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Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s.



LOG TIME: 10:45 – 11:45 AM

A. Content Standards The learners understand the concept of computer-based information
processing system.
B. Performance The learners identify and describe the basic functions performed by hardware
Standards devices or components normally associated with a computer system.
C. Most Essential After going through this module, you are expected to demonstrate skills in:
Learning 1. define internet ethics;
Competencies/ 2. applying proper internet etiquette;
Objectives 3. demonstrating proper internet etiquette.
D. Learning Objectives Knowledge: Identify internet ethics and netiquette.
Skills: Demonstrate the proper internet etiquette.
Affective: Recognize the importance of applying proper internet etiquette
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide PP.
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Materials from Special Science Class
Learning Alternative Delivery Mode
Resources (LR) First Edition, 2021
portal Emailcarcarcitydivision@yahoo.com
B. Other Learning Chalk, blackboard, laptop, manila paper, TV, Visual aids, Cellphone,
Resources Powerpoint
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of classroom condition / house
 Listen & Watch attentively.
 Participate actively.
 Speak only when called or
recognized and stand up to give
the answer.
 All cellphones must be in silent
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting mode.
the new lesson 4. Checking of attendance
5. Checking of assignment
B. Review
Who can recall our previous lesson?
Activity 1: Picture / Scenario
Directions: Identify what internet safety tips apply to
the scenario or picture presented.

Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016

Indicator 1
Applied knowledge of
content within and across
curriculum teaching areas.
(PPST 1.1.2)



Activity 2. Guess the Word!
Indicator 3
Directions: From the words circulating in the box, Applied a range of
reveal the mystery word. What do you think the teaching strategies to
word is? develop critical and
creative thinking, as well
as other higher thinking
skills. (PPST 1.5.2)

B. Establishing a
purpose for the
Indicator 1
lesson Applied knowledge of
content within and across
curriculum teaching areas.
(PPST 1.1.2)

Indicator 4
Used a range of teaching
strategies that enhance
learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy
skills. (PPST 1.4.2)
1. According to our activity, what is ethics? Indicator 3
C. Presenting 2. Why do we study ethics in ICT? Applied a range of
teaching strategies to
examples / 3. Do you think that our topic today is related develop critical and
instances of the new to our activity? creative thinking, as well
lesson 4. Now, what is our lesson this morning? as other higher thinking
skills. (PPST 1.5.2)
5. Who can read the objectives of our lesson?
D. Discussing new 3. EXPLORE
concepts and Activity 3: Word Puzzle Indicator 3
practicing new skills Directions: Complete the puzzle. Use the clues to Applied a range of
teaching strategies to
#1 help you to fill in the boxes with the correct words. develop critical and
creative thinking, as well
as other higher thinking
skills. (PPST 1.5.2)

Indicator 1
Applied knowledge of
content within and across
curriculum teaching areas.
(PPST 1.1.2)

Indicator 4
Used a range of teaching
strategies that enhance
learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy
skills. (PPST 1.4.2)
Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016

Activity 4. Video clip presentation

Directions: To correctly respond to the questions
that follow, pay close attention during the video clip

Indicator 3
Applied a range of
teaching strategies to
Guide questions: develop critical and
creative thinking, as well
1. What is internet ethics? as other higher thinking
2. How should people ethically use the internet skills. (PPST 1.5.2)
and social media?
E. Discussing new Indicator 4
concepts and Used a range of teaching
practicing new skills strategies that enhance
learner achievement in
#2 literacy and numeracy
skills. (PPST 1.4.2)

Indicator 1
Applied knowledge of
content within and across
curriculum teaching areas.
(PPST 1.1.2)

Activity 5. Group Discussion & Demonstration

Indicator 7
1. The class will be divided into four according Established a learner-
to their barangay or hometown. centered culture by using
teaching strategies that
2. Each group will get an activity / task card. respond to their linguistic,
3. Each group will discuss the guidelines or cultural, social-economic
netiquette rules and prepare a short and religious backgrounds.
(PPST 3.2.2)
presentation on how to demonstrate the
guidelines or netiquette rules for 3 minutes.
Group 1 – Role playing.
1. Avoid posting inflammatory or offensive Indicator 3
comments online (a.k.a flaming). Applied a range of
2. Respect others' privacy by not sharing teaching strategies to
develop critical and
personal information, photos, or videos that creative thinking, as well
another person may not want published as other higher thinking
skills. (PPST 1.5.2)
Group 2 – Poster making.
3. Never spam others by sending large
amounts of unsolicited email.
4. Show good sportsmanship when playing
online games, whether you win or lose.
5. Don't troll people in web forums or website
comments by repeatedly nagging or
annoying them.
Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016

Group 3 – Song & Sing.

6. Stick to the topic when posting in online
forums or when commenting on photos or
videos, such as YouTube or Facebook
7. Don't swear or use offensive language.
Group 4 – Broadcasting.
8. Avoid replying to negative comments with
more negative comments. Instead, break
the cycle with a positive post.
9. If someone asks a question and you know
the answer, offer to help.
10. Thank others who help you online.
Criteria 1 2 3
Content The group did The group The group Indicator 9
and not demonstrate shows minimal demonstrated Used strategies for
Presen- targeted content demonstration of targeted providing timely, accurate
tation and presentation targeted content content and and constructive feedback
skills. and presentation presentation to improve learner
skills. skills. performance. (PPST 5.3.2)
Coopera The group does The group The group are
tion and not know their defined on tasks and
Team- tasks and have responsibilities have defined
work no defined and conflicts responsibilities Indicator 4
responsibilities cooperatively at all time and Used a range of teaching
and conflicts managed most conflicts are strategies that enhance
must be settled of the time. cooperatively learner achievement in
by the teacher. always literacy and numeracy
managed. skills. (PPST 1.4.2)
Time- The group did The group The group
liness not finish on finished on time. finished ahead
time. of time.

Guide questions:
1. What is netiquette?
2. Based on your group activity, what are the
guidelines or netiquette rules?
3. As a student, why is it necessary for us to
discuss netiquette?
F. Developing mastery 4. EXPLAIN
Activity 6. Put a Check mark (√) in the column
ETHICAL if the act is following the Internet Ethical
rules and NON-ETHICAL if it is not.
Indicator 1
STATEMENTS ETHICAL NON- Applied knowledge of
ETHICAL content within and across
1. You have received an curriculum teaching areas.
embarrassing picture from someone (PPST 1.1.2)
you know, you should send it on to
other friends.
2. The internet is used in Indicator 3
communication with respect and Applied a range of
politeness. teaching strategies to
3. You should not give out on the develop critical and
internet your name, age and your creative thinking, as well
address. as other higher thinking
4. Writing in all caps is considered skills. (PPST 1.5.2)
shouting over the internet.
5. Netiquette is like using proper
manners at the dining table.
6. Avoid flaming online.
7. Always show gratitude to anyone
who help you online.
8. It is rightful to know another
username and password.
9. Copying unauthorized writings.
10. Hacking is a device to get

G. Finding practical 5. ELABORATE Indicator 3

application of After we have discussed internet ethics and as part Applied a range of
teaching strategies to
concepts and skills of the generation that lives in the global village and develop critical and
in daily living social media is a trend, how can you show social creative thinking, as well
responsibility as a/an? as other higher thinking
skills. (PPST 1.5.2)
A. ICT Student
Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016

B. Family Member
C. Community Member (Dayhagan, Camantigue,
San Jose, and Ogbot)

H. Making 1. What is internet ethics? Netiquette? Indicator 3

generalizations and 2. What do you think is the most important rule Applied a range of
abstractions about of netiquette? teaching strategies to
develop critical and
the lesson 3. How does using proper netiquette creative thinking, as well
contribute to a positive online environment? as other higher thinking
skills. (PPST 1.5.2)
4. As a student, why is it a must for you to
value netiquette?
I. Evaluating learning 6. EVALUATE
Directions: Identify the following term that is being
asked. Choose the best answer and write the letter
in the space provided.
_____1. What is an acceptable behaviour for using
the internet?
A. Internet ethics C. Internet of things
B. Internet of everything D. internet services
_____2. Which of the following statements is not
included in netiquette rules?
A. Don't swear or use offensive language.
B. Never spam others by sending large
amounts of unsolicited email.
C. Avoid posting inflammatory or offensive
comments online (a.k.a flaming).
D. Reply to negative comments with more
negative comments.
_____3. Why are proper internet etiquette rules
important nowadays?
A. Ensure people interact effectively and avoid
B. To Ensure uneven communication and
C. Netiquette promotes communication skills,
prevents miscommunications, and helps
you understand what is socially acceptable
when working and collaborating online.
D. Having good netiquette involves being
mindful of your behavior, avoiding offensive
or derogatory language, and treating others
as you would in face-to-face interactions.
_____4. All statements are the key points about
internet ethics, except:
A. Communicate safely.
B. Respecting copyright laws.
C. Protect your personal information.
D. Troll people in web forums or website
comments by repeatedly nagging or
annoying them.
_____5. What is a code of good behavior on the
A. Computer ethics C. Etiquette
B. Ethics D. Netiquette
J. Additional activities 7. EXTEND
for application or 1. Make a digiart about social media today.
remediation Then send it to my messenger account
(Lynnel Allaf Yap).
2. Do research about the different social
media. Write it down in your ICT 8
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016

B. No. of learners who
requires additional
activities for

Prepared by: Checked and observed by:


SST III Head Teacher III

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