4 Module
4 Module
4 Module
4. Module
Quarter 1 – Module 4:
The Principles and Techniques of Design
and Applications to Develop
ICT Content
Downloaded by Mari Opoc (mariopoc13@gmail.com)
Quarter 1 – Module 4:
The Principles and Techniques of Design
and Applications to Develop
ICT Content
Welcome to the Empowerment Technologies Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on The
Principles and Techniques of Design and Applications to Develop ICT Content. This module was
designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided and independent learning at
your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while
being an active learner.
What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or competencies
you are expected to learn in the module.
What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to check what
you already know about the lesson to take. If you get
all the answers correct (100%), you may decide to skip
this module.
What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link the current
lesson with the previous one.
What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced to you
in various ways such as a story, a song, a poem, a
problem opener, an activity or a situation.
What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will help you
transfer your new knowledge or skill into real life
situations or concerns.
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the
Empowerment Technologies. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning
situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be
changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
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What I Know
Multiple choice: Write the letter of the correct answer on the provided Learning Activity Sheet
1. It is a base of technologies designed to run within an online environment and provides interactive
online services.
a) File Management
b) online platform
c) Mapping
d) Web Page Creation
2. This is an online platform that allows you to present and share presentations, infographics
and videos with other people.
a) Presentation or Visualization
b) Cloud Computing
c) Social Media
d) Web Page Creation
3. This is an online platform that lets you build a web page that includes colors, text, images, and
often contain links to media such as video and audio. The platform does not require any web
programming skill as they provide a drag and drop interface and free hosting as well.
a) Presentation or Visualization
b) Cloud Computing
c) Social Media
d) Web Page Creation
4. The information shared can be in the form of ideas, pictures, videos or anything that you want to
create and share to the virtual communities. The information you share will be the basis of the
people to interact, share content and collaborate with you and the large group of people.
a) Presentation or Visualization
b) Cloud Computing
c) Social Media
d) Web Page Creation
5. Is a platform often referred to simply as <the cloud=. In other words, instead of using
your computer’s hard drive, you store and access your data and programs over the
a) Presentation or Visualization
b) Cloud Computing
c) Social Media
d) Web Page Creation
6. This is an online platform that allows you to convert and manage files like images, video,
documents, audio and more to other formats without downloading software tool.
a) Presentation or Visualization
b) File Management
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c) Social Media
d) Cloud Computing
7. In this kind of platform, no coding skills are required. Instead, you manipulate with
design components using an editor window and get the chance to choose what elements
are placed on your page.
a) Web Templates
c) Social Media
d) Mapping
8. Are unique full page layout that contains generic information which can be replaced by the users
with their own personal information.
a) Web Templates
c) Social Media
d) Mapping
9. You can use this to backup your files in the cloud and access them anywhere.
a) Slideshare
b) Wix
c) Google Drive
d) Tumblr
10. You can use this to share text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos from your browser, phone,
desktop, email or wherever you happen to be. This is a microblogging service that has recently
become a popular social media site.
a) Slideshare
b) Wix
c) Google Drive
d) Tumblr
What’s In
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Activity 1: My Thought
Directions. Look at the 2 Signs. Share your thoughts.
Guide Questions
1. Which examples would you consider as having a good layout? Explain your answer.
2. Which examples do not have a good layout? Why do you say so? What improvements
can be done to the layout?
3. Who do you think should be the target audience of such materials? Justify how the objects,
images, or text used in the layout cater or do not cater to the target audience.
What’s New
What is It
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The most important factor in web design is the end user. So, in designing your own web
pages, remember the following principles:
Principle #1: Visual Language
• Use a consistent template on each page with a uniform color scheme.
• Use contrasting colors between text and background (dark over light or vice versa). Create the
most contrast in the area where you want more attention to.
• Avoid too large or too small font size. Avoid too many typefaces too.
• Use common font style to similar items across the web pages.
• Make important links or menus more prominent in terms of color.
• Use high-quality pictures
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• Images used should follow the rule of thirds as a rough guideline. <The rule of thirds states
than an image is most pleasing when its subjects or regions are composed along imaginary
lines which divide the image into thirds 4 both vertically and horizontally.=
Principle #2: Balance
• There should be a balance distribution of heavy and light elements on the page.
• Proper alignment of text and images in a web page helps maintain consistency in design.
• Important information is placed near the top.
• The size of a button should be proportional to its expected frequency of use.
• Group similar things together in terms of shape, color or shading.
• Create a pattern which will make your page easier to use, remember and understand
Principle #3: Paradox of Choice
• <Paradox of choice means the more choices you provide, the easier for others to choose
nothing.= Hence, you should eliminate unimportant or distracting menus or options.
• Focus on user needs
• Design around context of the multiuser in a multi-screen and in a multi-device.
Principle #4: Focus on Content
• Know the purpose of your web page so you could match the content with the purpose.
• Content should be spellchecked.
• Content should be organized.
• There should be a clear delivery of content.
• Include images on your content not just pure text.
• Content should be updated. Always add something new to your content. If you have nothing
to add, you can pick some free articles or free e-books at:
http://www.web-source.net/free_articles.htm or
• Just make sure to acknowledge the author or include the author’s resource box.
Principle #5: Simplify
• Minimal design does not always mean an effective design. However, when choosing between
simple and the opposite, the former is always a better choice than the latter. Hence, strive to
have a simple design.
• Keep content simple.
• Use minimal animated graphics.
• Maintain a look and feel across all the web pages.
Basic Web Design Elements
Web design elements are building blocks of a webpage. Here are the basic elements that
were handpicked and organized for you to consider in your web design:
Element #1: Illustrations and Styles
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• Illustrations include lines, shapes, texture and color which are fundamental elements that
should not be overlooked.
• Lines are used to organize, connect, and separate information and design elements.
Combined with shapes, color, and texture they give us a visual grammar which you can use to
Element #2: Links
• Links are the most basic interface on web pages. Links should be distinctive in color from
other types of text in a webpage. Keep links and regular text styled consistently to avoid users
from thinking whether or not the text is a link.
• Make sure your links are working.
Element #3: Buttons and Menus
• Just like links, buttons and menus are also essential to web pages and they too need consistent
• Buttons and menus should be well-organized.
• Button labels and menus should be clear and easy to understand.
Element #4: Images
• Images also aids in communicating your message to the viewers. Aside from being used as
fillers, images also helps in leaving a lasting first impression.
• Use specific images that are related to your content so that it will draw attention not only to
the content but to your web page as a whole.
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a. Go to Slideshare by typing
www.slideshare.net in the address bar of
your browser. Slideshare homepage will
appear as shown below.
b. Create your account by clicking Signup.
c. Enter the required data in the page.
d. Click Signup.
e. When the signup is successful, the page
below will be displayed and you’re on your
way to become one of the Sliders.
If you already have a Gmail account, then you don’t need to create another account since
Google implements a <one Google Account for everything Google=. But if you still don’t have an
account, then follow these steps before you can finally use Google Drive.
a. Go to Google and type www.google.com in the address bar of your browser. The
homepage of Google will appear as shown:
b. Click Sign in.
c. Click Sign in. Login Page will appear as shown below.
d. Click Create account.
e. Fill out your profile information. At the end of the form, do not forget to click the <I
Agree…= check box.
f. Click Next Step.
Welcome Page will appear. This means that you are now ready to use Google Drive.
In Google Drive, you can create a folder, upload a file, create Google Docs, Sheets and Slides, and even
Google Forms, Drawings and Maps. Before you can do that, click Google Apps and select Drive
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Google offers other useful applications which can be accessed by clicking Google Apps .
• Play - is the official app store of Google for Android smartphones and tablets.
• News - is a computer-generated news site of Google whose news is aggregated from sources
all over the world.
• Gmail - is a free, advertising-supported email service provided by Google.
• Calendar - is a time-management web application and mobile app by Google.
• Google+ - is an interest-based social network by Google.
• Translate - is a multilingual service provided by Google to translate text, speech, images, or
real-time video from one language into another.
• Photos - is the newest app of Google which provides a photograph and video sharing and
storage service for Google users.
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m. Close the tab and go back to your gmail account. Sign out to your gmail account, close
the tab and then go back to Tumblr.
n. To log out your Tumblr account, click the face account and then click Log out.
What’s More
Activity 4:
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What I Can Do
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____ 1. This is an online platform that allows you to convert and
manage files like images, video, documents, audio and more a) Tumblr File
to other formats without downloading software tool. Management
____ 2. This is an online platform that allows you to present and share
presentations, infographics and videos with other people.
b) Slideshare
____ 3. The information shared can be in the form of ideas, pictures,
videos or anything that you want to create and share to the
virtual communities. The information you share will be the c) online platform
basis of the people to interact, share content and collaborate
with you and the large group of people.
____ 4. Is a platform often referred to simply as <the cloud=. In other d) Wix
words, instead of using your computer’s hard drive, you
store and access your data and programs over the Internet.
e) Google Drive
____ 5. In this kind of platform, no coding skills are required.
Instead, you manipulate with design components using an
editor window and get the chance to choose what elements f) Web Templates
are placed on your page.
____ 6. Are unique full page layout that contains generic information g) Social Media
which can be replaced by the users with their own personal
____ 7. You can use this to backup your files in the cloud and access h) Mapping
them anywhere.
____ 8. It is a base of technologies designed to run within an online i) Cloud Computing
environment and provides interactive online services.
____ 9. You can use this to share text, photos, quotes, links, music,
and videos from your browser, phone, desktop, email or
wherever you happen to be. This is a microblogging service
that has recently become a popular social media site.
____ 10. This is an online platform that lets you build a web page that
includes colors, text, images, and often contain links to media
such as video and audio. The platform does not require any
web programming skill as they provide a drag and drop
interface and free hosting as well.
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Directions: In your notebook, journal or portfolio, write your personal
insights about the lesson by completing the following statements.
Directions: In your notebook, journal or portfolio, write your personal insights about
the lesson by completing the following statements.
Answer Keys
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For educational purposes only; All rights reserved for rightful owners
Empowerment Technologies by Innovative Training Works, Inc. and Rex Bookstore ISBN 978-971-
EmTech by Ivy Tarun, ppt presentation
Fig. 1-Author/Copyright holder: Jorge Gonzalez. Copyright terms and licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Fig. 2-Author/Copyright holder: Nikki Sylianteng. Copyright terms and licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Image Source: www.openlearning.com
Image Source: www.lgam.info, moziru.com, www.freepik.com, www.barbarahaworthattard.com,
Image Source: en.newcom-maroc.com
Image Source www.udemy.com
Image Source: www.sitepoint.com
Image Source: twitter.com
Image Source: www.designshock.com
Image Source: webneel.com
Image Source: www.sourcecon.com, itc.ua
Image Source: fontsinuse.com, twitter.com
Google images:
EmTech by Ivy Tarun, ppt presentation
Fig. 1-Author/Copyright holder: Jorge Gonzalez. Copyright terms and licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Fig. 2-Author/Copyright holder: Nikki Sylianteng. Copyright terms and licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Image Source: www.openlearning.com
Image Source: en.newcom-maroc.com
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Image Source www.udemy.com
Image Source: www.sitepoint.com
Image Source: twitter.com
Image Source: www.designshock.com
Image Source: webneel.com
Image Source: www.sourcecon.com, itc.ua
Image Source: fontsinuse.com, twitter.com
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