1999 19
1999 19
1999 19
Anna Calamia
September 1999
This paper reviews the literature on market microstructure. Particular em-
phasis is given to the research dealing with the impact that a speci c trading
mechanism might have on price behaviour and with the comparison of the perfor-
mance of alternative market structures. Theoretical models and empirical studies
investigating their implications are explored. The major statistical properties and
reguliarities of microstructural data are discussed.
1 Introduction. Market Microstructure and High
Frequency Data
Market microstructure studies the e ects of market structure and individual behaviour
on the process of price formation1. Most theoretical and empirical research in this area
deals with the impact that a speci c trading mechanism might have on price behaviour
and with the comparison of the performance of alternative market structures.
Over the last years, research on nancial markets focuses on institutional and struc-
tural in uences on market dynamics, accounts for traders' heterogeneity and complex
interactions, and gives particular emphasis to microeconomic factors governing markets.
Most literature concerns with the actual behaviour of markets, particularly in the
short-run, in order to explain how prices are determined, how price setting rules evolve
in markets and why prices exhibit particular time series properties. These issues have
important implications for market regulation and for the design of trading mechanisms.
The interaction between the organisational features of a market and the behaviour
of heterogeneous traders is a crucial issue in the working of actual markets as it a ects
important variables such as the volume of trade, the degree of liquidity and transac-
tion costs, price volatility and information processing. Heterogeneity may concern risk
aversion, needs for liquidity, asset preferences, beliefs, information as well as learning
processes and reaction dynamics.
In particular, the short-run behaviour of trading prices re ects the process of the in-
stantaneous matching of supply and demand from a relatively small number of investors,
who are trading the individual asset at a given point in time. Market's equilibrium is
determined by investors' trading strategies, which depend on the individual's informa-
tion, desire for liquidity and perception of the trading environment (e.g., the degree of
adverse selection in the marketplace and the extent of liquidity available as well as the
uncertainty of the market's valuation of the security).
Several aspects of market structure have been taken into account in the theoretical
1 In
the words of O'Hara (1995): "Market microstructure is the study of the process and outcomes of
exchanging assets under explicit trading rules. [...], the microstructure literature analyses how speci c
trading mechanisms a ect the price formation process."
and empirical literature. First of all, the trading arrangements (implicit or explicit rules)
and how they are e ected by the organisation and by the structure of the market: what
can be traded, who can trade, when and how orders are submitted, aggregated and
matched, who may see or handle the orders, how prices are set.
Several studies have focused on the role of market makers and brokers in the dis-
semination and aggregation of information or on the causes and e ects, in terms of
information ows and prices, of the high volume of inter-dealer trade. A crucial is-
sue concerns the informational content of prices in the presence of market power and
collusion among market makers, or in the presence of asymmetric information.
The actual process of trading might have an important impact on the time series
properties of asset returns such as non-linearity, non-normality (skewness and kurto-
sis), volatility clustering and ARCH-GARCH e ects. The presence of bid/ask spreads
may generate abnormal returns, spurious volatility (due to the bid-ask bounce) and
correlation in returns. Market microstructure aims to explain some observed empirical
regularities of nancial prices.
As the main object is the interpretation of short run dynamics, the micro structural
approach involves the use of high-frequency time series and transaction data to test
the statistical properties of prices, returns and volume. Therefore, the development of
empirical micro-structure analysis goes on in parallel with the use of high frequency data
to answer questions concerning market behaviour over short time intervals and with the
development of econometric and statistical techniques to deal with this type of data.
Most models of price dynamics deal with the traditional distinction between permanent
and transitory components of price variations. This dichotomy has been largely used
as an empirically testable hypothesis. The permanent component is typically assumed
to be information-related and a ected by the degree of information asymmetry. The
transitory component is thought of as trade-related perturbations due to market frictions
i.e., induced by the trade itself that drives the current (and subsequent) transaction
prices away from the eÆcient (permanent component) prices.
Some random walk component is often assumed to re ect the informational structure
of the market (permanent component) while the observed price di ers from its intrinsic
value because there is a noise due in part to the process by which prices are set in
the market (Black (1986), Amihud and Mendelson (1987)). This might help to explain
some observed empirical regularities and to assess whether they are generic properties
of the speculative process (Cutler, Poterba, Summers (1991), or can be interpreted as
conditional on the market speci c set-up.
The divergence between the eÆcient price and the actual price may be interpreted
as a trading cost or as the e ect of price discreteness and inventory control (position
management) by dealers. This pricing error may induce systematic patterns in the
distribution of prices, given the heterogeneity of agents' characteristics. The dispersion
of the pricing error can be thought of as a natural measure of market quality (Hasbrouck
The random-walk model has been widely used in the literature on the eÆcient market
hypothesis. It rests on hypotheses -such as the absence of transaction costs- that do not
usually hold at the level of microstructure phenomena. At high frequencies or transaction
data prices diverge from a random walk, and empirical papers address the question of
the size and determinants of this divergence.
However, the decomposition of the price into a random-walk component and a trade-
related component may account for the dynamics that re ect microstructure phenomena
and the dichotomy between the informational/permanent and the market/transitory ef-
fects. Many tests have been proposed and applied to investigate the random walk
hypothesis mainly over daily or longer intervals, (e.g., Fama (1970), Lo and MacKinley
(1988)). As Hasbrouck (1996) points out, the incorporation of the random walk hypoth-
esis in the microstructure framework requires a plausible speci cation of the conditioning
information set.
Market microstructure focuses on whether the sources of price variations are trading-
related (attributable to one or more transactions). Speci cally a trade might in uence
the two components of the price by the fact and the time of its occurrence, the price
and volume (quantity) and whether it is buyer or seller initiated2. Inventory models and
asymmetric information models account for the distinction between trade-related and
unrelated sources of price variation and for some observed stylised facts.
The presence of bid-ask spreads has a non trivial impact on transaction prices and
on the time series properties of asset returns, may create spurious volatility due to the
bid-ask bounce (movements from the bid to the ask) and serial correlation in returns.
Bid-ask spreads are compensations to market makers (dealers) for providing liquidity.
Dealers quote di erent prices for the bid and the ask to cover three kinds of costs: the
order processing costs, the inventory-control costs and the asymmetric information costs.
In earlier studies (Demsetz (1968), Tinic (1972)) the spread was viewed as a consequence
of the dealer's need to recover xed transaction costs as well as a normal pro t. It arises
from traders' desire of immediate executions of orders.
Several papers have estimated the realised spread in the attempt to assess the relative
importance of the di erent components of the bid ask spread. In the simple bid-ask
spread model, the error pricing term represents the bid-ask bounce, driven by the current
trade (buy or sell) and is a stationary random process whose increments are not trade-
2 Or active and passive transactor, the former willing to pay for the immediat execution and the
latter being the suppliers of immediacy (see Demsetz, 1968).
related. Roll (1984) assumes a simple order processing costs model in which the bid-ask
bounce induces negative serial correlation in price changes. The order processing costs
are basic operating costs related to the trading mechanism.
In the inventory models, the trading process is a matching problem in which the market
maker, facing an unbalance risk, uses the price to balance supply and demand across
time. The key factors are the inventory position and the uncertainty about the order
ow. Market makers achieve the inventory control by shifting the quotes (bid and ask)
to elicit the imbalance of buy and sell orders. The focus is on dealers' optimisation and
on the way in which they deal with price and inventory uncertainty and how market
price are set by price setting agents. (Garman (1976), Stoll (1978), Ho and Stoll (1983),
Cohen, Maier, Schwarts and Whitcomb (1981), O'Hara and Old eld (1986)).
The bid-ask spread increases with the market maker's risk aversion, the size of the
transaction, the risk of the asset and the time horizon, or it may re ect the dealer's
market power (Amihud and Mendelson (1980)).
Despite the di erent explanations of the spread -market failure, market power, trans-
3 Given market eÆciency, Roll (1984) show that the joint probability of successive price changes,
when no new information arrives, depends upon whether the last transaction was at the bid or at the
ask. Using daily and weekly data on NYSE, Roll shows that the covariance of transaction returns is an
estimate of the realised ("e ective") spread in an eÆcient market and that the latter is less than the
quoted spread. The advantage of Roll's model is that the spread is estimated usling only transaction
prices. (The quoted bid-ask spread is the di erence between the ask and the bid prices quoted by a
dealer at a point in time. The realised or e ective bid-ask spread is the average di erence between the
price at which a dealer sells at one point in time and buys at earlier point in time.)
action costs- the general idea focuses on the dealer with a balancing problem who mod-
erates deviations in the order ow. These deviations depend on the behaviour of the
market in the short run. The dealer's e ect on price is temporary. At the end of the
adjustment process, price and inventory have completely reverted, i.e. reversion is not
immediate, but there is no permanent price impact in this model because trades are in-
dependent of information. In other words, the permanent component of the price change
is not trade-related but it is due to public information, while the error term is entirely
trade-driven. The market maker changes the quote midpoint (average of the bid and ask
quotes) and therefore the price, depending on the trading costs, on the dealer's previous
inventory position and on the net demand to the dealer.
As the major concern is with the information-aggregation properties of prices and mar-
kets, later works focus on the third component of the bid-ask spread, the adverse se-
lection or asymmetric information costs. These costs arise because some investors are
better informed about a security's value and, trading with them, the market maker
would, on average, incur into a loss. Since the market maker is unable to distinguish the
informed traders from the uninformed ones, a portion of the spreads is the compensa-
tion for taking the other side of a potentially information-based trade. Market makers
quote a wider spread when there are informed traders, to compensate the losses from
trading with them. (Copeland and Galai (1983), Glosten and Milgrom (1985), Easley
and O'Hara (1987), Stoll (1989), Glosten (1987, 1989), Glosten and Harris (1988), Kyle
(1985), Admati and P eiderer (1988, 1989)).
Two main classes of adverse information models are the sequential trade models
and the strategic models. The former examine the determinants of bid-ask spreads
in a competitive framework with heterogeneously informed agents. These models are
characterised by a probability structure where prices act as signals (semi-strong form
eÆciency) and there is a (Bayesian) learning problem confronting market participants.
The bid-ask spread increases with the degree of asymmetric information and decreases as
time elapses and the market maker acquires information. (Glosten and Milgrom (1985),
Easley and O'Hara (1987), Easley and O'hara (1992)).
The strategic models focus on the idea that private information provides incentives
to act strategically to maximise pro ts and agents choose the time and size of trades.
This strategic behaviour might be a ected by the trading mechanism (Grossman and
Stiglitz (1980), Kyle (1989)). There are several versions of strategic models, which gen-
eralise the original Kyle's framework (Kyle 1984). Some of them deal with one informed
trader (Kyle (1984, 1985)) or with multiple informed traders (Kyle (1984), Foster and
Viswanathan (1993), Holden and Subrahamanyan (1992)). Some other introduce discre-
tionary uninformed traders that take into account the impact and costs of their trade,
and choose the size or time of the trade (Foster and Viswanathan (1990), Admati and
P ederer (1988, 1989)). In general, strategic behaviour may induce patterns in trading
activity, returns and volatility (e.g., Leach and Madhavan (1992, 1993) examine the
e ects of strategic quote setting on trade frequency).
The asymmetric information component of the price re ects the public information,
the market's estimate of the information contained in the trade, and it is serially uncorre-
lated if and only if buy and sell orders arrive randomly. The adverse selection component
has implications for transaction price dynamics: while the order processing and inventory
component exhibit reversal and induce negative serial correlation in returns, the adverse
selection component has an additional impact on means and covariances of returns that
tends to be permanent and the reversion is not complete (Hasbrouck (1996)).
Actual markets exhibit diversity and securities are traded on di erent market settings
and with di erent procedures. Market performance and the observed statistical regular-
ities are likely to be conditional on speci c institutional set-ups and individual charac-
terisations. Alternative trading mechanisms present di erent institutional features.
The second feature is the location of trading: market can be centralised or decen-
tralised. Centralised markets can be either oor (open outcry) markets (NYSE, CBOT,
LIFFE, Matif) or computerised markets, where the trade matching mechanism is auto-
mated and information is being electronically displayed and transmitted to all market
participants (located in physically distinct oÆces). On electronic continuous auctions,
agents submit orders to a centralised system which displays the best limit orders and
automatically executes incoming market orders against them and ensures immediate
trade publication (Toronto, Paris and Madrid). On centralised markets all transactions
are visible to all market participants and explicit trading rules can be imposed and
monitored to minimise transaction costs or improve market eÆciency.
On decentralised (or over the counter, OTC) markets, multiple dealers or market
makers work in distinct locations quoting individual bid and ask prices. They are linked
by telephone and/or computer and trade among themselves and with external customers.
Many dealership markets are electronic markets where market makers display quotes on
an electronic screen (NASDAQ, SEAQ, LSE and most secondary bonds markets).
Other important characteristics of market organisation concern the order ow. First,
orders submitted by traders can be market orders or limit orders. Market orders are
executed upon arrival in the market according to the priority rules (given by price, time
or size) while limit orders are executed contingent on the price level4 . Both types of
orders are used in most continuous markets. Some markets (TSE, Paris Bourse) have
introduced an electronic limit order book, where limit and market orders are entered
into a central computer system and executed against outstanding limit orders. Second,
markets can be quote-driven or order-driven. On quote-driven markets prices are xed
before quantities while on order-driven markets prices and quantities are set altogether.
Of paramount importance is also the way in which orders are aggregated and matched,
essentially directly or through dealers/market makers5 . Inter-dealer trading represents
a substantial amount of trade on many dealership markets. The role of market makers
and brokers is central in determining liquidity and price discovery and much microstruc-
ture research focuses on the e ect of dealers' behaviour and on the price determination
process. Finally, other speci c institutional and trading arrangements are to be con-
sidered. For instance, market might di er for trading hours, initial margins, trading
unit, delivery date, last trading date, publication regime6. These features are likely to
in uence the price formation process.
Most theoretical and empirical research on market microstructure deals with the com-
parison of alternative structures of securities markets and with the impact of the trading
4 Orders can be contingent on time (e.g. market-at-close orders), on quantity, or on price (e.g. stop
orders, limit orders).
5 A special case is the Foreign Exchange Market. It is a continuous dealership market, characterised
by a direct market, where traders deal bilaterally, and an indirect or brokered market. The former is
quote-driven and decentralised, while the latter is order-driven and centralised.
6 Exchange authorities dictate the speed at which publication must take place. Delay can vary from
mechanism on market dynamics and on the statistical properties of prices and returns.
The analysis of the impact of the trading mechanism on market performance focuses
on some characteristics of markets. First, pricing eÆciency, the fact that prices accu-
rately and instantaneously re ect all available information. The information content
of price is probably one of the most investigated aspects of nancial markets and it is
related to some structural features. The level of information-based trading attracted by
a particular market and institutional arrangements is crucial for market design and reg-
ulation. Trading arrangements determine traders' anonymity and transparency; hence
informed trading and trading costs (e.g. bid-ask spreads) might be related to structural
explanations. The speed of price adjustment can be viewed as a measure of market
eÆciency. How prices adjust to new information and change over time i.e., how the
market maker and other informed traders learn from observing market information and
how market structure a ect price adjustment are major issues of the empirical inves-
tigation. Several papers compare di erent trading mechanisms or examine the role of
market makers in price discovery in di erent market settings.
Second, liquidity, the ability of the market to accommodate, at all time, large orders
with minimal price impact, as well as market stability and the speed in absorbing external
shocks without incurring into market crashes. Price behaviour and market performance
largely depend on the ability of the trading mechanism to match the trading desires of
buyers and sellers. The matching process involves the provision of liquidity, which arises
from the market maker and from other aspects of the trading mechanism. Liquidity
is related to transaction costs and it is one of the most important features of actual
markets: it may di er within and across markets, introduce linkages and interactions
between markets and may be in uenced by these linkages.
Several papers study periodic call markets or compare them with dealership markets
(see Garbade and Silber (1979), Mendelson (1982, 1985, 1987), Ho, Schwartz and Whit-
comb (1981, 1985)). Periodic call markets involve large numbers and therefore pricing
errors should be minimised. Continuous dealership markets have the advantage of the
immediate execution. However, it is rare in empirical studies for the two mechanisms to
be modelled jointly with fully speci ed models of both mechanisms.
Another possible explanation is that periods of overnight closures are associated with
opening transient e ects not related to the trading mechanism. As we will see, there is an
increasing literature on the e ects of market closures and comparison of trading versus
non-trading periods. In this view, as opposed to the trading mechanism explanation,
call market seem not to be inherently more volatile. (See also Leach and Madhavan
(1993), Madhavan (1992)).
Several papers have examined the role of dealers and market makers and their in-
teraction in di erent market settings, and degrees of competition, and the impact on
the determination of bid-ask spreads (Ho and Stoll (1983), Cohen, Maier, Schwarts
and Whitcomb (1981)). Madhavan and Panchapagesan (1999) show that the specialist
on NYSE can facilitate price discovery in the opening auction mechanism, relative to
an automated call auction market. So anos and Werner (1998) point out that NYSE
oor broker play a very important information role, they provide liquidity and facilitate
orders' execution.
Some empirical literature on dealer versus auction markets has found higher spreads
in a dealer market. These have been attributed to collusion between dealers to set
bid-ask spreads above competitive levels and to di erences in market structure (Dutta
and Madhavan (1997), Christie and Schultz (1994)). Order forms and the specialist's
book where these orders are collected, as well as restrictions of the access to the order
ow may in uence the level of competition among dealers and the informativeness of
the order ow. (Cohen, Maier, Schwarts and Whitcomb (1981), O'Hara and Old eld
(1986), Dutta and Madhavan (1997), Leach and Madhavan (1993), Madhavan (1992))
The comparison between call and continuous markets is related to the debate on
computerised markets. Dealers in an anonymous electronic screen-based market are less
capable of discerning informed traders from uninformed (liquidity) traders (e.g. GriÆths,
Smith, Turnbull and White (1998). Anonymity attracts informed traders. However,
informed traders may be reluctant to enter large limit orders as this may reveal their
information (Stoll (1992), Domowitz (1990)).
The greater speed in trade and information processing allowed by electronic systems
should increase market eÆciency. Also, since order processing is faster, execution risk
should be lower and this should encourage supply of liquidity (Biais, Hillion and Spatt
(1995)). Glosten (1994) shows that the electronic system provides as much liquidity as
in a situation of adverse selection in a market maker system.
Some evidence on the relative performance of electronic and oor markets, in terms of
liquidity, price discovery and volatility does not seem to indicate the intrinsic superiority
of one trading mechanism. Fremault-Vila and Sandmann (1997) compare market liq-
uidity and informational eÆciency in computerised and traditional open outcry markets
(NIKKEY stock index futures, traded simultaneously on open outcry and computerised)
and conclude that the existence of two competing trading mechanisms is due to trans-
action costs and other exogenous trading restriction rather than to inherent ineÆciency
of one of the trading mechanisms.
Bloom eld and O'Hara (1999), conduct a laboratory experiment and nd that trans-
parency involves higher spreads and more "eÆcient" prices. They show that trade dis-
closure increases the informational eÆciency of transaction prices but also the opening
bid-ask spreads, by reducing market makers' incentives to compete for order ow. They
also nd that quote disclosure has no signi cant e ect on market performance. Flood,
Huisman, Koedijk and Mahieu (1999) examine the e ects of price disclosure on market
performance in a continuous experimental multiple-dealer market with actual securities
dealers and nd that transparency involves narrower spreads and higher trading volume
and liquidity. However, price discovery is faster in less transparent markets where dealers
adopt more aggressive pricing strategies. They attribute these results to the behaviour
of speculating dealers exploiting the lower search costs in more transparent markets.
We have seen the puzzling evidence of the co-existence of di erent competing trading
mechanisms and the theoretical and empirical attempts to assess whether some of them
perform better for at least speci c assets and economic environments. Furthermore,
trading is often fragmented among more or less inter-related markets and, on the other
side, di erent securities are traded within the same trading mechanism. Opening calls
and speci c block trades mechanisms are often used as alternative trading mechanisms
that parallel regular trading in a single market. Equities are listed on di erent competing
markets, and although there might be electronic links among the exchanges, trading and
quote setting may vary considerably.
Several theoretical studies are concerned with market fragmentation, and cross-listing
securities as well as linkages between markets where identical or closely related securities
are traded. (E.g., Madhavan (1995) De Jong et al. (1995), Pagano and Roell (1991),
Kleidon and Werner (1996)). This fragmentation of trading across markets might af-
fect market stability and performance. Liquidity and information eÆciency appear to
be related to multimarket activity. The inter-relations among markets a ect trading
behaviour, liquidity and information ows. Hasbrouck (1995) examines homogeneous or
closely linked securities traded in multiple markets. To determine where price discov-
ery occurs, he uses an econometric approach based on the implicit unobservable eÆcient
price common to all markets. The information associated with a market is de ned as the
proportional contribution of that market's innovation to the innovation in the common
eÆcient price.
Much empirical research on inter-market linkages uses intraday (or daily) changes in
prices, volumes and spreads to investigate volatility spillovers and price discovery e ects.
The focus is on the linkages between geographically separated but related markets and
on the international transmission of returns and volatility (e.g., Hamao et al. (1990), Lin
et al. (1994)). Lin et al. (1994) report the following stylised facts on the international
transmission of returns and volatility: volatility of stock prices is time-varying; when
volatility is high, the price changes in major markets tend to be highly correlated;
correlation in volatility and price appears to be asymmetric in causality between the US
and other countries.
Engle et al. (1990) investigate volatility patterns in the Foreign Exchange market
and volatility correlations across trading centres and time. Examining the volatility in
the yen/dollar exchange rate (daily data), they distinguish between volatility clustering
that are country-speci c ("heat weave") and those that travel between nancial centres
("meteor shower"). They nd evidence of the meteor shower and against the heat wave
hypothesis, possibly due to private information or heterogeneous beliefs or to stochastic
international policy co-ordination (similar results are found by Ito et al. (1992), Lin et
al. (1994), Baillie and Bollerslev (1991), Dacorogna et al. (1993), Hogan and Melvin
(1994)). Baillie and Bollerslev (1989), using hourly data, nd evidence of both the heat
wave and meteor shower e ects.
A related question is whether and how the ability to trade derivative instruments
a ect market behaviour and liquidity. Gennotte and Leland (1990) examine the e ect
of hedging strategies on market liquidity and the stock market crash of October 1987.
Harris et al. (1994) nd that program trading and intraday volatility of the S&P500
Index are correlated, and particularly that futures prices lead program trading. Gerety
and Mulherin (1991) suggest that there is no evidence of systematic increase in volatility
following the introduction of new nancial instruments, such as index futures (data on
intraday stock market volatility). There is a strong evidence in favour of a lead-lag
relationship in returns and volatility between stock index futures and the underlying cash
market (e.g., S&P500), particularly indicating that the futures leads the index. Evidence
on futures leading cash is even stronger when looking at market wide information ows,
i.e., when all stocks move together. (Kawaller, Koch and Koch (1987, 1990), Chan
(1992), Harris (1989), Stoll and Whaley (1990), Chan et al. (1991); Huang and Stoll
Most traditional studies of price behaviour refer to calendar time and therefore use
observations drawn at xed time interval. Timing considerations in actual markets are
much more complicated. Trades are not equally spaced points in real time but they take
place at random times during the day. The frequency of price changes is also related to
the frequency of order arrival and transaction occurrence.
Market microstructure studies how prices are derived from an explicit modelling
of the trading process and from the interactions of agents decision rules. Therefore
it naturally refers to transaction data which are real time data sampled at irregularly
spaced random intervals (whenever trades occur) and observations that are unlikely to
be identically distributed. The timing of trades is not regular and there are time intervals
in which no transactions occur. Besides the information contained in actual prices, the
time interval between quotations is of paramount importance and can be viewed as a
signal conveying information (Easley and O'Hara (1992), Engle and Russel (1997)).
This issue is related to the structure of the market. Some institutional features give
rise to alternating periods of quiescence and extreme volatility. For example, Diamond
and Verrecchia (1987) suggest that no-trade intervals are bad signals because they can
be due to short-sales constraints that preclude desired trades.
Models in which trading plays a central role cannot rely on the assumption of time
homogeneity. Prices do not behave in the same way during trading and non-trading
periods and even during trading sessions markets exhibit concentration of activity. This
time-varying and irregular frequency generates intra-daily seasonals in trading volume,
price volatility and spreads.
As shown in Andersen and Bollerslev (1997) and Guillaume et al. (1994), the presence
of these seasonal patterns introduces strong biases in the computation of simple statistics
and in the estimation of statistical properties of intra-daily data, and can lead to spurious
results. There are several ways to deal with this seasonality. Baillie and Bollerslev (1989,
1990, 1990) introduces seasonal dummies. Andersen and Bollerslev (1997), Andersen,
Bollerslev and Das (1999) use a exible Fourier framework to model the frequencies
corresponding to the di erent seasonal peaks. Dacorogna et al. (1993) use a di erent
time-scale, the J-time, that expands daytimes having high mean volatility and contracts
daytimes having low volatility (and weekends). Seasonal patterns almost vanish with
this time scale.
Empirical investigation using transaction data may turn out to be biased because it
ignores the informational content of non-trading intervals. This sampling bias is reduced
when using bid-ask quote series, continuously updated by the market maker. Further-
more, transactions can be more likely to occur when there is more information and the
variance of transaction price series turns out to be time varying. This is consistent with
ARCH-GARCH e ects as resulting from time dependence in the arrival of information7.
7 UsuallyARCH in speculative price is interpreted in terms of the nature of information ow reching
the market. If it is non-uniform (clustered) then this may generate heteroskedasticity in price change
measured in calendar time. Even if the price follows geometric Brownian Motion between subsequent
transactions the distribution of price changes over xed calendar time interval will not be normal as
the number of transaction is not drawn from a uniform distribution. The number of transactions has
This issue is central to many empirical studies dealing with the idea that price variance
is related to trading activity (Clark (1973), Tautchen and Pitts (1992)). This time e ect
might also be a consequence of the market maker widening the spread to reduce the
frequency of incoming order arrival. In this case, using the trade frequency as a proxy
for informational intensity could lead to wrong inferences (Easley and O'Hara (1992),
Easley, Kiefer and O'Hara (1997a).
Beside the clock time and the transaction time, an alternative approach is the time
scaling. It allows to calibrate market activity in a relative sense, for example trading
activity is measured expanding daytime periods with a high mean volatility and reducing
period with a low volatility. Muller et al. (1990) and Muller and Sgier (1992) propose
this time scale to investigate the time patterns in the forex and to account for the time
dimension of global market activity, resulting from the combination of regional time
patterns. This scaling law relates the volatility over a time interval to the size of the
interval. Guillaume et al. (1994) suggest that one possible interpretation is that it
"represents a mix of risk pro les of agents trading at di erent time horizons".
A related issue is that of discreteness and price clustering. Prices and quantities
are often assumed to be continuous random variables, while in fact they are discrete.
Transaction sizes are discrete and prices are quoted in discrete units (e.g., ticks) and this
discreteness can induce dynamic patterns, generate price clustering and approximation
errors when using continuous time models8 . The term price clustering refers to the
tendency of prices to fall more frequently on certain values than on others, especially
with transaction data. Harris (1991) notes that stock prices cluster on round fractions
(integers more common than halves, halves more than odd quarters, etc.). Similar e ects
are found in NYSE limit order prices and NYSE quotes (Harris 1994). Cohen, Maier,
Schwarts and Whitcomb (1981) discussing the role of limit orders and market orders,
the bid-ask spread and the need for the market maker, observe that the existence of
transaction costs limits the trading activity and induces discreteness in the price process.
Discreteness is also found in the distribution of quoted spread (Bollerslev and Melvin
(1994)) and these conventional spreads have evolved over the years (Muller and Sgier
the e ect of deforming the distribution away from the normal.
8 Statistically, it can generate intractable problems for the general VAR microstructure models. Haus-
man, Lo and MacKinley (1992) present an ordered probit model of price changes (trades and other
explanatory variables drive a latent continuous price variable, mapped onto the set of dicrete prices).
Other models of price discreteness are rounding and barrier models.
The empirical literature has found evidence of negative autocorrelation in quotes and
returns, particularly strong at very high frequency. Negative rst order aucorrelation
is consistent with models of price adjustment based on transaction costs and inven-
tory control. Transaction costs introduces a short-run bounce (bid-ask bounce) in price
movements as buy and sell orders arrive randomly (Roll (1984), Stoll (1989)). If mar-
ket makers care about inventories, price changes exhibit negative serial correlation since
they skew the spread in one particular direction to rebalance inventory (Bollerslev and
Domowitz (1993)). Prices reversals compensate providers of immediacy for inventory
and order processing costs. If data do not distinguish between buy orders at the ask
and sell orders at the bid, the rst order negative autocorrelation is accentuated buy the
bid-ask bounce and is stronger the higher the frequency of the data. Many results on
NYSE are therefore biased due to the bid ask bounce (see Porter (1992), Harris (1986)).
Indeed, after taking account of the bid-ask bounce, there is some weak evidence of pos-
itive autocorrelation in returns (Hasbrouck and Ho (1987), Lo and MacKinley (1988)).
In some cases, for instance when limit orders are allowed, the presence of positive serial
correlation in returns (as well as in quotes and trades) can be explained by the clearing
of incoming (large) orders against the existing ones.
Other studies nd evidence of higher order serial correlation and lagged price adjust-
ment arising from lagged adjustment of quotes by market makers to new information
or from lagged dissemination of information (Beja and Goldman (1979, 1980), Amihud
and Mendelson (1987), Hasbrouck and Ho (1987), Damodaran (1993)). This has been
interpreted as evidence of an information e ect. A characteristic of information-based
models is that price adjustment is not immediate and tends to be more permanent. That
is why, since the short-run implications of inventory and information models are simi-
lar9, some tests of inventory versus information-related e ects are based on the short-run
versus long-run dynamics (Hasbrouck (1996, 1988, 1991, 1991).
9 Both predict that prices move in the direction of order ow: prices rise (fall) in response to a buy
(sell) order either to rebalance inventory or in response to the information revealed.
There is strong evidence of negative serial correlation in quotes at very high frequency.
On the foreign exchange markets, several studies on Reuters FXFX indicative quotes nd
strong sign of a rst order moving average negative auto-correlation, disappearing as the
information process is over. (Goodhart (1989), Goodhart and Figliuoli (1991), Goodhart
and Giugale (1993), Baillie and Bollerslev (1990, 1990), Goodhart et al. (1996)). This
evidence can be attributed to the fact that these quotes are indicative quotes from banks
with di erent order imbalances or persistent tendency to quote high or low (Bollerslev
and Domowitz (1993), Bollerslev and Melvin (1994)), or with di erent information sets
(Goodhart and Figliuoli (1992)). It could also be due to the existence of thin markets
(Goodhart and Payne (1996)). Goodhart et al. (1996) do not nd a corresponding auto-
correlation in real transaction prices on Foreign Exchange Market, possibly due to the
small data sample. The quoted spread does not exactly re ect the transaction spread,
which is usually smaller except in periods of high volatility (Goodhart et al. (1996))10 .
There is also evidence of strong positive autocorrelation in trades i.e., a trade at the
ask (bid) is more likely to be followed by a trade at the ask (bid). (Huang and Stoll
(1994), Madhavan et al. (1997), Easley et al. (1997b), Hasbrouck (1991, 1991, 1988),
Hasbrouck and Ho (1987), Goodhart et al. (1996)). The positive auto-correlation in
trades is stronger for stocks with a high volume, or when they are traded with a limit
order procedure, while if the stock has a low volume, there might be negative autocor-
relation in trades as a consequence of inventory control by dealers. While dealer pricing
induces a negative autocorrelation in order arrival11, other factors such as limitations of
transaction size at posted orders, or asymmetric information tend to generate a positive
correlation (e.g. Easley and O'Hara (1987)).
The empirical literature has also found a relation between trades and quotes (and
spreads) and some evidence that trades cause price to move. Volume of trade leads to
changes in the bid and ask prices quoted by the individual market makers through three
10 The fact that the realised spread is less than the quoted spreads may be an implication of both the
inventory cost model and of the adverse selection model. In the former case because the dealer changes
both bid and ask prices after a trade to induce transactions that equilibrate inventory, while in the
latter case prices are changed to re ect the information conveyed by the transaction.
11 The dealer attempts to revert to a mean or preferred level of inventory, should imply stationarity
in the inventory series. Indeed the hypothesis of unit root cannot be rejected probably due to the low
power of the tests or to other factors such as a time-varying preferred inventory levels (Hasbrouck and
So anos 1993, Madhavan and Smidt 1993).
channels: the inventory management control by market makers, the information content
of the order ow (asymmetric information) and the quantity traded (Lyons (1995, 1996)).
It is however not very clear which trades drive prices. A larger trade should be
associated to larger price e ects both because of inventory positions of the market maker
and because large trades should reveal more information. Market prices should vary
with trade size, with large trades occurring at worse prices (as in Easley and O'hara
(1987)), even though some theoretical models suggest that informed trades might prefer
smaller trades to disguise their identity. (Admati and P eiderer (1988, 1989), Foster
and Viswanathan (1990, 1993)). Madhavan and Smidt (1991) nd that, on NYSE, price
response is di erent for large trades and for buyer-initiated versus seller-initiated trades.
The rst result might be in part due to the particular trading mechanism. On the
NYSE the large (block) trades are negotiated in the 'upstairs' market and then formally
transacted ('crossed') on the exchange and reported to the transaction tape. These
large orders are important for their size and for their speci c trading mechanism and
di erent price behaviour that they induce. (Holthausen, Leftwich and Mayers (1987),
Barclay and Warner (1993), Burdett and O'Hara (1987), Grossman (1992), Seppi (1990,
1992), Madhavan and Cheng (1997), Keim and Madhavan (1996) and Seppi (1992)).
Hasbrouck (1991, 1991) using data on NYSE, nds that prices adjust to trades with a
lag and that the change in quotes is increasing in trade size. Spread size is positively
related to trade size and the trade impact on prices is greater when spreads are wider.
The price impact and the extent of information asymmetry are more signi cant for rms
with smaller market values. In contrast, Goodhart et al. (1996), using FX data nd
that the direction of the trade has a signi cant e ect while the quantity traded add little
explanatory power. Similar results were found by Easley et al. (1997b) and Jones et
al. (1994): it seems to be transactions, rather than volume, that move market prices12 .
While in Hasbrouck (1991, 1991) the size of quote revision has a signi cant e ect on the
order ow, Goodhart et al. (1996) nd that the order ow is a ected by the frequency
of quote revisions, rather than by the size.
12 Lyons (1994) using data on trades nd that interdealers trading accounts for a large part of deals
on forex, as a consequence of inventory rebalancing among dealers ("hot potato" hypothesis). Hence,
the quantity traded is signi cant only when transaction intensity is low.
4.3 Empirical Tests of Spread Determination
Microstructure theory states that price adjust to past prices and trades to incorporate
private information, to manage inventory and to cover operating costs. In general,
the empirical literature on market microstructure nds some evidence of systematic
behaviour in the short-run pattern of stock prices and supports both the inventory and
adverse selection theories of the spread. The empirical studies suggest that the quoted
spread is related to characteristics of securities such as the volume of trading, the stock
price, the number of market makers, the risk of the security.
Dealers, facing inventory costs and adverse information risk, adjust quotes in response
to the observed transactions and to re ect the information it conveys. (Hasbrouck (1988,
1991), Hasbrouck and Ho (1987), Madhavan and Smidt (1991), Stoll (1976, 1989), Roll
(1984), Glosten and Harris (1988)). Ho and Macris (1984), based on Ho and Stoll (1983)
model of inventory, nd signi cant spread and inventory e ects in the American Stock
Since testing the pure inventory models is complicated by the lack of inventory data,
there are only a few tests of pure inventory control models (Smidt (1971), Ho and Macris
(1984)). Usually tests are conducted on the NYSE or by direct access to books of quotes
and inventory positions of individual market makers (Lyons (1996b), Madhavan and
Smidt (1991, 1993)).
Madhavan and Smidt (1991) regress the price change over the direction of trade, its
size and the inventory, thus capturing the three components of the cost of trading i.e.,
the information content of the order ow, the transaction and inventory carrying costs.
Using data on NYSE, they nd evidence of cost e ects and asymmetric information
as perceived by the specialist, and weak evidence of inventory e ect. Other papers on
NYSE suggest that information asymmetries have a signi cant impact on prices (e.g.,
Glosten and Harris (1988), Easley et al. (1997a)).
The estimates of the relative importance of the di erent components vary across
studies. This might be due to di erent speci cations for the dynamics of the bid-ask
spread and to the use of di erent datasets. As Goodhart and O'hara (1997) point out,
these empirical results might be a ected by the structure of the market. If, instead of one
single market maker there are multiple dealers, the spread is not a choice variable and
it is endogenously determined by the decisions of more market makers whose inventory
positions are unknown.
Huang and Stoll (1994) model incorporates the various theories of market microstruc-
ture and lagged stock index futures returns. Empirical results support both the adverse
selection theory of the bid-ask spread and the inventory theory. Results indicate that
short-run quote and price changes are predictable on the basis of the information avail-
able when the predictions are made, including lagged futures returns. However, prof-
itable arbitrage opportunities are not necessarily implied, given the presence of transac-
tion costs.
Finally, there is a positive association between volatility and spreads, since greater
volatility is related to the revelation of information and to price uncertainty. This
relation can be accentuated if price volatility re ects the bid-ask bounce.
Easley et al (1996) show that infrequently traded stocks have a higher probability
of information-based trades, hence they suggest that higher spreads are necessary to
compensate the market makers for the greater risk. Market makers will cover themselves
by conventionally larger spreads in period of higher risk such as the release of important
news (Goodhart 1989), the closing or opening of the market (Bollerslev and Domowitz
1993) and lunch breaks (Muller et al. 1990). Volatility and spreads are high when market
is thin but they are also positively correlated when market is very active. Spreads are
found to depend positively on the variance and negatively on volume (see, Bollerslev
and Domovitz (1993) and Bollerslev and Melvin (1994)). Bollerslev and Melvin (1994)
regress the spread on a variety of explanatory variables (using indicative quotes on
Foreign Exchange Market) and nd that spreads rise as volatility increases. Foster and
Viswanathan (1990) use intraday data on NYSE and nd that trading costs and adverse
selection component present a U-shape during the day. They also nd patterns in
interdaily data, such as a greater information e ect on Monday. Madhavan et al. (1997)
nd that the inventory e ect is greater at the end of the day. Foster and Viswanathan
(1993) nd that, on NYSE, return volatility is higher in the rst half-hour of the day
and that, for actively traded rms, trading volume is low and adverse selection costs are
high on Monday.
Beside the serial correlation mentioned above, a number of studies, based on intraday
and interday data, have reported evidence of other patterns in the behaviour of prices
or returns, such as heteroskedasticity, kurtosis and skewness in daily price changes.
Volume and volatility exhibit serial correlation and cross-correlation. Price volatility
seems to be irregular, and to exhibit persistence, long memory and clusters, in line with
the predictions of ARCH GARCH models. Market intraday patterns are also found in
measures of trading activity such as transaction frequency, trading volume rates and
bid-ask spreads. These patterns are found in di erent securities and markets.
There is evidence of high autocorrelation (both short and long term) in volatility and
clustering in period of high volatility and periods of low volatility on the line of ARCH-
GARCH type models (Mandelbrot (1963), Engle (1982), Bollerslev (1986), Bollerslev et
al. (1992)). Intra-daily studies con rm short and long term memory for the volatility
(Dacorogna et al. (1993)) and other variables such as the spread (Muller and Sgier
1992), the tick frequency (Goodhart and Demos (1990), Muller et al. (1990)) and give
some insights on the origin of these clusters. One possible interpretation is that it is due
to the clustering of news as the market adjusts perfectly and immediately to it. Another
possibility lies in the learning process of traders with di erent priors who may take some
hours of trading to resolve their expectational di erences after the arrival of important
news. This would result in volatility spillovers (Engle et al. (1990), Lin et al. (1994),
Baillie and Bollerslev (1989)).
Lamoureux and Lastrapes (1990) ndings suggest empirical support for the notion
that ARCH in daily stock return data re ects time dependence in the process generating
the information ow reaching the market. ARCH-GARCH e ects account for the per-
sistence over time of volatility shocks, and for observed phenomena such as clustering,
non-normality and non-stability of empirical asset return distributions. Daily trading
volume (as a proxy for the arrival of information) has a signi cant explanatory power
regarding the variance of daily returns, which is an implication of the assumption that
daily returns are subordinated to intraday equilibrium returns. ARCH e ects tend to
disappear when volume is included in the variance equation. Lamoureux and Lastrapes
(1990) use volume as a proxy for information arrival. Laux and Ng (1993) use the
number of price changes.
Pesaran and Robinson (1993) suggest that the presence of ARCH in speculative price,
instead of being generated by the information ow, might be the e ect of a change in
the signi cance attached to news items by market participants. The explanation relates
to the activity of di erent types of speculators (fundamentalists and chartists) and to
the resulting distribution of transactions through time.
Perhaps one of the most striking patterns is that both volume and volatility are
persistent and they are highly correlated contemporaneously. The empirical research
has identi ed a strong link between volume and the absolute value of price changes.
The positive correlation between volume and volatility has a possible interpretation in
terms of news arrivals. (Goodhart, Ito and Payne (1996), Goodhart and Giugale (1993),
Goodhart and Demos (1990) Gallant, Rossi, Tauchen (1992))13 .
between volume and volatility.
In Tauchen and Pitts (1983), the relationship arises because volume and volatility
are both positively related to an unobserved mixing variable, the number of new pieces
of information. This mixture of distributions approach is based on the idea that the
information arrival induces traders to adjust their reservation prices. The resulting
trade induces a change in market price14 . The variance of the daily price change and
the mean daily trading volume depend upon three factors: the average daily rate at
which new information ows arrive to the market; the extent to which traders disagree
when they respond to new information; the number of active traders in the market.
In particular, given the number of traders, an increase in volume, due to diversion of
beliefs, is associated with an increase in volatility. If the number of traders is growing,
mean trading volume increases linearly with the number of traders and the variance of
price change (average of traders' reservation prices) decreases with more traders (Jorion
(1994), Tauchen and Pitts (1983)).
As said above, there is evidence of a strong relationship between volume and volatility.
In particular, trading activity and price volatility exhibit a U-shaped pattern during
the trading period i.e., they tend to be concentrated at the opening and at the closing.
U-shaped patterns in volume and volatility, as well as bid-ask spreads, are particularly
evident on the NYSE, also due to the particular structure of this market. However,
similar patterns in volume and volatility, though rarely for spreads, have been found
also in other markets, such as LSE, NASDAQ, and Forex (e.g., Easley et al. (1997a),
Goodhart and Demos (1992)). In general, markets with a well-de ned daily opening and
closure, produce these intraday patterns in volatility (and spreads), while markets with
round-the-clock trading in partially overlapping regional segments, such as the Forex
interbank market, produce more complex patterns (Wood et al. (1985), Harris (1986),
Dacorogna et al. (1993), Andersen and Bollerslev (1998)). These patterns appear to be
quite robust with respect to di erent market microstructures and to arise from time-of-
14 Tauchen and Pitts assume price changes to be normally distributed. The Central Limit Theorem
implies that daily price changes and volume can be described by mixtures of independent normals,
where the mixing variable depends on the rate of information arrival. See also, Clark (1973).
day phenomena such as opening and closing, lunchtime, gap between close and opening
in di erent areas.
In actual markets, trading takes place usually during organised trading sessions, sep-
arated by periods of non-trading or market closures (lunch break, overnight, weekend
or holiday). The empirical literature on market closures has found several patterns in
stock returns and trading activity associated with market closures. Intraday trading
volume is U-shaped (Jain and Joh 1988). Week-end returns are lower than week-day re-
turns (French (1980), Gibbons and Hess (1981), Keim and Stambaugh (1984)). Intraday
mean return and volatility are U-shaped (Harris (1986, 1988, 1989), Gerety and Mul-
herin (1994), Andersen and Bollerslev (1994, 1987), Kleidon and Werner (1996), Foster
and Viswanathan (1993)). Open-to-open returns are more volatile than close-to-close
returns (Amihud and Mendelson (1987, 1988), Stoll and Whaley (1990), Gerety and
Mulherin (1994)). Returns over trading periods are more volatile than returns over non-
trading periods (Fama (1965), French and Roll (1986), Amihud and Mendelson (1991),
Barclay, Litzemberher and Warner (1990)).
Several theoretical models attempt to understand these empirical ndings (e.g., Ad-
mati and Pfeiderer (1988, 1989), Foster and Viswanathan (1990), Spiegel and Subrah-
manyan (1995), Brock and Kleidon (1992)). Market closures may impact the economy
in two ways: they preclude from trading in the market and they prevent investors from
learning about the economy by observing market prices and trading activity. Trading
increases volatility through the arrival of public information (more likely during trad-
ing hours) or through the revelation of the private information that motivates trades.
Furthermore, errors in pricing are more likely to occur during trading hours.
Brock and Kleidon (1992) show that transactions demand at the open and close is
greater and less elastic than at other times of the day. This greater desire to trade
is motivated by the arrival of information during market's closure and, when closure
approaches, by the fear of not being able to readjust before the closure. As market
orders reveal private and public (or interpretation of public) information, volume and
volatility as well as spreads rise. Gerety and Mulherin (1992) model the desire of trading
at the beginning and at the end as a function of overnight volatility, and interpret this
symmetric response of trading as being due to investors heterogeneity in the ability to
bear risk when the market is closed and to the desire of investors to trade prior to market
Stoll and Whaley (1990) suggest that the monopoly power of the specialist in setting
the opening price could explain the evidence that open-to-open volatility is larger than
close-to-close on NYSE. Biais, Hillion and Spatt (1998) nd that orders in the pre-
opening can convey information, particularly in the last few minutes before the opening,
and contribute greatly to price discovery.
French and Roll (1986) examine stock market closures for which the ow of public
information does not change. They nd that return volatility decreases during these
closures. They nd only a small role for pricing errors and they conclude that private
information is the main source of the high trading-time volatility on NYSE.
Ito, Lyons, Melvin, (1998) nd that lunch-return variance doubles with the introduc-
tion of trading on the TSE15 even though the ow of public information did not change
and mispricing contribution to lunch-hour variance falls after the opening (while variance
increases). They also nd a attening of the U-shaped patterns after the introduction
of lunchtime trading, suggesting a reallocation of informative trades during lunch hours.
They interpret these results as evidence of private information in the foreign exchange
market. Andersen, Bollerslev and Das (1999) point out that these ndings are a ected
by the technique used, sensitive to serial correlation and outliers in high frequency data.
They develop a new robust approach16 for inference with high frequency data and nd
that, apart from an increase in volatility over lunch (consistent with Ito, Lyons and
Melvin), volatility patterns is una ected by the deregulation.
Standard theories based on hypothesis such as eÆcient markets and identical agents
imply that prices re ect information, and rule out the possibility of abnormal returns
and the usefulness of technical trading. The existence of nonlinearities and potentially
predictable patterns together with the traders' view and the fact that technical rules are
15 The Tokyo FX market was restricted from trading over the lunch break and this restriction has
been abolished in December 1994.
16 After having converted the FXFX quotes (indicative quotes) into a series of linearly interpolated
continuously compounded ve-minute returns, to eliminate the bias in these quotes, they use a Fourier
exible form regression and develop a inference procedure for hypothesis regarding the shape of the
intraday pattern.
widely used have stimulated research in other directions. The objective is to account
for systematic observable patterns, such as the correlation between trading volume and
price volatility, or the autocorrelation in stock returns.
Recent studies suggest that asset returns exhibit nonlinear complex dynamics. Being
characterised by large and unstable correlation dimension, returns are hard to predict
out of sample (Brock (1998) Guillaume et al. (1997)). More sophisticated bootstrap-
ping17 type tests have found evidence of some conditional predictability of returns out
of sample, provided the conditioning information set is chosen carefully. There seems to
be empirical support for technical strategies in predicting stock price changes and that
trading rules have predictive power in Forex (Brock, Lakonishok and LeBaron (1992,
JF); Brock (1998); Le Baron (1992)). Goodhart and Curcio (1992) use data by Reuters
instead of constructing arti cial trading rules. Guillaume et al. (1997) report evidence
of predictability in volatility. This evidence of predictability suggests the presence of
more complex and time varying regularities and the possibility of abnormal returns using
technical trading rules.
Some of these calendar e ects have been justi ed by theories relating to institutional
arrangements in the markets. The January e ect has been linked to year-end tax-loss
selling pressure that could suppress stock prices in December. Thaler (1987) suggests
that institutional and behavioural reasons, such as investors' pessimism or optimism and
overreaction, might explain some of the calendar e ects, such as the January e ect. Ex-
planation for the Monday e ect include delays between trading and settlement in stocks
(Lakonishok and Levi 1982), measurement error (Keim and Stambaugh 1984), institu-
tional factors (Flannery and Protopapadakis 1988) and trading patterns (Lakonishok
17 Bootstrapping is a technique of resampling from i.i.d. driven null models to approximate the null
distribution of complicated statistics under such models.
and Maberly 1990).
Sullivan, Timmermann, White (1998) argue that the strong evidence of seasonal
regularities in stock returns that seems to contradict the standard economic theory,
might be simply a result of data snooping. They nd that although many di erent
calendar rules produce abnormal returns that are highly statistically signi cant when
considered in isolation, once the e ects of data-snooping and the dependencies operating
across rules are accounted for, then the best calendar rule is not signi cant in the sense
of its mean returns or Sharpe ratio performance. However, as they point out, they do
not consider small or foreign rms' equities, which are more likely to exhibit calendar
e ects (e.g. Kamara 1998). It is also to be noted that many of these calendar e ects do
not necessarily imply ineÆciency, as they often cannot be exploited to generate pro ts
because of the presence of high transaction costs.
The co-existence of di erent types of traders might explain the fact that conditional
forecasts are possible although price changes are globally unpredictable. Harris and
Raviv (1993) present a model of trading based on di erences of opinion to explain the
empirical regularities in the time series properties of prices and volume and in the price-
volume relationship. They nd that the absolute price change and volume are positively
correlated, consecutive price changes are negatively serially correlated, and volume is
positively autocorrelated.
Dynamic learning or adaptive belief model, based on the heterogeneity of agent and
social interactions in belief formation, attempt to understand the economic mechanisms
that give rise to these facts (see Guillaume et al.(1997), Goodhart and O'Hara (1997),
Brock and Le Baron (1996)). Guillaume et al. (1997) suggest that the nonlinearity,
unpredictability and endogeneity (arising from information ows among agents) of the
exchange rates dynamics, might be evidence of a complex chaotic system. It is the
complex linear interaction and learning process that is responsible for the large and
unpredictable movements of exchange rates movements.
Marengo and Torjman (1998) propose a model based on micro-heterogeneity and im-
perfect adaptive rationality in which market prices are determined by the interaction of
agents with di erent and evolving beliefs. This can explain the persistence of predictable
pro t opportunities and the statistical anomalies of price series, such as leptokurtosis
and volatility clustering. Arthur, Holland, LeBaron, Palmer, Tayler (1998) implement
an arti cial stock market to model asset pricing with heterogeneous agents, continuously
adapting their expectations. They nd statistical features characteristic of actual mar-
kets data: trading volume is high and autocorrelated, volatility is autocorrelated, there
is a signi cant cross-correlation in volume and volatility and periods of quiescence alter-
nate with periods of intense activity. Market exhibit complex patterns, with evidence of
bubbles and crashes, heterogeneity of beliefs persist and technical rules are pro table.
They give an evolutionary explanation to these empirical regularities, based on agents
constantly exploring and testing new expectations. When more successful expectations
are discovered, these change the market and trigger further changes in expectations,
leading to increased volatility and volume (periods of turbulence followed by periods of
quiescence). Beside these existing computer-simulated arti cial markets, Chiaromonte
and Dosi (1999) set up a micro-founded computer simulated model for decentralised
trade. This environment allows experimenting with alternative hypothesis on individual
behaviour and learning processes, and institutional characteristics of the markets.
Blume et al. (1994) show that technical analysis of volume data may be useful
due to the multi-faceted nature of new information. While the information contained
in prices is a major issue, other informative variables have been included in several
models. Some of these include volume (Harris and Raviv (1993); Blume, Easley and
O'Hara (1994)) and time (Hausman, Lo, MacKinley (1992)). There is some evidence
that lagged volume has predictive power for near-future returns and price reversals tend
to follow abnormally high volume (Brock (1998)). Similarly, some structural models
that allow for nonlinearity in the trade/price impact (Hasbrouck (1991, 1991, 1993)).
private information and on variations in con dence arising from biased self-attribution
of investment outcomes. The theory implies that investors tend to overreact to private
information signals and to underreact to public information signals. These psychological
factors account for some observed anomalies, such as the event-based return predictabil-
ity, the short-term positive autocorrelation in stock returns, the long-term negative
autocorrelation in returns and the high volatility of asset prices.
6 Conclusion
Over the last years the theoretical and empirical research on nancial markets has seen
an increasing interest in the short-run behaviour of markets arising from the interaction
of heterogeneous traders in di erent market settings. Most of this research focuses on
the information ows (both public and private), on the structural and organisational
characteristics of competing markets, on alternative hypothesis on investors' behaviour
and on the learning problems and interactions among heterogeneous traders.
This interest in the short-run dynamics has been followed by an increasing use of
high frequency data and by the implementation of speci c techniques to deal with them.
Given the complexity of the empirical investigations and the limitations in the avail-
ability of data, the empirical research has been paralleled by a number of laboratory
experiments, and in the last few years, by computer simulated markets. Computer ex-
periments can be used to test alternative hypothesis on market structure and individuals'
decision processes. The advantage of computer simulations is that they allow the study
of complex interactions among heterogeneous agents and of the aggregate dynamics that
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