Complainants numbering 43 are deaf-mutes who were hired on various periods from 1988 to 1993 by
respondent Far East Bank and Trust Co. as Money Sorters and Counters through a uniformly worded
agreement called "Employment Contract for Handicapped Workers.”
Disclaiming that complainants were regular employees; respondent Far East Bank and Trust Company
maintained that complainants who are a special class of workers — the hearing-impaired employees were
hired temporarily under [a] special employment arrangement which was a result of overtures made by some
civic and political personalities to the respondent Bank; that complainant[s] were hired due to "pakiusap.”
That it was adopted the special program to help tide over a group of workers such as deaf-mutes like the
complainants who could do manual work for the respondent Bank; that the task of counting and sorting of bills
which was being performed by tellers could be assigned to deaf-mutes that the counting and sorting of money
are tellering works which were always logically and naturally part and parcel of the tellers' normal functions;
Further, that from the beginning there have been no separate items in the respondent Bank plantilla for sorters
or counters; that the tellers themselves already did the sorting and counting chore as a regular feature and
integral part of their duties; that through the "pakiusap" of Arturo Borjal, DSWD Representative, the tellers were
relieved of this task of counting and sorting bills in favor of deaf-mutes without creating new positions as there
is no position either in the respondent or in any other bank in the Philippines which deals with purely counting
and sorting of bills in banking operations.
The NLRC ruled against herein petitioners, herein petitioners could not be deemed regular employees under
Article 280 of the Labor Code. It also declared that the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons was not applicable,
"considering the prevailing circumstances/milieu of the case." Hence, this recourse to this Court.
Petitioners Deaf- Private Respondent NLRC & Far East SUPREME COURT RULING
Mutes Bank
Petitioners Private respondent, on the other hand, On the respondent’s argument that
maintain that they submits that petitioners were hired only petitioners were merely "accommodated"
should be as "special workers and should not in employees. This fact does not change the
considered regular any way be considered as part of the nature of their employment. As earlier
employees, regular complement of the noted, an employee is regular because of
because their task Bank." Rather, they were "special" the nature of work and the length of
as money sorters workers under Article 80 of the Labor service, not because of the mode or even
and counters was Code. the reason for hiring them.
necessary and
desirable to the
business of
respondent bank.
Petitioners were Their contracts were renewed several The renewal of the contracts of the
renewed many times, not because of need "but merely handicapped workers and the hiring of
times. Respondent for humanitarian reasons." Respondent others lead to the conclusion that their
bank entered into submits that "as of the present, the tasks were beneficial and necessary to the
the aforesaid "special position" that was created for the bank. The contract signed by petitioners is
contract with a total petitioners no longer exist[s] in private akin to a probationary employment, during
of 56 handicapped respondent [bank], after the latter had which the bank determined the employees'
workers and decided not to renew anymore their fitness for the job. When the bank renewed
renewed the special employment contracts." the contract after the lapse of the six-
contracts of 37 of month probationary period, the employees
them. In fact, two thereby became regular employees. No
of them worked employer is allowed to determine
from 1988 to 1993. indefinitely the fitness of its employees.
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) We find no basis for this argument.
required that cash in the bank be turned Travelling at night involves risks to
over to the BSP during business hours handicapped and able-bodied persons
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., respondent alike. This excuse cannot justify the
resorted to nighttime sorting and termination of their employment.
counting of money. Thus, it reasons that
this task "could not be done by deaf
mutes because of their physical
limitations as it is very risky for them to
travel at night."
Yes, however, only the employees, who worked for more than six months and whose contracts were renewed
are deemed regular. Hence, their dismissal from employment was illegal. In light of the Labor Code and the
Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, indubitably show that the petitioners, except sixteen of them, should be
deemed regular employees. As such, they have acquired legal rights that this Court is duty-bound to protect
and uphold, not as a matter of compassion but as a consequence of law and justice.
Respondent bank entered into the aforesaid contract with a total of 56 handicapped workers and renewed the
contracts of 37 of them. In fact, two of them worked from 1988 to 1993. Verily, the renewal of the contracts of
the handicapped workers and the hiring of others lead to the conclusion that their tasks were beneficial and
necessary to the bank. More important, these facts show that they were qualified to perform the responsibilities
of their positions. In other words, their disability did not render them unqualified or unfit for the tasks
assigned to them.
In this light, the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons mandates that a qualified disabled employee should be
given the same terms and conditions of employment as a qualified able-bodied person. Section 5 of the
Magna Carta provides:
Sec. 5. Equal Opportunity for Employment. — No disabled person shall be denied access to
opportunities for suitable employment. A qualified disabled employee shall be subject to the
same terms and conditions of employment and the same compensation, privileges, benefits,
fringe benefits, incentives or allowances as a qualified able-bodied person.
The fact that the employees were qualified disabled persons necessarily removes the employment contracts
from the ambit of Article 80. Since the Magna Carta accords them the rights of qualified able-bodied persons,
they are thus covered by Article 280 of the Labor Code. Without a doubt, the task of counting and sorting
bills is necessary and desirable to the business of respondent bank. With the exception of sixteen of
them, petitioners performed these tasks for more than six months. Thus, the twenty-seven petitioners
should be deemed regular employees.
The test of whether an employee is regular was laid down in De Leon v. NLRC:
The reasonable connection between the particular activity performed by the employee in relation to
the usual trade or business of the employer which can be determined by considering the (1) nature of
the work performed and its relation to the scheme of the particular business or trade in its entirety
and if the employee has been performing the job for (2) at least one year, even if the performance is
not continuous and merely intermittent.
As held by the Court, "Articles 280 and 281 of the Labor Code put an end to the pernicious practice of making
permanent casuals of our lowly employees by the simple expedient of extending to them probationary
appointments, ad infinitum." The contract signed by petitioners is akin to a probationary employment, during
which the bank determined the employees' fitness for the job. When the bank renewed the contract after the
lapse of the six-month probationary period, the employees thereby became regular employees. No employer is
allowed to determine indefinitely the fitness of its employees.
As regular employees, the twenty-seven petitioners are entitled to security of tenure; that is, their services
may be terminated only for a just or authorized cause. Because respondent failed to show such
cause, these twenty-seven petitioners are deemed illegally dismissed and therefore entitled to back wages and
reinstatement without loss of seniority rights and other privileges. Considering the allegation of respondent that
the job of money sorting is no longer available because it has been assigned back to the tellers to whom it
originally belonged, petitioners are hereby awarded separation pay in lieu of reinstatement.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petition is hereby GRANTED. The June 20, 1995 Decision and the
August 4, 1995 Resolution of the NLRC are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Respondent Far East Bank and
Trust Company is hereby ORDERED to pay back wages and separation pay to each of the following twenty-
seven (27) petitioners. The NLRC is hereby directed to compute the exact amount due each of said
employees, pursuant to existing laws and regulations, within fifteen days from the finality of this Decision. No