Final 2022 CBYDP

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PYDP LYDO Issues and Objectives Activity Location Schedule Committee Budget Budge
Objectives Objectives Concerns 2022 2023

Active Active Lack of interest in -To encourage the -Linggo ng Barangay January SK Council 30,000.00 40,000.0
Citizenship Citizenship participating KK to attend and kabataan (LNK) covered court To
-Socio cultural community participate and get December
and Sports activities involve in every
activities. Youth activity

60,000.00 70,000.0
To distant OSY and -Rehabilitation of
In-school-Youth in
sports facilities of
illegal engagement
and vices through two Sitio
sports development

Health Health Ensuring the -To encourage youth -Support to Barangay January SK Council 10,000.0
-Ensuring the youth in healthy a healthy habit, to covered court To
Nutrition Program
youth in healthy living strengthen the youth December
living and participation.
prevention of

Education Education Decrease the -Improve -Support Barangay January SK Council 32,000.00 50,000.0
-Improve improvement of educational Educational covered court To
educational the youth performance and Assistance to the and Sitio’s / December
performance and participation in quality. College student. Purok.
quality. education, and 30,000.00 30,000.0
gives them -Yes, to no child -Supports School
supports. behind Supplies to the
Secondary level.

Environmental Environmental Climate Change -To minimize the -Tree Planting and Barangay area January SK Council 5,000.00 5,000.00
-Promote and Natural effects of climate Growing and Barangay To
environment disasters, and change in our covered court. December
friendly Dirtiness of community. 7,000.00 8,000.00
practices among surroundings. -To maintain clean -Cleaning and
the youth. and green Beautification
surroundings activities

Peace Building Peace Building Increase in -To strengthen the -Conduct drug Barangay January SK Council 10,000.
and Security and Security number of VAWC youth participation awareness covered court. To
-Strengthen cases and in promoting peace program December 5,000.00
youth Increase in and order to promote
participation in number of drug pro-social -Campaigning 5,000.00
promoting peace and alcohol participation of drug peace and order
and order. addiction dependent youth.
-Youth for peace
-Preventing and fellowship
resolving conflict,
countering violent
extremism and
building peace.

Economic Economic Less employed -To gain more -Conduct Barangay January SK Council 10,000.0
Empowerment Empowerment youth caused of knowledge and cope entrepreneurship covered court. To
-Promote youth lack of knowledge a job opportunity to training December
participation in in new the youth, and to 10,000.00 30,000.0
entrepreneurial technology. optimize youth -Livelihood
activities. participation in Program/Food
labor. Processing 20,000.0

-TESDA Skills
-Office Supplies January SK Council 5,000.00 50,000.0
Governance Governance Limited -To ensure universal To
-Sangguniang opportunities for participation in the -Travel Expenses December 30,000.00 20,000.0
kabataan must the youth in Sangguniang
participate in implementing kabataan. -Training 60,000.00 50,000.0
implementing programs and Expenses
programs and projects
projects. -Other materials 15,300.00 70,000.0

Global Global They don’t know -To enhance their -Conducting Barangay January SK Council 5,000.00
Mobility Mobility about cross-border knowledge about orientation about covered court. To
-with economic economic cross border the cross-border December
empowerment, activities economic activities. exchange of goods
support youth and services
participation in
cross-border -Seminar about 10,000.0
economic online sexual
activities. exploitation

Social inclusion Social inclusion Unequal access to -To give intellectual -Seminar about Barangay January SK Council 5,000.00
and Equity and Equity programs and about the youth Gender Equality covered court. To
-Strengthen services of gender-based and Identity December
equal and LGBTQ+ youth policies and laws.
equitable sub section of the 15,000.0
participation barangay and -Concert for a
across genders Municipality of cause
(to address San Fernando
GRAND TOTAL 288,739.80

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Sk Chairperson MHO/Local Youth Development Office Punong Barangay

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