Mega 1996
Mega 1996
Mega 1996
The distribution of elements in graphitized steel sheet was examined by Auger electron spectroscopy. The micro-
structure showed pronounced stringers of graphite with an area 6 pm x 15 pm parallel to the rolling direction of
the hot-rolled steel sheet after graphitization annealing at 933 K for 36 ks. Boron nitride (BN) precipitates were
rarely detected in the graphite in polished specimens, but they were found on the graphite surface in specimens
subjected to in sifu Ar+ ion sputtering. Auger electron spectroscopy colour mapping images showed stringers of BN
precipitates in the area 2 pm x 0.5 pm parallel to the rolling direction at the interior of the graphite in the steel.
The image was considered to present the Brst observation of BN precipitates in graphite. High-energy resolution
Auger spectra obtained from the area of BN precipitation coincided well with spectra of hexagonal BN (h-BN),
even in fine stmctures of B KLL and N KLL Auger transitions. It was deduced that h-BN Precipitates exist inside
the graphite and act as sites for the nucleation of graphitization. The distribution of b B N precipitation in the
graphite suggests that h-BN precipitates are formed at the unrecrystallized austenite grain boundaries during hot
indium metal foils to ensure sufficient electrical contact gating toward the rolling direction. This indicates that
with the ground. the ferrite phase has not completely recrystallized.
Secondary electron images and Auger electron images Graphite particles are granular in the view of the T-
of elements in the graphite in the steel were observed on direction cross-section. In the view of the L-direction
two directional cross-sections denoted by the L- cross-section, however, some graphite particles are gra-
direction and the T-direction (L-direction, longitudinal nular and others are in the form of stringers parallel to
to the rolling direction; T-direction, transverse to the the rolling direction. Many of them exist in the ferrite
rolling direction) using a scanning Auger microscope grain boundaries. The interfaces between graphite par-
(PHI model-650) with an electron gun coaxial with the ticles and ferrite matrix are not flat but rather rugged.
cylindrical mirror analyser. Auger mapping was done This characteristic stringer shape seems to indicate that
at: primary electron energy of 10 keV, incident angle of some small graphite particles ranging in the rolling
30" with respect to the specimen normal, beam current direction in a small interval coalesce to form a long par-
of 20 nA, beam diameter of 0.2 pn, energy resolution of ticle elongating in the rolling direction.
0.6%, pressure in the specimen chamber of 3 x lo-* Pa, Plate 1 shows a secondary electron micrograph and
and observation area of 15 pm x 20 pm by electron an Auger electron image of graphite on the L-direction
beam scanning (magnification: x 5000). The Auger cross-section. Blue and green regions correspond to Fe
signals of Fe LMM (703 eV), C KLL (273 eV), B KLL in a ferrite grain and C in graphite, respectively. Then
(175 eV) and N KLL (382 eV) were chosen. PHI- the B and N regions were displayed in the red and green
ACCESS software was used to control the instrument regions, respectively, but these regions were observed in
and treat the AES spectra and images. In order to a cathode ray tube as the yellow region because they
reveal the BN precipitates in the graphite, Ar+ ion sput- overlapped each other. The colour image clearly shows
tering was carried out with a 3 keV primary energy, a the stringer-shaped distribution of B and N in an area
52" incident angle with respect to the specimen normal of -2 jm x 0.5 pn, parallel to the rolling direction.
and a 36 nA ion beam current (measured with a In order to investigate the chemical state of B and N
Faraday cup), with rastering over an' area of about 1 in the graphite, high-resolution Auger spectra were
mm x 1 mm to ensure uniform sputtering in the measured with an energy resolution of 0.25%, and com-
analysis chamber. The sputtering rate was estimated at pared with those associated with h-BN powder stan-
-5.3 x 1O-I' m s - l from the sputtering yield of iron. dard specimen. Figures 2(a) and 2(b) show the B and N
The microstructure of the steel was observed with a spectra of the yellow region of the Auger colour image
scanning electron microscope after chemical etching
with an alcoholic solution containing 3% nitric acid.
in Plate l(b), respectively. Figures 2(c) and 3(d) show the
B and N spectra of the h-BN powder measured under
the same conditions as those used in Figs. 2(a) and (b),
respectively. The minimum kinetic energies of the differ-
RESULTS A N D DISCUSSION ential spectra of B KLL and N KLL for the graphite in
the steel are 175 eV and 382 eV, respectively. Each
value coincided well with those for h-BN powder, and
the Auger peak shapes of B and N were also similar to
Analysis of BN those of the h-BN powder.
The spectrum of B shown in Fig. 2(a) was also com-
Typical secondary electron images of steels after graphi- pared with that in other compounds containing B in the
tization annealing observed in a L-direction and T- steel. Cubic BN (c-BN) is known as another BN having
direction cross-section are shown in Fig. 1. Both a different crystal structure from h-BN. The minimum
microstructures showed ferrite grains with dispersed kinetic energy in the differential spectrum of B KLL for
graphite particles. The dispersed graphite was con- c-BN is reported to be 172 eV, which is 3 eV smaller
firmed by the shape of the C KLL Auger spectrum. than that for h-BN. The Auger peak shapes of c-BN in
Some ferrite grains are granular and others are elon- the kinetic energy range 150-170 eV are quite different
Figure 1. Secondary electron images of microstructure of a graphitized steel sheet after graphitization annealing: (a) L-direction cross
section; (b) T-direction cross section.
rolling direction -
Plate 1. Scanning electron micrograph (a) and Auger images of B and N (yellow), C (green) and Fe (blue) for the graphite precipitation (b) of the L-direction cross-section in the
graphitized steel sheet after graphitization annealing. The B and N regions were displayed in red and green, respectively, but these regions were observed in a cathode ray tube as
the yellow region because they overlapped each other.
(b) N-KLL
~~ 0
340 370 400
i50 Kinetic
170Enorgy (cv)
the h-BN precipitates do not change. Therefore, Some reports on graphitized steel are concerned with
stringers of h-BN precipitation exist along prior unre- the nucleation site that promotes the graphitization in
crystallized austenite grain boundaries, as shown in Fig. the steel during hot-rolling and annealing. Okamotog
5 and Plate l(b). has reported that graphite can originate in fine voids
According to Sueyoshi and Suenaga,8 graphite may formed by cracking of cementite during cold rolling in
preferentially nucleate where fine precipitates with steels containing 0.06 and 0.5 mass% C. It has been
nearly the same atomic spacing and arrangement as the proved by electron probe microanalyser that the non-
(OOO1) surface of the graphite exist. The crystal structure metallic fine inclusions, composed mainly of A120,,
of h-BN is compared with that of graphite in Table 2. SiOz or silicates, are the nucleation sites for graphite in
The atomic arrangement and spacing of h-BN are very steels containing 0.23 mass% C.8 However, experimen-
similar to those of graphite. This suggests that the h-BN tal evidence has not yet been reported to clarify h-BN
observed in Plate l(b) and Fig. 5 provides the nucle- as the nucleation site for graphite precipitation in steels
ation sites for graphitization. containing B. The present paper is, therefore, considered
Figure 5. Auger images of Fe, B, C and N for the precipitation of graphite of the L-direction cross-section after 3 keV Ar' ion sputtering for
6.96 ks in the graphitized steel sheet after graphitization annealing.
to be a new demonstration that h-BN precipitation (1) The formation of stringers of h-BN precipitates in
exists in graphite as a nucleation site and promotes the graphite elongated in the rolling direction was
graphitization in B-doped graphitized steel sheet. clearly revealed by the Auger mappings and high-
During the graphitization annealing, graphite precipi- resolution Auger spectra,
tates grow and their shape is affected by their growing (2) The h-BN precipitates exist inside the graphite.
process. The characteristic stringer-shaped graphite par- Most h-BN precipitates are not detected in the as-
ticles are explained as follows. During graphitization mechanically-polished specimen surface, but were
annealing, graphite precipitates in contact with h-BN in revealed on the sputtered surface by Ar' ion in the
prior austenite grain boundaries. In the boundary of analysis chamber.
unrecrystallized grain, some h-BN particles lie in the (3) It is inferred that the h-BN exists in the graphite as
rolling direction at a short intervals. Therefore, graphite nucleation sites of the graphite and thus promotes
particles formed at such h-BN particles grow, contact further graphitization in the B-doped graphitized
each other and finally coalesce to form a larger particle steel sheet.
with a rugged surface elongating toward the rolling (4) The shape of the h-BN particle in the graphite sug-
direction. gests that the h-BN precipitates at the unre-
crystallized austenite grain boundaries during hot
CONCLUSION (5) The characteristic shape of graphite particles sug-
gests that the graphite precipitates in contact with
The distribution of elements in graphite in hot-rolled h-BN particles which lie in the rolling direction at
graphitized steel sheet was investigated by AES. The fol- small intervals, grow, contact each other and finally
lowing results were obtained: coalesce to form a larger particle.
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