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Nodel pahe a

Cornuet Olll o Excexs 3 Code

14 0Ill 3
000 8 tn deomal foim

Aekneobeuaten Cod 0sd opexand

penafon toe an insmitiam iaa ghaup s bis Hot
DU ohervahtaru Je add,Butatt mulki
shit s templamant
opexad is ka data e memey locahten sed to xci
-Je tat insbmchim
3.wtat aa ho Huu kype dCR Gaani2ation 1
2Stngls acCmubter elgant2atim
Geriual negisde egantaatfen
Atack ganiakion

4Olne PLD.
pexaghammals Junft dauta (PLD) ian elachtnttLembtn
-Lk std o budd atcacquahlediattal ctnutts
PL9 oaaa uddined unckim at the im GmnulLaure

50anhiate behutca Whualad physital addaus

bthual Physical addsass
TheCPU geneotes tha uixt x Th physical addsus isa
ual e logtcal addwcs durihg locaten in memely
tha Exccutien pgnam
The loqc addus usd as Tha physical addrus annot
aalaneo acces tha phuys beaccCscd disccty
tcal addus
The Jogical addsus doesno * Physical addes
Exs phsically io kha memel Cembuktd b HNU
haaleu t s bemehrmus Knaen (remey tanguenent uit)
as a uintual oddu


SJmplsy FCA,B.9) FS(l,3,8,9,lo,1u)d(5,6,11) and doui

a Uutt diagam

FcAG4(8+ 9


8.wtat is ntcgmated dulk. wsik ts cl0ssititahen

An autgsated ctsut d hih is a sentcmducteh en with
haLsards e mlltena d ky usis.tthes, cabacikets , diodes
and toansistSU aa abitaked
dailicakiom Iakeqatkd cixut
Analoq nuts
2.Dtgikal uits
3 Sigao suik_

9 Dithiaquish behuten fGI ard Fáo

xF s a 1-bit tabut EGo is 0 1-bit Oufput laq
oq aimed to catrolha uxd as a
iabt ozsatten to cnDl outhut goesa fionm
E6T i et to 1 ken a TFGo à st n 1,it mta
heu inlamahren b auatkba rs Hot Hu cenmputn an Set
in tnput dauice out hutofolmatian_uom Ao
uput deuzce
t EG0 is aual to 'o then H
1otmahim accchtkd by output decuico ad
Hh Lemhden1 ha Camhiten has o wit

10xhloatn Buand BSA

The Bxanch wntenditianally in3tuuhien (an sud he
inatuchien d
hat iadetermtned by tha ective adtes
Hhuy ndeatad hat the address oha kt inainhien
o be pelelmtd ts hekdb H Pc asd it should be
Jnuatmenked by m da to eceie ha odd% ha
neat insmuckfan i0 ho Seaun

BSe Stands Bxanch od bawe nttun add re .kre
ins muchions an bxanch a pat he pmaram when h
ins tuchiam i palded. BsA_urll skehe_ha_addres
ho Ocotinatuctia Lem tta Piato a memey Loatian
Hat detuminod b ho Echve addnex

Exblain Hhsustdte D buls


PuLs ineel bito

9 9



Enobla E
A hate Atate bus bulln aan jnttanated u
Hhat Coneds Muldiple oLKC do a Aitgltb
bdrded Jo be hui a lo
he apen
drtvers (an b
htgh a Jogical Jaw, eh Juqh imptdonG. whith al
otu bull to daive tte bus.

AS n a mwenhtomal gat.La/d o a hoo tatg

i h i s d state a a hioh tmptdasa 8iate
h Tha hird state buaues tke an Open Gsuit
h e auhut à nat (mecked, than hen
is no lgicol
t e Shett Antes en Rero

ndepundent disks à a
*RAT e ntáurdant asa
Hat embines
data Aiehage uitualtzahien dechnologyd
onu ti
muulttpl phusical didk d ive cempenents into mg
Logtcal unth le be.h ae data nedundanu, pelronu
RATS Combines Sweral ndendent& nebtivels small
disks snto sin strloqs e a Jara si2e. Ha däks ml
-ded tn Hhe aoy au called aay membu

TheThe disks can be Combid iato tho aay n din

us,uuhidh ane meuma RAI9 Jevls.


Fault-kalexana he ahilty to Suuulye er Seweal

Rpexleimn Ahaus the tharge1o theord wntes spead q ha
Eadint aLay Cenmbaned ko a singa disk
3.Te ai1ay' taacths is determined by the maut un
data wtten Jo dhe aray, Te 0uay cabacthy dekesds
e ha RATA level and doesnot nlwaysmatch tha Aum
h aRATO memben disKs S1Zes.
1RAT9o (3niped dishs)
Re191 miseled disks)
3RATQS (Shihed disks uih Singla paiks)_
4.RAT 6 (SEsptd disha wth douhle paziku)
13. n e unieal gatcs And 8xhloin_in detatl.

Untzssak gotes asta kt enauiidh can imblemett aly

Boolaan ohen_Exbcsbion uwzhiat uaing aly att

NANA d bR gakes au Callkd wivezalafe Reai An

OR nlOR XOR qates 0 Utd h baAfc eiahens
AAN ga
NR a3 Ao Gatt A NANVA gate is
ade by falle
nNi gatt tuth nbT qadt

a T gate sirgle japut A i l give OT.

A Y-,(OT)
NenOas o gateOR qate bobtaied by Cptlbining hh
Nalues enegatqake togtihoa

D x=(B) tbA+0 (OR)

Nen9 a piaßR gate A nDR qate a0 oR qae with on


Át (NOR)
2nbR Gate
nDR03 0R Gate0R oate a delned a aDR gae Jollout
by nDT gate
x =(0)
xAte a At6 (OR)
bR as nbToatr NoT gakei emtd by iininqthe
obR a A gate AnD gafe srode by jnveadrg
Jnbuts o a oR 9afc


ORas ane qate. A nenJO gate i o d uinq an An

gak inAute) kh a DT 9ate
Hwhat ia decodu Elan 3 to 2 Js decoden

deCRdcn ia a isuuit whrh fos n inpuk asd ouas

ad autat 1 m he Late (euspondig n ho bfrasuy
numberJurthenttd by tu inuta
3 to 8ltoe decoden
The 3 to 3 ine deCoden i also kaan as
Giroy to otal Decoden10 o 3 o 3 ine decade
Hhe å a tudal Etght otpus i.t Da, , ,Da,

Tho Cutk has anEobl inhut E

Eaahl 1abs Outbuts

oo0 o00o 0

00 0 000 00 0
00 0Loo D D
Loooo0LO 00
Olo o 0oo


15. Bil &blaintnatnutim uyde uih all tk phasck
ad ndeuant miaoopenatiens

A pncanam neaidknq0 he memey untt el_a Campuk

Conaiss a scaueru ints.hudim. thee inatnithans
tatautedby fha pa0Ccheh_bygnitg thoeugha u P

Eoch inshuions.

phases Anatnuchtn uyde au

k h an inatruckienn em memely It i dhe lbi pox
thatchinatuctiani cemmenh tach inahnukion Exu
esin a tontral bmoxatq unit. o hia phoe the astal
p.nLocaxsinq und, jends ho pc AR and hen bnds
REAS Cemand tato a Centml bu he memey zxhua h
inaukans which adehtd at ttot poukialdn oddu in
ha Memety

) Decoda h instauken-1 i theBeCemd phose.n ho

pase be Ceu determioes which insmucien ia thed
hem th insmuciom osd what achten reds n be erd
-d on tha inajuchtemthe optode e he insmchten i
aso Lutched uem memeiy od decdes h elattd dtn
-aHen which néads to be perlehmed JA he stlaBtd inatnu
T:ARIRCo -I1,9- 1e Decooke TR
3.Read an ElechiveAddao 1t ahe thixd blose
Aaals uth ha diviain ohoohenationtha obenabim
Can be a y tye omumely huhe m-memey kuhe
oesatfon-Mmelysnanicktan conbe aBegel:3cd in
hwo caBcqatesdnect mene
memeuy-j03 nuchten indistt Mng,
4)xeCule ho inatoudton_1t he lase phase 1n Hht
tageHhe instuhfen lolly Executed he insmu
Lu -onib sdeied in the Scqtsfen alk the åxecutien d
tha Jisduchten hecPu nehau i d e Ha Exeautn
th neat insuchien le Evexy insfnuhian, dhoExcauh
OImeis caluatd, whch ia ud to dell she
oacostdo speod h poco
6 Expdain data tiaOe inshucians.

Dada dansl instnuciena caseonaun data m

ne Locatien do anathan uatthat chominq h btlouy
inlelaiem Condcnt

i ha mest comman translen Occu

xBehween meley ald pDcOÄ ntoisdttp
Behucen en pocaxs6h atgideta_and iabut e atput
Behueen the potaMe 1gid hamsclves fhe typt
-Cal data trann inaoutiens uih fheis moumeni
aia Jbted
&hesemnememics dilun tho ame inaudim e
drllrant _(emuputei.


Tnshutay nnementc

Load L9 Dhta dnoansen Lem memehy o o bonceh ze

-istohuaudlly da accumulafe
Sketa ST Data sanan oma Ocem neqisten icdo
Nec Nov Ooda toanalen pem ene ugis itn to annthen di,
Hehuean (PU 0qiaians ad memelyeBehwen
Juso mumedy uelds
Exchage XCH Sunp inlematiom blw huwo Jlgdes and
TN Data transnamer pcebe ugis.jers asd
Jnut emials
outbut OUT Data a.a amenqpDCAe? caqiat es ad
outut oumtrals
Push PUSH tanken_data blw pDCOl
foP poP ugbte and a Memety Stack

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