Risk Assessment CLADDING
Risk Assessment CLADDING
Risk Assessment CLADDING
2 6 4 2 2 Minor / Pollution/ Damage/ Loss
1 3 2 1 1 Injury / low Damage / Loss
Participants: LIKELY HOOD
Project Manager 6 & 9 = High Risk 3 Likely
3 & 4 = Medium Risk 2 Possible
Project Engineer 1 & 2 = Low Risk 1 Never / Very Unlikely
Site Engineer Risk Rating = S X L = R
High Risk = Immediate action required, activities should be modified/ re-planning, be subjected to EHS re-assessment.
Work In Charge
Medium Risk = Monitoring Controls are required. Management responsibility must be specified or modify the activities.
EHS Team
Low Risk = identify hazards and implement controls. Manage by routine process. i.e. inspections/ observation.
2 Rock wool Fire 1.Fire. 2 3 6 1.Proper storage of materials. 1 2 2 DM Code of Store keeper.
storage & 2.Property 2.Ensure proper fire fighting construction Work in charge
packing damage. equipment’s are available. safety practice.
materilals 3.Smoke & 3.Information, instruction, Trakhees
related training & supervision.
health issues