Complete each sentence with the correct past tense of be. Use contractions when
Example: How long was the concert?
12. How are the meals you had while you were gone?
13. No one went with me. I was by myself the whole time.
Part 2
Choose the word from the box that best matches each definition. Not all the words from
the box will be used.
In August of last year, the Smith family took an Two months ago, Brian Winters traveled to Cairo,
exciting vacation to Egypt to see the pyramids. They Egypt on a short business trip. He stayed at a
spent an incredible two weeks there. One of the wonderful hotel—one with a great manager and
high points of their vacation was a visit to the friendly staff. One day, he had a little extra time, so
Sphinx. Their tour guide was especially helpful. He he took a taxi to the pyramids. The taxi driver was
told them a lot of interesting stories. They stayed in kind of unfriendly, but the visit to the pyramids was
a wonderful, four-star hotel in Cairo. The hotel had a amazing. Brian was in Egypt for only four days, so
great restaurant, and the waiters were all very he did not have time to see much more. He hopes
friendly. It was the perfect vacation. to see the Sphinx on his next trip.