Human Design Centers Explained - Orion Ohev

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Human Design Centers Explained - Orion Ohev 1/7/24, 07:03

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Human Design Centers Explained Recent

by Orion | Mar 27, 2022 | Human Design | 0 comments " Posts
Projector Human
Design Type –
How Projectors
Create Abundanc
Generator Energy
Type – How
Human Design
Generators – How
Throat Center –
Human Design for
1/3 Human
Design Profile –
The “Inspector”

Read Human Design Centers Exp… Recent

Design Posts
Below or Projector Human
Design Type –
How Projectors

Watch on
Create Abundanc
Generator Energy
Type – How Page 1 of 26
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YouTube Generators
Human Design
Generators – How
In this blog, we’re going to be going through the nine centers of Throat Center –
Human Design for
your Human Design chart. We’ll go through each center and Leadership
1/3 Human
we’ll talk about: Design Profile –
The “Inspector”
what it means if you have it defined Archetype
Human Design –
what it means if you have it open Generators and
some general information about each center Money
Human Design
And Money,
Follow your Body
… to help you on your Human Design journey and interpreting to Abundance
your unique chart. Human Design
Types – How You
Work With Other

Open vs. Defined Centers Human Design

Strategy – To
If a center is defined in your chart, it will be colored in. This Human Design
5/1 Profile – The
means there is a defined channel of energy connecting it to Heretic
another center of your chart, creating a defined and
Recent Self-
consistent energy flow within you from that center to another Love Posts
center. How To Love
Yourself On
Valentine’s Day –
This creates a consistent experience within you that you can Remove
Conditions on
count on and lean into, while in other areas of your chart/body, Love
energy may vary in the way it flows. Relationship
Patterns – How to
Heal Anxious
These defined channels and centers represent quantum, Attachment
How To Get Out
subatomic, energetic intelligences, a wisdom beyond the mind, Of My Head And
Into My Heart Page 2 of 26
Human Design Centers Explained - Orion Ohev 1/7/24, 07:03

How to Create
that will guide you if you let them. If you live in alignment with Safety in
them, instead of following the whims of your mind, Life can be
How To Practice
much easier. Self Love While In
A Relationship
How Your Actions
And, as each center corresponds to an area of your life, the Impact Reality –
Taking Ownership
centers you have defined represent the areas of life that you of Life
How Self Love
have a consistent, defined way of operating in. And your chart Can Change Your
Life – And How to
is the map to live how you’re designed to live in those areas of Actually Love
life, to help remove resistance. Turn o" the
Radar and Align
If a center is open in your chart, it will be white. This means to your Dream
that there is not one consistent way that energy flows to and 3 Steps for
from this center in your body. There is not one way you are Imposter
designed to operate in this area of life. You are open to all the Powerfully
How To Be
ways. You are here to sample all the ways of operating in this Happier and More
Positive – Secrets
area. You are here to be flexible and not biased with your way. No One Has Told
You Yet
This allows you to be a great guide in these areas as you
observe and learn what works and what doesn’t in these "Navigating
areas. the
You can be very nimble in these areas, choosing the best
The Wisdom of
strategy based on circumstances. . It’s important, though, to the Phoenix
Archetype – And
notice if you are comparing yourself to others and judging Why It’s The Key
To Living Your
yourself because you don’t have “your own way” in these areas Desires
How to Change
of life. That can diminish the gift of the openness. And the Careers When
You’re Lost
invitation is to lean into it even more.
How To Decide
Where To Live:

The 9 Centers Connected to the Start Your Journey


Seven Chakras The Foundational

Step to Actually
Achieve Goals and
Resolutions Page 3 of 26
Human Design Centers Explained - Orion Ohev 1/7/24, 07:03

The One Key to

Create the
Change You Truly

The root center at the bottom of the chart corresponds to

your first chakra The theme of this center is Drive, Motivation,
and the pressure to go out and experience life. To go out and
have an adventure.

One center up from there, the sacral center is corresponding

to the second chakra. This is the center of lifeforce and
sexuality. It’s the pure creative life force energy that moves
through you, often in the forms of desires and creativity.

Continuing up the chart, two centers correspond to the third

chakra: your spleen center and your solar plexus center.
The solar plexus isthe center of emotions, relational Page 4 of 26
Human Design Centers Explained - Orion Ohev 1/7/24, 07:03

intelligence,desires, and moods. The splenic center is the

center of instincts and intuition, as well as health and survival.

Moving on up, there are also two centers corresponding to

the fourth chakra: the ego center and the G center. The ego
center is the center of money, the material world, self worth,
and willpower. The G center is the center of identity and

The throat center corresponds to the fifth chakra. It is the

center of expression and manifestation.

The ajna center corresponds to the sixth chakra and is the

center of mental conceptualization, where thinking happens.

The head center corresponds to the seventh chakra, the

crown chakra. It is the center of mental pressure.

Now, let’s look at each center in more detail.

The Root Center

The root center is the center of drive

and motivation. And, if you look at
where it’s located at the bottom of your
chart, it is at the base of your spine. Page 5 of 26
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This is where energy is entering into

your system, creating a pressure to go
out and use that energy. This is what
creates the experiences of drive and

So, if you have a defined root center (colored in), then you
have a very particular and predictable way of experiencing
your drive and motivation, dependent on which gates are
defined in the root center and which channels are defined,
ushering energy in and out of the root center in a consistent,
predictable way. That really determines your unique flavor of
experiencing drive and motivation.

At a high level, a defined root means that you have a drive and
motivation that you can count on and that is reliable and
consistent within you.

If you have an open root center (white), you will not have
one consistent way of experiencing your drive and motivation.
You’re here to sample and be open to all the various ways of
experiencing drive and motivation. Depending on who you’re
with or where the planets are in the sky, you will experience it

60% of people have a defined root center. So, as you’re moving

through the world with an open root center and your aura is
intermingling with other auras, you’ll often be in the aura o"
someone with a defined root center. This will temporarily
define your root center. And so, when in groups, you’ll often Page 6 of 26
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experience more drive and more motivation. And with that

experience happening in your body, it’s possible you may think
you can commit to more than you actually can. And when you
get home out of the temporary root definition, you may find
yourself exhausted and/or over-committed.

So it’s important for you to take a moment to follow your

Strategy and trust your Inner Authority. Take a moment to exit
the group aura of excitement and motivation to feel if it’s best
for you in that moment to either go on the adventure or
commit to it. There’s nothing wrong with utilizing other
people’s root energy to motivate you in ways you might not be
when alone, as long as your Inner Authority lets you know
it’s good for you.

If you don’t know what your authority is, download a free

report here to find out.

The Sacral Center

The sacral center is the center of

lifeforce and sexuality, your pure
creative energy. And so as the energy
comes into the root and then moves
into the sacral center, it’s getting
transmuted into lifeforce to be utilized
for your unique purposes. Page 7 of 26
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If you have it defined, it means you are

a Generator Type. About 70% of
people on the planet are generators,
one of the four major types of human design. This means you
have a consistent life force that you wake up with every day, a
consistent supply of energy that you are designed to utilize and
completely use throughout the day in a way that is correct for

This doesn’t mean just saying yes to everything.

A lot of generators say yes to too many things. It’s important to

say yes to only the correct things for you. It’s important to trust
your Sacral response to know which opportunities and
relationships are correct for you.

If you have an open sacral center, this means you are one of
the other 3 types: a Projector, Manifester, or Reflector.

In this case, you don’t have a consistent supply of energy that

moves through your system in the consistent way it moves
through Generators.

This does not mean that you don’t have energy and you’re not
here to work. It only means that the way energy moves
through you and supplies you is inconsistent. So, you won’t
have the consistent never-ending supply that Generators do.
This means you’re designed to use the energy when it’s there
(temporarily defined by others’ auras or the planets) and to not
force it when it’s not there. So, if you notice you’re comparing Page 8 of 26
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yourself to others and thinking you should be getting more

done or if you’ve developed a co"ee habit to try to keep up
with everyone else, to let yourself take a breath.

This is quite common for Projectors, Manifestors, and

Reflectors because you live on a Generator planet (70%
Generators) and so the way you’re raised often involves
pressuring you to be like all the other Generator children.

So take a moment to relax, let yourself o" the hook, and

realize that you are actually not designed to do as much work
as Generators. You’re here to work but you’re here to work in
di"erent ways.

Projectors, you’re here to be a guide and to observe and

witness and absorb all the ways that generators are using their
energy e#ciently and e"ectively or ine#ciently and
ine"ectively. Eventually, Generators will sense the wisdom
you’re holding and will invite you to share it. Because, as you
sample all the di"erent ways that you can experience lifeforce
and utilize lifeforce, you’ll learn a lot about it, which can help
you help others to utilize their energy in ways that will support
them and the world most optimally. Just make sure to wait to
be invited (your strategy) before sharing so you ensure the
person can hear you.

“Waiting for the invitation” doesn’t mean to passively do

nothing until someone asks you or invites you to share your
wisdom. It means to actively wait, absorbing and learning. It
also means to share what you’re up to in the world so people Page 9 of 26
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know what to invite you into.

Manifestors, you’re here to initiate and inform. While you

don’t have your sacral center defined, you have one of the
other 3 motor centers (Ego, Solar Plexus, Root) connected to
your Throat Center through one or more channels. This means
you can use your motor energy to initiate quickly. And you’re
here to do so.

Since you can manifest things quickly, it’s important for you to
inform others before you act, especially Generators, with their
defined Sacral Center. They will have a lot of requests on their
energy and will often be overwhelmed by what you’re initiating.
If you inform them first, you remove resistance from your path
and let everyone settle into what you’re initiating.

Reflectors, since you have all nine centers open, you’re here to
explore and be open to all the ways of being in all areas of life
and reflect a collective reflection back to the collective over a
longer period of time. You see things on a bigger scale than the
other 3 types, as you find your consistency over a 28-day

In general, if you’re not a generator, don’t push yourselves

when you notice that your energy isn’t there. Let yourself rest.
It will be back and it’s perfect because it’s how you’re designed.

If you’re a generator, just make sure you’re following your

Sacral Response to say yes and no to the correct things. Page 10 of 26
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The Spleen Center

The spleen is the center of instincts,

intuition, health and survival.

If you have the spleen center defined,

it means you have a consistent way of
experiencing your instincts and
intuition. It also means you have a
consistent way of your immune system

For example, if you have gate 48

defined, you’ll have the consistent instinctual ability to see the
solution when someone can point out the problem. If you have
gate 32 defined, you’ll have the instinctual ability to know
where to be conservative to create continuity and sustainability
over time. If you have gate 44 defined, you have an instinctual
nose for people you can consistently count on.

The defined spleen is about trusting your instincts and

intuition in the way it consistently gives you information. The
instincts and intuition of the spleen is an instant knowing, an
instant yes or no before thoughts or emotions can arise.

If you have an open spleen, that means you don’t have a

consistent way of experiencing your instincts and intuition. Of
course, you do have instincts and intuition as we all do, it will Page 11 of 26
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just vary how you experience them. As the planets are moving
through the sky and as you’re moving through di"erent
people’s auras, you’re going to be experiencing your instincts in
di"erent ways. And you get to sample and play and explore.
You’re not biased as you don’t have one way that is your
unique way.

As with all open centers, be careful not to compare yourself,

questioning why you don’t have “your” way of tapping into your
instincts? Or to question, “Why aren’t I that instinctual!?” You’re
not designed to be. You’re designed to be flexible and to learn
how instincts and intuition operates in many di"erent ways.

One other thing to know about having an open spleen: there’s

a potential for you to stay in relationships, communities, or
environments that are not good for you for longer than
necessary. This can happen because, if you’re around someone
who has a defined spleen, that defined spleen is going to make
you feel more safe, since the spleen is also the center of health
and survival. They’re consistent health and survival
mechanisms are going to create the sense of safety within you
without you even realizing it. So, even if they’re not treating
you well, you may feel inexplicably safe with them and scared
to leave.

So, with an open spleen, it’s really important you create your
own safety through what is consistent within you. And to
remind yourself that you are safe. As you live more and more
in alignment with your design, you will create lots of safety and Page 12 of 26
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security for yourself.

The Solar Plexus Center

The solar plexus center is the center of

emotions, desires, moods, and
relational intelligence.

If you have a defined solar plexus

center, it means you have an
emotional authority and you’re here to
wait out your emotional wave before
making a decision.

With every decision big or small, there’s

an energetic, intelligent mechanism that kicks o" called your
emotional wave. It might start at a high or low point, but it’s
going to wave between those extremes. Over time, the
amplitude of the wave will get smaller and smaller until it kind
of evens out. And that is when you’re going to have emotional
clarity. (You can find out more in this article on the Authorities
of Human Design.)

Don’t try to force decisions. Give yourself time and space to

ride out that emotional wave. Notice your mind wants to make
meaning out of the highs and lows of the wave and resist that
temptation. The wave could take hours, minutes, days, weeks
depending on the size of the decision. Wait it out and you’ll be Page 13 of 26
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able to clearly know the decision based on the wisdom of your

body, not an emotional extreme.

If you have an open solar plexus center, that means that

you’re here to explore many di"erent ways of navigating
relationships, of expressing emotions, and of experiencing
your desires and moods. Notice if you compare yourself to
others and think you should have one way of experiencing
your emotions. You won’t.

If you have an open solar plexus center like I do, you may tend
to avoid having uncomfortable conversations, speaking
uncomfortable truths, or setting boundaries that you need to
set. You may be unconsciously nervous about the emotional
intensity that may result. So be really aware of that tendency
and trust your authority to guide you to the right moment to
speak those uncomfortable truths and to trust that you and
the person in front of you will have the tools necessary to
navigate the discomfort of the emotions that arise.

With an open emotional center you can also take in and

amplify someone else’s emotions, which can increase the
intensity. But, as long as you can keep their emotions separate
from yours, which takes practice, you can use it as a great gift
of empathy and understanding.

The Ego Center Page 14 of 26
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The ego center is the center of money,

the material world, self worth, and

If you have it defined, you have a

defined way of navigating the material
world. And you’ll likely have a
consistent sense of self worth and
willpower. This willpower isn’t about
forcing your way through life, as
society often defines willpower. It’s an
energetic intelligence that you have consistent within you and
can count on. Use it for what’s correct for you, not to force
your way through opportunities that aren’t correct for you.

Trust your authority to know which opportunities to say yes to

and no to.

If you have an open ego center, you don’t have a consistent

way of making money, experiencing your self-worth, or
experiencing your willpower. Sample and surrender to many
di"erent ways of making money. Don’t make yourself wrong
for not having one consistent way of making money. It’s more
through an exploration process for you, that you create
abundance in your life. So don’t try to force one way. Let it be
easy. Learn and explore.

Also, since you don’t have a consistent way of experiencing

your self-worth, you may find yourself trying to prove yourself
to others… and even to yourself. You may find yourself getting Page 15 of 26
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defensive and taking things personally. You may find yourself

automatically undervaluing yourself. Or you may try to control
your environment in order to feel in control and worthy. It’s
important to keep reminding yourself how valuable you are,
deeply grounding into the parts of your chart that are defined
and that you can lean on and that feel consistent within you
and stable. If you’re a reflector, lean on the the consistency of
the28 day cycle of the moon, the consistency you can
experience over that time. And also lean on your amazing
ability to see such a bigger perspective that is deeply valuable
to society.

Practice. If you notice yourself getting defensive or trying to

prove yourself, just take a step away, take a deep breath, and
come back to the truth of who you are. Then try to engage
from that place. It’s all practice.

The G Center

The G center is the center of identity

and direction.

The G and ego centers together,

correspond to the fourth chakra, the
heart chakra. The fourth chakra is the
middle chakra of the seven, dividing
the lower three chakras (drive, energy, Page 16 of 26
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emotions) from the higher three

chakras (expression, conceptualizing,
higher vision). The heart mediates
between your higher self (higher frequency, higher vibration,
non-physical) and your lower self (ego, identity, and physical).

While the ego center corresponds more to your lower self

(money, material world, willpower, self-worth), the G center
corresponds more to your higher self (your “true North”
identity and direction in life).

If you have a G center defined, it means that you have a

consistent, clear sense of where things need to go. This could
be the direction of your Life, of relationships, projects, or of
other people’s lives. However it is unique to you, based on the
defined gates and channels of your G center, it will be
consistent. You can rely and lean on your ability to know the
direction things need to go in.

If you have an open G center, you’re not designed to have one

consistent direction in life. You’ll likely have many di"erent
directions. It’s important to let your authority guide you to each
of these di"erent directions and to guide you away from them
when it’s time to move onto the next one. Be careful not to
force yourself into one direction because you were told you

Allow the openness, the flexibility of the open G center to take

you from one direction to the next for exactly as long as you’re
designed to be there. The most important decision to make Page 17 of 26
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when you have an open G center is about your environment.

It’s important to get yourself in an environment where you are
recognized and appreciated for who you are, your gifts, and
your expression. Once you’re in that rate environment,
everything else can flow much more easily from there.

The Throat Center

The throat center is the center of
expression and manifestation.

If you have a defined throat, it means

you have a consistent way of
expressing and communicating that
you can count on and rely on.

For example, if you have Gate 56

defined, then you have the natural
ability to be a very gifted storyteller,
eliciting emotions through others. If you have Gate 62 defined,
you have the natural ability to have a great eye for details. You
can use the facts and details you see in complex situations to
make the intangible easy for others to understand.

If you have an open throat center, you are open to many

di"erent ways of expressing. You might find that when you’re
with di"erent people, you actually start to talk like them or
express like them. Page 18 of 26
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You are here to sample all the di"erent ways of expressing and
communicating and to see what works and what doesn’t work,
which can help you be a great guide. It can also help you
communicate much more e"ectively as you get to pick and
choose di"erent speaking and communication styles based on
your audience and situation.

While someone with a defined throat has a consistent way of

speaking that is uniquely theirs, which is powerful in its own
unique way, be careful not to compare yourself to them. Be
careful not to judge and wonder why you don’t have your
unique way of communicating. Your flexible communication
style lets you adapt to many circumstances and it’s important
for you to really surrender in to that.

The Ajna Center

The Ajna Center is the center of mental

conceptualization. It’s where thinking
happens. It’s where the mind tries to
figure out all of the information that’s
coming in through the head center,
tries to make sense of the past, and
tries to make sense of the world.

If you have a defined ajna, then you

are have a consistent way of thinking
through things. For example, if you Page 19 of 26
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have Gate 11 defined, you might have a fountain of ideas that

are always coming up, some of which are for you, some of
which are to be shared. If you have Gate 17 defined,you’ll
naturally form opinions based on what you’re noticing in the
world and it’s important to share those opinions as opinions,
not facts (unless you also have Gate 62 defined and gathered
the details and facts to support the opinion).

And if you have an open ajna center, it means you’re open to

many, many di"erent ways of thinking things through. It
means you may not be as decisive or opinionated as someone
with a defined ajna. And, this isn’t a bad thing. Notice if you
judge yourself for this because of the pressure of society to
have strong opinions. And instead, lean into the power of the
open ajna. While others can only see their one way of thinking,
you can see all the ways of thinking something through. You
can see all the perspectives.

This allows you to have a very creative, flexible mind that

thinks outside of the box.

The Head Center

The head center is the second

pressure center of the chart, the other
being the root center at the bottom of
the chart. So, at the bottom of the Page 20 of 26
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chart, the root is the pressure to go out

and experience life. At the top of the
chart, the head center is the pressure
to think and “figure things out”.

The key word is pressure. You’re not

actually designed to figure it all out, only to experience the
pressure to figure it all out.

In this center, you have Gate 64, the Gate of Confusion, Gate
61, the Gate of Mystery, and GAte 63, the Gate of Doubt. The
beautiful lesson of this center is the very paradox that, as a
human, you’re designed to feel the pressure to figure it all out
but to not actually figure it out. The pressure itself is an
energetic intelligence you’re designed to be with, without trying
to “fix it”. Yet, society has taught you to try to figure everything
out, make sure everything is known, and to control as much as
you possibly can. But the paradox is that you’re designed to
live in the unknown with this pressure. You’re designed to let
the pressure be resolved through the synchronistic
opportunities and relationships you come across by following
your Authority, not by figuring it out with your mind.

So, it’s important to rebuild your capacity to be with the

pressure of the head center without trying to figure it out.

If you have a defined head center, you can have a great gift
for supporting others to understand and make sense of their
life, past, and next steps. You can be their synchronicity. Just be
careful not to try to figure out your own life in the same way. Page 21 of 26
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You’ll get stuck in your mind and miss the wisdom of your
Authority guiding you to the answers. Depending on the gates
you have defined in the head center, you can help people
navigate their confusion, inspire others through your musings
about the mysteries of the universe, or help others navigate
their doubt.

If you have an open head center, it means you’re open to

both the inspiration of others and the thoughts of others. So
be really careful not to get lost in other people’s inspiration,
following a path their excited about. It’s easy for your mind to
drop your entire path and to follow another path because the
inspiration entering through your open head center is so

Make sure to leave that person’s aura and give yourself some
time to determine if their direction is your direction from your
Authority, not from your mind.

And, with an open head center, not only will you be thinking all
of your thoughts, you’ll sometimes be thinking other people’s
thoughts that are floating in the quantum consciousness field
between all beings. As the energy of the thoughts flows into
your aura, you’ll end up thinking and worrying about things
that aren’t even yours to worry about.

Keep reminding yourself that you don’t have to have it all

figured out, you don’t need all the answers, and it’s okay to not
know. Page 22 of 26
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Living How You’re Designed

In fact, that is the main message of Human Design. You’re

designed to “not know”. To let yourself be guided by a wisdom
that is uniquely yours, beyond logic and the mind. And to let
your mind do what it does best, support you along the path
that your Inner Authority guides you on. The mind and the
neural pathways and protection patterns that get formed in
your childhood can muddy your Truth when you try to figure
out your life through your mind.

On the other hand, the signals of your body as you learn and
practice how to listen to them, and you begin to trust them, are
clear and unmuddied. They are a wisdom that is uniquely
yours that you can count on. And when you can trust that
wisdom over your mind or anyone else’s opinion, you get to
reclaim your power and create the life you desire wiith much
more ease.

That’s what I’m really inviting you into: to trust yourself, not
me, not anyone else. I’m inviting you to lean on yourself as the
“the final say”, the truth holder, and the wisdom keeper.

If you haven’t already, I invite you to download your Free

Personalized Report with your unique Human Design chart and
a Method to integrate it into your daily life. In it, you’ll find out
about your Type, Strategy, Authority, and Profile. And you can Page 23 of 26
Human Design Centers Explained - Orion Ohev 1/7/24, 07:03

continue the journey of building that trust in yourself.

If this post resonated with you, I invite you to join the “Human
Design Applied” Facebook Group where you’ll find support and
inspiration to embody your Human Design, align to your truth,
and trust yourself like never before!

There are many places you can generate

your Human Design Chart. But most leave
you wondering what to do with it . . . or
charge for the guidance.

Here, in your Personalized Human Design

Type Report, you get a detailed overview of
your Human Design Type and Strategy for
FREE, as well as tips on how to apply what you
learn and tap into the wisdom of your body.

More importantly, this personalized

report removes the complexity and makes it
easy to implement and change your life
IMMEDIATELY through The Phoenix Method, Page 24 of 26
Human Design Centers Explained - Orion Ohev 1/7/24, 07:03

which puts Human Design into a greater

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