Common Medical Abbreviation
Common Medical Abbreviation
Common Medical Abbreviation
Abbreviations are commonly used in the medical world to save time and space whilst writing in the
patients' medical records. As various specialties have evolved, each has developed a collection of
commonly used abbreviations within its practice, which may not be recognizable to those not working within
the same field.
can help patients receive the care and medications they need faster. This allows facilities to see a greater
number of patients and improve their overall efficiency.
Can medical abbreviations create confusion and lead to errors? Can medical
abbreviations create confusion and lead to errors?
Unfortunately, abbreviations can lead to confusion for both medical professionals and patients,
introducing the potential for dangerous misunderstandings. This can lead to errors in prescribing or
administering medication and other treatments.
Think about it: If you use an acronym that is unfamiliar to your addressees, they are forced to make a choice
of interrupting the conversation for an explanation, making an assumption about its meaning, ignoring
it, or making a mental note to look it up later.
Note: This is not a complete list of medical abbreviations or error-prone abbreviations. Always speak with your
healthcare provider for any questions related to medical abbreviations or terms.
Abbreviation Meaning / Intended Meaning Notes About Confusion
1/2NS one-half normal saline (0.45%) Normal saline (NS) is 0.9%, so one-
half normal saline is 0.45%
a before
A.M. morning
aa of each
ac before meals
AD right ear
ad sat. to saturation
alt. alternate
amp ampule
amt. amount
ant. anterior
ante before
ap before dinner
Abbreviation Meaning / Intended Meaning Notes About Confusion
AQ, aq water
Ba barium
Bi bismuth
BM bowel movement
bol bolus
BP blood pressure
BS blood sugar
c with
Abbreviation Meaning / Intended Meaning Notes About Confusion
c/o complaints of
CD controlled delivery
CF cystic fibrosis
cm centimeter
conc concentrated
CR controlled-release
CV cardiovascular
D/C, dc, disc. discontinue OR discharge Multiple possible meanings; spell out
instead of using "D/C"
Abbreviation Meaning / Intended Meaning Notes About Confusion
dil. diluted
disp dispense
div divide
dL deciliter
DM diabetes mellitus
DO Doctor of Osteopathic
DR delayed-release
EC enteric-coated
elix. elixir
emuls. emulsion
Abbreviation Meaning / Intended Meaning Notes About Confusion
F Fahrenheit
f or F female
Fe Iron
fl or fld fluid
ft foot
garg gargle
GI gastrointestinal
GTT glucose tolerance test Can be confused with gtt for drops
GU genitourinary
h, or hr. hour
h/o history of
H2 histamine 2
H20 water
HR heart rate
HTN hypertension
hx history
IM intramuscular
IN intranasal
inf infusion
inj. injection
instill. instillation
IP intraperitoneal
IR immediate-release
IV intravenous
J joule
K potassium
LA long-acting
lab laboratory
lb. pound
Li lithium
liq. liquid
lot lotion
MD medical doctor
mEq milliequivalent
Mg magnesium
mg milligram
mm millimeter
mm of Hg millimeters of mercury
mMol millimole
MMR measle-mumps-rubella
MR modified-release
Na sodium
NAS intranasal
NH3 ammonia
NP nurse practitioner
NS normal saline
O2 oxygen
OC oral contraceptive
o.d. once per day Preferred in the UK; Can also mean
Abbreviation Meaning / Intended Meaning Notes About Confusion
OJ orange juice
OTC over-the-counter
PA Physician Assistant
pc after meals
PRN as needed
PM evening
q every
qod, QOD, every other day May be mistaken as qid or QID (four
q.o.d., or times daily).
Write "every other day" (per ISMP
and The Joint Commission).
RA rheumatoid arthritis
Abbreviation Meaning / Intended Meaning Notes About Confusion
Rx prescription
SA sustained action
SR sustained release
supp suppository
susp suspension
syr syrup
T temperature
top. topical
TR timed-release
ung ointment
XR extended-release