Abhishek Thesis M.tech
Abhishek Thesis M.tech
Abhishek Thesis M.tech
MIS No. 122021018
Assistant professor
Department of Civil Engineering, COEP, Pune
This is to certify that the dissertation entitled ‘Parametric Study for Designing
Preliminary Lining Thickness Of Single Tunnel And Investigation Of Spacing
Between Twin Tunnel’ submitted by MR.AKSHAY R. MEHARE (MIS No.
122021018), in the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree
Master of Technology (Civil Engineering) with specialization in Geotechnical
Engineering of College of Engineering Pune, affiliated to the Savitribai Phule Pune
University, is a record of His own work.
Date : ../…/2022
Place: PUNE ii
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Date: .../…/2022
Place: PUNE
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
I declare that, this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and where others’ ideas or
words have been included. I have adequately cited and referenced the original sources. I also declare that; I
have adhered to all the principals of academic honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or
fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in my submission. I understand that any violation of the
above will be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute and can also evoke penal action from the sources
which have thus not been properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.
Date: / / 2022
Place: PUNE
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
I wish to express my most sincere gratitude to my proficient guide Prof. Dr.S.M Nawghare, Civil
Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Pune for appreciating the idea of this subject in my
mind and for being a constant source of inspiration to me. His keen interest, constant encouragement
and timely guidance have enriched my project work. His experience, knowledge and positive attitude
made possible the culmination of this work. His unconditional support made the path easier and
I would like to express my deepest thanks to the head of the department prof. Dr. B M Dawari for his
kind support.
I would also like to thank Prof. Dr. S.S. Bhosale, Prof. Dr. Y.A. Kolekar, Prof. Dr. K.K. Tripathi and Dr
R. S. Dalvi for their kind co-operation and support.
I would like to thank to HR, MAHA Metro and TPL entire staff that helped us to undertake the site visit
at Pune Metro Rail Project. Last but not least, we would like to express our gratitude to our friends and
respondents for the support and willingness.
Lastly, I am very grateful to all the professors, staff of civil engineering department and those persons
who directly and indirectly helped me during my project work.
MIS No. 122021018
Date: / / 2022
Place: PUNE
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
1.1 General 1
1.2 Need 2
1.3 Aim and Objectives 2
2.1 General 3
3.1 Research methodology 5
3.2 Data Collection 5
3.3 Data Analysis 7
3.3.1 Parametric study for the face stability of 6.1 diameter tunnel in limestone and
sandstone: 7
3.3.2 Effect of Heterogeneity 9
3.3.3 Effect of water table 10
3.3.4 Effect of preliminary lining thickness on face stability of tunnel. 12
3.3.5 For twin tunnel
Case 1: Effect of rock property on vertical displacements of the invert. 14
Case 2: Effect of rock property on vertical displacements of the crown. 15
Case 3: Effect of rock property on solid stresses at the crown and the invert. 16
Case 4: Effect of tunnel diameter on vertical displacements of the invert. 17
Case 5: Effect of tunnel diameter on vertical displacements of the crown. 18
Case 6: Effect of tunnel diameter on stresses at the crown and the invert. 19
Case 7: Effect of heterogeneity on displacements of Crown and Invert. 20
Case 8: Effect of heterogeneity on Stresses on Crown and Invert. 21
Case 9: Effect of Water Depth on Displacements on Crown and Invert. 22
Case 10: Effect of Water Depth on Stresses on Crown and Invert. 23
Case 11: Effect of Lining Thickness on Displacements of the Crown and Invert of 6.1 Diameter
Tunnel. 24
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Case 12: Effect of Lining Thickness on Stresses of the Crown and Invert of 6.1
Diameter Tunnel. 25
For Twin Tunnel 26
Case Study: Pune Metro Underground (Civil Court to Swargate) 28
5.1 Introduction to Pune Metro 28
5.2 Need For Metro 29
5.3 Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) 34
5.4 Precast Segments (Rings) 35
5.5 Methodology 37
5.6 Observations 37
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Increasing population and urbanization leads to traffic and space congestion issues. To ease out this
complication, the scope of construction of tunnel infrastructure has risen from the last decade in urban areas.
Recent advancement in tunneling using Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) has proved to be more beneficial in
working under complex and challenging geological conditions. While being safe and faster it provides a
cost-effective solution for urban development. Besides these advantages, tunnel construction work has a
severe impact on structures above and around the tunnel alignment. Therefore, the study of the ground-
induced settlement of tunnels through various geological conditions and diameters has been an emerging
topic for researchers. Previous research had concluded that tunnel diameter, critical depth to diameter (C/D)
ratio, and ground strata have a critical impact on the face stability of the tunnel. This research work focuses
on the face stability of tunnels in different sets of geological and geometrical parameters. Three-dimensional
(3-D) finite element analysis method using Midas Gtx-Nx was proposed in this work. Hoek and Brown
failure criteria were applied while modelling. The parametric study had been done on the crown and on the
invert to observe their displacement and stresses. This study concludes that tunnel diameter and geological
parameters had a critical impact on tunnel face stability and distance between twin tunnel is investigated.
Proper investigation of these parameters is essential in the pre-planning phase of tunnel construction to prove
its benefits for society.
KEYWORD:- Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM), Critical Depth To Diameter (C/D) ratio, Twin Tunnel,
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Fig. 3.1 Modelling....................................................................................................................8
Fig 3.2 3-D Meshing for analysis.............................................................................................8
Fig. 3.3 Application of pressure...............................................................................................8
Fig. 3.4 Boundary constraints..................................................................................................8
Fig.3.5 Heterogeneity cases with change in soil depth...........................................................10
Fig 3.6 various cases of water depth......................................................................................11
Fig 3.7 Variation in lining thickness.......................................................................................12
Fig 3.8 Model in Midas GTX-Nx...........................................................................................12
Fig 4.1 Maximum vertical displacement of invert..................................................................14
Fig 4.2 Maximum vertical displacement of rown...................................................................15
Fig 4.3 Maximum stresses with change in rock property.......................................................16
Fig. 4.4 Maximum vertical displacement of invert.................................................................17
Fig. 4.5 Maximum vertical displacement of crown................................................................18
Fig. 4.6 Maximum stresses with change in tunnel diameter.................................................19
Fig. 4.7 Maximum vertical displacement of crown and invert with change in soil depth.....20
Fig. 4.8 Maximum stresses with change in soil depth............................................................21
Fig. 4.9 Maximum displacements with change in water depth..............................................22
Fig. 4.10 Effect of water depth on stresses............................................................................23
Fig. 4.11 Effect of lining thickness on displacement of 6.1m diameter tunnel.....................24
Fig 4.12 Effect of lining thickness on stresses of 6.1m diameter tunnel..............................25
Fig 4.13 Effect of lining thickness on displacement of 6.1m diameter tunnel......................26
Fig 5.1 Pune Metro route map...............................................................................................28
Fig 5.2 Visit to Vanaz depot..................................................................................................29
Fig 5.3 Tunnel boring machine..............................................................................................30
Fig 5.4 Single shield TBM.....................................................................................................31
Fig 5.5 Double shield TBM...................................................................................................32
Fig 5.6 Cutterhead.................................................................................................................32
Fig 5.7 Gripper......................................................................................................................33
Fig 5.8 Conveyor...................................................................................................................33
Fig 5.9 Field Visit to Civil Court...........................................................................................34
Fig 5.10 Precast segments......................................................................................................35
Fig 5.11 Lining.......................................................................................................................36
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Table 3.1: Pressure parameters...................................................................................................6
Table 3.2: Geotechnical Parameters...........................................................................................6
Table 3.3: Geotechnical Parameters for Highly Weathered Basalt............................................7
Table 4.1: Displacements of the invert in Limestone and Sandstone......................................14
Table 4.2: Displacement of the crown in limestone and Sandstone.........................................15
Table 4.3: Maximum Stresses on the crown and the invert for given rock property.....……..15
Table 4.4: Displacements of the invert in 6.1m diameter tunnel.............................................16
Table 4.5: Displacements of the crown in 6.1m diameter tunnel.............................................17
Table 4.6: Maximum Stresses on the crown and the invert depending upon tunnel
Table 4.7: Maximum displacements of crown and invert depending upon varying depth of
Table 4.8 Maximum stresses on crown and invert depending upon varying depth of soil…..20
Table 4.9 Maximum displacements on crown and Invert depending upon varying depth of
Table 4.10: Maximum Stresses on crown and invert depending upon varying depth of Water
Table 4.11: Maximum displacements on crown and invert depending upon varying thickness
of lining....................................................................................................................................22
Table 4.12: Maximum stresses on crown and invert depending upon varying thickness of
Table 4.13: Maximum displacements on crown and invert depending upon varying thickness
of lining...................................................................................................................................24
Table 4.14: Maximum stresses on crown and invert depending upon varying thickness of
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
1. General
Developing countries have to cope up with the increasing population and its growing demand
for open land and transport facilities. To provide an efficient transport system, there is a need
to utilize underground space productively. Usage of tunnels for transportation can help us to
reduce traffic congestion at city centers and efficiently engage underground land while saving
both time and fuel. Tunnel infrastructures have been constructed for a long time using
conventional methods like cut and cover or drill and blast. The method of tunnel construction
is governed by several factors which include site geology, groundwater conditions,
construction cost, and probable surface disruption. In recent times modern technologies,
international standards, codes, hi-tech equipment in tunnel construction are being adopted
and proved to be beneficial.
Advanced techniques of tunneling include tunneling of the single bore and twin-bore tunnels
by Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) which results in faster, safer, and cost-effective
construction. Geologically challenging and special projects are now possible because of the
New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) and mechanized techniques like TBM. The basic
advantage of using TBM for tunnel construction is that they are highly safe with low over
breaks, little disturbance to surrounding rock mass and low man power.
Tunneling requires analysis of face stability and the factors by which it is affected.
Numerical methods for tunnel analysis constitute a very valuable supplement in tunnel face
stability analysis. Various analytical methods used for tunnel analysis and design have
evolved since last decade such as finite element analysis, discrete analysis, stiffness matrix
method, finite differential method, etc. Previous studies have emphasized that the tunnel
diameter, critical depth to diameter (C/D) ratio, and geological strata govern the stability of
the tunnel. An accurate estimation of ground-induced settlements, horizontal ground
movements and pressures on tunnel lining are required for the economic design of tunnels.
Three-dimensional (3-D) finite element analysis method using Midas GTx-Nx was proposed
in this work. Hoek and Brown failure criteria were applied while TBM driven tunnel
modelling. A parametric study had been done at the crown and the invert of the tunnel and
conclusions were drawn for optimized C/D ratio. This research work concludes that proper
investigation of
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
geological and hydrological parameters in the pre-planning phase of construction offers cost-
effective tunnel construction work.
1.1 Need
The tunnel construction work for infrastructure development in metropolitan cities provides a
feasible and cost-effective solution. The geological, geotechnical and hydrological
investigation program is required to be adequately accomplished in order to provide realistic
information for economic and safe design and construction of underground infrastructure.
These are the most important aspects which affect the tunnel stability and their study and
analysis is useful from practical point of view. This research demonstrates the effect of the
tunnel size and ground strength parameter on the face stability of tunnels. It also aims at
studying the effect of heterogeneity, water table and preliminary lining thickness on face
stability (of 6.1m tunnel) which can help to improve practical situations that arise during
To perform parametric study for face stability of the tunnel and investigate the distance between
Twin Tunnel :Towards analysis and design of underground infrastructure projects using Midas
Gtx-Nx software
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
2.1 General
According to Anagnostou G. and Kovari K. [1] the geotechnical and operational aspects will
affect the tunnel face stability. Also, the mechanism of face failure is analysed under drained
conditions. Under extremely unfavourable geological and hydrogeological conditions, however,
face instabilities may occur. In this paper, the mechanism of face failure is analysed under drained
conditions. Accordingly, a distinction is made between water-pressure and effective pressure in
the chamber. The stability of the tunnel face is controlled through the combined effects of these
two entities.
W.Q. Ding, et al. [2] concluded that through the FEM analysis, numerical procedures can make
adequate predictions on the mechanical behaviour of complex soil–structure interaction system
such as shield tunnelling during and after construction. The Author also added that such numerical
predictions can enhance the design and construction measures of geotechnical works in soft soils.
He compared numerical results and actual results from the field and concluded that the numerical
procedure can be used to effectively estimate the deformation, stresses and moments experienced
by the surrounding soil and the concrete lining segments.
Guilhem Mollon suggested that the significance of face stability is related to the C/D ratio and
anticipation of ground deformation is important to prevent face collapse of the tunnel. The author
also suggested the minimum value of critical face pressure leads to the verge of collapse of soil in
front of the tunnel face. He also concluded that failure probability is more sensitive to friction
angle than to cohesion of the soil in reliable probabilistic results. The collapse reliability index
increases with increase of the tunnel face pressure. He also concluded that failure probability is
more sensitive to friction angle than to cohesion of the soil in reliable probabilistic results. The
collapse reliability index increases with increase of the tunnel face pressure.
Peng Zeng This emphasizes the importance of an adequate characterization of geotechnical
uncertainties for practical applications. This also confirms that the reliability of tunnel face
stability increases significantly as the face support increases or the tunnel diameter decreases.
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Shilpa Kulkarni [9] analysed the face stability of mega tunnels by analysing the effect of various
pressures such as earth pressure, jack thrust, skin friction between ground strata and TBM. Also
the effect of pore pressure and tunnel lining thickness on tunnel face stability. The author
concluded that the requirement of preliminary lining thickness in mega tunnels depends upon the
C/D ratio. The required preliminary lining thickness is directly proportional to the given C/D
ratio, in soft soil and Earth pressure is a critical parameter to affect face stability of the tunnel,
investigation of which at various C/D ratios is important.
Shilpa Kulkarni [10] suggested the water pressure had critically impacted face stability beyond
two times of tunnel diameter. Adequate application of pressures can stabilize the tunnel at
optimum critical depth. The authors also concluded that the three - dimensional finite element
method is an effective tool to investigate tunnel face stability and Midas Gtx-Nx proved its
effectiveness for it. Michael J. Kawadas [11] claimed that adequate control of ground pressures
ensures a safe and economical structure, well adapted to the inherent heterogeneity of ground
conditions. He also concluded that in shallow tunnels the objective of monitoring the deformation
is to limit the ground displacements to values sufficiently low to prevent damage to structures and
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Firstly to start with the work, all the relevant literature from various sources was collected and
sorted according to the need. Various books and reference papers were studied and information
was obtained. All the acquired information was thoroughly studied. Appropriate geotechnical
and pressure parameters were considered. The software used for the modelling was Midas Gtx-
Nx. The software and the procedure to create models in it were carefully studied. Models were
prepared and results were compared as well as validated. Conclusions were drawn on the basis
of observed results.
For tunnel modelling, different pressure and geotechnical parameters were referred from Shilpa
Kulkarni [11] are shown in Table 3.1 and Table 3.2. Other data for soft computing were referred
from authentic sources and research papers.
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
The negative sign indicates that the pressure is applied in the opposite direction with respect to face
Unit weight 27 27 24 78
3 (kN/m3) 22.5
Cohesion 30 40 - -
4 (MPa) -
Frictionangle 50 35 - -
5 (˚) -
Earth pressure 1 1 1 -
6 coefficient at -
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
4 Cohesion (MPa) 14
3.3.1 Parametric study for the face stability of 6.1m diameter tunnel in limestone and
For parametric study for the face stability of 6.1m diameter tunnels in limestone and sandstone,
three cases were considered. For the three cases, rock property was changed keeping the diameter
of the tunnel constant. Different sets of geotechnical and geometrical parameters were taken for
Set 1) Diameter of 6.1 m with continuum as limestone.
Set 2) Diameter of 6.1 m with continuum as sandstone.
For analysis, three-dimensional models were prepared by varying the cover depth from C=1.5D to
C=3.5D in the intervals of 0.5D. The continuum is considered upto 3.5D. Geotechnical data and
pressure parameters for limestone and sandstone were referred from the tables given in data
collection (Table 3.1 , Table 3.2 and Table 3.3). The finite element method of analysis was used
for parametric study and the displacements of crown and invert were observed using the software.
3.1 and Fig 3.2 depicts modelling and meshing performed for analysis. Hoek and Brown failure
criteria was adopted. The validated pressures were applied while modelling as shown in Fig.3.3.
Self-weight was considered. Auto constraint for boundary conditions was applied and construction
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
stages were given as depicted in Fig.3.4. Set 1 and Set 2 were compared on the basis of change in
property (Limestone and Sandstone) while keeping the diameter constant 6.1m. The variation in
displacement and stresses were observed. The variation in displacement and stresses were
observed. The vertical displacements of the crown and the invert for various cover depths were
observed. Shilpa Kulkarni [10] concluded, the right and the left vertical sidewalls have negligible
displacements as compared to the crown and the invert at a given pressure, hence it was neglected
for observation. Further, comparisons were made concerning vertical displacement and stresses
developed on key points for various rock properties using graphical representation. It was
concluded that both 6.1m diameter tunnels were stable at 2D as cover depth. Hence for further
analysis, 2D was kept as a constant cover depth.
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
The cover depth was kept constant at 2D. In case of presence of water table, the water was
considered to be present below the ground level as underground water (saturated condition)
as well as above the ground level as surface water (submerged condition). Four cases were
studied. Two cases were considered by changing the water depth below the ground level,
while the rest of the two cases were considered by changing the water depth above the
ground level. Models were prepared in the similar way adopted in earlier cases. The
displacements and stresses at crown and invert were observed for each case. Conclusions
were drawn about the effect of the water table on the tunnel from the observations.
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
The cover depth was kept constant at 2D. The diameters 6.1 were considered for analysis. Four
cases were considered by changing the lining thickness as 200mm, 300mm, 400mm, 450mm.
Again, the graphs were plotted for displacements at crown and invert and suitable lining thickness
was suggested from the observations. Conclusions were drawn about the face stability of the
tunnel from the observations.
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
In metropolitan areas, the enhanced request of mass transit and the shortage of horizontal space bring
about an increased necessity for subway transport system Despite the fact that conventional analyses
are easy to utilize and provide well results, they are restricted due to presence of different solution
methods: stresses are usually obtained by elastic solution, movements are determined by using
empirical methods. Therefore, finite element method (FEM) is preferred to handle complicated issues
such as; modeling the complicated ground conditions, excavation orders, actual behavior of soil
material, complicated hydrogeological environments ,interaction between multiple tunnels,
considering short and long term conditions, soil structure interaction (David and Zdravkovic, 2001).
Nowadays, considering the sudden increase in development of computational tools and capability of
solving the complicated issues, the finite element methods are widely used. Several restrictions of the
analytical and empirical methods can be
Eliminated by the finite element method. In addition to geotechnical properties of material, depth, the
stress-strain condition and geometry of the tunnel structure can influence the ground deformation
depending on the excavation procedure. Finite element method can consider this excavation procedure
called ‘step-by-step’ method (Katzenbach and Breth, 1981; Galli et al., 2004; Yang et al., 2015;
Panthee et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2016).
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Based on the above problem statement fourteen cases were considered which are cited below. For
the first case rock property was changed keeping the diameter of the tunnel as 6.1m. Displacement
and stress values at the crown and the invert for all cases were observed and optimum cover depth
to diameter was obtained. Taking into account the optimum cover depth further case of
heterogeneity was performed varying the soil depth above. Also a case showing effect of water
table on displacements and stresses on crown and invert were analysed. Finally the effect of
change in tunnel lining thickness in 6.1 m diameter tunnel was observed and optimum lining
thickness was concluded by consider same lining thickness distance between twin tunnel was
investigated for twin tunnel stability. A total of twenty two models were performed in MIDAS-
GTX-NX to draw the conclusions Further, the comparisons were made concerning vertical
displacement and stresses developed on key points for various cases through graphical
representation. Conclusions were drawn about the face stability of the tunnel from the observations
as given below.
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
3 1.18 1.34
3.5 0.6 0.54
There were no significant changes observed in the invert displacements when the rock properties
were changed from limestone to sandstone. Maximum displacements for both were observed at
C/D Ratio = 3. Positive values of displacements refer to the settlement of the invert.
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
C/d ratio
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
2 -1.33 -1.96
3 -2.37 -2.27
3.5 -2.37 -1.69
For the crown, significant changes in maximum vertical displacements were observed when rock
properties were changed. Negative values of displacements indicate the upheaval of the crown. For
.both maximum displacements were observed at C/D = 3.
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
C/d ratio
Displacements of crown in limestone (mm) Displacements of crown in sandstone (mm)
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Case 3: Effect of rock property on solid stresses at the crown and the invert.
Table 4.3 Maximum Stresses on the crown and the invert for given Rock Property.
When rock properties were changed from limestone to sandstone stresses on the crown showed
significant difference at C=1.5D. Negative values of the stresses depict those stresses as
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Maximum Stress kn/m2
C/D ratio
stress crown limestone
Invert Stress Limestone
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
1.5 -1.93
2 -1.33
3 -2.37
3.5 -2.37
The displacements of the crown for 6.1 m diameter tunnel were nearly equal Between
C = 3D and C = 3.5D.
Maximum displacement(mm)
C/d ratio
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Case 6: Effect of tunnel diameter on stresses at the crown and the invert.
Table 4.6 Maximum Stresses on the crown and the invert depending upon Tunnel diameter.
2 -1102.31 -990.66
3 -2321.87 -2542.88
When the diameter was changed the invert as well as crown showed maximum stresses at C=1.5D,
otherwise, at all other points, the stresses were nearly equal.
Maximum stress kn/m2
C/d ratio
Stresses on crown (6.1m dia) Stresses on invert (6.1m dia)
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Table 4.7 Maximum displacements of Crown and Invert depending upon varying depth of soil.
Displacement of the crown was seen to be insignificant due to heterogeneity. Invert displacements
varied significantly when soil depth was varied. Maximum displacement was seen at soil depth of
Maximum displacement(mm)
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Fig 4.7. Maximum vertical displacements of crown and invert with change in soil depth
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Table 4.8 Maximum stresses on Crown and Invert depending upon varying depth of soil.
1 -972.177 -93.4189
2 -34.9389 857.032
Stresses on the crown showed significant variation for various soil depths. Whereas for invert it
was not.
Stresses (kn/m2)
C/D 0.5 1 1.5 2
C/D ratio
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Table 4.9 Maximum Displacements on Crown and Invert depending upon varying depth of Water
-5 -4.1543 0.2462
5 -4.1543 0.2462
10 -4.1543 0.2462
With change in water depth, there is no significant variation of displacements. But the Crown has
shown remarkable displacement.
Maximum displacement
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Water depth
Displacement of Crown(mm) Displacement of Invert(mm)
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Table 4.10 Maximum Stresses on Crown and Invert depending upon varying depth of Water
-5 250.662 850.624
5 -1335.09 -529.646
10 850.624 787.659
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Water depth(m)
Stresses on Crown(kN/m2) Stresses on Invert(kN/m2)
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Case 11: Effect of Lining Thickness on Displacements of the Crown and Invert of 6.1
Diameter Tunnel.
Table 4.11 Maximum Displacements on Crown and Invert depending upon varying thickness of
Lining Displacements of Crown Displacements of Invert
200 -1.18 0.1
For 300mm lining thickness, vertical displacements of the crown and the invert were observed to
be minimum. Invert displacements did not show significant variation with changing thickness of
preliminary lining.
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Case 12: Effect of Lining Thickness on Stresses of the Crown and Invert of 6.1 Diameter Tunnel
Table 4.12 Maximum Stresses on Crown and Invert depending upon varying thickness of lining.
Maximum Stress on Crown and Invert for 6.1m diameter tunnel were observed when lining
thickness was kept at 300 mm.
Stresses kn/m2)
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Lining thickness (mm)
Stresses on Crown(kN/m2) Stresses on Invert(kN/m2)
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
T1 T2
Displacement (mm)
S/D 0. 5 0. 75 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4
R a ti o
s/d ratio
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
T1 T2
S/D 0. 5 0. 75 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4
R a ti o
S/d ratio
6 T1 T2
S/D 0. 5 0. 75 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4
R a ti o
S/d ratio
4.14. GROUND SURFACE SETTLEMENT:- FIG.4.14 shows the ground surface settlement due to twin tunnel
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
excavation, now here observed that the maxmium settlement occurs at ground surface was 6.832 mm and for
the twin tunnel specing is equal to 1 times of d the settlement occurs was 3.245mm which is in permissible
4.15 Stress
The von misses pressure was determined for each of the fifteen cases. It is characterized as
σv =
( σ 1−σ 2 ) 2+ ( σ 2−σ 3 ) 2+ ( σ 3−σ 1 ) 2
It is observed that there isn't a lot of impact on dividing tunnel aspect on pressure. The most intense pressure in
all cases was 13.05 MP. The induced pressure region decreases with increasing twin passage dispersion, while
it increases with increasing tunnel breadth. The essential point to note was that at specing is equal to 1 times of
D, the actuated pressure zones became even with the passage hub, similar to the relocation.
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Pune is a cultural capital of Maharashtra so it has witnessed enormous industrial growth since
2000. Rapid urbanization in the recent past has put the city's travel infrastructure to stress. With an
increase in small scale, medium scale as well as heavy industries, the traffic in the city is rising at
alarming rates. The roads in the city, while being narrow, cater to various kinds of vehicles
simultaneously. Being a densely populated area, Pune traffic needs cannot be met by a road-based
system and additional flyovers. So to fulfill the need Pune Metro will help to tackle all the issues,
provide comfortable and convenient commute within cities by significantly reducing travel time
• It will be much more cost efficient with respect to running private vehicles.
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Tunnel boring Machine (TBM) is known as “MOLE”. It is used to excavate tunnels with a
circular cross section It can bore through anything from hard rock to sand. Different types of
TBMs are used for different Geo technology. Used as an alternative to drilling and blasting
(D&B) methods and conventional ‘hand mining’ in soil. Limits the disturbance to the
surrounding ground and produces a smooth tunnel wall. Suitable to use in heavily urbanized
areas. TBMs are also a complete single unit moving factory. Only little fishing work has to be
done after using TBMs as this single unit can do
1. Drilling System
2. Concrete Spraying
3. Segmental Lining
4. Rock Supporting
5. Pipe Jacking
Each TBM used in Pune metro is 6.1 meters in width (Diameter) and 120 meters in length.
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
For tunnelling projects different kind of TBMs are used. The Type of TBM varies with ground
- EPB technology
- Slurry shield
- Mix shield
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Cutter Head
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
• Grippers are also called supporting arms of TBMs.
•All TBMs have at least a pair of grippers.
•Grippers provide a radial thrust to the tunnel walls with the help of hydraulic press.
•Grippers are used only when the cutter head moves forward against the tunnel face.
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Concrete Sprayer
•In steel arc segmenting, concrete readymade blocks are placed in-between each.
•While in meshing, concrete is sprayed at high pressure by concrete sprayers.
•The concrete sprayer is operated automatically, so that it provide even finishing everywhere
•Concrete sprayers are fitted behind the gripper section.
•Concrete blocks are placed manually with the help of machineries only after the tunneling
process is finished.
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
Segments are precast concrete structures that provide lining or support for an underground
tunnel from various internal and external factors; these segments are combined together and
joined to form one complete circular Ring. These consist of 5 segments and 1 key segment that
holds the ring.
A Tunnel Boring machine is used for boring beneath the ground sequentially, while
simultaneously installing the precast segments and forming a permanent lining of the tunnel. In
addition to finishing the internal wall of the tunnel, the precast segments also serve the
following primary purposes:
• Ensuring that the tunnel will be resilient enough when faced with internal/external
• Allowing the TBM to move forward as the machine leans upon the last ring it
installed to progress inside the tunnel
In Pune Metro, 6 segments are used to form the ring, 3 ordinary segments (0 1,02,03), 2
tampered segments (T1,T2) and one key segment (K).
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
5.4 Methodology
Geotechnical data for modelling was referred from an authentic source for highly weathered
Basalt which is found in Pune as given below.
Model was prepared for single bore tunnel keeping continuum at 3.5 D and cover depth as 2D
i.e 14m where external diameter D= 6.6m.Further the lining thickness was kept at 300mm
with grade of concrete as M40. Displacements and stresses at the crown and the invert were
observed at the validity of result was checked with the existing data of Pune Metro Tunnel.
5.5 Observations
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
The tunnel construction work for infrastructure development in metropolitan cities provides a
feasible and cost-effective solution. Recent advancement in tunneling using Tunnel Boring
Machine (TBM) has proved to be more beneficial in working under complex and challenging
geological conditions. As the construction of underground structures are prone to effective
with heterogeneous ground conditions and hydrological conditions, geological strata under
beneath need proper investigation in the pre-planning phase of tunnel construction.
For the face stability analysis of 6.1m diameter tunnel in limestone and sandstone modeling
was performed. An extreme value of displacement of the invert in 6.1m diameter tunnel in
limestone for cover depth of 1.5D was seen to be approximately 174 mm (Table 4.4) whereas
the extreme value of compressive stress at the crown of 6.1m diameter tunnel in sandstone
for cover depth of 1.5D was observed to be nearly 34,000 kN/m 2 (Table 4.3).It was
concluded that both 6.1m was stable at 2D as cover depth. Hence for further analysis, 2D was
kept as a constant cover depth.
For the case of heterogeneous strata the displacement of the crown was seen to be
insignificant while invert displacements varied significantly when soil depth was varied.
Maximum displacement was seen at soil depth of 0.5D.
Further the effect of water level (above the tunnel hole) on displacements of crown and invert
was found to be negligible.
When lining thickness was varied the optimum lining thickness for 6.1m diameter tunnel was
found to be 300mm.
Taking into account all the cases, the maximum values of vertical displacements and stresses
with respect to the C/D ratio the graphs were plotted. The interpretation of these graphs
ultimately concluded that the displacement of the crown and invert change with the change in
site geology and size of the tunnel. The problem statement mentioned above can be tackled
with the help of the software Midas Gtx Nx for various cases. The method adopted here can
be extended to a wide range of rock strata. The vertical surface settlements at case S=1D
during the TBM operations are found to be 3.245 from the analyses (i.e. negligible). The
College of Engineering, Pune Department of Civil Engineering
highest displacements at crown level, invert level and inner wall level at S=1D case were
3.13mm, 2.65mm, and 2.456mm. Total displacement decreases with increasing spacing and
all the cases the maximum displacement is at S = 1D and other than S=1D case the deflection
pattern is not uniform therefore the most appropriate case is S=1D
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