Guideline 3 - Advertising

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Instructions for the completion of the product
Oral Production
1. B-Kool is a soft drinks manufacturer, based in New Orleans, USA. The company is
going to introduce a new drink to the market soon, which will appeal to the 8-14 year-old
age group. The drink is made from a mixture of exotic fruits. When it was tested, children
used 3 words to describe it: fresh, delicious, healthy. The drink will be sold all over the
world, so there will be an international advertising campaign. The marketing department
still has several decisions to make before they decide on an advertising campaign. To help
them, they need some agencies to present their ideas to the department. B-Kool will
probably offer a contract to the agency which makes the best presentation and has the most
creative ideas.
2. You and your group are the representatives of one of the advertising agencies. Record a
video holding an oral presentation with your proposal of the advertising campaign for this
product. Make sure you include, describe and explain in detail the following in your
• Name of your agency: The 4 Blind Babies Ink.
• New name for the drink: Samba Fresh
• Logo and slogan for the drink
• Slogan: Fresh – Delicious – Healthy

• Design of the packaging (image)

• Advertising media you will use (commercials, radio spots, posters, etc.)
We are going to create a campaign that allow you to purchase our product by e-commerce
platform on our webisite, We are going to launch “emotional
advertising appeals”, for example:
- Personal Appeal
- Social Appeal
- Fear Appeal
- Endorsement Appeal
- Youth Appeal
- Popularity Appeal
- Musical Appeal
- Brand Appeal
- Scarcity Appeal
- Statistics Appeal
• Ideas to promote the product:
We going to use the 4P of marketing for this section:
1. Product
2. Price
3. Distribution
4. Comunication
- We will make commercial alliances with mass consumption stores (Jumbo, Éxito,
- We will pay for advertising on the internet, social networks and have our online
store of our drink.
- - We are going to give away free samples to let people know about the drink.
- We are going to pay some influencers on instagram to advertise us.
- We will have shelves inside shopping centers.
- Our price will be equal to those of the market and our competition.
- We will do a survey on satisfaction and what customers think.
• Special promotions:
1. For our launch it takes 2 for 1 = 2x1
2. Among the special promotions, we will give our customers 5 boxes of our drink for
every 10 bought.
• Budget:


Inves Invest Invest Invest
tment % ment % ment % ment %

Media 5000 10000 15000 20000

Banners 750 15% 7500 50%

Adds 1750 35% 6300 63% 7500 50% 15000 75%
Influencers 2500 50% 3700 37% 5000 25%
Subtotal 5000 100% 10000 100% 15000 100% 20000 100%

(Flyers) 13500 9000 7500 5000

Magazines 10000 74% 4000 44% 6500 87% 2500 50%

Newspapers 3500 26% 5000 56% 1000 13% 2500 50%

subtotal 13500 100% 9000 100% 7500 100% 5000 100%

relations 30000 40000 30000 30000

Releases 10000 33% 20000 50%

Sponsors 10000 33% 10000 25% 15000 50% 15000 50%
Events 10000 33% 10000 25% 15000 50% 15000 50%
Subtotal 30000 100% 40000 100% 30000 100% 30000 100%
TOTAL 48500 59000 52500 55000 215000
You can add more aspects if you want and remember to be creative in your presentation!
Specific instructions for the exercise:
• Introduce yourselves at the beginning of the meeting.
• Use the vocabulary of advertising practiced in previous exercises within this guideline.
• Use visual aids when necessary.
• The video should be recorded on a web tool explained by your tutor, which should
generate a link.
• The meeting should take 8-10 minutes.
• Do not write any script to read during the meeting.
• You can use notes, but your participation cannot depend on them, avoid reading as
• Each person must use their camera when recording the activity all the time during the
presentation (your face must be clearly viewed).
• All the members of the group have to paste the link of the presentation in the Word file to
be sent through the Activities tab
Written Production
1. Once you have gone through the material of activity 1, which includes exercises related
to paragraph structure, linkers, punctuation, coherence and unity, and the structure and
characteristics of an opinion essay, write a 4-paragraph opinion essay answering if you
agree or disagree with the following statement:
“Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical and unacceptable in today’s
Try not to exceed 70 words per paragraph and make sure you keep in mind the examples

Opinion Essay
Written Production - Sandra Lorena Palomar
I agree with the statement “Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical and
unacceptable in today’s society” for three reasons, 1. because it creates false needs in
society to encourage consumption; 2. because its messages do not reflect the "truth"
regarding the quality of the products and services it promotes and their possible damages;
3. finally because the advertising message seeks to add false costs to the products,
consolidating a false reality about the final price.
Advertising creates false needs in society to encourage consumption, drives products that
are not needed or even replaces other products that worked well in the past. It does this so
that the market makes purchases of products or services that it does not need. Advertising is
what creates needs and impulses of consumption in people, which makes them feel trouble
to buy, to have and use the goods that are advertised, whatever the medium.
Advertising does not reflect the "truth" regarding the quality of the products and services it
drives, it does not indicate the negative effects of consumption, even, it covers up
extremely harmful products or services, such as soft drinks, packaged products and
artificial flavors.
Finally, the advertising message seeks to add false costs to the products, deceives
consumers into believing that they pay for great benefits, even though their costs in
productive terms are exaggeratedly low, this is known as market chimera.

Written Production- Maria Alejandra Rodriguez Salas

“Yes, That is true, sad, really sad, but true”, “Some of the methods used in advertising are
unethical and unacceptable in today’s society”, I think that it is the way that big companys
want to grow up their sales, that is a way to to the things, BUT, I don’t agree with the lies,
with Unethical methods, like say lies, like promise more that the thing can do.
Currently and fortunately we have consumer protection entities, This class of entities
protect citizens against the abuse of malpractice in sales, products and services, protecting
the rights of consumers. We have the responsability with the people we love and with
ourselves to know the laws that protect us, the FDA appear to make regulation.
Before in the 80’ And 90’, the competition between companys was very unfair, unethical
and promoted not healthy products , before for example, the Soda like Coca cola and
Pepsi or steroids, food with many preservatives, when all the people see the damage in their
bodys, here in Colombia we have INVIMA and want to give us the best, so that is the kind
of companies that we want.
Is so hard try that all we wacht on TV, Internet,don’t have misleading advertising, Is for
that reason that I say everyone that I know is:” All the things that you wacth in
commercials, depends on you to know that behind all the advertisement have an interest on
having money, is the only thing that a lot of companies want, but there are some that are
responsible with their products.

Written Production - Luis Eduardo Lozada Manchola

Today, advertising has become an important pillar for companies, this, due not only to the
effectiveness of these strategies, but also to the great boom brought by social networks such
as Facebook, Instagram, Linked in, among others, and easy access to them, generates a
greater visualization of companies and advertisers take advantage of.
We as consumers must also bear in mind that many of the products we consume may have
misleading advertising, because today many companies have become accustomed to selling
false promises through advertisements, taking advantage of people's needs, that is why It is
our job to investigate and inform ourselves so as not to fall into deception.
There are also cases in which people take the company slogan literally, leaving common
sense aside, as an example there is a case of the energy drink Red Bull, where a consumer
sued the company because the drink did not It gave him wings as his ad promised.
Companies and factories should consider that this slogan can be sold as a promise, that
violating it can be quite costly.
In these current times where what we see and speak must be with more special care, we
must be prudent and help ourselves to regulate the content we consume daily on television,
newspapers, internet, etc. Because we can be affected by irresponsible, disrespectful or
reckless marketing campaigns, and we must demand that the media and regulators maintain
the limits of advertising where it is best for the consumer.
Written Production – Christian Armando Amazo Walteros
I agree with this concern, because in 80's and 90's Coca Cola and Pepsi fought hard to
destroy their brands and it was unhealthy for all the clients because they wanted to stole the
information at the companies that involving in this situation. I think that today is a better
way to create and launch a new campaign because you have the opportunity to demonstrate
who receives the best experience.
According to Marketing Manager today, I have been looking for many opinions of this
topic, but I remember the day I was born in 1993, the different of how to make a great
advertising before and now; however, we need to provide solutions oriented to the target in
global markets but you need to respect the customs in those places around the world, which
thinking different and nobody knows it.
In my opinion, we need to connect the producto with people which sharing different
concerns but people are following trends to understand our market and we are going to
launch in the best season, the best place, the best moment and you would get a good
income. Nevertheless, you always create a budget to get profit and invest in ideas that they
can change to obtain projects just in time.
In conclusión, it is clear that advertising represent a global challenge to develop a producto,
because it could affect a lot people, and you have invested in the project and nobody
approves your idea because it is going to affect others. You can create solutions according
to people are feeling when they wants to receive the best experience ever. You have the
power to show new solutions that impact us.

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