VB Net Final

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S Practical Details

1 To find out the total number of an odd digits and even digits within the given number and
print the sum of all odd digits and sum of even digits.

2. Write a program to input a number and check whether the number is Armstrong or not. A
number is Armstrong number if sum of each digit raised to (total digit) is = number.
3. Write a program to check whether number is Harshad Number or not.

4. Write a program to find prime number between range of start number and end number.
5. Write a program to find out tin prime numbers between 10 to 1000. Twin primes are
defined to be two consecutive odd number which are prime.
6. Enter two positive integers and calculate and print out the sum of the products of each pair
of digits occupying the same position in the two numbers.
7. Write a program to display factorial series up to nth term
1! 2! 3! 4! …… n!
8. Write the program that display Fibonacci series up to nth term.
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 ……n
9. Write a program to do the following operations:
• Read any two positive integer operands (say op1 & op2) and one character type
operator (say opr). Note that opr is any mathematical operator.
• Depending upon the operator, do the appropriate operation.
10. Write a program to read month (1-12) and 4digited year and display total days in given
month and year.
11. Write a program that display following pattern.

12. Design the form having 1 Text box and buttons like Bold, Italic, Red & Blue, show and
hide When user presses an y of this command buttons then the content of text box will be
changed to red or blue or bold or italic and Clicking on the “Show” button it will display a
Textbox & when user clicks on “Hide” button then it will remove the Textbox. (Use
Visible Property).
13. Design the form that calculates Sum, Multiplication, Division and Subtraction of two
14 Design the following form
15 Design a form to create conversion calculator like
o Decimal number to Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal.
o Binary number to Decimal, Octal & Hexadecimal.
o Octal number to hexa, binary ,decimal etc.
+16 Design the following form. So when user clicks on Radio Button then select appropriate

17 program shows the functionality of listbox:

18 Design one form to create application like Rich text document using 1 Rich Text box and
different buttons. When user presses any of this command buttons then the selected content
of Rich textbox will be changed accordingly.
19 Design the digital watch using Timer Control.

20 Design the following form using horizontal scrollbar. In this, when user click on
particular scroll bar then back color of shape will be changed to Red, Green & Blue color.

21 Design the following form using vertical scrollbar. In this, when user click on particular
scroll bar then back color of shape will be changed to Red, Green & Blue color.
22 Design the following Tic-tac-toe game.

23 Write a .Net console application to store student details in file and display it in console.
24 Write a .Net window application to enter the student details in form with proper GUI
component and store in a file and display in another form.
25 Write an ASP.Net program to implement the validation controls.
26 Write a console application to generate even and odd series.

35. Create following table

Student(id, name, course, DOB, address)

Write vb.net application to

● Add records
● view all the records
● Delete the particular record

View all the student who are studying in course MCA

36. Write vb.net application to maintain loan database

Loan(id, cust_num, name, amount, no_of_inst, amt_inst, no_of_inst_over)

Print all the customer who has to pay only one installment.

Print the total amount to be repaid by all the customer

37. Write vb.net application which access the following table.

Product_master(pdt_no,description,profit_percent ,uni_measure, qty_on_hand,

recorder_level,price, sell_price)

Perform insert, delete,view and search for items whose cost price is less than sell price.
38. Write a vb.net application that perform insert, update and delete operations on Employee
table & perform a navigation operation on employee records.

39. Write a simple ASP.NET program to display the following Web Controls:

1. A button with text “click me”. The button control must be in the center of the

2. A label with a text hello

3. A checkbox.

The form name must be Web Controls

40. Write a program to display “Welcome To Radiant” in the form when the “click” button is
clicked. The form title must be ASP.NET.

41. Write a program containing the following controls:

1. A List Box

2. A Button

3. An Image

4. A Label

The list box is used to list items available in a store. When the user clicks on an item in the
list box, its image is displayed in the image control. When the user clicks the button, the cost
of the selected item is displayed in the control.

42. Write a program to get a user input such as the boiling point of water and test it to the
appropriate value using Compare Validator.

43. Write a program that uses a textbox for a user input name and validate it for Required Field

44. Write a program that gets user input such as the user name, mode of payment, appropriate
credit card After the user enters the appropriate values the Validation button must validates
the values entered.

45. . Declare one Text Box control, one Button control, one Label control, and one Regular
Expression Validator control in an .aspx file. The submit() function checks if the page is
valid. If it is valid, it returns "The page is valid!" in the Label control. If it is not valid, it
returns "The page is not valid!" in the Label control. If validation fails, the text "The zip
code must be 5 numeric digits!" will be displayed in the Regular Expression Validator

46. Check the length of the string in the TextBox using Custom Validator.

47. Use ad-rotator to change advertisements on client side request.

48. Implement Session tracking using user authentication.

49. Write a Program to delete all cookies of your web site that has created on the client’s

50. Create a website for Pt.RSU,Sos in CS and IT department.

51. Design an application to input records of employees and stores that input data in a table
employee .Create table EMPLOYEE with the following columns and data types.

Dept ID Numeric

Name Var char (20)

DOJ Date time

Sal Float

Design Varchar (20)

i) Insert following records into the table:

Dept ID D1 D2 D3

Name AmitKapoor TarunKathuria Parth Desai

DOJ 27-feb-92 1-oct-87 30-july-94

SAL 4 10 45

Design ASE Manager CEO

ii) Change the candidate name from “AmitKapoor” to “SarfarazYousuf” in the first
record in EMPLOYEE table.

iii) Select Dept ID from table EMPLOYEE.

Perform using ADO.net in asp.net

52. Create table STUDENT with the following columns and data types.

Sid Alphanumeric

Name Varchar(20)

DOB DateTime


Contact Varchar(10)

1.Insert following records into the table:

S ID S1 S2 S3

Name OshoJuneja NishantSahni SanyaDua

DOB 28-jan-93 1-oct-92 30-july-94


Contact 9000000000 8000000000 7800000000

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