Economics 1
Economics 1
Economics 1
Department of Studies in
IV Semester Syllabus
Bachelor of Arts
Money Supply: Concept of Money Supply; recent measures of money supply as suggested by
RBI; Determinants of money supply: high powered money - money multiplier; The reserve ratio
and deposit multiplier.
Money Demand: Cash transactions approach (only meaning) and Cambridge approach (Only
Marshall’s equation); The liquidity preference approach of Keynes.
Module V Inflation and Unemployment 8
Phillips Curve - Stagflation - Wage cut theory and employment - NAIRU and Phillips Curve
Suggested Readings:
1. Ackley, G. (1976), Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy, Macmillan Publishing
Company, New York.
2. Ahuja H (2016), Macro Economics- theory and policy, S Chand and Co.
3. Dwivedi DN (2016) Macro Economics: Theory and Policy, Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Heijidra, B.J. and F.V. Ploeg (2001), Foundations of Modern macroeconomics, Oxford
University Press, Oxford.
5. Keynes, J.M. (1936), The General theory of Employment, Interest and Money,
Machmillan, London
6. Lucas, R. (1981), Studies in Business Cycle Theory, MIT Press, Cambridge,
7. Somashekar Ne. Thi., Principles of Macroeconomics, Scientific International Pvt. Ltd.,
Publications New Delhi
8. Somashekar Ne. Thi., ಸಮಗ ಅಥ೯ ಾಸ , Siddalingeshwara prakashana, Kalburgi.
Module I Preliminaries 8
Time Series Analysis: Definition of Time Series – Components of Time Series – Estimation and
Forecasting of Trend.
Suggested Readings:
1. Anderson, Sweeney & Williams, (2002) Statistics for Business & Economics, Thomson
SouthWestern, Bangalore
2. Daniel and Terrel: Business Statistics for Management and Economics; oaghton Mifflin
Co., Boston, Toronts, 7th Edition, 1995, PP 1 to 972 + 6 Appendices
3. Gupta S P. (2012) Statistical Methods, S. Chand and Company, New Delhi
4. Medhi, J., Statistical Methods: An Introductory Text, Wiley, 1992
5. Morris H. Degroot and Mark J. Schervish, "Probability and Statistics", 4th edition, 2012
6. S. C. Gupta, (New edition) Fundamentals of Statistics, Himalaya Publishing House,
7. S. N. Yogish, Statistical methods for Economists- Mangaldeep publications, Jaipur.
8. Teresa Bradley, Essential Statistics for Economics, Business and Management, John
Willey Publisher, 2007