ITIC Commercial Offer

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We provide software solutions and introduce modern

and innovative technologies for our clients

Mobile development, Web
development, CRM developement, ERP,
2D and 3D animation, graphic design
and other related fields
We thoroughly analyze the We offer high quality Projects, its quality and
customer's business products at the most deadlines are strictly
operations and plan out affordable prices for our controlled by our team.
each step of the product clients. We will help o Clients are given the
production process in order choose the right pricing transparent information
to provide a clear action strategy for your new about all stages of the
plan that satisfies the product or service based projects.
customer's unique on your cost, value,
requests. competition, and market
Our team of developers specializing in different programming
languages can undertake projects of any difficulty:
Backend - Python/Node.JS/Java/PHP
Frontend - JavaScript (Angular.js/Vue.js/React.js)
Mob dev- Kotlin/Swift/Flutter
Game dev- C++/C# (Unity)

Experts in a variety of design disciplines, including user experience (UX)

design, visual design, and branding:
Sketch, Figma

Creative and innovative team of experienced animators with different backgrounds:

2D and 3D design
Motion graphics
Traditional Animation
Skills and knowledge of our analysts can turn data into insights that we can use to
improve our products, services, and operations:
Business analytics
Data analysis
Statistical analysis
Data visualization

Building relationships with consumers while researching the market, identifying strength
and weaknesses and creating a marketing plan:
Marketing plan
Social media marketing
Promotional materials: videos, posters and brochures

QA team is responsible for ensuring the quality of products and services for our clients:
Software Test Engineers
Automation Testers
Quality Control Analysts
Manual Testers
Our clients include a wide range of organizations, from small businesses to large companies, as well as
government agencies and international organizations. We have a proven track record of delivering high-
quality IT solutions to our clients, and we are committed to providing them with the best possible service.
A single portal of interactive public
services is a single point of access to
electronic public services provided
by public authorities, including on a
paid basis
CRM system for the building company Online Mahalla is an ERP system
has several control modules and each aimed at the effective
has its own capabilities. Three main roles organization of the activities of
of the system: account managers, hokim's assistants.
accountants, cashiers.
A platform for airline tickets sales,
booking hotel rooms, as well as the
provision of a full range of travel
services. The company's clients are
both individuals (B2C) and legal
entities (B2B). In addition, Alltrip B2C
provides a wide range of services in
the field of tourism.
One of the important stages in the development of
sites is the design of the site. We create a unique
design that satisfies the customer and is in line with
current trends.
It is a convenient financial instrument
that organically combines a full-fledged
mobile payment system and the
multifunctionality of online banking.
3D models and animations are created with engagement of realism, creativity
and textures are highly emphasised

Tepamasjid 4, Tashkent 100041, Uzbekistan

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