Pharmacology and The Nursing Process 10th Edition

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PART 1 Pharmacology Basics, 1 33 A drenal Drugs, 518

34 W  omen’s Health Drugs, 528
1 T he Nursing Process and Drug Therapy, 1 35 Men’s Health Drugs, 548
2 Pharmacologic Principles, 13
3 Lifespan Considerations, 33
4 Cultural, Legal, and Ethical Considerations, 46 PART 6 Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System, 557
5 Medication Errors: Preventing and Responding, 60 36 A ntihistamines, Decongestants, Antitussives, and
6 Patient Education and Drug Therapy, 72 ­Expectorants, 557
7 Over-the-Counter Drugs and Herbal and Dietary 37 Respiratory Drugs, 570
­Supplements, 84
8 Gene Therapy and Pharmacogenomics, 94
9 Photo Atlas of Drug Administration, 102 PART 7 Antiinfective and Antiinflammatory
Drugs, 589
PART 2 Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous 38 Antibiotics Part 1, 589
System, 135 39 Antibiotics Part 2, 614
40 Antiviral Drugs, 631
10 A nalgesic Drugs, 135 41 Antitubercular Drugs, 651
11 G  eneral and Local Anesthetics, 165 42 Antifungal Drugs, 662
12 Central Nervous System Depressants and Muscle 43 Antimalarial, Antiprotozoal, and Anthelmintic Drugs, 671
­Relaxants, 183 44 Antiinflammatory and Antigout Drugs, 684
13 Central Nervous System Stimulants and Related
Drugs, 198
14 Antiepileptic Drugs, 214 PART 8 Chemotherapeutic Drugs and Biologic and
15 Antiparkinson Drugs, 231 Immune Modifiers, 700
16 Psychotherapeutic Drugs, 247
17 Substance Use Disorder, 274 45 A ntineoplastic Drugs Part 1: Cancer Overview and Cell
Cycle–Specific Drugs, 700
46 Antineoplastic Drugs Part 2: Cell Cycle–Nonspecific and
PART 3 Drugs Affecting the Autonomic Nervous Miscellaneous Drugs, 726
System, 289 47 Biologic Response–Modifying and Antirheumatic
Drugs, 739
18 Adrenergic Drugs, 289 48 Immunosuppressant Drugs, 761
19 Adrenergic-Blocking Drugs, 303 49 Immunizing Drugs, 773
20 Cholinergic Drugs, 315
21 Cholinergic-Blocking Drugs, 326
PART 9 Drugs Affecting the Gastrointestinal
PART 4 Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular and System and Nutrition, 788
Renal Systems, 335 50 Acid-Controlling Drugs, 788
51 Bowel Disorder Drugs, 801
22 Antihypertensive Drugs, 335 52 Antiemetic and Antinausea Drugs, 815
23 Antianginal Drugs, 356 53 Vitamins and Minerals, 827
24 Heart Failure Drugs, 370 54 Anemia Drugs, 848
25 Antidysrhythmic Drugs, 383 55 Nutritional Supplements, 858
26 Coagulation Modifier Drugs, 405
27 Antilipemic Drugs, 430
28 Diuretic Drugs, 445 PART 10 Dermatologic, Ophthalmic, and Otic
29 Fluids and Electrolytes, 458 Drugs, 869
 ermatologic Drugs, 869
56 D
PART 5 Drugs Affecting the Endocrine and 57 O phthalmic Drugs, 885
Reproductive Systems, 475 58 O  tic Drugs, 907
30 P ituitary Drugs, 475 Appendix: Pharmaceutical Abbreviations, 913
31 T hyroid and Antithyroid Drugs, 483 Answers to Review Questions, 914
32 Diabetes Drugs, 492 Index, 916

Linda Lane Lilley, RN, PhD Clinical Pharmacy Services at Mobile Infirmary Medical Center. After
Linda Lilley received her diploma from moving to Chesapeake, Virginia, she served as the Clinical Pharmacy
Norfolk General School of Nursing, BSN Specialist/Coordinator of Clinical Pharmacy Services at Chesapeake
from the University of Virginia, Master Regional Medical Center in Chesapeake, Virginia for 19 years. Her
of Science (Nursing) from Old Dominion practice focused on developing and implementing clinical pharmacy
University, and PhD in Nursing from services as well as medication safety and The Joint Commission medi-
George Mason University. As an Associate cation management standards and national patient safety goals. She is
Professor Emeritus and University president of Drug Information Consultants, a business offering consul-
Professor at Old Dominion University, her tation and expert witness review for attorneys on medical malpractice
teaching experience in nursing education cases. She holds certifications in Medication Therapy Management,
spans over 25 years, including almost 20 Anticoagulation Management, and Immunizations. Shelly was awarded
years at Old Dominion. Linda’s teaching the Clinical Pharmacist of the Year Award in 2007 from the Virginia
expertise includes drug therapy and the nursing process, adult nurs- Society of Healthsystem Pharmacists. She led a multidisciplinary team
ing, physical assessment, fundamentals in nursing, oncology nursing, that won the Clinical Achievement of the Year Award from George
nursing theory, and trends in health care. The awarding of the univer- Mason University School of Public Health in 2007 for promoting safety
sity’s most prestigious title of University Professor reflects her teaching with narcotics in patients with sleep apnea; this program has also
excellence as a tenured faculty member. She has also been a two-time received national recognition. She was awarded the Service Excellence
university nominee for the State Council of Higher Education in Award from Chesapeake Regional Medical Center. Shelly’s professional
Virginia award for excellence in teaching, service, and scholarship. affiliations include the American Society of Healthsystem Pharmacists,
Linda received the 2012 Distinguished Nursing Alumni Award from the Virginia Society of Healthsystem Pharmacists, and the American
Old Dominion University School of Nursing for her “continued work Pharmacists Association. She is also the author of several editions of
on the successful pharmacology textbook published by Elsevier” and Elsevier’s 2022 Intravenous Medications: A Handbook for Nurses and
to recognize her “extraordinary work and the impact [the book] has Health Professionals.
had on baccalaureate education.” While at Old Dominion University,
Linda mentored and taught undergraduate and graduate students as
well as registered nurses returning for their BSN. Linda authored the
Julie S. Snyder, MSN, RN-BC
Julie Snyder received her diploma from
MED ERRORS column for the American Journal of Nursing between
Norfolk General Hospital School of Nursing
1994 and 1999, as well as numerous other peer-reviewed, published
and her BSN and MSN from Old Dominion
articles in professional nursing journals. Since retiring in 2005, Linda
University. After working in medical-sur-
continues to be active in nursing, serving as a member on dissertation
gical nursing, she worked in nursing staff
committees with the College of Health Sciences and maintaining mem-
development and community education.
bership in numerous professional and academic organizations. Dr.
Later, she transferred to the academic setting
Lilley continues to serve on the volunteer review panel for the monthly
and taught fundamentals of nursing, phar-
newsletter publication Nurse Advise-ERR (ISMP affiliated; the ISMP
macology, physical assessment, and adult
[Institute for Safe Medication Practices] is a nonprofit organization
medical-surgical nursing at a university
educating the healthcare community and consumers about safe medi-
school of nursing. Julie has recently worked
cation practices). Linda has served as a consultant to the school nurses
as a Quality Initiative Coordinator and a Clinical Nurse Educator in a
in the city of Virginia Beach and as a member on the City of Virginia
local hospital. She is now a visiting professor for the College of Nursing
Beach’s Health Advisory Board. She served as an appointed member on
at Chamberlain University. She has been certified by the ANCC in
the national advisory panel on medication error prevention with the
Nursing Continuing Education and Staff Development and currently
U.S. Pharmacopeia in Rockville, Maryland. She continues to educate
holds ANCC certification in Medical-Surgical Nursing. She is a mem-
nursing students and professional nurses about drug therapy and the
ber of Sigma Theta Tau International and was inducted into Phi Kappa
nursing process and speaks on the topics of drug therapy, safe medica-
Phi as Outstanding Alumni for Old Dominion University. She has
tion use, humor and healing, and grief and loss.
worked for Elsevier as a reviewer, ancillary writer, and author since
1997. She is coauthor of Elsevier’s Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing
Shelly Rainforth Collins, PharmD, with Dr. Mariann Harding. Julie’s professional service has included
serving on the Virginia Nurses’ Association Continuing Education
BCGP Committee, serving as Educational Development Committee chair for
Shelly Rainforth Collins is a Board-
the Epsilon Chi chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, serving as an item writer
Certified Geriatric Pharmacist and received
for the ANCC, working with a regional hospital educators’ group, and
her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from
serving as a consultant on various projects for local hospital education
the University of Nebraska, College of
departments. In addition, she has conducted pharmacology review
Pharmacy in 1985, with High Distinction.
classes for recent nursing graduates.
She then completed a clinical pharmacy
residency at Memorial Medical Center of
Long Beach in Long Beach, California. She worked as a pediatric clini-
cal pharmacist (neonatal specialist) at Memorial Medical Center before
moving to Mobile, Alabama, where she was the Assistant Director of
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TENTH Anniversary

Pharmacology and
the Nursing Process
University Professor and Associate Professor Emeritus (Retired)
School of Nursing
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, Virginia


Drug Information Consultants
Chesapeake, Virginia


Visiting Professor
College of Nursing
Chamberlain University
Downers Grove, Illinois

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Executive Content Strategist: Sonya Seigafuse

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Book Production Specialist: Clay S. Broeker
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Key Points—Downloadable Review Questions for the Unfolding Case Studies

Peggy Slota, DNP, RN, FAAN NCLEX® Examination Linda Turchin, MSN, RN, CNEr
Professor Linda Turchin, MSN, RN, CNEr Associate Professor (Retired)
Director, DNP Graduate Studies Associate Professor (Retired) Professor Emeritus
Georgetown University School of Nursing Professor Emeritus Nursing Department
and Health Studies Nursing Department Fairmont State University
Washington, DC Fairmont State University Fairmont, West Virginia
Fairmont, West Virginia
PowerPoint Slides
Julie S. Snyder, MSN, RN-BC Test Bank
Visiting Professor Julie S. Snyder, MSN, RN-BC
College of Nursing Visiting Professor
Chamberlain University College of Nursing
Downers Grove, Illinois Chamberlain University
Downers Grove, Illinois


Zachary Backlin, DNP, FNP-C, RN Kim Elise Taylor, RN

Family Nurse Practitioner
Janie Bowman, DNP, CRNP, CNS Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Critical Care Nurse Practitioner Los Angeles, California
Anne Arundel Medical Center
Annapolis, Maryland


Now in its tenth edition, Pharmacology and the Nursing Process • G ene therapy and pharmacogenomics
provides the most current and clinically relevant nursing phar- • A photo atlas that describes drug administration techniques,
macology content in a visually appealing, understandable, and including more than 100 drawings and photographs
practical format. The accessible size and clear writing style of Parts 2 through 10 present pharmacology and nursing man-
Pharmacology and the Nursing Process are ideal for today’s busy agement in a time-tested body systems/drug function frame-
nursing student. The book not only presents drug information work. This approach facilitates learning by grouping functionally
that the nursing student needs to know but also provides infor- related drugs and drug groups. It provides an effective means of
mation on what a professional nurse may encounter during integrating the content into medical-surgical/adult health nurs-
drug administration in a variety of health care settings, includ- ing courses or for teaching pharmacology in a separate course.
ing accounts of real-life medication errors and tips for avoiding The 49 drug chapters in these 9 parts constitute the main
those errors. Edition after edition, the book has become increas- portion of the book. Drugs are presented in a consistent format
ingly inviting and engaging for the adult learner to read and with an emphasis on drug classes and key similarities and dif-
study. Features that help set the book apart include: ferences among the drugs in each class. Each chapter is subdi-
• A focus on the use of the nursing process in the identification vided into two discussions, beginning with (1) a brief overview
and prioritization of patient needs related to pharmacology of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology and a complete
• A strong focus on drug classes to help students acquire a bet- discussion of pharmacology, followed by (2) a comprehensive
ter knowledge of how various drug classes work in the body, yet succinct application of the nursing process.
allowing them to apply this knowledge to individual drugs Pharmacology is presented for each drug group in a consis-
• Ease of readability to make this difficult content more under- tent format:
standable • Mechanism of Action and Drug Effects
• Integrated learning strategies content that helps students • Indications
understand and learn the particularly demanding subject • Contraindications
of pharmacology while also equipping them with tools that • Adverse Effects (often including Toxicity and Management
they can use in other courses and as lifelong learners who are of Overdose)
building an evidence-based practice • Interactions
For this edition, the author team has continued to focus • Dosages
closely on providing the most “need-to-know” information, Drug class discussions conclude with Drug Profiles—
enhancing readability, and emphasizing the nursing process and brief narrative “capsules” of individual drugs in the class or
prioritization throughout. group, including Pharmacokinetics tables for each drug. High-
Sharing the goal of creating a nursing pharmacology text- alert medications are identified with a symbol to increase
book that is not only academically rigorous but also prac- awareness of high-alert medications.
tical and easy to use, the authors bring together a unique The pharmacology section is followed by a nursing process
combination of experience. The author team is comprised of an discussion that relates to the entire drug group. This nursing
Associate Professor Emeritus with a PhD in nursing and more content is covered in the following, familiar nursing process
than 25 years of teaching experience, a clinical pharmacist with format:
a PharmD and over 30 years of experience in hospital and long- • Assessment
term care pharmacy practice, and a nurse educator who holds • Human Need Statements
a MSN in nursing education and has over 30 years of teaching • Planning (including Goals and Outcome Criteria)
experience. • Implementation
• Evaluation
At the end of each Nursing Process section is a Patient-
ORGANIZATION Centered Care: Patient Teaching section that summarizes key
This book includes 58 chapters presented in 10 parts, organized points for nursing students and/or practicing nurses to include
by body system. The 9 “concepts” chapters in Part 1 lay a solid in the education of patients about their medications. This sec-
foundation for the subsequent drug units and address the fol- tion focuses on teaching how the drugs work, possible interac-
lowing topics: tions, adverse effects, and other information related to the safe
• The nursing process and drug therapy and effective use of the drug(s). The role of the nurse as patient
• Pharmacologic principles educator and advocate continues to grow in importance in pro-
• Lifespan considerations related to pharmacology fessional practice, so there is emphasis on this key content in
• Cultural, legal, and ethical considerations each chapter in this edition. This arrangement of content can be
• Preventing and responding to medication errors especially helpful to faculty who teach pharmacology through
• Patient education and drug therapy an integrated approach because it helps the student identify key
• Over-the-counter drugs and herbal and dietary supplements content and concepts.

IN THIS EDITION Answers are provided in the back of the book for quick and
easy review.
To further improve the hallmark readability and user-friendli- • List of Evolve Resources available to students
ness of Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, each line of the In addition to the special boxes listed previously, other spe-
text has been edited to improve readability. cial features that appear throughout the text include:
The tenth edition of Pharmacology and the Nursing • Case Studies, with answer guidelines provided on the Evolve
Process continues to feature additional Quality and Safety website
Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies by providing • Dosages tables listing generic and trade names, pharmaco-
the following: logic class, usual dosage ranges, and indications for the drugs
• Use of human need theory with human need statements to For a more comprehensive listing of the special features,
replace previously identified nursing diagnoses included in please see the inside back cover of the book.
the Nursing Process sections of each chapter
• Case studies that encourage critical thinking and feature col-
laboration and teamwork content, with answer guidelines SUPPLEMENTAL RESOURCES
provided on the Evolve website A comprehensive ancillary package is available to instructors
• Additional Safety and Quality Improvement: Preventing (and their students) who adopt Pharmacology and the Nursing
Medication Errors boxes Process. The following supplemental resources have been thor-
• New Clinical Pearl boxes throughout the book that highlight oughly revised for this edition and can significantly assist teach-
especially useful takeaways ing and learning of pharmacology.
• Further explanation and discussion of the QSEN initiative as
it relates to safety and quality of patient care included in the Study Guide
Medication Errors chapter and in boxes throughout the book The carefully prepared student workbook includes the following:
The QSEN initiative is also highlighted in this edition’s • Student Study Tips that reinforce the Learning Strategies in
TEACH for Nurses Lesson Plans (see Supplemental Resources). the text and provide a “how to” guide to applying test-taking
The pharmacology and nursing content in each of the 58 strategies
chapters has been thoroughly revised and critically reviewed by • Worksheets for each chapter, with NCLEX®-style questions,
nursing instructors, practicing nurses, and a clinical pharmacist including Next Generation (NGN)–style questions. Other
to reflect the latest drug information and nursing content. Key questions include alternate-item, dosage calculation, critical
updates include: thinking, and application questions
• New seizure classifications • Case Studies followed by related critical thinking questions,
• New oral anticoagulant reversal agents including NGN-style questions
• Black box warnings added in bold to highlight safety • An updated Overview of Dosage Calculations with helpful
• Recently approved drugs that are included and discussed tips for calculating dosages, sample drug labels, practice
• Substance abuse terminology changing to Substance Use problems, and a quiz
Disorder • Answers to all questions (provided in the back of the book)
to facilitate self-study
The book also includes a variety of innovative teaching/learn- Located at, the Evolve website
ing features that prepare the student for important content to for this book includes the following:
be covered in each chapter and encourage review and rein- For students:
forcement of that content. Chapter opener features include the • More than 600 NCLEX® Examination Review Questions
following: • Printable, expanded Key Points for each chapter
• Learning Objectives • Content updates
• Summary of Drug Profiles in the chapter, with page number • Answers to Case Studies and Critical Thinking Questions from
references the book
• Key terms with definitions (key terms being in bold blue • Unfolding Case Studies
type throughout the narrative to emphasize this essential • New suffix and prefix list
terminology) For instructors:
The following features appear at the end of each chapter: • TEACH for Nurses Lesson Plans that focus on the most
• Patient Teaching Tips related to drug therapy important content from each chapter and provide innovative
• Key Points summarizing important chapter content strategies for student engagement and learning. These new
• Critical Thinking Questions, with answer guidelines pro- Lesson Plans include strategies for integrating nursing cur-
vided on the Evolve website riculum standards (QSEN, concept-based learning, and the
• Review Questions at the end of each chapter, including alter- BSN essentials), links to all relevant student and instructor
nate-item format and dosage calculation questions to assist resources, and an original instructor-only Case Study in each
the student in preparation for the NCLEX® examination. chapter.

• E
 xamView Test Bank that features more than 800 test ques- • P owerPoint Lecture Slides consist of more than 2100 cus-
tions (including alternate-item questions) with rationales tomizable text slides for instructors to use in lectures.
and answers coded for NCLEX® Client Needs category, nurs- • Audience Response System Questions (three or more discus-
ing process step, and cognitive level (new and old Bloom’s sion-oriented questions per chapter for use with i>Clicker
taxonomy). The robust ExamView testing application, pro- and other systems) are folded into these presentations.
vided at no cost to faculty, allows instructors to create new • An Image Collection with more than 200 full-color images
tests; edit, add, and delete test questions; sort questions by from the book for instructors to use in lectures.
NCLEX® Client Needs category, cognitive level, and nursing • Access to all student resources listed above.
process step; and administer and grade tests online, with
automated scoring and gradebook functionality.

This book truly has been a collaborative effort. We wish to employees with Linda beginning with the first day of the first
thank the instructors and students who have provided input edition; for that, Linda is most thankful and extremely grateful.
on an ongoing basis throughout the development of the cur- Shelly wishes to dedicate this edition to her daughter Kristin
rent and previous editions. The tenth edition’s leadership team Collins of Chesapeake, Virginia, and to her father Charles
from Elsevier included the dynamic duo of Sonya Seigafuse, Rainforth of Hastings, Nebraska, the two most important people
Executive Content Strategist, and Sarah Vora, Senior Content in her life. You both have been an inspiration, a support system,
Development Specialist. Their consistent dedication and tre- and, most importantly, a source of constant love. Kristin, it has
mendous support of the author team in the writing of this been such a joy watching you grow into the wonderful woman
edition will be forever appreciated. Clay Broeker has been our you have become. I am so very proud of you!! The memory of
production specialist for numerous editions, and we are so very Shelly’s mother, Rogene Rainforth, who passed away during the
appreciative of his continued work, dedication, support, and seventh edition, continues to provide a sense of pride and love.
patience on this tenth edition. He has always guided us with Shelly wishes to thank her brother, Randy Rainforth, for sup-
patience and professionalism through to publication on these porting their father when distance separates the family. Shelly
projects. Special thanks to Kristin Geen, Jamie Blum, Charlene would also like to thank Linda Lilley and Julie Snyder for giving
Ketchum, and Laura Goodrich, who worked diligently and her the opportunity to be affiliated with such a wonderful book.
supported us on earlier editions. Laura Jaroneski lent her study To the amazing editorial staff at Elsevier, thank you.
skills expertise and has updated the unique and appropriate Julie wishes to dedicate this edition to the memory of her
Learning Strategies features for students; for her collaboration, mother, Jean Simmons, who passed away in August 2021. She
we are most grateful. Finally, we thank Joe Albanese for his con- will always remember her mother’s support, love, and tender
tributions to the first edition of the book, Bob Aucker for his care throughout her lifetime. She appreciates her husband,
contributions to the first three editions, and Scott Harrington Jonathan, for his love and patience during long hours at the
for contributions through the sixth edition. desk for text revisions. She thanks her dad, Willis; her daugh-
Linda thanks her daughter, Karen, for her unwavering and ter, Emily; and her son-in-law, Randy Martin, for their unfailing
constant support throughout all 10 editions. Long hours and love and encouragement. She appreciates the staff nurses who
time spent researching and writing has preempted time with work alongside and provide leadership for our nursing stu-
family, but Karen has always understood. Linda wishes to ded- dents in the clinical settings. The support and encouragement
icate this book to Karen Leanne Lilley Harris because of her of family, friends, and colleagues are vital to projects like this.
continued inspiration, encouragement, and support for all Thanks also to Rick Brady and Scott Brown for their previous
professional endeavors and accomplishments. The memory of assistance with the photo shoots for the Photo Atlas of Drug
Linda’s parents, John and Thelma Lane, who passed away during Administration chapter. Julie greatly appreciates the Elsevier
the fourth edition, and in-laws J.C. and Mary Anne Lilley, who editorial team, including Sonya Seigafuse, Sarah Vora, and Clay
passed away during the fifth and sixth editions, has continued to Broeker, for their guidance and expertise. Thanks also to Shelly
provide inspiration and a sense of pride in all her work. Students Rainforth Collins for her clinical insight and endless willing-
and graduates of Old Dominion University School of Nursing ness to address questions. Julie continues to deeply appreciate
have been eager to provide feedback and support, begin- the friendship, encouragement, and mentoring of Dr. Linda L.
ning with the class of 1990 and continuing through the class Lilley over the years; her drive to make this book a success is
of 2005. Without their participation, the book would not have inspirational. Most importantly, Julie gives thanks to God, our
been so user-friendly and helpful to students embarking upon source of hope and strength.
their study of drug therapy. Linda attributes her successes and
accomplishments to a strong sense of purpose, faith, and fam-
ily as well as a continued appreciation and value for the light-
hearted side of life. To Jibby Baucom, Linda offers many thanks, We always welcome comments from instructors and students
because without her recommendation to Mosby, Inc. back in who use this book so that we may continue to make improve-
the 1990s, the book would never have been developed. Robin ments and be responsive to your needs in future editions.
Carter, Kristin Geen, Lee Henderson, Jamie Blum, and Jackie
Linda Lane Lilley
Twomey have also been significant resources and more than
Shelly Rainforth Collins
just editors with Elsevier; they have been sources of strength
Julie S. Snyder
and encouragement. Their excellent work ethic, positivity, and
calming natures will be forever appreciated. The fifth through
tenth editions have also involved Clay Broeker, who has been a
tremendous resource in dealing with production issues; his con-
tributions to all of these editions have been strong, exceptional,
and forward-thinking. Elsevier has shared some of its best


LEARNING STRATEGIES of the medication. As you read your pharmacology textbook

and listen to your instructors teaching on the subject, you will
Opening your pharmacology textbook and glancing at the table begin to understand why learning pharmacology is more than
of contents can seem overwhelming. You may wonder how you just memorizing drug facts.
ever will be able to remember so much information as well as
the best approach in tackling such a daunting topic. The good
news is that there are many learning strategies available to help NURSING PROCESS
you not only learn about pharmacology but also apply this In Chapter 1, you are introduced to the five phases of the
knowledge to the nursing care of patients. Nursing Process. Throughout this textbook, you will see the
To the learner, as the title of the book implies, pharmacol- nursing process applied to each category of drugs. This is a very
ogy is very important to the nursing process. You will come to important concept for you to understand. As you will recall
understand that learning in nursing is not about memorization from the introduction on learning strategies, administering
but rather about application of learning. While there will be medications to patients involves more that the physical act of
many times when memorization is required to begin to under- giving medications. The nurse needs to know the rationale and
stand a new field of knowledge, the ultimate goal will always apply critical thinking with each patient encounter. The nursing
be to take your learning to a higher level. Learning strategies process is a way to ensure that medications are administered
will be presented here that will guide you with techniques and accurately and safely. Nurses effortlessly use the nursing pro-
suggestions on how to define and clarify the way you study and cess every day, and students who are new to the nursing process
learn so that it will become second nature to transform your learn best by using it frequently.
thinking into deeper, long-term learning with subsequent appli-
cation to your professional nursing practice. Assessment
As you begin your nursing education, you will soon realize Every patient encounter begins with an Assessment. As you
that learning does not stop once you receive your degree and are learning pharmacology, the importance of the assessment
pass your state-licensing exam. As a professional nurse, you will become clear. You will want to ask yourself some questions:
will come to understand that new information is always being Why is this drug being prescribed for this patient? What symp-
added in the medical, pharmacology, and nursing professions. toms does the patient have? What assessments do I need to per-
In the area of pharmacology, there are always new drugs being form prior to administering the medication (e.g., checking the
adopted, as well as discontinued, for use by the US Food and patient’s blood pressure or laboratory values)? Does the patient
Drug Administration. The strategies that you learn here can be have any allergies to this medication? Has the patient taken this
used again and again to assist you in remaining current in new medication before?
discoveries, new information, and new standards of practice
within the nursing profession. Human Need Statements
You must be an active participant in your learning. Your Each patient will receive a Human Need Statement based on
instructor/faculty member acts more like a guide that assists you the assessment. These human need statements relate to the
in attaining your fullest potential, allowing you to see the big- medical condition, such as freedom from pain, related to hip
ger picture or concept being taught. When students are taught surgery. There are also human need statements related to the
this way, they gain more from their lessons because they are actual medication the patient is receiving, such as altered safety
putting their learning into action. Also, that learning becomes needs, risk for injury, related to possible adverse reactions to
embedded in their long-term memory because it is connected drugs altering blood clotting. After the human need statement
to a more complex thought process and has associated actions. is identified, the nurse will administer the medication to relieve
You will need to be an active participant if you wish to fully the pain from hip surgery; the medication administration will
comprehend and be able to apply pharmacology to your nurs- be part of the implementation. In the second example, the med-
ing knowledge/practice. Nurses spend a large part of their day ication administration will be critically evaluated to watch for
giving medications to their patients. Anybody can open a pill the adverse effects of altered blood clotting.
packet, drop the pill in a cup, and give it to a person. However,
safe medication administration demands an enormous amount Planning: Outcome Identification
of knowledge and understanding about why a patient is receiv- Once you have established the human need statement, you need
ing a medication, specific actions that need to be taken before to decide on a Plan of care for the patient. What is the outcome
you give the medication, expected outcomes anticipated from that you want the patient to achieve? For our first example, pain
the dose of medication, and specific patient teaching needs. relief is an appropriate outcome. It may further be defined by
Other important things to know prior to giving medications the pain level (e.g., less than 5 out of 10 on the pain scale). For
include how to perform drug calculations for the correct dosage the second example, the outcome would state that the patient
and understanding the possible side effects or contraindications not experience any bleeding episodes. As explained in Chapter 1,


these outcomes will be patient specific and have a time frame Taking your learning further, you may now associate this
associated with them. term with patient safety and the human need statement of
“Altered need for safety, risk for falls.” Suddenly, a simple key
Implementation term means so much more to you as a student. You can now
With Implementation, you devise the actions or interventions see the application to the nursing process.
that will provide the means by which the patient will achieve Other key terms are straightforward vocabulary words that
the outcome. For the patient with the human need of freedom may be learned and understood by looking at the prefix or suf-
from pain, an appropriate intervention would be to provide fix. For example, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis both begin with
pain medication as prescribed. For the patient with a risk of the prefix osteo, which means “bone.” Learning the meaning of
bleeding, educating the patient about signs and symptoms of prefixes like osteo will help you decipher other words too. The
unusual bleeding would be appropriate. In these two examples, words agonist and antagonist are similar; both have the word
you see that implementation may be something we do for/with agonist in them. You will want to question how these words are
the patient, including patient education. Patient education is a related as well as what difference exists between the two words.
very important component of pharmacology and the nursing Many students find that writing out flash cards helps them
process. to study and learn the key terms. If you choose this method,
remember to also include some type of application of the word
Evaluation or phrase. That way, you are not just memorizing but rather
The last step of the nursing process is Evaluation. This is when making connections to previous learning and relating it to the
you look at the outcomes and determine the effectiveness of the nursing process. Memorizing is lower-level learning, whereas
implementation phase. Did the patient with hip pain obtain application is higher-level learning.
relief from the administration of the pain medication? Did the Some e-books have built-in flash cards of all the vocabulary
patient at risk for bleeding have any episodes of bleeding and/or words, making the process of self-quizzing easy. Just remember
did he or she understand the teaching provided? If the outcome that these may not be as in-depth as the flash cards you make
was not met, you will need to reevaluate the outcome statement yourself. There are also applications that may be downloaded on
and/or the interventions. Now you can see how the nursing pro- a computer, smart phone, or tablet that will allow you to bring
cess is an ongoing and constantly evolving process. them up on your device anywhere to study instantly. That way,
you can learn at your own pace and at any time.
Learning pharmacology in nursing means that there is an
abundance of new terminology that you, the student, will Text notation is a way for students to pick out the important con-
encounter in your reading. It is important that you study the tent as they are reading the chapters. Many students accomplish
vocabulary so that you will have a deeper understanding of this by underlining or highlighting the text as they read. A major
the content being taught. You may already be familiar with mistake is to begin underlining or highlighting the text the first
some of the vocabulary from other courses. Each chapter time through. What happens on the first read through is that every-
opens with a list of Key Terms—significant vocabulary that thing seems important, and before you know it you have marked
will be introduced in that chapter. Oftentimes these words whole paragraphs as important. The best way to prevent this from
will appear in future chapters, so it is imperative that time is occurring is to first read through the material once without under-
spent not just memorizing the terms but putting the terms lining or highlighting. You need to see where the author is leading
into use and applying their meaning. Remember that appli- you and what content is being presented in the chapter. Then you
cation is important in nursing. The vocabulary words will need to be aware of the author’s language. You can usually tell when
appear in the text in blue boldface font, alerting you to the a concept is important. Many times, those key terms are part of the
fact that it is a key term. Each vocabulary word is defined content you will need to underline or highlight. While reading the
in the Key Terms section at the beginning of the chapter. text a second time, you will be able to be more selective in what
When you see the word again in the content of the chapter, you underline or highlight. When students highlight in an effective
it is further defined by either explanation or application. For manner, it makes the learning easier because they can just review
example, in Chapter 19, the term first-dose phenomenon is chunks of content versus studying entire sections. Highlighting is a
defined as a severe and sudden drop in blood pressure after the feature that is included in most online textbooks. Therefore, if you
administration of the first dose of an alpha-adrenergic blocker. read your textbook in online format, highlighting is very easy. In
When you see the term in the text, it is used under the head- some e-books, you can choose different highlight colors to mean
ing “adverse effects,” so it is helpful for you to realize that different things; for example, yellow is important, red needs clari-
the first-dose phenomenon is not something good. It is fur- fication, and blue is a definition. Some e-books also automatically
ther explained in the text that this adverse effect may cause take your highlighted text and place it into your notes, turning your
patients to fall or pass out. This example demonstrates that note taking into a study guide.
when you are learning a key term, it is helpful to fully com- When using e-books, students have the capability of adding
prehend the implications and application to nursing practice. notes as they read along. This will enhance learning and make

studying for tests easier. Students can add information that they that may prove helpful include
obtain in the classroom right into the notes in their e-book. questionnaire/ and
Also, students can add a note with a question about the content assessments/learning-styles-quiz.shtml. Self-assessment learning–
if there is something that is not clear; later in class, the note can style tests are available on Internet/web-based sites.
be used as a reminder to ask the instructor for clarification. Here is a brief overview of each of the seven learning styles.
The visual (spatial) learning style prefers using pictures, images,
and spatial understanding, such as using mind maps and work-
ENHANCED TYPEFACE ing with pictures instead of words. The aural style learner prefers
Throughout your textbook, the authors have used several types sound and music, including recordings, rhymes, and mnemonics
of enhanced typeface and color to draw your attention or focus and setting the learning of information to jingles. Verbal (linguis-
in on something that they feel is important to understand. When tic) students learn best with both the spoken and written word,
key terms first appear in text, they are set in a blue boldface font. including reading of content aloud, recording of and listening to
This will help you make connections to the definitions you read lectures and to themselves, and participating in role playing. The
in the beginning of the chapter with the application of the terms physical (kinesthetic)–style learner best comprehends/utilizes
used in the text. In the text, there are also words or phrases in information with the use of their hands and through the sense of
italics; these are words or phrases that are not included in the touch; these learners benefit from the use of physical objects as
key terms but are important in their own right. They signal a much as possible, including writing and drawing. Logical (math-
term or phrase that a student needs to learn to further compre- ematical) learners like to use logical reasoning and a systems
hend the content. approach; they like to find the reason behind the content and
The chapter headings are like signs that tell you what is going create/use lists of key points in their material. Students who fit
to be discussed. The authors begin each section with a heading, the social (interpersonal) learning style prefer learning in groups
and these will appear in the same order in every chapter. In this or with other people; if this is your style, try role playing or work-
way, students can recognize the general flow of the content. This ing in groups as often as you can. The solitary (intrapersonal)
helps organize the drug information in a consistent manner. style student learns most effectively on his or her own and uses
You will notice that there are subheadings that also occur in an self-study; he or she will align goals with personal beliefs and
orderly fashion. values ( Some of these
seven learning styles will overlap, and you may find you learn
more effectively with use of more than one learning style. There
STUDY TIME is no right or wrong way to learn. By identifying your learning
When a student learns a new topic for the first time, the brain style, you can enhance the learning of content and get the most
looks for a connection to previous learning. If it finds a connec- out of the learning experience.
tion, then learning the content will be easier. To effectively learn
a topic like pharmacology, students will have to spend a signifi-
cant amount of time studying. It is a good idea if students have a
set routine and put aside a specific time to study. Many students Technology has come to play an important part in how students
find that if they review their lecture notes the same day as the learn and study. As discussed previously, there are many appli-
class, it helps them to remember the new concepts that were just cations (or “apps”) available on smart phones and tablets that
introduced. You will need to find out what type of study schedule students may use to learn, study, and manage their time. You
works best for you. You should not wait until just before a test or will want to start with your textbook and see what types of tech-
exam to study what you have been learning. A better plan is to nology, learning strategies, and ancillary tools are offered as part
work with the material frequently. This will enhance the connec- of your textbook purchase. The student resources for this text-
tions formed in your brain as you review the material and help it book include interactive review questions and downloadable
become part of your long-term memory and learning. files of the key points from each chapter to help you study for
tests. Additionally, there are several types of practice questions,
critical thinking questions, and case studies that are available in
LEARNING STYLES this textbook and online. These questions may be used for inde-
One of the best ways to study effectively is to understand the pendent study or in a group situation. If you are a student who
way you learn best, otherwise termed learning styles. Everyone embraces technology, use your smart phone or tablet to conduct
has a particular way that they learn best. Many references a search for apps to download and assist you in learning and/or
identify the learning styles as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, quizzing yourself on various topics within pharmacology.
while other sources define up to seven learning styles, with
inclusion of verbal (linguistic), logical (mathematical), soli-
tary (intrapersonal), and social (interpersonal). There are sev-
eral ways for you to find out your learning style(s). Textbooks Flash cards are another method of learning about pharmacol-
and reference books are available, but Internet/web-based ogy and medications. The kinesthetic learner learns best with
resources also provide a wealth of information. A few sites these strategies. Students can make up their own flash cards,

listing important information about a particular drug they need students from other schools can also be obtained in these social
to learn. Some students write out cards and use different col- media sites. Chat rooms may be accessed from home, making
ored inks for the information, like green for drug indications group meetings/activities more convenient.
and dosage, red for side effects, orange for contraindications, Many colleges and universities already incorporate online
and blue for nursing implications. Students can use a program learning and learning management systems. The learning man-
on their computers to make the flash cards and bring them up agement systems go by various names and are usually used by
on their smart phone to study later. There are also Internet sites instructors and professors to upload course content, assign-
and mobile apps that have premade pharmacology flash cards ments, and grades. These systems usually have the capability to
you can use to quiz yourself. set up discussion boards. The discussion board facilitates group
When you know how you learn the best, you can use those learning by allowing a forum for a student to post a question
strategies to make the most of your time learning and studying on a concept or topic that needs clarification and/or reinforce-
pharmacology. Remember that your textbook is a great place to ment. Other students can go to the site and post answers, add
start. Review the additional learning resources that are available questions of their own, or share tips on learning (for example,
from the publisher, and then you can seek out any of the other posting a link to a website with useful mnemonics or other
techniques mentioned in this section to help you successfully learning strategies). Discussion boards can be designed so the
master your study time. whole class participates or set up for small individual groups.
Many of these sites are controlled and monitored by the course
instructors. Discussion groups can be accessed from anywhere
STUDY GROUPS that a student has an Internet connection.
Study groups can be a very successful way to learn and study
pharmacology. When working with groups, you have the abil-
ity and advantage of getting another person’s perspective on a
topic. Sometimes another student can explain something in a Time management is an extremely important task to master as
way that makes it easier for you to understand. A group work- a nursing student. You are embarking on a profession in which
ing together can divide a lesson or assignment so that everyone the learning, educational, and clinical preparation are all very
brings something to the table, with everyone learning from one intense. Additionally, the course work is heavy, and time seems
another. to always be running out. However, take heart, because many
First, you need to find a study group that is compatible with students have preceded you and made it to the other side. Those
your learning needs and availability. You also want to make sure students will be the first ones to tell you they could not have
that the students in your group will use the time together to done it without strict time management, writing out a schedule,
actually study, discuss, and quiz each other on the material and and following it.
not waste time engaging in social “chit chat.” The majority of the To be successful at time management, you need to start with
time together needs to focus on the task at hand. If the group a tool to keep you on task. One of the most commonly used
you joined does not meet your needs, do not hesitate to leave tools is the school planner or calendar. You will want to get one
it and find a different group. When and where students meet that has enough space for each day to accommodate all of the
for a study group is also important. The environment needs information you need to manage. If you are just juggling classes,
to be conducive to learning for everyone in the group. Many a small planner will do. However, if you are a parent in charge of
collegiate/academic and public libraries have study rooms that school-age kids and/or attending school and working, you will
students can use. Often there is a master sign-up sheet found at need a planner that easily accommodates all important dates.
the front desk of the library. If the school cafeteria has a quiet The best way to be successful is to plan things out. If a pharma-
section, then that may be another possible location for a study cology test falls on the day after your child’s school play or after a
group. A beneficial time to plan a study group would be right long work weekend, you will need to see it in advance. The only
after or close to the time after the pharmacology lecture. This way to “see it” is to plot it on a planner, often weeks or months
planning of time would allow everyone to review and discuss at a time. Nothing makes failure inevitable like being unaware
new information. If any information is not clearly understood, of upcoming work, projects, quizzes, tests, and/or exams and
it may then be cleared up prior to further study. being caught unprepared. Students often make their planners as
creative and functional as they can by using stickers, different
colored inks, and sticky notes, as well as organizing sections of
CHAT ROOMS AND DISCUSSION GROUPS information. Smart phones and tablets may also be used to help
Because we live in such a mobile society and students lead busy students manage their time and stay on task. Mobile devices
lives with school, raising families, and working, finding time have timers and/or alarms that students can set so that they are
for a study group can be difficult. In these instances, using chat certain to allow time to study or complete an assignment on
rooms and discussion boards is a great alternative to face-to- time. But remember…planners and other scheduling devices
face group meetings. Some social media sites allow for the for- need to be used daily and frequently to be effective!
mation of chat rooms where students can all log in to discuss When beginning to use a planner, whether on a handwrit-
their pharmacology content. These chat rooms need to be set up ten calendar or a smart device, start by filling in all deadlines
by a student and are usually free of charge. Feedback from other for papers and assignments, as well as test dates. If you have

a study group, put those hours down too. Fill in your family’s more you practice these types of questions, the better you will
schedule, and your own work schedule. When you have every- become. In turn, learning this skill will help you to be successful
thing plotted, begin to look for conflicts or dates when school on your pharmacology examinations in the classroom.
deadlines and home or work obligations overlap. Make plans An excellent way to study for these types of questions is to
immediately for what you need to do to be successful in your work with your study group and ask each other questions that
courses. Maybe you need to ask someone else to fill in for you at apply or analyze the concepts. Try to write your own ques-
work. Time management means making difficult decisions, but tions to quiz the group. Use the chapter objectives and the key
these decisions will pay off in the long run. Students find that points at the end of the chapter to guide you. Remember to ask
nursing school can be stressful, but preventing conflicts in their questions based on the nursing process because those types of
schedules before they happen reduces the stress and the feeling questions will help you critically think and actively apply your
of being overwhelmed. When you have your life in the next 10 knowledge. Complete the NCLEX® questions that are provided
to 16 weeks laid out before you, it becomes easier to see when in your textbook and the online resources. This will provide
you can catch a break and get some down time. It doesn’t seem you with practice answering the application- and analysis-type
quite so overwhelming when it is spread out. Sure, there may be questions.
a few weeks that look like they will be impossible, such as during In addition to the NCLEX® questions available in your text-
midterm and final exams, but knowing what to expect puts it book and online, there are numerous NCLEX® review resources
all in perspective. Time management really means you are in available for you to use. NCLEX® review books are available, and
control. If you do not plan it, it is easy for your time to begin to most have their questions categorized by topic, so you can prac-
control you. You can be as detailed or as sketchy in your planner tice answering questions according to the topic in your phar-
as you need to be, but the important thing is to make it whatever macology book. Others have a single section on pharmacology.
you need to keep your life running as smoothly as possible. If On your computer, using a search engine like Google can lead
you have to plot every chapter that you need to read, then plot it. to many websites where you can practice answering questions
If you only need the assignments and test dates recorded, then about pharmacology. There are also applications for tablets and
just record those. Don’t forget to remind yourself of holidays smart phones to practice answering pharmacology NCLEX®
or days off on your planner. You need a break, and your family questions on the go.
needs you too. Put the books aside for one day. Plan on it. Although your actual NCLEX® examination is a few years
away, it does not hurt to keep practicing. The more you answer
these types of questions, the easier they become.
The practice questions provided in your textbook are one of the APPLICATION OF PHARMACOLOGY AND
best gifts the authors have given to you. These questions allow
you a chance to check your understanding of the content, the
concepts, and the overall application of pharmacology to nurs- As you learn about the different classifications of drugs, pay
ing. It is best to use them often when you are reading and as you attention to the information in boxes placed within the text,
work in your study groups. Do not just save them for when you tables, figures, and case studies in your chapters. You will dis-
are studying for a test. The authors have included NCLEX®-style cover connections between this information, your previous
review questions online and at the end of each chapter. They learning experiences, and the courses you are currently taking,
have included critical thinking and prioritization questions as including clinical rotations.
well as case studies in each chapter. There are also questions If you are taking anatomy and physiology (AP) concurrently
available for additional practice on the website http://evolve with nursing pharmacology, you will want to make connections These are the type of questions you will be between how the different drugs affect the various body systems.
expected to answer on the NCLEX® examination for licensure. You will discover shared terminology and vocabulary between
Make sure you take time to understand not only why the answer your AP course and the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiol-
is correct but what made the incorrect answers wrong. You want ogy review at the beginning of the chapters. Recognizing these
to understand the rationale behind the reasoning. Again, it is all commonalities will make learning easier. If you are enrolled in
about making connections and really understanding the con- beginning nursing courses concurrently with your pharmacol-
tent. If you do not understand why an answer is correct, talk it ogy, you will notice that nursing textbooks mention drug ther-
out with your peers or question your instructor. apy when discussing patient care. For example, in most nursing
Critical thinking is the hallmark of nursing, and, in order programs, the respiratory system is one of the first systems you
for nurses to practice safely, they need to be able to effectively will learn. Students learn how to conduct a thorough respiratory
prioritize. The questions on the NCLEX® examination test both assessment. When learning about abnormal respiratory condi-
of these nursing skills. The questions on this examination are tions, various medications will be included in the treatment plan.
written at a higher level. Many of the test questions will be at Looking at Chapter 37, the disorders of asthma, chronic bron-
the application or analysis level. This means that pure memori- chitis, and emphysema are discussed. The chapter then provides
zation of the concepts will not be useful. You will be expected the information on the types of medications that are used in the
to apply and analyze your knowledge about the concept. If you treatment of these disorders. This is the same information you
want to be successful on your NCLEX® examination, then the will encounter in your nursing textbooks. Make the connections.

In Chapter 37, there is a Case Study box about Bronchodilators problem with cramming, rereading, and taking new notes is
and Corticosteroids for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. that it increases your anxiety. You begin to doubt your existing
Using this strategy allows you to make the connections between knowledge. You find all sorts of information that you feel you
the patient, Ms. B’s disease, and her pharmaceutical treatment suddenly have to know. Anxiety impedes learning and prevents
plan. The questions contained in the scenario allow you to fur- the free flow of memory.
ther connect your learning in pharmacology and other nursing When preparing for a test or examination, if you are con-
courses. Perhaps you cared for a patient in your clinical rotation fident in your understanding of a topic, leave it be and move
with COPD. This case study allows you to see the similarities on to something else. Rereading and reviewing material that
and differences between two patients with the same diagnosis. you have mastered takes time away from reviewing content
This is an important connection to make. that you are not so sure of. It is okay; the other information
These examples demonstrate that nursing pharmacology is will still be there when you need it. Put the notes and books
not meant to be learned in isolation. Looking for these types of away early, and get a good night’s sleep. In the morning, leave
connections among your other courses will assist in your learn- the book and notes alone unless you absolutely need to look at
ing. Making connections means you are not just memorizing something. Otherwise, you may have the urge to cram. If your
information for your test day but retaining the conceptual rela- study group likes to meet before the test/examination, decide
tionships for a deeper understanding. When you become aware if that will help or hurt you. If meeting with your group and
of medications and their actions in the human body and their answering questions confirms that you are ready for the test/
indications as treatment for various diseases, you are applying examination, then do it. However, if someone mentions a fact
your knowledge. You can take that application a step further you do not know, will that increase your anxiety and cause you
and use it to produce concept maps for patient care or use the to panic and doubt your readiness? If it will, leave the group;
deeper understanding to assist your learning in other courses. be confident that you already know what you need to be suc-
As you move through your nursing education program, it cessful. If listening to music frees your mind and calms your
will become evident that what you are reading and studying in nerves, do that instead and enter the classroom just before the
pharmacology will show up again and again. Making these con- test/examination so that your peers will not disturb your calm
nections early in your nursing program will assist you in learn- demeanor. Before you take the test/examination, reassure your-
ing more complex disease processes and the required nursing self that you know the material and will do well. There is power
care. When you finish the nursing pharmacology course, do not in positive thinking.
sell the book; it will become a great reference for you to use
throughout your nursing education program.
When you take your test or examination, have a system. It is
STUDYING FOR TESTS strongly suggested that if you do not have an answer within a
Studying for tests or examinations is part of a process. It should few minutes, you skip the question and move on. You do not
never be a cram session. It is best to think in terms of “prepar- want to increase your anxiety or waste time, because most
ing” for rather than “studying” for a test or examination. If you instructors will set a specific time frame for completion of the
have been following the learning strategies outlined above, then test. When you read a multiple-choice question, make sure you
you have been preparing for the test or examination all along. understand exactly what the question is asking. Many students
You have been making connections and forming long-term find highlighting or underlining key words in the stem (the
memory. question) helps them to quickly decide what it is really asking.
When you sit down to prepare for a test, your success If you know that you are looking for an intervention versus a
depends on several things. First, remember you are not cram- sign or a symptom, it will help you determine which answer to
ming. Second, you are not rereading all of the corresponding choose.
chapters again. Third, you are not writing new notes to “add” Many students believe the correct answer will be obvious
to your learning. All of these activities are counterproductive and stand out from the rest, but this is not true, especially when
at this point. They add too much information to your existing it comes to NCLEX®-style questions for which several answers
files. The information that you need for the test or examination will seem correct. Your job is to choose the best answer. The
is pushed farther down, and too much extra information causes answer choices are called distracters. The wrong answers are
your memory files to over-expand. Too much new information there to distract you from choosing the correct answer. Good
just before a test makes retrieving what you already know much distracters are very similar to the correct answer, and they
more difficult. So instead of rereading the entire chapter, find allow your instructor to determine whether or not you really
the section in the chapter for which you feel you need clarifi- understand the concept. A strategy to assist in choosing the
cation and read only that portion. If writing helps you learn, best answer is to cover all of the answers as you read the ques-
make note cards from your current notes. Extracting new notes tion, which forces you to think critically about the question,
from the book introduces too much new information too late. recall what you know, and then supply an answer. As you reveal
If you have been making flash cards, composing questions, and the answers, many times the answer you recalled is one of the
quizzing each other in your study group, then you should have a options. Choose that answer. Then read the remaining answers
lot of information already stored in your brain (files). The other to be sure you still like yours. Only change your mind if you are

100% sure that another answer is better. Recheck the stem to PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
make sure your choice indeed answers precisely what the ques-
tion is asking. This technique works well for the student who After you have taken your test or examination in pharmacology,
has difficulty choosing between two answers. When a student it is suggested that you conduct a learning self-evaluation. This
sees all the answers at once and two answers sound correct, it evaluation needs to be completed whether or not you performed
is easy for doubt to set in. Thinking about the concept and the well on the examination and no matter the score. Some appro-
answer your memory provides before seeing the choices helps priate questions include the following: How well did you actu-
avoid this dilemma. ally perform on the examination? Which areas did you struggle
There will be times when recalling information will not help, with? Which types of answers came effortlessly to you? Which
or when you will have no idea where the question is leading. questions or content areas did you understand quickly and eas-
In this case, look at each answer and then look for clues in the ily versus a limited or incomplete comprehension? To move
stem. Sometimes reading all of the answers will alert you to forward with successful performances on tests, look at your
what the answer should be by tugging at your memory, or you strengths and weaknesses and apply them to acquire greater
may notice that one of the answers is totally wrong. You can understanding of the content. If you are not able to determine
start eliminating answers that you know are incorrect. If you get the rationale for a poor performance on a test, or if you lack
down to two answers, you have a 50% chance of being correct, understanding of lectures, readings, and assignments, do not
which is better than leaving it blank. So take your best guess. hesitate to speak with your faculty member, who may be able
Be aware of look-alike answers. There may be a subtle dif- to identify your problematic areas and is equipped to provide
ference between the two, so read them carefully. It should then advice for identifying and then focusing on the right content.
be obvious which one is the distracter. Beware of absolutes like After you have done a thorough self-evaluation, it will be easy
“always,” “never,” or “must” because very few things in life are to know where you need to change. Reviewing your learning
absolute. These can be easily eliminated most of the time. In strategies will help ensure your success. Above all, never hesitate
pharmacology, you will often be tested on the terminology or to talk with your instructor. It is easier for a faculty member to
vocabulary involved. You need to be very careful when choos- offer assistance and tutoring to get you back on track early in the
ing answers for these types of questions. Again, watch the spell- term, rather than trying to help when there are only a few points
ing. You will notice that many terms are similar in spelling and left between you passing and failing the course.
meaning. To know what the question is asking, you may also
have to pay attention to the exact spelling of key terms when FUTURE APPLICATION
you make flash cards. Simple words like hypotension and hyper-
tension may be misread or transposed when you are feeling By this point, you are well aware of just how essential the
anxious. acquisition of pharmacology knowledge is to the profession of
If you have difficulty with a question and you truly do not nursing. While the administration of medications is a task that
know what it is asking, seek the assistance of your instructor. anyone can perform with minimal direction, it takes immense
There is a 50-50 chance he or she can help you. The faculty knowledge and understanding of pharmacology to administer
member might tell you that the query you are posing cannot medications correctly and safely. One of the features of your
be answered without giving away the answer or may rephrase pharmacology textbook that has not been discussed in your
the question in a way that makes it easier for you to understand. learning strategies is the safety aspect of medication administra-
If you ask what a term means and the vocabulary word is one tion. In Chapter 1, the authors explain QSEN and how quality
that you should know, you will most likely not receive any help. and safe nursing care are extremely important. Nursing pro-
Therefore, again, commit your key terms to memory! grams are being challenged to begin the inclusion of QSEN in
Many schools now use electronic testing. Be sure to follow their curriculum. It is in the hope that preparing future nurses
the instructions given at the beginning of the exam and “flag” with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes will enable
questions if you are allowed to skip questions then return to them to carry those skills into the institutions where they prac-
them later. Be sure to mark your answers carefully. Use the tice and apply them to improve the quality and safety of patient
calculator that is provided for dosage calculation questions to care. Throughout your textbook, you will learn and apply the
avoid making a simple math error. If you are recording your QSEN competencies. You will read about Evidence-Based
answers on an answer sheet, make sure you write each one cor- Practice. You will see examples of teamwork and collaboration.
rectly. If you skip one row, the whole answer sheet will be off. Patient-centered care is woven throughout your textbook. It
When you are taking tests and examinations, remain aware of cannot be stressed enough how crucial medication safety is to
the time so that you will not have to scramble to complete the patient care. As you learn more about medications and the char-
last few pages. Not all proctors give a warning when time is acteristics of the different classifications of drugs, it will become
almost up. apparent that nurses play a vital role in safe medication delivery
Once you have finished, turn in the test. Rereading and and the prevention of medication errors.
reviewing your answers invites the temptation to change In Chapter 5, you will learn about the impact medication
answers. Be confident that you did your best. When you receive errors have on patients and why the prevention and report-
the results, you can complete a performance evaluation to better ing of errors is crucial. As nurses, you will realize that you are
understand the outcome. the last checkpoint in the chain of safe administration. You

cannot fulfill this role if you do not have a strong understand- a nurse, the learning never ends. You never want to be in a sit-
ing of the medications and pharmacotherapeutics. As you study uation in which your patient asks you a question about his or
your textbook, pay particular attention to the boxes on patient her medication and you do not know the answer. One way to
safety. This information is critical to your current lesson and stay current with pharmacology is to subscribe to nursing jour-
your future nursing practice. To safely administer medications, nals. Articles may highlight new drugs, or there may be a news
always use the Nine Rights of medication administration, and section to convey this information. You can also subscribe to
watch for high-alert medications and look-alike, sound-alike various online resources like, which provides
drugs. Also, remember to only use approved abbreviations. In articles and news briefs on pharmacology. The website
Chapter 5, you will also learn how technological advances (with offers a twice-monthly newsletter and e-mail updates on various
computerized order entry and bar coding for medications), drug-related topics. Information on medications that have just
while closing the gap on medication errors, is still not foolproof. been approved as well as those on the recall list is also available.
Technology is only as good as the people using it, so you must Various nursing organizations let their members know about
still be very diligent and careful. Learn to live by the mantra, new drugs in their area of expertise. You can have many of
“When in doubt, check it out.” If something does not “feel right,” these updates sent to you in e-mails; for example, the Oncology
or if your patient questions a medication, that should be your Nursing Society sends out e-mail updates on new chemothera-
signal to stop and investigate. Never hesitate to call a pharmacist peutic medications to their members.
if something does not sound right. Pharmacists and technicians There are various drug applications and drug handbooks
are human, and they make mistakes. As the final check, nurses available for your smart phone or tablet that you can use in your
can catch a mistake before it reaches the patient. That is why it is nursing program and future practice. Drug information is read-
imperative that you have a good understanding of pharmacol- ily available on most health care institution computer systems as
ogy so that you can easily detect when something is not right. well. It is also a good idea to become familiar with the pharmacy
The pharmacology concepts you are learning will reappear in department at your institution. The pharmacist can provide a
your various nursing courses. The information you learn now wealth of knowledge to assist you with any questions you have
will have implications for your future nursing practice, and a about drug administration, adverse effects, and patient teach-
certain percentage of pharmacology questions will appear on ing. All the knowledge you are gaining in nursing pharmacol-
your NCLEX® examination. ogy will assist you in providing safe, quality nursing care, and
New medications are being developed every day. In the this is only the beginning; you will continue to broaden your
future, when you encounter a medication that is brand new or horizons in nursing pharmacology with increased understand-
just new to you, you’ll want to look it up and learn about it as ing and application of your knowledge.
you do now in your pharmacology course. When you become
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PART 1 Pharmacology Basics

The Nursing Process and Drug Therapy

When you reach the end of this chapter, you will be able to do 6. Briefly discuss the significance of contemporary trends
the following: in nursing, including the development of the Next
1. List the five phases of the nursing process. Generation NCLEX (NGN) project.
2. Identify the components of the assessment process for 7. Develop a nursing care plan that is based on the nursing
patients receiving medications, including collection and process and medication administration.
analysis of subjective and objective data. 8. Briefly discuss the “Nine Rights” and other “Rights”
3. Discuss the process of formulating human need associated with safe medication administration.
statements (previous editions identified nursing 9. Discuss the connection between Quality and Safety
diagnoses) for patients receiving medications. Education for Nurses (QSEN) and interprofessional
4. Identify the planning phase of the nursing process with education (IPE) to the improvement of patient outcomes.
outcome identification as related to patients receiving 10. Discuss the professional responsibility and standards
medications. of practice for the professional nurse as related to the
5. Discuss the evaluation process associated with the medication administration process.
administration of medications and as reflected by outcome

Compliance Implementation or fulfillment of a prescriber’s/ Nursing process An organizational framework for the
caregiver’s prescribed course of treatment or therapeutic practice of nursing. It encompasses all steps taken by the
plan by a patient. Use of compliance versus the term nurse in caring for a patient: assessment, identification of
adherence acknowledges the consideration/acceptance of human needs, planning (with goals and outcome criteria),
patient/family/caregiver participation in the use of the implementation of the plan (with patient teaching), and
nursing process. evaluation.
Medication error Any preventable adverse drug event Outcomes Descriptions of specific patient behaviors or
involving inappropriate medication use by a patient or responses that demonstrate meeting of or achievement
health care professional; it may or may not cause the patient of behaviors related to each patient’s human needs. These
harm. statements are specific while framed in behavioral terms
Noncompliance An informed decision on the part of the and are measurable.
patient not to adhere to or follow a therapeutic plan or Prescriber Any health care professional licensed by the
suggestion. appropriate regulatory board to prescribe medications.

associated with the art and science of nursing. It is a flexible,

OVERVIEW OF THE NURSING PROCESS adaptable, and adjustable five-­step process consisting of assess-
The nursing process is a well-­established, research-­supported ment, human need statements, planning with outcome iden-
framework for professional nursing practice. The nursing pro- tification, implementation including patient education, and
cess begins first with an understanding of underlying concepts evaluation. As such, the nursing process ensures the delivery

2 PART 1 Pharmacology Basics

BOX 1.1 Guidelines for Nursing Care Planning

This sample presents useful information for developing a nursing process– lists clues, cues, evidence, and/or data that support the nurse’s claim that the
focused care plan for patients receiving medications. Brief listings and dis- human need statement is accurate.
cussions of what must be contained in each phase of the nursing process are Human need statements are prioritized in order of criticality based on patient
included. This sample may be used as a template for formatting nursing care needs or problems. The ABCs of care (airway, breathing, and circulation) are
plans in a variety of patient care situations/settings. often used as a basis for prioritization. Prioritizing always begins with the most
important, significant, or critical need of the patient. Human need statements
Assessment that involve actual responses are always ranked above statements that involve
Objective Data only risks.
Objective data include information available through the senses, such as what
is seen, felt, heard, and smelled. Among the sources of data are the medical Planning: Outcome Identification
record, laboratory test results, reports of diagnostic procedures, physical assess- The planning phase includes the identification of outcomes that are patient ori-
ment, and examination findings. Examples of specific data are age, height, ented and provide time frames. Outcomes are objective, realistic, and measur-
weight, allergies, medication profile, and health history. able patient-­centered statements with time frames.

Subjective Data Implementation

Subjective data include all spoken information shared by the patient, such as In the implementation phase, the nurse intervenes on behalf of the patient to
complaints, problems, or stated needs (e.g., patient complains of “dizziness, address specific patient problems and needs. This is done through independent
headache, vomiting, and feeling hot for 10 days”). nursing actions; collaborative activities such as physical therapy, occupational
therapy, and music therapy; and implementation of medical orders. Family, sig-
Human Need Statements nificant others, and caregivers assist in carrying out this phase of the nursing
Once the assessment phase has been completed, the nurse analyzes objective care plan. Specific interventions that relate to particular drugs (e.g., giving a
and subjective data about the patient and the drug and formulates statements of particular cardiac drug only after monitoring the patient’s pulse and blood pres-
human need fulfillment/alteration. The following is an example of a human need sure), nonpharmacologic interventions that enhance the therapeutic effects of
statement: “Altered safety needs, risk for injury, related to medication-­induced medications, and patient education are major components of the implementation
sedation as evidenced by decreased sensorium, dizziness, confusion. . . .” This phase. See the previous text discussion of the nursing process for more informa-
statement of human need can be broken into three parts, as follows: tion on nursing interventions.
• Part 1—“Altered safety needs, risk for injury” is the statement of the human
response of the patient to illness, injury, medications, or significant change. Evaluation
This can be an actual response, an increased risk, or an opportunity to improve Evaluation is the part of the nursing process that includes monitoring whether
the patient’s health status. patient outcomes, as related to the human need statements, are met. Monitor-
• Part 2—“Related to lack of experience with medication regimen and second-­ ing includes observing for therapeutic effects of drug treatment, as well as for
grade reading level as an adult.” This portion of the statement identifies adverse effects and toxicity. Many indicators are used to monitor these aspects
factors related to the response; it often includes multiple factors with some of drug therapy, as well as the results of appropriately related nonpharmacologic
degree of connection between them. The human need statement does not interventions. If the outcomes are met, the nursing care plan may or may not be
necessarily claim that there is a cause-­and-­effect link between these factors revised to include new human need statements; such changes are made only if
and the response, only that there is a connection. appropriate. If outcomes are not met, revisions are made to the entire nursing
• Part 3—“As evidenced by inability to perform a return demonstration and care plan with further evaluation.
inability to state adverse effects to report to the prescriber.” This statement

of thorough, individualized, and high-­quality nursing care to For example, a cardiologist may focus on cardiac functioning and
patients, regardless of age, gender, culture, medical diagnosis, pathology, a physical therapist on movement, and a chaplain on
or setting. Through use of the nursing process combined with the spiritual aspects of patient care. However, it is the professional
knowledge and skills, the professional nurse will be able to nurse who critically thinks and processes all points of informa-
develop effective solutions to meet patients’ needs. The nursing tion, incorporates all these data about the patient, and then uses
process is usually discussed in nursing courses and/or textbooks this information to develop and coordinate patient care. Therefore
that deal with the fundamentals of nursing practice, nursing the- the nursing process remains a central process and framework for
ory, physical assessment, adult or pediatric nursing, and other nursing care. Box 1.1 provides guidelines for nursing care plan-
nursing specialty areas. However, because of the importance of ning related to drug therapy and the nursing process.
the nursing process and its application in the care of patients, Before further discussion of the phases of the nursing pro-
the five phases of the nursing process will be described in each cess, it is important to mention three contemporary trends in
chapter as it relates to specific drug groups or classifications. the educational preparation of nurses and other health care
Critical thinking is a major part of the nursing process and professionals. First is the implementation of Quality and Safety
involves the use of thought processes to gather information and Education for Nurses (QSEN) initiatives within the realm of
then develop conclusions, make decisions, draw inferences, nursing education. The QSEN project, initiated in 2005, was
and reflect upon all aspects of patient care. The elements of the developed to address the continued challenge of preparing
nursing process address the physical, emotional, spiritual, sexual, future nurses with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (called
financial, cultural, and cognitive aspects of a patient. Attention to KSAs) needed to continuously improve the quality and safety
these many aspects allows a more holistic approach to patient care. of patient care within the health care system. These KSAs flow
CHAPTER 1 The Nursing Process and Drug Therapy 3

out of the QSEN initiatives and are being integrated into nurs- of data collection revolve around interviewing, direct and indi-
ing education curricula and clinical outcomes. The six major rect questioning, observation, medical records review, head-­
initiatives include the following: patient-­centered care, team- to-­toe physical examination, and a nursing assessment. Data
work and collaboration, evidence-­based practice (EBP), qual- are categorized into objective and subjective data. Objective
ity improvement (QI), safety, and informatics. Because of this data may be defined as any information gathered through the
growing trend for increasing core competencies of quality and senses or that which is seen, heard, felt, or smelled. Objective
safety within nursing education and practice, QSEN-­focused data may also be obtained from a nursing physical assessment;
boxes as related to drug therapy and the nursing process will nursing history; past and present medical history; results of
be included in several chapters. Second is the development laboratory tests, diagnostic studies, or procedures; measure-
of the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC). In ment of vital signs, weight, and height; and medication profile.
2009 IPEC formed with the intent to develop core compe- A medication profile or a medication history review includes,
tencies for interprofessional collaborative practice building but is not limited to, the following information: allergies of any
upon the disciplinary competencies for the professions of type; any and all drug use; listing of all prescribed medications;
dentistry, medicine, nursing, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, use of home or folk remedies and herbal and/or homeopathic
and public health. As noted by the World Health Organization treatments, plant or animal extracts, and dietary supplements;
(2010), interprofessional education occurs when students intake of alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine; current or past history
from two or more professions learn from and with each other of illegal drug use; use of over-­the-­counter (OTC) medications
with the objective of effective collaboration to improve health (e.g., aspirin, acetaminophen, vitamins, laxatives, cold prepara-
outcomes. As the students learn to work within an interpro- tions, sinus medications, antacids, acid reducers, antidiarrheals,
fessional framework, they become prepared to enter the work- minerals, elements); use of hormonal drugs (e.g., testosterone,
place as an important member of the collaborative practice estrogens, progestins, oral contraceptives); past and present
team. These initiatives and behaviors are important to men- health history and associated drug regimen(s); family history
tion because they have been identified as helping health care and racial, ethnic, and/or cultural attributes, with attention to
systems in moving out of fragmentation and into a position of specific or different responses to medications, as well as any
strength. unusual individual responses; growth and developmental stage
The third contemporary trend is a change in the approach (e.g., Erikson’s developmental tasks) with attention to issues
of testing nursing graduates with the Next-­Generation NCLEX related to the patient’s age and medication regimen. A holistic
Examination (NGN). This new method of testing demands a nursing assessment includes the gathering of data about the
more in-­depth focus on the student’s ability to critically think as whole individual, including physical/emotional realms, reli-
well as aid in the development of clinical reasoning skills needed gious preference, health beliefs, sociocultural characteristics,
for the demands of their new world of clinical practice. This race, ethnicity, lifestyle, stressors, socioeconomic status, educa-
change in the testing format of NCLEX will stimulate changes tional level, motor skills, cognitive ability, support systems, and
in nursing educational preparation and clinical experiences use of any alternative and complementary therapies. Subjective
such that there will be increased demands on the student’s crit- data include information shared through the spoken word by
ical thinking and processing/application of nursing knowledge. any reliable source, such as the patient, spouse, family member,
These changes will be needed for success on the NCLEX and in significant other, and/or caregiver.
the development of the student’s clinical practice. The enhanced Assessment about the specific drug is also important and
development of critical thinking and clinical judgement skills involves the collection of specific information about prescribed,
will need to be heightened to the point that nursing educational OTC, and herbal/complementary/alternative therapeutic drug use,
programs include a more significant focus on the student’s abil- with attention to the drug’s action; signs and symptoms of allergic
ity to critically think and process their in-­classroom and out-­of-­ reaction; adverse effects; dosages and routes of administration; con-
classroom experiences. traindications; drug incompatibilities; drug-­drug, drug-­food, and
drug–laboratory test interactions; and toxicities and available anti-
dotes. Nursing pharmacology textbooks provide a more nursing-­
ASSESSMENT specific knowledge base regarding drug therapy as related to the
During the initial assessment phase of the nursing process, nursing process. Use of current references or those dated within the
data are collected, reviewed, and analyzed from patient, family, past 3 years is highly recommended. Some examples of authorita-
group, and/or community sources. Performing a comprehen- tive textbook sources include the Physicians’ Desk Reference, Mosby’s
sive assessment allows you to organize the information collected Drug Consult, drug manufacturers’ inserts, drug handbooks, and/
and then place this information into meaningful categories of or licensed pharmacists. Authoritative journal references include
knowledge known as human need statements. Formulating a professional journals within the past 3 to 5 years that are refereed.
human need statement focuses on how the data collected sig- Refereed journals are professional journals or publications in which
nify a problem, strength, or vulnerability. For the purposes of articles/papers are selected for publication by a panel of readers/ref-
this textbook, human need statements will be related to drug erees who are experts in the field. Reliable online resources include,
therapy. Information about the patient may come from a variety but are not limited to, the US Pharmacopeia (USP) (
of sources, including the patient; the patient’s family, caregiver, and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (
or significant other; and the patient’s medical record. Methods Other online resources are cited throughout this textbook.
4 PART 1 Pharmacology Basics

Gather additional data about the patient and a given drug by CASE STUDY
asking these simple questions: What is the patient’s oral intake?
Tolerance of fluids? Swallowing ability for pills, tablets, capsules, Patient-­Centered Care: The Nursing Process and
and liquids? If there is difficulty swallowing, what is the degree of Pharmacology
difficulty and are there solutions to the problem? Use of thicken- Dollie, a 27-­year-­old social worker, is visiting the
ing agents with fluids or use other dosage forms because of dif- clinic today for a physical examination. She states
ficulty swallowing? What are the results of laboratory and other that she and her husband want to “start a family,”
diagnostic tests related to organ functioning and drug therapy? but she has not had a physical for several years.
What do renal function studies (e.g., blood urea nitrogen level, She was told when she was 22 years of age that
serum creatinine level) reveal? What are the results of hepatic she had “anemia” and was given iron tablets,
but Dollie states that she has not taken them for
function tests (e.g., total protein level, serum levels of biliru-
years. She said she “felt better” and did not think
bin, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine phosphokinase, other liver
she needed them. She denies any use of tobacco
enzymes)? What are the patient’s white blood cell and red blood and illegal drugs; she states that she may have a
cell counts? Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels? Current as well drink with dinner once or twice a month. She uses
(© Jose AS Reyes.)
as past health status and presence of illness? What are the patient’s tea tree oil on her face twice a day to reduce acne
experiences with use of any drug regimen? What has been the breakouts. She denies using any other drugs.
patient’s relationship with health care professionals and/or expe- 1. What other questions does the nurse need to ask during this assessment
riences with previous therapeutic regimens? What are current phase?
and past values for blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature, and 2. After laboratory work is performed, Dollie is told that she is slightly ane-
respiratory rate? What medications is the patient currently tak- mic. The prescriber recommends that she resume taking iron supplements
ing, and how is the patient taking and tolerating them? Are there and take folic acid. She is willing to try again and says that she is “all
about doing what’s right to stay healthy and become a mother.” What
issues of compliance? Is there any use of folk medicines or folk
human need statements would be appropriate at this time?
remedies? What is the patient’s understanding of the medication?
3. Dollie is given a prescription that reads as follows: “Ferrous sulfate 325 mg,
Are there any age-­related concerns? If patients are not reliable PO for anemia.” When she goes to the pharmacy, the pharmacist tells her
historians, family members, significant others, and/or caregivers that the prescription is incomplete. What is missing? What should be done?
may be able to provide answers to these questions. 4. After 4 weeks, Dollie’s latest laboratory results indicate that she still has
It is worth mentioning that there is often discussion about anemia. However, Dollie states, “I feel so much better that I’m planning
the difference between the terms compliance and adherence. to stop taking the iron tablets. I hate to take pills.” How should the nurse
Both of these terms, although not to be used interchangeably, handle this?
are used to describe the extent to which patients take medica- For answers, see
tions as prescribed. Often the term adherence is perceived as
implying more collaboration and active role between patients
and their providers (see Key Terms definition of compliance). IDENTIFICATION OF HUMAN NEED
Once assessment of the patient and the drug has been com-
pleted, the specific prescription or medication order (from any
prescriber) must be checked for the following seven elements: Identification of human needs occurs with the collection of patient
(1) patient’s name, (2) date the drug order was written, (3) name data. Human need statements are subsequently developed by pro-
of drug(s), (4) drug dosage amount, (5) drug dosage frequency, fessional nurses and are used as a means of communicating and
(6) route of administration, and (7) prescriber’s signature. sharing information about the patient and the patient experience.
It is also important during assessment to consider the tra- Identification of human needs is the result of clinical judgement
ditional, nontraditional, expanded, and collaborative roles of about a human response to health conditions and/or life processes,
the nurse. Physicians and dentists are no longer the only prac- critical thinking, creativity, and accurate collection of data regard-
titioners legally able to prescribe and write medication orders. ing the patient and the drug. Human need statements associated
Nurse practitioners and physician assistants have gained the with drug therapy develop out of data associated with various dis-
professional privilege of legally prescribing medications. turbances, deficits, excesses, impairments in bodily functions, and/
Remain current on legal regulations, as well as specific state or other problems or concerns as related to drug therapy. See Box
nurse practice acts and standards of care. 1.2 for a brief list of human need statements. The development of
nursing diagnoses, used in the previous edition, will be replaced
Analysis of Data with statements consistent with human need theory.
After data about the patient and drug have been collected and Formulation of human need statements remains a three-­step
reviewed, critically analyze and synthesize the information. process as follows: Part 1 of the statement is the human need.
Clinical reasoning is the foundation of analyzing data and Part 2 of this statement addresses further attention to the differ-
applying that data to the development of human need state- ences in human need fulfillment or alteration occurring in all
ments. Verify all information and document appropriately. It is individuals regardless of age, gender, educational, cultural, set-
at this point that the sum of the information about the patient ting and socioeconomic situation (Petro-­Yura & Walsh, 1978).
and drug are used in the development of these human need Statement of the nursing human needs (alteration, fulfillment)
statements. does not necessarily claim a cause-­and-­effect link between these
CHAPTER 1 The Nursing Process and Drug Therapy 5

BOX 1.2 A Brief Listing of Human Needs the medications to be given. In the 1990s the American Nurses
Association (ANA) expanded the nursing process to include
Autonomous choice outcome identification as part of the planning phase.
Basic physiologic needs: food, fluids and nutrients; elimination (gastrointesti-
Outcomes are objective, measurable, and realistic, with an
nal and urinary); reproductive function; physical activity
established time frame for their achievement. Patient outcomes
Belongingness and love
Effective perception
reflect expected and measurable changes in behavior through nurs-
Esteem need ing care and are developed in collaboration with the patient. Patient
Freedom from pain outcomes are behavior based and may be categorized into physio-
Interchange of gases logic, psychological, spiritual, sexual, cognitive, motor, and/or other
Self-­actualization needs domains. They are patient focused, succinct, and well thought out.
Self-­control Outcomes also include expectations for behavior, indicating some-
Self-­determination thing that can be changed and with a specific time frame or dead-
Self-­esteem line. The ultimate aim of outcome identification, pertinent to drug
Spiritual integrity therapy, is the safe and effective administration of medications.
Modified from Petro-­Yura, H., & Walsh, M. B. (1983a). Human needs Outcomes need to reflect each human need statement and serve
2 and the nursing process. Washington, DC: Catholic University of as a guide to the implementation phase of the nursing process.
America Press. Formulation of outcomes begins with the analysis of the judgments
made about patient data and subsequent human need(s) statement
factors and the response; it indicates only that there is a con- and ends with the development of a nursing care plan. They also
nection between them. Part 3 of the statement of human needs provide a standard for measuring movement toward goals. With
(as with the previous use of nursing diagnoses) contains a list of regard to medication administration, these outcomes may address
clues, cues, evidence, signs, symptoms, or other data that sup- special storage and handling techniques, administration proce-
port the nurse’s claim that this human need statement is accurate. dures, equipment needed, drug interactions, adverse effects, and
Tips for writing a human needs statement include the following: contraindications. In this textbook, specific time frames are not
Begin with a “statement” of a human need; connect the first part provided in each chapter’s nursing process section because patient
of the statement or the human response with the second part, care is individualized in each patient care situation.
the cause, using the phrase “related to”; be sure that the first
two parts are not restatements of one another; include several
factors in the second part of the statement, such as associated
factors, if appropriate; select a cause for the second part of the Implementation is guided by the preceding phases of the nursing
statement that can be changed by nursing interventions; avoid process (i.e., assessment, statement of human needs, and plan-
negative wording or language; and, finally, list clues or cues and/ ning). Implementation requires constant communication and
or more defining characteristics that led to the human needs collaboration with the patient and with members of the health
statement in the third part of the statement or “as evidenced care team involved in the patient’s care, as well as with any family
by.” The suggested format to be used when formulating a nurs- members, significant others, or other caregivers. Implementation
ing human need statement may look like this: Altered sensory consists of initiation and completion of specific nursing actions
integrity, decreased, related to medication-­induced altered level as defined by the statement of human needs and outcome iden-
of consciousness as evidenced by sleepiness, decreased reflexes, tification. Implementation of nursing actions may be indepen-
decreased orientation to place and time. Completing a nurs- dent, collaborative, or dependent upon a prescriber’s order.
ing human need statement is as simple as linking the previous Interventions are defined as any treatment based on clinical
three statements! Some of the human needs include the need judgment and knowledge and performed by a nurse to enhance
for nutrition, territoriality, air, to love and to be loved, tender- outcomes. Statements of interventions include frequency, specific
ness, activity, sleep, safety, food, fluids, elimination, and physical instructions, and any other relevant information. With medica-
safety. See Box 1.2 for a listing of Yura and Walsh’s human needs. tion administration, you need to know and understand all of the
information about the patient and about each medication pre-
scribed. In years past, nurses adhered to the “Five Rights” of med-
PLANNING: OUTCOME IDENTIFICATION ication administration: right drug, right dose, right time, right
After data are collected and human need statements are formu- route, and right patient. However, this edition strongly encour-
lated, the planning phase begins; this includes identification of ages the use of the “Nine Rights” of medication administration
outcomes. The major purpose of the planning phase is to pri- inclusive of the basic “Six Rights.” The Nine Rights are discussed
oritize the human needs and specify outcomes, including the in the following section. These “rights” of medication administra-
time frame for their achievement. The planning phase provides tion have been identified as additional standards of care as related
time to obtain special equipment for interventions, review the to drug therapy. Even implementation of these “rights” does not
possible procedures or techniques to be used, and gather infor- reflect the complexity of the role of the professional nurse because
mation for oneself (the nurse) or for the patient. This step leads they focus more on the individual/patient than on the system as a
to the provision of safe care if professional judgment is com- whole or the entire medication administration process beginning
bined with the acquisition of knowledge about the patient and with the prescriber’s order.
6 PART 1 Pharmacology Basics

Nine Rights of Medication Administration All medication orders or prescriptions are required by law
Right Drug to be signed by the prescriber involved in the patient’s care. If a
The “right drug” begins with the registered nurse’s valid license to verbal order is given, the prescriber must sign the order within
practice. Most states allow currently licensed practical nurses to 24 hours or as per guidelines within a health care setting. Verbal
administer medications with specific guidelines. The registered and/or telephone orders are often used in emergencies and
nurse is responsible for checking all medication orders and/or time-­sensitive patient care situations. To be sure that the right
prescriptions. To ensure that the correct drug is given, the specific drug is given, information about the patient and drug (see pre-
medication order must be checked against the medication label vious discussion of the assessment phase) must be obtained to
or profile three times before giving the medication. Conduct the make certain that all variables and data have been considered.
first check of the right drug/drug name during your initial prepa- See previous discussion about authoritative sources/references.
ration of the medication for administration. At this time, consider Avoid relying upon the knowledge of peers because this is
whether the drug is appropriate for the patient and, if doubt exists unsafe nursing practice. Remain current in your knowledge of
or an error is deemed possible, contact the prescriber immediately generic (nonproprietary) drug names, as well as trade names
to verify the drug order. It is also appropriate at this time to note (proprietary name that is registered by a specific drug manufac-
the drug’s indication and be aware that a drug may have multiple turer); however, use of the drug’s generic name is now preferred
indications, including off-­label use and non–FDA-­approved indi- in clinical practice to reduce the risk for medication errors. A
cations. In this textbook, each particular drug is discussed in a spe- single drug often has numerous trade names, and drugs in dif-
cific chapter that deals with its main indication, but the drug may ferent classes may have similarly spelled names, increasing the
also be cross-­referenced in other chapters if it has multiple uses. possibility of medication errors. Therefore, when it comes to the

Nurses’ Clinical Reasoning: Processes and Practices of Medication Safety
Review Findings
In one of the first quality reports about medication safety in the series To Err Is Human The analysis of data was one of the discoveries (of grounded theory), beginning with
(2000), Kohn, Corrigan, and Donaldson identified medication errors as the most com- a line-­by-­line analysis of the narratives, with coding of data reflecting the nurses’
mon of errors occurring in health care. In 2007 in another quality series, Aspden and thoughts and actions when they recognized something was wrong with the medi-
colleagues reported that a patient in a hospital could expect at least one medication cation and/or patient. An iterative (repetitive) process was used until all categories
error per hospital day. They also reported that as many as 7000 deaths might occur appeared to be saturated and theoretically sound. Emerging ideas were also catego-
in hospitals each year because of medication errors, with a great variation among rized during the interviews, and the nurses’ dialogues, researcher observations, and
hospitals as to the number of events reported. It is important to note that in 1994 analytic memos provided the data for analysis. The analysis of data revealed that
(Leape), research on medication errors changed from one of individual focus to one of nurses, to ensure patient safety, needed to interact with others. A majority of the
a series of failures or breakdowns in the complexity of health care systems. Lacking nurses clearly acknowledged their role in the process of “Five Rights” of medication
in most of the medication error research is the critical role that professional nurses administration, as well as the need to extend safe practice beyond these five tasks.
play in preventing medication errors reaching the patient. Not only did a process Two safety processes were found within the clinical reasoning: The first process was
need to be researched but also especially the phenomenon behind the process of maintaining medication safety with various medication practices, including advocacy
prevention of errors, which led to this particular qualitative research study. This study with pharmacy, educating patients, and conducting medication reconciliation. The
was designed to look at the nurse’s clinical reasoning and actions preventing the second process was managing the clinical environment with four environmentally
medication error before even reaching the patient. focused safety categories, including coping with interruptions and documenting
“near misses.” These processes and practices demonstrated nurses’ clinical reason-
Methodology ing that served as a foundation of the “safety net” protecting patients from medica-
Grounded theory was used to identify the essence of medication safety. This qual- tion errors. Out of all these narratives, there also emerged a model for the processes
itative method research design was used in an attempt to understand the world and practices of safe medication administration.
of preventing medication errors by the nurse and to gain an understanding of their
knowledge. Qualitative research is a method of inquiry used in social and natu- Application to Nursing Practice
ral sciences and in nonacademic contexts such as market research. It is a broad Nurses in this study clearly demonstrated how clinical reasoning was used to
methodology often used to examine the how and why of decision making and not prevent potential medication errors from reaching the patient. This evidence is
just the who, what, where, and when. This type of research is important to use in critical to further development of medication safety practices for implementation
the context of exploring study participants within their environment . . . looking at by professional nurses. All processes, practices, and reasoning related to safe
understanding human behavior and reasons for that behavior . . . the why and how medication administration demonstrated by nurses need to be acknowledged,
of decision-­making versus the empirical investigation through statistical analysis. valued, and respected by nurse/health care managers/leaders within the vari-
Nurses were interviewed face-­to-­face about what they thought and did to prevent ous health care settings. In addition, more research is needed on development
errors. In addition, they were asked to identify factors that they thought increased of models for safe medication practice that reaches further than just the “Five
the likelihood of a medication error occurring and how they made a difference Rights” and emphasis on astute clinical reasoning. Systemic policies for safer
in the interception of errors. A purposive sample of 50 medical-­surgical nurses medication administration may be developed out of these practice models.
from 10 mid-­Atlantic hospitals was used. Interviews, conducted in private settings Results of this study also may be helpful in development of nursing curricula
on hospital units, included open-­ended questions regarding their processes, and focused on patient safety as the very basis of quality patient care.
taped recordings were approximately 60 minutes in length.

From Dickson, G. L., & Flynn, L. (2012). Nurses’ clinical reasoning: processes and practices of medication safety. Qualitative Health Research, 22(1), 3–16.
CHAPTER 1 The Nursing Process and Drug Therapy 7

“right drug” phase of the medication administration process, pharmacodynamic drug properties, concurrent drug therapy,
use of a drug’s generic name is recommended to help avoid a dietary influences, laboratory and/or diagnostic testing, and
medication error and enhance patient safety. (See Chapter 2 for specific patient variables. For example, the prescribed right time
more information on the naming of drugs.) for administration of antihypertensive drugs may be four times
If there are questions about the medication order at any time a day, but for an active, professional 42-­year-­old male patient
during the medication administration process, contact the pre- working 14 hours a day, taking a medication four times daily may
scriber for clarification. Never make any assumptions when it not be feasible, and this regimen may lead to noncompliance
comes to drug administration, and, as previously emphasized and subsequent complications. For patient safety, your appro-
in this chapter, confirm at least three times the right drug, right priate actions would include contacting the prescriber and
dose, right time, right route, right patient, and right documen- inquiring about the possibility of prescribing another drug with
tation before giving the medication. a different dosing frequency (e.g., once or twice daily).
For routine medication orders, the standard of care is to give
Right Dose the medications no more than 1⁄2 hour before or after the actual
Whenever a medication is ordered, a dosage is identified from time specified in the prescriber’s order (e.g., if a medication is
the prescriber’s order. Always confirm that the dosage amount ordered to be given at 0900 every morning, you may give it at
is appropriate for the patient’s age and size. Use of a current, any time between 0830 and 0930); the exception includes med-
authoritative drug reference is encouraged. In addition, check ications designated to be given STAT (immediately) that must
the prescribed dose against the available drug stocks and be administered within ½ hour of the time the order is written.
against the normal dosage range. Recheck all mathematical Assess and follow the health care institution policy and proce-
calculations, and pay careful attention to decimal points, the dure for any other specific information concerning the “½ hour
misplacement of which could lead to a tenfold or even greater before or after” rule. For medication orders with the annota-
overdose. Leading zeros, or zeros placed before a decimal point, tion “prn” (pro re nata, or “as required”), the medication must
are allowed, but trailing zeros, or zeros following the decimal be given at special times and under certain circumstances. For
point, are to be avoided. For example, 0.2 mg is allowed, but 2.0 example, an analgesic is ordered every 4 to 6 hours prn for pain;
mg is not acceptable, because it could easily be mistaken for 20 after one dose of the medication, the patient complains of pain.
mg, especially with unclear penmanship. Patient variables (e.g., After assessment, intervention with another dose of analgesic
vital signs, age, gender, weight, height) require careful assess- would occur, but only 4 to 6 hours after the previous dose. In
ment because of the need for dosage adjustments in response to addition, because of the increasing incidence of medication
specific parameters. Pediatric and elderly patients are more sen- errors related to the use of abbreviations, many prescribers
sitive to medications than are younger and middle-­aged adult are using the wording “as required” or “as needed” instead of
patients; thus use extra caution with drug dosage amounts for the abbreviation “prn.” Military time is used when medication
these patients. and other orders are written into a patient’s medical record
(Table 1.1).
SAFETY AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENT: Nursing judgment may lead to some variations in timing;
PREVENTING MEDICATION ERRORS however, any change with the rationale for change must be
documented and the prescriber contacted. If medications are
Right Dose?
ordered to be given once every day, twice daily, three times
The nurse is reviewing the orders for a newly admitted patient. One order daily, or even four times daily, the times of administration may
reads: “Tylenol, 2 tablets PO, every 4 hours as needed for pain or fever.” be changed if it is not harmful to the patient or if the medi-
The pharmacist calls to clarify this order, saying, “The dose is not clear.” cation or the patient’s condition does not require adherence
What does the pharmacist mean by this? The order states “2 tablets.” Isn’t to an exact schedule. For example, suppose that an antacid is
that the dose?
ordered to be given three times daily at 0900, 1300, and 1700
NO! If you look up the dosage information for Tylenol (acetaminophen), you
but the nurse has misread the order and gives the first dose at
will see that Tylenol tablets are available in strengths of both 325 mg and
500 mg. The order is missing the “right dose” and needs to be clarified. Never
1100. Depending on the specific policy of a hospital or other
assume the dose of a medication order! health care setting, the medication, and the patient’s condition,
such an occurrence may not be considered an error, because
the dosing may be changed once the prescriber is contacted, so
that the drug is given at 1100, 1500, and 1900 without harm to
Right Time the patient and without incident to the nurse. If this were an
Each health care setting or institution has a policy regarding antihypertensive medication, the patient’s condition and phys-
routine medication administration times. These policies need ical well-­being could be greatly compromised by one missed or
to be checked and committed to memory! Include in your late dose. Thus falling behind in dosing times is not to be taken
three checks the frequency of the ordered medication, the time lightly or ignored. Never underestimate the effect of a change in
to be administered, and when the last dose of medication was the dosing or timing of medication, because one missed dose of
given. However, when giving a medication at the prescribed certain medications can be life threatening.
time, you may be confronted with a conflict between the tim- Other factors must be considered in determining the right
ing suggested by the prescriber and specific pharmacokinetic or time, such as multiple-­drug therapy, drug-­drug or drug-­food
8 PART 1 Pharmacology Basics

TABLE 1.1 Conversion of Standard Time to route. If a medication order does not include the route, be sure
Military Time to ask the prescriber to clarify it. Never assume the route of
administration. In addition, it is critical to patient safety to be
Standard Time Military Time aware of the right form of medication. For example, there are
1 am 0100 various dosage forms of a commonly used medication, acet-
2 am 0200 aminophen. It is available in oral suspension, tablet, capsule,
3 am 0300 gelcap, and pediatric drops, as well as rectal suppository dosage
4 am 0400 forms. Nurses need to give the right drug via the right route
5 am 0500 with use of the correct dosage form. Another example is the
6 am 0600 administration of a controlled-­release dosage form of a medica-
7 am 0700
tion. This dosage form is not to be crushed or altered due to the
subsequent and immediate release of the drug (versus the con-
8 am 0800
trolled release) which, in some cases, may be life threatening.
9 am 0900
10 am 1000 Right Patient
11 am 1100 Checking the patient’s identity before giving each medication
12 pm (noon) 1200 dose is critical to the patient’s safety. Confirm the name on the
1 pm 1300 order and the patient, and be sure to use several identifiers. Ask
2 pm 1400 the patient to state his or her name, and then check the patient’s
3 pm 1500 identification band to confirm the patient’s name, identification
4 pm 1600 number, age, and allergies. With pediatric patients, the par-
5 pm 1700 ents and/or legal guardians are often the ones who identify the
6 pm 1800 patient for the purpose of administration of prescribed medica-
tions. With newborns and in labor and delivery situations, the
7 pm 1900
mother and baby have identification bracelets with matching
8 pm 2000
numbers, which must be thoroughly and repetitively checked
9 pm 2100
before giving medications. In older adult patients or those with
10 pm 2200 altered sensorium or level of consciousness, asking the patient
11 pm 2300 his or her name or having the patient state his or her name is
12 am (midnight) 2400 neither realistic nor safe. Therefore checking the identification
band against the medication profile, medication order, or other
treatment or service orders is crucial to avoid errors. When avail-
compatibility, scheduling of diagnostic studies, bioavailabil- able, use technology such as scanning a bar code on the patient’s
ity of the drug (e.g., the need for consistent timing of doses identification band. In 2016 The Joint Commission published
around the clock to maintain blood levels), drug actions, and an update to the 2008 National Patient Safety Goals for patient
any biorhythm effects such as occur with steroids. It is also care. These goals emphasize the use of two identifiers when pro-
critical to patient safety to avoid using abbreviations for any viding care, treatment, or services to patients. To meet these
component of a drug order (i.e., dose, time, route). Spell out goals, The Joint Commission recommends that the patient be
all terms (e.g., three times daily instead of tid) in their entirety. identified “reliably” and also that the service or treatment (e.g.,
Be careful to write out all words and abbreviations, because the medication administration) be matched to that individual. The
possibility of miscommunication or misinterpretation poses a Joint Commission’s statement of National Patient Safety Goals
risk to the patient. The Joint Commission created a “do not use” indicates that the two identifiers may be in the same location,
list of abbreviations in 2010 and integrated the list into their such as on a wristband. In fact, it is patient-­specific information
Information Management standards. For accredited facilities, that is the identifier. Acceptable identifiers include the patient’s
abbreviations are not to be used in internal communications, name, date of birth, home address, Social Security number, or
telephone/verbal prescriptions, computer-­ generated labels, a hospital/health care facility–assigned identification number.
labels for drug storage bins, medication administration records,
and pharmacy and prescriber computer entry screens. Further Right Documentation
discussion is included in Chapter 5. Documentation of information related to medication adminis-
tration is crucial to patient safety. Recording patient observa-
Right Route and Form tions and nursing actions has always been an important ethical
As previously stated, you must know the particulars about each responsibility, but now it is becoming a major medical-­legal
medication before administering it to ensure that the right drug, consideration as well. Because of its significance in professional
dose, route, and dosage form are being used. A complete medi- nursing practice, correct documentation became known as the
cation order includes the route of administration. Confirm the “sixth right” of medication administration, adding to the pre-
appropriateness of the prescribed route while also making sure vious use of “Five Rights.” Always assess the prescribed order
the patient can take/receive the medication by the prescribed in the patient’s medical record for the presence of the following
CHAPTER 1 The Nursing Process and Drug Therapy 9

information: date and time of medication administration, or system assessment. If a consequence to the patient’s condi-
name of medication, dose, route, and site of administration. tion and/or as hospital policy dictates, the prescriber is to be
Document administration only after the medication has been contacted immediately. Never return unwrapped medication to
given, including the time, route, and any laboratory values or a container, and discard medication dose according to agency
vital signs (as appropriate). Documentation of drug action also policy. If the wrapper remains intact, return the medication to
may be made in the regularly scheduled assessments for changes the automated medication-­dispensing system. Revise the nurs-
in symptoms the patient is experiencing, adverse effects, toxic- ing care plan as needed.
ity, and any other drug-­related physical and/or psychological This list is never ending and ever changing, and additional
symptoms. Documentation must also reflect any improvement rights to be considered when administering medications include
in the patient’s condition, symptoms, or disease process, as well the following:
as no change or a lack of improvement. You must not only doc- • Patient safety, ensured by use of the correct procedures,
ument these observations but also report them to the prescriber equipment, and techniques of medication administration
promptly in keeping with your critical thinking and judgment. and documentation
Document any teaching, as well as an assessment of the degree • Individualized, holistic, accurate, and complete patient edu-
of understanding exhibited by the patient. Other areas of infor- cation with appropriate instructions
mation that need to be documented include the following: (1) • Double-­checking and constant analysis of the system (i.e.,
if a drug is not administered, with the reason why and any the process of drug administration including all personnel
actions taken (e.g., contacting the prescriber and monitoring involved, such as the prescriber, the nurse, the nursing unit,
the patient); (2) actual time of drug administration; and (3) data and the pharmacy department, as well as patient education)
regarding clinical observations and treatment of the patient if • Proper drug storage
a medication error has occurred. If there is a medication error, • Accurate calculation and preparation of the dose of medica-
complete an incident report with the entire event, surrounding tion and proper use of all types of medication delivery sys-
circumstances, therapeutic response, adverse effects, and noti- tems
fication of the prescriber described in detail. However, do not • Careful checking of the transcription of medication orders
record completion of an incident report in the medical record. • Accurate use of the various routes of administration and
awareness of the specific implications of their use
Right Reason or Indication • Close consideration of special situations (e.g., patient diffi-
Right reason or indication addresses the appropriateness in use culty in swallowing, use of a nasogastric tube, unconscious-
of the medication to the patient. Confirm the rationale for use ness of the patient, advanced patient age)
through researching the patient’s history while also asking the • Implementation of all appropriate measures to prevent and
patient the reason he or she is taking the drug. Always revisit report medication errors, and the use of nonexpired medica-
the rationale for long-­term medication use. Knowledge of the tions
drug’s indication allows the nurse, prescriber, members of the
health care team, patient, and/or family members to understand Medication Errors
what is being treated. Understanding the indication helps phar- When the Nine Rights (and other rights) of drug administration
macists and nurses to catch potential errors, provide thorough are discussed, medication errors must be considered. Medication
explanations to the patient/family, and decrease challenges to errors are a major problem for all of health care, regardless of the
medication reconciliation. setting. The National Coordinating Council for Medication Error
Reporting and Prevention defines a medication error as any pre-
Right Response ventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication
Right response refers to the drug and its desired response in the use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the
patient. Continually assess and evaluate the achievement of the health care professional, patient, or consumer. Such events may be
desired response, as well as any undesired response. Examples related to professional practice, health care products, procedures,
of data gathering include, but are not limited to, monitoring or systems, including prescribing; order communication; product
vital signs, weight, edema, intake and output, nutritional intake, labeling, packaging, and nomenclature; compounding; dispens-
laboratory values, results of diagnostic testing, and auscultating ing; distribution; administration; education; monitoring; and use
heart and lung sounds. Document any assessment, interven- (­medication-­errors). Both patient-­related
tion, and monitoring as deemed appropriate. and system-­related factors must always be considered when exam-
ining the medication administration process and the prevention of
Right to Refuse medication errors. See Chapter 5 for further discussion of medica-
The ninth right is that of the right of the patient to refuse. tion errors and their prevention.
Patients refuse medications for a variety of reasons. If refusal of a
medication occurs, always respect the patient’s right (to refuse),
determine the reason, and take appropriate action, including
notifying the prescriber. Do not force! Document the refusal Evaluation occurs after the nursing care plan has been imple-
and a concise description of the reason for refusal. Document mented but also needs to occur at each phase of the nursing
any further actions you take at this time, such as vital signs and/ process. It is systematic, ongoing, and a dynamic phase of the
10 PART 1 Pharmacology Basics

nursing process as related to drug therapy. It includes monitoring Evaluation also includes monitoring the implementation
the fulfillment of outcomes, as well as monitoring the patient’s of standards of care. Several standards are in place to help in
therapeutic response to the drug and its adverse effects and toxic the evaluation of outcomes of care, such as those established
effects. Documentation is also a very important component of by state nurse practice acts and by The Joint Commission.
evaluation and consists of clear, concise, abbreviation-­free docu- Guidelines for nursing services policies and procedures are
mentation that records information related to goals and outcome established by The Joint Commission. There are even specific
criteria, as well as information related to any aspect of the medi- standards regarding medication administration to protect
cation administration process, including therapeutic effects ver- both the patient and the nurse. The ANA Code of Ethics and
sus adverse effects or toxic effects of medications (see Teamwork Patient Rights statement are also used in establishing and eval-
and Collaboration: Legal and Ethical Principles box). uating standards of care.


Do’s and Don’ts of Documentation
Do’s Don’ts
• Do check to be sure you have the correct medical record before documenting. • Don’t document a symptom, such as “c/o pain,” without noting what you did
• Do include the time you gave a medication, the route of administration, and to intervene on the patient’s behalf.
the patient’s response. • Don’t alter a patient’s medical record and/or nursing notes.
• Do document: • Don’t give excuses, such as “medication not given because not available.”
• Your own nursing process • Don’t mention the term incident report in documentation. Incident reports are
• Relevant information. . . . Only the facts confidential and filed separately. Document only the facts of the medication
• Patient teaching error or incident and appropriate actions taken.
• Any precautions and/or preventative measures • Don’t use the following terms: by mistake, by accident, accidentally, uninten-
• The exact time, message, response when communicating with a physician tional, or miscalculated.
and/or health care provider • Don’t document casual conversations with peers, prescribers, or other mem-
• A patient’s refusal to take a medication or allow a treatment and appro- bers of the health care team.
priate nursing interventions and report to the patient’s physician and the • Don’t use abbreviations. Some agencies or facilities may still keep a list of
charge nurse. approved abbreviations, but overall their use is discouraged.
• Do record each phone call to a physician with exact time, message, and • Don’t use negative, critical, or ambiguous language.
response. • Don’t write in anticipation
• Do give precise descriptions. • Don’t leave white space.
• Do document patient care at the time you provide it. • If use of handwriting is needed, only use black or blue ink

Modified from Do’s and don’ts of documentation. (2013). Nurses Service Organization. Available at (Accessed 1 June 2020).

Guidelines for nursing services policies and procedures are it relates to drug therapy, involves the way in which a nurse
established by The Joint Commission. There are even specific gathers, analyzes, organizes, provides, and acts upon data about
standards regarding medication administration to protect both the patient within the context of prudent nursing care and stan-
the patient and the nurse. The ANA Code of Ethics and Patient dards of care. The nurse’s ability to make astute assessments, for-
Rights statement is also used in establishing and evaluating mulate human need statements, identify outcomes, implement
standards of care. safe and accurate drug administration, and continually evaluate
In summary, the nursing process is an ongoing and con- patients’ responses to drugs increases with additional experi-
stantly evolving process (see Box 1.1). The nursing process, as ence and knowledge.

   K E Y P O I N T S
• Th
 e nursing process is an ongoing, constantly changing, and professional nurses as they apply the nursing process to the
evolving framework for professional nursing practice. It may care of their patients.
be applied to all facets of nursing care, including medication • Three contemporary trends in the educational preparation
administration. of nurses and other health care professionals include the
• The five phases of the nursing process include assessment; implementation of Quality and Safety Education for Nurses
development of human need statements; planning with out- (QSEN) initiatives in nursing education and the development
come identification; implementation, including patient edu- of Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC). The
cation; and evaluation. Next Generation NCLEX Examination (NGN) is the third
• Human need statements are formulated based on objec- trend and is a new method of testing that demands critical
tive and subjective data and help to drive the nursing care thinking and clinical reasoning skills. These trends are aimed
plan. Statements of human needs are then developed and at improving the education of nurses and of health care pro-
constantly updated and revised. Safe, therapeutic, and effec- fessionals, with the common goal of improving patient care
tive medication administration is a major responsibility of outcomes.
CHAPTER 1 The Nursing Process and Drug Therapy 11

• N
 urses are responsible for safe and prudent decision-­making There are additional rights related to drug administration.
in the nursing care of their patients, including the provision These rights deserve worthy consideration before initiation
of drug therapy; in accomplishing this task, they attend to of the medication administration process. Observance of all
the Nine Rights and adhere to legal and ethical standards of these rights enhances patient safety and helps avoid medi-
related to medication administration and documentation. cation errors.

   C R I T I C A L T H I N K I N G E X E R C I S E S
1. When medications were administered during the night shift, another nurse. The nurse is on the way to the patient’s room
a patient refused to take his 0200 dose of an antibiotic, claim- to do an assessment when the unit secretary notifies the
ing that he had just taken it. What is the best action by the nurse that one of the orders reads as follows: “Lasix, 20 mg,
nurse to maintain patient safety? STAT.” What is the priority action by the nurse? How does
2. During a busy shift, the nurse notes that the medical record the nurse go about giving this drug? Explain the best action
of a newly admitted patient has a few orders for various med- to take in this situation.
ications and diagnostic tests that were taken by telephone by For answers, see

   R E V I E W Q U E S T I O N S
1. An elderly patient is being discharged to home on drug ther- penicillin. Which is the most appropriate response by the
apy for hyperthyroidism and has never taken this medication nurse?
before now. Which statement best reflects a realistic outcome a. “Many people are allergic to penicillin.”
of patient teaching activities? b. “This allergy is not of major concern because the drug is
a. The patient and patient’s daughter will state the proper given so often.”
way to take the drug. c. “What type of reaction did you have when you took peni-
b. The nurse will provide teaching about the drug’s adverse cillin?”
effects. d. “Drug allergies don’t usually occur in older individuals
c. The patient will state all the symptoms of toxicity of the because of built-­up resistance to allergic reactions.”
drug. 6. The nurse is preparing a care plan for a patient who has been
d. The patient will call the prescriber if adverse effects occur. newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Which of these
2. A patient has a new prescription for a blood pressure med- reflect the correct order of the steps of the nursing process?
ication that may cause him to feel dizzy during the first few a. Assessment, planning, human needs statement, imple-
days of therapy. Which is the best human needs statement for mentation, evaluation
this situation? b. Evaluation, assessment, human needs statement, plan-
a. Physical activity ning, implementation
b. Physical safety c. Human needs statement, assessment, planning, imple-
c. Freedom pain mentation, evaluation
d. Interchange of gases d. Assessment, human needs statement, planning, imple-
3. A patient’s medical record includes an order that reads as fol- mentation, evaluation
lows: “Atenolol 25 mg once daily at 0900.” Which action by 7. The nurse is reviewing new medication orders that have been
the nurse is correct? written for a newly admitted patient. The nurse will need to
a. The nurse does not give the drug. clarify which orders? (Select all that apply.)
b. The nurse gives the drug orally. a. metformin (Glucophage) 1000 mg PO twice a day
c. The nurse gives the drug intravenously. b. sitagliptin (Januvia) 50 mg daily
d. The nurse contacts the prescriber to clarify the dosage route. c. simvastatin (Zocor) 20 mg PO every evening
4. The nurse is compiling a drug history for a patient. Which d. irbesartan (Avapro) 300 mg PO once a day
questions from the nurse will obtain the most information e. docusate (Colace) as needed for constipation
from the patient? (Select all that apply.) 8. The nurse is reviewing data collected from a medication
a. “Do you use sleeping pills to get to sleep?” history. Which of these data are considered objective data?
b. “Do you have a family history of heart disease?” (Select all that apply.)
c. “When you have pain, what do you do to relieve it?” a. White blood cell count 22,000 mm3
d. “Did you have the mumps as a child?” b. Blood pressure 150/94 mm Hg
e. “Tell me about what happened when you had the allergic c. Patient rates pain as an “8” on a 10-­point scale
reaction to penicillin.” d. Patient’s wife reports that the patient has been very sleepy
f. “What herbal products or over-­the-­counter medications during the day
do you use?” e. Patient’s weight is 68 kg
5. A patient who has been diagnosed with an upper respi- For answers, see Answers to Review Questions at the back
ratory tract infection tells the nurse that he is allergic to of the book.
12 PART 1 Pharmacology Basics

Institute for Safe Medication Practice. (2015). ISMP’s list of error

EVOLVE WEBSITE prone abbreviations, symbols and dose designations. Available at (Accessed 15 March 2020).
• Animations Interprofessional Education Collaborative. (2016). What is in-
• Answer Keys for Textbook Case Studies and Textbook Critical terprofessional education? IPEC News & Announcements.
Thinking Exercises Available at
• Content Updates 6AB-DC19-6BE8-D720E30BBEEBBAD3/shannon_s._wmipei_
• Key Points presentation_part_2(2).pdf. (Accessed 10 October 2021).
The Joint Commission. (2015). Facts about the official “Do not use
• Review Questions
list of abbreviations.” Available at
• Student Case Studies  
(Accessed 16 June 2020).
Laysa, S. M., Fabian, R. J., Saul, M. I., et al. (2010). Influence of
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Pharmacologic Principles

When you reach the end of this chapter, you will be able to do 4. Demonstrate an understanding of the various drug dosage
the following: forms as related to drug therapy and the nursing process.
1. Define the common terms used in pharmacology (see Key 5. Discuss the relevance of the general concepts of drug
Terms). therapy as related to a variety of patients and health care
2. Understand the general concepts of pharmacology settings.
including pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, and 6. Discuss the use of natural drug sources in the development
pharmacodynamics. of new drugs.
3. Discuss the application of the general concepts of drug 7. Develop a nursing care plan as related to specific
therapy as related to the nursing process. pharmacokinetic principles and the nursing process.

Additive effects Drug interactions in which the effect of a Blood-­brain barrier The barrier system that restricts the
combination of two or more drugs with similar actions is passage of various chemicals and microscopic entities (e.g.,
equivalent to the sum of the individual effects of the same bacteria, viruses) between the bloodstream and the central
drugs given alone. For example, 1 + 1 = 2 (compare with nervous system. It still allows for the passage of essential
synergistic effects). substances such as oxygen.
Adverse drug event Any undesirable occurrence related Chemical name The name that describes the chemical
to administering or failing to administer a prescribed composition and molecular structure of a drug.
medication. Contraindication Any condition, especially one related to
Adverse drug reaction Any unexpected, unintended, a disease state or patient characteristic, including current
undesired, or excessive response to a medication given at or recent drug therapy, which renders a particular form of
therapeutic dosages (as opposed to overdose). treatment improper or undesirable.
Adverse effects A general term for any undesirable effects that Cytochrome P-­450 The general name for a large class of
are a direct response to one or more drugs. enzymes that plays a significant role in drug metabolism
Agonist A drug that binds to and stimulates the activity of and drug interactions.
one or more receptors in the body. Dependence A state in which there is a compulsive or chronic
Allergic reaction An immunologic hypersensitivity reaction need, as for a drug.
resulting from the unusual sensitivity of a patient to a Dissolution The process by which solid forms of drugs
particular medication; a type of adverse drug event. disintegrate in the gastrointestinal tract and become soluble
Antagonist A drug that binds to and inhibits the activity of before being absorbed into the circulation.
one or more receptors in the body. Antagonists are also Drug Any chemical that affects the physiologic processes of a
called inhibitors. living organism.
Antagonistic effects Drug interactions in which the effect of Drug actions The processes involved in the interaction
a combination of two or more drugs is less than the sum of between a drug and body cells (e.g., the action of a drug on
the individual effects of the same drugs given alone (1 + 1 a receptor protein); also called mechanism of action.
equals less than 2); it is usually caused by an antagonizing Drug classification A method of grouping drugs; may be
(blocking or reducing) effect of one drug on another. based on structure or therapeutic use.
Bioavailability A measure of the extent of drug absorption for Drug effects The physiologic reactions of the body to a drug.
a given drug and route (from 0% to 100%). They can be therapeutic or toxic and describe how the body
Biotransformation One or more biochemical reactions is affected as a whole by the drug.
involving a parent drug; occurs mainly in the liver and Drug-­induced teratogenesis The development of congenital
produces a metabolite that is either inactive or active. Also anomalies or defects in the developing fetus caused by the
known as metabolism. toxic effects of drugs.
14 PART 1 Pharmacology Basics

Drug interaction Alteration in the pharmacologic or is not pharmacologically active itself is called a prodrug. A
pharmacokinetic activity of a given drug caused by the prodrug is then metabolized to pharmacologically active
presence of one or more additional drugs; it is usually metabolites.
related to effects on the enzymes required for metabolism of Peak effect The time required for a drug to reach its
the involved drugs. maximum therapeutic response in the body.
Duration of action The length of time the concentration of a Peak level The maximum concentration of a drug in the body
drug in the blood or tissues is sufficient to elicit a response. after administration, usually measured in a blood sample
Enzymes Protein molecules that catalyze one or more of a for therapeutic drug monitoring.
variety of biochemical reactions, including those related to Pharmaceutics The science of preparing and dispensing
the body’s physiologic processes, as well as those related to drugs, including dosage form design.
drug metabolism. Pharmacodynamics The study of the biochemical and
First-­pass effect The initial metabolism in the liver of a drug physiologic interactions of drugs at their sites of activity. It
absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract before the drug examines the effect of the drug on the body.
reaches systemic circulation through the bloodstream. Pharmacoeconomics The study of economic factors affecting
Generic name The name given to a drug by the United States the cost of drug therapy.
Adopted Names Council. Also called the nonproprietary Pharmacogenomics The study of the influence of genetic
name. The generic name is much shorter and simpler than factors on drug response that result in the absence,
the chemical name and is not protected by trademark. overabundance, or insufficiency of drug-­metabolizing
Glucose-­6-­phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency A enzymes (also called pharmacogenomics; see Chapter 8).
hereditary condition in which red blood cells break down Pharmacognosy The study of drugs that are obtained from
when the body is exposed to certain drugs. natural plant and animal sources.
Half-­life |In pharmacokinetics, the time required for half Pharmacokinetics The study of what happens to a drug from
of an administered dose of drug to be eliminated by the the time it is put into the body until the parent drug and all
body, or the time it takes for the blood level of a drug to be metabolites have left the body. Pharmacokinetics represent
reduced by 50% (also called elimination half-­life). the drug absorption into, distribution and metabolism
Idiosyncratic reaction An abnormal and unexpected within, and excretion from the body.
response to a medication, other than an allergic reaction, Pharmacology The broadest term for the study or science of
that is peculiar to an individual patient. drugs.
Incompatibility The characteristic that causes two parenteral Pharmacotherapeutics The treatment of pathologic
drugs or solutions to undergo a reaction when mixed or conditions through the use of drugs.
given together that results in the chemical deterioration of Prodrug An inactive drug dosage form that is converted to an
at least one of the drugs. active metabolite by various biochemical reactions once it is
Intraarterial Within an artery (e.g., intraarterial injection). inside the body.
Intraarticular Within a joint (e.g., intraarticular injection). Prototypical drug The first form of a drug, or first in a class
Intrathecal Within a sheath (e.g., the theca of the spinal cord, of drugs. Throughout this book, prototypical drugs will be
as in an intrathecal injection into the subarachnoid space). denoted as a “key drug.”
Medication error Any preventable adverse drug event (see Receptor A molecular structure within or on the outer
above) involving inappropriate medication use by a patient or surface of a cell. Receptors bind specific substances (e.g.,
health care professional; it may or may not cause patient harm. drug molecules), and one or more corresponding cellular
Medication use process The prescribing, dispensing, and effects (drug actions) occur as a result of this drug-­receptor
administering of medications, and the monitoring of their interaction.
effects. Steady state The physiologic state in which the amount of
Metabolite A chemical form of a drug that is the product of drug removed via elimination is equal to the amount of
one or more biochemical (metabolic) reactions involving drug absorbed with each dose.
the parent drug (see later). Active metabolites are those that Substrates Substances (e.g., drugs or natural biochemicals in
have pharmacologic activity of their own, even if the parent the body) on which an enzyme acts.
drug is inactive (see prodrug). Inactive metabolites lack Synergistic effects Drug interactions in which the effect of a
pharmacologic activity and are simply drug waste products combination of two or more drugs with similar actions is
awaiting excretion from the body (e.g., via the urinary, greater than the sum of the individual effects of the same
gastrointestinal, or respiratory tract). drugs given alone. For example, 1 + 1 is greater than 2
Onset of action The time required for a drug to elicit a (compare with additive effects).
therapeutic response after dosing. Therapeutic drug monitoring The process of measuring
P-­glycoprotein A transporter protein that moves drugs out of drug levels to identify a patient’s drug exposure and to
cells and into the gut, urine, or bile. allow adjustment of dosages with the goals of maximizing
Parent drug The chemical form of a drug that is administered therapeutic effects and minimizing toxicity.
before it is metabolized by the body into its active or Therapeutic effect The desired or intended effect of a
inactive metabolites (see metabolite). A parent drug that particular medication.
CHAPTER 2 Pharmacologic Principles 15

Therapeutic index The ratio between the toxic and Toxicology The study of poisons, including toxic drug effects,
therapeutic concentrations of a drug. and applicable treatments.
Tolerance Reduced response to a drug after prolonged use. Trade name The commercial name given to a drug product by
Toxic The quality of being poisonous (i.e., injurious to health its manufacturer; also called the proprietary name.
or dangerous to life). Trough level The lowest concentration of drug reached in the
Toxicity The condition of producing adverse bodily effects body after it falls from its peak level, usually measured in a
because of poisonous qualities. blood sample for therapeutic drug monitoring.

usually the manufacturer of the drug. Trade names are generally

OVERVIEW created by the manufacturer with marketability in mind. For this
Any chemical that affects the physiologic processes of a living reason, they are usually shorter and easier to pronounce and
organism can be defined as a drug. The study or science of remember than generic drug names. The patent life (the length
drugs is known as pharmacology. Pharmacology encompasses of time from patent approval until patent expiration) of a newly
a variety of topics, including the following: discovered drug molecule is normally 17 years. The research
• Absorption process for new drug development normally requires about
• Biochemical effects 10 years, and the manufacturer generally has the remaining
• Biotransformation (metabolism) 7 years for sales profits before patent expiration. A significant
• Distribution amount of these profits serves to offset the multimillion-­dollar
• Drug history costs for research and development of the drug. A new category
• Drug origin of the generic drug market is called biosimilars. Biosimilar, by
• Excretion definition, is a copy version of an already authorized biological
• Mechanisms of action product.
• Physical and chemical properties After the patent expires, other manufacturers may legally
• Physical effects begin to manufacture generic drugs with the same active ingre-
• Drug receptor mechanisms dient. At this point, the drug price usually decreases substan-
• Therapeutic (beneficial) effects tially. Due to the high cost of drugs, many institutions have
• Toxic (harmful) effects implemented programs in which one drug in a class of several
Pharmacology includes the following several subspecialty drugs is chosen as the preferred agent, even though the drugs do
areas: pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, not have the same active ingredients. This is called therapeutic
pharmacogenomics (pharmacogenetics), pharmacoeconom- equivalence. Before one drug can be therapeutically substituted
ics, pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacognosy, and toxicology. for another, the drugs must have been proven to have the same
Knowledge of pharmacology enables the nurse to better under- therapeutic effect on the body.
stand how drugs affect humans. Without understanding basic Drugs are grouped together based on their similar proper-
pharmacologic principles, the nurse cannot fully appreciate the ties. This is known as a drug classification. Drugs can be clas-
therapeutic benefits and potential toxicity of drugs. sified by their structure (e.g., beta-­adrenergic blockers) or by
Throughout the process of its development, a drug will their therapeutic use (e.g., antibiotics, antihypertensives, anti-
acquire at least three different names. The chemical name depressants). Within the broad classification, each class may
describes the drug’s chemical composition and molecular struc- have subclasses; for example, penicillins are a subclass within
ture. The generic name, or nonproprietary name, is often much the group of antibiotics, and beta-­adrenergic blockers are a sub-
shorter and simpler than the chemical name. The generic name class within the group of antihypertensives. Prototypical drugs
is used in most official drug compendiums to list drugs. The are the first drug in a class of drugs and are noted as key drugs
trade name, or proprietary name, is the drug’s registered trade- throughout this textbook.
mark and indicates that its commercial use is restricted to the Three basic areas of pharmacology—pharmaceutics, pharma-
owner of the patent for the drug (Fig. 2.1). The patent owner is cokinetics, and pharmacodynamics—describe the relationship

Chemical name
(/)-2-(p-isobutylphenyl) propionic acid
Generic name
ibuprofen CH CH2 CH COOH
Trade name
Motrin, others CH3

Fig. 2.1 Chemical structure of the common analgesic ibuprofen and the chemical, generic, and trade names
for the drug.
16 PART 1 Pharmacology Basics

Dose of
TABLE 2.1 Drug Absorption of Various
drug Oral Preparations
Administration Oral disintegration, buccal tablets, and oral soluble wafers Fastest
Liquids, elixirs, and syrups
I Disintegration Suspension solutions
Pharmaceutical of dosage form; Powders
phase dissolution of
drug in body Capsules
Coated tablets
Drug available
for absorption Enteric-coated tablets Slowest

II Absorption,
Pharmacokinetic distribution,
phase metabolism, to use drugs for non–FDA-approved indications. This is known

excretion as off-label prescribing. Evolving over time in clinical practice,

previously off-label indications often become FDA-approved

Drug available indications for a given drug.
for action The study of the adverse effects of drugs and other chemicals
on living systems is known as toxicology. Toxic effects are often
Drug-receptor an extension of a drug’s therapeutic action. Therefore toxicology
phase interaction frequently involves overlapping principles of both pharmaco-
therapy and toxicology. The study of natural (versus synthetic)
drug sources (i.e., plants, animals, minerals) is called phar-
macognosy. Pharmacoeconomics focuses on the economic
Effect aspects of drug therapy.
Fig. 2.2 Phases of drug activity. (From McKenry, L. M., Tessier, E., & Hogan, In summary, pharmacology is a very dynamic science that
M. (2006). Mosby’s pharmacology in nursing [22nd ed.]. St Louis: Mosby.) incorporates several different disciplines, including chemistry,
physiology, and biology.
between the dose of a drug and the activity of that drug in treat-
ing the disorder. Pharmaceutics is the study of how various PHARMACEUTICS
dos- age forms influence the way in which the drug affects the
body.Pharmacokineticsisthestudyofwhatthebodydoesto Different drug dosage forms have different pharmaceutical
the drug. Pharmacokinetics involves the processes of properties. Dosage form determines the rate at which drug
absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. dis- solution (dissolving of solid dosage forms and their
Pharmacodynamics is the study of what the drug does to the absorption, e.g., from the gastrointestinal [GI] tract) occurs. A
body. Pharmacodynamics involves drug- receptor drug to be ingested orally may be in either a solid form (tablet,
capsule, or powder) or a liquid form (solution or suspension).
relationships. Fig. 2.2 illustrates the three phases of drug
Table 2.1 lists various oral drug preparations and the relative
activity, starting with the pharmaceutical phase, proceeding
rate at which they are absorbed. Oral drugs that are liquids
to the pharmacokinetic phase, and finishing with the
(e.g., elix- irs, syrups) are already dissolved and are usually
pharmacodynamic phase.
absorbed more quickly than solid dosage forms. Enteric-
Pharmacotherapeutics (also called therapeutics) focuses them from being bro- ken down in the acidic pH environment of
on the clinical use of drugs to prevent and treat diseases. It the stomach and are not absorbed until they reach the higher
defines the principles of drug actions. Some drug (more alkaline) pH of the intestines. This pharmaceutical
mechanisms of action are more clearly understood than property results in slower dissolution and therefore slower
others. Drugs are also catego- rized into pharmacologic absorption.
classes according to their physiologic functions (e.g., beta-
adrenergic blockers) and primary disease states treated
(e.g., anticonvulsants, antiinfectives) times, prescribers may


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