How To Install NI-IMAQ
How To Install NI-IMAQ
How To Install NI-IMAQ
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Root Canal
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Message 1 of 11 (1,126 Views)
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Message 2 of 11 (1,100 Views)
1 de 5
7/1/2011 17:46
Re: IMAQ snap and grab are missing [ Edited ] 03-16-2009 10:51 AM - last edited on 03-16-2009 10:52 AM
When installing the "NI Vision Development Module" from the fourth quarter 2008 DVDs the item in question is supposedly installed.Yet we find that it is not. 0 Kudos
Attachments: okthen.PNG 35 KB
Message 3 of 11 (1,078 Views)
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Message 4 of 11 (1,074 Views)
2 de 5
7/1/2011 17:46
Re: IMAQ snap and grab are missing [ Edited ] 03-16-2009 11:18 AM - last edited on 03-16-2009 11:18 AM
0 Kudos
I don't doubt it, but perhaps you should explain that to National Instruments as they don't seem to know how to install their own software (which is why no one in my entire programming group can find IMAQ snap or IMAQ grab even though we've all installed the Vision package in accordance with the on-screen instructions). "The Vision Development Module also includes NI Vision Assistant and NI Vision Acquisition software. NI Vision Acquisition software is a set of drivers and utilities that acquire, display, save and monitor images from analog, parrallel digital, Camera Link, IEEE 1394..." Message Edited by Root Canal on 03-16-2009 11:18 AM
Attachments: rightyoh.png 36 KB
Message 5 of 11 (1,064 Views)
Root Canal
1 Kudos
Our group guru has figured out what is wrong - the NI Labview installer. The installer gets confused and bugs out when installing vision acquisition in labview 8.6 if labview vision acquisition is already present in an existing copy of 8.5. Everyone here who installed over 8.5 has vision acquisition functions sitting in LV 8.5 and missing in 8.6. We did a complete uninstall, and re-installed 8.6 from the DVDs to verify that this fixes the problem. I realize that I could just uninstall and reinstall the vision component, but since we rightly can't trust the Labview 8.6 installations at all, we have to repair them by wasting an entire work day on a total uninstall and re-install on all the machines. I feel I speak for everyone when I say that the Labview installer issues completely stink. I really like Labview because it's great for parallel processing work. On the other hand, I'm acutely aware that the productivity gain from using Labview is partially offset from having to help debug the darned thing. I realize that backwards compatibility is impossible to pull off without a few unexpected hitches now and then, But the prospect of the installer itself causing problems is absolutely terrifying. I have enough nightmares as it is without adding worries about corrupted VIs to the mix. For the love of all that is good, NI, fix the installer. -slightly miffed
0 Kudos
I'm having the same issue, but fully uninstalling down to just 8.6 didn't work for me. I noticed that in the NI vision 8.5 package, the support files are only listed for 8.5, 8.2, 8.0, 7.1 ..not 8.6 (see image attached). I'm assuming this is the reason the package only loads into 8.5 and not other versions? Is there a 8.6 support file that can be dled somewhere? Attachments: Untitled-1.gif 23 KB
3 de 5
7/1/2011 17:46
Re: IMAQ snap and grab are missing [ Edited ] 04-01-2009 11:00 AM - last edited on 04-01-2009 11:01 AM
0 Kudos
veritas, try this: pop in the device drivers disk and manually select NI-IMAQ 4.1 from Vision Aquisition software. I think the new device driver install routine may be the problem. It seems to be leaving out NI-IMAQ 4.1 drivers by default.
So on a couple test installations, I actually selected everything, so I'm pretty sure I did that. Or, do you mean to uniquely select that one? 0 Kudos thanks. veritas
Message 9 of 11 (916 Views)
4 de 5
7/1/2011 17:46
Looks like you need NI-IMAQ 4.1 (First Quarter 2009 DVDs) - you've got NI-IMAQ 3.8, which doesn't support Labview 8.6. 0 Kudos It looks like the download is available here: -root
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5 de 5
7/1/2011 17:46