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Human Resource Management

Multiple Choice Questions and


Q1. Human Resource departments are______________

(a) line departments
(b) authority department
(c) service department
(d) functional department
Ans. (c)
Q2. What is human factor?
(a) Micro and macro issues of socioeconomic factor.
(b) Interrelated Physiological, Psychological and Socio-ethical
aspects of human being.
(c) The entire concept of human behaviour
(d) None of the above.
Ans. (b)
Q3. Job Analysis is a systematic procedure for securing
and reporting information defining a ______________.
(a) specific job
(b) specific product
(c) specific service
(d) all of these
Ans. (a)
Q4. What are the factors responsible for the growth of
(a) Development of scientific management and awakened sense of
social responsibility.
(b) The problem of how the available human resource could
effectively minimise the cost and maximise the production.
(c) Technical factors, awakening amongst workers, attitude of the
government, cultural and social system.
(d) All the above.
Ans. (c)
Q5. Which among the followings describe the skills that
are available within the company?
(a) Human Resource inventory
(b) HRIS
(c) Skills inventory
(d) Management inventories
Ans. (a)
Q6. Who has defined personnel management as a field of
management which has to do with planning and
controlling various operative functions of procuring,
developing, maintaining and utilising labour force?
(a) Harold Koontz
(b) Glueck
(c) Michael Jucius
(d) Flippo
Ans. (c)
Q7. Resources and capabilities that serve as a source of
competitive advantage for a firm over its rivals are called
(a) core competency
(b) core competence
(c) competitive advantage
(d) competency
Ans. (a)
Q8. Human Resource planning is compulsory for
(a) effective employee development programme
(b) base for recruitment
(c) base for selection policy
(d) all of these
Ans. (d)
Q9. Job analysis, HR planning, recruitment, selection,
placement, inductions and internal mobility are few
important functions which come under the heading
of______________ of HRM.
(a) integration function
(b) development
(c) maintenance
(d) procurement function
Ans. (d)
Q10. Directing is one of the important functions of HRM
which comes under___________.
(a) managerial function
(b) operative function
(c) technical function
(d) behavioral function
Ans. (a)
Q11. Whom does Human relation approach refer to?
(a) Worker, who should be given humanly treatment at work.
(b) Mutual cooperation between employer and employee in solving
the common problems.
(c) Integration of people into a work situation that motivates them
to work together to achieve productivity and also economic,
psychological and social satisfaction.
(d) None of the above.
Ans. (c)
Q12. Which of the following is a method of collection of
information for job analysis?
(a) Questionnaire method
(b) Ratio analysis
(c) Optimisation models
(d) Trend analysis
Ans. (a)
Q13. ___________ provides information on the human
attributes in terms of education, skills, aptitudes, and
experience necessary to perform a job effectively.
(a) job description
(b) job specification
(c) job analysis
(d) job evaluation
Ans. (b)
Q14. Who laid the foundation of HRM practice?
(a) Elton Mayo
(b) Roethlisberger and Dickinson
(c) Peter Drucker and Douglas McGregor
(d) David C. McClelland.
Ans. (c)
Q15. How HRM has become a highly specialised job?
(a) It is concerned with obtaining and maintaining a satisfied work
(b) It maximises the output and satisfaction of the employees.
(c) Promote group satisfaction and individual development.
(d) Optimum utilisation of man-power by motivation and
improving the efficiency.
Q16. Job specification includes _____________.
(a) Physical characteristics
(b) Psychological characteristics
(c) Personal characteristics
(d) all of these
Ans. (d)
Q17. TQM’s major emphasis is on___________ .
(a) Product quality
(b) Company profitability
(c) Customer delight
(d) Employee training
Ans. (a)
Q18. Ability to perform exceptionally well and increase the
stock of targeted resources within the firm is called
(a) productivity
(b) efficient
(c) effective
(d) competency
Ans. (d)
Q19. What is the scope of HRM?
(a) Training and development of employees for their growth.
(b) Maintenance of good industrial relations and workers’ high
morale for higher productivity
(c) Further researches in behavioural science, new ideas in man,
management and advances in the field of training and development.
(d) None of the above.
Ans. (c)
Q20. What is the importance of controlling?
(a) Ensure that activities are in accordance with the terms of the
(b) An important mental process on the part of a manager
(c) Power to influence people’s behaviour
(d) Process of regulating the activities.
Ans. (a)
Q21. What is a decision in management?
(a) Reaching at a proper conclusion after consideration.
(b) A decision involves choosing of alternatives.
(c) A decision is the outcome of a group of people or an individual.
(d) None of the above.
Ans. (a)
Q22. An employee-working in a unit or plant who is a
citizen of the country in which the unit or plant is located
but where the unit or plant is operated by an organisation
headquartered in another country _____________.
(a) Home Country National
(b) Host Country National
(c) Third Country National
(d) Host Country
Ans. (b)
Q23. Quantitative Technique refers to-
(a) Models, simulation, resource allocation technique.
(b) Waiting line problems and the queuing theory
(c) Gaming and Game theory and Probability theory
(d) All the above.
Ans. (d)
Q24. Staffing includes _______.
(a) workload estimation
(b) termination
(c) appointments of personnel, placement
(d) all of these
Ans. (d)
Q25 .To calculate the need for manpower on the basis of
the average loss of manpower due to leave, retirement,
death, transfer, discharge, etc. is known
(a) work load analysis
(b) workforce analysis
(c) job analysis
(d) forecasting
Ans. (b)
Q26. MPDQ stands for_____________.
(a) Management Position Description Questionnaire
(b) Management Process Descriptive Questions
(c) Methods for Personality Development Questions
(d) Modern Positions Developed Qualitatively
Ans. (a)
Q27. What should be the strategy of HRM?
(a) Making the long-term and short-term planning.
(b) Planning the optimum level of manpower.
(c) Introducing training programmes to personnel.
(d) All the above.
Ans. (d)
Q28. The process of helping unwanted present employees
find new jobs with other firms called ______________.
(a) Outplacement
(b) Replacement
(c) Placement
(d) Employment
Ans. (a)
Q29. What is the ‘Laissez fair’ view point?
(a) A view popularised by Ronssean, Bentham and Hobbes.
(b) A minimum of public intervention in economic activities.
(c) Business enterprise must get opportunity to earn more profits.
(d) The change in the concept of labour from commodity approach
to human concept.
Ans. (b)
Q30. How can we understand the nature of human factor?
(a) Through determinants of human behaviour
(b) According to the behaviour of people at work
(c) The way the management influences an individual and a group.
(d) Through the study of human behaviour in organisation.
Ans. (b)
Q31. Trend analysis is a ______________
(a) Forecasting technique
(b) Skills inventory
(c) Job analysis technique
(d) Markov analysis
Ans. (a)
Q32. The factual statement of the duties and
responsibilities of a specific job is known as
(a) job description
(b) job specification
(c) job analysis
(d) job evaluation
Ans. (a)
Q33. In Japanese management, employees’ career path is
non-specialised. Why?
(a) In Japanese industries job rotation is carried out for employees
to have different skills and also for interdepartmental cooperation.
(b) In an organisation from the time of induction, employees are
exposed to various types of jobs and training to enable them to have
adaptability to any job.
(c) Japanese management system prefers to create capable workers
to adapt organisational changes, as and when required.
(d) Rotation of job provides benefit of skills required for top quality
Ans. (c)
Q34. Who has said that HRM is not a one shot deal?
(a) Fayol
(b) Taylor
(c) Terry
(d) McFarland
Ans. (c)
Q35. Skills inventory, replacement charts, Markov
analysis, regression analysis all are types of
(a) redundancy plan
(b) training plan
(c) retention plan
(d) forecasting methods
Ans. (d)
Q36. Trade unions and employee association, Industrial
relation, employee participation and empowerment are
procurement functions of a manager which comes
(a) integration function
(b) procurement function
(c) development function
(d) behavioural function
Ans. (a)
Q37. Quality improvement is_____________.
(a) a team effort
(b) achieved by quality inspector
(c) zero things gone wrong
(d) tough job, and not possible
Ans. (b)
Q38. An employee working in a unit or plant who is not a
citizen of the country in which the unit or plant is located
but is a citizen of the country in which the organisation is
headquartered is called __________.
(a) Home Country National
(b) Host Country National
(c) Third Country National
(d) Host Country
Ans. (a)
Q39.“Human resource management” involves the
elements of
(a) planning, organising, and controlling
(b) planning, organising and coordinating
(c) leading, directing and coordinating
(d) all of the above
Ans. (d)
Q40. The procedure in which relevant information
relating to a job and its requirements is systematically
discovered and noted is
(a) job analysis
(b) job specification
(c) job classification
(d) job evaluation
Ans. (a)
Q41. Which pair in order of sequences represents the first
and last steps in a T&D programme?
(a) determination of T&D needs, and evaluation of T&D programme
(b) determination of T&D needs, and designing the T&D
(c) designing T&D programme, and implementing it
(d) evaluating of T&D programme, and implementing it
Ans. (a)
Q42. Career development involves
(a) conscious determination of career aspirations and potentialities
of employees and matching them with the organisation’s needs
(b) providing counselling to students to choose their careers
(c) providing information to students about opportunities of
(d) determining the potentialities of students for a suitable career
Ans. (a)
Q.43. When an employee expresses organisationally
desired emotions during interpersonal transactions, then
it is known as_______________ .
(a) emotional labour
(b) displayed emotions
(c) felt emotions
(d) moods
Ans. (a)
Q44. Job evaluation essentially seeks to
(a) determine the relative worth of various jobs in an organisation
in monetary terms
(b) evaluate the performance of employees on their respective jobs
(c) evaluate the importance of various jobs in the organisation
(d) establish the hierarchy of various jobs in the organisation
Ans. (a)
Q45. Grievance redressal, discipline, collective bargaining
are_______________ of HRM.
(a) integration function
(b) procurement function
(c) development function
(d) behavioural function
Ans. (a)
Q46. The content of job description
(a) job title, condition of work
(b) educational qualification, skills
(c) both a and b
(d) none of the above
Ans. (a)
Q47. How can one distinguish between the Japanese
management system and other management systems?
(a) It encourages to perform constantly and consistently.
(b) Primarily concerned with high performance and quality
(c) It is a system in contrast to American management system.
(d) None of the above.
Ans. (c)
Q48. In-basket training is involved in
(a) vestibule training
(b) on-the job training
(c) simulation
(d) coaching
Ans. (c)
Q49. To calculate the number of persons required for
various jobs with reference to a planned output is called
(a) work load analysis
(b) workforce analysis
(c) job analysis
(d) forecasting
Ans. (a)
Q50. What are the major hurdles that require immediate
action by HRM for the progress of Indian economy?
(a) Dishonesty and corruption
(b) Lack of interest in work and production loss,
(c) Unemployment and poverty
(d) Combating inflation and holding the price-line of essential
Ans. (c)
Q51. Who is generally known as “the father of modern
management theory”?
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) Frederick W. Taylor
(c) Frank Gilbreth
(d) Chester Bernard
Ans. (a)
Q52. Which of the following is considered the first wage
incentive plan in modern industrial era?
(a) Halsey plan
(b) Taylor’s differential piece-rate plan
(c) Barth plan
(d) Gantt Task plan
Ans. (b)
Q53. Concept of MBO was first developed by
(a) Peter Drucker
(b) Douglas McGregor
(c) Henry Fayol
(d) Clayton P. Alderfer
Ans. (a)
Q54. Industrial discipline ordinarily does not imply
(a) observance of company’s rules and regulations
(b) cooperating with management and co-workers
(c) active participation in union activities
(d) smooth discharge of duties and responsibilities
Ans. (c)
Q55. A strike called by a section of workers/union
members without authorisation from proper authority of
the union is called
(a) sectional strike
(b) jurisdictional strike
(c) wild cat strike
(d) sympathetic strike
Ans. (c)
Q56. Which is a form of participative management?
(a) information-sharing
(b) associative participation
(c) consultative participation
(d) all of the above
Ans. (d)
Q57. Social factor having a potent bearing on HRM
practices in India includes
(a) caste system
(b) doctrine of karma
(c) c8ustoms and traditions
(d) all of the above
Ans. (a)
Q58. T&D programme in international HRM should give
due attention to
(a) promotion of efficiency of personnel in the host country
(b) understanding of the cultural environment of the host country
(c) improvement of technical expertise
(d) all of the above
Ans. (d)
Q57. International staffing does not give much emphasis
on the consideration of
(a) cultural adaptability
(b) global experience
(c) family flexibility
(d) political consciousness
Ans. (d)
Q58. The objectives of workers’ participation in
management do not ordinarily include
(a) promotion of collective bargaining
(b) promotion of industrial harmony
(c) promotion of industrial democracy
(d) promotion of productivity
Ans. (a)
Q60. The advantages of staffing from amongst the host
country nationals generally do not include
(a) reduction of language barriers
(b) reduction of living cost
(c) greater control over the activities of the organisation
(d) better understanding of host country’s laws and regulations
Ans. (c)
Q61. Which form of participative management promotes
“semi-autonomous work-groups”?
(a) quality of work life
(b) quality circle
(c) TQM
(d) quality group
Ans. (c)
Q62. Industrial action generally does not include
(a) strike
(b) lock-out
(c) demonstration
(d) Bandh
Ans. d
Q63. The role of HRD personnel is to –
a. description of entire process / analytical decomposition
b. identification of HRD elements and resources
c. Both (a) + (b)
d. Analytical decomposition only
Ans. (c)
Q64. The primary goal of HRD is –
a. To increase productivity of workers / and organisational
b. Improve workers’ skill and enhance motivation, to prevent
obsolesces at all levels
c. prevent obsolescence and increase organisational profitability
d. Both (a) + (b)
Ans. (d)
Q65. Leadership is the –
a. ability to influence other people
b. ability to create within people an urge to do
c. ability to obtain willing co-operation of the followers
d. All above
e. Only (a) + (b)
Ans. (d)
Q66. A team is evaluated on features like –
a. Co-operation / confrontation avoiding / common objectives
b. Openness of view and unwritten procedure systems
c. Regular review / appropriate leadership
d. All above
e. Both (b) + (c)
Ans. (d)
Q67. For Total Quality Management (TQM) the required
qualities are:
a. Understand customer’s current and future needs / leaders
establish unity of purpose / involvement of people for organisation’s
b. achievement of desired results when resources and activities are
managed as a process and (a) above
c. Mutually beneficial suppliers relationships enhances the ability to
create value and (b) also
d. Should have a temporary objective of the organisation
Ans. (c)
Q68. Human due diligence means investigation of –
a. Management team / staff
b. Structure / issues / managerial capacity of a potential partner
c. Both (a) + (b)
d. Financial due diligence
Ans. (c)
Q69. Knowledge management refers for critical issues of
a. Organisational adaptation
b. Survival and competence against discontinuous environmental
c. Synergistic combination of data and information processing
d. All above
e. Only (a) + (c)
Ans. (d)
Q70. What influences the bank employees’ attitude on
work culture?
a. Educational qualification
b. Ownership of bank
c. Location of the branch
d. All above
e. Only (a) + (c)
Ans. (d)
Q71. Discuss the roles of the HR Manager
a. Administrator / evaluator / career development advisor /
instructor or facilitator
b. marketing programmes and services / instructor material
c. Needs analyst /organisational changer / researcher + (a) above
d. Both (b) + (c)
Ans. (d)
Q72. The objectives of HR audit are –
a. to determine the effectiveness of management programmes
b. analyse the factors and recommend for correcting deviations +
c. extent to which line managers have complied with HRD polices +
d. to study future manpower inventory and identify shortfalls
Ans. (c)
Q73. Employee accountability is strengthens in
a. HR Audit
b. HR Training
c. Succession Planning
d. HR functions
Ans. (a)
Q74. The main barriers of communications are –
a. Organisational + Semantic
b. Personal + psychological + resistance to new ideas
c. Both (a) + (b)
d. Organisational / psychological
Ans. (c)
Q75. Manpower planning consists of –
a. determining the jobs to be done / identifying the skills /
estimating the exists likely / filling up the requirements
b. identifying the skills / filling up the requirements
c. Estimating the turnover likely to happen in near future
d. determining the jobs to be done
Ans. (a)
Q76. Promotion is basically a reward for –
a. Efficiency
b. Seniority
c. Physical fitness
d. Retention
Ans. (a)
Q77. What is 360° appraisal?
a. a process that provides an employee opportunity in decision
b. a process that provides an officer opportunity of feedback about
own performance
c. a process that provides an employee with feedback about his / her
workplace performance
d. Both (a) + (b)
Ans. (c)
Q78. Role of performance management is to accomplish –
a. Performance needs of the organisation
b. Guide the development of individuals for skill and knowledge
c. Motivate individuals / provide data adopt condition of human
capital + (b)
d. All above
Ans. (d)
Q79. Competency Mapping is possible through approaches
like –
a. Job analysis / workforce skills analysis / supply and demand
b. Job analysis / Gap analysis / solution analysis
c. Gap analysis / solution analysis + (a)
d. Both (a) + (b)
Ans. (c)
Q80. Human needs have been divided into five categorises
under need hierarchy theory. Who invented this theory?
a. McClelland
b. John Atkinson
c. Maslow
d. Herzberg
Ans. (c)
Q81. Key Performance Areas means –
a. Areas which are within the responsibility of the role
b. Areas which the management has demarcated to be performed by
c. Areas for strengthening of skills and attitudes
d. All above
Ans. (a)
Q82. Career path planning is affected by –
a. Employee preference
b. Employee requirements
c. Employee preference/employees requirement and structure of
the organisation
d. Both (a) + (b)
Ans. (c)
Q83. Phases of performance counselling are –
a. Rapport building / employee should discover own SWOT / action
plans, through brainstorming sessions
b. Two way communication / employee be encouraged for their own
performance appraisal
c. Organisational objectives are integrated
d. All above
Ans. (a)
Q84. Training method commonly used, for employee in
banks is –
a. On the job training
b. Classroom Training
c. Off the job training
d. Vestibule Training
Ans. (b)
Q85. Training evaluation is measured by –
a. Goal based / Goal free / Responsive
b. Systems / professional review / quasi-legal
c. Goal based / systems / responsive
d. Both (a) + (b)
Ans. (d)
Q86. The process of perception is influenced by factors
like –
a. Our needs and wants
b. Sensory inability
c. Our stimuli
d. All above
Ans. (d)
Q87. The term industrial relations means –
a. Relationship between Management and Labour
b. Relationship between organisation and employees
c. Relationship that grows out of employment
d. All above
Ans. (d)
Q86. Collective bargaining is a procedure regulated by
agreements between their –
a. Bargaining agents and employers
b. Employees and employees
c. Employers and employers
d. Labour officer and Trade unions
Ans. (a)
Q87. Advantages of grievances handling procedure –
a. Management can know employees feelings
b. Employee gets grievances ventilated
c. Keeps a check on supervisor’s attitude
d. Both (b) + (c)
e. All above
Ans. (e)
Q88. How to handle grievances?
a. Grievance in writing / taking to employee directly for speaking
truth / ensure confidentiality and handle the case within tie frame
b. Treat each case as important, and obtain grievances in writing /
examine company’s position / identify violations / do not hold back
the remedy, if the company’s wrong + (a) above
c. Get all the facts (relevant) about the grievance / examine the
personnel record of the aggrieved worker / gather information from
the union representative properly + (b) above
d. Identify grievance / previous record of the worker / companies’
rules and prompt redressal of grievances, if genuine.
Ans. (c)
Q89. When any discipline becomes ineffective or less-
a. Longer time spending in action
b. Discipline is handled impersonally
c. Aware of rules and performance criteria
d. Only (a) and (b)
Ans. (d)
Q90. Functions of the personnel management can be
described as –
a. Managerial
b. Operative
c. Developmental
d. Both (a) + (b)
e. All above
Ans. (d)
Q91. Lockout is a weapon available to –
a. Employees
b. Trade Unions
c. Employers
d. Government
Ans. (c)
Q92. How the conflicts within employers and employees
can be settled or prevented?
a. Voluntary method
b. Government Machinery
c. Statutory Measures
d. All above
Ans. (d)
Q93. The word workers participation in management
means –
a. Sharing the decision making powers
b. Sharing the decision making with lower results of the employees
c. Sharing the day to day working with higher ranks of persons
d. Sharing the financial decision making powers with representative
of workers
Ans. (b)
Q94. What is the role of the trade-union in collective
a. To protect jobs and real earnings
b. Better conditions of work life for workers
c. Fighting against any possible, exploitations
d. All above
Ans. (d)
Q95. Which kind of workers participation makes the
workers as shareholders of the company?
a. Participation at Board Level
b. Participation through ownership
c. Participation through complete control
d. Participation through work councils
Ans. (b)
Q96. Special allowances are not payable for –
a. Photostat copier Operators
b. Adding machine Operators
c. Addressographs
d. All above
Ans. (d)
Q97. Why grievances should be redressed?
a. Affects the individual
b. Affects the management
c. Collective disputes conversion
d. All above
Ans. (d)
Q98. The employer-employees should have mutual trust /
confidence / willingness to settle / respect rights and
responsibilities of other party, is covered under –
a. Effective bargaining method
b. Essentials for effective bargaining
c. Types of bargaining
d. Areas of bargaining
Ans. (b)
Q99. Managerial functions, in personnel management can
be –
a. Planning / Organising / directing and controlling
b. Recruitment / placement / employment / Development and
c. Compensation / maintenance of health / employers’ welfare
d. Both (a) + (b) only
Ans. (d)
Q100. Discuss unfair management practices –
a. Noncompliance with promotional and transfer policies
b. Smooth handling of grievances
c. Timely payment of wages / salaries
d. Both (b) + (c)
Ans. (a)
Q101. The core elements of HRM are –
(i) People
(ii) Management
(iii) Behavioural Dynamics
(iv) Uniformity of application
(a) i, ii, iii
(b) ii, iii, iv
(c) i, ii, iv
Ans. (d)
Q102. What are the key HRM practices in Indian
(i) Job Description
(ii) Recruitment
(iii) Compensation
(iv) Training & Development
(v) Performance Appraisal
(vi) Promotion & reward
(vii)Career Planning
(viii) Gender equity
(a) i, ii, iii, v, vi
(b) iv, vii, viii
(c) only vi
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Ans. (d)
Q103. In a ____________, teams are formed and team
members report to two’ or more managers.
(a) Formal Organization
(b) Informal Organization
(c) Matrix Organisation
(d) Divisional Organization
Ans. (c)
Q104.________ refers to the attitudinal and behavioural
characteristics of a group and is concerned with how
groups form, their structure and process, and how they
(a) Group dynamics
(b) Organic structure
(c) Functional Structure
(d) Matrix organization
Ans. (a)
Q105. Benchmarking is
(a) T the process of comparing the business processes & perform-
ance metrics including cost, cycle time, productivity to another that
is widely considered to be an industry leader
(b) A process in which the organisations evaluate various aspects of
their processes in relation to the best practice companies’ processes
usually within the peer group defined for the purposes of
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q106. Reengineering starts with a —
(a) High-level assessment of the organisation’s mission
(b) Strategic goals
(c) Customer demands
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q107. Change Management is –
(a) It is a systematic approach in dealing with change from the indi-
vidual & organisational level
(b) A gradual process of approach in the workplace due to new poli-
cies, technology, or even a new boss
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q108. What are the different processes of Discipline
(i) Counselling
(ii) Reformative Theory
(iii) Disciplinary Process
(iv) Disciplinary Procedure & Principles of Natural Justice
(v) Principles of Natural Justice
(a) i, ii, iii
(b) ii, iii, iv
(c) i, ii, iii, iv, v
(d) only ii
Ans. (c)
Q109. _________ involves all the performance
monitoring, measurement, management being outsourced
from a third party or an external organisation.
(a) Human Resource Outsourcing
(b) Human Resource Management
(c) Human Resource Business Process Outsourcing
(d) Performance Management Outsourcing
Ans. (d)
Q110. Performance Management System is –
(a) A formal, structured system of measuring, evaluating job related
behaviours & outcomes to discover reasons of performance & how
to perform effectively in future so that the employee, organisation &
society all benefit
(b) A process of looking both to the future & to the past, in the
context of the collective performance of all the employees in an
(c) The process of establishing goals, assessing employees & im-
plement the annual performance appraisal process
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q111. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is/are –
(a) A specific, agreed measure of achievement within a KRA, which
go on to make up the goals and objectives measured under the
performance appraisal process.
(b) objective, independent and standardized measures of perform-
ance not ratings or judgments of performance
(c) specific, measurable, attainable, realistic & time bound which
help to determine how much the KRA’s are met
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q112. What are the advantages of Incentive Based
(i) Incentives are important for inducements and motivation of
workers for higher efficiency & greater output
(ii) Increase in employee earnings, results in enhanced standard of
living of employees
(iii) Productivity increases & production capacity too, with reduced
(iv) Companies can reduce the burden of fixed costs by keeping a
portion of the remuneration as variable
(v) Tendency to bypass quality in pursuit of increased output for
higher incentives
(vi) Sometimes employees may disregard security regulations due to
payment by results approach adopted for higher incentive figure
(vii) Overworking may affect employee health
(viii) Can demotivate employees not in a position to earn higher in-
centive due to sectional differences
(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) iii, iv, v, vi
(c) v, vi, vii, viii
(d) All of the above
Ans. (a)
Q113. Human Resource Planning (HRP) process is –
(a) A process, by which an organisation ensures that it has the right
number & kind of people at the right place, at the right time, ca-
pable of effectively & efficiently completing those tasks that will
help the organisation achieve its overall objectives
(b) A process of forecasting an organisation’s future demand for &
supply of the right type of people in the right numbers
(c) A sub-system in the total organisational planning & facilitates
the realisation of the company’s objectives by providing the right
type & right number of personnel
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q114. Who is responsible to manage change?
(a) Employees
(b) Management
(c) Executives
(d) (b) & (c)
Ans. (d)
Q115. What are the roles of HRD professional?
(i) Planning – includes projections & planning for the skilled matrix
of manpower required for the future organisation
(ii) Staffing – providing the competency matrix required to face fu-
ture challenges
(iii) Employee Development – identify cost effective & modem
methods of training for skill & competency development
(iv) Performance Management – Developing an entire gamut of per-
formance linked measures to align individual performance to the
overall corporate performance
(v) Employee Rewards – with emphasis on pay for performance &
developing an incentive scheme that would reduce fixed costs at the
same time being motivating
(vi) Maintaining quality of Work Life & Discipline – with the impact
of global workforce it is necessary to develop a linked work-life dis-
cipline for all employees in the organisation
(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) ii, iii, iv, v
(c) iii, iv, v, vi
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q116. What are the objectives of HRM?
(i) Societal Objectives
(ii) Organisational Objectives
(iii) Functional Objectives
(iv) Personal Objectives.
(v) Statistical Objectives.
(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) ii, iii, iv, v
(c) i, ii, iv, v
(d) All of the above
Ans. (a)
Q117. HRM refers to –
(a) A management function that helps managers to attract, set ex-
pectations & develop members for an organization.
(b) A set of programs, functions & activities designed & carried out
for maximum efficiency
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q118. How can a good employment brand help HR?
(i) Keep ahead in the talent war
(ii) Attract & induce the right kind of people she is looking for
(iii) Enhance her ability to get quality resumes to choose from
(iv) Retain her existing employee pool
(v) Subsequently see a dip in employee turnover
(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) i, ii, iii, iv, v
(c) i, ii, iv, v
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
Q119. How an Individual Training needs are identified?
(i) Performance Appraisals
(ii) Interviews
(iii) Questionnaires
(iv) Employee Engagement surveys
(v) Training Feedback
(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) only iii
(c) i, ii, iv, v
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Ans. (d)
Q120. Job Rotation can be defined as –
(a) Lateral transfer of employees among a number of different posi-
tions and tasks within jobs which requires different skills and re-
(b) It helps to understand the different steps into creating a product
or delivery
(c) It permits individuals to gain experience in various phases of the
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q121. Training & Development together helps in –
(i) Removing performance deficiencies
(ii) Offer Greater stability
(iii) Flexibility & capacity for growth
(iv) Reduces accidents, wastages & damages to machinery
(v) Reduces dissatisfaction, absenteeism & complaints
(a) i, ii, iii
(b) ii, iii, iv
(c) i, ii, iii, iv, v
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q122. Personnel Management is-
(a) A managerial function of planning, organising, directing,
controlling, and coordinating the operative functions so that their
individual objectives and organisational goals are achieved
(b) A function which deals in recruitment, development, compensa-
tion, integration, utilisation & maintenance of people
(c) An aspect of relationship between and among the people and is
concerned about their well-beings as individuals and as group
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q123. When does the bargaining process begins?
(a) The charter of demands of the workers are not fulfilled
(b) Discontinuation of services & concerted actions by the workers
which results in low output and monetary loss
(c) The employer cannot afford to neglect these actions which re-
sults in monetary loss
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q124. Cause of Genuine Grievance can be –
(a) Discrimination, lost opportunity, Injustice etc. done to the em-
(b) Harmony, Mutual trust & understanding
(c) Reasonable Charter of demands
(d) All of the above
Ans. (a)
Q125. Define the subject matter of Training
(a) Organisations need staff at all levels to be self-sufficient, re-
sourceful, creative & autonomous, but they face the challenge in
instilling confidence, initiative & problem solving capabilities
(b) Performance & capability are ultimately dependent on people’s
attitude and emotional maturity. Helping them to achieve on a
personal level provides a platform for trust and emotional con-
tracting with the organisation
(c) When people develop confidence, integrity & more knowledge,
they automatically become proactive, solution-focused, responsive
which has implications across a whole team with multiplying effect
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q126. __________ consists of the learning opportunities
designed to help employees to grow.
(a) Training
(b) Development
(c) Banking operations
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
Q127. Joint Management Councils are established in an
organisation which employs –
(a) 100 employees
(b) 300 employees
(c) 400 employees
(d) 500 employees or more
Ans. (d)
Q128. ROI Stands for —
(a) Return on Insurance
(b) Return on Investment
(c) Rate on Insurance
(d) Risk on Insurance
Ans. (b)
Q129. Talent Management consist of –
(i) Performance Evaluations to identify potentials
(ii) Psychological testing and assessment to determine capability
(iii) Training & development programmes
(iv) Project work & job experience to accelerate development
(a) i, ii, iii
(b) ii, iii, iv
(c) i, ii, iii, iv
(d) only i
Ans. (c)
Q130. The term “Learning Organisation” means –
(a) People of all Levels, individually or collectively are continually
increasing their capacity to produce results, they care about
(b) A collective ideal, a vision
(c) It promotes culture of Learning, a community of learners, and it
ensures that individual learning enriches & enhances the organi-
sation as a whole
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q131. Line Management is –
(a) Hierarchical chain of command from executive to front-line level
in which top management has direct authority
(b) Organised along cross-functional lines, such as employee devel-
opment or strategic direction
(c) Both of (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q132. _____ is a process of transmission of massage and
understanding of information between two or more
people, it involves at least two parties – a sender and a
(a) Body language
(b) Communication
(c) System
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
Q133. _________ methods are generally applied on the
workplace while employees are actually working.
(a) On the Job training
(b) Off the job training
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above.
Ans. (a)
Q134. Selection is-
(a) A process of picking up individuals with requisite qualifications
& competence to fill jobs in the organisation
(b) A process of differentiating between applicants in order to iden-
tify & hire those with a greater likelihood of success in a job
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q135. Interviews can be —
(a) One-to-one
(b) Panel interview
(c) Sequential Interview
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

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