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Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida,

Gautam Budh Nagar – 201 312 (U.P.) India
Application Form for the post of ‘Professor’

(To be filled in by the Candidate/Applicant only)

Advertisement No: GBU/Admn/2024/04 Dated: 07 June 2024
Note: Please read the “Advertisement” and “Terms and Conditions” carefully before filling the application
form. No column should be left blank. All the desired details must be given in word, and not by indices
and dots.

For Office Use: Application No. Postal Order/Bank Draft/Details of Payment/Reference No

…………….…Date………………Amount (Rs.)……………………...Name of the Post
Application Fee: Online/Offline:
Office/Bank Payment Reference……………………………………………………….………..….

1. (a) Name of the Applicant in Full:

(In Capital Letters)
(b) Post Applied for :

(c) Department Name :

Affix a recent Passport
(d) School Name : size Photograph

(e) Subject:

(f) Specialization:

2. Details of Educational Qualifications (from Graduation onwards to final degree) (Please attach self-
attested mark sheets and certificates/Degrees)
Degree/ Exam University/College/ Specialization Year of Percentage Division Duration of
passed (with Board /Subjects Passing Marks/ /Grade Course
discipline) Grade
Post Graduation*
M. Phil
Ph. D

Topic of Doctoral (Ph.D.) research

Others, if any
*Specify the Graduation/Post graduation Degree
3. Details of Ph. D Research (Please attach an abstract of the Ph. D Work, and furnish the following details)
i. Ph.D. Thesis Title
ii. Area of Ph.D.research work
iii. Date of joining/registration of Ph. D Programme
iv. Date of submission of Ph. D Thesis
v. Date of completion of Ph. D Programme
vi. Name(s) of Thesis Supervisor(s)
vii. Whether Part time/ Full Time
viii. Institution / University

4. Details of Employment/Work Experience (Please attach self-attested copies of the experience

Position Held* Organization/ Date of Date of Total period Nature of Duties Last pay , Pay
Institute Joining Leaving Band and Pay
Grade (Rs.)

* Please specify, if the position is concurrently with Ph. D or Post Ph.D.

5. Teaching Experience(Please attach self-attested copies of the experience certificates)

Course(s) Taught (Code and Name of the Level UG/PG Institute Duration
Course and credits)

6. Experience of working in Research Laboratory/Laboratories(Please attach self-attested copy of the

Name of Research Organization Period Position Nature of work
From To Total

7. Particulars of research papers and reviews published in referred Journals *

S.No Title of the Authors as Journal details Publisher Impact Factor

Paper/review appeared (s) details
in the
Name Vol. pp. Year

*Please attach self-attested proof

8. Particulars of chapters in a book*

S.No. Title of the Authors as Book Details Publisher Impact
Chapter appeared in (s) details Factor/ISBN/I
the SSN
Name Editor(s) pp Year

*Please attach self attested proof

9. Particulars of the publications published in Seminar Proceedings*

S.No. Title of Authors as Proceedings details Publis Impact
the appeared in the her(s) Factor/ISBN/
Chapter publication details ISSN
Name Editor(s) pp Year Name of
of Seminar
Book /Conere
nce etc.

10. Details of Conferences/Seminars, etc., attended and paper(s) presented (please attach self-
attested proof of presentations)*
Name of Conference When and Where
(a) International

(b) National

11. Other Published works (No.) Technical Report Monograph Book/Edited or

(Attach self-attested proof and details in a Authored
separate sheet)
12. Number of Thesis/ Dissertation supervised Awarded Submitted In progress
(Attach self-attested proof and details in a
separate sheet)
Ph. D.
M. Phil./M. Tech/M.E./M. Sc./M.A./MBA
13. Prizes/Medals/ Awards/ Honours received: (Please attach self-attested proof and details in a separate sheet)
14. Special Training (s) /Assignment(s) attended, if any (Please attach self-attested proof and details in a separate

15. Membership/ Fellowship of the Professional Societies, if any (Please attach self-attested proof and details in a
separate sheet)

16. Extra –curricular Activities/ Administrative Responsibilities handled: (Please attach self-attested proof and details
in a separate sheet)
17. Any other information in favour of the candidature of the applicant: (Please attach self-attested proof and details
in a separate sheet)

18. In-house Research Projects (Please attach self-attested proof)

Title (Mention Sponsoring Agency Completed/ Duration Institute where the research was Amount
PI/Co-PI/Member) On going carried out (Rs.Lakh)

19. Sponsored Research Project (Please attach self-attested proof)

Title (Mention Sponsoring Agency Completed/ Duration Institute where the research was Amount
PI/Co-PI/Member) On going carried out (Rs.Lakh)

20. Consultancy Projects(Please attach self-attested proof)

Title (Mention Sponsoring Agency Completed/ Duration Institute where the work was Amount
your role and On going carried out (Rs.Lakh)

21. Title of Patents Awarded/Applied for

(a) Awarded : (Give Patent Number Year Patenting Authority Single/
also) Multiple

(b) Applied for


22. Personal Details :

(a) Father’s / Husband’s Name
(b) Mother’s Name
(c) Date and Place of Birth (attach self-attested proof)
(d) Gender
(e) Marital Status
(f) Nationality
(g) Category (Pleaseattach self-attested valid proof) General/OBC (Creamy Layer)/ OBC (Non-Creamy
Layer)/SC/ST/PWD (Person with Disability)

(h) Permanent Address with Pin code:

(i) Address for Correspondence with pin code:

(j) Email ID
(k) Phone No with STD Code
(l) Mobile No.
(m) Adhar card No. (Pleaseattach self-attested valid proof)

23. General
i. Are you willing to accept the initial pay of the grade? Yes/No
(If no, state the minimum pay acceptable or expected
with justification for the same)
ii. Period needed for joining the duties, if the post is

iii. Were you ever declared medically unfit or asked to Yes/No

submit resignation or discharged/ dismissed? If yes, give detail in a separate sheet

24. References: Give Name, Designation and Address, Email, Mobile,& Phone No. of three Referees who are
acquainted with your Teaching /Research/Professional work




I, hereby, declare that I have carefully read and understood the instructions and particulars advertised, and
that all the information provided by me in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. If at any
time I am found to have concealed/suppressed any material/information or given any false detail, my appointment
shall be liable to be summarily terminated without notice or compensation.


Place:- Signature of the Applicant


Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida

Gautam Budh Nagar – 201 312 (U.P.) India

Summary Sheet for the post of Professor

Post Applied for _____________________________ Advt. No. & Date___________________________

Subject _________________________________ Department:______________________________

Specialization _________________________________ School: __________________________________

Primary Information

Name: Father’s / Husband’s Name:

Mother’s Name: Date and Place of Birth :
Category: Adhar card No.:
Phone/ Mobile No.: Landline: Email:
Present Address :

(a) Academic Qualification

Degree/ Exam Specialization/Subjects University/College/Board Percentage of Year of
passed Marks/ Grade Completion
M. Phil
Ph. D
Topic of Doctoral (Ph.D) research
Others, if any
*Specify the Graduation/Post Graduation Degree
(b) Posts Held
Present Position Organization Pay Scale with AGP (Rs.)

(c) Achievements
Mention significant achievements
(if any)
(d) Experience (No. of years)
Total In India Abroad Teaching Research Industry Industrial Administrative

(e) Publications
Number of Publications
Refereed Conference Books Chapters in Reviews Articles
Journals Presentations Books

(f) Patents
Name Application No. Granted/Applied

(g) Awards/ Rewards/Recognitions

Awards/Reward Recognition
Academics Rewards Fellowship/Membership of Academic/ Special
Awards Professional Bodies Committee(s)/Assignments,
if any

(h) Checklist for Attachments Put a () tick mark as applicable

S. Documents Attached Yes No
1. Self – attested copies of Degree Certificates and Mark Sheets
2. Brief Description of Ph.D. work
3. List of Publications with complete details and proof (self-attested)
4. Photocopies of full texts of three best Publications
5. Application to be submitted both in soft and hard copies along with fee
6. Have you sent your application through proper channel? (Attach no objection certificate from
the employer, if serving in Government/ Semi-government/ Private organization)
7. Self-attested copy of Certificate of Date of Birth
8. Self-attested copy of the Certificate supporting your status (if applicable) as SC/ST/OBC
(Creamy layer/Non-creamy layer) /Physically Challenged or differently able

(i) List of Publications

(1) Refereed Journals

(i) The list of publications (research papers, review, book chapter and article) in International and
National Journals/ Books should be given separately.
(ii) The standard format of particulars of publication giving: the name(s) of author(s), title of the
paper, name of the book or Journal, Volume, Year and page number in that order, must be used.
Citation Index of the paper and ISBN/ISSN No. should be given for each publication.

(2) Conference/Seminar/Workshop attended

(i) The list of papers presented in Conference/Seminar/Workshop attended overseas and in India,
should be given separately.
(ii) The format of particulars of papers presented giving: thename(s) of author(s), title of the paper,
name and place of the Conference/Seminar/Workshop, dates of the Conference; page numbers
and ISBN/ISSN No. in that order, must be given for each presentation.

(j) Research/ Teaching/ Industry/Consultancy/Administration/Other Experiences

S. No Category Yes No

1. Industrial experience
2. Sponsored/Institutional Research Project experience
3. Consultancy experience
4. Experience concurrently with Ph. D
5. Post-Doctoral Research Work
6. List of courses taught to Undergraduate, Post Graduate, M.Phil and
Doctoral research level
7. Details of setting up of Laboratories
8. Any other relevant information
(Pleaseattach self-attestedproof)

Place: Signature of the Applicant

Name of the Candidate: Date of Birth:………………………………………....

Post Applied for: Department:

Details of application fee:

Annexure - I
Criteria for calculating Academic/Research Score

(Based on duly attested evidence produced, such as, copy of publications, project sanction letter,
utilization and completion certificates issued by the University, and acknowledgements for patent filing
and approval letters, students’ Ph.D. award letter, etc,.)

S.No Academic/Research Activity Faculty of Faculty of To be filled

Sciences/ Languages/ by the
Engineering Humanities/Art candidate
gement and
other related
1. Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or 08 per paper 10 per paper
UGC listed Journals
2. Publications (other than Research papers)
a. Books authored which are
published by
International publishers 12 12
National Publishers 10 10
Chapter in Edited Book 05 05
Editor of Book by International Publisher 10 10
Editor of Book by National Publisher 08 08
Translation works in Indian and
Foreign Languages by qualified
Chapter of Research paper 03 03
Book 08 08
3. Creation of ICT mediated Learning
Pedagogy and content and development Of
innovative courses and curricula
a. Development of Innovative pedagogy 05 05
b. Design of new curricula and courses 02 per 02 per
curricula/cours curricula/course
c. MOOCs
Development of complete MOOCs in 4 20 20
quadrants (4 credit course) (In case of
MOOCs of lesser credits 05
MOOCs (developed in 4 quadrant) per 05 05
Content writer/subject matter expert for 02 02

each module of MOOCs (at least one

Course Coordinator for MOOCs (4 credit 08 08
course) (In case of MOOCs of lesser
credits 02 marks/credit)
d. E-Content
Development of e-Content in 4 quadrants 12 12
for a complete course/e-book
e-Content (developed in 4 quadrants) per 05 05
Contribution to development of e-content 02 02
module in complete course/paper/e-book
(at least one quadrant)
Editor of e-content for complete 10 10
4. (a) Research guidance
Ph.D. 10 per degree 10 per degree
awarded awarded
05 per thesis 05 per thesis
submitted submitted
M.Phil./P.G dissertation 02 per degree 02 per degree
awarded awarded

(b) Research Projects Completed

More than INR 10 Lakhs 10 10
Less than INR 10 Lakhs 05 05
(c) Research Projects Ongoing:
More than INR 10 Lakhs 05 05
Less than INR 10 Lakhs 02 02
(d) Consultancy 03 03
5. (a) Patents
International 10 10
National 07 07
(b) *Policy Document (Submitted to an International body/organization
like UNO/UNESCO/World Bank/International Monetary Fund, etc. or
Central Government or State Government)
International 10 10
National 07 07
State 04 04
(c) Awards/Fellowships
International 07 07
National 05 05
6. * Invited lectures/Resource person/
paper presentation in Seminars/
Conferences/full paper in Conference
Proceedings (Paper presented in /
Seminars/Conferences and also
published as full paper in Conference
Proceedings will be counted only once)
International (Abroad) 07 07
International (within country) 05 05
National 03 03
State/University 02 02

The Research score for research papers would be augmented as follows:

Peer-Reviewed or UGC-listed Journals (Impact factor to be determined as per Thomson Reuters list):

i) Paper in refereed journals without impact factor - 5 Points

ii) Paper with Impact factor less than1 - 10 Points
iii) Paper with impact factor between 1 and 2 - 15 Points
iv) Paper with impact factor between 2 and 5 - 20 Points
v) Paper with Impact factor between 5 and 10 - 25 Points
vi) Paper with Impact factor>10 - 30 Points
(a) Two authors: 70% of total value of publication for each author.

(b) More than two authors: 70% of total value of publication for the
First/Principal/Corresponding author and 30% of total value of publication for each of
the joint authors.
Joint Projects: Principal Investigator and Co-investigator would get 50% each.
 Paper presented If part of edited book or proceeding can be claimed only once.
 For joint supervision of research students, the formula shall be 70% of the total score for
Supervisor and Co-supervisor. Supervisor and Co-supervisor, both shall get 7 marks each.
 *For the purpose of calculating research score of the teacher, the combined research score
from the categories of 5(b). Policy Document and 6. Invited lectures/Resource Person/Paper
presentation shall have an upper capping of thirty percent of the total research score of the
teacher concerned.
 The research score shall be from the minimum of three categories out of six categories.

I hereby certify that the above given information is true to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of the Candidate

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