Learning - Development Policy

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K-Electric Learning & Development Policy


Version Date Created By Approved By Signature

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Shehryar Aman, DGM Learning &00

HR-Learning & CD Faiza Savul, Head of COE


Muhammad Rizwan Dalia, Chief People Officer


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K-Electric Learning & Development Policy

1 Purpose 4
2 Scope 4
3 Responsibilities for Learning & Development(L&D) 4
3.1. Employees: 4
3.2. Line Managers: 5

4. Planning the Learning & Development(L&D) needs 6


5.1. Scope 6
5.2. Sponsorship Amount And Eligibility 7
5.3. Conditions 7

5.4. Process 7

5.5. Additional Information 8

6. Training Governance 8
6.1. Absence 8

Excused absence 8

Unexcused absence 9

6.2. Tardiness & Early Out 9

7. Training Postponed SOP: 9
8. L&D COVID-19 SOPs: 9

9. Training Requisition Form (TRF) 10

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K-Electric Learning & Development Policy

This Learning & Development(L&D)Policy includes the purpose and principles of L&D and guidelines for
employees to access and maximize opportunities to grow both personally and professionally.


1.1. To help and support all employees in attaining, honing, and demonstrating the K-Electric values,
behaviors, knowledge, and skills needed in their role.
1.2. To support and drive employee performance and contribute towards company objectives.
1.3. To provide a positive driver for employee engagement so they feel valued and involved.
1.4. To help develop skills that meet current and future needs, responding effectively and efficiently to
changes in the structure and operating environment.


This Learning & Development Policy and Procedure cover the following:

2.1. Responsibilities of individual employees, their Line Managers, and L&D in implementing key aspects
of the training cycle
2.2. A detailed guide to L&D training governance policy for employees and the L&D team
2.3. Procedure to meet individual's learning and development requirements
2.4. Responsibilities implemented owing to COVID SOP


L&D is about understanding the organization strategy and its future capability needs to identify learning
priorities across the organization. On an individual level, it's about creating learning environments where
employees can continuously develop to be their best. In order to achieve this goal, the employees,their line
managers and L&D have the following responsibilities:


It is the responsibility of each employee to:

3.1.1. Agree on an annual L&D plan with their line manager.

3.1.2. Discuss learning and development achievements & progress at mid-year, annual performance
appraisals and one to one meeting throughout the year with line manager.
3.1.3. Accept the calendar invites for the trainings which are assigned by L&D against the
competencies as per the approved LNA.
3.1.4. Inform L&D team. People Connect Learning and line manager before commencement of training
as mentioned in Training Governance Clause except in special circumstances where an employee
is unable to attend the training.
3.1.5. Ensure to provide feedback against the training quality and effectiveness on the feedback form
on AZM Learning (LMS) no later than 3 days after receiving the feedback notification. Training
Certificates will only be furnished after the completion of feedback activity.
3.1.6. Make sure to collect the training certificate after receiving the email from People Connect
Learning. L&D will not be responsible for any misplacement of certificate if not collected within a
week of the email received.

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K-Electric Learning & Development Policy

3.1.7. In case of system-based training, get the required software installed from IT at least a day before
the training is scheduled to be held.
3.1.8. In case of a public program, initiate TRF and get it approved from line and skip managers at least
1 week before the training. Follow the Guide to Raise TRF to initiate TRF.
3.1.9. In case the learning need is not identified at the time of Learning Need Assessment(LNA), the
employee shall get the request approved from his/her line manager, skip manager and CXO at
least 1 week prior to the training date, provided the function pertaining to the employee has
budget available to cover this cost.
3.1.10. Ensure compliance to Covid SOP for Training. KE Dress Code Policy & KE Values within the AZM
Learning Premises.


It is the responsibility of line managers to:

3.2.1. Identify the learning needs for the team to meet individual, departmental and organizational
3.2.2. Undertake a pre and post learning activity discussion with team to agree and record the
objectives and impact/benefits of the learning interventions.
3.2.3. Ensure that all team members that are nominated and assigned the trainings against their LNA
attend the training timely
3.2.4. Inform People Connect Learning and L&D team before commencement of training as mentioned
in Training governance clause, except in special circumstances where employee is called back on
duty during the training or is unable to attend the training due to last minute unforeseen
3.2.5. Ensure proper handing and taking over of job responsibilities during training period of employee
to avoid any hindrance in business operations.


It is the responsibility of L&D Team to:

3.3.1. Ensure that all learning interventions are mapped against each employee as per the
competencies of job roles before the start of Fiscal Year.
3.3.2. Update the learning library/catalogue to be available on SuccessFactors Learning Management
System (LMS).
3.3.3. Explore and connect with the right vendors & trainers for the learning interventions and share
the vendor assessment with the procurement team.
3.3.4. Vet the training content before the start of the training program, to ensure that training meets
the identified training objective.
3.3.5. Ensure that training calendar for whole year of all In-house Trainings must be available on
SuccessFactors Learning Management System (LMS).
3.3.6. Roll out training invites 03 weeks prior to the training is scheduled to be held.
3.3.7. Calendar invites must be sent out 02 weeks prior to the date training is scheduled to be held
3.3.8. A reminder to those who have not responded to the calendar invite must be sent 1 week prior
to the date training is scheduled for.
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K-Electric Learning & Development Policy
3.3.9. Inform the participant 05 days prior to the training, in case of any replacement of nomination.
3.3.10. Share the attendance of each training with CXO's Coordinators keeping relevant HRBP in CC.
3.3.11. Mark the attendance on IMS within a week after completion of training.
3.3.12. Share training updates with CXOs quarterly
3.3.13. Arrange training certificates from vendors for respective trainings and hand over to People
Connect to distribute to participants


Learning and development needs are identified at each job level as per the relevant competencies and
collectively these are summarized in the Learning and Development Plan, following below mechanism:

4.1. Each line manager with the employee identify the learning and development needs of his/her
team as per the competencies against two types of learning categories:
1. Functional

2. Behavioral

4.2. The identification of needs must arise from the staff Goal Setting Meetings, where employee and
his/her line manager discuss and agree on employee's tasks towards meeting the organizational
objectives, the competencies of the job role and his/her personal development needs.
4.3. Based on the information acquired, a training plan is designed which is then reviewed and
approved by the Head of Department and finalized after approval
4.4. To achieve the agreed outcome,each learning and development activity may require different
approaches and resources. These may include:
1. In-house - External Trainer

2. In-house - Internal Trainer

3. Public Program
4. E-Learning

L&D Team explores the most effective way from the above approaches to make each learning intervention
more efficient and resourceful.


K-Electric encourages employees to enhance knowledge and skills and to network with other professionals,
thus improving potential for future opportunities. For professional development purposes, employees may
need to attend learning events/programs like international conferences and seminars, or certifications
conducted by local or international professional associations that will enable them to stay connected with best
industry practices. Therefore, the focus of this is to outline parameters for attending the above-mentioned
learning opportunities. This policy supports 3E (Education, Exposure and Experience) Learning Model to ensure
consistency and efficiency of work processes.

5.1. SCOPE

This covers the following professional development mediums:

5.1.1. Professional Certifications both local and international(Exams & Preparatory courses)
5.1.2. Professional Certification Courses offered by an accredited institution, including E-learning
5.1.3. International seminars and conferences

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K-Electric Learning & Development Policy



Applicable on Cost $* Payment

AMs to DGMs Up to $3,000 Company sponsored
GMs and above Up to $6,000 Company sponsored
*The above amount covers the cost of the program/event/certification and exam.
*Travel/Meal & other Logistics will be charged to employee's departmental budget.
*Any additional amount will be self-financed by the empioyee.
To be eligible for availing this sponsorship, the employee must meet the following criteria:
• Minimum of 2 years of working experience with K Electric
• PMF rating should be Strong and above (Last 2 years)
• No Disciplinary action in last one year

"Any exceptions to the above criteria will be subjected to CPO's and CEO's approval


5.3.1. In case the cost of the program applied for is above $2,000, the applicant will be required to sign
a contract with K-Electric before enrollment process. Based on the contract, employee shall stay
with K-Electric for minimum two years, starting from the time of completion of the program.
5.3.2. In case of resignation before completion of two-year term, incurred investment (fee and
travelling charges if any) will be recovered from the employee through Full & Final Settlement as
1. Resignation before completion of 1 year -(Full deduction of incurred investment)
2. Resignation after completion of 1 year-(Deduction on pro-rated basis)
5.3.2. In case of a certification where an examination is involved, employee will have to pass the exam
and share the certificate with L&D team to avail sponsorship.
5.3.3. The training request will be approved subject to availability of L&D budget for the respective


5.4.1. To avail the sponsorship, employee shall raise the External Training Request Form (TRF) on AZM
5.4.2. In case of international travelling, CEO's approval will be taken after CPO's approval.
5.4.3. Once TRF and all necessary approvals have been received, the employee will be enrolled in the
requested professional development program.

5.4.4. In case of Professional Certifications, payment shall be made by the employee initially which will
be reimbursed by the company once the employee receives the certificate.

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K-Electric Learning & Development Policy


5.5.1. K-Electric will not be responsible for payment of late fees/fines associated with certification
applications/ withdrawals.
5.5.2. Please note that airfare for all L&D related travel will be economy class.
5.5.3. For sponsorship request to be completed,the employee must provide the following documents:

Before the certification course/ exam:

1. Approval of External Training Request on AZM Learning SuccessFactors
2. A description of the number/type of pre-requisite courses to be eligible for the
3. The total cost to complete the certification

After the certification course/ exam:

1. Transfer of learning through a project/ initiative proposal within 3 months to be shared with
L&D team and line.
2. Upon satisfactory completion of the certification exam and/or coursework,the employee
must provide documentation to support completion and payment in order to receive the
3. All claims for certification sponsorship are to be supported by evidentiary documentation
such as original receipts, approved expense claim form, certification of completion and score
card/ result sheet.


This sets forth the policy and procedures for employee's conduct and expectations leading to and during the
training to promote the culture of learning, growth and to minimize any last-minute intimations/changes.


"Absence" is defined as the failure of an employee to report to the scheduled training after accepting the
invite or confirming on PC Learning's call for their availability.

The two types of absences are defined below:

EXCUSED ABSENCE occurs when all the following conditions are met:

1. Employee informs People Connect Learning and L&D of his/her unavailability for the scheduled
training 7 days prior to the training keeping line manager in loop.
2. In case the employee doesn't show up to the scheduled training, a Justification approved by the
respective CXO will have to be emailed to PC Learning and L&D within 02 working days after the
training has commenced.
3. In case of early departure or not attending the full duration of the course, the employee will be
required to get an approval from line manager on valid Justification.

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K-Electric Learning & Development Policy

UNEXCUSED ABSENCE occurs when any of the above conditions are not met and/or a participant shows up
for the training 30 minutes after the commencement of the training without an approved justification by the
line manager.

1. No rescheduling of training for the employee with unexcused absence will be arranged in the same
fiscal year.
2. Advisory Note will be issued to the employee with unexcused absence and the same will be filed in
his/her performance review for the year.


1. Participants who reach the training session 30 minutes after the commencement of the training must
email PC Learning and L&D an approved justification of the tardiness by the line manager.
2. The approved justification must be emailed to PC Learning and L&D during the first half of the
3. Employees who would need to leave during the training session must email approved justification by
line manager to PC Learning and L&D before exiting the session and will be considered as excused


In case of postponement of training due to unforeseen circumstances, the same with People Connect
Learning after which the participants will be reached out via email or message broadcast to inform them of
the cancellation.
All participants are requested to check their emails and messages before coming to the training.


In order to combat C0\/ID-19,following precautionary measures are mandatory to be taken while entering
and during trainings in L&D premises:

8.1. Employee must email/bring along vaccination card/certificate (first shot receipt is also acceptable)
to be shown at the entrance of the training room. Strict compliance to this SOP must be followed.
8.2. Employee showing symptoms (flu, cough, difficulty in breathing or fever) should not be attending
the classroom session, every individual should be self-assessing themselves before coming to

8.3. Personal protective equipment must be used throughout the session, employees without masks
will not be allowed to enter the premises.
8.4. Distance must always be observed by following the seating arrangements strictly. Only 2/3
participants per table will be allowed.
8.5. Participants are required to take along any notebooks, pens and personal material used by them,
post session.
8.6. Handshakes, hugs and physical group activities are strictly prohibited. Employees are requested to
not engage in group conversations even outside the training room.
8.7. There would be no water bottles available in the training room. Paper cups have been made
available and shall be used at the water dispenser outside for drinking water.

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K-Electric Learning & Development Policy

8.8. If mineral water bottles are required in the training, an email must be sent at least a day before
the session of the same so arrangement can be made.

Note: These guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Advisories issued on COVID-19 and other
such instructions issued from Health Care and respective HSE.


In case of Public Program, user must initiate TRF and get it approved from Line and skip managers 01 week
before the training. Below are the steps that guide the users to raise TRF conveniently:

9.1. Step 1:

Go to My Employee File from EC Home Page,



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9.2. Step 2:

Select Training Request from My E Services tab:

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K-Electric Learning & Development Policy

9.3. Step 3:

Click on the edit(pen) icon appearing against Training Request form:

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9.4. Step 4:

Fill the desired details of Trainings in TRF

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K-Electric Learning & Development Policy

9.5. Step 5:

After filling the form, click on save button to submit the TRF request to your line manager for further
approval process.

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Any exceptions or amendments to this policy at any given point of time will be accepted with the approval
of Chief People Officer.

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