AstroPhysics Note PG
AstroPhysics Note PG
AstroPhysics Note PG
M.Sc. (Hons) Semester- 4
Q: - Describe the Hubble’s classification of galaxies./ What are the different types of
galaxies?/Write down the Hubble’s sequence of galaxies.
Answer: - Observing large numbers of galaxies, Edwin Hubble arranged the galaxies based on their
visual appearance and from early to late type. The sequence is done for the bright galaxies only. The
sequence is called Hubble’s sequence or Hubble’s classification of galaxies. The diagram is also
called tuning fork diagram.
There are mainly three types of galaxies – elliptical, lenticular and spiral. The elliptical galaxies
look like elliptical constellations of stars. They contain old population II stars and have no
interstellar matter. The ellipticity is given by En = 10*(1 – b/a); where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the semi-major
and semi-minor axes respectively. The E0 galaxy is spherical and is the oldest one. The elliptical
galaxies are arranged as E0, E1, E2, E3, … The spiral galaxies are young and the breeding ground
of new stars. The spiral galaxies are further subdivided into – normal and barred spirals. The normal
spiral galaxy has a central spherical bulge region but the barred has a centre in shape of a bar. Based
on the closeness of the spiral arms the spiral galaxies are arranged as a, b, c with increasing
distances between spiral arms. Almost 75% of the observed galaxies are spiral and 20% are
elliptical galaxies. Another type of galaxy in Hubble sequence is the irregular type galaxies. They
have no regular shape and are the youngest. The irregular galaxies are further of two types – Irr I
are rich in gas and many young stars, Irr II are dusty.
Q: Describe the Kapteyn Universe. / Write the structure of the universe according to Kapteyn.
Jacobus C. Kapteyn followed the idea of William Herschel using the techniques of star counting in
200 selected regions of the Milky Way galaxy. In this technique, it was assumed that (a) all the stars
have approximately the same absolute magnitude, (b) the number density of the stars in the universe
is roughly constant, (c) the light from the stars is not obscured by anything, and (d) the edges of the
whole stellar distribution is seen. The number of stars in a selected region is counted over a
specified apparent magnitude range. This technique is called differential star count. The distances of
each star are not measured individually. Kapteyn used a more quantitative method than William
Herschel to specify the distance scale for his model of the universe. The model is known as Kapteyn
Universe. The universe is a flattened spheroidal system with a steadily decreasing stellar density
with the distance from the centre. The number density along the galactic plane decreased by 50% at
a distance of some 800 pc from the centre, and along the axis perpendicular to the galactic plane,
the number density decreased by 50% at a distance 150 pc.
In the Kapteyn Universe, the Sun was located too near the centre and the diameter of the Milky Way
was estimated to be 10 kpc. Kapteyn was aware of the interstellar extinction but the same is not
considered in calculating the distances of the stars. Though Kapteyn universe has too many errors in
calculating the position of the Sun and the size of the universe, the model was significant for its
time because it attempted to quantify our galaxy.
Q: Describe Shapley’s model of the universe. / Write the Shapley’s model of the Milky Way galaxy.
The distance of far distant stars can be measured using the data from variable stars, like - R R
Lyrae and W Varginis stars in a globular cluster. The globular clusters have huge number of stars
(~106-7) and are easily identified by their high luminosity. The period-luminosity relation of a
variable star is discovered by H Leavitt. The relation can be used to find the absolute magnitude of
a star by measuring the period of variation of the luminosity and the distance of the star can be
calculated. Shapley observed that most of the globular stars are observed in the direction of the
constellation Sagittarius. This lead him to conclude that the centre of the galaxy must be in that
direction and the globular clusters are distributed symmetrically around the centre of the galaxy.
The galaxy has a spherical bulge region followed by a thin disc. Shapley estimated the distances of
93 globular clusters using the data from R R Lyrae stars and W Virginis stars. The distance of the
Sun from the centre of the galaxy is estimated to be 15 kpc and the diameter of the galaxy 100 kpc.
A picture of the Shapley model is shown below :
This model over estimated the position of the Sun and the size of the galaxy. Shapley choose
globular clusters that are well above and below the galactic plane and that are inherently bright,
making them visible. In the direction perpendicular to the galactic plane stellar extinction effect is
minimum. Unfortunately, errors in calibration of the period-luminosity relation used by Shapley led
to over estimate the distance scales.
where ‘Ie‘ is the brightness at radius ‘re’ so that half of the light of the galaxy is radiated from within
‘re’ . Typical values of corresponds to 1- 10 kpc and corresponds to 20-23 magnitudes per square arc
second. The law is valid for the bulge region of the normal galaxy and S0 galaxies. The de
Vaucouleurs’ law gives an idea of the 3D structure of the galaxy.
The Sun is located at 8 ± 0.5 kpc from the centre of the galaxy. The centre of the galaxy is in the
direction of Sagittarius A* whose galactic coordinates are R.A. = 17h 42m 29.3 s and
δ = -28059’18”.
The full diameter of the disk, including the dust, gas, and stars, is believed to be roughly 50 kpc,
with estimates ranging from 40 to 50 kpc.
Central bulge - The mass of the bulge is believed to be roughly 1010 Mʘ and its B-band luminosity is
near 3 × 109 Lʘ. The radius of the central bulge is roughly 4 kpc, the scale height is 100pc for young
stars and 500 pc for old stars. The central bulge is not a perfect sphere with a b/a ratio of 0.9. The
luminosities of the stars in the central bulge follows the de Vaucouleurs’ law.
Disc – The disc of the galaxy can be divided into thin and thick disc regions. The thin disk, which is
composed of relatively young stars, dust, and gas, has a vertical scale height of 350 pc and is the
region of current star formation. The thin disc can be divided into young and old thin disc. The
young thin disc is the central plane of the Galactic dust and gas distribution with a scale height of
90 pc. The thick disk, which is probably an older population of stars, has a scale height of
approximately zthick = 1000 pc. When the thin and thick disks are combined, empirical fits to the
stellar number density derived from star count data give -
n(z, R) = n0 (e −z/z_thin + 0.085 e −z/z_thick )e −R/ hR ,
where z is the vertical height above the galactic midplane, R is the radial distance from the Galactic
centre, hR > 2.25 kpc is the disc scale length, and n0 ∼ 0.02 stars pc 0.02 stars pc−3.
The distribution of surface brightness in the disc is described by the expression,
I(r) = I0 e −r/r0
where I0 is central surface brightness, and r0 is 1-1.5 kpc.
Spiral Arms – Similar to all spiral galaxies, like – Andromeda, our galaxy has spiral structure when
viewed from the perpendicular direction. The spiral arms are not necessarily begins from the centre.
Our Sun is in the Orion arm, the arms are named after the constellation in which they are observed.
Interstellar Medium – Gas and dust are the main components of the interstellar medium where stars
are hatched. The location and map of gas and cloud is made using 21-cm H-I emission spectra.
Molecular Hydrogen and coller dust are mainly found in the region of 3-8 kpc from the galactic
mid-plane. The atomic Hydrogen is found in the region from 3 kpc out to the edge of the galactic
disc(~25 kpc). H2 and dust are mostly tightly bound to the plane of the galaxy with a scale height of
±90 pc from the galactic mid-plane. Most of the interstellar medium in spiral galaxy is in the form
of molecular hydrogen.
Stellar Halo – This is the extended region surrounding the disc of the galaxy. It consists of old stars,
globular clusters, field star (having large velocity) and a very few amount of dust. No star forming
process is going on inside the stellar region and is mostly empty space. The globular clusters are
mostly found within 35 kpc from the centre.
Dark Matter halo – The 21-cm H-I radiation observation suggests that there may be another
spherically distributed halo of matter extending out to 100 kpc and possibly further. The matter are
unseen and might be responsible for the high speed of the stars above 8-10 kpc from the centre.
This halo is called Dark matter halo. If this halo exists it will contain 90% of the mass within a
radius of 100 kpc.
Magnetic field - The galaxy as a whole poses a magnetic field which can be measured by Zeeman
effect and polarisation of the visible and radio wavelength electromagnetic radiation reflected from
the interstellar particles. The magnetic field follows the spiral pattern within the disc and has a
typical value of 0.4 nT. The field strength near the centre of the galaxy may reach 1 uT which is
weak compared to the magnetic field at the earth surface (50 uT). The magnetic field plays a vital
role in maintaining the structure and evolution of the galaxy.
Problem 1 : If Oort’s constants are A = 15 km/s/kpc and B = -10 km/s/kpc, what is the value of the
angular velocity of Sun?
Answer : We know that, the Oort’s constants are defined as -
So, A- B =
Q:- What is Local Standard of rest?
Answer : - The local standard of rest (LSR) is defined to be a point that is instantaneously centred
on the Sun and moving in a perfectly circular orbit along the solar circle about the galactic centre.
The motion of the Sun and other stars in the solar neighbourhood are investigated using LSR.
As Sun is not moving in a circular orbit and not in a plane, the LSR is always changing. The
velocity of the LSR must be,
radial velocity (ΠLSR ) = dR/dt = 0, angular velocity (ΘLSR) = Rdθ/dt = Θ0, Velocity perpendicular to
the galactic plane (ZLSR ) =dZ/dt = 0 and Θ0 = angular velocity at R0 (Solar galactocentric distance).
The rotational speed of Milky Way has different values at different distances from its centre. It
slowly increases with the radius. Using Newton’s law, we can can calculate the speed of the planets
in solar system and the speed decreses with the distance. But in case of Milky Way the speed
increases from the centre as opposed to the planetary system. This discrepancy suggests the
presence of additional mass which boost the stars far from the centre. The matter is unseen and does
not absorb, reflect, emit any radiation making it invisible but its gravitational effects are observable.
μ’(r, θ, t) is the perturbation term due to density wave to the equilibrium μ0 (r).
The μ’(r, θ, t) is given by,
(Eqn. 2)
where ϕ(r) is the negative of the gravitational potential, S(r) and ϕ(r) are real.
If S(r) varies slowly with the radial distance and ϕ(r) quickly, then Eqn. 2 gives a spiral impression
in the density function at any instant of time, ‘n’ being the number of arms.
See : On the spiral structure of disk galaxies by C C Lin and Frank H shu
Reference books:
1. Asteroseismology by C. Aerts, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, D.W. Kurtz
2. MUSIC OF THE SUN - The Story of Helioseismology by WILLIAM JAMES CHAPLIN
Q: What is Asteroseismology? What informations do we get from the oscillations of stars?
Answer: It is not possible to goo inside a star or make any observation by a telescope inside a star,
but the the structure of the interior of the stars can be studied by the oscillation of the stars. The
stars oscillate in different modes which causes the star to change their shape, luminosity, surface
brightness, temperature. Asteroseismology is the study of the oscillation or sound of the stars to
explore the interior of the stars.
Knowing the shape, luminosity, surface brightness, temperature of a star, the mode of
oscillations of the star can be modelled. Comparing the model with the observed data, the structure,
composition of the star can be obtained. The modes of oscillations of a hydrogen core-burning and
carbon burning star are different. Asteroseismology gives us an idea of the rotation, magnetic field,
size, age of the star.
Q: Does the stars make any sound? Can we hear the sound?
Answer: The stars make sound. The gas pressure, buoyancy, rotation, magnetic field causes
oscillations inside a star to sound it in different frequencies, amplitudes with some time period. The
sound wave does not reach the earth due to empty space between the stars and the earth.
where n and l are the overtone and degree of the mode, is a constant of order unity, and εnl is a
small correction. Δν is known as the large separation and is the inverse of the sound travel time for
a sound wave from the surface of the star to the core and back again.
Q: What is g-mode oscillation in star?
Answer: In the g modes, or gravity modes of oscillation inside a
star, buoyancy is the restoring force and the gas motions are
primarily horizontal. The g modes are most sensitive to
conditions in the deep interior of the star. As illustrated in Fig.
2, g modes in solar-like stars are trapped beneath the convective
envelope, when viewed as rays. In reality the modes have finite
amplitudes also in the outer parts of the star and hence, at least
in principle, can be observed on the surface; this is in fact the
case in the γ Dor stars which have convective envelopes. In
more massive main-sequence stars, the g-mode rays are
confined outside the convective core.
The periods of g modes, asymptotically given by
Fig-2: g modes of oscillation
are nearly uniformly spaced; here n and l are the overtone and degree of the mode, ε is a small
constant, and Π0 is a constant. As the g modes are confined to the deep interior of a star, thus the
structure of the deep interior of the star is best studied by g mode oscillation.
Radial Mode:- When the star contracts and expanded periodically, the star swells and contracts,
heats and cools, spherically symmetrically with the core as a node and the surface as a displacement
antinode, the modes are called radial modes of oscillation.
The simplest one is when l=0, with the core as a node and the surface as a displacement antinode.
The energy is released when the star contracts and it cools. During contraction, the star does not
emit energy and it get hotter. The Cepheid variables and for RR Lyrae stars oscillate in this mode
having time periods of several days to several weeks.
The first overtone (l = 1) radial mode has one radial node that is a concentric shell within the star.
As we are thinking in terms of the radial displacement, that shell is a node that does not move; the
motions above and below the node move in antiphase. The highly rotating roAp stars oscillate in the
first overtone radial mode.
For the Cepheids the ratio of the first overtone period to the fundamental period is 0.71; for the δ
Sct stars it is 0.77. This is due to the fact that Cepheid giant stars are more centrally condensed than
the hydrogen core-burning δ Sct stars.
Non-Radial Oscillation:- The non-radial oscillations are not symmetric around the centre of the
star. The simplest of the nonradial modes is the axisymmetric dipole mode with l = 1, m = 0. For
this mode the equator is a node; the northern hemisphere swells up while the southern hemisphere
contracts, then vice versa; one hemi- sphere heats while the other cools, and vice versa – all with the
simple cosine dependence of P01(cos θ) = cos θ, where θ is the co-latitude. There is no change to the
circular cross-section of the star, so from the observer’s point of view, the star seems to oscillate up
and down in space. Considering this process as adiabatic, it is shown that the centre-of-mass of a
star is not displaced during dipole oscillations, so stars can pulsate in such modes. Nonradial modes
only occur for n ≥ 1, so in the case of the l = 1 dipole mode, there is at least one radial node within
the star. While the outer shell is displaced upwards from the point of view of the observer, the inner
shell is displaced downwards and the centre of mass stays fixed. Dipole modes are the dominant
modes observed in the rapidly oscillating Ap stars, and are also seen in many other kinds of
pulsating variables. Modes with two surface nodes (l = 2) are known as quadrupole modes. When
the number of modes increases, the star has a large number of nodes and antinodes so that there will
be partial cancellation due node and antinode at a same point. That modes will be hard to observe.
Q: What are the causes of oscillation inside a star? Or What are the driving mechanisms behind the
oscillations inside a star?
Answer: A large amount of energy is released in each pulsation of the oscillation of a star. The
mechanisms is called driving mechanism.
The driving mechanisms that causes oscillations in stars are given below -
k-mechanism – A region in the star, usually a radial layer, that gains heat during the compression
part of the pulsation cycle drives the pulsation. For the oscillation pulse to be continued, there
should be some part of the interior of the star where not only is energy fed into the pulsation, but
as much energy is fed in as is damped throughout the rest of the bulk of the star.
Suppose the star has contracted, after by expanding and cooling slightly, the opacity increases so
more radiation is absorbed. The trapped radiation heats up the layer and expands. The process
continued until material opacity stops increasing so rapidly and the radiation in the layer can escape.
The mechanism is called kappa mechanism. In the Helium burning stars like – Cepheid and R R
Lyrae k-mechanism is the cause of oscillation. The radiation is trapped until the He is fully ionized,
then the opacity decreases and the radiation can escape the layer. The mechanism is also called Heat
engine mechanism where heat energy converted to mechanical energy. The opacity works as a valve
to this heat engine.
Stochastic Mechanism - In Sun, Sun-like stars and in some red giant stars, there is sufficient
acoustics energy in the outer convective region of the star that the star resonates in one of its natural
frequencies where some of the stochastic noise is transferred to energy of global oscillation.
Tidal Excitation - In a binary star system, when the distance between the stars is minimum, the
gravitational force makes a tidal non-radial oscillation inside the star. The characteristic shape of the
lightcurves become heart-shaped, the stars are called heartbeat star.
Epsilon Mechanism - The rate of generation of energy inside core of a star is denoted by epsilon.
The variation in epsilon can drive pulsation in the star.
compiled by Dr. RAMA PRASAD ADAK, Assistant Professor, Taki Govt College.