M.Sc. Mathematics Basic Topology

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Mathematics Degree (MGU-CSS-PG) Examination



(Answer any five Each question has weightage 1)

Time 3 hrs. Maximum Weight. 30

1.Define: i) Topographical space

ii) Closure of a set

iii) Interior point of a set

iv) Accumulation point of a set

2. If A,B are subsets of a space X show that AUB = A U B

3. Let X,Y be topological spaces and f : X → Y a function. Show that f is continuous at x0 ∈ X

iff forevery subset A ⊂ X, x0 ∈ A ⇒ f ( x0 ) ∈ f ( A)

4. Define separable space. Prove that every second countable space is separable

5. Let C be a connected subset of a space Xand A,B are mutually separated subsets of X. Then

C ⊆ A ∪ B implies either C ⊆ A or C ⊆ B

6. Prove that components of open subsets of a locally connected space are open

7. Prove that a topological space X is T1 if and only if every singleton set { x } is closed in X

8. Prove that compact subsets in Hausdorff space are closed


(Answer any five Each question has weightage 2)

9. Prove that metrisability is a hereditary property

10. Define derived set of a subset A of space X. Prove that A = A ∪ A′

11. Let X,Y be topological spaces and f : X → Y a function. If f is continuous then the graph

G= {( x, f ( x)) : x ∈ X } is homeomorphic to X

12. Every continuous real valued function on a compact space is bounded and attains its


13. If X1 and X2 are connected spaces then X1 X X2 is connected

14. Every quotient space of a locally connected space is locally connected

15. Prove that all metric spaces are T4

16. If F is a compact subset and C a closed subset of a completely regular space X and

F ∩ C = φ , then there exist a continuous function f: X→[0,1] such that f(x)=0 ∀x ∈ F and f(y)=1
∀ y∈ C


(Answer any three, Each question has weightage 5)

17. a)Every open cover of a second countable space has a countable subcover

b)In a metric space X, a point y is in the closure of a subset A iff there exist a sequence { x n }

such that x n ∈ A ∀ n and { x n } converges to y in X

18. State and prove Lebesgue covering lemma

19. Let X be a space which is first countable at x ∈ X and f : X → Y a function.Then f is

Continuous at x iff for every sequence { x n } which converges to x in X, the sequence { f ( x n ) }

converges to f(x) in Y

20. A subset of R is connected iff it is an interval

21. Every regular, lindelöff space is normal

22. a)In a Hausdorff space limits of sequences are unique

b)Every completely regular space is regular

c)Let Y be a Hausdorffspace. Prove that for any space X and any two maps f , g : X → Y the

set { x ∈ X : f ( x ) = g ( x ) } is closed in X

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