Management of Breeder Males
Management of Breeder Males
Management of Breeder Males
he rearing phase of
breeding males is
extremely important
to achieve good fertility and
hatch from males later in
aviNews International March 2024 | Management of breeder males for better performance
The keyword for the rearing phase is
uniformity. 1
In the rearing phase, the male
In the first 10 weeks, cell proliferation occurs
reproductive tract begins developing. in the testicles.
Good management will support this
development and positively impact Over the first 10 weeks of life,
sperm producing cells (Sertoli cells)
reproduction for life. Poor fertility can and testosterone secreting cells
often be traced back poor management (Leydig) multiply rapidly. Good
during rearing. management and nutrition are essential
during this time.
A higher number of Sertoli cells
equates to a greater sperm
production capacity.
In the third phase, transfer to sexual
maturity, photostimulation causes an
increase in testosterone production that
stimulate the formation of sperm.
aviNews International March 2024 | Management of breeder males for better performance
Sperm concentration may vary
from male to male. The semen
Considering that the mounting
should be white and viscous. A
process in birds is extremely
watery appearance will indicate low
physical, it is worth highlighting the
sperm count which translates to low
importance of the male having the
fertilization potential.
correct body confirmation.
Therefore, visual inspection of
The breast should be V-shaped with
semen is a useful tool to quickly
more mass on top near the wings.
and non-invasively determine
A flesh score between 2.5 and 3.0 is
the fertilizing potential of the
ideal. A male in good condition will
breeding male.
aviNews International March 2024 | Management of breeder males for better performance
Uniformity in the breeding At transfer, it is important to
phase is key. assess males for flesh scoring and
confirmation. Handle males and assess
the confirmation and flesh scoring.
At transfer, all males should have Likewise, assess behavior. The birds
a V-shaped breast with a flesh should be well distributed and no
score between 2.5 and 3.0. It can piling or crowding.
be difficult to achieve this level
When males are transferred to the
of uniformity, but it will pay off in
production house, take special care
when handling males. Given testicular
development continues through
The amount of feed consumed is also
28 weeks, any stress can impact
important. reproductive function negatively.
aviNews International March 2024 | Management of breeder males for better performance
Among the milestones in the first PRODUCTION
8 weeks is good weight gain and
Body weight, uniformity and male
development at 7 days. Carry out
condition are among the most frequent
selection at day 7 and separate them
deviations in production. A good way
into 3 groups (light, normal, heavy).
to help keep these factors at standard is
For birds in light and heavy group, feed
to observe male feeding.
them back to standard. By week 4,
males should weigh around 690 grams. If males are stealing feed from the
female feeders, check feeders and
ensure the exclusions are correct
and not broken. Also check feed
distribution and feeding space for
12 TO 16 WEEKS
aviNews International March 2024 | Management of breeder males for better performance