Cognition, Memory and Intelligence
Cognition, Memory and Intelligence
Cognition, Memory and Intelligence
People are born with innate capabilities that empower them to manage
themselves in various settings and situations. As individual is born, his or her
reactions and reflexes that are developmental milestones are dependent on the
individual’s senses.
If cognition covers all the higher order thinking processes within an individual,
a major focus of the study is the function of memory. It is the faculty of mind
through which information is acquired and retained for later use.
1. Sensory memory is the level that allows information from the external
environment to be perceived by an individual through senses, usually in the
form of chemical and physical stimuli, often with focus and intent.
- However, not all stimuli are perceived by sensory memory, the mind can
only accommodate sensory information that will be useful which is
transferred to one’s short-term memory.
Intelligence is defined in a number of ways. The term is referred to as an
individual’s capacity for understanding, learning, planning solving with logic,
creativity, and self-awareness. It is characterized as the application of
knowledge to be able to adjust in the environment
Intelligence is often thought as hereditary rather than environmental. Two
things should be noted about intelligence:
Individuals are born with innate intellectual ability that is harnessed in various
Intelligence is not confined in the academic context.