need
to disclose certain valuable confidential information to each other. Therefore, in
consideration of covenants and agreements contained herein for the mutual
disclosure of confidential information to each other, and intending to be legally
bound, the parties agree to terms and conditions as set out hereunder.
2. Restrictions
(a) Each party shall treat as confidential the Contract and any and all information
(“confidential information”) obtained from the other pursuant to the Contract
and shall not divulge such information to any person (except to such party‟s
own employees and other persons and then only to those employees and
persons who need to know the same) without the other party‟s written consent
provided that this clause shall not extend to information which was rightfully in
the possession of such party prior to the commencement of the negotiations
leading to the Contract, which is already public knowledge or becomes so at a
future date (otherwise than as a result of a breach of this clause). Receiving
Party will have executed or shall execute appropriate written agreements with
its employees and consultants specifically assigned and/or otherwise,
sufficient to enable it to comply with all the provisions of this Agreement. If the
Service Provider shall appoint any Sub-Contractor then the Service Provider
may disclose confidential information to such Sub-Contractor subject to such
Sub Contractor giving the Bank an undertaking in similar terms to the
provisions of this clause.
(b) Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information in accordance with
judicial or other governmental order to the intended recipients (as detailed in
this clause), provided Receiving Party shall give Disclosing Party reasonable
notice prior to such disclosure and shall comply with any applicable protective
order or equivalent. The intended recipients for this purpose are:
(1) the statutory auditors of the Bank and
(2) regulatory authorities regulating the affairs of the Bank and inspectors and
supervisory bodies thereof
(c) The foregoing obligations as to confidentiality shall survive any termination of
this Agreement
(d) Confidential Information and Confidential Material may be disclosed,
reproduced, summarized or distributed only in pursuance of Receiving Party‟s
business relationship with Disclosing Party, and only as otherwise provided
hereunder. Receiving Party agrees to segregate all such Confidential Material
from the confidential material of others in order to prevent mixing.
(e) Receiving Party may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any
software disclosed to Receiving Party.
3. Rights and Remedies
(a) Receiving Party shall notify Disclosing Party immediately upon discovery of
any unauthorized used or disclosure of Confidential Information and/ or
Confidential Materials, or any other breach of this Agreement by Receiving
Party, and will cooperate with Disclosing Party in every reasonable way to help
Disclosing Party regain possession of the Confidential Information and/ or
Confidential Materials and prevent its further unauthorized use.
(b) Receiving Party shall return all originals, copies, reproductions and summaries
of Confidential Information or Confidential Materials at Disclosing Party‟s
request, or at Disclosing Party‟s option, certify destruction of the same.
(c) Receiving Party acknowledges that monetary damages may not be the only
and / or a sufficient remedy for unauthorized disclosure of Confidential
Information and that disclosing party shall be entitled, without waiving any
other rights or remedies (as listed below), to injunctive or equitable relief as
may be deemed proper by a Court of competent jurisdiction.
a. Suspension of access privileges
b. Change of personnel assigned to the job
c. Financial liability for actual, consequential or incidental damages
d. Termination of contract
(d) Disclosing Party may visit Receiving Party‟s premises, with reasonable prior
notice and during normal business hours, to review Receiving Party‟s
compliance with the term of this Agreement.
4. Miscellaneous
(a) All Confidential Information and Confidential Materials are and shall remain
the property of Disclosing Party. By disclosing information to Receiving Party,
Disclosing Party does not grant any expressed or implied right to Receiving
Party to disclose information under the Disclosing Party patents, copyrights,
trademarks, or trade secret information.
(b) Any document provided under this Agreement is provided with RESTRICTED
(c) Neither party grants to the other party any license, by implication or otherwise,
to use the Confidential Information, other than for the limited purpose of
evaluating or advancing a business relationship between the parties, or any
license rights whatsoever in any patent, copyright or other intellectual property
rights pertaining to the Confidential Information.
(d) The terms of Confidentiality under this Agreement shall not be construed to
limit either party‟s right to independently develop or acquire product without
use of the other party‟s Confidential Information. Further, either party shall be
free to use for any purpose the residuals resulting from access to or work with
such Confidential Information, provided that such party shall maintain the
confidentiality of the Confidential Information as provided herein. The term
“residuals” means information in non-tangible form, which may be retained by
person who has had access to the Confidential Information, including ideas,
concepts, know-how or techniques contained therein. Neither party shall have
any obligation to limit or restrict the assignment of such persons or to pay
royalties for any work resulting from the use of residuals. However, the
foregoing shall not be deemed to grant to either party a license under the
other party‟s copyrights or patents.
(e) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with
respect to the subject matter hereof. It shall not be modified except by a
written agreement dated subsequently to the date of this Agreement and
signed by both parties. None of the provisions of this Agreement shall be
deemed to have been waived by any act or acquiescence on the part of
Disclosing Party, its agents, or employees, except by an instrument in writing
signed by an authorized officer of Disclosing Party. No waiver of any provision
of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any other provision(s) or of the
same provision on another occasion.
(f) In case of any dispute, both the parties agree for neutral third party arbitration.
Such arbitrator will be jointly selected by the two parties and he/she may be
an auditor, lawyer, consultant or any other person of trust. The said