900 Prof Ed Booklet
900 Prof Ed Booklet
900 Prof Ed Booklet
PROFESSIONAL sure that you will succeed. But the point is, you
don’t just want to pass the exam, but you want
EDUCATION to become one of the topnotches. It is great
that you have a goal to achieve and you can
Comprehensive probably do it with your determination and
PROFESSIONAL perseverance.
Ana’s class.
c. Granting of Special Permit to a special favor (e.g. add 2 points to
grade) requested by student Alex who d. Frequency polygon d. See someone get punished for
d. Academic freedom
is vying for honors. 555. Which is an example of a perfect duty? habitual tardiness. In effect, we
a. II and III c. I and II a. Paying the worker the wages are less likely to be tardy
322. Despite of opposition from some
school official, DepEd has continuously b. I, II and III d. I and III agreed upon 562. In instructional planning, it is necessary
327. Which is/are in accordance with the b. Donating an amount for a noble that the parts of the plan from the first
during enrolment period in public principle of pedagogical competence? project to the last have:
I. Communication of objectives of the c. Giving alms to the needy a. Symmetry c. Conciseness
enforced the “no collection of fees” policy
schools. In this policy in accordance with
EFA goals? course to student. d. Supporting a poor but deserving b. Coherence d. Clarity
II. Awareness of alternative instruction student to school 563. If Teacher Judith has to ask more
a. No, it violates the mandate of equality
strategies. 556. In what way can instructional aides higher-order questions, she has to ask
III. Selection of appropriate methods of enhance learning? more ________ questions.
b. Yes, it somewhat eliminates gender
instruction. a. Entertain student a. convergent c. fact
a. I and III c. III only b. closed d. divergent
c. Yes, it supports equitable access to b. Hold students in the classroom 564. For maximum interaction, a teacher
basic education b. I, II and III d. II and III
328. To earn units for promotion, Teacher c. Reinforce learning ought to avoid ______ questions
d. No, it does not support parent of adult d. Take the place of the teacher a. rhetorical c. divergent
education Flora pays her fee but does not attend
class at all. Does this constitute 557. The study on types of reading exercises b. leading d.
professional growth? gives practice in: informational
a. All sorts of study methods 565. The military training requirements
a. Not immediately but yes after
b. Reading skills needed in other among students in the secondary and
“Empty vesse!”
a. Existentialism c. III. Candle to be lighted
come up with an insight stems from the