Ecological Principles in Conservation Planning Final
Ecological Principles in Conservation Planning Final
Ecological Principles in Conservation Planning Final
providing increased connectivity for commerce and social development. Along with this, the construction
and presence of transportation infrastructure impacts the surrounding ecology in significant ways. Roads
are an essential component of transport infrastructure that have marked and often undesirable ecological
effects- causing habitat fragmentation and isolation of populations, which in turn reduces biodiversity
and leads to a less robust ecosystem. Abiotic factors such as hydrological patterns can be also impacted
by roads, leading to further, often undesirable, habitat modification. Additionally, indirect consequences
of road construction such as light and noise pollution, as well as various types or run-off and particulates,
further disrupt wildlife and contaminate the adjacent ecosystems. Considering these concerns, along with
the social and economic necessity of road infrastructure expansion and improvement, the discipline of
“Road Ecology” aims to utilize a multidisciplinary approach, with a focus on the cumulative ecological
effects of road systems, to mitigate and manage these deleterious effects and prevent catastrophic
The Cross Border Project can be understood within the analytical framework of “Road Ecology,”
whereby economic and policy factors are integrated with the ecological considerations and mitigation
strategies that are particular to roads and road systems. The project is a proposed enhancement of roads to
chip seal, along with road widening and the construction of requisite bridges, drains, and culverts in
southwestern part of Rwanda, in the districts of Rusizi and Nyaruguru. Rusizi District is situated along
the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) & Burundi while Nyaruguru District is located
The project's road construction will span across these districts, connecting various communities and
facilitating cross-border trade and movement in an area where trade and transport are significant
contributors to the economy, together accounting for 16% of Rwanda’s GDP as of 2022. 2 The route of the
road is designed to enhance connectivity between Rwanda and its neighboring countries, promoting
sensitive ecological sites. It will traverse the natural environment in both districts, with specific sections
The forests within the project's vicinity hold significant ecological importance, particularly Nyungwe
Forest, contributing to the overall biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of the region. These forests
provide habitats for numerous plant and animal species, contribute to water regulation, soil conservation,
and carbon sequestration, and support the livelihoods of local communities who rely on forest resources. 4
Understanding the location and ecological context of the project is crucial for comprehending the
implications of the conducted Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). Against this
backdrop, the objective of this evaluation is to scrutinize the ESIA planning document and identify
shortcomings pertaining to ecological principles in spatial conservation. This assessment aims to shed
light on how the ESIA aligns with ecological considerations and evaluate its effectiveness in
safeguarding the ecological integrity of the region. By critically examining the ESIA in relation to
ecological principles, we can identify areas that require improvement and suggest measures to enhance
The diverse ecology of Nyungwe Forest encompasses Afromontane forests, bamboo slopes, grasslands,
and wetlands. The forest's canopy shelters epiphytic plants, while bamboo thickets provide food and
shelter for animals like gorillas and elephants. Open grasslands attract grazing species and specialized
birds like the Grauer's swamp warbler. Wetlands serve as water sources and breeding grounds for
amphibians, reptiles, and birds. Ecological interactions include pollination by insects like bees and
butterflies. These interactions sustain the intricate web of life in the forest, with plants providing food and
habitat for various animals, and animals playing roles in seed dispersal and ecosystem balance.
Biodiversity of Nyungwe forest
Nyungwe National Park, situated near the project site, is a biodiversity hotspot in Africa. Housing one of
the largest populations of endemic species on the continent, its ecological richness is unparalleled. Of the
86 mammal species present, 14 are endemic to the Albertine Rift. 5 The forest harbors an astounding 14
primate species, including sizeable troops of colobus monkeys that can number over 300 individuals.
Ornithologists find Nyungwe particularly captivating, with 280 bird species, including 26 Albertine Rift
endemics. Moreover, the park has 43 reptile species, 31 amphibian species, and an extensive array of
invertebrates, notably including an abundant butterfly population with 21 endemic species. The flora is
also diverse, with over 1100 species, 137 of which are endemic. This exceptional biodiversity makes
Nyungwe Forest holds immense ecological importance. It conserves biodiversity, including endemic and
threatened species, contributing to global conservation efforts. The forest acts as a carbon sink, regulating
climate and mitigating global warming. It serves as a water catchment area, regulating flow and purifying
freshwater sources. Nyungwe prevents soil erosion, maintains agricultural productivity, and provides
vital habitat for diverse organisms. Its cultural significance and ecotourism value further highlight its
ecological significance.
Regarding the collection of ecological data, the methodology involved a combination of desktop studies
and field surveys. A desktop study was conducted to review publicly available scientific publications on
the ecology and biodiversity of the project area. Walk-through surveys were also carried out across the
proposed project site to observe and record plant and animal species. To this end, a non-random sampling
procedure of convenience sample was used in the entirety of the project area.
Expected effect of development:
1. Habitat Fragmentation: The road is expected to fragment and divide habitats into smaller patches,
making it difficult for species to find mates, food, or migrate and exchange gene.
2. Habitat Loss: The road construction process will lead to clearing vegetation, which directly results in
habitat loss. This can be particularly detrimental for species that rely on specific habitats.
3. Pollution: The road construction and use of roads will lead to air, water, and light pollution, which may
1. Habitat Fragmentation: To mitigate potential impacts arising from this, the consultants deemed it
prudent to conduct a study of animal crossing paths. Based on this information, speed limit infrastructure
such as road signs and design will be established for vehicles traversing the road.
2. Habitat Loss: Restoring the lost trees that were cut due to road construction.
3. Pollution: Use construction methods and materials that minimize pollution. Implement runoff controls
to prevent contamination of water bodies, and regularly maintain roads to reduce pollutant runoff.
Overall, the planning document appears to have been well executed, however there are concerns
regarding the prioritization of social-economic issues over ecological ones. The project does
acknowledge the potential negative impacts on the sensitive ecosystem, such as deforestation, soil
erosion, and air pollution, which pose a threat to the local ecosystem, and raises concerns about these
issues as major threats arising from the development project that could affect the local ecosystem of the
However, there are significant aspects that were not addressed and/or not adequately addressed in the
planning document. While the project recognizes the loss of habitat and plant species, proposing
reforestation as a solution, it overlooks the potential impact on fauna mortality. Additionally, it does not
Another issue that was inadequately addressed in the assessment was the potential increase in species
fragmentation caused by the widening of the roads and road related infrastructure (ditches, etc.) and the
expected increase in traffic. The proposed mitigation method for this issue is the assessment of existing
animal crossings and the adjustment of road speed design and/or road speed signage. This mitigation
solution does not directly address the issue of the increased physical barrier that the renewed roads pose,
and updated speed signs and even road design to regulate vehicular speed is not reliable and is dependent
on external factors such as speed limit enforcement, that may not be sufficient in all or parts of the project
area, especially considering that non-compliance with traffic regulations is a significant issue in general
and in many African countries, including Rwanda. The construction of additional crossings and/or the
upgrading and widening of existing crossings would be a more direct mitigation strategy and is an
effective method for increasing species movement, albeit with cost-effectiveness related drawbacks. 6,7
Furthermore, the document does adequately address invasive species and the migration of people around
the project site. Introducing and spreading invasive species can have detrimental effects on local
biodiversity. This oversight is a significant concern that should have been addressed within the planning
document. As well, influx of people to establish new livelihood will likely impact the local ecology.
Additionally, the planning document relies heavily on-site visits, literature reviews, and surveys as the
primary means of collecting information on biodiversity. While these methods can provide some start-up
points for systematic conservation, they may not offer a true quantification of biodiversity. As well, the
sampling method used was non-random convenience sampling. Although the use of non-random
convenience sampling is understandable given the scope of the project and the logistical constraints, it is
a sampling method that is subject to significant bias and may thus may not accurately represent the
needed. Systematic conservation entails recognizing the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the need
to conserve them as integrated systems rather than isolated fragments. The first step in systematic
conservation is to compile relevant data, which can be achieved through methods such as literature
reviews, surveys, and site visits. It is important to note that the methodology followed in this evaluation
to establish the baseline condition of biodiversity should follow a similar pattern. Therefore, it is vital to
consider the existing method of data collection since it presents the first stage of systematic conservation.
To improve the evaluation, it is important to use reliable biodiversity surrogates that accurately represent
the conservation needs and patterns of other species or ecosystems of interest. Some important surrogates
to consider are focal species and taxonomic indicators. Focal species, such as umbrella species or
keystone species, can effectively quantify diversity and provide insights into overall ecosystem health.
Umbrella species, which require large habitats, indirectly protect other species by conserving their shared
environment. Monitoring these species provides insights into the overall health of the ecosystem.
Similarly, keystone species, with their significant impact on the environment, offer valuable information
on ecological processes and spatial dynamics. By studying focal species, we gain knowledge about
habitat quality, connectivity, and ecological integrity, enabling targeted data collection and informed
decision-making. By focusing on the preservation of focal species, we ensure the protection of critical
In addition, the use of taxonomic indicators, such as indicator taxa or higher taxa, would have enriched
the data collection process. These indicators provide valuable insights into the overall health and
functioning of the ecosystem by focusing on specific groups of species that are sensitive or indicative of
ecosystem dynamics could have been captured. Indicator taxa or higher taxa can serve as representative
groups that reflect the diversity and ecological interactions within the ecosystem. They provide valuable
information on the presence, abundance, and behavior of species within these groups, enabling a more
Also, the integration of random sampling methods, at least in the particularly ecologically important areas
such as Nyungwe Forest, would provide a more representative picture of the flora and fauna in the areas
most likely to be impacted by the project. Sampling done based on the ecological parameters of relevant
indicators would also allow for incorporation of a strategy of complementarity, which could inform the
construction procedures as well as mitigation strategies across the project, to preserve complementary
The Cross Border project represents a relatively comprehensive although incomplete assessment plan for
the construction and ecological planning of a critical infrastructure project. By incorporating the use of
biodiversity indicators, random sampling in ecologically relevant areas and considering complementarity,
the evaluation would have been more robust, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the