Zebda 2017
Zebda 2017
Zebda 2017
C. Roller mechanism
This project, which is in Fig.5, explains the mechanism of
electricity generation from rollers speed breakers. The friction
force due to vehicle movement acted upon the speed breaker
system is transmitted to chain sprocket arrangements. The
sprocket arrangement is made of two sprockets. One of the
sprocket is larger in dimension than the other sprocket. Both the
Figure 2: Schematic diagram of crank shaft mechanism sprockets are connected with chain which transmits the power
from the larger sprocket to the smaller sprocket. As the power
is transmitted from the larger sprocket to the smaller sprocket,
the speed that is available at the larger sprocket is relatively
multiplied at the rotation of the smaller sprocket. The axis of
the smaller sprocket is coupled to a gear arrangement. [5]
Roller mechanism has a lot of losses from slipping between the
vehicle’s wheels and rollers of the system. Another problem in
this system that the small touching area with vehicles and the
short duration of system operation.
A. Results of Double Crank Shaft mechanism (1st version)
The articulated plates in this version have two stages, every
stage make the underground system to rotate, so the generator
will rotate also with 1500 rpm averagely to generate 100 Amp.
The duration of every stage in the articulated plates is 0.7
second approximately with 10 km/h vehicle speed, and all
energy that used to generate the electrical energy is the potential
energy which was estimated by:-
case and turn but the crank must be opposite each other to be
A current of 100 A was produced by continuous motion of the
able to get benefit with the up and down strokes, and rotating
system, and the flywheel gives the system the ability to continue
the main shaft. When the vehicle crosses over the plates the first
rotation for 2 seconds. Therefore, the effect of one vehicle
joint goes downward, and the second joint goes upward. Due to
operate the system for 3 seconds, so to know the number of
this motion, one of the two clutch bearings rotates the shaft
vehicles needed for one hour, to give us the maximum
while the another one does not, this is the first stroke. After that
efficiency equals, 3600sec\3sec = 1200 vehicle per hour.
when the vehicle goes on, the second joint goes down and the
The efficiency was improved by some modifications to the
first one back to its origin position up again, now the second
system like:
bearing affects and rotates the shaft while the first one doesn't,
1- The angular velocity of the system was increased by
and so on. Using this mechanism make the ability to get benefit
two stages the first one was gearbox 1:36 and the
with the two strokes motion to produce electricity and as a result
second was two pulleys and belt with 1:6 ratio, these
increasing the efficiency. I the table I there some important
two stages must become one stage like a gearbox only
components of the Double crank mechanism were
to reduce friction losses and the slipping between the
belt and pulley.
Table I Double crank shaft mechanism components and their details and 2- The DC generator which was used in the experiment
was 1200 watt only but the torque of the system can
component details and dimension rotate another one with greater power, but it was very
3 plate of AISI1020 STEEL supported by hard to get it because wasn’t available in Gaza in that
articulated hinge support two of them are time.
plates (450*2000*40) and one (1200*2000*40) 3- The stroke in the articulated system was 0.1 m but the
one way rotational cam clutch which contain international standard of speed breakers allow us to
cast iron pin and 60 clined with 70 degree increase that stroke to 0.18 m, this difference will
ratchet component AISI1020 teeth gear (80mm diameter
and 90mm thickness)
increase the production of power 8%.
4- The mechanical parts have high percentage of losses,
1:36 ratio
gear box which was converted to heat energy from friction so
Pulleys system two Aluminum pulleys 1:5.7 ratio the preferred solution for this problem was using the
two opposite cranks have 350 mm length hydraulic system to convert the vehicles potential
cranks and connecting from the center of main shaft to center
rods energy to electricity.
connecting rods (520mm length)
5- To have a continuous rotation of the system we must
main shaft of the system 30mm diameter use flywheel but the storage of flywheel is not efficient
VOLVO car alternator like oil pressure storage in the accumulator in the
DC alternator 1200watt (100Amp,12volts) hydraulic system.
Table II Crank Shaft Mechanism Speed Breaker experiments
Time (s)
power (watt) 0 1038.4 1498 1165.6 1098 1595 916.3
y = -0.0839x6 + 3.7453x5 - 66.16x4 +
duration (sec) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
587.53x3 - 2740.2x2 + 6290.2x - 4080.7
stroke picture after crossing Figure 8: angular velocity vs time graph
stroke state 3rd stroke (vehicle rear wheels) 4th stroke (vehicle rear wheels) end
Power (watt)
voltage (volt) 12.5 13.5 12.1 13 14.2 12.7 0
current (amp) 98 101 78 92 109 81 0 1500
angular speed(rpm) 1310 1580 1200 1450 1610 1350 0 1000
power (watt) 1225 1363.5 943.8 1196 1547.8 1028.7 0 500
duration (sec) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
Time (s)
y = -0.0605x6 + 2.6816x5 - 47.361x4 +
Table III: Average values of voltage, current, rpm & power
425.11x3 - 2036x2 + 4880.2x - 3234.5
Figure 9: power vs time graph
of the variables
voltage 12.9 15
Voltage (volt)
current 93.75 10
rpm 1401.667
power 1218
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
In Tables, II and III the system was experimented using a
Time (s)
(RENUALT DUSTER 2012) and the results were divided into y = -0.0007x6 + 0.033x5 - 0.5833x4 + 5.1864x3 -
four strokes. The first stroke was with the vehicle’s front 24.276x2 + 56.108x - 36.454
wheels; the second one was on the second articulated plates
joint with the vehicle’s front wheels also; the third stroke with Figure 10: voltage vs time graph
the vehicle’s rear wheels on the first articulated plates joint, and
the fourth stroke is depend on second articulated plates joint IV. HYDRAULIC SPEED BREAKER DESIGN:
with the vehicle’s rear wheels.
The values in this table were analyzed by many experiments to
reach these results. The voltage and current was gotten using a
load and voltmeter and ammeter, the RPM was measured by a
tachometer on the alternator shaft and the Power was calculated
by multiplying the current value by voltage value in the same
instant. After that, all values were analyzed in graphs below in
figures 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Current (Amp)
Figure 11: Hydraulic speed breaker Design
-50 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
A. Procedures
Time (s)
y = -0.005x6 + 0.2243x5 - 3.9987x4 + 36.033x3 After all troubles mentioned in the previous prototype, and the
- 171.72x2 + 404.88x - 265.36 loses of energy dissipated in the crank shaft system due to solid
parts friction and converting of motion from linear to rotational
Figure 7: current vs time graph
motion. A new solution raised up to avoid these problems.
Another mechanism used, which depends on a hydraulic
system. The hydraulic system which illustrated in Fig. 11, has
no solid parts touching because it depends on an oil The output power of the hydraulic speed breaker is depending
(incompressible substance) to convert the movement vehicle on the flow rate and pressure. Flow rate is measured for the
weight into energy. The hydraulic system has many steps to trucks crossing rate so: Oil flow rate for one truck with 4 wheel
produce energy:- stages as in Fig. 13, each stage have average mass 15000 kg is
1- The weight and speed of the vehicles are used to press
two pistons (120mm diameter), which are selected to
use for heavy load vehicles.
2- The potential energy of the vehicle moved by the c
= ∗ . ∗ . ∗
piston to the oil compressed inside. The compressed 1 minut 4
oil leave the piston chamber with 132 bar of pressure ∗( ) ∗
and 90 lpm (liter per minute) flow rate [6]. ∗
3- There are some valves and hydraulics instruments will 4.55
be controlled by PLC system to increase its efficiency. 1000
These components are check, proportional and relief =4∗4∗2∗ ∗ (0.12) ∗ 0.3 ∗ = 23.8
4 4.55
valves [7]. = 0.0015 / (4)
4- After the pistons compressed, the pressurized oil is
stored in two hydraulic accumulators with 120 liters of
volume to manage the amount of oil which pumped Pressure is estimated using:
and give the next component its efficient flow and
h c wheel stage
pressure. The capacity of the accumulators help the Pressure = (
system to run continuously when no vehicles are e ea
∗ 0.000145038) ( )
passing on the hydraulic speed breaker.
5- Accumulators will provide the hydraulic motor with 150000
specific amount of oil pressure and flow rate, which Pressure = ∗ 0.000145038 = 1923.6
∗ (0.12)
convert these values into rotary motion with specific 4
= 132.63 (5)
torque and 1500 rpm shaft rotating.
6- The generator will use this torque and angular velocity Theoretical Power is estimated using:-
to produce the electrical power.
Pressure ∗ flow rate 1923.6 ∗ 23.8 gpm
Power = = (6)
1714 ∗ Efficiency 1714 ∗ 0.8
= 33.4 = 24565.658 watt
Note: This version still in the design stage. The ongoing step is
execution, so there are no experiments until now.
Actually two trucks will fill the accumulators of this SALAH AL DEIN ST. (NORTH TO SOUTH)
system and will operate the alternator for one minute, so
the system in this cross border will generate an electricity 550
to “Karm Abu Salem” cross border During the working 500
Number of vehicles
period. 450
5- Batteries are used in this system to compensate low 350
vehicles crossing duration. 300
6- Comparison between hydraulic speed breakers and other 250
energy resources [10][11] : 200
Table IV: 20 KW generator cost study 100
Generator study per year 0
20 KW generator price ($) 4500 - 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122
fuel price / liter ($) 0.52 - Time (hr)
cars busses heavy & medium veh.
full load fuel consumption (liter/hour) 3.2 28032
maintenance / 150 hour operation ($) 350 20440 Figure14: Salah Al Dein St. Statistics