What is nano?
A nanometer (10-9 m) is one billionth of a meter
A convergence of chemistry, physics, materials science and biology in which the manipulation
and characterization of matter on the scale between the molecular and micron size is carried out.
Multidisciplinary engineering that applies methods from nanoscience to create smart products applied in
different fields of our lives. Therefore, nanotechnology is equally important in all disciplines of engineering.
Bulk to Nano
Materials up to micrometer scale (10-6 m) mostly exhibit physical properties the same as the bulk form.
However, in the nanometer scale they exhibit different properties compared to their bulk size. Generally,
electronic, optical an magnetic properties of materials vary when the size is reduced below 10 nm, however
their physicochemical (chemical, physical and mechanical) properties begin to vary significantly from bulk
below 100 nm. Therefore, materials in the size range exhibit some remarkable specific properties when there is
transition from atoms/molecules to bulk form. For example,
1. Bulk gold does not exhibit catalytic properties; however, Au NPs is an excellent catalytic property.
2. Semiconductors nanomaterials become insulators when the particle size is sufficiently small.
3. The melting point of nanocrystalline material is sufficiently decreased with compared to their bulk size.
1. High surface area
2. Quantum confinement
3. Edge effect
Biomimetics and Nanotechnology
Tissue Engineering
Types of Nanomaterials
Similarly, nanostructured titanium dioxide or titania also can be synthesized in several dimensions, the 0-D
spherical nanoparticle, 1-D titania nanotubes and 2-D titania nanofilm as well as the more complex hierarchical 3-
D titania with interconnected networks.
Important nanostructure and their applications
Nanoparticles (NPs)
NPs are 0-D tiny particles with dimensions typically ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers in size of
materials including metals, polymers, and ceramics. Due to their small size, nanoparticles often exhibit
unique physical, chemical, and biological properties that differ from their bulk counterparts.
Nanoparticles may behave differently from those in bulk materials, leading to altered chemical
reactivity, adsorption, and surface interactions.
Synthesis; NPs can be synthesized using chemical reduction, precipitation, sol-gel synthesis, vapor
deposition. Control over size, shape, composition, and surface properties is crucial for tailoring
nanoparticles to specific applications.
Nanofibers (NFs)
Extremely thin fibers with diameters on the nanometer scale, typically ranging from
tens to hundreds of nanometers. They can be produced from various materials,
including polymers, ceramics, carbon.
Material Reinforcement: Nanofibers can be incorporated into composite
materials to enhance their mechanical strength, stiffness, and durability.
Filtration: The high surface area and small pore size of nanofibers make them Methods for NFs Preparation;
excellent candidates for air and water filtration applications. Electrospinning,
Template synthesis,
Biomedical Applications: Nanofibers are being explored for various biomedical Self-assembly techniques.
applications, including tissue engineering scaffolds, drug delivery systems, wound
dressings, and biosensors.
Textiles and Clothing: They are also used in protective clothing, sportswear, and
smart textiles for various functionalities.
Nanowires (NWs)
Nanowires are incredibly thin wires, typically with diameters on the order of nanometers. Nanowires can be
made using different techniques from metals or semiconductors. Nanowires are extensively used
in nanoelectronics devices as connectors for the transportation of electrons. Cobalt, copper, silicon, and
gold have been utilized to make nanowires. Due to their large surface area, fluorescent nanowires and
magnetic nanowires are widely used in fluorescence imaging and MRI.
Applications including electronics, energy storage, sensors, biomedical devices, and more. However, challenges
remain in large-scale production, integration into devices, and the precise control of its properties.
Moreover used in Batteries and supercapacitors, as well as in sensors and catalysis.
MXenes are 2D transition metal carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides. They are derived
from the MAX phases, which are layered ternary carbides or nitrides with the general
formula Mn+1AXn, where "M" is an transition metal, "A" is an A-group element (usually
aluminum or silicon), "X" is carbon and/or nitrogen, and "n" is typically 1, 2, or 3.
MXenes have shown useful and tunable electronic, optical, mechanical, and
electrochemical properties, leading to applications ranging from optoelectronics,
electromagnetic interference shielding, and wireless antennas to energy storage,
catalysis, sensing, and medicine. Their unique features, including outstanding
biocompatibility, extraordinarily high interlayer spacing and conductivity, and
environment-friendliness, are the reasons behind the massive attraction to these
Quantum dots are semiconductor nanoparticles that exhibit quantum mechanical properties. They are typically
composed of materials such as cadmium selenide (CdSe), lead sulfide (PbS), or indium arsenide (InAs), among others.
Quantum dots are characterized by their small size, typically ranging from 1 to 10 nanometers in diameter, which leads
to quantum confinement effects.
Carbon-based quantum dots are typically 0-D spherical nanoparticles with amorphous to nanocrystalline cores.
Compared to the semiconductor counterpart, carbon-based quantum dots exhibit lower toxicity, higher
biocompatibility, better solubility and rich chemistry. Graphene and graphene oxide (GO) quantum dots are
emerging 0D nanostructures that found vast applications on account of their electronic and optical properties
resulted from their large edge effects and quantum confinement. They are defined as graphene or GO sheets in
single or several layers with lateral dimensions less than 100 nm. They inherit the unique properties of monolayer
sp2 carbon atoms structure and quantum effects of 0-D nanostructure
•Biological Imaging: Quantum dots are used as fluorescent labels for imaging biological samples with high sensitivity
and resolution.
•Display Technology: Quantum dots can enhance the color gamut and efficiency of displays, leading to brighter and
more vivid colors in devices such as TVs and monitors.
•Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs): Quantum dots can be used as color converters in LEDs, enabling the production of
energy-efficient and high-quality lighting.
•Photovoltaics: Quantum dots are being investigated for use in next-generation solar cells due to their tunable
absorption spectra and potential for cost-effective, solution-processable fabrication.
Nanomaterials Fabrication
Based on the assemble or disassemble methods there are following approaches for the synthesis of NMs
A. Bottom-up approaches
B. Top-down approaches
Top-down and bottom-up
Ball milling
It is a simple mechanical method which grinds bulk materials into extremely fine powder in nano scale. During the ball
milling process, the high energy collision between the tiny rigid balls (generally zirconia or steel balls) acting as grinding
media to convert powder materials in to nanoparticles. Ball milling is a shear-forced dominant process where the
particle size goes on reducing by impact and attrition mainly consists of metallic balls, acting as grinding media and
rotating shell to create centrifugal force. In this process, bulk materials are breakdown by randomly striking with
grinding media in the rotating shell to create shear and compression force which helps to overcome the breaking of
interaction bonds present in materials.
For example, during the ball milling process for graphene preparation from graphite, large size graphite gets
fragmented where shear force cleaves graphite to produce graphene. Particle size can be controlled by controlling the
milling parameters e.g. milling duration, milling revolution per minute (rpm), ball-to-powder ratio (B/P), initial powder
weight, ball diameter. Generally, two types of ball milling are performed named as (i) dry ball milling (DBM) and (ii)
wet ball milling (WBM). In case of WMB, surfactant or solvents are used along with parent material.
This involves breaking of van der Waals bonds to create two-dimensional materials. Exfoliation (cleavage) is
the most commonly used approach for easy production of high quality 2-D nanomaterials such as graphene.
Mechanical exfoliation process basically depends on the direction of force applied and categorize as: (i)
normal-force based and (ii) shear-force based exfoliation. In the former case, graphite experiences a normal
tensile force dominant mechanism to overcome the van der Waal’s interaction between the layers, resulting in
graphene exfoliation, while a shear force in the latter case cleaves the graphite. Fig B pictorially shows applied
force dependent mechanical exfoliation. Shear force method includes ball milling, commonly employed as
compared to normal-force based approach to achieve graphene with high crystallinity and requires high
processing time. While, normal-force exfoliation is much simple and less time consuming but may damage
graphene’s crystalline properties if excessive force is applied.
Physical vapor deposition
Physical vapor deposition (PVD) is a thin film deposition technique used to create coatings on substrates
through the physical vaporization and subsequent condensation of a material onto a surface. PVD processes
typically take place in a vacuum environment to minimize impurities and ensure uniform deposition.
PVD is widely used in various industries for applications such as decorative coatings, wear-resistant coatings, corrosion
protection, optical coatings, semiconductor fabrication, and thin film solar cells. It continues to be an important technology
for the production of functional and advanced materials with precise properties.
Chemical vapor deposition
CVD is a thin film deposition technique used to create coatings on substrates by the chemical reaction of gaseous
precursor molecules. In CVD, a substrate is exposed to one or more volatile precursor gases, which react and
deposit onto the substrate surface, forming a thin film. The reactions typically occur in a heated chamber under
controlled conditions of temperature, pressure, and gas flow rates.
CVD is widely used in various industries for applications such as semiconductor manufacturing, thin film coatings,
surface modification, and nanomaterial synthesis.
Why CVD in Nanotechnology?
•High-Purity Films: It can produce high-purity films with low levels of