Unit Vector Notation

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Unit Vector Notation

When we want to specify a vector by its components, it can be cumbersome to have to write the algebra symbol for each component:

A more compact notation is to write

where the vectors , called the unit vectors, are defined as the vectors that have magnitude equal to 1 and directions lying along the x, y, and z axes. In speech, they are referred to as "x-hat" and so on. A slightly different, and harder to remember, version of this notation is unfortunately more prevalent. In this version, the unit vectors are called

Rotational Invariance
Let's take a closer look at why certain vector operations are useful and others are not. Consider the operation of multiplying two vectors component by component to produce a third vector:

g / Component-bycomponent multiplication of the vectors in 1 would

produce different vectors in coordinate systems 2 and 3.

As a simple example, we choose vectors P and Q to have length 1, and make them perpendicular to each other, as shown in figure g/1. If we compute the result of our new vector operation using the coordinate system in g/2, we find:

The x component is zero because Px = 0, the y component is zero because Q y = 0, and the z component is of course zero because both vectors are in the x - y plane. However, if we carry out the same operations in coordinate system g/3, rotated 45 degrees with respect to the previous one, we find

The operation's result depends on what coordinate system we use, and since the two versions of R have different lengths (one being zero and the other nonzero), they don't just represent the same answer expressed in two different coordinate systems. Such an operation will never be useful in physics, because experiments show physics works the same regardless of which way we orient the laboratory building! The useful vector operations, such as addition and scalar multiplication, are rotationally invariant, i.e., come out the same regardless of the orientation of the coordinate system.

Order of addition
If we are adding two force vectors, F + G, is it valid to assume as in ordinary algebra that F + G is the same as G + F? To tell if this algebra rule also applies to vectors, we simply translate the vector notation into ordinary algebra notation. In terms of ordinary numbers, the components of the vector F+G would be Fx +Gx , Fy +Gy , and Fz + Gz , which are certainly the same three numbers as G x + Fx , Gy + Fy , and Gz + Fz . Yes, F + G is the same as G + F.

Finding the magnitude and angle from the components

Given that the r vector from LA to Las Vegas has x = 290 km and y = 230 km, how would we find the magnitude and direction of r? We find the magnitude of r from the Pythagorean theorem:

We know all three sides of the triangle, so the angle can be found using any of the inverse trig functions. For example, we know the opposite and adjacent sides, so

Negative components

San Diego is 120 km east and 150 km south of Los Angeles. An airplane pilot is setting course from San Diego to Los Angeles. At what angle should she set her course, measured counterclockwise from east, as shown in the figure? If we make the traditional choice of coordinate axes, with x pointing to the right and y pointing up on the map, then her x is negative, because her final x value is less than her initial x value. Her y is positive, so we have x = -120 km y = 150 km . If we work by analogy with the previous example, we get

According to the usual way of defining angles in trigonometry, a negative result means an angle that lies clockwise from the x axis, which would have her heading for the Baja California. What went wrong? The answer is that when you ask your calculator to take the arctangent of a number, there are always two valid possibilities differing by 180 . That is, there are two possible angles whose tangents equal -1.25: tan 129 = -1.25 tan-51 = -1.25 Your calculator doesn't know which is the correct one, so it just picks one. In this case, the one it picked was the wrong one, and it was up to you to add 180 to it to find the right answer.

Adding components

Given the x and y values from the previous examples, find the x and y from San Diego to Las Vegas.

Note how the signs of the x components take care of the westward and eastward motions, which partially cancel.

LA to Vegas, graphically

Given the magnitudes and angles of the r vectors from San Diego to Los Angeles and from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, find the magnitude and angle of the r vector from San Diego to Las Vegas. Using a protractor and a ruler, we make a careful scale drawing, as shown in the figure. A scale of 1 cm ! 100 km was chosen for this solution. With a ruler, we measure the distance from San Diego to Las Vegas to be 3.8 cm, which corresponds to 380 km. With a protractor, we measure the angle to be 71 .

Summary - Vectors
A vector is a quantity that has both a magnitude (amount) and a direction in space, as opposed to a scalar, which has no direction. The vector notation amounts simply to an abbreviation for writing the vector's three components. In two dimensions, a vector can be represented either by its two components or by its magnitude and direction. The two ways of describing a vector can be related by trigonometry. The two main operations on vectors are addition of a vector to a vector, and multiplication of a vector by a scalar. Vector addition means adding the components of two vectors to form the components of a new vector. In graphical terms, this corresponds to drawing the vectors as two arrows laid tip-to-tail and drawing the sum vector from the tail of the first vector to the tip of the second one. Vector subtraction is performed by negating the vector to be subtracted and then adding. Multiplying a vector by a scalar means multiplying each of its components by the scalar to create a new vector. Division by a scalar is defined similarly.

Homework Problems

The figure shows vectors A and B. Graphically calculate the following: A + B, A - B, B - A, -2B, A - 2B No numbers are involved.

Phnom Penh is 470 km east and 250 km south of Bangkok. Hanoi is 60 km east and 1030 km north of Phnom Penh. (a) Choose a coordinate system, and translate these data into x and y values with the proper plus and minus signs. (b) Find the components of the r vector pointing from Bangkok to Hanoi. If you walk 35 km at an angle 25 counterclockwise from east, and then 22 km at 230 counterclockwise from east, find the distance and direction from your starting point to your destination.

3 4

A machinist is drilling holes in a piece of aluminum according to the plan shown in the figure. She starts with the top hole, then moves to the one on the left, and then to the one on the right. Since this is a high-precision job, she finishes by moving in the direction and at the angle that should take her back to the top hole, and checks that she ends up in the same place. What are the distance and direction from the right-hand hole to the top one?

Vectors and Motion

In 1872, capitalist and former California governor Leland Stanford asked photographer Eadweard Muybridge if he would work for him on a project to settle a $25,000 bet (a princely sum at that time). Stanford's friends were convinced that a galloping horse always had at least one foot on the ground, but Stanford claimed that there was a moment during each cycle of the motion when all four feet were in the air. The human eye was simply not fast enough to settle the question. In 1878, Muybridge finally succeeded in producing what amounted to a motion picture of the horse, showing conclusively that all four feet did leave the ground at one point. (Muybridge was a colorful figure in San Francisco history, and his acquittal for the murder of his wife's lover was considered the trial of the century in California.) The losers of the bet had probably been influenced by Aristotelian reasoning, for instance the expectation that a leaping horse would lose horizontal velocity while in the air with no force to push it forward, so that it would be more efficient for the horse to run without leaping. But even for students who have converted whole-heartedly to Newtonianism, the relationship between force and acceleration leads to some conceptual difficulties, the main one being a problem with the true but seemingly absurd statement that an object can have an acceleration vector whose direction is not the same as the direction of motion. The horse, for instance, has nearly constant horizontal velocity, so its ax is zero. But as anyone can tell you who has ridden a galloping horse, the horse accelerates up and down. The horse's acceleration vector therefore changes back and forth between the up and down directions, but is never in the same direction as the horse's motion. In this chapter, we will examine more carefully the properties of the velocity, acceleration, and force vectors. No new principles are introduced, but an attempt is made to tie things together and show examples of the power of the vector formulation of Newton's laws.

The Velocity Vector

For motion with constant velocity, the velocity vector is v = r/t . [only for constant velocity] The r vector points in the direction of the motion, and dividing it by the scalar t only changes its length, not its direction, so the velocity vector points in the same direction as the motion. When the velocity is not

constant, i.e., when the x-t, y-t, and z-t graphs are not all linear, we use the slope-of-the-tangent-line approach to define the components vx, vy, and vz, from which we assemble the velocity vector. Even when the velocity vector is not constant, it still points along the direction of motion. Vector addition is the correct way to generalize the one-dimensional concept of adding velocities in relative motion, as shown in the following example: Velocity vectors in relative motion.

Velocity vectors in relative motion

You wish to cross a river and arrive at a dock that is directly across from you, but the river's current will tend to carry you downstream. To compensate, you must steer the boat at an angle. Find the angle , given the magnitude, |vWL|, of the water's velocity relative to the land, and the maximum speed, |vBW|, of which the boat is capable relative to the water. The boat's velocity relative to the land equals the vector sum of its velocity with respect to the water and the water's velocity with respect to the land, vBL = vBW + vWL . If the boat is to travel straight across the river, i.e., along the y axis, then we need to have vBL,x = 0. This x component equals the sum of the x components of the other two vectors, vBL, x = vBW, x + vWL, x , or 0 = -|vBW| sin + |vWL| . Solving for , we find sin = |vWL|/|vBW| , so

Solved problem: Annie Oakley page 217, problem 8 Discussion Questions A Is it possible for an airplane to maintain a constant velocity vector but not a constant |v|? How about the opposite - a constant |v| but not a constant velocity vector? Explain. B New York and Rome are at about the same latitude, so the earth's rotation carries them both around nearly the same circle. Do the two cities have the same velocity vector (relative to the center of the earth)? If not, is there any way for two cities to have the same velocity vector?

The Acceleration Vector

b / A change in the magnitude of the velocity vector implies an acceleration.

c / A change in the direction of the velocity vector also produces a nonzero v vector, and thus a nonzero acceleration vector, v/t.

When all three acceleration components are constant, i.e., when the v x - t, vy - t, and vz - t graphs are all linear, we can define the acceleration vector as a = v/t , [only for constant acceleration] which can be written in terms of initial and final velocities as a = (vf - vi)/t . [only for constant acceleration] If the acceleration is not constant, we define it as the vector made out of the a x, ay, and az components found by applying the slope-of- the-tangent-line technique to the vx-t, vy -t, and vz -t graphs. Now there are two ways in which we could have a nonzero acceleration. Either the magnitude or the direction of the velocity vector could change. This can be visualized with arrow diagrams as shown in figures b and c. Both the magnitude and direction can change simultaneously, as when a car accelerates while turning. Only when the magnitude of the velocity changes while its direction stays constant do we have a v vector and an acceleration vector along the same line as the motion. Self-Check (1) In figure b, is the object speeding up, or slowing down? (2) What would the diagram look like if viwas the same as vf ? (3) Describe how the v vector is different depending on whether an object is speeding up or slowing down. Answer (1) It is speeding up, because the final velocity vector has the greater magnitude. (2) The result would be zero, which would make sense. (3) Speeding up produced a v vector in the same direction as the motion. Slowing down would have given a v that bointed backward.

If this all seems a little strange and abstract to you, you're not alone. It doesn't mean much to most physics students the first time someone tells them that acceleration is a vector, and that the acceleration vector does not have to be in the same direction as the velocity vector. One way to understand those statements better is to imagine an object such as an air freshener or a pair of fuzzy dice hanging from the rear-view mirror of a car. Such a hanging object, called a bob, constitutes an accelerometer. If you watch the bob as you accelerate from a stop light, you'll see it swing backward. The horizontal direction in which the bob tilts is opposite to the direction of the acceleration. If you apply the brakes and the car's acceleration vector points backward, the bob tilts forward. After accelerating and slowing down a few times, you think you've put your accelerometer through its paces, but then you make a right turn. Surprise! Acceleration is a vector, and needn't point in the same direction as the velocity vector. As you make a right turn, the bob swings outward, to your left. That means the car's acceleration vector is to your right, perpendicular to your velocity vector. A useful definition of an acceleration vector should relate in a systematic way to the actual physical effects produced by the acceleration, so a physically reasonable definition of the acceleration vector must allow for cases where it is not in the same direction as the motion. Self-Check In projectile motion, what direction does the acceleration vector have? Answer As we have already seen, the projectile has ax = 0 and ay = -g, so the acceleration vector is pointing straight down. Rappelling.


In the figure, the rappeller's velocity has long periods of gradual change interspersed with short periods of rapid change. These correspond to periods of small acceleration and force, and periods of large acceleration and force. The galloping horse.

The galloping horse

Figure e on page 210 shows outlines traced from the first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth frames in Muybridge's series of photographs of the galloping horse. The estimated location of the horse's center of mass is shown with a circle, which bobs above and below the horizontal dashed line. If we don't care about calculating velocities and accelerations in any particular system of units, then we can pretend that the time between frames is one unit. The horse's velocity vector as it moves from one point to the next can then be found simply by drawing an arrow to connect one position of the center of mass to the next. This produces a series of velocity vectors which alternate between pointing above and below horizontal. The v vector is the vector which we would have to add onto one velocity vector in order to get the next velocity vector in the series. The v vector alternates between pointing down (around the time when the horse is in the air, B) and up (around the time when the horse has two feet on the ground, D).

Discussion Questions A When a car accelerates, why does a bob hanging from the rearview mirror swing toward the back of the car? Is it because a force throws it backward? If so, what force? Similarly, describe what happens in the other cases described above. B The following is a question commonly asked by students: "Why does the force vector always have to point in the same direction as the acceleration vector? What if you suddenly decide to change your force on an object, so that your force is no longer pointing the same direction that the object is accelerating?" What misunderstanding is demonstrated by this question? Suppose, for example, a spacecraft is blasting its rear main engines while moving forward, then suddenly begins firing its sideways maneuvering rocket as well. What does the student think Newton's laws are predicting?

The Force Vector and Simple Machines

Force is relatively easy to intuit as a vector. The force vector points in the direction in which it is trying to accelerate the object it is acting on. Since force vectors are so much easier to visualize than acceleration vectors, it is often helpful to first find the direction of the (total) force vector acting on an object, and then use that information to determine the direction of the acceleration vector. Newton's second law, Ftotal = ma, tells us that the two must be in the same direction. A component of a force vector.

A component of a force vector

f / Example 4

Figure f, redrawn from a classic 1920 textbook, shows a boy pulling another child on a sled. His force has both a horizontal component and a vertical one, but only the horizontal one accelerates the sled. (The vertical component just partially cancels the force of gravity, causing a decrease in the normal force between the runners and the snow.) There are two triangles in the figure. One triangle's hypotenuse is the rope, and the other's is the magnitude of the force. These triangles are similar, so their internal angles are all the same, but they are not the same triangle. One is a distance triangle, with sides measured in meters, the other a force triangle, with sides in newtons. In both cases, the horizontal leg is 93% as long

as the hypotenuse. It does not make sense, however, to compare the sizes of the triangles - the force triangle is not smaller in any meaningful sense. Pushing a block up a ramp.

Pushing a block up a ramp

g / The applied force FA pushes the block up the frictionless ramp.

Figure (g) shows a block being pushed up a frictionless ramp at constant speed by an applied force FA. How much force is required, in terms of the block's mass, m, and the angle of the ramp, ?

h / Three forces act on the block. Their vector sum is zero.

i / If the block is to move at constant velocity, Newton's first law says that the three force vectors acting on it must add up to zero. To perform vector addition, we put the vectors tip to tail, and in this case we are adding three vectors, so each one's tail goes against the tip of the

previous one. Since they are supposed to add up to zero, the third vector's tip must come back to touch the tail of the first vector. They form a triangle, and since the applied force is perpendicular to the normal force, it is a right triangle.

Figure (h) shows the other two forces acting on the block: a normal force, FN, created by the ramp, and the weight force, FW, created by the earth's gravity. Because the block is being pushed up at constant speed, it has zero acceleration, and the total force on it must be zero. From figure (i), we find |FA| = |FW| sin = mg sin . Since the sine is always less than one, the applied force is always less than mg, i.e., pushing the block up the ramp is easier than lifting it straight up. This is presumably the principle on which the pyramids were constructed: the ancient Egyptians would have had a hard time applying the forces of enough slaves to equal the full weight of the huge blocks of stone. Essentially the same analysis applies to several other simple machines, such as the wedge and the screw. Solved problem: A cargo plane page 217, problem 9 Solved problem: The angle of repose page 218, problem 11 Solved problem: A wagon page 218, problem 10 Discussion Questions A

The figure shows a block being pressed diagonally upward against a wall, causing it to slide up the wall. Analyze the forces involved, including their directions. B

The figure shows a roller coaster car rolling down and then up under the influence of gravity. Sketch the car's velocity vectors and acceleration vectors. Pick an interesting point in the motion and sketch a set of force vectors acting on the car whose vector sum could have resulted in the right acceleration vector.

Calculus With Vectors

Using the unit vector notation introduced in section 7.4, the definitions of the velocity and acceleration components given in chapter 6 can be translated into calculus notation as


To make the notation less cumbersome, we generalize the concept of the derivative to include derivatives of vectors, so that we can abbreviate the above equations as


In words, to take the derivative of a vector, you take the derivatives of its components and make a new vector out of those. This definition means that the derivative of a vector function has the familiar properties


The integral of a vector is likewise defined as integrating component by component. The second derivative of a vector.

The second derivative of a vector

Two objects have positions as functions of time given by the equations and Find both objects' accelerations using calculus. Could either answer have been found without calculus? Taking the first derivative of each component, we find

and taking the derivatives again gives acceleration,

The first object's acceleration could have been found without calculus, simply by comparing the x and y coordinates with the constantacceleration equation x = vot + 1/2at2. The second equation, however, isn't just a second-order polynomial in t, so the acceleration isn't constant, and we really did need calculus to find the corresponding acceleration. The integral of a vector.

The integral of a vector

Starting from rest, a flying saucer of mass m is observed to vary its propulsion with mathematical precision according to the equation

(The aliens inform us that the numbers 42 and 137 have a special religious significance for them.) Find the saucer's velocity as a function of time. From the given force, we can easily find the acceleration

The velocity vector v is the integral with respect to time of the acceleration,

and integrating component by component gives

where we have omitted the constants of integration, since the saucer was starting from rest. A fire-extinguisher stunt on ice.

A fire-extinguisher stunt on ice

Prof. Puerile smuggles a fire extinguisher into a skating rink. Climbing out onto the ice without any skates on, he sits down and pushes off from the wall with his feet, acquiring an initial velocity At t=0, he then discharges the fire extinguisher at a 45-degree angle so that it applies a force to him that is backward and to the left, i.e., along the negative y axis and the positive x axis. The fire extinguisher's force is strong at first, but then dies down according to the equation |F| = b -ct, where b and c are constants. Find the professor's velocity as a function of time. . Measured counterclockwise from the x axis, the angle of the force vector becomes 315 . Breaking the force down into x and y components, we have

In unit vector notation, this is

Newton's second law gives

To find the velocity vector as a function of time, we need to integrate the acceleration vector with respect to time,

A vector function can be integrated component by component, so this can be broken down into two integrals,

Here the physical significance of the two constants of integration is that they give the initial velocity. Constant #1 is therefore zero, and constant #2 must equal vo. The final result is

Velocity vectors in relative motion

You wish to cross a river and arrive at a dock that is directly across from you, but the river's current will tend to carry you downstream. To compensate, you must steer the boat at an angle. Find the angle , given the magnitude, |vWL|, of the water's velocity relative to the land, and the maximum speed, |vBW|, of which the boat is capable relative to the water. The boat's velocity relative to the land equals the vector sum of its velocity with respect to the water and the water's velocity with respect to the land, vBL = vBW + vWL . If the boat is to travel straight across the river, i.e., along the y axis, then we need to have vBL,x = 0. This x component equals the sum of the x components of the other two vectors, vBL, x = vBW, x + vWL, x , or

Solving for , we find so

0 = -|vBW| sin + |vWL| . sin = |vWL|/|vBW| ,

Homework Problems

A dinosaur fossil is slowly moving down the slope of a glacier under the influence of wind, rain and gravity. At the same time, the glacier is moving relative to the continent underneath. The dashed lines represent the directions but not the magnitudes of the velocities. Pick a scale, and use graphical addition of vectors to find the magnitude and the direction of the fossil's velocity relative to the continent. You will need a ruler and protractor.

2 3 4

Is it possible for a helicopter to have an acceleration due east and a velocity due west? If so, what would be going on? If not, why not? A bird is initially flying horizontally east at 21.1 m/s, but one second later it has changed direction so that it is flying horizontally and 7 north of east, at the same speed. What are the magnitude and direction of its acceleration vector during that one second time interval? (Assume its acceleration was roughly constant.)

A person of mass M stands in the middle of a tightrope, which is fixed at the ends to two buildings separated by a horizontal distance L. The rope sags in the middle, stretching and lengthening the rope slightly. (a) If the tightrope walker wants the rope to sag vertically by no more than a height h, find the minimum tension, T, that the rope must be able to withstand without breaking, in terms of h, g, M, and L. (b) Based on your equation, explain why it is not possible to get h = 0, and give a physical interpretation.

Your hand presses a block of mass m against a wall with a force FH acting at an angle .

Find the minimum and maximum possible values of |FH| that can keep the block stationary, in terms of m, g, , and s, the coefficient of static friction between the block and the wall.

A skier of mass m is coasting down a slope inclined at an angle compared to horizontal. Assume for simplicity that the treatment of kinetic friction given in chapter 5 is appropriate here, although a soft and wet surface actually behaves a little differently. The coefficient of kinetic friction acting between the skis and the snow is k, and in addition the skier experiences an air friction force of magnitude bv2, where b is a constant. (a) Find the maximum speed that the skier will attain, in terms of the variables m, g, , k, and b. (b) For angles below a certain minimum angle min, the equation gives a result that is not mathematically meaningful. Find an equation for min, and give a physical explanation of what is happening for < min. A gun is aimed horizontally to the west, and fired at t = 0. The bullet's position vector as a function of time is where b, c, and d are constants. (a) What units would b, c, and d need to have for the equation to make sense? (b) Find the bullet's velocity and acceleration as functions of time. (c) Give physical interpretations of b, c, d,

8 9

Annie Oakley, riding north on horseback at 30 mi/hr, shoots her rifle, aiming horizontally Solution, and to the northeast. The muzzle speed of the rifle is 140 mi/hr. When the bullet hits a p. 281 defenseless fuzzy animal, what is its speed of impact? Neglect air resistance, and ignore the vertical motion of the bullet. Solution, p. 281

A cargo plane has taken off from a tiny airstrip in the Andes, and is climbing at constant speed, at an angle of =17 with respect to horizontal. Its engines supply a thrust of Fthrust = 200 kN, and the lift from its wings is Flift = 654 kN. Assume that air resistance (drag) is negligible, so the only forces acting are thrust, lift, and weight. What is its mass, in kg?


Solution, p. 282

A wagon is being pulled at constant speed up a slope by a rope that makes an angle with the vertical. (a) Assuming negligible friction, show that the tension in the rope is given by the equation

where FW is the weight force acting on the wagon. (b) Interpret this equation in the special cases of = 0 and = 180 - .


The angle of repose is the maximum slope on which an object will not slide. On airless, Solution, geologically inert bodies like the moon or an asteroid, the only thing that determines p. 282 whether dust or rubble will stay on a slope is whether the slope is less steep than the angle of repose. (a) Find an equation for the angle of repose, deciding for yourself what are the relevant variables. (b) On an asteroid, where g can be thousands of times lower than on Earth, would rubble be able to lie at a steeper angle of repose?


The figure shows an experiment in which a cart is released from rest at A, and accelerates down the slope through a distance x until it passes through a sensor's light beam. The point of the experiment is to determine the cart's acceleration. At B, a cardboard vane mounted on the cart enters the light beam, blocking the light beam, and starts an electronic timer running. At C, the vane emerges from the beam, and the timer stops. (a) Find the final velocity of the cart in terms of the width w of the vane and the time tb for which the sensor's light beam was blocked. (b) Find the magnitude of the cart's acceleration in terms of the measurable quantities x, tb, and w. (c) Analyze the forces in which the cart participates, using a table in the format introduced insection 5.3. Assume friction is negligible. (d) Find a theoretical value for the acceleration of the cart, which could be compared with the experimentally observed value extracted in part b. Express the theoretical value in terms of the angle of the slope, and the strength g of the gravitational field.


Problem 13 (Millikan and Gale, 1920).

The figure shows a boy hanging in three positions: (1) with his arms straight up, (2) with his arms at 45 degrees, and (3) with his arms at 60 degrees with respect to the vertical. Compare the tension in his arms in the three cases.

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