07 Unit 7 Writing

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Name __________________________ Mark ________ / 35

Unit 7 Writing 1 The car broke down. We still got to the airport on
time. (although)
A REVIEW 2 The course was difficult. We still enjoyed it. (in
spite of)

FOCUS ON LANGUAGE _______________________________________

3 No one else wants to go to the film. I’m going.
Language workshop (even if)
1 Correct the errors in these sentences. (5 marks) _______________________________________
1 I can’t meet you for lunch. I’m getting my hair 4 There was heavy rain. The music festival wasn’t
doing. cancelled. (despite)
2 I can’t sing as good as you. _______________________________________
3 It looks if Stephanie and Mark are very happy
4 Oh no, I forgot sending my brother a birthday
5 Correct the phrases. (3 marks)
1 In spite of they fall in love themselves
5 He’s so a nice person.
2 Choose the correct answers. (5 marks) 2 Despite to be turned down at several auditions,
1 Our football team are playing against / for a team she keeps trying
from Italy next week. _______________________________________
2 What are you complaining about / to? 3 Even if they aren’t being the best dancers and
3 I’m not enough good / good enough to win yet. singers
4 We saw a café, so we stopped to have / having _______________________________________
a coffee.
6 Add the corrected phrases 1–3 from exercise 5 to
5 They insisted on paying / to pay for the meal.
the review in exercise 7 (A–C). (3 marks)
3 Add a suitable prefix or suffix to the bold words to
7 Choose the correct answers. (4 marks)
complete the sentences. (8 marks)
1 Our Earth suffers because of our ________ about
the environment. (ignore) La La Land
2 Some teenagers are ________ , but the majority (1) Despite / Even if being set in modern-day Los
are well behaved. (responsible) Angeles, Damien Chazelle has created a feeling of
Hollywood in the 1960s in La La Land. This is the place
3 I’m sorry I’m late, but I’m very ________ this where dreams can some true – if you are lucky. The story
morning! (organized) isn’t particularly original, but I don’t think it’s meant to be:
4 Cycling is a very ________ way of getting fit. boy meets girl and they fall in love.
(effect) (2) Despite / Although Mia (Emma Stone) is a very
5 We get on really well. We seem to have a special talented actress, she has to work in a coffee shop to pay
________ . (connect) the bills. (A) ________ because she dreams of becoming
a great film star. She meets Sebastian (Ryan Gosling), an
6 I can’t eat this meat. It’s so ________ that it’s amazing jazz pianist with his own dream – to open a jazz
almost black! (cooked) club and play his own style of jazz there. (3) In spite of /
7 ________ are not allowed into the deep end of Although there is no instant attraction, several meetings
the swimming pool. (swimmers) later, (B) ________ .
8 Simon is really ________ . He never thinks about The film is a musical with lots of lovely dance routines. (C)
other people. (self) ________ , Stone and Gosling have an energy that keeps
you toe-tapping along. But surprisingly, there is more to
the film than just another love story. The story climaxes
Linkers of contrast (2) when Mia and Sebastian both have to decide what is more
4 Rewrite the sentences. Use the bold linkers of important to them – their love or their dreams. Both
contrast. Make any changes necessary. (4 marks) choose their ambitions over each other.


Name __________________________ Mark ________ / 35

Consequently, lots of people think the ending is sad while

others think it is a happy one. (4) Although / Even if you
don’t like musicals, go to see this film. You may come
away smiling or crying, but either way, you’ll come away

8 Find and underline the following features in the

review: (3 marks)
1 a comment adverb
2 a linker of reason
3 two nouns with suffixes in paragraph 2


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