EMTECH Assignment

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CT060-3-3-EMTECH Assignment I & Assignment II

A. Overview of Assignment:
A research report is to be created by students with the aim of addressing a diverse readership,
encompassing varying levels of technical and managerial knowledge. The chosen company,
determined by the module lecturer, will be the subject of research into both its current and
historical business and IT developments, drawing information from journals, magazines, and
To effectively complete this assignment, students must extend their understanding beyond the
provided lecture and tutorial notes. Clear articulation and explanation of assumptions, along
with proper references for information sources, are essential. Additionally, students should
provide justifications for any assumptions and recommendations put forth.
Your Assignment is to produce a report related to: Choose ONE (1)
Company Name: Nvidia Corporation Samsung Corporation
Industry: Semi-conductors Electronics & Technology
Technology: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Internet-of Things (IoT)

1. Assignment 1 (25%)
Students should prepare the following sections of the report (maximum 2,000 words)
 Introduction & Background of the company and the Emerging Technology (ET).
 Detailed analysis of the importance of protecting ET’s intellectual property.
 Evaluation of the financial options used / available to the company in reflection
towards the ET.
2. Assignment 2 (35%)
Students should prepare the following sections of the report (maximum 3,000 words)
 Risk Profiling assessment (technology risks, marketing risks & organizational risks)
in adopting the emerging technology.
 Examine the public policies related to the emerging technology.
 The ethical perspective of the company’s emerging technology :
o Information privacy
o Individual privacy
o Communication privacy

CT060-3-3-EMTECH Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 2024

CT060-3-3-EMTECH Assignment I & Assignment II

B. Breakdown of Marks:
Assignment / Criteria Assignment 1 Assignment 2
Research & Referencing 20 marks (5%) 28 marks (10%)
• Supporting research clearly explained and
presented. Provides appropriate in-text citations and
thoroughly lists references that were used in the report.
Critical Analysis 40 marks (10%) 28 marks (10%)
• An in-depth analysis of the topic and clear
synthesis to the scenario selected with excellent discussion
Original Ideas & Critical Thinking 40 marks (10%) 44 marks (15%)
• Clear evidence of original ideas and critical
Total 100 marks (25%) 100 marks (35%)

C. Assessment Grading Classifications:

The assignment will contribute 100% towards the in-course assessment, as mentioned on the
Student Assessment & Information Sheet (SAIS).
Assignment marking criteria:
Demonstrated comprehensive research with detailed evidence. High level of analysis
performed, exceptional and thorough knowledge and understanding displayed about the
application. This includes analysis and evaluation of facts followed by results of the
evaluation. Documentation is presented professionally, following proper sequencing and
flow. Displayed evidence of critical appraisal.
Adequate research conducted with reasonable detail of evidence presented. Moderate level of
understanding, analysis, and knowledge displayed. Some level of relevance is included in
terms of application. Moderate level of analysis and evaluation of facts followed by results
comparison. Good level of documentation presented. Some level of reflection was evident in
the documentation. Moderate level of critical appraisal.
Low-level research conducted. Some evidence of research is displayed. Basic level of
understanding and knowledge analysis displayed. A satisfactory level of documentation. No
evaluation and analysis of facts, no results comparison performed Satisfactory or low level of
reflection displayed. No level of critical appraisal was demonstrated.

CT060-3-3-EMTECH Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 2024

CT060-3-3-EMTECH Assignment I & Assignment II

D. Report Guidelines:
a) Line spacing: 1.5 lines
b) Font Size: 12 pts (except titles and headings)
c) Font Type: Times New Roman
d) Paragraph Alignment: Justify (Ctrl + J)
E. Submission:
You are required to upload your complete assignment on APU Moodle before the deadline.
a) Assignment I Submission dateline: WEEK 10
b) Assignment 2 Submission dateline: WEEK 13

CT060-3-3-EMTECH Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 2024

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