State Exam - November 2022 - Questions

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Sorry some of these don’t have answers and most of them were collected through the facebook

page/comments. So, there might be double ups 😊



Below is a mixture of what I remember and others in the Facebook group from the afternoon

1. 40 mmol of potassium in 1000ml over 8 hours pt develops phlebitis, you stop the infusion
after 2.5 hours. How much potassium is left?
Answer 12.5

2. 2mg is prescribed to a kid weighing 13.6kg. The safe dose is 0.15mg/kg, is 2mg a safe dose?
I said yes because I got 2.04mg for my drug calc.

3. What is Myelin?

4. The least likely for a kid to SIDS

A. Premature baby
B. Child who's sibling died of SIDS
C. Baby pre exposed drugs
D. Laying on back

5. What are the signs of an increase ICP

A. Shallow, irregular breaths
B. Rapid pulse, low blood pressure
C. Loss of consciousness, tachycardia
D. Can't remember the 4th

6. What are the signs of inclusion haemorrhage post someone getting a tonsillectomy and
A. Rapid pulse, low blood pressure
B. Shortness of breath, bradycardia
C. Bradycardia, hypertension
D. Can't remember

7. What are the late signs of shock post haemorrhaging and experiencing hypovalemic shock?
A. Loss of consciousness, tachycardia, cool/clammy skin, low blood pressure
B. Low/normal blood pressure, fever, shortness of breath
C. High blood pressure, Bradycardia, loss of consciousness
D. Drowsy, hot to touch, low blood pressure, shortness of breath
8. A Maori patient want his whanau to visit him in the preoperative unit. What is your best
A. Offer to call the patients whanau and so he is able to talk to them
B. Tell the patient his family can visit in the post operation unit.
C. Tell him it's against our policy to allow visitors
D. Tell him that he will be fine without them

9. A 45yom is in the Mental health unit and he tells you that he feels like he's not suppose to
A. Tell him that "you are suppose to be here because you can't think straight anymore"
B. Tell him "You do have the right to make a request for a independent review"
C. Tell him that he's in a safe unit
D. Cant remember

10. A pt is getting discharged from the MH unit, the dad wants his son to stay at home but the pt
wants to go flitting. What is your best response?
A. Tell the pt he has the right to be independent
B. Encourage the pt to discuss with his dad about his living options.
C. Help the pt look for a flat
D. I can't remember

11. What is transient ischaemic attack

A. Is more severe than a CVA
B. Has symptoms that resolve within 24 hours
C. Cant remember
D. Cant remember

12. There is a fire in the unit, you are asked the evacuate, what is the correct procedure:
A. -Move all patients from the fire zone to the other
B. -Ask the mobile patients to help move the immobile patients to the other zone
C. -Move the immobile patients first then the mobile ones afterwards to the other zone
D. -Leave the immobile patients for the fire services to move them.

13. A patient with COPD tells you (district nurse) they have recently started coughing up green
sputum, you:
A. Assist the patient to contact the GP
B. Collect a sputum sample and send it off to the lab
C. Tell the patient not to worry as this is normal for people with COPD
D. Can’t remember

14. how do you know when a patient understands health education you’ve given them
A. When they nod their head
B. When they understand the information and relay it back to you in their own words
C. When they say they understand it
D. Cant remember

15. Student nurse at resthome tried to brush dementia pt’s teeth but they refused
A. Tell them the importance of oral hygiene and to get help from another staff member
B. Tell them to not worry as night shift can do it
C. Explain the importance of oral hygiene and say to attempt again when patient is more

16. What is the purpose of Insulin:

A. Something about carbohydrate breakdown (I cant remember the wording but it’s
the answer)
B. Metabolises in the liver
C. Cant remember
D. Cant remember

17. Why is insulin given in injection and not tablet?

A. Tablet will not be effective due to gastric secretion
B. Lol cant remember the rest soz.
18. Acute spinal injury what do u do? (
A. Immobilisation
B. Catheterisation
C. Place pt side ways
D. Cant remember

19. What increases the risk of delirium in older adult (

B. Ageing process
C. Family member dying
D. –

20. Why is clexane given post-surgery?

21. Recently a 3yo kid has been disruptive in class and does not respond when teacher calls
their name. What is the best action?

A. Leave the kid it is tantrum three (Something along those lines)

B. Do a hearing and speech test
C. Cant remember
D. Cant remember

22. How is hepatitis B passed on?

A. Blood and bodily fluids
B. Coughing
C. Touching
D. Cant remember

23. For a post op-pain assessment of a patient who just had a right hip replacement you:
A. Assess the pallor, warmth, and location of pain
B. Assess the effectiveness of the patient-controlled (self administered?) analgesia
C. Assess the location and severity of pain
D. Assess the movement
24. A parent tells you they do not believe in vaccinations/immunisations. What is the most
appropriate response?
A. Something along the lines of explaining the important of protection against serious
B. They will let down the community
C. Cant remember
D. Cant remember

25. Repositioning is included in a pt’s management of care but it is very painful for them every 2
hours. You visit the pt and they decline to be repositioned. What is the most appropriate
A. Do not move the pt
B. Give pain relief and wait 20 mins before offering to move the pt
C. Tell the pt it will be done quickly
D. Cant remember

26. The police arrive at an inpatient unit and ask to see a patient. What would you do?
A. Allow the police to see the pt
B. Report to the charge nurse
C. Cant remember
D. Cant remember

27. Patient recieved epidural, how to assess for sensation? Use ice? Use topical anaesthetic
spray? Run fingers over site? Prick skin with a needle?

28. Post op patient with a colostomy and a vacuum drain. What the priority? Check vitals and
stoma site? Or check vacuum drain?

29. Whats purpose of a vacuum drain?

30. Whats the most effective way of preventing the spread of STI?
A. Annual STI screenings?
B. Use condoms?
C. Do non penetrative sex?
D. Cant remember

31. Your visiting a patient who has diabetes and is vomiting what should you do? Advise then to
eat lesser amounts to reduce nausea?

32. Omit insulin if they cant eat? Advise them to follow their “sick management plan”? Take half
a dose of insulin?

33. Patient presents to the ED appearing agitated with cool clammy skin, as the nurse you:
A. Assess his vitals and check his BSL
34. You are at a social function, someone approaches you saying they did not fully understand
their notes and ask if you are able to login and send them their notes. They give you their
email, what is your response?
A. Say you do not have access to their notes as they were not your pt
B. Tell them that it is inappropriate to ask
C. Get access to their notes and send it to them
D. Cant remember

35. What are you expected a 4 week old to do?

A. Lift their head
B. Roll side to side
C. Rub cheek for a sucking effect
D. Sit up

36. A 10 week pregnant lady lets you know (District nurse?) that her neigbours daughter got
rubella, what is your best response?
A. Do not worry it will not affect your baby as it is too early
B. Advice her to be distant from the neighbours daughter in the mean time
C. Cant remember
D. Cant remember

37. Parents to be ask for advice on safety tips for home, what do you recommend?
A. Do not smoke in the baby’s room. Anywhere else is fine except the babys room
B. A tight fitted cot, and flat
C. A blanket in the cot with teddy bears to keep the baby warm
D. Cant remember

Morning Exam recall: (Some of these questions were actually in the afternoon one as well)

38. Whanau wants to access notes should they: use special request form or inform them of
privacy code?

39. Measles: The family of a child who has measles wants to attend an event, do they ask the GP
if they can attend? do they attend if everyone there is vaccinated?

40. ICP signs and symptoms:

A. Fever? Tachy?
B. Shortness of breath?

41. If a child has Rotovirus, what type of PPE would you wear following current COVID
A. Keep your mask but put on gloves
B. Put on gloves, gown and change to N95
C. Put on gloves and gown
D. Change mask to N95
42. Two residents at a rest home have Norovirus (I think), how would you ensure other
residents are protected; isolate them? strictly allow only 1 family member?

43. Hb1ac; What does this test mean? does it tell you blood sugar for the past 3ish months?

44. Active and Passive immunity

45. Pneumonia symptoms

46. HF symptoms

47. Rheumatic Fever cause

48. You observe a nurse being aggressive to a patient; ensure patient safety

49. Positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia

50. Someone you meet that isn't your patient requests clarification regarding their own medical
history, what do you say?

51. The classic hip replacement question (what position to place the pt?)

A. Not to cross their legs across midline of knee or whatever

B. Have legs at 90 degrees
C. Sit pt on side
D. Cant remember

52. A male patient that has just had surgery is having difficulty passing urine do you; encourage
fluids or insert a catheter or place a hot water bottle on the abdomen or move them to the
side/edge of the bed.

53. Hypoglycaemia signs and symptoms

54. Asthma symptoms

55. Post tonsillectomy care

56. Tonsillectomy haemorrhage

57. Type of communication of a 2-year-old (sentence formation, use of words etc)

58. Risperdal most common side effect, excess salivation? drowsiness? agitation?

59. ISBAR purpose

60. Risk of being on a benzodiazepine for too long; dependence? tolerance?

61. RN's certificate of practice is expiring, do you tell her to inform the team or would you do it

62. Husband is worried about wifes condition and ask what are you doing to my wife; what do
you say?

A. What do you understand of your wife’s condition and the care being provided?
B. Do not worry she is in a safe environment
C. We will look after her
D. There is nothing to worry about

63. Patient asks if they have cancer, how do you respond

64. How would you move a patient with hemiplegia? Use appropriate mobility aids

65. Why insulin is given via injections and not orally, do gastric acids destroy the hormone? or
does the insulin irritate the mucous membrane?

66. How does drinking water help with pneumonia; does it dilute secretions? does it fight
bacteria? does it produce lymphocytes?

67. Signs of increased risk of suicide; increased sleep / increased thoughts of hopelessness / not
being able to take care of themselves or hygiene
68. Why is clexane given post surgery

69. Importance of rubella vaccine; (how serious are rubella complications?)

70. Patient is showing signs of alcohol withdrawal, you’ve done vital signs what do you do next
(options were like notify doctor immediately / start alcohol withdrawal scale)

71. Immediate action of stroke in community; call 111

72. Priority before giving NG feed

73. Preventing lymphedema post mastectomy

A. Above head level

B. Below chest hanging on side of bed
C. On 2 pillows chest level
D. Across chest

74. Heptatitis B

75. Why is hearing loss important to identity as a child?

76. SUDI - prevention + recommendations

77. Alcohol complications impact what particular organs?

78. Blood of alcohol drugs and other harmful substances are filtered out by what organ?

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