Economics 1

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Department of Studies in


IV Semester Syllabus

Bachelor of Arts

With effect from

B. A. Economics; Semester-IV
Subject Title: Macro Economics

Sub. Code: 21BA4C7EC7 Marks: 40+60=100

Credits: 03 Category: DSC 7

Course Outcomes (COs):

After the successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand the Theories of National Income Accounting
CO2: Explain the process of Consumption and Investment Functions
CO3: Evaluate the Concept of Multiplier and Inflation

Module I Theory of National Income Determination 8

Classical Framework: Typical Features of classical theory of employment – Assumptions;

Basis of Classical theory - Say’s Law - Pigou’s wage price flexibility - Fisher’s Quantity theory
of money - Knut Wicksell’s loanable funds theory - Classical dichotomy and neutrality of
money; Criticism of classical theory
Module II Keynesian Framework 9
Introductory: relation between national income and development; relation between income,
output, and employment
Basic concepts: equilibrium, identity, ex-ante and ex-post; Aggregate Demand and its
components - Marginal and Average propensity to consume.
Investment function: savings and investment relationship.
Aggregate Supply: Meaning and graphical explanation - Effective demand;
Determination of national income in Keynes’ two sector economy;
Module III Consumption and Investment 8

Theories of Determinants of Consumption: Keynesian Psychological Law of consumption;

determinants - Permanent Income hypothesis of Milton Friedman
Investment: Types of investment - Determinants of investment: rate of interest - marginal
efficiency of capital: meaning and determinants.
Module IV Monetary Economics 9

Money Supply: Concept of Money Supply; recent measures of money supply as suggested by
RBI; Determinants of money supply: high powered money - money multiplier; The reserve ratio
and deposit multiplier.
Money Demand: Cash transactions approach (only meaning) and Cambridge approach (Only
Marshall’s equation); The liquidity preference approach of Keynes.
Module V Inflation and Unemployment 8
Phillips Curve - Stagflation - Wage cut theory and employment - NAIRU and Phillips Curve
Suggested Readings:
1. Ackley, G. (1976), Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy, Macmillan Publishing
Company, New York.
2. Ahuja H (2016), Macro Economics- theory and policy, S Chand and Co.
3. Dwivedi DN (2016) Macro Economics: Theory and Policy, Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Heijidra, B.J. and F.V. Ploeg (2001), Foundations of Modern macroeconomics, Oxford
University Press, Oxford.
5. Keynes, J.M. (1936), The General theory of Employment, Interest and Money,
Machmillan, London
6. Lucas, R. (1981), Studies in Business Cycle Theory, MIT Press, Cambridge,
7. Somashekar Ne. Thi., Principles of Macroeconomics, Scientific International Pvt. Ltd.,
Publications New Delhi
8. Somashekar Ne. Thi., ಸಮಗ ಅಥ೯ ಾಸ , Siddalingeshwara prakashana, Kalburgi.

9. H. R. Krishnaiah Gowda, ಸಮಗ ಅಥ೯ ಾಸ , Mysore book house prakashಅna,

B. A. Economics; Semester-IV
Subject Title: Statistics for Economics

Sub. Code: 21BA4C8EC8 Marks: 40+60=100

Credits: 03 Category: DSC 8

Course Outcomes (COs):

After the successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand the nature of Data and their presentation;
CO2: Calculate Descriptive statistics like measures of central tendency and dispersion;
CO3: Apply statistical techniques like correlation and regression in Economic analysis.

Module I Preliminaries 8

Introduction to Statistics: Meaning and Importance of Statistics, Functions of Statistics, Types

of Statistics: Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics-Variables; Qualitative Variable and
Quantitative Variable.
Datatypes, Sources and Collection of Data: Qualitative and Quantitative Data - Cross Section
Data, Time Series Data and Panel Data - Primary and Secondary sources of Data – Methods of
Collecting Primary Data
Module II Measures of Central Tendency 9

Arithmetic Average: Definition of Central Tendency, Types of Central Tendency: Arithmetic

Mean: Meaning and Properties of Arithmetic Mean – Computation of Arithmetic Mean.
Positional Averages-Median and Mode: Definition and importance of Median - Calculation of
Median- Definition and importance of Mode - Calculation of Mode
Module III Dispersion and Tabulation & Presentation of Data 8

Dispersion: Meaning of Dispersion- Measures of Dispersion- Range- Quartile deviation- mean

deviation - Standard deviation - Coefficient of Variation and Their Computation
Tabulation and Presentation of Data: Classification and tabulation of data - Frequency
distributions – Continuous and Discrete frequency distribution. Graphical presentation-
Histogram- frequency polygon - Ogive Curves -Bar Diagram, Pie Chart
Module IV Correlation and Regression 9

Correlation: Meaning of Correlation - Types of correlation - Methods of measuring Correlation-

Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficients.
Regression: Meaning and Importance of Regression - Regression Equation - Estimation of
regression equation - Applications of regression equation in Economics.
Module V Time Series Analysis 8

Time Series Analysis: Definition of Time Series – Components of Time Series – Estimation and
Forecasting of Trend.

Suggested Readings:
1. Anderson, Sweeney & Williams, (2002) Statistics for Business & Economics, Thomson
SouthWestern, Bangalore
2. Daniel and Terrel: Business Statistics for Management and Economics; oaghton Mifflin
Co., Boston, Toronts, 7th Edition, 1995, PP 1 to 972 + 6 Appendices
3. Gupta S P. (2012) Statistical Methods, S. Chand and Company, New Delhi
4. Medhi, J., Statistical Methods: An Introductory Text, Wiley, 1992
5. Morris H. Degroot and Mark J. Schervish, "Probability and Statistics", 4th edition, 2012
6. S. C. Gupta, (New edition) Fundamentals of Statistics, Himalaya Publishing House,
7. S. N. Yogish, Statistical methods for Economists- Mangaldeep publications, Jaipur.
8. Teresa Bradley, Essential Statistics for Economics, Business and Management, John
Willey Publisher, 2007

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