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Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Questions for CAT


Vipra Shrivastava
Senio r Manager - Co ntent

Updated on Feb 1, 2024 16:22 IST

There are wide range of Logical Reasoning questions and Data Interpretation tables that
one needs to study for CAT 2024 and all other MBA entrance exams. Get here CAT Data
Interpretation and logical Reasoning questions and answers PDFs for practice.

Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Questions f or CAT f or practice

Practicing Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Questions for CAT is a most
pref erred way of preparation f or this section. Since there are no f ormulae or theorems f or
Logical Reasoning topics, all one can do is practice a variety of questions to master it.
Candidates preparing f or CAT 2024 must dedicate a good amount of time on practicing
Logical Reasoning questions and Data Interpretation questions.

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Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning f or CAT is usually of moderate to high dif f iculty
level and requires mastering all varieties of questions – easy, medium and tough.

T he Logical Reasoning topics for CAT include Blood Relation, Seating Arrangement,
Caselets and Syllogism. Data Interpretation questions are based on T ables, Graphs, Pie
Charts, Venn Diagram, etc. Since Logical Reasoning is all about reading patterns and puzzles
correctly, you need practice. Data Interpretation is based on Mathematical calculations, so to
master this section of CAT exam too, you need ample practice.

Given below are a f ew questions on Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning for CAT
with answers f or practice. Solve these Logical Reasoning questions and Data
Interpretation questions to prepare f or the CAT 2024 and other MBA entrance exams. We
will be updating this article with more Logical Reasoning questions with answers and Data
Interpretation questions with solutions periodically.

Quantitative Aptitude Questions and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension

Answers f or CAT Questions and Answers f or CAT

Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Questions with Solutions

f or CAT
Difficulty Level – Easy

Directions for questions 1 to 4: Read the inf ormation caref ully and answer the questions
given below.

T here are exactly ten stores and no other buildings on a straight street in Shakarpur Market.
On the northern side of the street, f rom West to East, are stores S1, S3, S5, S7 and S9; on
the Southern side of the street, also f rom West to East, are stores S2, S4, S6, S8 and S10.
T he stores on the northern side are located directly across the street f rom those on the
southern side, f acing each other in pairs, as f ollows: S1 and S2; S3 and S4; S5 and S6; S7
and S8; S9 and SS10. Each store is decorated with lights in exactly one of the f ollowing
colours: pink, blue, and orange. T he stores have been decorated with lights according to the
f ollowing conditions:

No store is decorated with lights of the same colour as those of any store adjacent to it.

No store is decorated with lights of the same colour as those of the store directly across
the street f rom it.

Orange lights decorate exactly one store on each side of the street.

Blue lights decorate store S4.

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Orange lights decorate store S5.

Pink lights decorate store S9.

1. Which one the following could be an accurate list of the colours of the lights
that decorate stores S2, S4, S6, S8 and S10, respectively?

(a) Pink, blue, pink, blue, pink

(b) Pink, blue, pink, orange, blue

(c) Blue, pink, orange, blue, pink

(d) Orange, pink, blue, pink, blue

2. If orange lights decorate store S8, then which of the following statements could

(a) Pink lights decorate store S2

(b) Pink lights decorate store S10

(c) Blue lights decorate store S8

(d) Blue lights decorate store S9

3. Which one of the following statements must be true?

(a) Pink lights decorate store S10

(b) Blue lights decorate store S1

(c) Blue lights decorate store S8

(d) Pink lights decorate store S8

4. Suppose that orange lights decorate exactly two stores on the south side of the
street and exactly one store on the north side. If all other conditions remain the
same, then which one of the following statements must be false?

(a) Pink lights decorate store S1

(b) Blue lights decorate store S7

(c) Blue lights decorate store S10

(d) Orange lights decorate store S2


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1. (c)

2. (a)

3. (c)

4. (a)

Difficulty Level – Medium

Directions for questions 1 to 4: Answer the questions on the basis of the inf ormation give

Q 1. T he Pie charts given below represent the market share of dif f erent chocolates in the
chocolate market in the year 2020 & 2022. A new C6 has entered the market in 2022.

(a) 44 %

(b) 30 %

(c) 20 %

(d) No change

Q 2. What is the compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) with which the market has grown
f or the period 2012 - 2014.

(a) 44%

(b) 20%

(c) 15%

(d) 10%

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Q 3. If the market grows at 10% per annum f or the next two years & C4 captures one third
of the new market, and also retains providing amount. What would be its market share of C4
in 2016? (approximately)

(a) 29%

(b) 28 %

(c) 25 %

(d) 33%

Q 4. If the new entrant 6 has grown at the expense of C2, C3 & C5, what would be the
change in the net value of sales of C4 in the year 2022, had C6 not entered the market?

(a) 1152 Cr.

(b) 576 Cr.

(c) 1100 Cr.

(d) Cannot be determined


1. (a) : Sales of C5 in 2020 = 20 % of 8000 = 1600 cr.,

Sales of C5 in 2022 = 20% of 11520 = 2340 cr.

So, percentage increase =. 2304 - 1600/1600x100=44%

2. (b): 11520 = 8000(1+r)2

R=20 percent

3. (a) : T otal Market in 2024 = 1.1 × 1.1 × 11520 = 14000 (approx.)

New Market = 14000 - 2480 = 1240. As C4 captures 1/3 of 2480; so the approx. share of
C4 in 2024 = 28% of (11520) + 1/3 x 2480 = 4050

So, percentage share of C4 in 2024 = 4050/14000x100= 29% (approx.)

4. (d) : As we do not know that what part of the market share of C2,C3,C5 has been eaten
by C5& in what proportion. So, we cannot f ind the answer.

Also Read: CAT questions with solutions f or practice - f ree PDFs

Difficulty Level – Difficult

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Directions for question 1 to 4: Answer the questions on the basis of the inf ormation give

Shrashti has just f inished her diploma in business administration recently. She wants to join
her f ather’s business and told the same to her f ather. Knowing that her f ather gave some
inf ormation to her and asked to make a presentation on the inf ormation, if she presents it
well then he will get her inducted into his business. T he inf ormation is as f ollows:

Her f ather has spinning yarn in Udupi in which there are 20000 spindles each which produce
1500 metres of satin cloth every year. His f ather sells the cloth to garments manuf acturers
at Rs. 20 per metre. Also, he exports 30% of his total production of to makers of imported
clothes and f or that he charges a 200% more than the domestic price. Her f ather also has a
garment f actory in Laturi where he manuf actures woolen clothes. He sells the woolen
clothes at an average price of Rs. 200 per piece. He procures wool f or making these clothes
at a price of Rs. 90 per pound. T o make one piece of woolen cloth 1.5 pounds of wool is
used. In a year he procures around 15 lakhs pounds of wool. He also has a shop in Waluj f or
selling ready made jeans. He sells the jeans at price of Rs. 350. For each jean he has to use
200gms of raw material. A kilogram of raw material cost Rs. 1000. Each jean has an
additional tailoring cost of Rs. 100. Also the raw material f or jeans gets wasted 20% while

Based on inf ormation Shrashti created a presentation and presented it in f ront of the top
management of his f ather’s f irm. T he management asked her f ew questions based on the
presentation. Help Shrashti to answer the f ollowing question.

Q 1. What is the total revenue generated out of the spinning yarn in Udupi?

(a) 86 crores

(b) 96 crores

(c) 106 crores

(d) Cannot be determined

Q 2. What is the total prof it generated out of the spinning yarn in Udupi?

(a) 10 crores

(b) 20 crores

(c) 30 crores

(d) Cannot be determined

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Q 3. If the supplier of wool decides to increase the price of wool supplied to Rs. 120 per
pound, then by what percentage his f ather’s current prof it/loss of the woolen garments
business will decrease/increase (approx.)?

(a) 70% decrease in prof it

(b) 30% increase in loss

(c) 72% decrease in prof it

(d) Cannot be determined

Q 4. Due to electricity problem the spinning yarn was able to produce only 80% of its
capacity, then by what percentage would the revenue f rom the exports will decrease as
compared to the regular 100% productivity?

(a) 20%

(b) 25%

(c) 80%

(d) Cannot be determined

Solutions for question 1 to 4:

Udupi (Spinning yarn)

Number of spindles = 20000

Production per spindle per year = 1500 metres

T otal satin cloth production = 20000 × 1500 = 30,000,000 metres

Out of the total 30% is exported i.e. 9,000,000 metres is exported and rest 21,000,000 is
sold domestically. Also the selling price in domestic market is Rs. 20 and in export market its
200% more than the domestic market i.e. Rs. 60 in the export market. T he table below sums
us the scenario.

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Cloth Sold Revenue
Market Price
(metres) (Rs.)

Domestic 2,10,00,000 20 420,000,000

Export 90,00,000 60 540,000,000

T otal 30,000,000 960,000,000

Latur (Wool garments)

Quantity of wool procured = 1500000 pounds

Cost of wool = Rs. 90 per pound

T otal cost of wool = Rs. 135,000,000

Wool used f or one garment = 1.5 pounds

Number of woolen garments that can be manuf actured = 1000000

Selling price of one garment = Rs. 200

T otal revenue earned = Rs. 200,000,000

Prof it earned = Rs. 200000000 – 135000000 = Rs. 65000000

Waluj (Jeans Shop)

Cost of 1 kilogram of raw material = Rs. 1000

Raw material gets waste = 20% = 200gms.

Raw material available f or jeans = 800gms.

Number of jeans that can be made = 4.

Cost of tailoring of 1 jeans = Rs. 100

Cost of tailoring f or 4 jeans = Rs. 400.

T otal cost = Rs. 1000 + Rs. 400 = Rs. 1400

T otal selling price = Rs. 350 × 4 = Rs. 1400

1. (b) Revenue will be 96 crore

2. (d) As cost is not known, hence prof it cannot be calculated.

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3. (a) Prof it earned at present = Rs. 65,000,000

New cost of wool = Rs. 120 per pound. So the total cost is now Rs. 180,000,000. As the
revenue is same hence the new prof it will be Rs. 20,000,000. So there is decrease of Rs.
45,000,000 which is a 70% decrease approx.

4. (a) T otal satin cloth production = 20000 × 1500 = 30,000,000 metres

If only 80% production is then satin cloth = 24,000,000 metres

Out of this 30% production is exported = 7,200,000 metres.

So, total revenue will be now = Rs. 432,000,000

T he revenue with f ull production is Rs. 540,000,000

Hence, there is a decrease of 20%.

Short cut method: If production decreases by x% then be it domestic or export the quantity
will decrease by 20% as the both are a part of total production. And as price is constant so
revenue change will be same as the production change.

Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning questions and answers

Practice questions on Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning f or CAT preparation. Also,
download Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning solutions PDFs.

CAT Data Interpretation Sets

CAT DI T est Easy Set 1 CAT DI T est Easy Set 1 Solutions

CAT DI T est Medium Set 1 CAT DI T est Medium Set 1 Solutions

CAT DI T est Dif f icult Set 1 CAT DI T est Dif f icult Set 1 Solutions

CAT DIT est Easy Set 2 CAT DI T est Easy Set 2 Solutions

CAT DI T est MediumSet 2 CAT DI T est Medium Set 2 Solutions

CAT DI T est Dif f icult Set 2 CAT DI T est Dif f icult Set 2 Solutions

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CAT DI Easy Questions Set 3 CAT DI T est Easy Set 3 Solutions

CAT DI Medium Questions Set 3 CAT DI T est Medium Set 3 Solutions

CAT DI Dif icult Questions Set 3 CAT DI T est Dif f icult Set 3 Solutions

CAT DI Easy Questions Set 4 CAT DI T est Easy Set 4 Solutions

CAT DI Medium Questions Set 4 CAT DI T est Medium Set 4 Solutions

CAT DI Dif f cult Questions Set 4 CAT DI T est Dif f cult Set 4 Solutions

CAT Logical Reasoning Sets

CAT LR Easy T est Set 1 CAT LR Easy T est Set 1 Solutions

CAT LR T est Medium Set 1 CAT LR T est Medium Set 1 Solutions

CAT LR T est Dif f icult Set 1 CAT LR T est Dif f icult Set 1 Solutions

CAT LR T est Easy Set 2 CAT LR T est Easy Set 2 Solutions

CAT LR T est Medium Set 2 CAT LR T est Medium Set 2 Solutions

CAT LR T est Dif f icult Set 2 CAT LR T est Dif f icult Set 2 Solutions

CAT LR T est Easy Set 3 CAT LR T est Easy Set 3 Solutions

CAT LR T est Medium Set 3 CAT LR T est Medium Set 3 Solutions

CAT LR T est DIf f icult Set 3 CAT LR T est Dif f icult Set 3 SolutIons

CAT LR Easy T est Set 4 CAT LR Easy T est Set 4 Solutions

CAT LR Medium T est Set 4 CAT LR Medium T est Set 4 Solutions

CAT LR Dif f icult T est Set 4 CAT LR Dif f icult T est Set 4 Solutions

Read More:

CAT question papers of

CAT 2024 syllabus CAT 2024 exam pattern
previous years

CAT preparation 2024 CAT books f or preparation CAT mock test f or practice

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FAQs on CAT Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)
Q: What is the syllabus of CAT DILR?
A: DILR syllabus of CAT is quite vast as the topics some topics are easy, some are
moderate and some are tough to crack. Practicing all types of questions will help you gain
control over the DILR topics which are Blood Relations, Clocks and Calendars, Syllogism,
Series, Statements, Venn Diagram, Proposition, Data Arrangement, Data Structures,
Direction Sense, Family T ree, T ables, Coding-Decoding, Binary Logic, Pie Charts,
Assumptions, Seating Arrangement, Data Suf f iciency, Puzzles, Sets & Caselets and Bars &
Line Graphs.

Q: How can I prepare for CAT DILR?

A: T he DILR section is the second section of the CAT question paper. In this section, there
are 20 questions equally divided between Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning. Most of
the questions are in sets, so it is important f or candidates to prepare well f or all types of
questions. In this section, candidates will have to study T ables, Graphs, Charts and Series
to solve a set of questions, thus one needs to have good calculation skill as well as eye f or

During the preparation phase practice as many sample questions and sectional mock tests
as you can because there is no theory to be studied. Memorise T ables up to 20, Square,
Square Roots, Cube, Cube Roots and other such mathematical values calculate f ast.

Also Read:

Data Interpretation (DI) solved questions

Data Interpretation (DI) solved questions - Part 2

Logical Reasoning (LR) solved questions

Logical Reasoning (LR) solved questions - Part 2

Q: How many mock test should I practice for CAT preparation 2023?
A: T hroughout the CAT preparation phase candidates should practice at least 35-40 CAT
mock tests. T hese 35-40 mock tests should include tests of various dif f iculty level – easy,
medium and tough. Practicing a good number of mock tests is important because you need
to solve questions repeatedly to gain speed and learn the shortest way of solving it. Since
CAT mock test is a replica of the of f icial exam, it helps in optimizing your perf ormance within
120 minutes. For DILR, you will get only 40 minutes so you need to have speed and accuracy
to solve at least 12-15 questions.

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Many CAT toppers of previous years have practiced up to even 80 mock tests but f ollow the
same if there is no need. Don’t overdo it. If you have reached 99 percentile in CAT mocks,
you will most likely score higher in the actual exam.

Q: What are the best books for CAT DILR?

A: Given below is the list of CAT Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning books which
candidates must ref er during exam preparation.

CAT Books Authors

CAT Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Gautam Puri

Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation f or the CAT Nishit K Sinha

Data Interpretation & Data Suf f iciency Ananta Ashisha

How to Prepare f or Data Interpretation f or CAT Arun Sharma

Q: How much time is required for CAT preparation?

A: It is recommended that one should study f or about 9-10 months f or CAT preparation as
the exam is of high dif f iculty level and the number of aspirants is over 2 lakh. So, you must
plan to prepare f or CAT by March. Candidates who have appeared in the CAT bef ore may
not need 9-10 months. Since, they are already f amiliar with syllabus, dif f iculty level and the
exam, they need to only improvise on what they already know. But f irst time aspirants need
to dedicate more time f or CAT preparation , at least 6 months.

Also Read:

CAT preparation 2024: Coaching vs Self Study

How to Prepare f or CAT without quitting your job

CAT 2024: Simple T ips T o Optimize Exam Prep

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