Water Billing Management System Project Report: March 2024
Water Billing Management System Project Report: March 2024
Water Billing Management System Project Report: March 2024
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1 author:
Kamal Acharya
Tribhuvan University
All content following this page was uploaded by Kamal Acharya on 02 June 2024.
(Tribhuvan University)
Date: 2024/03/25
1.1 Introduction to Proposed System
Our project entitled “Water Billing Management System” aims is to
generate Water bill with all the charges and penalty. Manual system
that is employed is extremely laborious and quite inadequate. It only
makes the process more difficult and hard.
The aim of our project is to develop a system that is meant to
partially computerize the work performed in the Water Board like
generating monthly Water bill, record of consuming unit of water,
store record of the customer and previous unpaid record.
We used HTML/PHP as front end and MYSQL as back end for
developing our project. HTML is primarily a visual design
environment. We can create a android application by designing the
form and that make up the user interface. Adding android application
code to the form and the objects such as buttons and text boxes on
them and adding any required support code in additional modular.
MySQL is free open source database that facilitates the
effective management of the databases by connecting them to the
software. It is a stable ,reliable and the powerful solution with the
advanced features and advantages which are as follows: Data
Security.MySQL is free open source database that facilitates the
effective management of the databases by connecting them to the
software. It is a stable ,reliable and the powerful solution with the
advanced features and advantages which are as follows: Data
2.1 Scope:
Our project aims at Business process automation, i.e. we have tried to
computerize various processes of Water Billing System. In the sector
of Water board we have computerizes their department and stock
Scope of any software depends upon the following things:
1. It satisfy the user requirement
2. Be easy to understand by the user and operator
3. Be easy to operate
4. Have a good user interface
5. Be expandable
6. Delivered on schedule within the budget.
We have tried to make such type of software, which satisfy the above
given requirement.
2.2 Objectives Of The System:
The firm handles all of the work manually, which is very tedious and
The objective of our project is as follows:
a. To keep the information of Customer.
b. To keep the information of consuming unit of energy of current
c. To keep the information of consuming unit of energy of previous
d. To keep the information of employee working in the department.
e. To maintain the record of the department.
3.1 Identification Of Problem:
making and cost controlling, but since these reports do not get required
attention, such kind of reports and information were also identified and
given required attention.
Details of the information needed for each document and report.
The required frequency and distribution for each document.
Probable sources of information for each document and report.
With the implementation of computerized system, the task of keeping
records in an organized manner will be solved. The greatest of all is the
retrieval of information, which will be at the click of the mouse. So the
proposed system helps in saving the time in different operations and
making information flow easy giving valuable reports.
Feasibility study is the phase in which the analyst checks that the
candidate system is feasible for the organization or not. This entails
identification, description & evaluation of the system. Feasibility study
is done to select the best system that meets the performance
If the feasibility study is to serve as a decision document, it must
answer key questions.
1. Is there a new and better way to do the job that will benefit the
2. What are the costs and savings of the alternatives?
3. What is recommended?
The most successful system projects are not necessarily the biggest
or most visible in the business but rather those truly meet user’s
Feasibility considerations
Three key considerations are involved in the feasibility study. They are
as follows:-
Economic Feasibility:
Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating
the effectiveness of the candidate system.
We analyze the candidate system (computerized system) is feasible as
than the manual system because it saves the money, time and
manpower. It also feasible according to cost benefits analysis.
Technical Feasibility:
Technical feasibility centers around the technology used. It means the
candidate system is technically feasible i.e. it don’t have any technical
fault and work properly in the given environment. Our system is
technically feasible; it is providing us required output.
Behavioral Feasibility:
Behavioral feasibility is the analysis of behavior of the
candidate system. In this we analyze that the candidate system is
working properly or not. If working than it communicating proper
with the environment or not. All this matters are analyzed and a good
candidate system is prepared. Due to the change of system what is the
change in behavior of the users, this factors are also analyzed.
System development environment shows the hardware and software
requirement, which is necessary for developing the software.
Necessary software and hardware requirement, which are necessary for
making this software are as follows:
4.1 Software Requirement:
Software requirement for developing this project is as follows:
4.2 Hardware Requirement:
Hardware requirement for developing this project is as follows:
1. Intel Pentium Processor
2. 32 MB RAM or higher
3. 1.2 GB Hard Disk or greater.
4. Video Display Unit.
5. Keyboard.
6. Mouse.
7. One Printer for printing the Water bill.
PHP is an intuitive, server side scripting language. Like any other scripting
language it allows developers to build logic into the creation of web page
content and handle data returned from a web browser. PHP also contains a
number of extensions that make it easy to interact with databases, extracting
data to be displayed on a web page and storing information entered by a
web site visitor back into the database.
Typically the web server doesn't pay any attention to the content of the file
it has just transmitted to the web browser. As far as the web server is
concerned the web browser understands the content of the web page file and
knows how to interpret and render it so that it appears as the web designer
Now let's consider what kind of web page content a web browser
understands. These days a web page is likely to consist of HTML, XHTML
and JavaScript. The web browser contains code that tells it what to do with
these types of content. For example, it understands the structure HTML in
terms of rendering the page and it has a JavaScript interpreter built in that
knows how to execute the instructions in a JavaScript script. A web
browser, however, knows absolutely nothing about any PHP script that may
be embedded in an HTML document. If a browser was served a web page
containing PHP it would not know how to interpret that code.
Given that a web browser knows nothing about PHP in a web page, then
clearly something has to be done with any PHP script in the page before it
reaches the browser. This is where the PHP pre-processing module comes
in. The PHP module is, as mentioned previously, integrated into the web
server. The module tells the web server that when a page is to be served
which contains PHP script (identified by special markers) that it is to pass
that script to the PHP pre-processing module and wait for the PHP module
to send it some content to replace that script fragment. The PHP processing
module understands PHP, executes the PHP script written by the web
developer and, based on the script instructions, creates output that the
browser will understand. The web server substitutes the content provided by
the PHP pre-processor module in place of the PHP script in the web page
and sends it to the browser where it is rendered for the user to view.
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To help understand this concept let's take a quick look at a before and after
scenario. The following HTML contains some PHP script that is designed
to output an HTML paragraph tag:
<title>A PHP Example</title>
echo '<p>This line of HTML was generated by a PHP script embedded
into an HTML document</p>';
The above example looks very much like standard HTML until you reach
the part surrounded by <?php and ?>. These are markers that designate
where the embedded PHP script begins and ends. When the web server
finds this it sends it to the PHP module. The PHP module interprets it,
converts it to HTML and sends it back to the web server. The web server, in
turn, sends the following to the browser:
<title>A PHP Example</title>
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<p>This line of HTML was generated by a PHP script embedded into an
HTML document</p>
Once loaded into the browser, it is rendered just like any other web page.
The fact that the web page originally contained PHP is completely
transparent to the web browser.
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we have scripting languages like JavaScript. JavaScript provides a powerful
mechanism for creating interactive and dynamic web pages.
Perhaps one of the most significant advantages of PHP to some is the ease
with which it interacts with the MySQL database to retrieve and store data.
In summary, PHP has many advantages, and those listed here are just some
of the reasons for the success of PHP. Many people will offer their own
reasons for using PHP - and this fact alone is testament to the power and
flexibility of PHP.
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5.2 Introduction of MySql
MySQL Database
MySQL is a fast, easy-to-use RDBMS being used for many small and big
businesses. MySQL is developed, marketed and supported by MySQL AB,
which is a Swedish company. MySQL is becoming so popular because of
many good reasons −
MySQL works very quickly and works well even with large data sets.
MySQL is very friendly to PHP, the most appreciated language for web
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Table Name: BILL
Field Name Data Type Size Constraint
Bill_no Number Auto Primary key
BillDate Date
Amount Number Auto
City Text 30
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Service Centre Table:
Field Name Data Type Size Constraint
Cust_id Number Auto Foreign Key
Service_Centre Text 20
Street Text 20
City Text 20
City Code Number Auto
State Text 10
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Field Name Data Type Size Constraint
Customer Name Text 20
Shop_no Text 20 Primary Key
Street Text 20
Bill_no Integer Auto Foreign Key
Bill Amount Integer Auto
Bill Date Date
These are the tables, which are used in the project development for
storing different record. Every table has a primary key for storing
unique record . we have also used foreign key for making relationship
between the tables.
6.2 Input Stream:
Input stream shows the way by which information are passed in to the
table as record. We have used mainly two forms in the project
inputting the record in the table first is commercial bill record form and
second is domestic bill record form. By these form we input the
records of the table name, address, service centre, customer_id etc
6.3 Output Stream:
Input stream shows the way by which information viewed by the user
which are stored in the database.
Commercial bill calculation form and domestic bill calculation forms
are used as an output stream we can see the record and also can see the
name , bill_date,total_bill etc.
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Commercial report form and home report form are used for getting the
total record of the domestic bill and commercial bill in printed form.
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Identify the responsible users and develop an initial scope of the
Identify current deficiencies in the user’s environment determine
objectives for the new system
Determine whether it is feasible to automate the system and if so
suggest some acceptable options:
The three major areas to consider while determining the feasibility
of a project are:
Technical Feasibility
Economical Feasibility
Operational Feasibility
Technical Feasibility:
The Analyst finds out whether current technical resources, which are
available in the organization, is capable of Handling user requirements.
Economical Feasibility:
Economical or financial feasibility is second part of resource
determination. Basic resources to consider are:
Management time
Time spent by system analysis team
Cost of doing the full system study
Estimated cost of hardware
Estimated cost of software
Operational Feasibility:
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Operational feasibility is dependent upon determining human resources
for the project. It refers to projecting whether the system will operate
and be used once it is installed.
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If problem exists, how serious is it?
If a problem exists, what is the underlying cause?
To answer the above question system analyst talks to a variety of
people to gather details about the project. Questionnaires are used to
collect this information from large groups of people who Cannot be
interviewed individually. Detailed investigations also require the study
of Manual and reports, actual observation of work activities and
collection of existing Forms and document to fully understand the
Analysis or determination of system requirement
It is during this phase that the analyst and the user come to an
agreement on
what Functions the proposed system has to perform.
A detailed document has to prepare by system analyst containing the
Inputs that must be received by the system
The outputs to be produced by the system
The data to be retained
The procedures to get the output from the given inputs
Audit and control requirements
System acceptance criteria
This detailed document is called functional specification or proposed
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3. Design Of The System
The design process should take care of the following:
Identification of reports and outputs the new system should
Scrutinize the data present on each report/output
Sketch the form or display as expected to appear at the end of
completion of the system. This may be done on paper or on a
computer display using one of the automated system design tools
description of data to be input calculated or stored individual data
items and calculation procedure written in detail.
The procedures written should tell how to process the data and
produce the output
The document produced at the end of this activity is called design
4. Development Of Software
In this stage the actual coding / writing of the program is done. Analyst
– programmers do analyst and designs well as code programs
programmers are responsible for documenting the program including
comments that explain both
how and why certain procedure was coded in specific way. Programs
are individually tested using some test data. Documentation is also
essential to test the programs and carry out maintenance once the
application has been installed.
This activity of system development life cycle produces tested
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5. System Testing
Once the programs are tested individually the system as a whole needs
to tested. During testing the system is used experimentally to ensure
that the software does not Fail that it will run according to its
specifications and in the way user accept it too. special test data is
prepared as input for processing and the result are examined to Locate
unexpected result.
6. System Implementation
in this stage the system analyst uses new software, which has been
tested into use. user personnel are trained and any files of data needed
by the new system are constructed. Thus new software is installed and
then used.
7. System Maintenance
Once installed the software is often used for many years. However both
the organization and user change. The environment may also change
over a period of time; therefore The software has to be maintained.
7.2 DFD(Data Flow Diagram):
They are the versatile diagramming tools used for structured system
analysis. They are specifically used for process modeling which
involves graphically representing the function or process, which
captures, manipulate, store, and distribute data between a system and
its environment and between components within a system.
This is the start point of data flow diagramming process. It is denoted
as the highest-level diagram. It gives an overview of an organizational
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system that shows the system boundaries, external entities that interact
with the system and the major information flows between the entities
and the system
There are mainly four module in our project. These are as follows:
1. Domestic bill information module.
2. Commercial bill information module.
3. Domestic customer record module.
4. Commercial customer record module.
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name, shop no, address, its customer id, service centre his Water bill
description, which contain bill no, bill date, total bill etc. we can also
calculate total bill of the customer according to total unit, bill charge of
the bill.
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3. Aliases or synonyms are allowed when two or more enters
shows the same meaning. For example a vendor number may
also be called as customer number.
4. A self-defining word should not be decomposed. It means that
the reduction of any information in to subpart should be done
only if it is really required that is it is not easy to understand
Data dictionary includes information such as the number of records in
file, the frequency a process will run, security factor like pass word
which user must enter to get excess to the information.
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9.1 Coding of Login Form:
Private Sub cmdCancle_Click()
End Sub
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Private Sub mnuFileCombilFrm_Click()
End Sub
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txtcec.Text = ""
txtcunit.Text = ""
End Sub
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End If
End Sub
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cmd1First.Enabled = True
cmd4Last.Enabled = True
If adocom.Recordset.AbsolutePosition = adPosBOF And
adobill.Recordset.AbsolutePosition = adPosBOF Then
MsgBox ("no other record")
End If
End Sub
41 | P a g e
Dim res As String
res = MsgBox("you want to save the record", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "alert")
If res = vbYes Then
adobill.Recordset.Fields("shop_no") = adocom.Recordset.Fields("shop_no")
MsgBox "Record is Updated"
End If
End Sub
End Sub
End Sub
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detailcb.AddItem ("DOMESTIC 0")
detailcb.AddItem ("COMERCIAL 1")
End Sub
9.5 Coding of Domestic Bill Calculation Form:
Dim u, u1, u2 As Long
Dim X, Y, z, p, d, f As String
Private Sub cmd1exit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
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End If
End Sub
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txted.Text = "Rs" & d
txttotal.Text = "Rs" & (X + Y + p + d + f)
ElseIf u > 300 Then
X = 50 * 1.3
Y = 250 * 3
z = (u - 300) * 3.5
txtec.Text = "Rs" & (X + Y + z)
p = CStr(u * 0.1)
txtsc.Text = "Rs" & p
If u <= 100 Then
d = ((X + Y + z) * 15) / 100
d = ((X + Y + z) * 23) / 100
End If
txted.Text = "Rs" & d
txttotal.Text = "Rs" & (X + Y + z + p + d + f)
End If
End Sub
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Private Sub cmd1First_Click()
cmd1First.Enabled = False
cmd4Last.Enabled = True
End Sub
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Private Sub cmd2_Click()
Dim i As Integer
If adocust.Recordset.Fields("cus_id") = adodesc.Recordset.Fields("cus_id") Then
cmd1.Enabled = True
cmd4.Enabled = True
End If
If adodesc.Recordset.AbsolutePosition = adPosEOF Then
MsgBox ("no other record")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmd2Next_Click()
cmd1First.Enabled = True
cmd4Last.Enabled = True
If adocust.Recordset.AbsolutePosition = adPosEOF Then
MsgBox ("no other record")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmd3_Click()
cmd1.Enabled = True
cmd4.Enabled = True
If adodesc.Recordset.AbsolutePosition = adPosBOF Then
MsgBox ("no other record")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmd3Next_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
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cmd4.Enabled = False
End Sub
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adocust.RecordSource = "select * from bill where" & res
'adodesc.RecordSource = "select billdec.billmonth,billdec.totalbill from billdec where" &
End Sub
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End If
End Sub
When the box testing tests all the independent part within a module a
logical decisions on their true and the false side are exercised , all loops
and bounds within their operational bounds were exercised and internal
data structure to ensure their validity were exercised once.
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10.2 Black Box Testing:
This method enables the software engineer to device sets of input
techniques that fully exercise all functional requirements for a
program. black box testing tests the input, the output and the external
data. it checks whether the input data is correct and whether we are
getting the desired output.
10.3 Alpha Testing:
Acceptance testing is also sometimes called alpha testing. Be spoke
systems are developed for a single customer. The alpha testing
proceeds until the system developer and the customer agree that the
provided system is an acceptable implementation of the system
10.4 Beta Testing:
On the other hand, when a system isto be marked as a software
product, another process called beta testing is often conducted. During
beta testing, a system is delivered among a number of potential users
who agree to use it. The customers then report problems to the
developers. This provides the product for real use and detects errors
which may not have been anticipated by the system developers.
Testing Approaches:
Unit Testing:
Each module is considered independently. it focuses on each unit of
software as implemented in the source code. it is white box testing.
Integration Testing:
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Integration testing aims at constructing the program structure while at
the same constructing tests to uncover errors associated with
interfacing the modules. modules are integrated by using the top down
Validation Testing:
Validation testing was performed to ensure that all the functional and
performance requirements are met.
System Testing:
It is executing programs to check logical changes made in it with
intention of finding errors. a system is tested for online response,
volume of transaction, recovery from failure etc. System testing is done
to ensure that the system satisfies all the user requirements.
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We have tried to develop a system that can be a great help for the
owner of the referred Water department to receiving bill from the
customer. Despite all our efforts there are some bugs in the system,
which are still to be removed. This is possible by the testing being done
in the system.
We have left all the options open so that if there is any other future
requirement in the system by the user for the enhancement of the
system then it is possible to implement them.
In the last we would like to thanks all the persons involved in the
development of the system directly or indirectly. We are also thankful
to the Rajendra Nagar South Division Water Department for so much
taken by them in helping to develop the system.
We hope that the project will serve its purpose for which it is develop
there by underlining success of process.
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We have left all the options open so that if there is any other future
requirement in the system by the user for the enhancement of the
system then it is possible to implement them.
In the last we would like to thanks all the persons involved in the
development of the system directly or indirectly. We are also thankful
to the Rajendra Nagar South Division Water Department for so much
taken by them in helping to develop the system.
We hope that the project will serve its purpose for which it is develop
there by underlining success of process.
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Acharya, Kamal, Courier management system project report (May 25, 2023). Available
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Acharya, Kamal, Event management system project report (April 25, 2021). Available at
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Available at
SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4848857 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4848857
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