Cyoa War With The Evil-Pnp en
Cyoa War With The Evil-Pnp en
Cyoa War With The Evil-Pnp en
Lacoonian System, an alliance of several galaxies and thousands of to draw a DATA Card. Some DATA Cards will move the
planets. You are part of a Rapid Force crew from Lacoos tasked with story forward and may feature additional Challenges or Story
bringing him down before he can carry out his sinister plans. EVIL POWER
MASTER Choices. Treat these Challenges and Story Choices the same
This is a cooperative game in which players work together as a team as if they were encountered on a Story Card.
to defeat the Evil Power Master. Your crew must use data, clues, and an Some DATA Cards are items that are kept by the crew and may be used
ingenious algorithm to boost a radio signal that will lead you to the Evil later in the game. When you discover an item, choose any Character to
Power Master’s location. give the item to. Place the item face up next to that Character’s Character
If your crew discovers the Evil Power Master’s location before he realizes Card—it is now in their possession.
his evil scheme, a final battle ensues. If the crew defeats the Evil Power
Master, the Lacoonian System is saved. Otherwise, it is destroyed, and all There are two types of items:
order in the System is lost! Challenge Boosters help players
overcome Challenges. Each Challenge Everyone scatters amid laserfire.
A crew member vaults onto the
Booster is denoted by a Challenge type icon
beast’s head, kicks the extremist’s
rifle into the air, grabs it, pulls the
trigger, and disintegrates its head. A med kit falls out of a locker
Engraved on the rifle: FOLLOP during the attack, slides across the
cabin, and smacks a crew member
and a boost symbol. These are explained in
right in the face. Discard this
Keep this Challenge Booster. card at any time to make
Go to Proxima Story Card 7. another crew member Active.
9 detail on page 6. +
Keep this Assist Item.
Many Story Cards include Story
VOID OF NIRO Finish Kronur Story Card 9.
Rendoxoll stops in front of the shat-
Assist Items provide one-time abilities CHALLENGE ASSIST ITEM
tered wall of a cell. Metal debris and glass
Choices that will send you to other shards cover the floor. “I manipulated the
Dark Energy shield surrounding the base
that can help the crew out at crucial moments
to exclude his cell,” explains Rendoxoll.
Story Cards, where you’ll see how your “I assumed that would prevent
Retrieve the object
Chen and Flppto crawl through the
and in certain situations. To use an Assisthatch.
Item,Chen charges forward, only to
Chen deduces the rest. “HeDATA
choices play out. Story Cards may have follow the instructions on
WIN: Draw 028 .
for spaces whereLOSE: the shield
EPM weak
Meter by two.
face-plant over a mound of pink ice
and exploited them.”Another active Character may try.
the card, then discard the card. (The flakes.
“Exactly,” says Rendoxoll, his mechan-
Optional or Required Challenges for the ical voice tinged withChen
years, but his evilhappened
“I never believed “The
in Evil
to him
“It took Rendoxoll. “What
next?” he asks.
is persistent.”
of themMaster returned to
Starter Itemsinthat
Mounds everywere
of theout
crew to take on (see CHALLENGES so-called magicalPurple,”
“But to accomplishbeam
powers,” he says
“That is where the
originated. We are about to launch
this?” at the beginning of the game are examples of Assist
rainbow Items.)
litter the hold like snow cones.
“You may be aright,”
A fluttering creature with wings and a
Rendoxoll. Would you like
on page 4). After reading the Story to join?”
“Once out, he found
teletransporter andTara
my Void-capable
whispers to Chen: “Such an
glossy white carapace shoves Chen aside
“What is that attack
in the could kill Dante
corner?” many Purpleans. We
Card, decide as a group on any Story
should arms
asks, pointing several go there
at and stop him ourselves!”
a small
object barely visible beneath the shards
of glass and twisted metal.
and sets about repairing the mound.
Choices you want to make or Optional Continued on join
If you back.Rendoxoll and the
Some cards will present the
©2019 Chooseco LLC
counterattack, go to Void of Niro Story
Challenges you want to take on.
Card 10.
CHOICES Talk to the creature
crew with Required or Optional
If you and the crew travel to Purple,
go to Void of Niro Story Card 5.
WIN: Raise Signal Tracker by two
STORY CARD Challenges. You must undertake all and continue below.
Required Challenges you encounter, LOSE: Raise EPM Meter by two.
Another Active Character must try.
but you may choose whether or not
to take on Optional Challenges.
Each Challenge falls into one of ©2019 Chooseco LLC Continued on back.
five different types:
Piloting Diplomacy Dexterity Perception Strength
Certain Characters will be better suited to certain types of Challenges,
based on their natural proficiencies (shown on the Character Cards) and
any Challenge Boosters they possess.
3 4
CHALLENGES (Continued) CHALLENGES (Continued)
To perform a Challenge, follow these steps:
1. Check the Challenge Level
2. Choose an Active Character You may use one Challenge Booster for each Challenge. The Challenge
Booster must be in the possession of the Character performing the
3. Choose a Challenge Booster (optional) Challenge, and the Challenge type icon must match the Challenge type
4. Roll the Die and Resolve being performed. You must declare which Challenge Booster
you are using before rolling the Die.
If the Challenge Booster shows + , + , or + next to the Challenge
The Challenge Level is the number a player must reach or exceed type, that number will be added to the number rolled on the Die. If it
with their Die roll (plus any bonuses) in order to win the Challenge. shows + , you will roll the Die twice and add the numbers together.
In the full game, the Challenge Level changes over the course of the After the Challenge, the Challenge Booster remains in your possession,
game. In this demo, the Challenge Level is always 4. and may be used again for future Challenges.
2. CHOOSE AN ACTIVE CHARACTER WARNING: If you roll a 1 while using a Challenge Booster,
the Challenge Booster is destroyed. The effect of the Challenge
Each Character has certain Challenge types that they are more or less Booster is still applied to the current Challenge, but then the card must
proficient in, as shown on their Character Card. If a Challenge type shows be discarded. If you are using a Challenge Booster that allows you to roll
+ next to it, that Character adds 1 to the Die roll when they perform a twice, the Challenge Booster is destroyed if either roll is a 1.
Challenge of that type. If it shows - , they subtract 1 from the Die roll.
When choosing which Character to use for a particular Challenge, take 4. ROLL THE DIE AND RESOLVE
into account each Character’s proficiencies, as well as any Challenge
Boosters they possess. Roll the Die. Add or subtract the number on the Character Card that
IMPORTANT: You must choose matches the Challenge type (if there is one). Then apply the effects of
an Active Character to perform ACTIVE
the Challenge Booster (if one was played). The resulting number is the
Challenge Total.
the Challenge. Each Character begins
If the Challenge Total is equal to or higher than the Challenge Level, you
AGE: 22
the game in the Active state. After a
E: Lacoos
Primary Unit
win the Challenge. Follow the WIN instructions shown for the Challenge.
of the Laco
onian Syste
Rapid Force m
Character performs a Challenge, their BIO : So youn
entrusted with yet
so much
If the Challenge Total is less than the Challenge Level, you lose the
A bit
Character Card is flipped over, and they
of a hothead.
action now,
later. Has neve
Challenge. Follow the LOSE instructions.
to Earth. Repr been
+ esented
become Inactive. Inactive Characters
Lacoos in the
System Kick
Championship— g
walloped by
may NOT perform Challenges.
Follop. Scan the ship
oriented, good : Decisive, forthright, actio
in n-
Example: The Challenge Level is 5, and Flppto ACTIVE
WIN: Raise Signal Tracker by two
and continue below.
WEAKNESSE physical altercations. LOSE: Raise EPM Meter by three.
thinking, quick S: Rushes in without
is performing a Perception Challenge, for which Another active Character must try.
When the last Active Character
to anger, afrai
germs, untra
– ined in Follo d of bugs and
pian kickboxin
he has a +1 proficiency. He uses a Challenge
g styles. EVon
“Five life signs IL board,”
POW says Dante.
“Very low body temperatures.
AN Most
performs a Challenge, make all
©2019 Choosec
ly reptilian,” he adds happily.
Booster that lets him roll the Die twice. He rolls “Denossian Renegades,” Tara says.
“Minions of the Evil Power Master.”
Characters Active again. Flip the ACTIVE INACTIVE “Punch in an intercept course and
a 1 on his first roll and a 3 on his second roll. + prepare for battle,” yells Chen. “They’ll
pay for Haemog!”
The cav
Flppto turns ’re ho
crew to frie Chen.
ndly! “Perhapsand we
Character Cards back to the Active side. His Challenge Total is 5 (1 + 1 + 3), so he wins laugh.
+ should follow
a sto ne
ey heha says.
nd the
“They could
It tinlead like
us right to their master.”
that loo
gles to the Evil Po
wer Ma ks
the Challenge! Unfortunately, because one of Keep the tou
thi ch. ster.
Finish s Challenge
If you engage in aBo
Earth space
Story .
go to Haemog CaStory
rd 4. Card 8.
his Die rolls was a 1, the Challenge Booster is –
5 +
If you follow the ship,
go to Haemog+Story Card 9.
destroyed and must be discarded.
After performing the Challenge (whether you won or lost the Challenge),
flip the Character Card to the Inactive side. Note: If you are allowed to (or
required to) try the Challenge again, you must use an Active Character.
When you reach the end of the second planet, your crew will find the
Evil Power Master’s lair and continue to a Final Showdown with that evil
goon! You will need to defeat the Evil Power Master to win the game in
this showdown, and you are certainly not ready for the challenges you
will face...
Note: A card saying that character or multiple characters are killed has
no effect on gameplay. That character remains in play, and you should
continue following the instructions on cards to progress the story.
In preparation for the Final Showdown, make all Characters Active. In
addition, Characters may freely exchange item cards if they wish.
The Final Showdown is played by the same rules as the rest of the
game, but the stakes are much higher. The fate of your crew and the entire
Lacoonian System will be determined by your success or failure in the
upcoming Challenges.
The last card of the Final Showdown will tell you whether the Rapid
Force team is victorious or if the Evil Power Master rules supreme!
Some cards in the game contain instructions that may contradict this
manual. Always follow the text on the card rather than the instructions in
this manual.
Game by Prospero Hall
Instructions: © 2019 Forrest-Pruzan Creative, LLC
Story Cards and DATA Cards: © 2019 Chooseco LLC
Based on the Choose Your Own Adventure® book War With The Evil
Power Master by R. A. Montgomery, © 1984, 2006 Chooseco LLC,
Waitsfield, VT.
A full catalog of currently published Choose Your Own Adventure
titles can be found at
The CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE name and logo, and book cover
design, are trademarks or registered trademarks, and trade dress of
Chooseco LLC in the United States and other countries. Z-Man Games
1995 Country Rd B2 West
is a ® of Z-Man Games. The Z-Man Games logo is a ® of Z-Man Games.
Roseville, MN 55113 USA
(651) 639-1905
Used with permission. All rights reserved. Images may differ
from actual product.
©2019 Chooseco LLC
DATA A voice resonates throughout the DATA The Denossian ship contains logs
cabin. “Rapid Force ship, this is
of communications between the
Droid Base One. Do you read?”
reptiles and the Evil Power Master,
Chen, Tara, and Flppto all
which can improve Flppto’s track-
recognize the voice and smile at
ing algorithm.
each other. Dante WHIRS with
“Rapid Force Void ship, do you
read? You are cleared to land.
Repeat: you are cleared to land.”
Print & Play Edition Go to Void of Niro Story Card 7.
Print & Play Edition
Continue to the next planet,
Void of Niro
©2019 Chooseco LLC
DATA “You are right,” says Rendoxoll. DATA After the crew jumps into a dump-
“If I did this, I would be just as evil ster, they hear a female Centauri
as the Evil Power Master.” with a husky voice say, “Who left
To ease his mechanical guilt, Ren- a candy bar wrapper next to the
doxoll hands over the sensor scans dumpster? I hate that.”
of the white beam. The lid rises, and a Kronur Krunch
wrapper drops into the dumpster.
The guard releases the lid, which
lands with a BANG on everyone’s
WAR WITH THE WAR WITH THE heads. All four let out a collective
scream of “OUCH!”—even Dante.
Print & Play Edition
Continue to Void of Niro Story
Card 13.
Print & Play Edition Go to Proxima Story Card 8.
©2019 Chooseco LLC
Story Card 2.
Print & Play Edition Print & Play Edition Go to Proxima Story Card 11.
ima Story Card 3. This option may be considered when
extremists emerged from. This begs the question:
Story Card 3.
Print & Play Edition Go to Proxima Story Card 6. Print & Play Edition
©2019 Chooseco LLC
AGE: 30
the Void of Niro. Pilot, Computer Analyst,
Bon Vivant
BIO: Colleague and
teammate of Chen. Rocks
a pair of shorts like no
one’s business. Two toes
on each foot, and three
fingers on each hand.
+ When not reading the
collected works of Earth’s
Oscar Wilde, often
peruses cookbooks from
+ exotic planets.
STRENGTHS: Highly intelligent and analytical,
good with machines and electronics, cool vest.
WEAKNESSES: Dispassionate, prone to
– pontificate, addicted to candy and baked goods.
©2019 Chooseco LLC Print & Play Edition
BIO: Decorated veteran
of the Purple Days War.
Much wisdom. Much
experience. No nonsense.
+ Always effective, always
in control, always there to
slap you out of it—what-
ever “it” may be. Usually
+ AGE: 42
OCCUPATION: Agitator, Mastermind, Jerk
STRENGTHS: Diplomatic, proactive, calm BIO: Major figure in the Purple Days War, where
under pressure, awesome whoops and hollers. he was thought to have been killed. Failed stand-
WEAKNESSES: Irritatingly competent, up comedian. Has since rallied non-Lacoonian
– secretly smug, overly strong handshakes, never
has “time for this.”
System planets into a successful rebellion. MUST
STRENGTHS: Solid minion organizer, stylish,
A COOPERATIVE ADVENTURE GAME confident, has clear goals.
WEAKNESSES: Always yelling, works too
hard, wants to destroy civilization, evil.
©2019 Chooseco LLC Print & Play Edition ©2019 Chooseco LLC
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Piloting Droid Flppto crumples the paper message in
BIO: Tara’s companion. his three-fingered fist, his usual Martian
One very humanlike eye, self-control replaced by anger. “Did you
which is kinda freaky. One expect anything else, Commander?” he
very humanlike eyebrow,
which is also kinda freaky. demands. “We both knew he would be
Head pops open often back. Doing his evil thing.”
+ to reveal 12 articulated
appendages, which do
“I hoped we had destroyed him in the
Purple Days War,” Chen says. “So many
work busily, then disap-
pear back inside him as lives lost. So much carnage. So much
quickly as they came out. purple.”
+ The Rapid Force officers sit in silence,
“The Evil Power Master is back,” remembering how the Evil Power
shouts Commander Chen to his green- Master rallied the Renegade planets that
STRENGTHS: Excellent pilot, sunny attitude, skinned Martian friend, Flppto. “And were denied entrance to the Lacoonian
can imitate voices, adequate DJ. he’s still doing his evil thing!”
WEAKNESSES: Poor depth perception, gives System alliance and led them in a rebel-
– painful hugs, bad dancer (can’t even do the Chen hands Flppto a message that just lion. “His powers must be strong again,”
Robot), beeps at the worst moments. came in to Rapid Force Command from Chen says, breaking the silence, “or he
a remote sector of the vast Lacoonian would never have attacked.”
System. The news is grim:
©2019 Chooseco LLC Print & Play Edition ©2019 Chooseco LLC Continued on back. Go to Lacoonian Congress Story Card 1.
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1 Print & Play Edition Print & Play Edition
“You are primary unit commander,”
says Flppto. “What are your orders?”
HAS COME! MARZINA IS JUST A PROXIMA Rapid Force and the Renegades have
both sent Centauri warriors into battle
“Call all unit commanders to meet
with the Lacoonian Congress,” Chen
CENTAURI over the years, sometimes against
one another. Their Renegade ties and
says. “We must plan for our defense . . . OR MORE PLANETS WILL PERISH, constant interfaction wars have always
and maybe mount an attack.” INCLUDING HAEMOG, AROUTH, kept the Centauri out of the Lacoonian
Chen and Flppto lead the other AND EARTH! YOU HAVE THREE System, but the Global Coalition, a new
unit commanders into the Lacoonian DAYS TO COMPLY.” Centauri provisional government, is
Congress. Countless voices fill the Great The Hall erupts in chaos, with repre- lobbying to change that.
Hall, speaking hundreds of languages. sentatives from across the Lacoonian “This seems like a long shot,” Tara
The dread in their eyes is clear. Every System all rushing to contact their says as Dante pilots the ship past the
conversation is about the Evil Power homeworlds. Rapid Force is on their trinary star system’s red dwarf star. “The
Master. Doing a new evil thing. own now. reports are pretty thin.”
Chen meets with Tara, the Tara is smiling, however. “Come with “The Evil One did use Centauri merce-
Congressional spokesperson. Tara is me,” she says. “This may be our break.” naries during the Purple Days War,”
respected for her firmness and wisdom Chen is confused, but he trusts Tara. replies Flppto.
in Congress, and for being a fierce veter- She saved his butt more than once Commander Chen remembers a
an of the Purple Days War. during the war. And he’d like to continue The crew arrives at Proxima Centauri name from the war. “We should speak
“I knew that evil drip wouldn’t stay to keep his butt intact. to investigate reports that the Evil Power with General Gadd.”
quiet for long,” Tara says. Tara takes Chen and Flppto to a Master is hiring mercenaries here. The “Didn’t he fight for us?” asks Tara.
Before Chen can reply, the Great Hall computer room, where her one-eyed, Centauri have a strong, hearty society Chen nods. “Yes, but he’s now consid-
is silenced by a booming, metallic voice. one-eyebrowed droid, Dante, sits in shaped by high gravity. They are fierce ered a rebel by the provisional govern-
It is the voice of the Evil Power Master. front of a console. warriors and loud laughers. ment.”
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back. Go to Lacoonian Congress Story Card 2. ©2019 Chooseco LLC Continued on back. Continued on Proxima Story Card 1.
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2 Print & Play Edition
“We got him now!” Dante cries. “The Flppto’s forehead wrinkles. “If we visit “We should start with Governor Genga,
Evil Power Master’s message led us right planets where the Evil Power Master has the leader of the Global Coalition,” Tara Find the anti-beast
to him . . . almost.” been, we can collect more transmission says. “She will be more trustworthy, and weapon
Tara’s smile fades. “Almost?” data,” he says. “I can use the data to may have intelligence to share.” WIN: Draw DATA .
“He bounced the message through design an algorithm to boost the signal.” “I’ve also read reports about a new LOSE: Try again.
nine planets,” says Dante, “including a “Then we can find him!” says Tara. group of extremists gathering power,”
base here on Lacoos. He must be on “Flppto and I will head out on the Flppto adds.
one of those nine. We’ll have to explore Fizzlit,” says Chen. “Too many choices,” says Dante.
the planets to find him.” “Dante and I are coming too,” says “Can not compute all variables.”
Flppto looks at the readouts. “The Tara. “Four heads are better than two.” “Like I said,” says Tara. “Long shot!”
signal is too weak to pinpoint his “And 18 arms are better than four,” “Either way,” says Chen, “I know there
location,” he says, grabbing the last says Dante. are a lot of wild and strange beasts on
cinna-star bagel from the table. “And this bagel is gone,” says Flppto, Proxima Centauri. And I’m pretty sure I
“Then it will be like looking for an evil polishing off the last bite. brought something along on the ship that
needle among nine haystacks,” Chen Continue to the first planet, Proxima will easily make short work of all of them.
says, his stomach growling. “Or a bacte- Centauri. If I can only remember where I put it . . .”
rium burrowing among nine gigantic
cinna-star bagels.”
Flppto shoots Chen a side-eye. If you meet with General Gadd,
“You’re not getting one bite out of this go to Proxima Story Card 10.
bagel,” he hisses.
If you see the provisional governor,
“No time for bagels!” snaps Tara. “We go to Proxima Story Card 2.
need to boost that signal.”
If you investigate the extremists,
©2018 Chooseco LLC
Continued on back. ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back. go to Proxima Story Card 4.
2 1
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The crew is ushered in to see Genga’s smile disappears, and she The report on the extremists is weeks Chen peeks at the stone station.
Governor Genga, the leader of the retreats behind her desk. “You may old, but it’s the only lead the crew has on Rubble from the roof and front wall
Global Coalition. Genga is a Centauri investigate our files if you wish,” she this militant rebel faction. covers the door. “No easy approach,”
woman with gray skin standing five feet says. “The report says they’ve resorted he says.
tall and almost as wide. Her broad, chis- The governor tries to collect the to terrorism,” Flppto says as the crew “Shh,” hisses Tara, pointing down a
eled face breaks into a huge smile and papers spread on her desk. “As you can sneaks through Kosov, a burned-out side street. “Patrol.”
she rushes around her desk. Chen fears see, I’m actually quite busy. My aide will Centauri city.
she may crush him in a bear hug. show you the way.” “Just the kind of fanatics the Evil Guy Hide from the patrol
Instead, she shakes Tara’s hand, One sheet slips through her thick would employ,” Tara says.
fingers, and Genga almost topples her “The base is near,” says Chen. “Scans WIN: Continue below.
nearly breaking her arm. “Welcome,
Congresswoman,” she says. “What can chair scrambling to grab the paper as it detect 15 life signs.”
I do to help the Lacoonian System and falls. “They are inside an abandoned securi-
Rapid Force?” ty station,” Flppto adds.
“We’re hunting the Evil Power Master,” OPTIONAL CHALLENGE The crew quickly hides in a dumpster.
Tara says, rubbing her sore arm. Grab the paper “I can’t believe we’re stuck on guard
“He is not here!” Genga says quickly. WIN: Draw DATA . duty during the attack on Gadd,” one
“Proxima Centauri has officially severed LOSE: Continue below. extremist says in a gruff voice.
ties with all Renegade elements.” “It’s your fault for shooting your mouth
“We are searching for ‘unofficial’ asso- off,” says a female with a huskier voice.
ciations,” Chen says, curling his fingers The voices fade. Chen turns to Flppto,
into quotes to drive home his meaning. who is eating a Kronur Krunch bar.
“Have your security forces uncovered “Where did you get that?” he asks.
anything you can share?” “Never mind. We must warn Gadd.”
To follow the aide,
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back. go to Proxima Story Card 9. ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back. Draw DATA .
2 4
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Few buildings remain standing at the with a Centauri, a door opens on the The crew approaches the rear of the “I fear help may arrive too late,” says
spaceport. A long terminal sits along the ship, and a platform loaded with crates hangar and peeks through shattered Flppto. “This may be up to us.”
edge. A crumbling stone tower in the descends. The Denossian opens one and windows. Inside, Centauri extremists “That extremist said, ‘The boss sent
middle is surrounded by landing pads, holds up a laser rifle. The head Centauri stack weapon crates next to stores of word from the tower,’” says Chen.
most of which are covered in rubble. At nods, and the rest of the extremists start explosives, large-caliber weapons, and “Maybe the boss is in the spaceport
the far end, a few hangars still stand. hauling crates toward the hangars. a few armored vehicles. Several crates tower? If so, that’s our best chance to
As the crew surveys the area, a delta “We can’t let them have that advanced lie empty, their contents already stowed end this.”
wing transport ship descends toward weaponry,” Tara says. “We gotta take in packs lashed to muscular, tusked “Too bad you won’t survive to find
a clear pad behind the tower. Chen out that hangar.” gaurogs. out, Rapid Force scum!” says an extrem-
motions everyone to take cover and “Where are these going?” asks one ist beast rider who’s aiming a laser rifle
watch. OPTIONAL FREE ACTION Centauri. He grabs a saddle and hauls at the group.
Shortly after the ship lands, a dozen If you have DATA , himself onto the back of a beast. Several
armed Centauri emerge from the termi- you may draw DATA . other riders mount up as well. REQUIRED CHALLENGE
nal and march toward a tall humanoid “The boss just sent word from the Defeat the beast rider
who descends from the ship. tower,” replies another extremist. “Take WIN: Draw DATA .
“Is that him?” Chen prods Dante. “Is these weapons to the cache outside LOSE: Draw DATA .
that the Evil Power Master?” the governor’s office. The final assault
The droid extends a night-vision happens soon.”
scope. “Negative. It’s a reptilian human- “They’re staging a coup!” hisses Tara.
oid,” Dante says, “from the Renegade “We must send word to Rapid Force
planet Denoss.” Command,” Chen whispers.
“This is an arms deal,” says Tara. “I have already sent an encoded
After the Denossian shakes hands message,” Dante says.
To follow the extremists,
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back. go to Proxima Story Card 5. ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back.
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The gaurog’s paws compress The blast rips a hole clean through the “What was that?” asks the female. Tara and Dante—who really is amaz-
Commander Chen’s chest. The beast gaurog, affording Chen a momentary “Who’s in there?” yells the male. ingly fast—reach the bombed-out door-
snorts again, fouling the air, and shifts its view of the crimson Centauri sky. When As the lid rises again, Tara fires her way, but two beasts carrying riders
weight. A sharp pain sears Chen’s legs the beast’s legs buckle—and the one-ton blaster at the side of the dumpster. She emerge from an alley and block the
as the gaurog extends its claws. beast falls toward him—the folly of this grabs Flppto’s arm and pulls him through street.
Biting back the pain, Chen tries to course of action hits Chen in the face. the hole she just created. Chen follows. Chen and Flppto skid to a stop as the
think before the beast can stab him with “Intruders!” yells the female. “Call beasts lope toward them. The riders aim
If any Active or Inactive Character
its claws or gore him with its waving has DATA , the team may for reinforcements!” A violet laser tears their rifles as the beasts shake their tusks.
tusks. discard it to automatically WIN through the stone wall next to Chen as
The rider seems to be ignoring Chen, Challenge below. he rounds the corner. From behind him, REQUIRED CHALLENGE
which he feels is a blessing until he hears he hears two gruff grunts of pain and the Fight the gaurog riders
the report of a laser rifle followed by REQUIRED CHALLENGE sound of Dante’s mechanical arms. WIN: Draw DATA .
Flppto screaming. A second laser fires, Lift the gaurog off of Chen “Score two for Dante!” exclaims the LOSE: Draw DATA .
and Tara screams. Chen has one chance WIN: Draw DATA . little droid.
and one chance only. LOSE: Draw DATA . Several extremists appear. Chen and
“Dante!” he calls. “Blaster!” Chen Dante follow Flppto and Tara into the
waves his hand in the air, and, amaz- next street as laser blasts streak through
ingly, he feels the cold, hard grip of a the air around them.
blaster hit his palm, followed by another The crew dodges in and out of alleys
laser blast and the CLANG of a metal and around piles of rubble. Despite the
body hitting the ground. Chen closes his planet’s gravity, they manage to pull
hand around the blaster, raises his arm, ahead. Tara races toward a large build-
and fires at the beast’s chest. ing that stands at the edge of the city.
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The crew enters the spaceport tower. If any Active or Inactive Character The governor’s aide shows the crew elements, much of our current situation
Chen and Tara disable two guards at the has DATA , the team may to a windowless room filled with shelves might be different,” Flppto counters.
base of the stairs. The group climbs up. discard it to automatically WIN and cabinets. She shoots Tara a look of “We were at war!” barks Tara.
Crimson light suddenly streams from Challenge below. pity and departs. Chen waves off the old argument and
above. A look of horror crosses Tara’s Dante skitters around the stacks, trying flips through reports, looking for any
face, and she waves her hands to stop REQUIRED CHALLENGE to decipher the underlying organization- evidence that the Evil Power Master has
Chen from striding forward. Track the message al principle, which the droid describes as been on Proxima Centauri.
Two violet blasts hit the stairs, and WIN: Draw DATA . “randomly alpha-temporal.”
Chen throws himself against a wall. Tara LOSE: Try again. “Why aren’t these computerized?” REQUIRED CHALLENGE
dives beside Chen and shoots the guard Chen complains. Find evidence
who fired on them. Chen moves into the “Between interfactional strife and WIN: Draw DATA .
tower room. A figure appears. mercenary opportunism, the Centauri LOSE: Try again.
“Good morning,” says Governor have been at war throughout their
Genga. “Surprised?” modern age,” says Flppto. “Hence, this
“Your double life is over,” Tara says. technological stagnation.”
Flppto pulls out a pair of force-cuffs. Tara nods. “That’s the main reason
“By the power of Rapid Force, I place they want to join the Lacoonian System.”
you under arrest,” he says, yanking the “Maybe,” Chen says, opening a
governor’s hands behind her back. cabinet labeled More Recent Reports,
“Too late,” she says. “I’ve already “if the Centauri hadn’t worked with
sent the Evil Power Master a hologram Renegades, they might be in it already.”
message. You’ll never catch him.” “If the Lacoonian Congress hadn’t
ordered the eradication of all Renegade
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General Gadd fought beside Chen Chen and Gadd fire at the onrushing doned spaceport had been his base of
during the Purple Days War. The “My intel says the extremists plan to beast rider. Chen’s shot rips through the operations. In the tower, they found a
commander has always known Gadd as meet a group of off-worlders at dawn,” gaurog’s tusk, bringing it down. Gadd’s hyper-light transponder and thought to
a straight shooter on and off the battle- he says after dinner. blast finishes off the rider. Flppto and use it to seek allies for the rebellion.
field. “Let’s crash that meeting,” Tara says. Tara turn back to face the other riders as “When I turned down the Evil Power
“My dear Commander,” says the “It’s at an abandoned spaceport,” Dante directs the action from above. In a Master, the more militant members
general. A broad smile creases the says Gadd. “But I have a more pressing few minutes the extremists are all dead. turned on me and forced me to flee,”
jagged scar on his slate-gray face. “To concern.” He leans in. “The extremists “You owe me an explanation,” Chen he says. “They must have used that
what do I owe the pleasure?” want me dead. We expect an attack at says to Gadd, who is examining a laser transponder to strike a bargain with the
After a crushing embrace, Chen takes any time. Will you help me?” rifle. devil. Destroy it and their leader. Then I
a moment to refill his lungs. “We think “They went and did it,” Gadd says can bring the extremists to heel.”
the Evil Power Master may be recruiting with a scowl. “Yes, I will come clean, old
again,” he says. “If anyone knows about friend. The fate of my planet is at stake.”
clandestine deals on this rock, it’s you!” Gadd explains that the extremists
Gadd claps Chen on the back, knock- broke away from his rebellion after the
ing him forward. “Come to my tent,” he Evil Power Master contacted him. “I
says. “We will dine, and I will tell you turned down his help,” he says. “I know
what I know.” too well the cost we would pay.”
Over a meal of roasted gaurog, a wild “That was smart thinking,” says Tara.
Centaurian beast, Gadd explains that the Chen presses for more. “How did the
extremist faction broke away from his If you stake out the spaceport, Evil One contact you?” he asks. “I need
rebellion and is now intent on bringing go to Proxima Story Card 3. to know everything.”
down the Global Coalition at any cost. Gadd sighs and says that the aban-
If you battle beside Gadd, To enter the spaceport tower,
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“Your intel is quite detailed,” Chen says
as he moves into position with Gadd.
“They’re flanking,” says Dante, who
has somehow climbed a tree. VOID has always hated being dematerialized.
Sure enough, when he rematerializes
“You have someone on the inside?”
Gadd’s stony gaze lingers for a second
“Watch for gaurog riders!” Gadd yells.
OF NIRO on the Menton, the process proves less
than perfect.
before he turns his attention to the REQUIRED CHALLENGE Chen jiggles his foot a few times until
jungle. “They are here,” he says. Defeat the gaurog rider
all the pieces of his leg fall into place.
A moment later, Proxima Centauri’s WIN: Go to Proxima Story Card 12. The commander of the Menton,
scarlet twilight lights up from flashes LOSE: Draw DATA . Sartan, appears. “Need some help with
of weapon fire in the jungle. At first, that?” she asks, a wry smile on her face.
Gadd’s rebels have the upper hand as Chen avoids eye contact while Tara
bullets tear through the foliage and bring chuckles quietly.
down a half dozen extremists. “We have much to discuss,” Sartan
But the extremists rally quickly. Violet says, then strides to a large viewscreen
laser blasts hit their mark again and that reveals the Void of Niro, an immense
again, vaporizing rebel foot soldiers. area of Dark Energy. She taps a few
“Those guns are new!” yells Gadd. buttons. The Void enlarges to fill the
“The extremists have been making screen, and a planet comes into view.
friends,” Tara cries. It’s hard to see in Reports of a strange energy beam lead “Yesterday, that beam of unknown ener-
the low light, but the purple laser flashes the crew to the space frigate Menton gy appeared on this planet,” she says.
from their weapons make great targets. patrolling the edge of the Void of Niro. “But that’s . . . ” Tara starts, stunned.
Chen, Flppto, and Tara return fire and Flppto convinces Commander Chen “Yes,” says Flppto. “It’s Purple, the
drop several attackers. to use the teletransporter to board the planet we saved from the Evil Power
Menton, even though the commander Master during the Purple Days War.”
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back. ©2019 Chooseco LLC Continued on back. Continued on Void of Niro Story Card 1.
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The thought of Purple raises old “I am a Protor 331,” it says. “I am a After they escape, Flppto spots an If any Active or Inactive Character has
demons. Chen focuses on the task at pilot, astrogator, and companion.” access hatch that leads to a tunnel. DATA , the team automatically
hand. “Where is the beam heading?” he “We’ll stick with Dante,” Chen says. “I read about these tunnels in a report WINS Challenge below.
asks. Sartan says, “But Protor is clearly from the Purple Days War,” he says,
“Impossible to tell,” says Dante, after superior to your rudimentary droi—” opening the hatch. Return to the Void ship
analyzing Sartan’s data. “No known “We’ll stick with Dante!” says Dante, “Can you find a way back to the Void
planet lies in its path.” cheerfully interrupting her in a perfect ship?” Chen asks. WIN: Continue below.
LOSE: Try again.
“We need a Void ship,” Tara says. imitation of Chen’s voice. “I believe so,” says Flppto. “I do have
“There, I can help,” says Sartan. She Flppto looks at the Void ship. “Should a photographic memory, you know.”
leads the crew to a small spacecraft we follow the beam to its origin,” he “Then lead on,” Chen says, gesturing
shaped like an arrowhead: a Void ship asks, “or to its destination?” down the endless black tunnel.
built to push through Dark Energy. Dante extends a flashlight from his Finally, the crew makes it back to
Chen looks at Flppto and smiles. head to illuminate the way. the Void ship, which is guarded by just
“Perfect. Just like the one we flew in the In the bright light, Chen sees that it a few Purpleans. Chen and Tara knock
Purple Days War,” he says. is, in fact, an endless tunnel. His hopes out one each, while Flppto and Dante
Flppto raises an eyebrow. “I don’t dim. subdue the third. After the take off,
recall those days being perfect,” he says. The crew blunders through the tunnels a small explosion disrupts the beam,
A sleek droid is fueling the ship. “You for what seems like hours, eventually which winks out.
can take the droid,” says Sartan. “It’s an finding the beam generator, which they
excellent Void pilot.” study and then set to “Overload.”
Dante clatters over to the droid and If you go to the origin of the beam,
asks, “What is your make and model?” go to Void of Niro Story Card 2.
If you go to the beam’s destination,
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back. go to Void of Niro Story Card 10. ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back. Draw DATA .
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Dante flies the ship into the Void and The crew enters a command center
follows the energy beam to its source. room behind Rendoxoll. “I’ve waited
Chen thinks about Purple. Without a for this day for a long time,” says the
star, its people lived in near-total dark- droid. “I will use the Evil Power Master’s
ness with no technology. Yet they were own power against him. The light
a happy society that crafted tools, made beam is a neutrino tunnel to the Evil
shelters, and lived off the land. Power Master’s base on Purple,” says
That was before the Evil Power Master Rendoxoll. “I reversed his beam, but I
subjugated them. He devised Void- won’t be sending ships.”
piercing technology and attacked the “What are you sending?” Tara asks,
galaxy from the safety of Purple. fear in her trembling voice.
“We have reached Purple,” says “Dark Energy torpedoes,” replies
Flppto, bringing Chen back from his Rendoxoll. “A weapon of my own
reverie. The violet-colored planet is bare- If any Active or Inactive Character has design. Each will explode with the equiv- REQUIRED CHALLENGE
ly noticeable within the Void’s miasma, DATA , the team automatically alence of a 50-megaton neutron bomb.” Convince Rendoxoll to
but the white beam flares like a beacon. WINS Challenge below. Chen and Flppto stare at each other, abort his plan
FREE ITEM aghast. Dante emits a loud whistle. WIN: Draw DATA .
REQUIRED CHALLENGE “That will kill everyone on the planet!”
Draw DATA . Dodge the energy beam LOSE: Draw DATA .
and land on Purple Tara says.
As the Fizzlit orbits, a second beam “Exactly,” says Rendoxoll. “I won’t
flares on Purple and heads for them! WIN: Go to Void of Niro Story miss the Evil Power Master this time.”
Card 11.
LOSE: Go to Void of Niro Story
Card 5.
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The beam bathes the ship in light, and Inside Droid Base One the crew finds “What happened?” he asks. “How did
the cabin goes white. Searing pain rips Escape the beam an old friend from the Purple Days War. the Evil Power Master escape?”
through the crew, like their veins are “Rendoxoll!” Chen yells. “We thought “I underestimated his evil and his
WIN: Draw DATA .
pumping lava and their nerves are on you were dead!” power,” says Rendoxoll.
fire. LOSE: Draw DATA . “Just as you thought the Evil Power Rendoxoll comes to a stop by a glass
Chen tries to scream but can only Master was dead,” replies Rendoxoll. “In cell. “I probed his mind and extracted
gurgle. Similar gurgles come from fact, we both survived the war.” his secrets,” he says, “which helped me
Flppto and Tara. “But how?” Tara asks. build this base and its defenses. But the
Dark spots appear on Chen’s arms, “Follow and all will become clear,” says Evil One had secrets buried too deep
and his muscles wither. Next to him, Rendoxoll. He turns and floats away. even for my probes.”
Tara’s papery skin hangs limp. Rendoxoll, the droid hero of Lacoos,
Chen turns to look at Flppto, almost auto-destructed to destroy the Evil Power
fainting from the pain. Flppto’s green Master on the final day of the war. Or so
body has turned ashen, and his bulbous everyone in the system believed.
head lolls on his sunken chest. As Rendoxoll shows off his droid-op-
“An instant aging beam?” Chen asks erated base, he explains that he tele-
no one in particular. His heartbeat is transported the Evil Power Master deep
irregular, and he labors to breathe. into the Void and subdued the Evil One
“Looks like it,” says Dante. The droid’s before his body reformed.
one eye droops and looks wrinkled. “I built this base to be his prison,” says
“Get us . . . out of . . . here,” Chen Rendoxoll.
gasps. “You are my hero,”gushes Dante.
“Taking evasive action,” calls Dante. Flppto ignores the starstruck droid.
Go to Void of Niro Story Card 9.
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“We’re not far from the ship,” whis- If any Active or Inactive Character The Purpleans look ready to carry out “Nor will I,” says Flppto.
pers Flppto as Chen and Tara decide has DATA or DATA , skip their evil master’s orders, although their The Evil Power Master laughs. “NO
whether to fight or submit. Challenge below and draw hands are trembling. They are slaves, ONE ASKED YOU, MARTIAN,” he
They both know if the crew escapes, DATA . Tara realizes. They should not pay for says and leaves.
the Purpleans will be punished. If there is their master’s evil. Chen stares at Dante’s parts. If he
a chance to end this here and now, they REQUIRED CHALLENGE Tara raises her hands. “We won’t hurt could put the droid together, they could
Fight to reach the ship
must take it. They nod at each other. these people,” she says. “We surrender.” cut through the cell walls.
“We know you too well, Evil Power WIN: Draw DATA . Chen and Flppto raise their hands and
Master,” Tara says. “If we surrender, LOSE: Draw DATA . look to Dante. All of his mechanical bits
you’ll kill us or make us suffer forever!” are extended and waving.
Chen whips out his blaster and aims The Evil Power Master breaks into his
at the Evil One. “This ends now!” he Evil Power Laugh and commands the
screams and pulls the trigger. Purpleans to imprison the crew.
Nothing happens. Chen, Tara, and Flppto are taken
“DID YOU FORGET WHERE YOU beneath the surface of Purple and put
ARE?” says the Evil One with a chuckle. in a cell that looks like a giant fish tank.
“ENERGY WEAPONS DO NOT WORK Dante lies in pieces in the corner, having
IN THE VOID OF NIRO UNLESS been cruelly disassembled.
With a last laugh, the Evil Power CELL, KNOWING I DEFEATED YOU.”
WIN: Draw DATA .
Master slips through the throng of “We will never submit!” cry Chen and
Purpleans as they advance on the crew. Tara.
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Rendoxoll stops in front of the shat- The ship lands on Purple. A sound
tered cell. Metal debris and glass shards Retrieve the object like thunder echoes in the air outside
cover the floor. “I manipulated the Dark the ship. Dante spins in a quick circle as
Energy shield surrounding the base to WIN: Draw DATA .
LOSE: Continue below. creatures run headlong toward the crew
exclude his cell,” explains Rendoxoll. “I from all directions.
assumed that would prevent him from The crew is soon surrounded by
escaping.” Chen turns to Rendoxoll. “What Purpleans carrying clubs, spears, and
Chen deduces the rest. “He searched happened next?” he asks. axes, their mauve skin barely visible
for spaces where the shield was weak “The Evil Power Master returned to against the violet sky. Purpleans are
and exploited them.” Purple,” he says. “That is where the short—none stands taller than four feet.
“Exactly,” says Rendoxoll, his mechan- beam originated. We are about to launch Their hairless bodies look like they’ve
ical voice tinged with regret. “It took him a massive counterattack. Would you like been chiseled from lavender stone.
years, but his evil is persistent.” to join?” “It’s all coming back to me,” Tara says.
“That evil goon!” says Tara, making Tara whispers to Chen: “Such an “YES,” says a voice the crew remem-
a fist. attack could kill many Purpleans. We bers. “HOW SAD YOU WOULD
“Once out,” says Rendoxoll, “he should go there and stop him ourselves!” FALL INTO MY TRAP SO EASILY A
found my Void-capable teletransporter SECOND TIME.”
and disappeared.” The mob parts, and the Evil Power
“What is that in the corner?” Dante Master steps through.
asks, pointing several arms at a small “WOULD YOU FIGHT THE
object barely visible beneath the shards PURPLEANS AGAIN?” says the Evil
If you join Rendoxoll, If you decide to fight,
of glass and twisted metal. go to Void of Niro Story Card 4. Power Master. “SUBMIT AND I MAY go to Void of Niro Story Card 6.
If you and the crew travel to Purple, If you surrender,
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Dante activates the ship’s Dark Energy An incessant knocking—TAP, TAP, “Why?” Tara asks.
shield. Tara and Flppto feel a familiar TAP, TAP, TAP, TAP, TAP—invades “SO YOU CAN REMAIN MY
tingle. Flppto’s nightmare of a gruesome death PRISONERS FOR A VERY LONG
“I don’t miss that,” Tara says. at the hands of the Evil Power Master. TIME!” His laughter echoes in the room
“I find it most . . . enjoyable,” says The Martian opens his eyes to a new long after he leaves.
Flppto as he settles into his seat. nightmare: the Evil Power Master grin-
The white beam pushes through ning at the unconscious crew while he REQUIRED CHALLENGE
the miasma of the Void. As the ship taps on the glass wall of their prison. Escape the prison
approaches, the beam fills the screen. Flppto kicks Commander Chen and WIN: Draw DATA .
“It’s enormous!” Chen says. “What in shakes Tara, so they can join him in LOSE: Try again.
the seven moons of Gobo is that?” his waking nightmare. Tara takes one
In answer, twelve delta wings appear look at the Evil Power Master’s grin and
as if they had flown out of a long tunnel. groans. She turns away and crawls over
The group breaks into three squadrons to reboot Dante.
and attacks a hexagonal space station. REQUIRED CHALLENGE Chen inspects his body, which is
“No record of that station,” says Battle the attack fleet young and strong. Tara and Flppto also
Dante. WIN: Draw DATA . seem at full health, and Dante’s eye is
“They need our help!” Tara cries. LOSE: Draw DATA . bright and inquisitive. Was it all a dream?
Four delta wings turn toward the Void “YOU LUCKY DUCKS,” says
ship. Energy weapons don’t function in the Evil Power Master, his booming
the Void, so Chen and Flppto fire round words dripping with sarcasm. “I HAVE
rocks at the ships from pneumatic tubes. RETURNED YOUR POINTLESS
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Suddenly, Dante starts spinning in a The crew tracks the Evil Power Master “STOP!” the Evil Power Master
“Tara and Chen pick up a discarded
fantastical manner and sounds a series to a deep-sea base on Kronur, a planet shouts. “I’LL NEVER—”
“We Rapid Force!” banner and run
of victorious BEEPS the crew has never so beautiful, the galaxy put a ring on it. Flppto kicks the Evil Power Master in
around the Evil Power Master, wrapping
heard before. Several rings! Kronur is dominated by a the shin, and the dastardly dude yelps,
him up to his chest.
“What’s happening?” asks Chen. hydrogen sea. providing the perfect open-mouthed
They hear a DING and Dante lands, his
“Those are the Completion Beeps,” The Evil Power Master submerged his opportunity to feed him the cupcake.
head popping open as his internal oven
Flppto says. “That last signal boost was base within a kelp colony. The crew cuts Flppto squeezes the Evil Power Master’s
timer goes off. Flppto reaches inside
enough for the algorithm to pinpoint the through the base’s airlock, disarms the lips shut with two green fingers.
Dante and produces a rainbow-frosted
Evil Power Master’s location.” security system, fights robot mimes, and The Evil Power Master can’t resist
“You mean we can finally get him?” beats an ancient computer at chess. the combination of sugar, concentrated
The Evil Power Master howls.
Chen asks. An appendage emerges from Dante’s glee, and Red #5. He swallows.
“That’s right,” says Flppto, bend- head. The square tip fits into a tiny aper- Comets streak across his pupils and
ing down to look at a display on ture. A door slides open. stars shine in his irises. He giggles.
“But this snack is even more hate-
Dante’s head. “He’s hiding out on . . . Once. Twice. He rolls into a hearty
able,” explains Flppto. “You see, my
KRONUR!” chuckle, then a robust guffaw, and finally
grandmother taught me how to make it.
“Let’s go stomp that rat!” says Tara soul-deep, gut-busting laughter.
She was kind and generous—”
with a whoop. He falls to the floor, convulsing
“EW, GROSS!” says the Evil Power
Dante takes over the Fizzlit’s controls with delight, and rolls around. Seven
Master, horrified.
and sets a course for Kronur. knee-slapping hours later, he literally
“And her secret ingredient?” continues
dies laughing.
Flppto. “Pure joy. This frosting contains
To fight the Evil Power Master, continue YOU WIN! YOU DEFEATED THE
the concentrated laughter of a thousand
Lacoonian children.”
PAIN and go to Story Card 1. Make all REIGNS OVER THE LACOONIAN
Characters Active. SYSTEM!
Continued on back. The End
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FINAL SHOWDOWN Print & Play Edition
CUPCAKES Flppto’s self-published poetry volume . . . and right into Flppto’s three wait- Tapping on the glass, Flppto laughs at
OF DOOM and begging him to read from it. ing fingers! In the spirit of scientific curi- the lobster once more, then returns to
Completely surrounded, the crew osity (and the spirit of getting the Evil Tara, Chen, and Dante, all celebrating
The heroes of Rapid Force charge into struggles to breathe. They try to push their triumph over evil.
the Evil Power Master’s lair. Across the Power Master real good), he quickly
through, but each admirer is replaced by studies the options on the recombina- Beady eyes follow the crew, and
enormous room stands the Evil Power another, with no end in sight. antennae cock upright. Clambering on
Master, a smug grin on his wicked face. tor’s tiny screen: Shrubbery, Mustaches,
Over the roar of the crowd, they make Rodents, Seafood. Yes, Seafood it is! top of the castle, the Evil Power Lobster
“YOU MAY HAVE TRACKED ME out the evil laughter of their archenemy. watches, maniacally rubbing his claws
DOWN,” he growls, “BUT I AM NOT Flppto levels the musket at the Evil
Power Master and pulls the trigger. together.
He grabs a cord dangling from the ceil- A scientific mumbo-jumbo ray zings
through the air and hits the Evil One EVIL POWER MASTER! PEACE
. . . YOUR OWN FOOLISH FANS!” smack-dab in his wicked chest, and he
He yanks the cord, which rolls open shrinks, disappearing within his cloak.
The Martian kicks the cloak away and DINNER!
a hangar door, and thousands of Rapid
Force fanboys and fangirls swarm into finds an irritated lobster angrily pinching The End
the room, a stampede of adoration. up at him. Flppto points at the crab-
They quickly overwhelm the crew. REQUIRED CHALLENGE by crustacean and doubles over with
Survive the rabid fans laughter. He wipes his eyes and picks
Pens are pressed into Chen’s hands to
OR Challenge Level is 6. the Evil Power Master up by the tail.
sign dashing photos. Breathless group-
ies in copycat hairstyles ask Tara who WIN: Go to Story Card 6. The crew returns to the ship, where
she’s wearing. Devotees’ selfie sticks LOSE: An Active Character Flppto places the Scourge of the Galaxy
appear in all of Dante’s appendag- must discard a Challenge in a water tank with a ceramic mermaid
es. And one fan is waving a copy of Booster or Assist Card. Then, and a tiny castle.
go to Story Card 4.
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Unable to physically make it through Just to anger the Evil Power Master— Suddenly, the adoring throngs disinte- Tara gasps. “Not a recombobulator!”
their fans—and psychologically unable and on some level, hold on to his 15 grate into a fine dust, providing both a The Evil Power Master shakes his head
to say no to the endless stream of adula- minutes of fame—Chen autographs the clear path to the Evil Power Master and and sighs. “RE-COM-BIN-A-TOR.”
tion—the crew spends hours taking wall. a profound metaphor for the fleeting “That’s what I said!” Tara snaps, indig-
photos and signing autographs. “NO! WHAT ARE YOU—?!” utters nature of fame. The confused crew is left nant. The back-and-forth continues, and
At long last they reach the Evil Power the Evil Power Master. “NO . . . MAKE holding pens and posing for no one, but Flppto takes advantage of the distraction
Master, their hands gnarled and cramped, IT OUT TO MY COUSIN, CAROL Dante BEEPS triumphantly. to pick up a headshot of Chen and fold
POWER MASTER. HUGE FAN.” it into a perfectly pointy paper airplane.
their eyes bloodshot from camera flash- “He tried to trick us with cheap
Flptto clears his throat. “You OR He launches it across the room, and
es, their mouths dry from saying “Make Manzarian androids, but I pulsed their
sure you get my good side.” mentioned something sweet, Evil Power self-destruct frequency and smoked it hits the Evil Power Master squarely in
“FAME CAN LEAVE A BAD Master? How about the sweetest dish of them.” He spins in excited circles. “No the left eye just as he waves his weapon
TASTE,” says the Evil Power Master. all: vengeance!” droid is smarter than me!” for emphasis. The musket flies out of his
“PERHAPS NOW YOU WOULD LIKE Chen, autograph book in hand, strug- hand, cartwheeling through the air . . .
SOMETHING SWEET?” REQUIRED CHALLENGE gles to hide his disappointment. “Phew!
Serve up that sweet, I’m so glad all those people who loved REQUIRED CHALLENGE
A light bulb goes off over Flppto’s sweet vengeance
OR me weren’t real.” Capture the DNA
head, and he mumbles something to Challenge Level is 7. recombinator musket
Dante. The droid pops open his top, and The Evil Power Master stares slack- OR
WIN: Go to Story Card 2. Challenge Level is 6.
the Martian busies himself. The sound jawed at Dante. “CURSES! I KNEW
LOSE: Go to Story Card 7. WIN: Go to Story Card 3.
of liquid pouring and the WHIR of an I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT THE
LOSE: Go to Story Card 5.
electric mixer is heard, then Dante snaps EXTENDED PROTECTION PLAN.
closed and hovers, spinning around and STILL, YOU CANNOT ESCAPE MY
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. . . and lands right back in the Evil He collects them in his palm and
Power Master’s grip! Great reflexes. No dumps them in a tank. The crew cowers
suprise he was a jock in middle school. together, as the other shrimp in the tank
“LOOKS LIKE EYE STILL HAVE circle them—shrimp with a scampy look
THE ADVANTAGE!” he laugh-shouts. about them. Chen, to his horror, recog-
No one joins in his laughter. “EYE, nizes them as ex-cons from the planet
AS IN SEEING, NOT I AS IN ME.” No Mandor in the Zaross System. And they
response. “NOW THAT I’M SAYING IT, don’t look too friendly . . .
The End
This is a big moment for the Evil Power
Master. He flips through the options on
the recombinator’s tiny screen. So many
choices! Lemurs, Rutabagas, Dung
Beetles, Platypuses, Random . . . Ah,
the Random setting. Fun!
He twists the dial, levels the musket,
and fires. A beam of pure, unfiltered
mutation hits the crew, shrinking them
down into . . . brine shrimp!
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