Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings - SNI 03-2847-2014
Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings - SNI 03-2847-2014
Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings - SNI 03-2847-2014
General Considerations
Seismic Analysis, Design and Detailing of
of Earthquake Resistant Design
Reinforced Concrete Buildings Elements The main goal of earthquake-resistant design is to attain a structure with
according to g and ductility
sufficient strength y to assure life safety,
y, i.e.,, to p
prevent collapse
under the most intense earthquake expected at a site during the life of a
SNI 1726-SNI 2847/ACI 318M structure.
Civil Engineering Department In general, most earthquake code provisions implicitly require that structures
be able to resist minor earthquakes without any damage, moderate
Parahyangan Catholic University earthquakes with negligible structural damage and some non-structural
Bandung damage, and major earthquakes with possibly some structural and non-
structural damage. As noted above, structures must respond to strong
2014 ground motion without collapse.
• Proportioning
P ti i and dddetailing
t ili the
th structural
t t l members b andd jjoints
i t ffor th
combined effects of gravity and lateral (including wind) loads so that
adequate vertical and lateral strength and stiffness are achieved to
satisfy the structural performance and acceptable deformation levels
prescribed in the governing building code.
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
i 1
i 30 m
m m m
ti ti ti
vs i 1 N i 1 Su i 1
m m m
ti / vsi ti / Ni ti / Sui
i 1 i 1 i 1
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
• The Load is
transferred by shear
in columns, that
produces moment in
columns and in
• The Beam-Column
connection is crucial
for the system to
work k
• The moments and
shear from later
loads must be added
to those from gravity
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Wall Thickness = 15 cm
Beam Section = 60 cm x 30
Column Section = 50 cm x
50 cm
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
SDC = Seismic Design Category
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
2. D ouble R einforcements:
dt f
= nt .( ) nt . y' k nt nt .(1 0, 59. nt ) M nt k nt . f c' .b .d 2
d fc
M M n M nt c max 0, 375.d t
d' c d'
if : 0,
0 31 f s' f y otherw h i : f s' min
ise i E s .0,
0 003 max ; fy
c max c m ax
( d d ' ).( f s' 0, 85. f c' )
Ast .b .d
( d d ' ). f y
C heck to:
4 0, 25. f c' 1, 4.b .d
As min min . Ast ; max( .b .d ; As max 0, 025.b .d
3 fy fy
As min Ast As max and Asc As min
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Longitudinal Reinforcement
based on Design Load Combinations
300 mm
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Longitudinal Reinforcement
True P-M Vector Capacity based on Strong Column-Weak Beam
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
s = 0.12 f c 0.45 g 1 f c
A 9
(23-2) and (10-6)
f yh A f
c yh
Total cross-sectional area of rectangular hoop reinforcement for confinement A sh shall
not be less than that given by the following two equations:
A sh = 0.3(sh c f c / f yh )[(A g /A ch ) - 1] (23-3)
A sh = 0. 09sh c f c / f yh (23-4) 8
Transverse reinforcement shall be provided by either single or overlapping hoops.
Crossties of the same bar size and spacing as the hoops are permitted, with each end of 23.4.4. 1
the crosstie engaging a peripheral longitudinal reinforcing bar. Consecutive crossties (c)
shall be alternated end for end along the longitudinal reinforcement.
Eqs. (23-3) and (10-6) need not be satisfied if the design strength of the member core
satisfies the requirement of the design loading combinations, including the earthquake
If the thickness of the concrete outside of the confining transverse reinforcement > 100
mm, additional transverse reinforcement shall be provided at a spacing 300 mm. 8
Concrete cover on the additional reinforcement 100 mm.
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
transverse reinforcement shall extend into the discontinued member for at least the
development length of the largest longitudinal reinforcement in the column in
accordance with 23.5.4. 10
If the lower end of the column terminates on a wall, transverse reinforcement per
x 350 mm on center shall extend into the wall for at least the development length of
the largest longitudinal bar in the column at the point of termination.
100 mm sx = 100 + [(350-hx)/3] 150
If the column terminates on a footing or mat, transverse reinforcement per mm shall extend at least 300 mm. into the footing or mat.
Figure 8 - Transverse Reinforcement Requirements - Rectangular Hoop Reinforcement
75 mm
(75 mm)
(25 mm)
75 mm
(10 mm)
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Joint Failures
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Ve,col determination
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Vn 1.2 f c' .A j
specified in 23
4 4 for potential hinging regions in columns must be provided within a
joint, unless the joint is confined by structural members per Figure 11
illustrates the requirements when less than four members frame into a beam-column
• Fifty percent of the confining reinforcement required by 23.4.4 may be used when
members frame into all four sides of a joint, provided the width of the member is at
least three-fourths the corresponding column width. This reduction in the amount of
transverse reinforcement recognizes the beneficial effect provided by these members
in resisting bursting pressures that can be generated within a joint. The requirements
of 23.5.2,2 are shown in Fig. 12.
• Section contains provisions for joints where the beam width is greater than the
corresponding column widthwidth. Beam reinforcement that is not confined by column
reinforcement shall be confined by transverse reinforcement per 23.4.4, unless a beam
framing into the joint provides confinement (see Fig. 13).
• The minimum amount of transverse reinforcement for all of the cases noted above
must be provided through the joint regardless of the magnitude of the calculated shear
force in the joint.
150 mm
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
150 mm
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
The provisions of 23.6 apply to special reinforced concrete
structural walls and coupling beams that are part of the
earthquake force-resisting system. These provisions are
required in regions of high seismic risk or for structures
assigned to high seismic performance and design
• Design
g and detainingg issues
Wall Thickness = 15 cm
– Determination of rebars for flexure
Beam Section = 60 cm x 30
– Determination of rebars for shear
Column Section = 50 cm x 50 – Detailing of rebars near openings and corners
cm – Design and detailing of connection between
various components of cellular shear walls
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Wall Column
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Cellular Walls
Location and
Layout of
Shear Walls
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Shear Wall
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Stresses in Planer Walls
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Stresses in Cellular Walls
Uniaxial Bending
Stresses in Cellular Walls
Biaxial Bending
5 5
2 2
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
As Single Flexural
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Designing as A Flexural
Design Procedure
• Approach Member
– Design the Wall as “Big
Column” 1. Obtain Design Actions from Analysis
– Follow the normal axial-
flexural concept and provisions 2. Assume rebar sizes, amount and
• Input Needed distribution
– P, Mx , (and My)
– Wall Dimensions 3. Determine Cross-section capacity as
• Problems column in form of Interaction Surfaces
– Does not consider the non-
linear strain distribution
and Curves
– In efficient rebar distribution 4. Check if all action sets (P, Mx, My) fall
within the interaction surface. The
extreme values should be near the
V Vy Vx Mx
xt xc
Tension Compression
Member Member
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
- Mz Safe + Mz
+ My
1 n
x , y dx
N 1 dyy ... A i i ( x , y ) ...
x y 2 i 1
1 1 n
M x 2 x , y dx dy . y ... 2
1 x y i 1
A i i ( x , y ) y i ...
1 1 n
M 3 x , y dx dy . x ... 2 A i i ( x , y ) x i ...
1 x y
i 1
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
F1=T F2=C
f5 x1 Ai xi t
f3 Fi Ai f i
T f1
f1, f2, …..fn are the nodal stresses at
C section A-A , obtained from analysis
Axial Zones for Box Wall Design as Truss: Strut and Tie
• Directly design the tension
members for reinforcement
• Directly design the
compression members as
• The design is similar to the
“Axial Zones” concept
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Wall Section
• Place more reinforcement at the ends and
distribute the remaining in the middle portion
• Confine the Rebars at the end for improved
Detailing of
ductility and increased moment capacity
Option -1
Option -3
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Max M= 16500
b) Concentrated Bars
Max M= 19600
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
• Check if Vc Elevation
El ti
Concrete not to Exceed the limit
exceeds the limit, if ts Vu
Vs Vn Vc V
it does, section d r top
needs to be revised a
c Area of Steel Computed as
• Determine steel hs Vs 2
Rebars for Vs=V
Vc f ys d s
R LW f c t s d s
• Check additional
Check for minimum steel and spacing etc.
steel for seismic d r bot
dr top
t = Distance from top of spandrel to the centroid of top reinforcing f ys = Shear yyield strength
g of steel
dr bot = Distance from bottom of spandrel to the centroid of bottom reinforcing fc = Concrete Compressive Strength
hs = Total depth of spandrel
Lp = Length of Pier
RLW = Shear reduction factor as specified in the concrete material
properties for light weight concrete. tp = Thickness of Pier
Av min = Minimum vertical required area of distributed shear reinforcing
ds = Effective depth of spandrel
Ah mini = Minimum horizontal required
q area of distributed shear reinforcing
Vs = Portion of Shear force in spandrel carried by reinforcing steel
Vc = Portion of Shear force in spandrel carried by concrete
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Figure 21 - Requirements for Footings, Foundation Mats, and Pile Caps Figure 22 - Requirements for Grade Beams
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Analisis dan Desain Struktur dari Struktur Bawah Analisis dan Desain Struktur dari Struktur Bawah
• Struktur Bawah : Besmen
• Struktur bawah tidak boleh gagal lebih dulu dari struktur atas,
Vpondasi = f1.[f2 .Vupper +0.10Az .I.Wbz ]
karena itu harus selalu berprilaku elastis penuh, sehingga beban
gempa maksimum nominal dari struktur ats pada struktur bawah
adalah : = f1.Vn
Vmn =f2 upper .Vn upper
Beban gempa statik ekwivalen nominal yang bekerja horisontal pada taraf lantai
besmen akibat gaya inersia (empirik):
F 0,10.Az.I.W
bzn bz
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Analisis dan Desain Struktur dari Struktur Bawah Analisis dan Desain Struktur dari Struktur Bawah
• Analisis dan Desain Dinding Besmen terhadap Beban Muka :
Beban gempa horisontal dari tekanan tanah, dapat dianggap mencapai nilai
maksimum senilai
T k leleh
l l h tanah
t h (senilai
( il i tekanan
t k pasifif tanah)
t h) sepanjang
j kedalaman
k d l struktur
t kt
bawah; beban tanah nominal yang bersangkutan didapat dengan membaginya
dengan angka R=1,6; sehingga kombinasi pembebanan terfaktor menjadi :
Analisis dan DesainStruktur Dinding Besmen thd beban muka dari Struktur Bawah
p1 = q . Kp
Keterangan Notasi :
structures assigned to intermediate (moderate) seismic
• Akibat tekanan tanah (H) :
Tinggi daerah di atas GWL (m)
Tinggi daerah di bawah GWL (m)
performance or design categories, are given in 23.10.
K0 : Coefficient of at rest earth pressure for compacted backfill
p2 = p1 + (γt . h1 . Kp)
Kp : Passive Coefficient of earth pressure (= 1.0) • Two options are provided in 23.10.3 to determine the
p : Total horizontal earth pressure (kN/m2)
p3 = p2 + (γt’ . h2 . Kp)
z : Kedalaman yang ditinjau dari muka air tanah (m) design shear strength of beams, columns, and two-way
p4 = p
p p3 + (γ
(γw . h2))
A0 Ab
p5 p4 h2 γw A0 2 A0 Ab
h : A0
30m slabs,
l b b both
th off which
hi h reduce
d th
the lik
lih d off shear
h ffailure
8 30m γ : Unit weight of soil (contoh = 16.5 kN/m3) during an earthquake.
7 γw : Unit weight of water (= 10 kN/m3)
pz z h2 γw αh
8 γ’ : 16.5 - 10 = 6.5 kN/m3
ptw h22 γw αh
Kombinasi Pembebanan :
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
The requirements of 23.10.4 for beams of intermediate moment frames
summarised in, Fig. 24, and Fig. 25.
The main purpose of these requirements is to provide beams with a
threshold level of toughness
Fig. 26 contain the detailing requirements of 23.10.5 for columns of
intermediate moment frames. Similar to the requirements for beams, these
provisions provide columns with a threshold level of toughness.
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
50 mm
Seismic Design of Concrete Building According to SNI
1726 & SNI 2847, prepared by Djoni Simanta
• Seismic Detailing of Concrete Buildings, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL, 2000.
• Standard Building Code, Southern Building Code Congress International, Birmingham,
AL, 1994, 1997, 1999.
• Uniform Building Code, Vol. 2, International Conference of Building Officials, Whittier,
CA, 1991, 1994, 1997.
• International Building Code, International Code Council, Falls Church, VA, 2000.
• NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other
Structures, Building Seismic Safety Council, Washington, D.C., 1997.
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (318M-2008) and Commentary Thank you
(318R-2008), American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2008.
• Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, American Society of Civil
Engineers, New York, NY, 1993, 1995, 1998.
• NEHRP Recommended Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for New
Buildings, Building Seismic Safety Council, Washington, D.C., 1991.
• NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings, Building
Seismic Safety Council, Washington, D.C., 1994.
• Notes on ACI 318
99 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete with Design
Applications, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL, 1999.
• The BOCA National Building Code, Building Officials and Code Administrators
International, Country Club Hills, IL, 1993,1996, 1999.