COM642 Ethical Hacking

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Module specification proforma
Module Code: COM642

Module Title: Ethical Hacking

Level: 6 Credit Value: 20

GAPC JACS3 code: I190

Arts, Science and Module

Faculty: Dr. Paul Comerford
Technology Leader:

Scheduled learning and teaching hours 24 hrs

Guided independent study 176 hrs
Placement 0 hrs
Module duration (total hours) 200 hrs

Programme(s) in which to be offered (not including exit awards) Core Option

BSc (Hons) Cyber Security  ☐
BSc (Hons) Computer Networks and Security  ☐
BSc (Hons) Applied Cyber Security  ☐



Office use only

Initial approval: 30/08/2018 Version no:2
With effect from: 01/09/2018
Date and details of revision: Jan 22: addition of BSc Applied Cyber Security Version no:
Module Aims

The module aims to give students a solid and professional level of competence in the field of
ethical hacking, which is predominantly led by the coverage of tools, techniques and systems
that allow penetration testing to be carried out on computer systems and networks. Much of
the module material follows the footsteps of a would-be intruder and thus includes coverage
of the communication and social side of computer attacks as well as the technological.
Having been led to understand how systems, software and devices can be vulnerable to
unwanted penetration, students will then investigate countermeasures and organisational
strategies to mitigate these risks. The module leans towards practical skills and content, but
is strongly underpinned by theory and current research.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Key skills for employability

KS1 Written, oral and media communication skills

KS2 Leadership, team working and networking skills
KS3 Opportunity, creativity and problem solving skills
KS4 Information technology skills and digital literacy
KS5 Information management skills
KS6 Research skills
KS7 Intercultural and sustainability skills
KS8 Career management skills
KS9 Learning to learn (managing personal and professional development, self-
KS10 Numeracy

At the end of this module, students will be able to Key Skills

Differentiate between a range of threats and techniques used KS5 KS 6
in attacks on computer systems

KS 1 KS 3
Investigate ethical and legal issues surrounding cyber
2 KS 4 KS 5
KS 6 KS 9
KS 1 KS 3
Evaluate computer systems and networks to identify
3 KS 4 KS 5
weaknesses and vulnerabilities in an ethically sound manner
KS 6 KS 10
KS 2 KS 3
Synthesise a series of technological interventions to address
4 KS 4 KS 9
computer security problems
Transferable skills and other attributes
• Personal motivation, organisation and time management
• Ability to collaborate and plan
• Written and verbal communication skills
• Research and analytical skills



Indicative Assessment Tasks:

Reflecting the nature of the learning outcomes, assessment is divided between evaluation of
students’ acquisition of theory, current research, and practical abilities. In the first
component, students will be required to produce a report based upon recent or emerging
types of cyber attack. They should describe these attacks and their solutions at a deep,
technical level and contextualise them from data, privacy, ethical, legal, and social
perspectives. The second assignment will require students to demonstrate their practical
abilities in the domain of penetration testing, information gathering, and problem-solving
abilities. For example, students in this assignment may role play attacker and system
administration in a type of ‘war game’ before swapping roles.
Learning Word count
Assessment Weighting Duration
Outcomes to Type of assessment (or equivalent if
number (%) (if exam)
be met appropriate)
1 1, 2 Report 40 2,000
2 3, 4 Practical 60 3 hours

Learning and Teaching Strategies:

This module has an emphasis in the practical issues related to Ethical Hacking and will be
delivered using a combination of formal lecturers, tutorials, practical demonstrations and lab
sessions. The split between theory and practical teaching and learning is approximately 40%
and 60% respectively. The formal delivery will be supplemented by reading materials, such
as academic papers and industry technology reports, which will be made available via the
University’s VLE.

Syllabus outline:
 Information gathering and social engineering
 Ports and protocols
 Data privacy
 Attacks from within an organisation
 Penetration testing and fuzzing
 Exploiting vulnerabilities
 Windows and Linux local system exploits and attacks
 Software vulnerabilities
 Ethics of penetration testing
 Wireless network attacks
 Smartphone and mobile device exploits
 Cyber crime and the law
 Logging and responding to incidents
 Disaster and recovery strategies
Indicative Bibliography:

Essential reading
McClure, S., Scambray, J., and Kurtz, G. (2012). Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets
and Solutions. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill/Osborne.

Shema, M. and Johnson, B.C. (2014), Anti-Hacker Tool Kit. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-

Wrightson, T. (2014). Advanced Persistent Threat Hacking: The Art and Science of Hacking
any Organization. New York: McGraw-Hill/Osborne.

Weidman, G., (2014). Penetration Testing: A Hands-on Introduction to Hacking. No Starch


Other indicative reading

Conheady, S. (2014). Social Engineering in IT Security: Tools, Tactics and Techniques. New
York: McGraw/Osborne.

IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, IEEE

Computers and Security (journal), Elsevier Publishing
Journal of Cybersecurity, Oxford University Press
Journal of Cyber Security Technology, Taylor and Francis

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