Delmia V5R18

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Licensed Program Specifications

DELMIA Version 5 Release 18 Modification Level 0

The following requirements are common to all operating systems
DELMIA V5.18 expands the Dassault Systemes Digital Manufacturing supported by this release. Platform-specific requirements are specified
Portfolio with the addition of DELMIA Process Planning Solutions and in subsequent topics.
new and enhanced Release 18 functions.

Required components and features

The DELMIA Process Planning suite delivers powerful tools o Disk drive: An internal or external disk drive
for process and resource planning. (minimum recommended size is 4 GB) is required
Enhancements to previously announced products deliver a to store program executables, program data, the
seamless end-to-end final assembly process planning user environment, and to supply paging space.
solution. Installation of all DELMIA Process Detailing and
Validation products requires 2.0 GB on Microsoft®
Further developments extend the production-ready solutions
Windows, 2.4 GB on AIX®, 2.7 GB on HP-UX, and
for the automotive body-in-white and shipbuilding domains.
2.3 GB on Solaris.
Improved usability exploits V5 fundamentals to create a o Memory: 256 MB of RAM is the minimum
powerful 3D model-based definition (MBD) manufacturing recommended for all applications. 512 MB of RAM
process planning solution that includes engineering is recommended for DMU applications on large
requirements. assemblies. Requirements may be greater when
3D simulation for assembly processes and human factors large amounts of data are used.
capabilities benefit from significant usability enhancements o Internal/external drives: A CD-ROM drive is
and breakthroughs. required for program installation and for access to
the online documentation, which can optionally be
downloaded to disk.
o Display: A graphics color display compatible with
the selected platform-specific graphics adapter.
Hardware Requirements The minimum recommended size for usability
reasons is 17 inches. Minimum resolution for
Windows workstations is 1024 x 768 and 1280 x
Common Hardware Requirements 1024 for UNIX® workstations. When selecting a
graphics adapter, hardware texturing capability is
strongly recommended when using products that
employ texture mapping, in which case the
Summary of DELMIA V5.18 Recommended amount of texture RAM has to be adequate for the
number and complexity of textures to be used.
Configurations o Keyboard: A specific keyboard compatible with
the selected installation locale may be required for
Oracle server - Any certified hardware and OS platform national language support.
Manufacturing Hub server
o Pointing device: Three-button mouse. On
Windows workstations, a two-button mouse may
o Hardware alternatively be used (the third button is emulated
 Any certified 64-bit server machine with a keyboard sequence). The three-button
(EM64T, AMD64) mouse is recommended for usability reasons.
 Any certified 32-bit server machine IntelliMouse (two buttons plus a wheel instead of
(Intel® x86) the third button) is an alternative to the three-
o Operating system - Windows® Server R2 (32-bit) button mouse on Windows workstations. The
Clients, including local server installation wheel acts as the middle button to allow additional
o 64-bit - Any certified 64-bit server machine manipulations, such as panning and scrolling.
(EM64T, AMD64) with Windows XP® 64-bit SP1 Optional components and features: For Platform 2 (P2)
only products, SpaceBall or SpaceMouse, in addition to the
o 32-bit - Any certified 32-bit server machine (Intel standard mouse, can be used to perform graphic
x86) with Windows XP 32-bit SP2 only manipulations (zoom, pan, and rotate). The required drivers
are delivered with these devices. Support of these devices is
also available with the DMU Navigator 1 (5674-MDU) AOP.
A complete list of certified combinations of hardware and software
platforms can be found at:
The robustness of the overall solution is dependent on the robustness
of the operating system and the hardware environment used. Configurations certified by Dassault Systemes for running DELMIA are
published at
Hardware Requirements for DELMIA Process Detailing and
Although DELMIA products might run on configurations or with graphic GXT4500P
adapters other than those specified for each of the following platforms,
incidents specific to such configurations or adapters will not be
accepted for support. GXT6500P

Microsoft Windows XP 32 bit HP-UX

System unit: Any B-Class, C-Class, or J-Class workstation based on

System unit: An Intel Pentium® 4 or Xeon® based
the PA8000, PA8800, and PA8900 processor family and supported on
workstation running Microsoft Windows XP Professional
HP-UX 11iv1.
Edition SP2.
Graphics adapter: A graphics adapter with a 3D OpenGL
accelerator is required. Graphics adapter: One of the following graphics adapters is required:

Note: Graphics performance on local transformations Visualize-FXE

(panning, zooming, and rotating model) will depend on the Visualize-FX2
selected graphics adapter. The graphics adapter should
have the following capabilities: Visualize-FX4
o 24-bits, true color, double buffered visual Visualize-FX6
o 24-bits, Z-buffer Visualize-FX10
o Stencil buffer Fire GL-UX
o Minimum supported resolution: 1024 x 768. A Fire GL T2-128
resolution of 1280 x 1024 is recommended for Fire GL X1
usability reasons.
Fire GL X3
Network adapter: An active LAN adapter (Ethernet or
Token Ring, installed and configured) is required for license
key purposes. Sun™ Solaris

Microsoft Windows x86 64 bit System unit: Any Ultra1, Ultra2, Ultra10, Ultra30, Ultra60, Sun Blade
100, Sun Blade 150, Sun Blade 1000, Sun Blade 1500, Sun Blade
1500+ (1.5 GHz), Sun Blade 2000, or SunBlade 2500 workstation
System unit: An Intel Xeon EM64T or AMD Opteron 64-bit based on the UltraSPARC processor supported on Solaris 10.
based workstation running Microsoft Windows XP
Professional x64 Edition.
Graphics adapter: One of the following graphics adapters is required.
Memory: 4 GB is the recommended minimum.
Disk drive: 2.5 GB is the recommended minimum.
Graphics adapter: A graphics adapter with a 3D OpenGL Creator3D
accelerator is required. Creator3D Series III
Elite 3D (U10-440MHz only for U10 workstations)
Note: Graphics performance on local transformations Elite 3D Lite
(panning, zooming, rotating model) will depend on the Expert 3D
selected graphics adapter. The graphics adapter should
have the following capabilities:
o 24-bits, true color, double buffered visual
o 24-bits, Z-buffer XVR-1200
o Stencil buffer
o Minimum supported resolution: 1024 x 768. A Hardware Requirements for DELMIA Process Planning Servers
resolution of 1280 x 1024 is recommended for
usability reasons.
Any Windows 2003 Server platform as certified by Microsoft.
Network adapter: An active LAN adapter (Ethernet or
Token Ring, installed and configured) is required for license
key purposes. Hardware Requirements for DELMIA Process Planning Client

IBM AIX Processor: Intel Pentium-4, minimum 2400 MHz.

Disk drive: Minimum of 1024 MB; 2048 MB to install a client,
System unit: Any RS/6000®, based on the Power4, Power5, Power server, and an Oracle server on the same machine.
PC-970® processor families, supported on AIX V5.3 Graphical interface: 1024 x 768 OpenGL with a mininum of
32 MB onboard memory.
Graphics adapter: One of the following graphics adapters is required. Network connection: LAN (completely configured).
Communication protocol: TCP/IP. The machine must have
an IP address (either static or via DHCP)
A Microsoft implementation of OpenGL libraries as delivered with
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. These libraries may
Programming Requirements have to be modified to accommodate the selected graphics adapter
when installing the graphics adapter and its associated drivers. For
recommendations related to driver levels based on certified
Software Requirements for DELMIA Process Detailing and configurations, visit
Summary of changes for V5.18

DELMIA Process Detailing and Validation 32-bit on Windows XP

The following operating systems are no longer supported in Professional x64 Edition
o Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Edition
A Microsoft implementation of OpenGL libraries as delivered with
o IBM AIX 5.2
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. These libraries may
o SGI IRIX (all levels) have to be modified to accommodate the selected graphics adapter
o Sun Solaris 8 when installing the graphics adapter and its associated drivers. For
Minimum run-time support for IBM AIX running on Power4 or recommendations related to driver levels based on certified
Power5 processors for both 32-bit and 64-bit is provided by configurations, visit
AIX 5.3 ML03.
Minimum run-time support for HP-UX Run-time is HP-UX 11i
December, 2004 (on 32-bit only).
Minimum run-time support on Sun Solaris SPARC is Solaris
10 SPARC. The minimum level required is Solaris 10 HW Software Requirements for IBM AIX 32-bit and 64-bit Platforms
03/05 with 119280-06 CDE 1.6 - Runtime library patch for
Solaris 10. AIX 5.3 ML03 (using 64-bit kernel), with the following components:
The required level for document browsers in a UNIX
environment is Mozilla 1.7 for AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris and XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition Run-time Environment at a
Firefox 2.0 for SUN Solaris SPARC. minimum level of V7.0.0. XL 7 May 2005 PTF R/T
The required level for document browsers in a Microsoft (xIC.aix50.rte at level is delivered through APAR
Windows environment is Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or IY71976
Mozilla 1.7. XL Fortran Enterprise Edition for AIX Run-time at a minimum
The required level for JRE is 1.5.0 for all operating systems. level of V9.1.0. November 2004 XL Fortran for AIX V9.1
Runtime PTF is available at
Common Software Requirements
DELMIA Process Detailing and Validation runs on selected levels of:

AIX 5.3 TL04-SP01 (using 64-bit kernel) with following components:

Microsoft Windows XP and XP x64
XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition Run-time Environment at a
Hewlett Packard HP-UX 11iv1 minimum level of V8.0.0. January 2006 IBM C++ Runtime
Sun Solaris SPARC Environment Component for AIX is available at

Refer to the Program Directory or contact your Dassault Systemes

Support Center for appropriate corrective service to apply to the g24011532
software described below.

XL Fortran Enterprise Edition for AIX Run-time at a minimum

Software Requirements for Microsoft Windows XP Professional level of V10.1.0 available at
Edition SP2
Windows XP delivers an implementation of OpenGL libraries. These g24010669
libraries may have to be modified to accommodate the selected
graphics adapter when installing the graphics adapter and its Software Requirements for HP-UX
associated drivers. For recommendations related to driver levels based
on certified configurations, visit
HP-UX Version HP-UX 11iv1 (11.11) (December, 2004) with the
following components at the minimum levels indicated:

HP-UX Technical Computing OE (TCOE) Component

A localized version of the operating system may be required when the
December 2004
selected installation locale differs from Latin 1.
HP-UX 700 OpenGL 3D API Runtime Environment
Note: DELMIA V5.18 does not support Windows 2000 Professional. CDE (delivered with the operating system)
Customers currently running DELMIA V5 on Windows 2000 are A localized version of the operating system may be required
encouraged to migrate to Windows XP. when the selected installation locale differs from ISO code
DELMIA Process Detailing and Validation 64-bit on Windows XP WebSphere Application Server® 6.1 and WebSphere Portal
Professional x64 Edition Server support require HP 11iv2. V5 applications support is
not supported on HP 11iv2.
Software Requirements for Sun Solaris Clients

Sun Solaris 10 H/W 03/05, with 119280-06 CDE 1.6 - Runtime patch Windows XP Pro SP2 only (32-bit)
for Solaris 10.
Windows XP x64 SP1 only (64-bit)
Windows Server 2003 SP2 and R2 (32-bit) when used as a
DELMIA Process Detailing and Validation General Packaging Citrix server

Certified Third-Party Software (Windows-based)

A DELMIA P1 product or a DELMIA P1 configuration
requires or must include (in the case of configurations)
DELMIA - Object Manager 1 (DO1). P1 products can be Oracle database - Oracle 10.0.2 is a prerequisite for the
used on P2, and in such cases, they operate with DELMIA - Manufacturing Hub server.
Object Manager 2 (DOM). Java™ is a prerequisite for:
A DELMIA P2 product or a DELMIA P2 configuration o Manufacturing Hub server
requires, or must include (in the case of configurations), o Single sign-on (SSO) on Process Planning clients
DELMIA - Object Manager 2 (DOM). o Manufacturing Hub integration and SSO on
License keys for configurations are acquired and released Process Detailing and Validation (32- and 64-bit)
for the total configuration.
The functions within a configuration cannot be shared. The required level is:
A configuration is required for each DELMIA seat.
DELMIA add-on and shareable products may require o For Windows 32-bit - Sun J2SE Runtime
prerequisite products that are not included in a standard Environment 5.0 Update 7
purchased configuration. When a prerequisite product is not o For Windows 64-bit - Sun J2SE Runtime
included in the selected standard configuration, both the Environment 5.0 Update 7 for AMD64
AOP and its prerequisite products must be purchased and
Microsoft J# V2.0 and Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is a
included as AOPs within a custom configuration.
prerequisite for SSO and WebServices for the Manufacturing
Prerequisites for shareable products can be satisfied by a
Hub and for SSO on Process Planning and 32-bit Process
standard configuration, by an AOP within a custom
Detailing and Validation clients.
configuration, or by a shareable product.
FlexLM Version 8.3b is a prerequisite for the licensing
environment for the Manufacturing Hub server and Process
Macro Replay Capabilities Planning clients.
Citrix Presentation Server 4 is not a prerequisite, but can be
DELMIA has built-in macro record and replay capabilities. For UNIX, used with Process Planning clients.
the interpreter is VB Script 3.0 from Mainsoft. Its components are Microsoft Office Excel 2003 is a prerequisite for script-based
included as shared libraries. reporting on Process Planning clients and for DPM work
instructions on Process Detailing and Validation clients.
For Windows, the interpreter is either: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 is a prerequisite for ErgoCheck
on Process Planning clients and for documentation on
Process Detailing and Validation clients.process clients.
VB Script at a minimum level of V5.0. It is delivered with
Microsoft Internet Explorer. VB Script libraries at level are delivered with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 Notes:
or at later levels with later versions of Internet Explorer. Use
of VB Script is recommended for developing Microsoft
For 64-bit SSO, only JRE is supported. For 32-bit SSO,
Windows- and UNIX-compatible macros.
either JRE or J# with .NET can be chosen.
Microsoft VisualBasic for Applications (VBA) at a minimum
WebServices is required for change management via the
level of 6.0. VBA is delivered and installed by default with
ENOVIA Engineering Hub.
DELMIA Process Detailing and Validation.
For the Java Runtime Environment on Windows XP, the
environment variable JAVA_HOME has to be set on the
Printer and Plotter Support Process Planning server to establish communication
between it and Process Planning clients. The required
version cab be downloaded from:
UNIX - DELMIA Process Detailing and Validation supports
the following plotter/printer languages:
o Hewlett Packard HP-GL/2-RTL and HP-GL or tml
IBM-GL subsets
o OCE Graphics GPR50: VDF plotting routines
To obtain the .NET Framework 2.0 redistributable, go to:
o PostScript
Windows - Printers and plotters are supported through the
vendor's drivers for the targeted printer or plotter relative to
the targeted version of the operating system. Contact the
printer or plotter vendor for requirements and support. Database-related Prerequisites

Software Requirements for DELMIA Process Planning Oracle RDBMS Server Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition Version or higher is required to store data on the Manufacturing Hub
Manufacturing Hub Server server.

The Manufacturing Hub server requires Windows Server 2003®

Service Pack 2 or R2 (32-bit).
Access to Product Information file (i4ls.ini) is required on DELMIA Process Detailing and Validation
clients to access concurrent license keys from these servers. Server
and Nodelock license management mechanisms are available on all
Product information is delivered with the product CDs in HTML format.
supported operating environments.
An HTML browser is required to access this documentation. Online
documentation may be installed and used only in the same supported
operating environments as DELMIA Process Detailing and Validation. Dassault Systemes LUM level V4.6.8.3 is the minimum level.

In a UNIX environment The latest release of Dassault Systemes LUM V4, together with any
applicable patches, can be downloaded at no charge from

For AIX, HP-UX, or Solaris - Mozilla 1.7

Firefox for SUN Solaris SPARC

Process Planning
In a Microsoft Windows environment, one of the following
browsers is required:
Process Planning applications require FlexLM 8.3b on the
Manufacturing Hub server and Process Planning clients.
Microsoft Internet Explorer at a minimum level of 7.0
Mozilla 1.7 with the Java plug-in installed
FlexLM technical information can be found at:
In addition to a Java-enabled Web browser, the Java Plug-in at level
1.5 to search online documentation:

For AIX, Java Runtime Environment version For details about license management, refer to Use limitation applies.

Java 1.5.0 SR3 can be downloaded from New Product-specific Prerequisites The following table lists prerequisites for new products announced in
.html this release. Prerequisites/corequisites are included in standard
configurations. When adding any of these products to a standard
configuration to create a custom configuration where the standard
For HP-UX, Java Runtime Environment can be configuration does not already contain the prerequisite product, the
downloaded from prerequisite product (and its prerequisites, if any) must also be added.
Where there is more than one prerequisite, all are required. For
corequisites, only one is required.

DELMIA Process Detailing and Validation

For Sun Solaris, Java Runtime Environment version 5
update 7 can be downloaded from Product Prerequisites Corequisites
------- ------------- ------------
For Microsoft Windows, Java plug-in version 5 update 7 can MML DOM, MLM, MNC
be downloaded from MMM DOM, MNC
Although access to the online documentation might work on other MTC DOM, MHB
HTML browsers, incidents specific to browsers other than those MWS DO1
specified are not eligible for support.

Note: Improvements in HTML searching and printing capabilities

eliminate the need to duplicate product information in the Portable DELMIA Process Planning
Document Format (PDF) format. PDF CDs are therefore no longer
included in the DELMIA Process Detailing and Validation softcopy Product Prerequisites
collection kit. ------- -------------
Prerequisites for the License Management Environment E4M EMH
Process Detailing and Validation EPR EMH, PRN
Process Detailing and Validation applications must have an active LAN PVW EMH, PRN
card (Ethernet or token ring) and TCP/IP installed and properly SDC EMH, PRN, STM
configured, even in the case of nodelock keys, though for nodelock SMO EMH, PRN, STM
there is no need to have the workstations connected to the network. SMT EMH, PRN, STM
No additional license management software is required when
accessing nodelock license keys. SVA EMH, PRN, STM
Dassault Systemes License Use Management (LUM) is required to WLB EMH, PRN
serve concurrent license keys across a network. A LUM configuration
A V5 process executed through an OLE container
Licensed Program Materials Availability Replay of macros recorded from captured sequences of V5
user interactions

Restricted materials - No. This licensed program is available In the nodelock mode of operation, only one license key per
without source licensed program materials. It is available in configuration and shareable product can be registered per machine,
object code only. and only one user can run at a time on that machine. If multiple license
keys per configuration or shareable product, or multiple users on a
single machine, are required, refer to the Concurrent usage section.

Concurrent Usage: A user on one machine on one display uses one

Supplemental Terms license key per configuration or shareable product used, regardless of
the number of processes. If the display changes, then an additional
license key is taken for the corresponding process.

Dynamic License Management: Shareable product license keys can

Type/Duration of Program Services (also referred be acquired and released during the session. (The ability to acquire
to as “Support Services”) and release licenses is not available for configurations.) Shareable
license keys acquired at the beginning of the session cannot be
released before the end of the session; only license keys dynamically
You will find all necessary information including processes, on granted upon user request during the session can be released during
Dassault Systemes web site : the session. Concurrent Offline License Management: A concurrent license key

control technique is available via the LUM server. It gives applications
License Management for DELMIA Process Detailing and running on a Windows laptop the ability to disconnect from the license
Validation key server for a specific period of time.

DELMIA controls the number of concurrent users of a configuration or Note: Concurrent offline license management is not available on 64-bit
product, according to the number of license keys acquired for the platforms.
configuration or product.
During the checkout period, the server license key is unavailable for
DELMIA delivers identical license management mechanisms on UNIX use by another concurrent user. This feature is designed to add
and Windows environments, based on Dassault Systemes License additional flexibility to a user's work environment. It is offered to
Use Management (LUM). The following license management principles accommodate short-term travel needs and collaboration while away
apply: from a fixed office environment or server connection. All terms and
conditions, including cross-border licensing terms, are unchanged, and
users will check-out and check-in license keys at their home server,
A DELMIA Process Detailing and Validation configuration where rules and procedures are controlled by LUM.
(standard or custom) will require a license key. License keys
for configurations are acquired and released for the total
License Management for DELMIA Process Planning
configuration. The products within a configuration cannot be
Each shareable product will require a license key, in addition Process Planning applications require FlexLM 8.3b on the
to one for the prerequisite configuration and any prerequisite Manufacturing Hub server and Process Planning clients for license
product, if applicable. management purposes. FlexLM supports three licensing methods:
In all cases, configuration license keys are acquired at the
beginning of the process and are released at its termination. License file: A license file is supplied for each server and
Add-on (AOP) and shareable products may require license client based on the customer order.
keys for prerequisite products that are not already included License server: The license server runs an NT-Service that
in a standard configuration. Prerequisites for shareable manages a central license file for all servers and clients.
products can be satisfied by a standard configuration, by an
Temporary license: The install process provides an option to
AOP within a custom configuration, or by a shareable
product. However, because all add-on products are defined create a temporary 30-day license. The license file is created
after entering a license code.
within one custom license key, any AOP prerequisites must
be satisfied by either a standard configuration or by other
AOPs purchased and defined within the same custom Educational Allowance Available
LUM keys must be renewed, typically every two years. The The standard educational allowance does not apply to DELMIA V5.
actual duration will depend on the order details.

DELMIA Process Detailing and Validation can be used in three license

management modes: nodelock, with concurrent usage of license keys
on a network, or concurrent offline license management. Nodelock Designated Machine Identification
Usage: The use of a local display is mandatory for usage in nodelock
mode. There is no limit to the number of processes launched for a
given license key (configuration or product). For instance, a user can No
launch the following simultaneous processes:

A V5 interactive session
Test Period
Any other documentation with respect to this licensed
program, including any documentation referenced
No herein, is provided for reference purposes only and
does not extend or modify these specifications.

March 2010

Use-Based Charges/Usage Restrictions

Charges for this program are based on the number of users logged on
at any time. The total number of users logged on may not exceed the
number for which you have been authorized. If the total number
exceeds your authorization, you must notify Dassault Systemes and
obtain additional authorizations.

Softcopy Publications

The program that Dassault Systemes licenses may include licensed

publications in displayable or source form. Except as provided in this
section, the terms and conditions of the license agreement with
Dassault Systemes apply to these publications and to any copies that
are made from them. The licensed publications may be used in
displayable or source form on all machines designated for this program.
The licensed publications may also be copied and used on other
machines in support of authorized use of this program. To support
authorized use of the Program, printed copies of the displayable or
source material may be made if the copyright notice and any other
legend of ownership is reproduced on each copy or partial copy. 1

This program is warranted as specified in the Dassault Systemes

Licensed Program Specifications may be updated from time to time

and such updates may constitute a change in specifications.

Following the discontinuance of all program services, this program will

be provided "As Is" as specified in the Dassault Systemes license.



Company, products and services names may be trademarks

or services marks of related companies.

References in this publication to Dassault Systemes products,

programs, or services do not imply that Dassault Systemes intends to
make these available in all countries in which Dassault Systemes

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