Annex B - Updates in The LGU LIFT System V4
Annex B - Updates in The LGU LIFT System V4
Annex B - Updates in The LGU LIFT System V4
The eSRE Alerts feature has been updated and is now operational. It will
notify LGU if the total expenditures is greater than the total budget
4 Central System PCM Submission
The Monthly Assessment Report now includes the name and office of the
5 Central System Reports Assessor as the designated signatories.
The generated reports now accurately display the correct name and office
6 Central System Reports
of the designated signatories.
In the updated central system user registration, providing an email address
7 Central System User Registration
is now mandatory for registration.
The label "Attachment" in the User Registration has been updated to
8 Central System User Registration
"Identification Cards".
9 LGU System Actual Transactions Accounts Payable The budget appropriation for accounts payable is now appropriately
reflected in the Statement of Expenditures (SOE).
The Local Risk Reduction Management Office (LDRRMO) has been
10 LGU System Actual Transactions Expenditures included as one of the offices under General Public Services (GPS) and
Social Services
The alert message for recording economic enterprise receipts has been
11 LGU System Actual Transactions updated to: "Does the LGU have a valid/enabling ordinance to operate an
economic enterprise?"
SRE NGAs The data in the SRE-NGAS reconciliation module have been harmonized
12 LGU System Actual Transactions
Reconciliation with the Statement of Revenue and Expenditures (SRE) in terms of data on
total income and expenditures
The header for expenditure reconciling items under the SRE-NGAS
13 LGU System Actual Transactions Reconciliation module has been updated from "Reconciliation Receipt" to
"Reconciliation Expense".
Local Risk Reduction Management Office (LDRRMO) is now included as
14 LGU System Actual Transactions one of the offices under General Public Services (GPS) and Social
Package for The eSRE Alerts is now updated to correctly validate the completeness of
15 LGU System Data Sharing
Central encoded total assets data.
Package for
16 LGU System Data Sharing The eSRE Alerts have been updated to accurately validate the
completeness of the encoded total assets data.
Package for The eSRE Alerts have been updated to accurately validate the
17 LGU System Data Sharing
Central completeness of the encoded total assets data.
The correct Status of the Account is now accurately reflected in the
18 LGU System Depository Account
Depository Account Report.
The Depository Account now allows for a zero balance to be recorded if the
19 LGU System Depository Account
status of the account is "Closed."
In the Depository Account Module, the pop-up message for the starting
balance has been updated to:
20 LGU System Depository Account
"Please note that the starting balance refers to the bank balance at the
start/beginning of the quarter. Ensure that the depository account details
are correct."
The Expenditure tracking module now accepts zero "0" data in the in the
21 LGU System Expenditure Tagging
obligation item.
The eSRE Alerts now function to notify the LGU and confirm if they have
22 LGU System PCM Submission
paid more interest than the principal debt service payment.
The QRRPA now accepts a value of zero "0" in the assessed value for
23 LGU System Property Assessment Quarterly
residential buildings with a market value of P175,000 or less.
Generated QRRPA and MRRPA now accurately display the exact assessed
24 LGU System Report Generation
value that was encoded, without limiting it to 9 digits.
The duplicate item (Health, Nutrition & Population Control) has been
25 LGU System Report Generation
removed from the trust fund receipts report.
In SIPB module, the term "Cumulative Quarterly Payment during the year"
26 LGU System SIPB has been updated to "Cumulative Payment as of Reporting Date" to align
with the computation, which amounts as of the specified period.
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