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// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.

0 at
// @ EzAlgo

indicator("Position Size Calculator (EzAlgo)", overlay=true)

table_location_input = input.string("Top Right", title="Location", options=["Bottom

Right", "Bottom Left", "Bottom Center", "Top Left", "Top Center", "Top Right", "Middle
left", "Middle Center", "Middle Right" ], group='Table Settings')

size = input.string(size.small, title='Text Size', options=[size.normal, size.small,


grp1 = 'Price Points'

entry_price = input.price(27000, title='Entry Price', group=grp1, inline='line1')

sl_price = input.price(26000, title='Stop Loss', group=grp1, inline='line2')

showtp1 = input(true, title='', inline='line3', group=grp1)

showtp2 = input(true, title='', inline='line4', group=grp1)
showtp3 = input(true, title='', inline='line5', group=grp1)
showtp4 = input(true, title='', inline='line6', group=grp1)
tp1_price = input.price(27400, title='Take Profit 1', group=grp1, inline='line3')
tp2_price = input.price(28000, title='Take Profit 2', group=grp1, inline='line4')
tp3_price = input.price(28800, title='Take Profit 3', group=grp1, inline='line5')
tp4_price = input.price(29800, title='Take Profit 4', group=grp1, inline='line6')

dca_sw = input.bool(true, title='', group=grp1, inline='line1')

auto_leverage_info="Auto Leverage automatically determines the optimal leverage level for

a trade based on the user's Stop Loss price distance from the Entry point and the user-
defined risk percentage per Entry. It also considers a user-defined Liquidation Buffer,
which is a preset percentage determining how close to the Stop Loss a position can get
before it's liquidated. This tool allows traders to optimize their leverage amount
according to their risk tolerance."
dca_price_info='This is the value at which you initiate your second, equally-sized and
leveraged position when employing Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) strategy. Upon reaching the
DCA Price, your Entry Price adjusts to the Avg Price (Gray Line), calculated as the
midpoint between your initial and DCA entries.'
liq_buff_infp='This is a pre-set percentage that determines how close to your Stop Loss
your position can get before its liquidated. By manually setting this buffer, you control
your comfort level of risk, and it assists the Auto Leverage feature in optimizing the
leverage amount according to your risk tolerance.'
risk_info="This refers to the proportion of your account, expressed as a % or a fixed
dollar amount, that you're willing to risk for each trading position. If DCA is checked,
this will assume you are entering with half of the total position size per entry."
max_lev_info="This is the highest leverage level you are willing to use, even if the
exchange permits higher. This limit applies when the Auto Leverage feature is enabled,
ensuring your leverage does not exceed your comfort zone."
mmr_info="Maintenance Margin Rate"

dca_price = input.price(26500, title='DCA Price', group=grp1, inline='line1',tooltip =

liq_buff = input.float(1.0, title='Liquidation Buffer%', group=grp1,
inline='line2',tooltip = liq_buff_infp)
tp1_perc = input.float(40, title='Position %', maxval=100, minval=0, group=grp1,
tp2_perc = input.float(30, title='Position %', maxval=100, minval=0, group=grp1,
tp3_perc = input.float(20, title='Position %', maxval=100, minval=0, group=grp1,
tp4_perc = input.float(10, title='Position %', maxval=100, minval=0, group=grp1,
extend = input(true, title='Extend Lines')

final_tp = (showtp1?tp1_perc:0) + (showtp2?tp2_perc:0) + (showtp3?tp3_perc:0) +


grp2 = 'Risk Management'

acc_size = input.float(1000, title='Account Size', group=grp2)

risk = input.float(5.00, title='Risk per Entry', step=0.01, group=grp2,
inline='risk',tooltip = risk_info)
risk_sw = input.string('%', title='', inline='risk', options=['$', '%'], group=grp2)

lev = input.float(25, title='Manual Leverage', inline='lev', group=grp2)

lev_sw = input.bool(true, title='Use Auto Leverage', inline='lev', group=grp2, tooltip =
max_lev = input.float(50, title='Max Leverage', inline='lev2', group=grp2,tooltip =
// mmr = input.float(0.5, title='MMR%', inline='lev2', group=grp2,tooltip = mmr_info)

lvg_txt = lev_sw? ' (A)' : ' (M)'

draw_level(x, txt, col) =>

var L = line.new(bar_index, x, bar_index+1, x, extend=extend.both, color=col)
var LBL = label.new(bar_index, x, color=color.white, textcolor=col,
textalign=text.align_left, style=label.style_none, text=txt + ' (' + str.tostring(x,
format.mintick) + ')')
label.set_x(LBL, bar_index+70)

if extend==false
line.set_x1(L, bar_index)
line.set_x2(L, bar_index+1)
line.set_extend(L, extend.right)

draw_level2(x, txt, col) =>

var L = line.new(bar_index, x, bar_index+1, x, extend=extend.both, color=col,
var LBL = label.new(bar_index, x, color=color.white, textcolor=col,
textalign=text.align_left, style=label.style_none, text=txt + ' (' + str.tostring(x,
format.mintick) + ')')
label.set_x(LBL, bar_index+70)

if extend==false
line.set_x1(L, bar_index)
line.set_x2(L, bar_index+1)
line.set_extend(L, extend.right)

draw_level(entry_price, 'Entry', #ffffff)

draw_level(sl_price , 'Stop Loss', #e91e63)

if showtp1
draw_level(tp1_price , str.tostring(tp1_perc) + '% @ TP1', #00e676)
if showtp2
draw_level(tp2_price , str.tostring(tp2_perc) + '% @ TP2', #00e676)
if showtp3
draw_level(tp3_price , str.tostring(tp3_perc) + '% @ TP3', #00e676)
if showtp4
draw_level(tp4_price , str.tostring(tp4_perc) + '% @ TP4', #00e676)

if dca_sw
draw_level(dca_price, 'DCA Entry', #ffee58)
draw_level2(math.avg(dca_price,entry_price), 'Avg Entry', #787b86)

liq_price1 = lev_sw? sl_price * (1-liq_buff/100) : entry_price * (1-(100/lev)/100)

draw_level(liq_price1 , 'Liquidation', #8f20ff)

entry_price := dca_sw==false? entry_price : math.avg(entry_price, dca_price)

SL_value = math.abs(entry_price-liq_price1)

dollar_risk = risk_sw =='%'? acc_size * risk/100 : risk

lev_val = lev_sw? dollar_risk / SL_value*entry_price/dollar_risk : lev

lev_val := math.min(lev_val, max_lev)

QTY = lev_sw? dollar_risk / SL_value : (dollar_risk * lev_val)/entry_price

value = lev_sw? QTY*entry_price : dollar_risk * lev

margin = risk_sw =='%'? risk/100 * acc_size : risk

sl_loss = (sl_price/entry_price-1) * lev_val * margin

tp1_val = showtp1? tp1_perc/100 * (tp1_price/entry_price - 1) * (QTY * entry_price) : 0

tp2_val = showtp2? tp2_perc/100 * (tp2_price/entry_price - 1) * (QTY * entry_price) : 0
tp3_val = showtp3? tp3_perc/100 * (tp3_price/entry_price - 1) * (QTY * entry_price) : 0
tp4_val = showtp4? tp4_perc/100 * (tp4_price/entry_price - 1) * (QTY * entry_price) : 0

tp_val = tp1_val + tp2_val + tp3_val + tp4_val

tp_total1 = tp1_val + tp2_val

tp_total2 = tp1_val + tp2_val + tp3_val
tp_total3 = tp1_val + tp2_val + tp3_val + tp4_val

string table_location = switch table_location_input
"Bottom Right" => position.bottom_right
"Top Left" => position.top_left
"Top Center" => position.top_center
"Top Right" => position.top_right
"Middle left" => position.middle_left
"Middle Center" => position.middle_center
"Middle Right" => position.middle_right
"Bottom Left" => position.bottom_left
"Bottom Center" => position.bottom_center
=> position.bottom_right
table_color = color.new(#07071f, 5 )//input(color.new(#07071f, 5 ), title='Table
Color', group='Table Settings')
table_borderColor = color.new(#d1d1d1, 34)//input(color.new(#d1d1d1, 34), title="Table
BorderColor", group='Table Settings')

var table dashboard = table.new(table_location, rows=15, columns=15, bgcolor=table_color

, frame_color=color.gray, frame_width=2, border_color=table_borderColor, border_width =

table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=1, row=1, text_color=#ffffff,

text_halign=text.align_left, text="Wallet: " + str.tostring(acc_size) + ' ')
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=1, row=2, text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text="Margin: " + str.tostring(margin) + ' ')
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=1, row=3, text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text="Value: " + str.tostring(value, format.mintick) + '

table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=2, row=1, text_color=#ffffff,

text_halign=text.align_left, text="Risk per Entry: " + str.tostring(risk) + risk_sw)
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=2, row=2, text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text="Leverage: " + str.tostring(lev_val, "#.##") + lvg_txt)
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=2, row=3, text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text="Qty: " + str.tostring(QTY, "#.#####"))

table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=1, row=5, text_color=#ffffff,

text_halign=text.align_left, text='Entry: ')
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=1, row=4, text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_center, text='──────────────')
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=1, row=6, text_color=#e91e63,
text_halign=text.align_left, text='Stop Loss: ')
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=1, row=7, text_color=#8f20ff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text='Liquidation: ')

table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=2, row=5, text_color=#ffffff,

text_halign=text.align_left, text=str.tostring(entry_price, format.mintick))
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=2, row=4, text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_center, text='──────────────')
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=2, row=6, text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text=str.tostring(sl_price, format.mintick) + ' (' +
str.tostring(sl_loss, format.mintick) + ' ' + ')')
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=2, row=7, text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text=str.tostring(liq_price1, format.mintick) + ' (-' +
str.tostring(margin, format.mintick) + ' ' + ')')
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=1, row=8, text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_center, text='──────────────')
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=2, row=8, text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_center, text='──────────────')
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=1, row=9 , text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text='TP Orders: ')
if showtp1
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=1, row=10 , text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text=str.tostring(tp1_perc) + '% @ ' +
str.tostring(tp1_price, format.mintick))
if showtp2
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=1, row=11 , text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text=str.tostring(tp2_perc) + '% @ ' +
str.tostring(tp2_price, format.mintick))
if showtp3
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=1, row=12, text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text=str.tostring(tp3_perc) + '% @ ' +
str.tostring(tp3_price, format.mintick))
if showtp4
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=1, row=13, text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text=str.tostring(tp4_perc) + '% @ ' +
str.tostring(tp4_price, format.mintick))

table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=1, row=14, text_color=#ffffff,

text_halign=text.align_left, text=str.tostring(final_tp) + '%')

table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=2, row=9 , text_color=#ffffff,

text_halign=text.align_left, text='Profit (Total)')
if showtp1
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=2, row=10 , text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text='+' + str.tostring(tp1_val, "#.##"))
if showtp2
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=2, row=11 , text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text='+' + str.tostring(tp2_val, "#.##") + '(' +
str.tostring(tp_total1, "#.##") + ')')
if showtp3
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=2, row=12, text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text='+' + str.tostring(tp3_val, "#.##") + '(' +
str.tostring(tp_total2, "#.##") + ')')
if showtp4
table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=2, row=13, text_color=#ffffff,
text_halign=text.align_left, text='+' + str.tostring(tp4_val, "#.##") + '(' +
str.tostring(tp_total3, "#.##") + ')')

table.cell(dashboard, text_size=size, column=2, row=14, text_color=#ffffff,

text_halign=text.align_left, text='Total: ' + str.tostring(tp_val, '#.##') + ' ')

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