HHW Class V 2024-25 C
HHW Class V 2024-25 C
HHW Class V 2024-25 C
(Hindi reader)
1- अमरत्व – ऩाठ - 1, 2 के शब्दाथथ प्रश्नोत्तर याद करें और लऱखें।
2- मैं और मेरा व्याकरण- ऩाठ - 1, 2 प्रश्नोत्तर याद करें और लऱखें ।
3- एक ऩेज सऱ
ु ेख प्रततददन लऱखें ।
4- 10 ऩाऱतू जानवरों व 10 जंगऱी जानवरों के नाम लऱखें ।
5- याद की हुई कववता लऱखें । (In a A4 size paper)
1. Read Chapter 3 and 4 find and write the hard words.
2. Learn word meanings, Q/A, book exercise of Chapter 1 and 2.
3. Draw diagrams and label the parts –
a- Human heart
b- The skeletal system.
• collect all information and make a chart, related to any four nutrients including its source,
diseases caused by its deficiency and various functions in the body .
Build a nest for birds (using twigs, leaves, cardboard box, basket, container, torn up
newspapers) &feed them and take care of them.
Writing work
Write down question/answers and exercise work of chapter- 1, 2 in a separate notebook.
Learning work
Learn questions/answers and exercise work of chapter- 1, 2
Draw a table of generations of computer in chart paper.
(S. St.)
Red house- Draw or paste the political map of India on a chart paper.
Blue house- Draw neat and clean Heat Zones of the Earth on a chart paper.
Green house- Draw the Earth‟s parallels and Meridians on a chart paper.
Yellow house- Draw the picture of Sea breeze and Land breeze on a chart paper.
Read and learn the Chapter 1, 2 and 3.
1) Learn tables 2 to 25
2) Write Roman numbers 1 to 100
3) Prepare a chart on 2D shapes.
4) Paste any 1 bill of the shopping done by you during summer vacation.
5) Measure the height of all family members in centimeter using measuring tape and arrange
the number in ascending order.
ऩेज़ संख्या 93 से 102 तक 05 -05 शब्द प्रततददन ददनांकानस
ु ार उच्चारण करते हुए लऱखें । ऩशओ
ु , ऩक्षऺयों, पऱो, संफधं धयों, शरीर,
ु ं के नाम लऱखे व याद करो, संख्यावाचक शब्द 1 से 25 तक संस्कृत में लऱखखए याद करें , वंदना लऱखो वह याद करो, प्रथम:
ऩाठ: षष्ठ ऩाठ तक अभ्यास कायथ उत्तर ऩस्ु स्तका में लऱखो और याद करो ऩररयोजना कायथ ऩशु ऩक्षऺयों के धचत्र ऱगाकर/ फनाकर
उनके नाम संस्कृत में लऱखखए