SSRN 3729053
SSRN 3729053
SSRN 3729053
Abstract: Designing an electronic voting system is the biggest challenge, especially in India. It has to satisfy all the legal
functionalities and tamper proof system. E-voting system can be made up of central and distributed network type, but main
disadvantage of central network is single point of failure. Blockchain technology is a distributed type network many
applications like Electronic medical records (EMR), IoT and E-voting. In this paper we developed an electronic voting system
using blockchain technology with powerful Proof-Of-Voting (POV) consensus algorithm. In this paper we evaluate the legal
issues that raised in conventional methods and how can we overcome in blockchain technology. In this paper we made one
system with PoV which increases security, low cost and low power consumption.
Index Terms— Proof-of-voting (POV), Blockchain Technology (BCT), Electronic Voting (E-Voting).
In early 80’s and 90’s some countries used traditional pen, paper method for conduction general and national
elections, but in this traditional method there is a chance of doing fraud, misleading the results, due to this the total
national security may decreases and cost of the election also increases. There are many studies were made to overcome
these issues. E-Voting is one best and accurate method for conducting elections in democratic countries. Now a days
many countries are E-voting systems with micro controller, software and program designed. But at some point, of time
there may be chance of do tamper or hack the system because of central accessible storage and access. This may lead to
misleading of national security and election result. To overcome such type of problems here in this paper we
implemented E-voting system with blockchain with the considerations of national security, efficient man power and
limits the fraud.
In democratic country the election process should provide some essential qualities:
1. E-voting system should made for willing persons.
2. Voter information and vote casting should keep in secret.
3. Voter id verification and count of votes have to be correct.
4. No other person should not tamper the vote.
Blockchain is a digital trust with decentralized, digitized, public and shared ledger of information that is resistant to
tampering. The main features of blockchain technology are;
1. enhanced security features, preventing fraud and data theft.
2. Improve the overall robustness and integrity.
3. Securing edge devices with authentication and data management.
4. Reduce the fishing attacks, DDoS (Distributed denial of service) attacks.
With these features of cryptography, every node in blockchain is linked with hash pointer, verified signed
transactions is replicated globally on millions of nodes. For these reasons and features now 33% of organizations are
using blockchain technology.
Section II gives the information about Blockchain as a service for E-voting. Section III describes proof of vote
consensus mechanism. Section IV describes security analysis proposed consensus algorithm. Section V describes
conclusion and future scope.
B. Election procedure
Election officer creates decentralized application for election procedure. Main activities of election process using
blockchain technology are election creation, voter registration, voter transaction, tallying results and verifying vote.
Figure 2 shows how the election process done using proof of vote network.
In this paper we are proposing new consensus method permissioned Proof of voting. After initiating election
process election starts with candidates list and smart contacts of every candidate.
Each ballot smart contact created by node officer to particular candidate and it is verified by district and node
officer. Voter registration made by using proof of vote (POV). If the candidate’s smart contact is matching with the
ballot smart contact then only voter can cast his vote, if he fails in this process then voter is not allowed to cast his vote.
The same work can be done using proof of work (POW) also, but the power consumption is very high in POW where as
in POV the power consumption is low. Next session will give the information about POV consensus mechanism. After
verification done, tally of votes and voter transaction can be done by conventional methods.
In this proposed consensus algorithm, it will predict the malicious nodes and removes it from the Block Chain. In
E-voting system it is important to remove some failures like byzantine failure, security failure, crash failure, software
failure and temporal failure. Figure 2 shows how the consensus achieved in distributed system. In block chain if any of
the node is behaving like malicious (attacker) then automatically detected by proof of vote (PoV) algorithm and those
attackers will be removed from block chain.
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