HHW Class V 2024-25 C

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A Co-Educational English Medium Sr. Sec. Public School

Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi, Affiliation No. - 2133034
AURAIYA-U.P. (206122)
Website: www.suditiauraiya.org e-mail: suditi.auraiya27@gmail.com
CONTACT – 9012295999; 9627666999

Summer Holidays Homework

Session – 2024-25
Class – V

Summer Holidays Duration – 20.05.2024 to 30.06.2024

School Reopen on – 01.07.2024
Homework Submission Date – 04.07.2024
General Instructions:
✓Appreciate Nature - Go for long walks in a park or garden with your family and friends.
✓Good manners are the key - Respect your parents, grandparents and all elders. Use three magical words
(Sorry, Please and Thank you).
✓Stay Fit, Stay Healthy - Play your favourite game / sport regularly.
✓ Learn about our Heritage – Find some time to visit museums and monuments. Read about them.
✓Save Nature – Contribute to save our precious environment. Minimize the wastage of resources like water,
fuel and electricity.
Must do:- •
✓Eat healthy food and drink lots of water & juices.
✓Read every day. Watch less of T.V.
✓Revise the previous (done) work.
Instructions for kids:
➢ Do your homework neatly and on your own.
➢ Learn and Revise all the work done in the class.
➢ Make your own time table for summer vacations and get it paste above your study table.
For example:
Time Activity
8:00 -8:30 am Wake up, brush teeth, take bath.
➢ Before going to bed at night, Plan your tasks for the next day and pen down them in small diary. You can
write at least 2-3 lines that what you did the whole day and what you will do the next day.
➢ Prepare a folder, decorate it and bring your all holidays activities in it.
➢ All the written work done in separate copy.
Guidelines for the parents:
• Spend some quality time with your kids. Have at least one time meal with them. Play at least one indoor or
outdoor game with them. Take them to the park and share your childhood experiences with them.
• Encourage your child to go outdoors rather than sitting in front of electronic gadgets all day.
• Encourage your child to cultivate the reading habit. Get some story books of their choice to read.
• Involve your child in some household chores like laying the table, watering the plants, washing their own
plates, cleaning their cupboards etc…such type of activities give them first hand experience to become more
confident and responsible.
• Encourage your child to do their homework on their own but….under your guidance.
➢ Write a paragraph of 150 words or 15-20 lines on the following topics:- (any 2)
• My Plans For Summer Vacation
• A Hot Summer Day
• How To Stay Healthy
• My Favourite Television Programme
• A Visit To A Historical Place
1. Read the newspaper regularly during holidays you may utilize your noon time for this activity when you are
at home. Cut five pictures per week from old newspapers paste them in scrap file and give a catchy caption to
each picture.
2. Design an English Magazine on “education” which should have the following requirements:-
❖Design an attractive Cover Page.
❖Give a creative name to magazine.
❖Create a poster on “Education”
❖An article on “Education”.
❖A small story on “Education”.
❖The page of Proverbs
❖Scramble words
❖Cross words
❖Cartoon strip (you may draw yourself as well.)
3. „Everyone has a role model for people they look up to in their life. Write a paragraph and paste the picture of
that person (your role model) on an A4 size pastel sheet.
4. Make a beautiful chart on ' Nouns'.
5. Our school is our second home we must keep our school clean. So write and draw any 10 rules that you
follow to keep your school clean and hygienic on an A3 size green and red color sheet.
6. Read lesson 3 ,4 ,5 & 6 of English Reader and underline the difficult word with the pencil.
7. Write one page good, neat and clean English handwriting in your holiday homework notebook and mention
date on each page every day.

(Hindi reader)
1- अमरत्व – ऩाठ - 1, 2 के शब्दाथथ प्रश्नोत्तर याद करें और लऱखें।
2- मैं और मेरा व्याकरण- ऩाठ - 1, 2 प्रश्नोत्तर याद करें और लऱखें ।
3- एक ऩेज सऱ
ु ेख प्रततददन लऱखें ।
4- 10 ऩाऱतू जानवरों व 10 जंगऱी जानवरों के नाम लऱखें ।
5- याद की हुई कववता लऱखें । (In a A4 size paper)

1. Read Chapter 3 and 4 find and write the hard words.
2. Learn word meanings, Q/A, book exercise of Chapter 1 and 2.
3. Draw diagrams and label the parts –
a- Human heart
b- The skeletal system.

• collect all information and make a chart, related to any four nutrients including its source,
diseases caused by its deficiency and various functions in the body .
 Build a nest for birds (using twigs, leaves, cardboard box, basket, container, torn up
newspapers) &feed them and take care of them.
Writing work
Write down question/answers and exercise work of chapter- 1, 2 in a separate notebook.
Learning work
Learn questions/answers and exercise work of chapter- 1, 2
Draw a table of generations of computer in chart paper.

(S. St.)
Red house- Draw or paste the political map of India on a chart paper.
Blue house- Draw neat and clean Heat Zones of the Earth on a chart paper.
Green house- Draw the Earth‟s parallels and Meridians on a chart paper.
Yellow house- Draw the picture of Sea breeze and Land breeze on a chart paper.
Read and learn the Chapter 1, 2 and 3.

1) Learn tables 2 to 25
2) Write Roman numbers 1 to 100
3) Prepare a chart on 2D shapes.
4) Paste any 1 bill of the shopping done by you during summer vacation.
5) Measure the height of all family members in centimeter using measuring tape and arrange
the number in ascending order.

ऩेज़ संख्या 93 से 102 तक 05 -05 शब्द प्रततददन ददनांकानस
ु ार उच्चारण करते हुए लऱखें । ऩशओ
ु , ऩक्षऺयों, पऱो, संफधं धयों, शरीर,
ु ं के नाम लऱखे व याद करो, संख्यावाचक शब्द 1 से 25 तक संस्कृत में लऱखखए याद करें , वंदना लऱखो वह याद करो, प्रथम:
ऩाठ: षष्ठ ऩाठ तक अभ्यास कायथ उत्तर ऩस्ु स्तका में लऱखो और याद करो ऩररयोजना कायथ ऩशु ऩक्षऺयों के धचत्र ऱगाकर/ फनाकर
उनके नाम संस्कृत में लऱखखए

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